Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Online Shopping
in the COVID-19
ChiHsiang Ting
, ChinLien Chang
, Chao Shen
and Xuyuan Zhang
Faculty of Management Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, MeiCheng Rd., Huain An, JiangSu, China
Student Affairs Office, Huaiyin Institute of Technology, MeiCheng Rd., Huain An, JiangSu, China
Jiangsu Smart Factory Engineering Research Centre, College of Management and Engineering, Huaiyin Institute of
Technology, Huai’an, 223003, China
Keywords: Online Shopping, E-Commerce, Consumer Behavior, Home Delivery Service, COVID-19.
This study focuses on the factors influencing online shopping consumer behavior during the COVID-19
epidemic. We conducted an online survey of the population of the Huai'an metropolitan area in Jiangsu
Province. Constructing a behavioral model of consumers' online shopping during the COVID-19 epidemic
using the theory of planned behavior. The least squares statistical analysis shows that attitude has a positive
effect on behavior intention. Subjective norms have a positive effect on perceived behavioral control.
Behavioral intentions have a positive effect on behavior. From the survey results, the categories of
commodities purchased by consumers are mostly daily necessities and epidemic prevention products. The
survey found that people's willingness to change their shopping behavior from in-store shopping to online
shopping has increased. Therefore, enterprises need to pay more attention to health and safety issues when
operating online shopping, in order to reduce consumers' doubts and improve the reputation of enterprises.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 in 2020, various
industries have been affected. Person-to-person
movement is restricted, and the transportation of
goods is also affected. Scholars Unnikrishna and
Figliozzi (Unnikrishna, Figliozzi 2021) surveyed
Portland consumers in the Vancouver-hillsborough
metro area of shopping behavior during the COVID-
19 pandemic. The results of the survey found that the
epidemic affected consumers' shopping behavior.
Consumers’ online shopping and home delivery
behaviors have grown significantly during the
Also, during the pandemic, in terms of ensuring
customer satisfaction. E-commerce providers should
pay attention to issues such as service quality,
customer perceived value and trust, which affect
consumers’ choice of online shopping and home
delivery (Uzir, Halbusi, Thurasamy, Hock, Aljaberi,
Hasan, Hamid, 2021).
COVID-19 has also affected the operations of
food suppliers. Some scholars have investigated the
situation of food cold chain supply in Indonesia.
They found features such as logistics monitoring
equipment such as EDI, RFID and blockchain. The
system can track food quality, build a traceability
system, and ensure food quality and safety
Ramadhani, Restuputri, 2021).
Based on the above research literature, people
have increased their online shopping behaviors
during the Covid-19 pandemic for their lives. The
close integration of the express delivery industry and
online shopping makes shopping more convenient
and safer. Therefore, from the perspective of
consumers, it is more in line with the interests of
enterprises to explore the consumer behavior of the
combination of express delivery and online shopping.
Therefore, this study will use the theory of planned
behavior to explore this point of view.
2.1 Theory of Planned Behavior
This study is an exploratory study that attempts to
explore the impact of COVID-19 on online shopping
Ting, C., Chang, C., Shen, C. and Zhang, X.
Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Online Shopping in the COVID-19.
DOI: 10.5220/0011349900003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 811-817
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
intention behavior from a consumer perspective.
This willingness also affects the frequency of home
deliveries. Therefore, the planned behavior theory
proposed by Ajzen (Ajzen 1985) was adopted. This
theory was later extended by scholars such as Ajzen,
Driver, and Fishbein (Driver 1991, Fishbein 2000).
Their research found that human behavior is not
entirely their own will, it will be influenced by the
environment, this influence can be observed and
changed. Therefore, he extended the theory of
rational action (TRA), adding a new concept of
"perceived behavioral control" of the self, and
developed a new model of behavioral theory
research: the project theory of planned behavior
(TPB). The theory includes five elements: attitude,
subjective norm, perceived behavioral control,
behavioral intention, and behavior. Below, we try to
combine this research with theory to explore.
