Analysis of Display Cabinet Temperature and Humidity Condition
for Fresh Fish Displayed
I Dewa Made Cipta Santosa
, I Nyoman Gede Suta Waisnawa, I Gusti Agung Bagus Wirajati,
I Gede Thio Cahya Dinata and I Komang Raditya Cahya Dinata
Politeknik Negeri Bali, Jalan Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta Selatan, Badung, Bali, 80364, Indonesia
Keywords: Fresh Fish, Display Cabinet, Temperature, Humidity.
Abstract: Fresh fish products are highly consumed and become very interesting local culinary to support tourism
development. In nowadays, restaurants, cafes, and others food centre do not provide a cooling system for
display cabinets. This condition causes an impact that the quality of fresh fish was not so good and hygienic
for international standard food. Thus, this study aims to investigate the quality of fish products in display
cabinets based on temperature and humidity during storage and compared with the investigation of the
Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the cooling system dan frost condition. This research was conducted by
experimental method. A display cabinet has been built with energy sourced from integration solar energy and
the national grid electricity (PLN). The results showed that optimization of storage conditions is temperature
of -0,6
C and humidity of 95% that can keep the product quality fresh and hygienic. However, this prototype
can reach the standard temperature very well but not to humidity which only reach in average 60%. In future
will develop a specific humidifier with low energy and integrated with de-frost control dan infiltration control
to get low energy display cabinet for storage fresh fish, so that operating costs can be reduced.
The operation of the display cabinet still requires a lot
of electrical energy so that the operational costs are
relatively expensive. Because in general, display
cabinets have a high infiltration of open display
systems. Another condition is the electricity tariff
(PLN) which continues to be more expensive in line
with the depleting supply of fossil energy. So to
maintain sustainability, as a tropical country, solar
energy is a renewable energy in the future. At this
time cooling in the display cabinet is done by soaking
water and adding ice and certain preservatives, so that
the quality of fresh fish is very bad for health.
Efforts for operational efficiency of display
cabinets have been carried out in several studies in
previous related studies. Chaomuang et al. (2019) and
Manson et al. (2019) conducted an experimental
study on the effects of operating conditions, including
door opening frequency, ambient air temperature and
product occupied volume, on the distribution of air
and product temperatures in closed refrigerated
display cabinets. From the results of this study, it was
found that the position of the product in the cabinet is
a determining factor for its temperature: high
temperatures are observed at the front, especially at
the top of the cabinet, and low temperatures are
observed at the rear. Air infiltration due to door
opening causes an increase in product temperature at
the front and a decrease in temperature at the rear.
Meanwhile, Santosa et al. (2021) has developed a
dual humidifier system to maintain the humidity of
the cooling room for storing fresh fruits and
vegetables. Chaomuang et al. (2020a), Redo et al.
(2019) and Chaomuang et al. (2020b) carried out air
velocity measurements to study air flow patterns and
analyzed that installing doors on open-air refrigerated
display cabinets is a simple and effective way to
improve cabinet performance because it can reduce
air entry. warm and moist into the cupboard. Large
unstable eddies develop in the mixing layer, thereby
increasing the infiltration of larger external air. The
model is then used to predict the effect of air
infiltration through the door gap on the performance
of closed display cabinets in both thermal and energy
Santosa, I., Waisnawa, I., Wirajati, I., Dinata, I. and Dinata, I.
Analysis of Display Cabinet Temperature and Humidity Condition for Fresh Fish Displayed.
DOI: 10.5220/0010943300003260
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2021), pages 254-258
ISBN: 978-989-758-615-6; ISSN: 2975-8246
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
aspects. Applications in supermarkets were also
observed that door opening is the main energy loss in
display cabinets and in supermarkets a lot of waste is
needed because many display cabinets are open.
Gaspar et al. (2011) and Yu et al. (2009) stated that
the thermal entrainment factor was analysed and
compared with the total sensible and latent heat yields
for experimental testing. From an engineering point
of view, it is concluded that the thermal entrainment
factor cannot be used arbitrarily, although its use is
suitable for designing better cabinets under the same
climatic class conditions.
In terms of the frost phenomenon that can cause a
decrease in the performance of the cooling system,
previous research has been carried out related to the
control system of frost control on the evaporator.
Malik et al. (2020) stated that freezing is the most
detrimental phenomenon to the efficiency of the
refrigeration system. Frost accumulation blocks
airflow, worsening cooling capacity and performance
coefficient. Tan et al. (2020) researched that frost
dramatically worsens the operating performance of
air source heat pump units and causes additional
energy consumption. Zhang et al. (2017) conducted a
study related to frost-free refrigerated display
cabinets, in which freezing could be inhibited by
removing moisture from the air before entering the
display cabinet evaporator through a desiccant-coated
heat exchanger and was found to significantly
increase the COP by about 35%.
Thus, this study aims to investigate the quality of
fish products in display cabinets based on temperature
and humidity during storage and compared with the
investigation of the Coefficient of Performance
(COP) of the cooling system and frost condition.
This research is an experimental research by making
a product/prototype of a display cabinet system for
storing fresh marine fish and designing an integrated
energy source from solar power and state grid
electricity (PLN). A prototype display cabinet with a
temperature that can be -5
C with a precise control
system and the storage volume is 118 litter (L). The
research was carried out at the Refrigeration Lab, Bali
State Polytechnic. Experimental tests have been
carried out on the refrigeration system from the
display cabinet and product quality tests (fresh marine
fish). The solar power system used is an integrated
system as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Prototype display cabinet with integrated solar
energy and national grid (PLN) energy sources.
The data collection system was carried out with
type K thermocouple with an accuracy of up to 0.3
and humidity was measured with a hygrometer with
an accuracy of +-3% and pressure was measured with
a pressure gauge. as shown in Figure 1. System
performance data collection is carried out by
measuring temperature (T) and pressure (P) in each
condition (state) of the display cabinet refrigeration
cycle, Temperature (T) and Humidity (RH) in the
cabin and product. In terms of electricity, from solar
energy sources and components, the electric power,
current and input voltage are also measured carefully.
In this results and discussions section, it consists of,
1) Review of display cabinet storage conditions, 2)
Analysis of storage conditions for prototype display
cabinet based on temperature and humidity, 3)
Analysis of average COP (theoretical), 4) Visual
analysis of frost and stored products. Where a detailed
explanation is as follows.
3.1 Review of Storage Condition of
Display Cabinet
The products stored in this display cabinet are fresh
seafood products. Storage conditions based on
ASHRAE (2014) that for fish products are shown in
Figure 2a and for shellfish and shrimp products are
shown in Figure 2b. Average storage temperature is -
C to 2.2
C , and relative humidity ranging from
80% to 90% and between 95% RH to 100% RH with
storage time in the display cabinet ranging from 7
Display Cabinet
Analysis of Display Cabinet Temperature and Humidity Condition for Fresh Fish Displayed
days (for Menhaden products) to 18 days (for Halibut
and Salmon products) while other products ranging
from 8-14 days are still maintained freshness. Based
on these data, the capacity of the designed display
cabinet system is able to work up to a temperature of
C. To achieve this temperature does not require
high energy because it is a medium temperature, but
to maintain high humidity, a special humidifier must
be added which is most suitable for the system to be
able to maintain hygiene. A suitable and energy
efficient humidifier system will be developed in
future research. The standard conditions for cold
storage of fish products are shown in Figure 2a.
While the storage conditions for shellfish
products (scallop meat, shrimp, lobster, oysters) are
more varied in terms of storage temperature
according to the type of product stored. The average
storage temperature is from -0.6
C to a maximum of
C. When compared to product fish, this product
requires a higher temperature especially for lobster
Oyster products (clams in shell). For humidity
requirements in display cabinet storage, humidity
(RH) is evenly distributed for all products between
95% to 100%, with a storage period of up to 16 days
(lobster) and only 5 days for Oyster and between 8-
14 days for products. other. Standard display cabinet
storage conditions for shellfish are shown in Figure
Figure 2: Standard storage conditions: (a). fish products and
(b). shellfish products.
3.2 Analysis of Storage Conditions of
Display Cabinet based on
Temperature and Humidity
From the results of testing on temperature (
C) and
humidity (%RH) on the results of the prototype
display cabinet design that was built, it was found that
the operational characteristics of the display cabinet
refrigeration system temperature were very good and
in accordance with the desired settings as shown in
Figure 3. Operational control temperature with on-off
condensing unit system has been running very well
which is controlled by a thermostat system. De-frost
occurs at the 4th hour and it can be seen that during
de-frost it can increase the maximum evaporating
temperature by about 12
C for a period of 12 minutes.
De-frost is done by turning off the condensing unit
(compressor and condenser fan), so that the ice melts
naturally. While the condensing temperature has no
effect, it is still the same as the de frost process. This
shows that the balance of high and low pressure
during de-frost is still maintained so that when the
system starts again it does not require high energy in
the compressor motor.
Figure 3: Condition of condensing temperature and
evaporating temperature.
Figure 4 shows the characteristics of the cabin
temperature and the product according to its
placement, side 1 is a place near the evaporator and
side 2 is a place in front close to the cabin door. There
is a fairly high temperature difference at the different
positions in the cabin of approximately 3.2
C and the
difference in product temperature at the same time
there is an average difference of 5.5
C. This is
because the display cabinet is in a transparent
condition, resulting in high heat transfer from the
environment. When de-frost occurs, it is not
accompanied by a significant temperature increase in
cabin temperature and product temperature. This is
because the operating temperature is almost the same
as the frost temperature itself, which is around 0
and the prototype is still in a small capacity
iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
(compressor 1/2 Hp) so that the volume of the cabin
space is not too large which results in not too high
heat transfer from the environment. Besides that, the
material in the cabin is made with good stainless-steel
material to be able to store cold energy. Meanwhile,
the average humidity condition in the cabin is 60%
RH which of course is not enough to meet humidity
standards to get a good product in accordance with
ASHRAE (2014).
Figure 4: Cabin and product temperature characteristics.
The solar power system has also been able to work
well and is integrated using the ATS (automatic
Transfer Switch) system where energy will be
transferred to the national grid energy source (PLN)
when battery charging drops below 30%. This
transfer occurs at night and returns to normal
conditions (connected to a solar energy source)
during the day, with the system and planning carried
out in this research the proportion of solar energy use
and the national grid (PLN) 70% : 30%, respectively.
Optimization analysis needs to be done to get the
most efficient optimal condition between the
proportion of solar energy and solar power between
the energy produced and the investment required. In
the next research, it will be developed to obtain the
most efficient solar and PLN capacity proportion
model for operating display cabinets.
3.3 Analysis of Theoretical Coefficient
of Performance (COP)
The COP calculation is based on the average
temperature conditions in the main state of the
refrigeration cycle which includes: temperature point
1 at the compressor entry position, point 2 at the
compressor exit position, point 3 at the condenser exit
position and point 4 at the exit position of the
capillary tube or entering the evaporator. From the
calculation with the @Coolpack, the coefficient of
performance (COP) is theoretically obtained at 4.8.
From a comparison with other refrigeration systems,
the theoretical COP is already very good. Thus, future
developments will focus on humidifier and control
systems to reduce the effects of infiltration and frost
effects. The main condensing unit components of the
prototype display cabinet covering, compressor,
capillary tube and condenser which are shown in
Figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Main condensing unit components of display
cabinet refrigeration system.
3.4 Frost and Product Visual Analysis
Figure 6. shows frost that occurs evenly on the entire
surface of the evaporator and at the 4
hour has begun
to be controlled the de-frost system works
periodically by turning off the compressor system for
12 minutes. This frost occurs because the average
temperature in the pipe and fin evaporator is around -
C with 60% humidity, so frost can easily occur.
Testing the temperature of the product (fresh fish) and
the stored space about 118 litter(L) is also shown in
Figure 6.
Figure 6: Visual frost condition and fish product quality.
From the analysis of fish products stored for 6
days in a display cabinet in general, it can be seen that
the fish is still fresh with good quality (from the color
of the gills, the smell and the condition of the
flexibility of the meat). However, the upper fish skin
is a little dry because of the lack of moisture in the
display cabinet cooling chamber. This will be the
Capillary tube
Analysis of Display Cabinet Temperature and Humidity Condition for Fresh Fish Displayed
focus of attention in further research, namely by
developing a humidifier system that is suitable for
display cabinets for storing fresh fish.
Based on the tests and analyses that have been carried
out, it can be concluded that this display cabinet
system has operated very well with a fairly high
performance with theoretical COP approximately 4.8.
However, it is still not able to produce sufficient
humidity for fresh fish storage standards. The
required humidity ranges from 80% to 90% and
between 95% RH to 100% RH. With a natural method
by manually opening regularly every 1 hour with an
opening duration of 10 seconds, it is only able to
produce 60% humidity. With evaporator setting
temperature of -5
C and humidity in average of 60%
naturally, at evaporator fin and tube surface already
occur a frost evenly. So that for future research
development, a humidifier system, de-frost control
and infiltration control from the display cabinet
system will be developed so that it can produce
product storage with excellent quality and energy
This research was supported by the Directorate of
Sumber Daya, DIKTI, Ministry of Education, Culture
and Research Technology, Indonesian Government,
Grant No: 249/E4.1/AK.04.PT/2021 and
41/PL8/PG/2021 for the in cash contribution. The
authors wish to acknowledge the contributions of The
Mechanical Engineering Department-Bali State
Polytechnic for the in-kind contributions. Also,
Centre for Research and Community Service (P3M-
PNB) for all administrative support.
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iCAST-ES 2021 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science