The Effect of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media on Student
Learning Motivation for Computer Course
Septriyan Anugrah, Nofrihendri and Rayendra
Faculty of Education, Universitas negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Media, Learning Motivation, Augmented Reality.
Abstract: Augmented reality is one of the most developed technologies today. Augmented reality has the advantage of
visualizing objects in 3D form against the object in the marker. The advantages of Augmented Reality can be
utilized in education, especially to visualize objects that are difficult to visualize. This study aims to determine
the effect of augmented reality-based learning media on learning motivation. This research is quantitative
research with an experimental quasi approach. This research was conducted in two classes namely the
experimental class, namely the class that was given augmented reality-based learning media, and the control
class using conventional methods. Data collection techniques were taken using tests and questionnaires. The
population in this study were all students of the educational technology curriculum who took computer basics
courses. To determine the results of the hypothesis, the normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis
testing were carried out.
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The pandemic that has occurred in the last few years
has caused the learning process to be unable to be
done face-to-face, and learning has to be done
remotely or online. The distance learning process that
occurred during the pandemic period caused
problems for students because they were not prepared
for the implementation of distance learning, such as
the readiness of infrastructure and the lack of
intensive interaction between students and lecturers
in discussing lecture material. When students have
difficulty in understanding the course material, the
opportunity to ask questions is very limited, not to
mention that there are quite a lot of assignments from
other lecturers. Conditions like this can cause
learning saturation and have an impact on low
learning motivation. In terms of motivation, it is an
important requirement in learning activities. Some
research results state that one of the most important
things in the learning process both online and offline
is the motivation to learn for students (Bekele, 2010).
Motivation is a key factor in face-to-face learning as
well as in online learning (Jones & Issroff, 2007).
According to Jacobson, R. R., and Harris, S. M.
(2008), what is needed is self-regulation in online
learning for adults, according to Zimerman. Students
who have self-regulation are students who have
metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral activity
in the learning process.
In the online learning process, lecturers are
required to always innovate to provide a good
learning atmosphere with various uses of learning
media, this is because the interaction process in online
learning is very limited. media is needed and can
motivate students in learning so that students have the
motivation to manage their learning. Learning media
is also expected to be able to overcome the limitations
of infrastructure, both in terms of quantity and
quality. To overcome these problems, several
learning media can be an alternative to online
learning, one of which is augmented reality. Ronald
Tazuma (1979) stated that augmented reality is a
technology that combines the real world and the
virtual world, running interactively, in real-time, and
in 3D animation. According to Stephen and Fiala (in
Mustika, 2015: 278), augmented reality (AR) is a
natural way to explore 3D objects and data. AR is a
concept that combines virtual reality with world
reality. Thus, two-dimensional (2D) or three-
dimensional (3D) virtual objects seem real and blend
with the real world. In AR technology, users can see
Anugrah, S., Nofrihendri, . and Rayendra, .
The Effect of Augmented Reality-based Learning Media on Student Learning Motivation for Computer Course.
DOI: 10.5220/0011094400003368
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Mental Health (Icometh 2021), pages 21-24
ISBN: 978-989-758-586-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the real world around them by adding virtual objects
generated by the computer.
One of the advantages possessed by augmented
reality is that books and visual images displayed can
provide opportunities for students to meet the need
for learning facilities outside of lecture hours. This
study aims to measure the effect of augmented
reality-based learning media on student learning
motivation during online lectures.
This type of research is quantitative research using a
quasi-experimental approach. This research was
conducted in two classes, namely the experimental
class with 27 students and the control class with 23
students. The sample used in this study were students
of the Education Technology Curriculum Department
of FIP UNP who took computer courses and
operating systems, while the selection of course
classes was based on practical lectures.
The hypotheses in this research are:
H0: There is no effect of using augmented reality-
based learning media on students' learning motivation
Ha: There is an effect of using augmented reality-
based learning media on students' learning motivation
The following is data from research that has been
carried out at the Department of Curriculum and
ducation Technology (KTP), FIP UNP, in section
202010040136 with 27 students as experimental class
and section 202010040138 with 23 students as
control class. Based on the results of research
obtained from a motivation questionnaire.
Table 1: Education technology student learning motivation.
Class N
Experimen 27 200 124.15 4.512
Control 23 200 119.65 6.020
The results of the research described in table 1
above show that the average score of student learning
motivation for the experimental class is 124.15 while
the control class is 119.65 from a maximum score of
Before testing the hypothesis, the analysis
requirements were first tested, namely student
motivation data on augmented reality-based learning
media through the normality test of the effect of
augmented reality-based learning media between the
experimental class and the control class. The
normality test was carried out using the Liliefors test
at a significant rate of = 0.05
Table 2: Normality test.
