Intra-individual Stability and Assessment of the Affective State
in a Virtual Laboratory Environment: A Feasibility Study
Nils M. Vahle
, Sebastian Unger
and Martin J. Tomasik
Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
Research Methods and Statistics, Faculty of Health, Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany
Institute of Education and Institute for Educational Evaluation, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Human Computer Interaction, Age Paradigms, Affect, Experimental Psychology.
Abstract: While virtual reality (VR) emerges in a variety of research contexts, the effects on behavior and performance
caused by VR-based embodiment still lack sufficient evidence of changes in affective state. With this
feasibility study, we compared the affective states in both younger and older adults, measured after
conventional computer-based tests in real life (RL) and after tests in VR. These assessment tests are spread
over five time points, two in RL and three in VR, and the differences between the VR and the RL environment
are investigated against the backdrop of two theoretical models of cognitive psychology. Results showed no
change in affective state in either age group, switching from a RL to a VR environment. In addition, the
elderly did not assess their affective state significantly different than that of the younger control group. In
conclusion, lifelike VR environments for cognitive testing and other assessment or training purposes do not
seem to lead to any systematic influence of affective state compared to RL computer-based assessments,
making VR an alternative to conventional methods, for instance for cognitive treatments or preventions.
Although the results can only be partially generalized due to a small sample size, they show technical stability
and suitability for future use of similar applications.
1.1 Background
In the past decade, attempts to improve human health
with the help of virtual reality (VR) have intensified.
For instance, VR-based physical exercises showed
improved neuroplasticity compared to the traditional
method, reducing the risk of mild cognitive
impairment (Anderson-Hanley et al., 2012). Another
study found that the topics and sessions of a diabetes
education program in VR and real life (RL) were
almost identical, but have their own advantages
(Safaii et al., 2013). Even in the area of experimental
psychology, VR successfully revealed effects of
avatar embodiment on affect, cognition, and
behavior, for instance with regard to racial prejudice
(Peña et al., 2009). These examples show that VR can
offer a promising immersive user experience with a
wide range of uses. Nevertheless, the possible
consequences and the impact on the affective state of
the participants when comparing VR with RL were
not further investigated.
Following the limited capacity model of
motivated mediated message processing (Lang,
2000), we assumed that cognitive resources were
limited and that the combination of cognitive tasks
with a VR environment would lead to cognitive
overload and thus to a stressful influence on the
participant with effects on the affective state.
Contrary findings from media research, however,
would imply that stimuli from new, emotionally
arousing multimedia content increase both the
attention and the cognitive resources required and
allocated for processing this content (Lang et al.,
2007). Thus, the emotional reaction to novel or
exciting content could be expected to influence
motivational activation and cognitive resource
allocation. Hence, whether using a VR testing
environment will lead to the increase of negative or
positive affect is yet unclear. Our research is meant to
shed some light on this open question.
Vahle, N., Unger, S. and Tomasik, M.
Intra-individual Stability and Assessment of the Affective State in a Virtual Laboratory Environment: A Feasibility Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0010872200003123
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2022) - Volume 5: HEALTHINF, pages 590-596
ISBN: 978-989-758-552-4; ISSN: 2184-4305
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 Objectives
This study investigated the effects of VR on affective
state, using an age-diverse sample, i.e., younger and
older participants. With the help of the following
research question, VR and RL assessments were
compared. We expected an increase in stressful
arousal and a decrease in positive affect valence. The
effects were expected to be stronger in older
participants, who seem more vulnerable to cognitive
overload (Malcolm et al., 2015). An investigation of
a possible gender effect, which is reported by
Goswami & Dutta (2015) as a significant variable in
certain technology-related cases, is also of interest,
but not as important as the age effect. Lastly, we
aimed to explore the feasibility of cognitive
performance testing in VR, focusing on hardware
characteristics, usability of peripherals, data quality,
and assessment reliability.
2.1 Participants
Healthy adult participants were recruited over a
digital bulletin board and a newspaper advertisement.
Skeletal, neurological, or mental health illnesses as
well as pregnancy led to exclusion from the study that
was approved by the ethics committee at the
Witten/Herdecke University in December 2018
(reference number 216/2018).
The study was part of a larger project on the
virtual activation of age stereotypes, where a
comparison of discrete age groups was planned.
