Effects of Global Illumination of Virtual Objects in 360
Mixed Reality
Jingxin Zhang, Jannis Volz and Frank Steinicke
Human-Computer Interaction, University of Hamburg, Germany
Global Illumination, 360
Mixed Reality, Spatial Localization, User Experience.
Consistent rendering of virtual objects in 360
videos is challenging and crucial for spatial perception and the
overall user experience in so-called 360
mixed reality (MR) environments. In particular, global illumination
can provide important depth cues for localizing spatial objects in MR, and, moreover, improve the overall
user experience. Previous works have introduced MR algorithms, which allow for the seamless composition
of 3D virtual objects into a 360
video-based virtual environment (VE). For instance, for consistent global
illumination, the light source in the 360
video can be detected and used to illuminate virtual objects and
shadow calculation, or the 360
video can be reflected on specular virtual objects, known as environment
mapping. Until now, it has not been evaluated if and to what extent global illumination of virtual objects in
MR environments improve spatial localization and user experience. To address this research question,
we performed a user study in which we compared object localization with and without global illumination in
MR environments. The results show that the global illumination of virtual objects significantly reduces
the localization error and improves the overall user experience in 360
MR environments.
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) provide natural and
immersive virtual reality (VR) experiences by sup-
porting motion parallax, a wide field of view, and
stereoscopic display (Steinicke, 2016). Although,
HMDs are often used with computer-generated VR
content, VR technology also allows viewing of im-
mersive videos. Typically, such immersive videos are
captured with 360
panoramic cameras, which sup-
port omnidirectional views of the surrounding envi-
ronment. It gets possible, then, to visit a remote real-
world scenario in an immersive way without the need
to physically travel to the remote place. Traditionally,
a remote scenario is displayed in the VR by attaching
the input video onto a spherical surface as movie tex-
ture (Zhang et al., 2018), or as wrapped textures of a
virtual skybox in the virtual environment (VE). Since
the captured videos have been recorded from fix lo-
cations, 360
videos do not support motion parallax,
and, moreover, stereoscopic cues are limited because
the virtual scenes show VEs at larger distances. As a
result, depth cues for spatial presence are limited in
VR (Bertel et al., 2019).
In mixed reality (MR) environments, these im-
mersive videos can be augmented by virtual objects
such as buildings, cars, or avatars (Milgram and
Kishino, 1994) to blend real content (from the im-
mersive video) with computer-generated virtual ob-
jects. The additional display of familiar objects inside
immersive videos has also the potential to improve
spatial perception (M
uller et al., 2016). Such 360
video-based VEs and virtual objects are referred to
as 360
MR environments (Rhee et al., 2017). How-
ever, the combination of real contents and virtual ob-
jects in 360
video-based VEs, raises the challenge of
consistent global illumination (Noh and Sunar, 2009;
Pessoa et al., 2010). Global illumination allows for
consistent lighting for virtual objects, reflections on
specular surfaces, and shadows on the ground or other
virtual objects (Steinicke et al., 2005). All of these ef-
fects provide users with important depth cues for vi-
sual perception and spatial localization (Zeil, 2000),
and furthermore, improve the overall user experience
(Steinicke et al., 2005).
Previous research (Rhee et al., 2017) has imple-
mented seamless composition of 3D virtual objects
into a 360
video-based VE by detecting the light
source from the panoramic video and adjusting the
virtual light source accordingly to create a consistent
illumination of virtual objects. So far, it is not known
if and to what extent this global illumination of virtual
objects could improve spatial localization and user ex-
perience in 360
MR environments. To address this
Zhang, J., Volz, J. and Steinicke, F.
Effects of Global Illumination of Virtual Objects in 360
Mixed Reality.
DOI: 10.5220/0010861100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 2: HUCAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
open research question, we first implemented a 360
MR environments with consistent global illumination.
Second, we conducted a user study in which we com-
pared the user’s performance in an object localization
task with and without global illumination in 360
environments, and furthermore, evaluated the effect
of global illumination on user experience.
The remainder of this paper is structured as fol-
lows: Section 2 resumes related works. Section 3 in-
troduces the design and procedure of the user study.
Section 4 summarizes the results and Section 5 con-
cludes the paper and discusses future work.
Spatial perception and localization in VEs are im-
portant research topics (Alatta and Freewan, 2017),
and a vast body of literature has considered depth
and size perception in virtual (Interrante et al., 2006;
Bruder et al., 2012; Knapp and Loomis, 2004;
Steinicke et al., 2009) and augmented reality (Her-
tel and Steinicke, 2021; Jones et al., 2011). The ma-
jority of the previous works has shown that distances
to virtual objects are often underestimated, in par-
ticular, when the objects are displayed at larger dis-
tances (Plumert et al., 2005). It has also been shown
that global illumination of virtual objects can improve
the depth perception in computer-generated VEs as
well as in AR scenarios, in which users see the real
world through an optical see-through HMD such as
Microsoft Hololens (Hertel and Steinicke, 2021).