2.2 Attitude
Attitude is the initiator of behavior. It refers to the
positive or negative feelings an individual has when
performing a behavior. When an individual's
conceptual evaluation of this particular behavior
forms an idea, the attitude component is often seen
as the presentation of an individual's important
beliefs about a certain behavior. Researcher Tsai
(Tsai 2021) mentioned the following phenomenon in
the findings of the COVID-19 consumer online
purchasing motivation. (1) Consumers are afraid of
contacting people, reduce going out, and increase
their willingness to change their consumption
patterns. (2) There has been an increase in the
behavior of buying daily necessities near home
rather than online. Therefore, the questionnaire
design item of this research is: after the outbreak of
COVID-19, consumers' attention to the following
questions. (1) Afraid to go out and come into contact
with people? (2) Change consumer behavior? (3)
Change your lifestyle?
2.3 Subjective Norm
Subjective norm refers to the social atmosphere or
environmental pressure that an individual feels about
whether to take a certain behavior. The culture or
atmosphere formed by the collective consciousness
and ideas of the society has the effect of restraint or
pressure on the individual. Subjective norms are
predicting the factors that influence individual
behavioral decisions and measuring the degree of
influence of whether an individual takes a particular
behavior. Therefore, the questionnaire design item
of this research is: after the outbreak of COVID-19,
consumers pay attention to the following factors. (1)
Ability to deliver goods on time? (2) The ability to
handle product delivery errors? (3) Standardized
transportation capacity of goods? (4) The ability to
avoid the quality assurance of goods from virus
2.4 Perceived Behavioral Control
Perceived behavioral control refers to the amount of
personal experience and the expected size of the
barrier. Perceived behavior has more control over
behavior when a person believes they have more
resources and opportunities and fewer expected
barriers. Forms an individual's confidence and
willingness to do something. It affects in two ways.
One is that it has a motivating meaning for
behavioral intentions. Another is that it can also be
directly used to predict the execution strength of an
action. Therefore, the questionnaire design item of
this research is: after the outbreak of COVID-19,
consumers pay attention to the following factors. (1)
Epidemic prevention management of express
delivery workers? (2) Disinfection of
goods delivery?
(3) The ability to deliver the goods in good condition?
2.5 Behavior Intention
Behavioral intention refers to the subjective
probability of an individual to take a specific
behavior, which reflects the degree of willingness of
an individual to take a specific behavior. We can
infer behavioral intentions, such as preferences,
interests, and hobbies, from observations of
behaviors. Behavioral intent can also be detected
through testing. Therefore, the questionnaire design
item of this research is: consumers' intentions to the
following factors after the outbreak of COVID-19.
(1) After the outbreak, do you rely more on online
shopping? (2) After the outbreak, reduce the number
of times you go out? (3) After the outbreak, avoid
shopping at brick-and-mortar stores?
2.6 Behavior
Scholar Ajzen believes that all factors that may
affect behavior are the effects of behavioral
intentions on behavioral performance. Behavioral
intention is influenced by internal psychological and
external environmental factors. Inner psychology
comes from the individual's own attitude, that is, his
attitude towards taking a particular action. The
external environment is from external pressure.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
From the perspective of theoretical framework,
behavior is the construction of a series of internal
psychological mechanisms, and finally transformed
into explicit behavior. This is also the end result of
the theory of planned behavior. Therefore, the
questionnaire design item of this research is:
behavioral performance of consumers after the
outbreak of COVID-19. (1) The number or amount
of consumption in online shopping has increased
compared to the past? (2) The frequency or amount
of consumption in physical stores has relatively
decreased? (3) Will use the "official online store" of
physical stores to meet the epidemic situation
Demand during the period? (4) The number of
purchases of such products increased in online
shopping? (5) What kind of products are purchased
online? (6) How often do you use express delivery?
As far as this study is concerned, consumers' fear
of the spread of the virus (attitude) and the
willingness to use online shopping (behavioral
intention) are stronger. At the same time, the
willingness to reduce going out during the epidemic
has increased (subjective norm). Consumers reduce
shopping behavior in brick-and-mortar stores and
shift to online shopping behavior at home and
increase the frequency of home delivery (perceived
behavioral control). Therefore, we can observe and
measure consumers' shopping behavior in the face of
the epidemic from the above analysis.
3.1 Sampling Design
The sampling method for this study will be
convenience sampling. The sample objects are
consumers in Huaian City, Jiangsu Province.
Questionnaires are administered to them via the
Internet. The survey will be released in June 2021.
