Impact of the Pandemic on the Condition of Agricultural Scientific and
Educational Information Resources Presented in the Internet Space
Victor Medennikov
, Ludmila Muratova
and Sergey Salnikov
Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of RAS, Vavilova 44-2, 119333, Moscow, Russia
VIAPI n.a. A.A. Nikonov - branch of the FSBSIFRC AESDRA VNIIESH, Bolshoi Kharitonyevsky 21-1,
107078, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Pandemic, Scientific and Educational Resources, Internet Space.
Abstract: The paper discusses the changes in the structure and condition of scientific and educational information
resources that have been made available by Russian agricultural universities in the Internet space during the
pandemic in terms of emerging new digital tools in the educational process. We have also monitored the
impact of the "social order" requiring to create a structured information Internet space for these resources that
plays a triune role: supporting the scientific research; raising the education level (sometimes, trough re-
training) for all population segments; an efficient system of transferring scientific and educational knowledge
to the economy by providing an unrestricted access to this knowledge not only for traditional users represented
by researchers, students and teachers, but also for future applicants, employers, public authorities,
manufacturers, businesses, managers and other categories of population. To monitor this process, we have
developed the relevant method for surveying universities' websites. Our analysis of the results of this survey
in 2021 and in 2013, 2016 confirmed our assumption that the pandemic will cause the emergence of new
digital tools but only in the field of online learning and publication activity, which are aimed solely at the
internal audience of universities through closing such resources by adding passwords for accessing them by
other interested users. At the same time, the digital tools being introduced are ontologically unrelated to each
other; they duplicate the content, which leads to significant financial costs for universities and the state, thus
postponing the future creation of some structured information Internet space for scientific and educational
The social order for creating some structured
information Internet space of scientific and
educational resources, being driven by the
coronavirus pandemic, has mainly manifested in the
emergence of new digital tools in the educational
process in the form of online learning and publication
activity. Such an activation of the social order was
due to the need for switching universities to online
learning and remote working. The entire world and
Russian educational process is in need of such digital
transformation. For these critical industries to meet
new challenges, their systemic transformation is
required towards creating a modern competitive
scientific and educational environment.
The pandemic has especially exacerbated the
competitiveness problem of this process with a sharp
increase in the importance of universities' images. In
(The educational, 2021), this problem is most clearly
defined: on the one hand, significant investments are
required in the new digital online educational
technology, and on the other hand, the pandemic has
reduced the income of educational institutions due to
a decrease in the effective demand by families as well
as the influx of applicants from abroad, etc. Today,
the image of a university depends not only on the
quality of its educational process; of great importance
is also its competent and effective representation on
the Internet.
Medennikov, V., Muratova, L. and Salnikov, S.
Impact of the Pandemic on the Condition of Agricultural Scientific and Educational Information Resources Presented in the Internet Space.
DOI: 10.5220/0011111900003439
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (RTCOV 2021), pages 137-142
ISBN: 978-989-758-617-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In this study, we have considered one of the ways
to increase the competitiveness of educational
institutions using the example of agricultural
universities by assessing the effectiveness of their use
of scientific and educational information resources
(SEIRs) in the Internet space, which makes it possible
to adequately assess the position of an agricultural
university in the world ranking of educational
services (Medennikov, 2017), followed by making
decisions on the areas to invest in. For this purpose,
we need to develop an appropriate method and
questionnaire. In the digital economy (DE), their
websites are one of the most effective ways of such
an assessment.
Based on the main, general principle of digital
transformation of all sectors of economy, including
education and science, in the form of creating an
information management system; that is, collection,
processing, storage, and dissemination of the
necessary data in a form adapted to the daily activities
of institutions, based on the widespread integration of
disparate data into a single system, the social order
driven by the pandemic should also generate a
demand for integration methods to present SEIRs not
only to students and teachers of a particular
university, but also to future applicants, employers,
researchers, public authorities, manufacturers,
businesses, managers and other population segments.
There are appropriate opportunities to do this (Kulba,
2020; Zatsarinnyy, 2019; Ereshko, 2018).
In (Ereshko, 2020; Medennikov, 2017), the authors
have considered the concept and a mathematical
model for creating a single cloud-based digital
platform of scientific and educational information
resources (DPSEIR), based on its triune role.
First, it should be informatization of the science
itself. There, the DPSEIR should be created because
of the exponential growth in the amount of
information in science, the emerging opportunity to
create new information technology that ensures an
efficient mining of the necessary knowledge.
Information technology, primarily based on the
Internet, has provided the scientific community with
qualitatively new opportunities for a wide exchange
of ideas between researchers and information
scientific resources and for their digital interaction
(Raikov, 2019).