Global illumination of virtual objects in 360
environments can provide important depth cues for vi-
sual perception and spatial localization, and add an
additional level of realism to virtual objects (Haller
et al., 2003), which could help to integrate virtual ob-
jects into the rendered VE based on 360
videos smoothly and improve the overall user expe-
rience. For example, previous work by Steinicke et
al. (Steinicke et al., 2005) introduced a MR setup in
which a web camera was used to capture parts of the
surrounding, which was in turn used to render lights,
shadows, and reflections of specular virtual objects in
a semi-immersive projection-based VR setup. Fur-
thermore, Rhee et al. (Rhee et al., 2017) proposed an
algorithm, which achieved seamless composition of
3D virtual objects into a 360
video-based VE by ex-
ploiting the input panoramic video as lighting source
to illuminate virtual objects.
Though, there is a large body of literature regard-
ing global illumination of virtual objects in typical
VR and AR environments, and relevant algorithms
to display virtual objects in 360
video-based VEs
(Kruijff et al., 2010), the effect of global illumination
of virtual objects on spatial localization and user ex-
perience in 360
MR environments still remain poorly
In the user study, we evaluated the effects of global
illumination of virtual objects on spatial localization
and user experience in 360
MR environments. The
experiment received approval by our local ethics com-
3.1 Hypothesis
We formulated the following hypotheses based on the
previous findings for computer-generated VEs as de-
scribed in Section 2:
H1: Participants will have higher localization ac-
curacy with global illumination of virtual objects
than without.
H2: Participants will have better localization
ability at closer distances compared to larger dis-
H3: Participants will have better user experience
with global illumination of virtual objects than
3.2 Participants
15 voluntary participants (8 male, 7 female, average
age 23.73 years, STD = 2.67) participated in the user
study. All participants were students of computer sci-
ence or human-computer interaction from our univer-
sity. All participants had previous experience with
VR and HMDs.
3.3 Experimental Setups
As illustrated in Figure 1, we generated a 360
based VE showing a wide grass field with a resolu-
tion of 8192x4096 pixels. The 360
video-based VE
was rendered with the Unity Engine on a worksta-
tion, which has an Intel Core i7-4930K CPU with
3.40 GHz, an NVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti GPU
and a 16GB main memory. The rendered scenario
was displayed on a HTC Vive HMD with a resolu-
tion of 1080×1200 pixels per eye. The diagonal field
of view is approximately 110
and the refresh rate
is 90Hz. Participants used the HTC Vive controllers
for interaction during the tasks. The global illumi-
nation of virtual objects in the 360
video-based VE
Effects of Global Illumination of Virtual Objects in 360
Mixed Reality
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: Screenshots of the task procedure with global illumination of virtual objects (images captured through HTC Vive
Pro HMD): (a) the target position was marked with a red cross on the ground; (b) the virtual car was picked up from its default
position using VR controllers; (c) the virtual car was being moved to the target position; (d) the placing operation was being
was implemented based on the algorithm proposed by
Rhee et al. (Rhee et al., 2017; Rhee et al., 2018),
which supported consistent lighting (extracted from
the 360
videos), shadows (dropped on the manually
defined grass ground), and virtual reflections (on the
car’s specular surface). The results are illustrated in
Figure 1
3.4 Methods
During the user study, participants were required to
stand in the center of the 360
video-based VE and
move a virtual car from its default position (8m away
from participants on the right side) to the target posi-
tion (marked as a red cross on the ground) using VR
controllers (see Figure 1). The task was designed with
three factors in a 2 x 5 x 2 within-subject design: (i)
distance (2 levels: 12m, 18m), (ii) angle (5 levels: 0
, 90
, 135
and 180
in yaw axis of the human
body) and (iii) global illumination effects (2 levels:
with and without).
Prior the user study, participants had to fill out a
demographic questionnaire as well as Kennedy’s sim-
ulator sickness questionnaire (SSQ) (Kennedy et al.,
1993), and perform some training trials to get famil-
iar with the operation and process. Afterwards, par-
ticipants registered to the experimental system with
their IDs and continued the formal process of the user
study. Participants stood in the center of the 360
video-based VE and used VR controllers to move a
virtual car from its default position to the target posi-
tion as described above. The target position was de-
termined by corresponding combinations of distance
and angle, and marked on the ground with a red cross
when every trial began until the moving operations of
participants started. Participants were allowed to ro-
tate their body during the user study (if required) to
finish the localization task. The different stages of
this task are presented in Figure 1.
As explained above, the user study was a within-
subject design with 2 distances × 5 angles × 2 global
illumination effects = 20 conditions, and each con-
dition was repeated 6 times. Thus, every participant
needed to finish 20 conditions × 6 repetitions = 120
trials during the task. All the trials were mixed and
appeared in a randomized order to reduce the influ-
ence of participants’ ability to memorize the target lo-
cation on the localization results. For the entire user
HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications
(a) (b)
Figure 2: Results of the localization task: (a) global illumination effects on the localization error; (b) distance on the localiza-
tion error.
study, 15 participants × 120 trials per participant =
1800 total trials were collected.