Pre-test questionnaires were collected, and 50 copies
were collected. The revised formal questionnaire
will be distributed between July 2021 and November
2020, with a valid collection of 350 copies. The
recovery rate was 87%. Questions were measured
using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 5 for
"strongly agree", 4 for "agree", 3 for "normal", 2 for
"disagree", and 1 for "strongly disagree" Express.
We propose six hypotheses as the basis for model
construction: H1 attitudes have a positive effect on
subjective norms. H2 subjective norm has a positive
effect on perceived behavioral control. H3 subjective
norm has a positive effect on behavioral intention.
H4 attitude has a positive effect on behavioral
intention. H5 Perceived behavioral control has a
positive effect on behavioral intention. H6
Behavioral intentions have a positive effect on
3.2 Questionnaire Design
In this study, a questionnaire on the impact of the
epidemic on e-commerce and express delivery was
compiled based on relevant domestic and foreign
literatures. The planned behavior theory advocated
by Ajzen is used as the questionnaire infrastructure.
The content of the questionnaire is divided into 5
parts. The first part is attitude: it refers to the degree
of participation of consumers in their willingness to
choose online shopping for items purchased during
the epidemic. The second part is the subjective
norm: it refers to the psychological pressure of
consumers who are afraid of contracting the virus
during the epidemic, and reduce the environmental
pressure of their willingness to change their
shopping behavior in brick-and-mortar stores to
online shopping behavior. The third part is perceived
behavioral control: it refers to the perception that
consumers are affected by the epidemic and change
to online shopping instead of physical store
purchases in order to reduce the virus infection of
the crowd. The fourth part is behavioral intention:
the continuation and spread of the epidemic, and the
intention to adopt online shopping behavior. The
fifth part of behavior refers to the replacement of
individual purchases in brick-and-mortar stores by
online shopping.
4.1 Pre-Test Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire of this study conducted a
reliability analysis on the questionnaire items of
consumers' attitude towards online shopping during
the epidemic. Scholars believe that a Cronbach's
alpha of 0.5 or above is acceptable, with a high
confidence value between 0.6 and 0.9. The
standardized reliability coefficients of each scale in
this study were Cronbach's α of attitude 0.802,
Cronbach's α of subjective norm 0.907, Cronbach's α
of perceived behavioral control 0.799, Cronbach's α
of behavioral intention 0.800, and Cronbach's α of
behavior 0.837. The reliability test shows that the
data is between 0.800 and 0.910, indicating that each
part of the questionnaire has a good reliability value.
Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Online Shopping in the COVID-19
4.2 Analysis of Sampling Data
4.2.1 Consumer's Socioeconomic
This study randomly selected consumers' attitudes
towards the service quality of the express delivery
industry during the epidemic. The distribution of the
interviewees in the socio-economic background
analysis in this study and the relevant narrative
statistical analysis results are as follows: the gender
ratio of the sample data in this survey is 46% males
and 54% females. The age distribution is 3% under
18 years old, 75% between 18 and 26 years old, 10%
between 26 and 30 years old, 6% between 31 and 40
years old, 4% between 41 and 50 years old, and over
50 years old. Accounted for 2%. The marital status
is 78% unmarried and 22% married. The education
level is 3% for the following junior colleges, 85%
for undergraduates, and 12% for masters and above.
The monthly income is approximately 55% below
4,000 RMB, 25% from 4,000 to 5999 RMB, 8%
from 6,000 to 7,999 RMB, 7% to 8,000 to 10,000
RMB, and 5% above 10,000 RMB. The average
monthly consumption amount spent on online
shopping is approximately 84% of RMB 1,000 or
less, 13% of RMB 1,000 to 2,999, 2% of RMB
3,000 to 4,999, and 1% of RMB 5,000 to 6,999.
Occupation types are 75% of students, 5% of civil
servants, 15% of office workers, 3% of self-
employed persons, and 2% of retirees.
4.2.2 Analysis of Consumers' Purchase of
After the outbreak of the epidemic in COVID-19,
the categories of online shopping products that
increased in purchase quantity or amount were: food
and beverages, clothing and footwear products, and
household items, accounting for 50%. Disinfection
supplies, masks and sanitary supplies accounted for
33%. Purchases of newspapers, magazines and
books, audio-visual entertainment products, 3C
electronics, beauty and maintenance products, home
appliances, online courses, and health foods
accounted for 17%. The frequency of consumers
using express delivery is: 59% once a week, 20%
once every two weeks, 11% once every three weeks,
and 10% once a month.