Second, information technology can perform the
functions of stimulating scientific and technological
progress only with a certain level of intellectual
potential of society, and the key role in its creation is
played by the education system. Once again, in the
process of transforming scientific knowledge into
educational one, information computer technology
(ICT) plays a great role. For instance, it is shown in
(Milgrom, 1990) that investment in ICT are more
effective with a high level of two other
complementary assets, organizational and human
capital. That is, investments in ICT are associated
with significant costs of changing organizational and
human capital, depending to a large extent on
Third, the DPSEIR in the Internet space provides
an effective system for the transfer of scientific
knowledge to the economy; it promotes the
development of scientific concepts of the digital
economy (DE), its digital platforms, scientific
support and monitoring of the digitalization process
of the country, industries, businesses, territorial
entities and society. Thus, the business community
implicitly expresses its requirements for the need to
create such a space. When surveying agricultural
companies to assess the effectiveness of their
information and consulting services (ICS), farmers
expressed a desire to get such a system where they
could quickly find, e.g., a development in the form of
a means for combating any plant or animal disease;
then get immediately all publications, all consultants,
regulatory information, and online learning on this
topic. Next, they could find the required supplier of
the formulation in the relevant database with
minimum procurement and logistics costs.
A large-scale survey of the needs of farmers in 22
regions by visiting them with a survey of public
authorities and businesses has showed that the
following types of knowledge representations are
most in demand in the Russian economy:
developments, publications, consulting activities,
regulatory information (RI), online learning (OL),
application software packages (ASP) and databases
(DB). It turned out that these types of knowledge are
available in one form or another on the websites of
scientific and educational institutions and the ICS
(Medennikov, 2017).
It has been shown that improvement of the
Internet technology allows for integrating, based on
them, the ontological modeling into a single DPSEIR
from a unified scientific and methodological
standpoint with a simple and user-friendly navigation
system, followed by hosting these resources at one
provider based on common classifiers, such as the
state heading list of scientific and technical
information and industry-wide product classifier.
However, to present heterogeneous website structures
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
as homogeneous structures (given that, in line with
modern trends in the Internet technology, when
providers begin to offer services for storing website
content in powerful database management systems),
it was generally accepted that SEIRs should be stored,
on the one hand, in the form of catalogs or a full-
format electronic presentation, and on the other hand,
as an unordered list or as an ordered electronic
Therefore, the need to create a DPSEIR is due, on
the one hand, to the demands of the digital economy,
which requires a significant number of highly
qualified specialists, a comprehensive renovation of
production facilities, retraining of employees of all
levels and migrating to modern management
methods; and on the other hand, the ICT capabilities
to integrate all scientific and educational resources
into a single information space of knowledge from a
unified scientific and technological standpoint with
placing information resources (IR) in the cloud using
unified registers and classifiers.
In addition, this project allows to implement a
scientometric approach, a quantitative assessment of
the role of educational and scientific institutions,
publications and their authors worldwide in a
particular field of research; to calculate various
rankings of scientific research in economics and
related fields; to evaluate the effectiveness of
scientific activities of a particular institution or an
author; to determine the dynamics of authors’ h-
indices, the number of citations and their ranking,
similarly to the Russian Science Citation Index
(RSCI), but with a tool that is understandable and
open to most users of this data in the global network,
which makes it possible to adequately assess the place
of such institution or author in the global scientific
and educational environment. This possibility is
implemented using various subprojects-services
stored in various DBs, similar to the RePec system.
In this regard, we would like to hope that a sharp
surge of interest in online learning, electronic
catalogs, and full-format electronic presentation of
publications will be a trigger for creating a DPSEIR,
which includes all these elements.
Therefore, based on the briefly outlined
conceptual provisions of the method for examining
the condition and amount of SEIRs on the websites of
agricultural universities, Table 1 shows the survey
questionnaire in a generalized form at the levels of
departments, faculties, and universities, in
quantitative terms by types of knowledge
In this section, we discuss the summary SEIR
representation on agricultural universities' websites
with our comments on individual institutions, in
comparison with similar data from SEIR surveys
carried out in 2013 and 2016 (Medennikov, 2017),
(Medennikov, 2014). The values of indices for 2013,
2016 and 2021 are divided by slashes.