Recruiting younger participants (18 - 29) on campus
as a young sample and older participants (50+) as
relatives of students was an option chosen for
pragmatic reasons after experiencing recruitment
problems due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In total,
there were 58 participants (36 female and 22 male),
forming two age groups, regardless of gender. One
group included 30 participants aged between 18 – 29
years (M = 23.53, SD = 2.18) and the other group
comprised 28 persons aged 50 – 78 years (M = 62.29,
SD = 5.69).
2.2 Setting
A special computer room was designed for the
implementation of this study. Key objects included a
table to position the participants, a mirror for self-
observation, and a wall-mounted monitor to conduct
various assessments. An exact copy of this room was
created by a VR programming studio in which the
spatial orientation remained the same. Using a laser
scan, even small details, e.g., information signs,
ventilation shafts, or light switches, could be
transferred to the digital copy (Figure 1). The virtual
laboratory room was “entered” via an HTC Vive VR
headset and the interaction with the computer system
took place via a handheld VR controller. To avoid any
possible bias, the very same controller was used in RL
and in VR.
Even though the main objective of this study was
to test the feasibility of VR based assessments with
regard to affective state differences compared to RL
testing environments, participants were presented
with a number of cognitive tasks. These tasks should
firstly provide a certain quality of cognitive focus on
details within the environment and secondly increase
the time spent within the experimental VR setting.
Figure 1: Perspective to the operational monitor from RL
(top) and VR (bottom).
All tests were browser-based and created via
lab.js, a free, open-source experiment builder
(Henninger et al., 2019). This builder has some
advantages that meet the needs of this study. First, its
development environment has an easy-to-use visual
interface with a modular principle to create a wide
variety of studies quickly. The components that the
builder includes are HTML (Hypertext Markup
Language) pages and images to design the frontend,
loops to repeat an underlying component, and
Intra-individual Stability and Assessment of the Affective State in a Virtual Laboratory Environment: A Feasibility Study
Figure 2: Procedure of stimuli and testing the affective states in chronological order.
sequences to create a chain of components. Second,
tests created with lab.js can be customized with the
languages HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and
JavaScript. Therefore, many custom modifications
such as counting correct user inputs or including a
beep were possible. Finally, lab.js has a suitable usage
for in-laboratory and online data collection, while
there is a low latency when measuring reaction times
in the latter scenario (Bridges et al., 2020).
The study’s procedure (see Figure 2) that was
equal for all participants started with a demographic
questionnaire. Then, the first affective state was
assessed (t
) followed by one of the three different
cognitive performance tests (i.e., Inspection Time
Test). After a second affective state assessment (t
) in
RL, the VR headset was mounted. Within this
environment, all three cognitive tests (Inspection
Time Test, Corsi Block Test, and Stop Signal Test)
were presented in a randomized order. Each of the
tests was followed by a further affective state
assessment (t
/ t
/ t
2.2.1 Inspection Time Test
As for all other tests, the lab.js builder replicated the
Inspection Time Test. Here, a measurement was
repeated overall 60 times to simulate the inspection
time paradigm (Vickers & Smith, 1986). Starting with
the actual chronological order of this test, there is a
simple cross in the middle of the screen for 500 ms to
get the participants' attention, which is followed by a
simply shaped stimulus. This stimulus has a visual
feature that randomly appeared either on the left or on
the right. The participants were asked to determine
the correct side of this feature within an also
randomized display duration (6 ms to 200 ms), using
one button as interactive input for each side. Before
the stimulus completely disappeared, it was covered
by a masking stimulus to disturb the short-term
memory of the participants. In addition to the actual
concentration test, there was an introduction and
practice run, both in identical but simplified form.
2.2.2 Corsi Block Test
For testing the spatial working memory, the Corsi
block-tapping test (Berch et al., 1998) was
implemented. It was designed as near as possible after
the original experimental setup. In this adaption,
buttons spread across the screen, representing the
nine rectangular shapes. These buttons were
highlighted in black (750 ms) in a random order with
a short pause in between (1 s). Then, participants
were asked to replicate the order. An order increased
in length (2 to 8) after each second trial when a
participant replicated at least one of the trials
correctly. Otherwise, the test ended in order not to
discourage the participants.
2.2.3 Stop Signal Test
An adapted version of the stop signal test (Sahakian
& Owen, 1992) presented randomly either a left- or a
right-facing on-screen arrow next to two response
buttons. Participants had to click the button that the
arrow is pointing at as quickly as possible. After a
training phase, requiring direction feedback only, the
test was supported with an additional auditory
stimulus. This loud beep featured a delay (250 ms to
2,000 ms) and was played while visualizing the arrow
stimulus. Now, participants were asked to inhibit their
feedback reaction if they heard the beep. This
procedure was repeated 60 times, including 16
randomly distributed beep events.
2.3 Affective State
Our adaptation of the self-assessment manikin (SAM)
was based on the version of Bradley and Lang (1994)
and offered a visual on-screen visual scale with a
semantic differential as it is reliable in arousal
assessments (Lesage, 2016) and easy to read. With
this test, the intensity of valence and arousal
perception were rated to assess participants’ affective
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
Two HTML page components from lab.js were
used for the technical implementation. Figure 3
shows the visualization of these components with the
total of ten manikins and ten buttons. While valence
is represented in section (A), arousal is represented in
section (B). Both scales increase from left to right.
The participants were asked to click the button
directly below the manakin that was most applicable
to them, using the VR controller. According to the
study’s within-subjects design, the result was five
measures of valence and arousal for each participant
in total, i.e., one measure before the beginning of the
test battery, one after testing the information
processing speed in RL, and one after each of the
three cognitive performance tests in VR. The means
(dependent variables) calculated over the five
measures were used for the statistical comparison of
the age groups.
Figure 3: Representation of SAM, showing the selection
options for (A) valence and (B) arousal.
2.4 Data Analysis
By using SPSS, the exported data of each
measurement phase were verified. First, the data was
visualized to reveal any differences. Then, a repeated
measures ANOVA (Vincent & Weir, 2012) compared
statistically the two consecutive assessments of SAM
in detail, using a single-factorial F-distributed
The given parameters, including the subtraction,
correspond to the degrees of freedom. The number of
groups, in which the independent variable (age group,
affect, gender, and measuring points) can be divided
minus one, refers to df
(between-groups degrees of
freedom estimate). Subtracting one from the number
of people in each category and summing across the
categories resulted in df
(within-groups degrees of
freedom estimate). The resulting F-value is the ratio
of the variance between groups (MSB) to the variance
within groups (MSW).
The assumptions needed for using this analysis
were met with regard to dependence, scale level of
variables, and absence of outliers, but not with regard
to normal distribution and sphericity. This function is
still intended to check the study’s assumptions about
the main effects of RL/VR and age by strengthening
robustness and reducing any bias with the
Greenhouse-Geisser correction (Berkovits et al.,
3.1 Descriptive Data
An overview of the participants whose data could be
incorporated into the analysis without any technical
issues is given in Table 1. The loss of one participant
is only due to a single missing response. As several
software was connected in series, i.e., VR studio,
virtual server machine, and lab.js, the origin of this
problem could not be identified. Except this missing
response, the data collection was well implemented in
terms of software and hardware characteristics.
Table 1: Demographic data of the participants used for the
Females 21 15
Males 9 13
Loss 01
Total 30 27
3.2 Inferential Statistics
In our 5×2×2 design, two repeated measures analyses
of variance were used. In accordance with function
(1), the five measuring points for valence and arousal
are included as within-subject factors. Age group
served as between-subject factor in the first analysis,
while this was done with gender in the second
Intra-individual Stability and Assessment of the Affective State in a Virtual Laboratory Environment: A Feasibility Study
When looking at the results of the first analysis in
a graphical way, a clear difference between the two
affective states of valence and arousal can be seen
(Figure 4). In both age groups, all five mean scores
for arousal were lower than for valence. While the
difference is around one score point in the younger
group (dark solid line), it is almost two in the elderly
(bright solid line). Moreover, the curves show that
both groups have a slightly increased stress level after
switching to VR. At this point, valence also reaches
one of its lowest scores for both groups.
Figure 4: Reported valence and arousal mean scores for
young, old and total sample with standard deviation bars for
the total sample, in a chronological sequence for the real life
(RL) and virtual reality (VR) segments of the study
Although, there was a clear and statistically
significant difference between the affective state
scores for valence and arousal within the whole
sample, F(1, 55) = 68.28, p < .001, partial η² = .554,
no statistically significant differences could be
discovered across the five measurement points,
F(4, 220) = 1.61, p = .188, partial η² = .028. A
subdivision into age groups showed similar results,
indicating stability in affective state over the test
procedure and hence, over switching from RL to a VR
assessment. In addition, no significant effect for age,
F(1, 55) = .61, p = .439, partial η² = .011, or gender,
F(1, 55) = .109, p = .743, partial η² = .002, was
found, indicating no meaningful differences in
valence or arousal between old and young
participants or between female and male participants.
4.1 Key Results
The results of this study showed no statistically
significant differences in the affective effects of VR-
based test application for cognitive psychology on an
age-diverse sample. The expected change in affective
state from RL to VR assessment was found neither in
the younger nor in the older participants, indicating
no influence on the participants’ valence or arousal
levels when mounting the VR headset and conducting
further cognitive tests. Meanwhile, there was no
meaningful difference of valence or arousal scores
between the young and old age group, indicating a
mood stability of this testing environment for
different age groups. Overall, it seems that the
stressful experience of the participant in VR is
identical to that in RL. Alternative explanations might
imply the presence of both a higher excitement during
the use of a novel technical setup and meanwhile
poorer performance results due to distraction effects,
that eventually evened out and surely would need
separate exploration in future research.
4.2 Limitations
Limitations of this study surely include the explicit,
rating-based assessment of the affective state.
Possible delusions of the results by high face-validity
or interpersonal expectancy effects towards the
experimenter (Rosenthal & Rubin, 1978) could not be
avoided. Monitoring with the EEG
(Electroencephalogram) could improve and stabilize
the results.
Furthermore, this study focused on the feasibility
of psychological assessments in VR. With regard to
this primary step, the small sample size with rather
small and imbalanced subgroups in terms of gender
and age limits the representative character of our
sample and of our findings. The strong
overrepresentation of female participants, in
HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics
particular, could have altered our results, as male
individuals often do show a stronger interest in
technical innovations and do show lower insecurities
towards it (Goswami & Dutta, 2015).
Possible age-related differences could be explored
more clearly in future studies if intermediate age
groups between 30 and 49 would be included into the
sample. In this regard, age should be used as
continuous independent variable in the analysis
instead of categorizing it into age groups in order to
strengthen the result by using an appropriate
regression model (Streiner, 2002; Sauerbrei &
Royston, 2010).
A systematic bias from participant recruitment
cannot be fully ruled out, as the advertisements on
digital bulletin boards might have led to a stronger
representation of individuals more interested in
digital and immersive research technologies.
4.3 Conclusion
This study investigated the effects on participants’
cognitive performance and affective state when
conducting an assessment in a VR scenario created
based on an image of the real world.
Regarding to technical aspects, the lab.js builder
showed through a modular principle of basic
components its suitability for the development of
experimental test in RL as well as in VR if adapted
correctly. Even the virtual environment, the handheld
controller, or the headset could not disturb the
participants. In conclusion, VR environments for
cognitive assessment seems to have no significant
effect on participants’ affective state compared to RL,
allowing a promising opportunity for further use of
VR without losing any cognitive capacity, e.g., in
treating or preventing mental illness.
Other applications of VR in educational contexts
have reported contrasting findings (Parong et al.,
2021) as the participants affective state indeed
showed slightly higher arousal. A possible difference
of the presented content and elongation of the
performance related context might have resulted in
this discrepancy from our findings. However,
Holzwarth et al. (2021) reported relatively stable
affective states for the entering phase of a VR
scenario in their meaningful groundwork of
predicting affective states within VR by using the
subjects’ head movements as predictors.
Admittedly, a more thorough assessment with a
larger and more representative sample could produce
different results and should therefore be applied in a
future study. Nevertheless, the finding is promising as
it justifies this new technology to develop new,
innovative paradigms for both basic and applied
research. In this context, we did already show the
feasibility of cognitive performance assessments with
an age-diverse sample in a comparable study (Vahle
et al., 2021). Other studies were able to successfully
induce an avatar age group specific performance
difference on physical and cognitive performance
domains, e.g., shown by Vahle and Tomasik (2021).
Thus, the present research is a crucial groundwork for
applying the present and novel technique to the self-
reflexive stereotype research, where young
participants experience the embodiment of a virtual
old age avatar.
We would like to thank all those who volunteered to
participate in our study, the team of Pointreef for its
continuous technical support of the VR scenario, and
Hannah Butt for her support during data collection.
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics