The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Customer
Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty
R. A. Aryanti Wardaya Puspokusumo
, Natasha Claudia Aristya
and Meiryani
Department of International Marketing, Binus Business School Study Program Educational Level Strata 1, Indonesia
Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara University,
Jakarta, 11480, Indonesia
Keywords: Customer Experience, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know the influence of Customer Experience and Service Quality on
Customer Satisfaction that has an impact on Customer Loyalty. The respondents were customers of pt’s new
company. Thanks to Copyright Creations. This method is SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) method used
as data analysis technique, SmartPLS v 3.2.6 program is used to analyze data obtained after research. The
results of this study showed that customers did not experience a significant increase and many customers did
not return.
With the development of the times, AC (Air
Conditioner) becomes a technology that provides
comfort in life enjoyed by many people, especially in
the middle to upper class, so that assessing air
conditioning is one of the basic needs that can not be
ignored. AC is an air conditioner that is able to
condition the air in the room and provide a
comfortable effect for the body (Putra and Arianto,
2017). The air conditioner has different air refresh so
have to adjust to the capacity of the room. Air refresh
is a process of cooling the air so that it can reach the
temperature and humidity that is in accordance with
the required air conditions of a certain room (Ridhuan
and Rifai, 2017). With economic growth in Indonesia
led to many new building construction such as office
buildings and residences, which require air
conditioning to add comfort facilities as air
However, there is a phenomenon where the
condition of building and residential development
increases which should provide great opportunities to
PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi but not on sales data from
PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi fluctuating which the level of
curve obtained is unstable. To examine the sales
curve, data was taken during the 3-year sales period
starting from 2017 to 2019. Based on the data
obtained can deduce many of pt customers. Thanks to
Cipta Kreasi in 2017 there are 80 companies that have
made transactions with PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi in
2018 showed a lot of decline because many of the AC
users did not return to make transactions with PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi. The data shows that there are
only 72 companies that conduct transactions with PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi and in 2019 showed that there has
been a lot of increase in the number of new customers
and subscribers who have subscribed, there are 95
companies that conduct transactions with P PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi. It can be seen from the table the
larger number of existing customers compared to new
customers. Customers did not experience a
significant increase and many customers did not
return to use PT’s services. Thanks to Copyright
Creations. PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi especially new
company customers face a fairly tight market so many
customers do not make a return transaction. There are
potential customers who will reuse the services of PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
To find out the phenomenon of new customers
related then the author pre-test the new company
customers who have done transactions at PT. Berkat
Cipta Kreasi by disseminating the author’s
questionnaire using 30 respondents from PT
customers. Thanks to Cipta Kreasi, a study is
considered feasible if using a sample of between 30
to 500 respondents (Evangelos and Yannis, 2010).
One of the factors that will be discussed further by
using pre-test is about Service Quality which shows
Wardaya Puspokusumo, R., Claudia Aristya, N. and Meiryani, .
The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty.
DOI: 10.5220/0011243000003376
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2021), pages 70-73
ISBN: 978-989-758-602-6
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
33% of the influence of customer factors do not make
transactions again. From this service quality can be
formed customer satisfaction, and finally if customer
satisfaction occurs over and over again then customer
loyalty is formed (Budiono and Sondang, 2014).
Based on the pre-test results for the first question
about the quality of service that affects customers to
make transactions back at PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
Data shows 60% percent of 30 respondents say that
the quality of service offered by an air conditioning
company affects customers in choosing an air
conditioner. After obtaining the data, validity tests
and reliability tests showed that the data was valid
which was calculated at 0.916
> 0.3610 r table and
the reliabel calculated by Cronbarch’s Alpha showed
a known number of 0.946 minimum limit of 0.9.
And the pre-test results for the second question
explain that the customer experience after getting the
service from PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi affects
customer return transactions. The data showed that
30% of 30 respondents said it was very affecting and
26.7% of 30 respondents said it affected if they had a
good experience after receiving services from PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
After obtaining the data, a validity test and
reliability test were conducted indicating that the data
was valid which was calculated at 0.905
>0.3610 r
table and the reliabel calculated by Cronbarch’s
Alpha showed a known 0.970 number of the
minimum limit of 0.9. Based on the study, pre-test 30
respondents to see if the quality of service affects
customers to make transactions, then obtained results
about Service Quality.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi. Based on the background
that has been described by the author, this study will
discuss about the Analysis of the Influence of
Customer Experience (Customer Experience) and
Service Quality (Service Quality) on Customer
Satisfaction (Customer Satisfaction) which has an
impact on Customer Loyalty (AC Customer Loyalty)
in PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
This research is quantitative. The data obtained for
this study are primary data and secondary data. The
method for collecting data is a questionnaire using the
Likert scale with a statement on a 5-point scale that
provides an explanation of the level of respondents’
results listed in the book Research Methods for
Business (Budiaji, 2013). And the researchers did a
data analysis. Data analysis will be validity test,
reliability test, normality test, multicollinearity test,
heteroscedasticity test, and some linear regression
analysis. The population in this study is a new
customer of PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi by distributing
questionnaires to consumers who have used services
or used ac products from PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi as
a great comparison of the number of old customers
compared to new customers PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi
In sampling using sampling method with systematic
random sampling, which is intended to select samples
that represent the population according to the criteria
that have been set. The time horizon used is Cross
Sectional and the method used is Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM) PLS (Hoyyi and Santoso).
T(1) : To know there is an influence between
Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction of
PT customers. Thanks to Copyright Creations.
T(2) : To know there is an influence between
Customer Experience and Customer Loyalty on PT
customers. Thanks to Copyright Creations.
T(3) : To know there is an influence between
Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on PT
customers. Thanks to Copyright Creations.
T(4) : To know there is an influence between
Customer Experience and Customer Satisfaction on
Customer Loyalty on PT customers. Thanks to
Copyright Creations.
T(5) : To know there is an influence between
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on PT
customers. Thanks to Copyright Creations.
T(6) : To know there is an influence between
Service Quality and Customer Loyalty on PT
customers. Thanks to Copyright Creations.
T(7) : To know there is an influence between
Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction on
Customer Loyalty on PT customers. Thanks to
Copyright Creation.
T(8) : To know there is an influence of Customer
Experience and Service Quality to Customer Loyalty
through Customer Service at PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
T(8) : To know there is an influence of Customer
Experience and Service Quality to Customer Loyalty
through Customer Service at PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi.
Figure 1: Hypotheses.
The Effect of Customer Experience and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty
PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi is a legal entity established
in Jakarta as a Mechanical and Electrical
Construction Services Company, with a deed of
establishment dated 23-09- 2015, No.145 made by
Mrs. Mellyani Noor Sandra, Bachelor of Law, Notary
in West Jakarta. In accordance with the Decree of the
Minister of Law and Human Rights No: AHU –
To date, projects have been handled by PT. Berkat
Cipta Kreasi can be completed immediately on
schedule, on a budget and according to the wishes of
the clients. Under the leadership of professional
management, PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi has worked on
various types of projects including high-risk building
projects, government projects, banking, universities,
industry, commercial, malls, hotels, apartments and
PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi to be an Air Conditioner
company, Mechanical and Electrical Construction
Services are strong in competition so as to provide
welfare to employees, managers, shareholders and
other stake holders through good corporate
The company’s objectives are guided by the
results achieved, commitment and trust, the company
can grow through good planning, communication and
teamwork. The Company dedicates all efforts and
capabilities to provide satisfaction to clients in order
to create trust and good credibility between PT.
Berkat Cipta Kreasi with clients.
Based on the results of research and discussion
conducted can be concluded:
Customer Experience will have a positive
impact for PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi because it
will increase Customer Satisfaction.
Customer Experience that will give a mana
impact for the company PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi
for the increase in Customer Loyalty.
Customer Satisfaction will have a positive
impact for PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi because it
will increase Customer Loyalty.
Customer Experience will have a positive
impact for PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi because it
will increase Customer Satisfaction which will
have a positive impact also on Customer
No influence of Service Quality will have an
impact on PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi to improve
Customer Satisfaction.
Service Quality will have a positive impact for
PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi because it will increase
Customer Loyalty.
That there is no influence of Service Quality that
will have an impact for PT. Berkat Cipta Kreasi
to increase Customer Satisfaction which will
have an impact for Customer Loyalty.
Service Quality and Customer Experience have
a positive influence through Customer
Satisfaction which will give a positive impact to
improve Customer Loyalty in PT customers.
Thanks to Copyright Creations.
Service Quality and Customer Experience have
a positive influence through Customer
Satisfaction which will give a positive impact to
improve Customer Loyalty on PT customers.
Thanks to Copyright Creations simultaneously
or entirely from the variables of this study.
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