4.2.3 Regression Empirical Results and
a) Measurement model analysis
This study adopts partial least squares (PLS) path
model calculus, which is a nonparametric method.
Its requirements for the sample size are relatively
loose, and the sample size does not need to be
completely normal distribution. And it is convenient
for sample research and investigation. According to
the judgment criteria, the reliability of a single
variable, the composite reliability (CR), the
Cronbach's α of the latent variable, and the average
extraction variance (AVE) and other observed
values can be used as indicators for judging
reliability and convergence. And Bootstraping is
used to solve the problem of small samples and non-
multivariate normality data to obtain the stability of
estimates between various variables (Hair, Ringle,
Sarstedt, 2011, Chin, 2010).
The reliability of a single measured variable
depends primarily on how well each measured
variable can be explained by the latent variable.
Therefore, scholars suggest that the recommended
factor loading value should be higher than 0.7
(Barclay, Higgins, Thompson, 1995). After
analyzing attitude, subjective norm, perceived
behavior control, behavior intention, behavior and
other factors, most of the factor load values were
greater than 0.8. This study used the Smart PLS 3.0
tool for PLS analysis. The relevant verification
criteria are described below.
The first part is the factor load value of attitude:
after the outbreak of COVID-19, the factor load
value of fear of going out and contacting people was
0.826. The factor load value that changes
consumption behavior is 0.872. The load value of
changing lifestyle factors is 0.837.
The second part is the factor load value of
subjective norm: the factor load value of the
importance of the delivery punctual ability of goods
to the express industry is 0.865. The load value of
the factor of importance of commodity error
handling capacity for the express delivery industry is
0.880. The factor load value of standardized
transportation of goods to the express industry is
0.909. The factor load value of service attitude level
to the importance of express industry is 0.885.
The third part is the factor load value of
perceived behavior control: the factor load value of
the importance of the epidemic prevention
management of the express delivery personnel to the
express delivery industry is 0.777. The load value of
the important factor load value of the disinfection
operation for the delivery of goods to the express
industry is 0.899. The undamaged delivery capacity
of the goods has a factor load value of 0.849 for the
importance of the express delivery industry.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
The fourth part is the factor load value of
behavior intention: After the COVID-19 outbreak,
the factor load value of relying more on online
shopping is 0.826. The factor load value for
reducing the number of trips is 0.850. The factor
load value for avoiding consumption in physical
stores is 0.859.
The fifth part is the factor load value of behavior:
after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, the
quantity or amount of online shopping consumption
increased compared to the previous factor load value
of 0.899. Compared with the past, the factor load
value of the number or amount of consumption in
the physical store is 0.886. The official online store
in the physical store will be used for consumption,
and the factor load value to meet demand during the
epidemic period is 0.818.
b) Composite reliability (CR)
CR refers to the consistency of variables within
the studied dimensions. The latent variable can be
tested when the CR value of the latent variable and
Cronbach'α is high. Scholars suggest that
Cronbach'α must be greater than 0.7 (0.60-0.70 for
exploratory studies), which is sufficient to indicate
that the latent variables have good internal
consistency. After analyzing the combined validity
of each factor, the combined reliability of attitude is
0.882, the combined reliability of subjective norm is
0.935, the combined reliability of perceived
behavior control is 0.880, the combined reliability of
behavior intention is 0.882, and the combined
reliability of behavior is 0.882. The value is 0.902,
and the combined reliability and validity of each
factor are mostly greater than 0.8.
c) Average extracted variance (AVE)
Average variance extraction (AVE) indicates
how many latent variables a variable can test. It can
be used as judgment reliability, or it can represent
discriminant validity. The AVE value must be
greater than 0.5 to indicate a convergent effect on
the observed variables. Also, check for problems
with collinearity for each set of predictors. The
predicted variance inflation factor (VIF) is less than
0.20, indicating that there is a collinearity problem
(Fornell & Larcker.1981). It has been verified that
the values obtained by the questionnaire items in this
study are all greater than 0.20, and there is no
collinearity. After the analysis, the average variance
of each factor is as those. Attitude (AVE) value was
0.715, subjective norm (AVE) value was 0.783,
perceived behavioral control (AVE) value was
0.711, behavioral intention (AVE) value was 0.714,
and behavioral (AVE) value was 0.754. All The
average variance extraction for factors (AVE) were
all greater than 0.7.
d) PLS module path results
This study uses the least squares method to
analyze the causal relationship between the latent
variables of the structural model. The validation is
set to 300 bootstrap parameters to perform the
validation procedure to obtain the stability of each
variable estimate. Secondly, the analysis effect value
can be used to evaluate the influence of external
variables on the internal dependent variables of
explanatory variables. In general, the influence of
external variables on internal latent variables is 0.02
for small, 0.15 for medium, and 0.35 for large. After
the analysis, the f
effect value of each factor was
analyzed: the influence of attitude on subjective
norm was small, and the f
effect value was 0.072.
The f
effect value of attitude on behavior intention
is 0.573, the effect should be significant. The effect
of perceived behavioral control on behavioral
intention was 0.043 and the effect was not
significant. The f
effect value of behavioral
intention is 0.225, which is significant. The f
of subjective norm on perceived behavioral control
is 0.134, which is significant.
R-Square is a judging path significance test,
which can be used as the explanatory power of the
research model. The coefficient of determination of
R2 represents the size of the potential internal
variables in the structural formula to be explained.
The R2 value can be roughly divided into 0.75 for
large, 0.50 for medium, and 0.25 for small. The R2
determination coefficients of this study are:
subjective norm R2 determination coefficient is
0.067, perceived behavioral control R2
determination coefficient is 0.566, behavioral
intention R2 determination coefficient is 0.445, and
behavioral R2 determination coefficient is 0.692.
Except that the R2 determination coefficient of
subjective norm is less than 0.4, which is not
significant, the R2 determination coefficients of all
other factor dimensions are mostly greater than 0.4.
The predictive power of the study model was
expressed as R-squared value. It represents the
percentage of variance explained by exogenous
versus endogenous variables. Its value is between 0
and 1. The larger the value, the better the
explanatory power of the model. According to the
six research hypotheses proposed in this study, the
results of the overall model relational path validation
show that: attitude, subjective norm, perceived
behavioral control, behavioral intention, and
behavior. Each factor has a positive effect. The
Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Online Shopping in the COVID-19
results of the research hypothesis testing of this
study are shown in Table 1, as shown in Figure 1.
Table 1: hypothesis verification of structural model.
Item Hypothesis
Attitude has a positive
impact on subjective norms
0.259** support
Subjective norms have a
positive influence on
perceptual behavior control
0.752*** support
Subjective norms have a
positive influence on
behavior intentions
0.017* support
Attitude has a positive
effect on behavioral
0.585** support
Perceived behavior control
has a positive effect on
behavior intention
0.234* support
Behavioral intention has a
positive effect on behavior
0.832*** support
*P<0.05,** p<0.01,*** p<0.001
Figure 1: TPB of home deliveries in COVID-19.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected every aspect
of our lives. Through this actual survey, it is found
that from the perspective of consumers' attitudes and
behaviors in online shopping. Due to the impact of
the epidemic environment, consumers are turning to
online shopping behaviors from physical shopping
behaviors, and the trend of home delivery is
increasing. We conducted an online survey of the
population of the Huai'an metropolitan area in
Jiangsu province. Survey items include the number
of home delivery orders, household and
demographic characteristics, e-commerce and
product preferences, and relevant sociodemographic
variables for survey and data collection. According
to the data, people are afraid of being infected by the
epidemic, so they should reduce the habit of going
out to physical stores to buy goods to avoid being
infected by the virus. This phenomenon has
increased the willingness of consumers to change
their shopping behavior from physical store
shopping to online shopping. Consumers buy
products online, with daily necessities and epidemic
prevention products as the main products. The
number of home deliveries increased significantly
before the COVID-19 period compared to the post-
COVID-19 period. From the perspective of planned
behavior theory, it is explored that the increase of
express delivery business and the increase of online
shopping behavior during the COVID-19 period
have a significant positive correlation with the
impact of the epidemic on consumers.
We would like to express our gratitude to Huaiyin
Institute of Technology, the team members of the
innovation and entrepreneurship project for college
students. They are Junlan Jia, Xu Kang, Qing Zhang,
Chenggong Li.
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Exploratory Analysis of Factors Affecting Levels of Online Shopping in the COVID-19