Kolmogorov Smirnov
to learn
Class Statistic Df Sig
Experiment .091 27 .200
Control .130 23 .200
Based on the data from the calculations carried out
for the normality test, the results of the normality test
are normally distributed on each variable with a
significance value greater than 0.05. The next stage is
measuring homogeneity, based on the calculation, the
results are as follows:
Table 3: Homogeneity Test.
Based on the results of the calculations as
illustrated in table 3 above, it shows that the mean
significance value is > 0.05 so it can be concluded that
the data is homogeneous.
Table 4: Student Learning Motivation.
Sum of
Df Mean
F Sig
251.055 1 251.055 9.064 .004
1326.625 46 27.638
Total 1577.680 49
To find out whether there are differences in the
learning motivation of the two classes, it can be seen
in Table 4, the results show Sig. obtained P-value (P-
value) = 0.04. at the level of significance = 0.05.
Thus, it can be concluded that H0 is rejected, meaning
that there are differences in student learning
motivation between the two classes.
on to
Df1 Df2 Sig.
Based Mean 1.449 1 48 .235
Based Median 1.071 1 48 .306
Based on median
and with
usted df
1.071 1 39.993 .307
Bassed om
Trimmed Mean
1.356 1 48 .250
Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health
After the preconditioning test has been carried
out, a hypothesis test will be carried out using the T-
test with the following results:
Table 5: Differences in student learning motivation using
augmented reality-based learning media and without using
augmented reality learning media.
to learn
Class N Mean Std.
Std Error
eriment 27 124.15 4.512 .868
Control 23 119.65 6.020 1.255
Std. Error
to learn
.004 4.496 1.492
.005 4.496 1.526
Based on the data presented in table 5 above, the
Sig (2-tailed) value is 0.04 < 0.05, it can be concluded
that there is a difference in the average student
learning motivation between classes using augmented
reality-based learning media and without using
augmented reality learning media. with a mean value
of 124.15 for the experimental class and 119.65 for
the control class.
Augmented reality learning media can be a choice in
the implementation of distance lectures (online), to
avoid a decrease in student learning motivation,
especially in practical courses. The advantage of
augmented reality (AR) learning media is that it can
provide visual images and reading materials that are
much needed in independent learning. In addition, the
use of AR also makes a significant contribution to the
learning process, namely, the learning process is more
student-centered (students), so students are required
to be more independent. Distance learning (online)
will be successful if students have independence in
doing their tasks well. This independent ability in
learning can indirectly affect their learning
motivation. According to (Dunleavy & Dede, 2014).
independence and self-regulation can increase
intrinsic motivation, namely through
interest/pleasure, perceived choice, and perceived
competence. Ryan and Deci (2000a; 2000b)
emphasize the importance of student-centered
learning in adult education, stating that if the learning
process is not student-centered (students), it can
hinder learning success (Kerawalla et al., 2006).
Based on the findings of this research, it shows
that in the control group that does not use AR, whose
lecture process is more lecturer-centered, the students
tend to be passive and do not have a good preparation
before attending lectures, and vice versa.
Experiments also show that the use of AR is very
useful for recognizing the shapes of devices on a
computer. This is under the results of the research
reported by Jia, Chen, Ding, and Ruan (2012) which
shows that if the lecturer (instructor) provides more
interesting learning environments for students to gain
knowledge, the learning outcomes will be better. In
addition, the learning process can also be improved
with the use of mobile this can increase higher
learning motivation. (Liu & Chu, 2010; Perry, 2015).
The results of this study are also following the
opinion of Huang (2009) that the use of augmented
reality media can increase students' enthusiasm and
perseverance in learning. According to Safar, AI-
Jafar, and AI-Yousefi (2017) also state that teaching
using augmented reality has a more positive effect
than traditional teaching methods.
This research is a study that compares the use of
learning media and learning that is carried out without
learning media. This study aims to see the effect of
learning media on student learning motivation,
especially when learning is brave in the pandemic era.
Based on these findings, it can be stated that
augmented reality-based learning media affects
student learning motivation, especially for computer
courses and operating systems. Students who take
part in learning using augmented reality media have
higher learning motivation than those who study
without augmented reality media. Learning by using
augmented reality media, students become more
independent and diligent.
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Icometh 2021 - International Conference of Mental Health