Image Content Authentic Detection System using Convolutional
Neural Network Method
Komang Ayu Triana Indah, Ida Bagus Putra Manuaba and Putu Manik Prihatini
Departement of Electrical Engineering, Bali State Polytechnic, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
Fake Image, Deep Learning, Convolutional Neural Network.
Digital content is often manipulated for a specific purpose, where image data is often falsified from the
original data to provide information that is different from the original. In this study, an image detection
system will be built through image classification techniques to detect image patterns that are manipulated
using the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method. CNN is a development of Multilayer Perceptron
(MLP) which is designed to process two-dimensional data. Each relationship between layers is carried out
by linear operations with the existing weight values using linear convolution operations. This application
serves to detect the authenticity of image content with the backpropagation process for accuracy and
comparison with numbers from the training data set. The analysis of the research results produces an
accuracy curve and loss validation, which states the classification of whether the image is original or has
been modified. The application uses the Python programming language with Tensorflow objects to classify
CNN images using two convolutional layers, one Max Pooling layer, one fully connected layer, and one
output layer with softmax achieving 91.83% accuracy. Suggestions for system development, namely the use
of metadata extraction with deep learning CNN can increase efficiency and reduce computational costs of
the training dataset process.
Social media is a means of exchanging information
virtually in today's digital era. According to
statistical data from the Cupo Nation portal in its
statistical report, the Indonesian population is the
fourth largest social media user in the world after
India, the United States and Brazil. With a total of
290 million users or 19.01 percent of the total
population of Indonesia. Using social media
unwisely will have a negative impact on users with
the development of a lot of false news in the form of
content by manipulating text, image and video
information using editing applications whose
technology is increasingly advanced and up-to-
(Putri et al., 2020).
Besides being provocative, the content has the
potential to cause divisions between race, ethnicity,
religion and culture in Indonesia, which is known for
its diversity. Publication of digital content is often
manipulated for certain purposes, where information
data in the form of image data is often falsified from
original data to provide information that is different
from the reality. In this study, we will design a hoax
detection system in the form of image content using
the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) method
using the Python programming language. The input
data is in the form of image content that is included
in the training data set for the filtering,
and segmentation processes that
produce output
flow predictions whether the image
is manipulated
or not.(Li and Lyu, 2018).
2.1 Electronic Information System
Electronic System is defined as a series of electronic
devices and procedures that function to prepare,
collect, process, analyze, store, display, announce,
transmit, and/or disseminate electronic information.
Therefore, there is a very close relationship between
Electronic System Operators, Electronic System
Users, Electronic Systems, and Electronic
Information. Electronic information includes text,
image, audio and video data that has been processed
Indah, K., Manuaba, I. and Prihatini, P.
Image Content Authentic Detection System using Convolutional Neural Network Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0010957400003260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2021), pages 969-975
ISBN: 978-989-758-615-6; ISSN: 2975-8246
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
that has meaning. Electronic data that has been
processed into electronic information in its
development can have positive and negative impacts
that affect people's lifestyles today. The positive
impact is increasing human civilization for the latest
technology, while the negative impact is the spread
of hoax news or lies that can affect people's
mindsets.(Juditha, 2018).
2.2 Hoax Content
Hoax is misguided and dangerous information
because it misleads human perception by conveying
false information as truth. The impact of the spread
of fake news (hoax) will have a bad impact and
harm many parties, because it can cause losses from
various aspects, both time and economy, public
panic, worsening social relations and so on. The
technique used in the manipulated information
classification system is by using a machine learning-
based approach. The algorithms used for text-based
hoax detection include: Convolutional Neural
Network (CNN), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP),
Naive Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), Support
Vector Machine (SVM) and Decision Tree (DT).
(Putri et al., 2019)
2.3 Digital Image Processing and
Computer Vision
Image processing In the field of computers, there
are actually three fields of study related to image
data, but the objectives of the three are different,
namely: Computer Graphics (computer graphics).
Computer Graphics aims to produce images (more
accurately called graphics or pictures) with
primitives such as lines, circles and so on.
processing (image processing). Image
aims to improve image quality so that it
is easily
interpreted by humans or machines (in this
computers). Image processing techniques
images into other images. So, the input is
an image
and the output is also an image, but the
image has a better quality than the input
(Kinghorn, Zhang and Shao, 2018).
2.4 Convolutional Neural Network
CNN is a type of network based on feedforward,
where the information flow is only in one direction,
namely from input to output. Although there are
several types of CNN architectures, in general,
CNNs have several convolutional layers and a
pooling layer. Then, followed by one or more fully
connected layers. In image classification, the input
to CNN is in the form of an image, so that each pixel
can be processed. In short, the convolutional layer
used as a feature extractor that learns the
representation of these features from the image that
is input to the CNN. Meanwhile, the pooling layer is
tasked with reducing the spatial resolution of feature
maps. Generally, before the fully connected layer,
there is a stack of several convolutional and pooling
layers that serve to extract more abstract feature
representations. After that, the fully connected layer
will interpret these features and perform functions
that require high-level reasoning. The classification
at the end of CNN will use the softmax function.
(Wiriyathammabhum et al., 2019).
Figure 1: Convolutional Neural Network Model
In the deep learning model used, the first layer
CNN consists of a convolutional layer with a
kernel size of 5x5 and a number of filters 32. The
second layer of CNN consists of a convolutional
layer with a kernel size of 5x5 and a number of
filters 32, and a Max Pooling layer with a size of
2x2. The two convolutional layers used use the
glorot uniform kernel initializer, and the ReLU
activation function to make the neurons in the
convolutional layer select so that they can receive
useful signals from the input data.(Hanin et al., 2019).
2.5 Deep Relationship Networks
In MTL for computer vision, the approaches often
share convolutional layers, while learning the task-
specific full connected layers by improving this
model with Deep Relationship Networks. In addition
to the shared structure and special layers, which can
be seen in Figure 3, they placed the previous matrix
on a fully connected layer, which allowed the model
to study the relationships between tasks, similar to
some Bayesian models (Kendall et al.,
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Figure 2: Deep Relationship Network with convolutional
layers together and fully connected with prior matrix.
In the architecture used, only two convolutional
layers are needed, because the results generated
from the conversion process into an ELA image can
highlight important features to determine whether an
image is original or has been modified properly.
2.6 Software System Design
In designing this system, architecture and block
diagrams are arranged which are divided into several
processes, namely: Image Image Data Set,
Preprocessing, Processed Data Set, Data Splitting,
Data Loader, Model Evaluation and Load Trained
System Block Diagram
Figure 3: System Block Diagram.
Figure 4: Convolutional Neural Network method
In general, architectural design is divided into two
major parts, namely data preparation and model
building. At the initial stage, input data consisting of
images with the “.jpg” format, with the following
details: 177 images with tampered labels and 294
images with real labels, were entered into the data
preparation stage. The data preparation stage is the
stage where each image which is input data is
converted first into a result image. The next step is
to normalize by dividing each RGB value by 255.0
to perform normalization, so that CNN converges
faster (reaching the global minimum of the loss
belonging to the validation data) because the
of each RGB value only ranges between 0 and 1. The
next step is to change label on a data, where 1
represents tampered and 0 represents real to be
categorical value. After that, the distribution of
training data and validation data was carried out
using the distribution of 80% for training data and
20% for validation data. The next step is to use
training data and validation data to conduct deep
learning model training using CNN.
3.1 Software Implementation in
Figure 5 the following is the implementation of
application software
Image Content Authentic Detection System using Convolutional Neural Network Method
Figure 5: The main view of the manipulated image
system architecture.
The input is in the form of image datasets
from cellphone cameras/photo
cameras for real data
and image data from
the internet/social media. The
dataset is in
the data preparation module which will
later enter the system, for processing.
Figure 6a: Image taken directly from the phone
Figure 6b: Edited image.
In the next process, the image size is
changed. The
next step is to normalize by
dividing each RGB
value by 255.0 so that
CNN converges faster
(reaching the global
minimum of the loss value
belonging to the
validation data) because the value
of each
RGB value only ranges between 0 and 1.
The next step is to change the label on a
where 1 represents tampered and 0
represents real
to be categorical value.
After that, the distribution
of training data
and validation data was carried out
using the distribution of 80% for training data and
20% for validation data.
Figure 7a: Metadata Process and CNN Deep Learning (real
Figure 7b: CNN Metadata and Deep Learning Process
(manipulated image).
Figure 8: The process of separating training data and
validation data.
The next step is to use training data and
data to conduct deep learning
model training using
CNN. The
optimization applied during training is
RMSProp optimizer, which is one of the
adaptive learning rate methods. The
architecture used in the model
building section can
be seen in the image below or by using the link
which is a
complete architectural drawing.
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
In the deep learning model used, the first
layer of
CNN consists of a convolutional
layer with a kernel
size of 5x5 and a
number of filters 32. The second
layer of
CNN consists of a convolutional layer with
a kernel size of 5x5 and a number of filters
32, and
a Max Pooling layer with a size of
2x2. The two
convolutional layers used use
the glorot uniform
kernel initializer, and the
ReLU activation function
to make the
neurons in the convolutional layer select
that they can receive useful signals from the
Figure 9a: Meta data extraction results for
original image
Figure 9b: Meta data extraction results for
image results
3.2 Software Training Data Output
from Data Preparation Modul
The next step is to use training data and validation
data to conduct deep learning model training using
CNN. The optimization applied during training is
the RMSProp optimizer, which is one of the
adaptive learning rate methods. The complete
architecture used in the model building section can
be seen in the image below or by using the link
which is a complete architectural drawing.
The process of detecting fake images like the
following program listing. The output of training
data from metadata preparation is in the following
coding listing:
with a Fakeness from metdata =
Number of metadata fields = 64
Fakeness from metdata = 0.8
Number of metadata fields = 20
The results of the Deep Learning test for real image
metadata results are as follows:
Loading NN........
Loading Image
na l.jpg
Dimension is set to
{faked=0.0, real=1.0}
Neural net results:-
{faked=0.0, real=1.0}
Metadata Result: Fakeness =
0.09090909 Fakeness from metdata =
0.09090909 Number of metadata fields =
The results of the Deep Learning test for fake image
metadata results are as follows:
Loading NN........
Loading Image
DIPA 2021/image/fake_wa.jpeg
Dimension is set to
Nueral network loaded =
et ector/nnet/MLPV2.0.nnet
Learning Rule =
{faked=1.0, real=1.0}
Neural net results:-
{faked=1.0, real=1.0}
Result Metadata: Fakeness = 0.8
The following is the meta data information used in
the training datasets:
[JPEG] Compression Type - Baseline
[JPEG] Data Precision - 8 bits [JPEG] Image Height
- 3024 pixels [JPEG] Image Width - 4032 pixels
[JPEG] Number of Components - 3
[JPEG] Component 1 - Y
component: Quantization table 0, Sampling
Image Content Authentic Detection System using Convolutional Neural Network Method
factors 2 horiz/2 vert [JPEG] Component 2 -
Cb component: Quantization table 1,
Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert [JPEG] Component
3 - Cr component: Quantization
table 1, Sampling factors 1 horiz/1 vert
---------------------------------------------- Exif
[Exif IFD0] Orientation - Right side, top (Rotate 90
[Exif IFD0] X Resolution - 72 dots per inch [Exif
IFD0] Y Resolution - 72 dots per inch [Exif IFD0]
Resolution Unit - Inch
[Exif IFD0] YCbCr Positioning - Center of pixel
---------------------------------------------- Exif
[Exif SubIFD] Exif Version - 2.21
[Exif SubIFD] Components Configuration -
[Exif SubIFD] FlashPix Version - 1.00 [Exif
SubIFD] Color Space - sRGB
[Exif SubIFD] Exif Image Width - 4032 pixels [Exif
SubIFD] Exif Image Height - 3024 pixels [Exif
SubIFD] Scene Capture Type - Standard
---------------------------------------------- Exif
[Exif Thumbnail] Compression - JPEG (old- style)
[Exif Thumbnail] X Resolution - 72 dots per inch
[Exif Thumbnail] Y Resolution - 72 dots per inch
[Exif Thumbnail] Resolution Unit - Inch
[Exif Thumbnail] Thumbnail Offset - 286 bytes
[Exif Thumbnail] Thumbnail Length - 5966 bytes
---------------------------------------------- ICC
[ICC Profile] Profile Size - 548 [ICC Profile] CMM
Type - appl [ICC Profile] Version - 4.0.0
[ICC Profile] Class - Display Device [ICC Profile]
Color space - RGB
[ICC Profile] Profile Connection Space - XYZ [ICC
Profile] Profile Date/Time - 2017:07:07
[ICC Profile] Signature - acsp
[ICC Profile] Primary Platform - Apple
Computer, Inc.
[ICC Profile] Device manufacturer - APPL [ICC
Profile] XYZ values - 0.964 1 0.825 [ICC Profile]
Tag Count - 10
[ICC Profile] Profile Description - Display P3 [ICC
Profile] Copyright - Copyright Apple Inc.,2017
[ICC Profile] Media White Point - (0.9505, 1, 1.0891)
[ICC Profile] Red Colorant - (0.5151, 0.2412, 65536)
[ICC Profile] Green Colorant - (0.292, 0.6922,0.0419)
[ICC Profile] Blue Colorant - (0.1571, 0.0666,
[ICC Profile] Red TRC - para (0x70617261): 32
[ICC Profile] Chromatic Adaptation - sf32
(0x73663332): 44 bytes
[ICC Profile] Blue TRC - para (0x70617261): 32
[ICC Profile] Green TRC - para (0x70617261): 32
[File] File Name - REAL camera 2.jpg [File] File
Size - 1550651 bytes
[File] File Modified Date - Mon Jul 26 13:03:19
+08:00 2021
Based on the results of trials in this study, it can be
concluded as follows: obtained from the proposed
method has a maximum accuracy of 91.83%. The
image of the accuracy curve and loss curve can be
seen appearing 5x5 and filter af 32. The second layer
of CNN consists of a convolution layer with a kernel
size of 5x5 and a filter count of 32, and a Max
Pooling layer with a size of 2x2. Two uses used It
can be seen in the figure above that the best
accuracy is obtained at epoch 0.220. The validation
loss value at a linear value of 5 starts to level off and
eventually increases, which is a sign of overfitting.
A good method for identifying the number of epochs
to use during training is early termination. With this
method, the training will be stopped when the
validation accuracy value starts to decrease or the
validation loss value starts to increase. The test uses
an image dataset obtained from data preparation
which will later be processed by the system .
Figure 10: Accuracy curves and loss curves for
training data
and validation data.
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
The number of training epochs required is small to
achieve convergence, because the use of the
resulting image features makes model training
more efficient, and the normalization
performed on
the RGB values for each pixel also
speeds up the
convergence of the CNN model.
Based on the results of trials in this study, the
following conclusions can be drawn: CNN using two
convolutional layers, one MaxPooling layer, one
fully connected layer, and one output layer with
softmax can achieve 91.83% accuracy. The use of
metadata extraction with deep learning CNN can
increase efficiency and reduce the computational
costs of the training process. This can be seen from
the reduction in the number of layers from the
previous method and the number of epochs required.
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Image Content Authentic Detection System using Convolutional Neural Network Method