We measured the localization error in every trial
after the participants confirmed their placing opera-
tions. The localization error indicates a bias between
the target position and the actual location, where the
participants placed the car, i.e., the geometric center
point of the placed virtual car on the horizontal plane.
In order to guarantee that for each tested target po-
sition, participants have a fixed duration to perceive
and localize the virtual car, each trial was limited to
10 seconds.
Furthermore, after the user study, participants
were asked to compare the global illumination effects
(with vs without) and rate their preference with lik-
able scales from 1 (not like it at all) to 7 (like it very
much). Moreover, the post-SSQ questionnaire as well
as the igroup presence questionnaire (IPQ) were also
required (Schubert et al., 2001).
The experimental data was analyzed with the analysis
of variance (ANOVA). Before the analysis, we per-
formed a normality assumption check for all factor
levels using the Shapiro-Wilk test (Royston, 1982),
which did not show a strong indication of normal dis-
tribution in some cases. However, as shown in previ-
ous research (Glass et al., 1972; Harwell et al., 1992;
Lix et al., 1996), moderate deviations from normality
can be tolerated by the ANOVA analysis.
Figure 2a shows the effect of global illumination
of virtual objects on the localization error. The aver-
age localization error is 4.296m (STD = 3.582) with-
out global illumination, and 3.094m (STD = 3.05)
with global illumination. This result indicates that
the average localization error with global illumina-
tion of virtual objects was lower by 27.98% than with-
out global illumination. The ANOVA results show a
significant influence of global illumination of virtual
objects on the localization error (F
= 4.688, p =
0.048, η
= 0.130). These results show that the global
illumination of virtual objects significantly help users
to improve their localization accuracy in 360
MR en-
vironments, which confirmed hypothesis H1.
Figure 2 presents the effect of distance on the
localization error. The average localization error is
3.179m (STD = 3.156) when the distance to the tar-
get position is 12m, and 4.21m (STD = 3.516) when
the target distance is 18m. This result indicates that
the average localization error at the distance of 12m
is lower by 24.49% than at the distance of 18m. The
Figure 3: Results of preference rate on global illumination
Effects of Global Illumination of Virtual Objects in 360
Mixed Reality
Table 1: Results of the IPQ.
With global illumination Without global illumination Significance
Score STD Score STD p < .05
Spatial presence 3.57 1.07 3.05 1.05
Involvement 3.32 1.47 2.93 1.53
Experienced realism 2.58 0.85 1.56 0.91
ANOVA result shows that the distance has a sig-
nificant influence on the localization error (F
38.58, p < 0.001, η
= 0.099). These results demon-
strate that when localizing a virtual object in 360
environments, human users usually have better local-
ization ability at closer distances. Thus, hypothesis
H2 was confirmed as well. However, no significant
interaction effects between factors were found.
Figure 3 shows the preference rate of participants
on the global illumination effects. For conditions
with global illumination, the average preference rate
is 5.27 out of 7, which is significantly higher than 3.27
for the situation without global illumination (con-
firmed by a one-sided Wilcoxon test with p < 0.001).
This result show that participants have better user ex-
periences when interacting with a 360
MR environ-
ment with global illumination of virtual objects than
without. Thus, hypothesis H3 can be confirmed.
Furthermore, participants’ sense of presence in
MR environments was evaluated with the data
from the IPQ. As presented in Table 1, for condi-
tions with global illumination, the scores for spa-
tial presence, involvement, and experienced realism
are all higher than conditions without global illumi-
nation. Furthermore, we found a significant influ-
ence of global illumination on the experienced real-
ism (p = 0.002), but no significant influence was ver-
ified for spatial presence and involvement. These re-
sults suggest that participants have better user experi-
ences when interacting with a 360
MR environment
with global illumination than without, especially in
the aspect of experienced realism.
When participants were asked if they had any cog-
nitive strategies during the task, 4 of them specifically
reported that the global illumination and correspond-
ing shadows of virtual objects were really helpful to
estimate the placing location in 360
MR environ-
In this paper, we reported a user study in which we
evaluated the effect of global illumination of virtual
objects on the spatial localization and user experience
in 360
MR environments. The results indicate that
the global illumination of virtual objects could sig-
nificantly reduce the localization error and improve
the user experience, especially in the aspect of expe-
rienced realism. Participants also have better prefer-
ence and evaluations on the experience with global
illumination of virtual objects in 360
MR environ-
ments. These results highlight the importance of us-
ing global illumination in 360
MR environments, in
particular, if correct spatial perception is important.
In future work, the extent to which each of the
global illumination aspects (i.e., reflections, shadows,
lighting) contribute to the overall spatial perception,
sense of presence, and overall user experience will be
evaluated in more detail. Furthermore, the effect of
global illumination of virtual objects on other interac-
tive operations (such as 3D object selection, 3D hand
gesture interaction, etc.) in 360
MR environments
will be also explored.
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Effects of Global Illumination of Virtual Objects in 360
Mixed Reality