Describing Image Focused in Cognitive and Visual Details for Visually
Impaired People: An Approach to Generating Inclusive Paragraphs
Daniel L. Fernandes
1 a
, Marcos H. F. Ribeiro
1 b
, Fabio R. Cerqueira
1,2 c
and Michel M. Silva
1 d
Department of Informatics, Universidade Federal de Vic¸osa - UFV, Vic¸osa, Brazil
Department of Production Engineering, Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF, Petr
opolis, Brazil
Image Captioning, Dense Captioning, Neural Language Model, Visually Impaired, Assistive Technologies.
Several services for people with visual disabilities have emerged recently due to achievements in Assistive
Technologies and Artificial Intelligence areas. Despite the growth in assistive systems availability, there is
a lack of services that support specific tasks, such as understanding the image context presented in online
content, e.g., webinars. Image captioning techniques and their variants are limited as Assistive Technologies
as they do not match the needs of visually impaired people when generating specific descriptions. We propose
an approach for generating context of webinar images combining a dense captioning technique with a set
of filters, to fit the captions in our domain, and a language model for the abstractive summary task. The
results demonstrated that we can produce descriptions with higher interpretability and focused on the relevant
information for that group of people by combining image analysis methods and neural language models.
Recently, we have witnessed a boost in several ser-
vices for visually impaired people due to achieve-
ments in Assistive Technology and Artificial Intelli-
gence (Alhichri et al., 2019). However, the problems
faced by the impaired people are literally everywhere,
from arduous and complex challenges, such as going
to groceries, to daily tasks like recognizing the con-
text of TV news, online videos or webinars. In the last
couple of years, online content and videoconferencing
tools have been widely used to overcome the restric-
tions imposed by the social distance of the COVID-19
pandemic (Wanga et al., 2020). Nonetheless, there is
a lack of tools that allow visually impaired people to
understand the overall context of such content (Gurari
et al., 2020; Simons et al., 2020).
One of the services applied as an Assistive Tech-
nology is the Image Captioning techniques (Gurari
et al., 2020). Despite the remarkable results for the
automatically generated image caption, these tech-
niques are limited when applied to extract the image
context. Even with recent advances to improve the
quality of the captions, at the best, they compress all
the visual elements of an image into a single sentence,
resulting in a simple generic caption (Ng et al., 2020).
Since the goal of Image Captioning is to create a high-
level description for the image content, the cognitive
and visual details needed by visually impaired people
are disregarded (Dognin et al., 2020).
To address the drawback of Image Captioning
about enclosing all visual details in a single sentence,
Dense Captioning creates a descriptive sentence for
each meaningful image region (Johnson et al., 2016).
Nonetheless, such techniques fail to synthesize infor-
mation into coherently structured sentences due to the
overload caused by multiple disconnected sentences
to describe the whole image (Krause et al., 2017).
Thus, Dense Captioning is not suitable to the task of
extracting image context for impaired people since it
describes every visual detail of the image in a unstruc-
tured manner, not providing cognitive information.
Image Paragraph techniques address the de-
mand for generating connected and descriptive cap-
tions (Krause et al., 2017). The goal of these tech-
niques is to generate long, coherent and informative
descriptions about the whole visual content of an im-
age (Chatterjee and Schwing, 2018). Although being
capable of generating connected and informative sen-
tences, the usage of these techniques is limited when
creating image context for visually impaired people,
Fernandes, D., Ribeiro, M., Cerqueira, F. and Silva, M.
Describing Image Focused in Cognitive and Visual Details for Visually Impaired People: An Approach to Generating Inclusive Paragraphs.
DOI: 10.5220/0010845700003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 5: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
because these techniques have generic application and
result in a long description to tell a story about the im-
age and all its elements. By creating a long and dense
paragraph that describes the whole image, the needs
of those with visual impairment are not matched.