3.1 Developments
In 2013, 85% of universities posted information about
their developments on their websites; in 2016,
similarly, 46 out of 54 (85%) did so. The increase in
the number of developments was 93.6%, but this
increase was provided only by 10 universities; other
institutions either reduced or stopped publishing
information about their developments. It should be
noted that several websites have published electronic
catalogs and a full-format presentation of
developments. However, this means publishing
development catalogs on three websites, rather than
posting information about them in a database
management system (DBMS). In 2021, these
universities have stopped publishing this information,
but six new leaders have appeared, who dramatically
increased the availability of unordered full-format
presentations up to 567 items on their websites. At the
same time, both electronic catalogs and full-format
presentations of developments have completely
disappeared with a significant reduction in the
number of items in an unordered catalog list.
3.2 Publications
In 2013, 93% of universities provided information
about publications on their websites; in 2016, their
share was already 89%, that is, 48 out of 54. However,
an increase in publications took place only in
departments (3.3%) with a significant decrease in
faculties (2.6 times); at the university level, the
decrease is even greater (6.5 times). This decrease
was due to the following universities: Bryansk State
Agrarian University (SAU), Velikiye Luki State
Agricultural Academy (SAA), Gorsky SAU, Kuban
SAU, and Omsk SAU. It should be noted that Kuban
SAU has already an electronic catalog and a full-
format presentation of publications. In 2021, the
pandemic has forced a dramatic change in the
structure of evolutionary forms of storing
publications. Thus, a large number of electronic
library systems (ELS) appeared in the market, which
agricultural universities began to take as an example:
Impact of the Pandemic on the Condition of Agricultural Scientific and Educational Information Resources Presented in the Internet Space
Table 1: Questionnaire for surveying the condition and amount of SEIRs on the websites of agricultural universities.
University and
resentation level
Unordered catalog
Unordered full-format
Ordered full-format
University level
IRBIS64, IRBIS64+, Ruslan, Mark Web, MegaPro,
Booki, Znanium, Youwrite, IPRbooks, AgriLib, the
Network Electronic Library of Agricultural
Universities under the auspices of the Lan' publishing
house (over 8,000 books), and a number of less used
resources. Accordingly, there was a sharp increase in
the number of publications in an electronic catalog
form up to 55,082 and 21,114 items made available
as a full-format presentation of publications of
university's staff and students. Most of the above-
listed ELSs support electronic catalogs only.
We are drawing your attention to this fact since
these ELSs include a significant number of
publications from other institutions, other than the
university in question. At the same time, there is a
trend to decreasing the number of publications in the
previously dominant forms. In general, the picture is
variegated both in developments and in publications;
we cannot find the presence of anyone's coordinating
hand. In addition, you can get access to an ELS only
with a password; only some of them allow access as
a guest to catalog forms.
3.3 Databases
In 2013, only seven universities (12%) presented DB
information on their websites, mostly in the form of
an unordered catalog list, and six universities (11%)
in 2016. In 2016, there was a sharp surge in the
number: 24.7 times. Two universities: Russian State
Agrarian University – Moscow Agricultural
Academy (RSAU–MAA) posted 145 DBs on its
website (only at the top level) in the form of an
electronic catalog, whereas Kuban SAU presented
them in the form of an unordered list (538, 4 of which
at departments, 7 at faculties, and 527 at the
university level). There is no way to check these DBs
for operability. In 2021, there was an almost complete
degradation (zeroing) of this type of knowledge
presentation; only on the websites of three
universities, information about seven DBs is still
available, by inertia, in the form of an unordered
catalog list.
3.4 ASP
In 2013, only 10 universities (17%) presented ASP
information on their websites, mostly in the form of
an unordered catalog list (80 at the department level
and 42 at the top level) and 13 universities (24%) in
2016. In 2016, there was also a sharp increase in the
number: 7.5 times, up to 151 at the department level
and 828 at the university level. The overlap between
the two university lists is minimal: only two of them
continued publishing information about ASP on
websites both in 2013 and in 2016: Kuban SAU and
Orenburg SAU. In 2021, there was an almost
complete change of leaders: Kuban SAU and
Orenburg SAU stopped publishing ASP, but
Stavropol SAU took up the lion's share of this type of
knowledge presentation at the department level (50
out of 57), whereas Ryazan State Agrotechnological
University (SATU) and Bashkiria SAU, at the top
level (13 and 7, respectively). It is also impossible to
check their operability. It is worth noting that these
websites have no online development: neither ASP,
nor DB. This is due to the fact that, currently, the vast
majority of providers do not offer services for using
optimized and statistical ASPs, not even Excel. Some
providers render services only for using a DBMS.
