Application of the Internship Process and Testing using the Blackbox
Harson Kapoh, Olga Melo and Roby Lumbu
Department of Information Technology, State Polytechnic of Manado, Manado, Indonesia
Keywords: Application, Internship, Testing, Black Box.
Abstract: Internships that are still done manually require a relatively long time so that it is not uncommon to get
complaints from anyone. So that the data processing process must adapt to the times, namely through internet
technology so that data processing can be done anywhere and anytime. Therefore, based on the existing
background, the problem is formulated, how do application developers for the Internship process and testing
using the black box method so that the application can help the process of implementing the Internship through
the media website to support the independent and independent campus program studying in the electrical
engineering department at the Manado State Polytechnic. The purpose of this study is to produce an
Apprenticeship process application that has been tested using the black box method so that the application is
expected to assist the Internship implementation process. The method used to develop the application system
is a waterfall with details of analyzing the system on an existing or ongoing apprenticeship system - Designing
new systems and software - Implementing and testing system units - System integration and testing -
Operation and maintenance. The Black box method is used to perform testing by dividing the research into 2
sections on the login function with 4 scenarios and the menu function with 10 scenarios. The result is that the
application for the internship process was successfully made according to the initial design and the testing
was successful according to a pre-determined scenario. The performance test results from 22 respondents on
average 62.3% agree and 26.6% answered strongly agree. This shows that the user can still use this
visualization model well.
In 2020, Permendikbut No. 3 of 2020 was issued, the
Minister of Education and Culture issued a policy of
Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka which is a
framework to prepare students to become strong
scholars, relevant to the needs of the times and ready
to become leaders with a high national spirit. Students
are given the opportunity to enrich and improve their
competencies in the real world according to their
passions and ideals. The purpose of this government
program, of course, requires close interaction
between universities and the world of work.
Universities must know the current needs of the
company so that they can prepare students to enter the
world of work.
Article 15 paragraph 1 describes the forms of
learning activities that can be carried out inside and
outside the study program. There are 8 forms of
learning activities, one of which is internships or field
work practices carried out outside the study program
outside the campus.
In supporting the government's program of
Merdeka Learning – Merdeka Campus, Manado State
Polytechnic seeks to prepare students to be able to
prepare themselves to enter the world of work with
the Internship program. Obstacles in the form of
administrative that must be carried out in internship
activities are not small and administrative activities
that have not been computerized result in a lot of time
for their services.
The administrative process which is still done
manually takes a relatively long time so it is not
uncommon to get complaints from students.
The data processing process must adapt to the
times, namely through internet technology so that
data processing can be done anywhere and anytime.
Moreover, it is related to the current era of the Covid
19 Pandemic which allows the public to reduce mass
gatherings that involve many people. So that the
manual administration process must be reduced.
Kapoh, H., Melo, O. and Lumbu, R.
Application of the Internship Process and Testing using the Blackbox Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010959200003260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2021), pages 1070-1076
ISBN: 978-989-758-615-6; ISSN: 2975-8246
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Therefore, based on the existing background, the
problem is formulated, How is the application of the
integrated Internship process in the electrical
engineering department at the Manado State
Polytechnic and testing using the blackbox method so
that the application can help the Internship
implementation process through the media website to
support the independent campus program and
independent learning.
The purpose of this study is to develop an
integrated application for the internship process in the
electrical engineering department at the Manado State
Polytechnic and testing using the blackbox method so
that the application can assist the process of
implementing the Internship through the media
website to support the independent campus program
and independent learning.
The research method that will be used to build an
integrated Apprenticeship process in the electrical
engineering department at the Manado State
Polytechnic is as follows:
Methods of field study (observation study) and
literature study (library study). This method is used
for problem identification.
The application development of the internship
process requires procedures to identify problems,
design systems using data flow diagrams and use
Waterfall method, this method is needed to build
a model of the system that will be generated in the
computer-based information system section, because
based on this method it will be a reference for
building a system based on analysis of system
requirements, functions, data flows, databases.
The system development method uses the
Waterfall method which consists of - System analysis
on existing or ongoing apprenticeship and final
project systems - New system and software design -
System unit implementation and testing - System
integration and testing - Operation and maintenance.
Functional testing uses the black box method to
see the results when the system is run whether the
system can send data from the user, whether the
server responds and displays information.
System Design, several analytical tools are
needed to assist in conducting the analysis in this
The activities planned for this research are:
• Procurement of research related literature
• System analysis
• System planning
• Implementation
• Program Testing.
Research Instruments, this research requires
several instruments to support analysis and research:
Information system modeling components as follows.
Hardware consists of Laptop/PC, peripherals (printer)
and network. Software is a collection of
commands/functions written with certain rules to
instruct the computer to carry out certain tasks.
Software can be classified into Operating Systems
(Windows 7/8 and 10), Utilities (Anti Virus, Speed
Disk), and Languages (3 GL and 4 GL).
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Conceptual Framework is a form of thought
framework that can be used as an approach in solving
problem. Usually this research Framework uses a
scientific approach and demonstrates relationships
between variables in the analysis process.
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.
Application of the Internship Process and Testing using the Blackbox Method
2.2 System Architecture
The planning of Information services and Monitoring
tourism destinations in Southeast Minahasa District
was built to facilitate the users in this case tourists, in
search of tourist information, especially the stub
objects in southeast Minahasa Regency.
Figure 2 is architecture system consisting of three
main parts, namely client, application server and
database server.
Figure 2: Internship Process Application Architecture.
Problem solving technique by dividing it into small
components and finally bringing it back together into
a complete and integrated system is a good technique
because it can clearly describe the system to be
3.1 System Flowchart
Fig. 3, is the result of an analysis of the system
requirements that will be developed into an
application for the internship process which consists
of 4 users, namely students, the company where the
internship is located and the academic section or
study program from which the internship student
The application system has functions to support
the internship process, such as data on internships,
daily reports, report forms, student attendance for
internships, projects.
Analysis and design are important requirements
that can be used at the beginning of system
development or when the system is revised with the
aim of getting a better system.
Figure 3: System Flowchart.
3.2 Use Case Diagram
Figure 4: Use Case Diagram.
Fig. 4, is the design of the functional requirements of
the apprentice process application system with 4
actors who can interact with the application. All
processing functionality can be used if the actor has
logged in, meaning this system is not public.
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
3.3 Implementation
Implementation is the result of the design of several
elements that are intentionally separated to produce a
clear logical picture of the system that aims to be
completed and put back together to be implemented
in the form of a complete application.
This section will explain the implementation of
the results of system development in the form of an
internship process application which consists of
several functions including a login function,
internship data, daily reports, report forms, student
internship attendance and projects that may be carried
out at the internship site.
Figure 5: Form Login.
Fig. 5, is a page on the application that is provided
so that interested users, namely students, companies
where internships and the academic section or study
programs originate from internship students can use
this system at the beginning of the internship, during
the internship process and at the end of the internship
Like most application systems for security, a
password is used when logging in because the
password is a secret word that is used to identify who
will use and be allowed (Bentley, Lonnie D. and
Whitten Jeffrey L., 2007). Moreover, the application
system carries multi-user users like this application.
Figure 6: Homepage Admin.
Fig. 6, is part of the system that functions as a
workplace for the admin of the academic section or
study program from the internship student. The
display is made as simple as possible the same as the
front view of the other functions of this application,
so that users feel how easy it is to use the application
interface so that it is hoped that it will be easy to
understand by users and not confusing.
Figure 7: Screenshot of internship company.
Fig. 7. is one of the data processing functions that
combines company data, student internships, length
of internship, entry date, internship end date,
supervisor and status.
Fig. 8, users from the company after logging in
can see the data of students who input data to be able
to do an internship at the company and can agree or
Figure 8: Approval Form.
Application of the Internship Process and Testing using the Blackbox Method
3.4 Test
Testing using the blackbox method is carried out to
find out whether the website is functioning properly
and can be implemented or not.
Testing on this application is divided into 2 parts,
namely the login section and the menu contained in
the application.
Table 1: Login Test.
No. Description
Expected Results
The Final
Login For
Can login with
username and
Login for
Can login with
username and
Login For
Can login with
username and
Login for
Can login with
username and
Testing is carried out when the application
follows a problem-solving technique by conducting
tests on small components and will eventually
integrate it back into a complete and integrated
system and carry out retesting.
The summary of the test can be seen in table 1 and
table 2 with the following explanation:
Table. 1, the tests carried out on the application
system of the apprenticeship process ultimately
showed that the response from the application when
logging in showed success, meaning what was
expected or the scenario in the application was
running as expected.
Table. 2, testing on the menu section for the
process of filling in data, looking at the menu for
internships, students, daily reports, report forms,
internship absences, projects, lecturer and company
data successfully according to the scenario.
This shows that the application that was built can
be used based on testing using the black box method
because in the end everything that was tested was
After doing black box testing, it is continued with
performance testing to determine the ability of the
application from the user side.
This test uses performance as a functional model
with the aim of testing the functional software.
Table 2: Pengujian Menu.
No. Description Expected results
The Final
1 Access URL
Can see the main
2. Homepage Can see the
appearance and
content of the
home page
3. Internship page Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
internship page,
and can input data
4. Student Page Can see the
appearance and
contents of student
pages, and can
input data
5. Daily Report
Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
daily report page,
and can input data
6. Report Form
Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
daily report page,
and can input data
7. Internship
Absence Pages
Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
internship absence
page, and can input
8. Internship
Project Page
Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
internship project
page, and can input
9. Lecturer Data
Can see the
appearance and
contents of the
lecturer data page,
and can input data
10. Company Page Can see the
appearance and
contents of
company pages,
and can input data
This respondent test uses 7 questions that are in
accordance with the software model, namely easy to
use, easy to find objects on the map, appropriate color
composition, easy to read on billboards, easy to
understand writing on billboards, easy to understand
menus, easy to use menu buttons.
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
This test uses a non-random method by using a
purposive sampling technique.
Respondents were 22 students with scenario
students were given 10 minutes to try and then answer
the questionnaire.
Respondents' requirements are those who meet
the characteristics of the population, namely being
able to use Windows applications, student status and
have their own computer, either a laptop or a PC.
Ease of understanding the questions is also
important, therefore the questionnaire was designed
in a simple language. The measurement in this test
uses a linker scale, namely by giving a number from
1 to 5.
Table 3: Pengujian Performance.
No Question
Test result %
Doubtful Agree
1 Easy to use
4,5 9,1 54,5 31,8
2 Easily
search for
tax objects
on the map
4,5 9,1 54,5 31,8
3 Matching
9,1 72,7 18,2
4 Easy-to-read
writing on
4,5 63,6 31,8
5 Easy to
writing on
4,5 68,2 27,3
6 Easy to
4,5 18,25 54,5 22,7
7 Easy-to-use
4,5 4,5 68,5 22,72
4,5 4,5 10,06 62,3 26,6
The test results show that there is an average of
62.3% of respondents who answered agree and there
are 2 percentages of the same answers, namely 4.5%
strongly disagree and disagree. The average
respondent answered 10.06% for undecided. The
average value of the highest percentage is to answer
agree that is 26.6%.
These results indicate that with a brief explanation
of the application without prior training, the user can
still use the visualization model easily even though
there are still shortcomings in the application, namely
it is still difficult to use, difficult to find tax objects
on the map, menus are not easy to understand and
menu buttons are not easy used.
These results indicate that there should be
improvements to the model by increasing the
performance of existing functions even though the
effect of the test time which is only 10 minutes is
given to the user to try out the application, it is felt
that it affects the interaction between users and the
application model so that it affects the performance
of the developed model.
Research shows that the application design of the
apprenticeship process can be implemented well with
procedures using the waterfall method so that it is
continued with testing using the black box method by
being divided into 2 testing sections, namely the login
and menu sections. In testing the login section there
are 4 login scenarios and all of them are successful.
While in the menu section there are 10 test scenarios
with the results all in accordance with the test
scenario or success.
The results of this study should also be continued
with various tests such as white box, performance,
effectiveness and efficiency of the application so that
the results of this application are more complete.
Without adequate training on the model, users can
still use this visualization model well as evidenced by
the results of performance testing from 22
respondents, an average of 62.3% agree and 26.6%
answered strongly agree.
Thanks to Manado State Polytechnic who has given
the opportunity to do this research.
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