The popularity of the social inclusion trend is no-
ticeable in social media, e.g., the Brazilian project
#ForBlindToSee (from the Portuguese, #PraCegoVer)
has reached trend topics in Twitter. This project pro-
vides a manual description for an image to be repro-
duced by audio tools for the visually impaired, and
also encourages people during videoconferences to
perform an oral description of the main characteris-
tics of their appearance and the environment where
they are located. The description helps the visually
impaired audience to better understand the context of
the reality of the person who is presenting. Although
this is a promising inclusion initiative, once the oral
descriptions are dependent on sighted people, it may
not be provided or may even be poorly descriptive.
Motivated to mitigate the accessibility barriers for
vision-impaired people, we combine the advantages
of the Dense Captioning techniques, task-specific
Machine Learning methods and language models pre-
trained on massive data. Our method consists in a
pipeline of computational techniques to automatically
generate suitable descriptions for this specific audi-
ence about the relevant speaker’s characteristics (e.g.,
physiognomic features, facial expressions) and their
surroundings (ABNT, 2016; Lewis, 2018).
Works on image description and text summariza-
tion have been extensively studied. We provide an
overview classifying them in the following topics.
Image Captioning. Image Captioning aims the
generation of descriptions for images and has at-
tracted the interest of researchers, connecting Com-
puter Vision and Natural Language Processing.
Several frameworks have been proposed for the
Image Captioning task based on deep encoder-
decoder architecture, in which an input image is en-
coded into an embedding and subsequently decoded
into a descriptive text sequence (Ng et al., 2020;
Vinyals et al., 2015). Attention Mechanisms and
their variations were implemented to incorporate vi-
sual context by selectively focusing on the specific
part of the image (Xu et al., 2015) and to decide when
to activate visual attention by means of adaptive at-
tention and visual sentinels (Lu et al., 2017).
Most recently, a novel framework for generating
coherent stories from a sequence of input images was
proposed by modulating the context vectors to capture
temporal relationship on the input image sequence
using bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (bi-
LSTM) (Malakan et al., 2021). To maintain the im-
age specific relevance and context, image features and
context vectors from the bi-LSTM are projected into
a latent space and submitted to an Attention Mecha-
nism to learn the spatio-temporal relationships among
image and context. The encoder output is then mod-
ulated with the input word embedding to capture the
interaction between the inputs and their context using
Mogrifier-LSTM that generates relevant and contex-
tual descriptions of the images while maintaining the
overall story context.
Herdade et al. proposed a Transformer architec-
ture with an encoder block to incorporate information
about the spatial relationships between input objects
detected through geometric attention (Herdade et al.,
2019). Liu et al. also addressed the captioning prob-
lem using Transformers by replacing the CNN-based
encoder of the network by a Transformer encoder, re-
ducing the convolution operations (Liu et al., 2021).
Different approaches have been proposed to im-
prove the discriminative capacity of the generated
captions and attenuate the restrictions presented in
previously proposed methods. Despite the efforts,
most models still produce generic and similar cap-
tions (Ng et al., 2020).
Dense Captioning. Since region-based descrip-
tions tend to be more detailed than global descrip-
tions, the Dense Captioning task aims at generaliz-
ing the tasks of Object Detection and Image Cap-
tioning into a joint task by simultaneously locating
and describing salient regions of an image (Johnson
et al., 2016). Johnson et al. proposed a Fully Convolu-
tional Localization Network architecture, which sup-
ports end-to-end training and efficient test-time per-
formance, composed of a CNN to process the input
image and a dense localization layer to predict a set
of regions of interest in the image. The descriptions
for each region is created by a LSTM with natural lan-
guage previously processed by a fully connected net-
work (Johnson et al., 2016). Additional approaches
improve Dense Captioning by using joint inference
and context fusion (Yang et al., 2017), and the visual
information about the target region and multi-scale
contextual cues (Yin et al., 2019).
Image Paragraphs. Image Paragraphs is a caption-
ing task that combines the strengths of Image Cap-
tioning and Dense Captioning, generating long, struc-
Describing Image Focused in Cognitive and Visual Details for Visually Impaired People: An Approach to Generating Inclusive Paragraphs
Image Analyzer
Grey beard hair on a
man. Man standing in
front of wall. Wall
behind the man is
green. Goatee on
man's mouth is not
smiling. A man
wearing sweater. His
sweater is black. His
hair is blonde. He has
short hair. Facial hair
under his lips.
Output paragraph
Context Generation
Dense captioning
Filters and text
Input image
Figure 1: Given a webinar image, its relevant information along with speaker attributes from pretained models are extracted
into textual descriptions. After a filter processing to fit the person domain, all descriptions are aggregated into a single text.
We summarize the generated single text, and after a cleaning and filtering process, the best quality paragraph is selected.
tured and coherent paragraphs that richly describe the
images (Krause et al., 2017). This approach was mo-
tivated by the lack of detail described in a single high-
level sentence of the Image Captioning techniques
and the absence of cohesion when describing whole
image due to the large amount of short independent
captions returned by Dense Captioning techniques.
A pioneering approach proposed a two-level hi-
erarchical RNN to decompose paragraphs into sen-
tences after separating the image into regions of in-
terest and aggregating the features of these regions in
semantically rich representation (Krause et al., 2017).
This approach was extended with an Attention Mech-
anism and a GAN that enables the coherence be-
tween sentences by focusing on dynamic salient re-
gions (Liang et al., 2017). An additional study uses
coherence vectors and Variational Auto-Encoder to
increase sentence consistency and paragraph diver-
sity (Chatterjee and Schwing, 2018).
Our approach diverges from the Image Paragraph.
Instead of unconstrained describing the whole image,
we focus on the relevant speaker’s attributes to pro-
vide a better understanding to the visually impaired.
Abstractive Text Summarization. This task aims
to rewrite a text into a shorter version, keeping the
meaning of the original content. Recent work on Ab-
stractive Text Summarization was applied in differ-
ent problems, such as highlighting news (Zhu et al.,
2021). Transformers pre-trained in massive datasets
achieved remarkable performance on many natural
language processing tasks (Raffel et al., 2020). In Ab-
stractive Text Summarization, we highlight the state-
of-the-art pre-trained models BART, T5, and PEGA-
SUS, with remarkable performance in both manipu-
lated use of lead bias (Zhu et al., 2021) and zero or
few-shot learning settings (Goodwin et al., 2020).
Our approach takes an image as input and generates
a paragraph containing the image context for visu-
ally impaired people, regarding context-specific con-
straints. As depicted in Fig. 1, the method consists of
two phases: Image Analyzer and Context Generation.
3.1 Image Analyzer
We generate dense descriptions from the image, filter
the descriptions, extract high-level information from
the image, and aggregate all information into a single
text, as presented in the following pipeline.
People Detection. Our aim is to create an im-
age context by describing the relevant characteristics
about the speaker and their surroundings in the con-
text of webinars. Therefore, as a first step, we apply a
people detector and count the number of people P in
the image. If P = 0, the process is stopped.
Dense Captioning Generator. Next, we use an au-
tomatic Dense Captioning approach to produce inde-
pendent and short sentence description for each mean-
ingful region of the image. Every created description
also has a confidence value and a bounding box.
Filters and Text Processing. The Dense Caption-
ing produces a large number of captions per image,
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
which could result in similar descriptions or even out
of context. In this step, we filter out those captions.
Initially, we convert all captions to lower case, remove
punctuation and duplicated blank spaces, and apply a
tokenization method in the words. Then, to reduce the
amount of similar dense captions, we create a high-
dimensional vector representation for each sentence
using word embedding and calculate the cosine sim-
ilarity between all sentence representations. Dense
captions with cosine similarity greater than threshold
text sim
are discarded.
Next, we remove descriptions out of our context,
i.e., captions that are not associated with the speaker.
Linguistic annotation attributes are verified for each
token in the sentences. If no tokens related to nouns,
pronouns or nominal subjects are found, the sentence
is discarded. Then, a double check is performed over
the sentences that were kept after this second filtering.
This is done using WordNet cognitive synonym sets
(synsets) (Miller, 1995), verifying whether the tokens
are associated to the concept person, being one of its
synonyms or hyponym (Krishna et al., 2017).
It is important to filter out short sentences since
they are more likely to have obvious details and to be
less informative for visually impaired people (ABNT,
2016; Lewis, 2018), for example, “a man has two
eyes”, “the man’s lips”, etc. We remove all sentences
shorter than the median length of the image captions.
On the set of kept sentences, we standardize the
subject/person in the captions using the most frequent
one, aiming to achieve better results in the text gener-
ator. At the end of this step, we have a set of semanti-
cally diverse captions, related to the concept of person
and the surroundings. Due to the filtering process, the
kept sentences tend to be long enough to not contain
obvious or useless information.
External Classifiers. To add information regard-
ing relevant characteristics for vision-impaired peo-
ple, complementing the Dense Captioning results, we
apply people-focused learning models, such as age
detection and emotion recognition, and a scene clas-
sification model.
Due to the challenge of predicting the correct age
of a person, we aggregate the returned values by the
age group proposed by the World Health Organiza-
tion (Ahmad et al., 2001), i.e., Child, Young, Adult,
Middle-aged, and Elderly. Regarding emotion recog-
nition and scene classification models, we use their
outputs in cases where the model confidence is greater
than a threshold T
model con fidence
. To avoid inconsis-
tencies in the output, age and emotion models are only
applied if a single person is detected in the image.
Sentence Generation and Text Concatenation.
From the output produced by the external classifiers,
coherent sentences are created to include information
about age group, emotion, and scene in the set of fil-
tered descriptions for the input image. The gener-
ated sentences follow the default structure: “there is
a/an <AGE> <NOUN>”, “there is a/an <NOUN>
who is <EMOTION>”, and “there is a/an <NOUN>
in the <SCENE>”, where AGE, EMOTION and
SCENE are the output of the learning methods, and
the <NOUN> is the frequent person-related noun
used to standardize the descriptions. Example of gen-
erated sentences, “there is a middle-aged woman”,
“there is a man who is sad”, and “there is a boy in the
office”. These sentences are concatenated with the set
of previously filtered captions into a single text.
3.2 Context Generation
In this phase, a neural linguist model is fed with the
output of the first phase and generates coherent and
connected summary, which goes through a new clean-
ing process to create a quality image context.
Summary Generation. To create a human-like sen-
tence, i.e., a coherent and semantically connected
structure, we apply a neural language model to pro-
duce a summary from the concatenated descriptions
resulting from the previous phase. Five distinct sum-
maries are generated by the neural language model.
Summary Cleaning. One important step is to ver-
ify if the summary produced by the neural language
model achieves high similarity with the input text pro-
vided by the Image Analyzer phase. We assure the
similarity between the language model output and its
input, by filtering out phrases inside the summary
when cosine similarity is less than threshold α. A
second threshold β is used as an upper limit to the
similarity values between pairs of sentences inside the
summary to remove duplicated sentences. In pairs of
sentences in which the similarity is greater than β, one
of them is removed to decrease redundancy. As a re-
sult, after the application of the two threshold-based
filters, we have summaries that are related to the input
with low probability of redundancy.
Quality Estimation. After generating and cleaning
the summaries, it is necessary to select one summary
returned by the neural language model. We model
the selection process to address the needs of vision-
impaired people in understanding an image context
by estimating the quality of paragraphs.
Describing Image Focused in Cognitive and Visual Details for Visually Impaired People: An Approach to Generating Inclusive Paragraphs
The most informative paragraphs usually present
linguistic characteristics, such as, multiple sentences
connected by conjunctions, use of complex linguistic
phenomena (e.g., co-references), and have a higher
frequency of verbs and pronouns (Krause et al.,
2017). Aiming to return the most informative sum-
mary, for each of the five filtered summaries, we cal-
culate the frequency of the aforementioned linguistic
characteristics. Finally, the output of our proposed
approach is the summary with the higher frequency
of these characteristics.
Since there is no labeled dataset and evaluation met-
rics for the task of image context generation for visu-
ally impaired people, we adapted an existing dataset
and used general purpose metrics, as described in this
Dataset. We used the Stanford Image-Paragraph
(SIP) dataset (Krause et al., 2017), widely applied for
visual Image Paragraph task. SIP is a subset of 19,551
images from the Visual Genome (VG) dataset (Kr-
ishna et al., 2017), with a single human-made para-
graph for each image. VG was used to access human
annotations of SIP images.
We selected only the images related to our domain
of interest, by analyzing their VG dense human anno-
tations. Only images with at least one dense caption
concerning to person were kept. To know whether
a dense caption is associated with a person, we used
WordNet synsets. To perform a double check about
the presence and relevance of people in the image,
we used a people detector, and filter out all images
in which no person were detected or the ones that do
not have a person bounding box with area greater than
50% of the image area. Our filtered SIP dataset con-
sists of 2,147 images. Since the human annotations of
SIP could contain sentences beyond our context, we
filtered out sentences that were not associated with a
person by means of linguistic feature analysis.
Implementation Details. For people detection and
dense captioning tasks, we used YOLOv3 (Redmon
and Farhadi, 2018) with minimum probability of 0.6,
and DenseCap (Johnson et al., 2016), respectively.
To reduce the amount of similar dense captions, we
adopted T
text sim
= 0.95. For age inference, emo-
tion recognition, and scene classification tasks, we
used, respectively, Deep EXpectation (Rothe et al.,
2015), Emotion-detection (Goodfellow et al., 2013),
Table 1: Comparison between methods using standard met-
rics to measure similarity between texts. All values are re-
ported as percentage. B, Mt and Cr metrics stand for BLEU,
METEOR and CIDEr, respectively. Best values in bold.
Method B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 Mt Cr
Concat 6.4 3.9 2.3 1.3 11.4 0.0
Concat-Filter 29.8 17.5 9.9 5.5 16.4 9.6
Ours 16.9 9.6 5.3 3.0 10.9 9.1
Ours-GT 22.3 12.1 6.6 3.7 12.5 15.3
and PlacesCNN (Zhou et al., 2017). For emotion and
scene models, we used T
model con f idence
= 0.6.
We used a T5 model (Raffel et al., 2020) (Hug-
gingface T5-base implementation) fine-tuned on the
News Summary dataset for abstractive summarization
task and with beam search widths in the range of 2-6.
To keep sentences relevant and unique, we defined α
and β equal to 0.7 and 0.5, respectively.
Competitors. We compared our approach with two
competitors, Concat, that creates a paragraph by con-
catenating all DenseCap outputs, and Concat-Filter,
that concatenates only the DenseCap outputs associ-
ated with a person, as described in Section 3.1. The
proposed method is mentioned as Ours hereinafter,
and a variant is referred as Ours-GT. This variant
uses the human-annotated dense captions of the VG
database instead of using DenseCap for creating the
dense captions for the images, and it is used as an
upper-bound comparison for our method.
Evaluation Metrics. The performance of the meth-
ods was measured through the metrics: BLEU-{1, 2,
3, 4}, METEOR and CIDEr, commonly used on para-
graph generation and image captioning tasks.
We start our experimental evaluation analyzing Tab. 1,
which shows the values of the metrics for each
Table 2: Language statistics about the average and standard
deviation in the number of characters, words, and sentences
in the paragraphs generated by each method.
Method Characters Words Sentences
Concat 2,108 ± 311 428 ± 58 89 ± 12
Concat-Filter 294 ± 116 62 ± 23 12 ± 5
Ours 109 ± 42 22 ± 8 3 ± 1
Ours-GT 139 ± 54 26 ± 10 3 ± 1
Humans 225 ± 110 45 ± 22 4 ± 2
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Comparing Ours with the filtered Concat-Filter to match the number of sentences written by humans. Lines bellow
the dashed show the metrics when the filtering is smoothed. All values are reported as percentage, and best ones are in bold.
Concat-Filter-25% 7.4 4.0 2.1 1.1 8.2 4.7
Ours 16.9 9.6 5.3 3.0 10.9 9.1
Concat-Filter-30% 11.3 6.1 3.2 1.7 9.2 6.2
Concat-Filter-35% 16.0 8.7 4.6 2.4 10.4 8.1
Concat-Filter-40% 19.4 10.6 5.6 3.0 11.0 9.0
Concat-Filter-45% 22.6 12.4 6.6 3.6 11.7 9.9
Table 4: Statistics of paragraph linguistic features for Nouns
(N), Verbs (V), Adjectives (A), Pronouns (P), Coordinating
Conjunction (CC), and Vocabulary Size (VS). All values are
reported as percentage, except for VS. Values in bold are the
closest to the human values.
Method N V A P CC VS
Concat 30.3 3.3 14.3 0.0 1.9 876
Concat-Filter 32.6 8.6 8.4 0.1 0.5 418
Ours 30.3 10.6 9.9 1.6 1.5 642
Humans 25.4 10.0 9.8 5.9 3.1 3,623
method. The Concat approach presented the worst
performance due to the excess of independent pro-
duced captions, demonstrating its inability to pro-
duce coherent sentences (Krause et al., 2017). When
comparing with Concat, Ours achieved better perfor-
mance in most metrics. The descriptions generated
by the Concat-Filter method produced higher scores
when compared with our approach. However, it is
worth to note that Ours and Concat-Filter presented
close values considering the CIDEr metric. Unlike
the metrics BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) and ME-
TEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) that are intended
for the Machine Translation task, CIDEr was specifi-
cally designed to evaluate image captioning methods
based on human consensus (Vedantam et al., 2015).
Furthermore, the CIDEr value of the Concat-Filter
is smaller than the value of Ours-GT, which demon-
strates the potential of our method in the upper-bound
Tab. 2 presents language statistics, demonstrat-
ing that Concat-Filter generates medium-length para-
graphs, considering the number of characters, and av-
erage number of words closer to paragraphs described
by humans. However, its paragraphs have almost
three times the number of sentences of human para-
graphs. This wide range of information contained
in the output explains the higher values achieved in
BLEU-{1,2,3,4} and METEOR, since these metrics
are directly related to the amount of words present in
the sentences.
To further demonstrate that the good results
achieved by Concat-Filter was due to the greater num-
ber of words, we randomly removed the sentences
from the paragraphs of Concat-Filter. The average
number of sentences were closer to paragraphs de-
scribed by human when 75% of the sentences were re-
moved. Then, we ran the metrics again and the values
for Concat-Filter dropped substantially, as demon-
strated in Tab. 3. Considering 25% of the sentences,
Ours overcome the results in all metrics. Concat-
Filter only achieves comparable performance with
Ours when it is kept at least 40% of the total para-
graph sentences. This is a higher amount compared
to the average of sentences present in paragraphs cre-
ated by humans and our approach (Tab. 2).
We can see in Tab. 4 that Ours achieved results
closer to the human annotated output for most of the
linguistic features. The results presented in this sec-
tion demonstrate that paragraphs generated by our ap-
proach are more suitable for people with visual im-
pairments, since their resulting linguistic features are
more similar to the ones described by humans, and
mainly, the final output is shorter. As discussed and
presented in Section 5.1, the length is crucial to better
understand the image context.
5.1 Qualitative Analysis
Fig. 2 depicts input images and their context para-
graphs generated by the methods compared in this
study. Concat-Filter returned text descriptions with
simple structure, containing numerous and obvious
details in general. These observations corroborate
with the data presented in Tab. 4, which show the low
amount of pronouns and coordinating conjunctions.
In contrast, even using a language model that is not
specific to the Image Paragraph task, Ours and Ours-
GT generate better paragraphs in terms of linguistic
elements, using commas and coordinating conjunc-
tions, which smooth phrase transitions.
In Fig. 2 column 3, we can note some flaws in the
generated context paragraphs. The main reason is the
error propagated by the models used in the pipeline,
including DenseCap. Despite that, the results are still
intelligible and contribute to the image interpretabil-
Describing Image Focused in Cognitive and Visual Details for Visually Impaired People: An Approach to Generating Inclusive Paragraphs
A man is sitting down. He has
short hair and wear eye glasses.
He is holding a remote control
in his hand while posing for his
picture. You can see he is sitting
in a living roo m inside a home.
A man wearing a black shirt. Man with
black hair. A man holding a phone. A
man sitting on a couch. A black and
white wii remote. The man has glasses.
The hand of a man. The man has a
beard. Man with a beard. The man has
short hair. A picture of a woman. The
man is wearing a tie. The ear of a man.
The hair of a woman. White wall
behind the woman.
Man wearing a black shirt. A
man sitting on a couch. The
man has glasses. He has short
hair. He is wearing a white
shirt. He is wearing a tie. White
wall behind the man.
The man is dressed in a black
sweater and is sitting by a black
chair. He is wearing glasses
with a frame made of plastic.
The scene shows flowers
beneath the lamp behind the
Ground-Truth (SIP dataset) Concat-Filter
A woman is dressed in a short
light pink dress and holding a
brown teddy bear with a dark
pink bow. The woman is
looking off to the left she h as
blond hair and a plaid bow in
her hair. Her makeup is done.
She is in a roo m.
Girl holding t eddy bear. A woman is in
a pink dress. The woman has brown
hair. Wall behind the woman. Girl with
long hair. The girl is wearing a pink
shirt. The woman is wearing a skirt.
Pink shirt on a woman. The woman is
wearing glasses. White wall behind the
man. A woman wearing a black shirt.
The arm of a girl. A blue and white box.
A white shirt on a man. A woman
wearing a hat. The head of a woman. A
wall behind the man. The man is
wearing a brown shirt .
Woman holding teddy bear. A
white wall behind her. A
woman wearing black hat, a
white shirt and a brown shirt.
Blond woman holding a stuffed
teddy bear in her left hand. She
is wearing a pink dress and has
multicolored hair. The buttons
are on the woman's dress.
A middle aged man with gray
hair is looking straight ahead.
He is dressed in a black suit
gold tie gray colored shirt.
Man with glasses. Man has short hair.
The man has a beard. The collar of a
man. Man wearing a black suit. The
nose of a man. The man has glasses.
White shirt on man. The man is wearing
glasses. The man is smiling. A man in a
white shirt.The hair of a man.
A man in a discotheque has
short hair. He has a beard. A
man wearing a white shirt.
Grey haired man with d ark eyes
in a discotheque. A pink purple
and green colorful screen
behind a man's head. Old man
wearing dress shirt and tie.
Brown and gray hair on his
head. Man in front of a
darkened background.
Figure 2: Examples of paragraphs generated by the compared methods, except for Concat.
A mature woman with short red
hair that is graying is speaking on
the telephone. She has a surprised
look on her face as she listens to
the caller. She is sitting in a chair
in a brightly lit office. She's
wearing glasses and a yellow
sweatshirt. Around her neck is a
lanyard that has many colorful
and exotic looking pins attached
to it.
A woman wearing a tie. A woman with
brown hair. White shirt on man. Man
holding a cell phone. A white shirt on a
man. The man is wearing a black watch.
The man is wearing glasses. Man has
glasses. The hair of a man. A man with a
beard. The woman is holding a white
umbrella. The arm of a man. White wall
behind the woman. Hair on the womans
head. The man has a beard. The ear of a
man. The man is wearing a necklace .
A man with brown hair. A man
holding a cell phone. A white
shirt on a man. The man is
wearing glasses and a black
watch. He is wearing a
A black cell phone in the
woman's hand. Blonde and gray
hair on the woman's head. Pins
attached to her lanyard. Glasses
covering the woman's eyes. A
clock on the wall behind the
A red headed man in thin wire
rimmed glasses is sitting in front
of a window overlooking a river
with a woman. The man is
wearing a brown raglan sleeved
top and the woman is wearing a
white camisole under a light blue
sheer top. The woman is wearing
her hair in a ponytail in the back
of her head. The woman is
holding a frisbee reading cheese
shop wow. There is a white and
red pole on the right of the man.
A woman with a dark hair. Man with
short hair. A red and white cup. Man has
a beard. Man wearing a blue shirt. The
man has glass es. The wo man is smiling.
The woman is wearing a necklace. The
man is wearing a tie. The collar of a
man. The hair of a man. A woman with
a beard. Red writing on the b ack of a
man. The ear of a man. A man wearing
a hat. A blue strap on the womans
shoulder. A man in the water. A woman
in a white shirt.
Man in a white shirt, wearing
a black shirt and wearing a
necklace. He has short hair.
Red writing on the back of a
man. A blue strap on his
shoulder. A man in a dark
Picture shows a middle-aged
woman and a woman smiling
together. Picture shows a
woman combing with a
ponytail. Picture shows a
woman holding a red lid.
Ground-Truth (SIP dataset)
Figure 3: Examples of paragraphs generated with different failure cases. Sentences and words in red are flawed cases.
ity for visual-impaired people. Due to the flexibility
of our approach, errors can be reduced by replacing
models by similar ones with higher accuracy. One ex-
ample is Ours-GT, in which DenseCap was replaced
by human annotations and the results are better in
all metrics and qualitative analysis, demonstrating the
potential of our method.
Fig. 3 illustrates failure cases generated by the
methods. In the first line, a woman is present in the
image and the output of Ours described her as a man,
which can be justified since the noun man is more fre-
quent in the DenseCap output than woman, as can be
seen in the Concat-Filter column. This mistake was
not made by Ours-GT, since this approach does not
use DenseCap outputs. However, changing the se-
mantics of subjects is less relevant than mentioning
two different people in an image that presents only
one, as seen in the Concat-Filter result. In line 2, all
methods generate wrong outputs for the image con-
taining two people. A possible reason is the summa-
rization model struggling with captions referring to
different people in an image. In this case, we saw fea-
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
tures from one person described as related to another.
Nonetheless, other examples with two or more people
in our evaluation were described coherently.
As limitations of our approach, we can list the re-
striction to a static image, the error propagation from
the models used, the possibility of amplifying the er-
ror by standardizing the most frequent subject, mix-
ing descriptions from people when the image contains
more than one person, and the vanishing of descrip-
tions during the summarization process. The latter
can be observed in Fig. 2 line 1, in which none of the
characteristics age, emotion or scene were mentioned
in the summary.
The lack of an annotated dataset for the problem
of describing images for vision-impaired people im-
pacts our experimental evaluation. When using the
SIP dataset, even filtering the captions to keep only
the phrases mentioning people, most of the Ground-
Truth descriptions are generic. Since our approach
includes fine details about the speaker, such as age,
emotion, and scene, Ours can present low scores, be-
cause the reference annotation does not contain such
information. In this case, we added relevant and extra
information that negatively affects the metrics.
In this paper, we proposed an approach for generat-
ing context of webinar images for visually-impaired
people. Current methods are limited as assistive tech-
nologies since they tend to compress all the visual el-
ements of an image into a single caption with rough
details, or create multiple disconnected phrases to de-
scribe every single region of the image, which does
not match the needs of vision-impaired people. Our
approach combines Dense Captioning, as well as a set
of filters to fit descriptions in our domain, with a lan-
guage model for generating descriptive paragraphs fo-
cused on cognitive and visual details for visually im-
paired people. We evaluated and discussed with dif-
ferent metrics on the SIP dataset adapted to the prob-
lem. Experimentally, we demonstrated that a social
inclusion method to improve the life of impaired peo-
ple can be developed by combining existent methods
for image analyze with neural linguistic models.
As a future work, given the flexibility of our ap-
proach, we intend to replace and add more pretrained
models to increase the accuracy and improve the qual-
ity of the generated context paragraphs. We also aim
to create a new dataset designed to suit the image de-
scription problem for vision-impaired people.
The authors thank CAPES, FAPEMIG and CNPq for
funding different parts of this work, and the Google
Cloud Platform for the awarded credits.
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