Earned Value Concept on Project: Delay Due Covid-19 Pandemic
Monika Natalia, Jajang Atmaja and Dini Sekar Putri
Construction Management, Department of Civil Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Project Performance, Earned Value, Time Cost Trade Off.
Abstract: Earned value concept provides project performance cost and time estimates all project work. PIK Pulo Gadung
Flats Project East Jakarta Project experienced a deviation -12.70% on the 441th day from 569 days due to the
covid-19 pandemic. Resource delimitation, delimitation on the supply material, restrictions working time of
government agency cause administrative management not optimal, workers who will to come Jakarta cause
the arrival of workers not on time and others. The purpose research is to evaluation the performance PIK Pulo
Gadung Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A East Jakarta Project with the earned value concept using Microsoft
Project. The results estimated project time 666 days. The remaining duration to complete the remaining work
is 225 days with a projected final cost of IDR 56,862,527,165.17. There are a deviation of (-IDR
6,166,888,821.53) compared to the initial cost of IDR 50,696,438,343.64. Alternative acceleration with time
cost trade off method, work shifts, the project time becomes 656.7 days, cost of IDR 59,123,458,843.23.
Addition of overtime hours, the project completion time 659.7 days, cost IDR 59,144,617,761.56.
Recommended is work shift system because the completion time is 6 days faster than the addition overtime
and cost required is more efficient IDR 1,862,634,002.74.
Construction project of activity that takes a limited
period of time, resources, to achieve results in the
form of buildings or infrastructure (Messah, 2013).
Deviation cost and time indicate poor project
management. Earned value is one of the tools used in
project management that integrates cost and time
(Septian, 2019). The concept of earned value can
analyze implementation performance and generate
cost and time estimates for completion of all project
work (Auzan, 2017).
The concept of earned value can be analyzed with
Microsoft project applications. Accelerating the
project completion time is an attempt to complete the
project earlier than the completion time under normal
circumstances. One method is to crash the program
with the time cost trade off method. There are four
factors that can be optimized to carry out acceleration
in an activity, namely including increasing the
amount of labor, scheduling overtime work, the use
of heavy equipment and changes to construction
methods in the field (Putri, 2018).
Silaosinan Bridge Construction project,
Mentawai, the planned completion time is 39 weeks
with a conctract value of 26, billion. In the 26
there was a deviation in the weight of the work of
3,28%, with a deviation of costs of IDR 685.220.700,-
and the estimated complation time being 42 weeks.
By applying the concept of earned value, the project
completion time is 39 weeks (according to the plan)
and the cost deviation is IDR 113,771,442.60.
Acceleration is carried out with overtime and
additional work shifts (Atmaja, 2019).
PIK Pulo Gadung Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A
East Jakarta Project consist of 16 floors, total
planning cost IDR 50,696,438,344,64,- with duration
569 days. This project started on januari 13, 2020.
Due to the rapidly spreading covid-19 pandemic in
Jakarta, large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) had to
be implemented, resulting in project implementation
performance deviating by up to 12.70% in March
2021, the day 441th (63rd week of implementation)
This research aims to measure the performance
PIK Pulo Gadung Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A
East Jakarta Project with the concept of earned value
using the Microsoft Project application. It can be
known the duration and costs needed on the
remaining work. The results of the earned
value analysis are used as a reference to provide
project acceleration solutions with the time cost trade
off method with the addition of additional working
Natalia, M., Atmaja, J. and Putri, D.
Earned Value Concept on Project: Delay Due Covid-19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010952300003260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2021), pages 729-732
ISBN: 978-989-758-615-6; ISSN: 2975-8246
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
hours (overtime) or the addition of shift
2.1 Object of Research
This research was conducted on PIK Pulogadung
Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A East Jakarta Project.
Figure 1: PIK Pulogadung Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A
East Jakarta Project (DKI Jakarta Public Housing and
Residential Area Office).
2.2 Data
Data obtained from:
- Previous studies by researchers in the form of
books, journals, final assignments, theses,
- Project data in the form of cost budget plan, time
schedule, weekly report obtained from project
construction management consultants, PT.Yodya
2.3 Method
The methods used in this research, among others:
- The method used for project control is Earned
Value Concept
- The method used to accelerate the project is Time
Cost Trade Off by providing 2 kinds of
alternatives, namely the addition of working hours
(overtime) and the implementation of a work shift
2.4 Data Analysis
Stages of data analysis:
- Input data and compile schedules normal
- Input work breakdown structure
- Arrange the duration of each activity based on
scheduling data of each work item.
- Determining predecessors.
- Input resource cost data.
- Earned value analysis:
Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule (BCWS)/
Planned Value (PV)
𝐵𝐴𝐶 (1)
Budgeted Cost of Work Performance
(BCWP)/ Earned Value (EV)
𝐵𝐴𝐶 (2)
Actual Cost of Work Performance (ACWP)/
Actual Cost (AC)
Varians analysis: Cost Variance (CV) and
Schedule Variance (SV)
CV = BCWP – ACWP (3)
SV = BCWP – BCWS (4)
Cost and schedule performance index: Cost
Performance Index (CPI) and Schedule
Performance Index (SPI)
- Project final cost estimate and schedule estimate
- Time cost trade off, solution of acceleration of
project duration with the addition of shift work or
3.1 Normal Schedule
Normal schedule can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Normal schedule.
3.2 Tracking
After tracking the total duration increased to 666 days
with a duration that has been carried out for 441 days,
then the total duration of the remaining work is 225
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
days, there is a delay in the completion time of work
for 97 days
3.3 Earned Value
Calculations of earned value with Microsoft project
- Budgeted Cost of Work Schedule
(BCWS)/Planned Value (PV): IDR
49,855,815,324.20. The analysis can be seen in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: Budgeted cost of work schedule.
- Budgeted Cost of Work Performance (BCWP)/
Earned Value (EV): IDR 29,573,165,217.05. The
analysis can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Budgeted cost of work schedule.
- Actual Cost of Work Performance
(ACWP)/Actual Cost (AC): IDR
33,170,040,819.23. The analysis can be seen in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: Actual cost of work performance.
- Variance analysis: CV value obtained (-IDR
3,596,875,602.18). This means that until the 63rd
week there is a considerable cost deviation. From
the variance schedule (SV), it was obtained that
the project was late with cost overruns of (IDR
20,282,650,107,14). The full analysis can be
found in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Cost variance and schedule varians.
- Cost and schedule performance index: results of
the analysis obtained the value of cost
performance index (CPI) 0.89, meaning that there
has been a cost deviation. And the Schedule
Performance Index (SPI) value was obtained 0.59
(late project).
3.4 Estimated Final Project Cost
The final projected cost of completion can be seen in
Estimate All Cost (EAC) on Microsoft Project. From
the results of the calculation of the EAC value of IDR
56,862,527,165,17. There was a difference of (-IDR
6,166.088,821.53), a fairly large cost overrun.
3.5 Time Cost Trade Off
In this stage the activities that will be accelerated are
activities on t he critical task after tracking, namely
the work of beams and slabs on the 6th 16th floor.
There are 2 alternative solutions used to determine the
project completion time, including the addition of
working hours (overtime) and the work shift system:
- working hours (overtime), the duration is reduced
to 659.7 days at a cost of IDR 60,986,092,845.97.
- work shifts, the duration is reduced to 656.7 days
at a cost of IDR 59,123,458,843.23.
The recapitulation of crashing results can be seen
in Table 1.
Table 1: Recapitulation of result crashing.
Cost (IDR)
Normal 569
After tracking 666
Crashing the
addition of
666 659,7
work shift
666 656,7
Earned Value Concept on Project: Delay Due Covid-19 Pandemic
Based on the results obtained above, the
recommended acceleration alternative for this project
is the implementation of a work shift system because
the completion time is 6 days faster than the addition
of working hours (overtime) and the cost required to
complete the project is more efficient by IDR
We PIK Pulo Gadung Flats Project Stage 2 Tower 3A
East Jakarta Project on day 441 experienced a
deviation of 12.70% (total duration of 569 days). The
application of the result value with Microsoft project
obtained an estimated project completion time of 666
days, a difference of 97 days compared to the original
plan. The remaining duration to complete the
remaining work amounted to 225 days with a
projected final cost of IDR 56,862,527,165.17. There
was an irregularity of (-IDR 6,166,088,821.53)
compared to the initial cost of IDR
50,696,438,343.64. The best alternative solution is to
accelerate the duration of the project by increasing the
work shift of the project completion time to 656.7
days at a cost of IDR 59,123,458,843.23. While with
the addition of overtime hours, the project completion
time became 659.7 days at a cost of IDR
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iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science