3.5 Online Learning
In 2013, only five universities provided more than
one OL item of information on their websites, mainly
in the form of an unordered catalog list, and six
universities provided it in 2016, the same form. In
2016, there was a sharp increase in the number:
almost 2 times from 620 to 1,194. There is no overlap
between the two university lists. This also suggests
that the SEIRs presentation on websites is at the
discretion (fantasy) of their developers. In 2021, there
was a sharp change in the number in the opposite
direction: from 1,194 to 11. The main reason for this
was the pandemic, which forced the universities'
administrations to implement a special OL service
that could be accessed only with a password received
in certain institution departments.
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
3.6 Consulting Activities
In 2013, this type of activity was mainly presented on
the website of Ryazan SATU (51 consultants), due to
the fact that the ICS actively worked in Ryazan in the
past. In 2016, there was a sharp increase both in the
number of consultants: 3.5 times, and in the number
of universities: over 14. However, there is only one
consultant left in Ryazan SATU. Meanwhile, in 2016,
information about 189 consultants was made
available in departments (9 of which in the form of an
electronic catalog; the rest, as an unordered catalog
list), but it almost disappeared as soon as in 2021 (one
consultant in the form of an unordered catalog list).
On the contrary, the departments demonstrated a
decrease from seven in 2013 to four in 2016 with a
sharp increase up to 37 consultants in 2021, all in the
form of an unordered catalog list. At the university
level, similar dynamics was recorded: 62 in 2013, 216
in 2016 (43 of which in the form of an electronic
catalog, the rest, as an unordered catalog list), and 76
in 2021 in the form of an unordered catalog list.
There, the pandemic played a negative role, having
left only information in the form of an unordered
catalog list with a significant decrease in the number
of consultants.
3.7 Regulatory Information
In 2013, this information was published on websites
of 39 universities: 299 items in the form of an
unordered catalog list, 936 items, as an unordered
full-format electronic presentation, and 1,385 in the
form of an ordered full-format electronic
presentation. In 2016, there was a sharp decrease
from 299 to 65, from 936 to 328, and from 1,385 to
19, respectively. This is apparently due to the great
complexity of maintaining this type of information
resource, especially in the absence of a DBMS. In
2021, on the contrary, there was a sharp increase in
RI items in the form of an unordered catalog list (up
to 15,800); a reduction of their number in the form of
an ordered full-format electronic presentation from
328 to 134, and their liquidation in the form of an
ordered full-format electronic presentation. Such
multidirectional trends can be explained, on the one
hand, by the relevance of RI during the pandemic and,
on the other hand, the complexity of maintaining
them on a website due to the lack of methodological
guidance from the Ministry of Education and Science
and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Table 2: Summarized indicators of the condition and amount of SEIRs by types of knowledge presentation on the websites
of agricultural universities in quantitative terms (2013/2016/2021).
Type of knowledge
presentation by levels
Unordered catalog list Electronic catalog Unordered full-format
Ordered full-format
Impact of the Pandemic on the Condition of Agricultural Scientific and Educational Information Resources Presented in the Internet Space
Our research has confirmed the assumption that
pandemic will promote creating new digital tools in
the field of online learning and publication activity;
but their implementation raises many questions about
the technology for designing and deploying these
systems, the weak methodological role of the
Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry
of Agriculture, which contradicts the basic principles
of digitalization of society.
First of all, a non-systematic approach to
implementing a large number of ELSs that are
ontologically unrelated to each other and duplicate
the content (when you have to digitize the same
material dozens of times, which leads to significant
financial costs for universities and the state)
postpones the future creation of a DPSEIR which
plays the above triune role: supporting the scientific
research, raising the education level for all population
segments, and an effective system for transferring
knowledge to the economy. The current course of
digital transformation in education gives rise to
disintegration methods for presenting SEIRs to the
above user groups. At the same time, the presentation
of online learning and publication activity is
improved at the expense of other types of knowledge
presentations, which also does not promote creating a
modern competitive scientific and educational
This approach is also observed in the
digitalization of agriculture, which is outsourced to
large agricultural holdings, raising doubts that
creating technological platforms for DE the by state
corporations and agricultural holdings, without a
single concept, architecture, standards, and a general
designer with his own scientific and pilot production
base, would lead to their integration in the future.
After enough time has passed since this program was
adopted in the country, we can see the negative
effects of such a decision on the example of university
websites. In addition, digital feudalism gave rise to
the illusion of the uselessness of scientific institutions
engaged in digitalization of society, economy, and
science in a comprehensive manner from a systemic
The lack of demand for science by the economy
and society has allowed illiterate and quirky
managers to lead the process of informatization in the
industry. It is enough to mention the statements that
the main result of the DE program should be an
increase in the number of farmers' Internet
connections (Petrikov, 2021).
This work was supported by RFBR (grant 20-07-
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RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals