Sharing Economy: Perception of Drivers for Online Transportation
Agista Ade Pertiwi
and Nanik Lestari
Management Business, Batam Polytechnic, Ahmad Yani Street, Batam Centre, Batam, Indonesia
Batam Polythecnic Teaching Staff, Batam Polytechnic, Batam Centre, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Sharing Economy, Attitude, Enjoyment, Sustainability, Economy Benefit, Reputation
Abstract: Sharing Economy is an economic-technological phenomenon that is driven by the development of information
and communication technology for sharing related to socioeconomics that includes goods and services. One
of the transportation service companies in Indonesia that uses the concept of sharing economy is GOJEK.
This study aims to determine internal motivation and external motivation that affect one's intention to become
a GOJEK driver in Batam City. Internal motivation is measured by perceived attitude, perceived enjoyment,
perceived sustainability, and external motivation is measured by the perceived economic benefits and
perceived reputation. Measurement of variables was adopted from Hamari's study (2015). This study uses a
questionnaire distributed to GOJEK drivers for 1 month with a sample of 130 drivers. The results found, first
internal motivation, perceived attitude and perceived enjoyment have positive effect on intention, while the
perceived sustainability has no effect. Second, external motivation, economic benefits and reputation has a
positive effect on the intention to become a GOJEK driver.
The transportation services industry is growing and
developing rapidly in accordance with technological
developments. Transportation and warehousing
services contributed to the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of Rp 797.3 trillion or 5.37% of GDP valued
at Rp 14,837.36 trillion in 2018.1 Growth in
transportation services increased due to the increasing
population in an area. This is what requires businesses
in the transportation sector to meet the needs of the
community for transportation services with more
effective and innovative services.
Initially, transportation service companies used
the concept of owning economy. Owning Economy is
a concept in which a company has its own supply of
assets to run its business well. Transportation service
companies with the concept of owning economy such
as Blue Bird, Express, and Silver Cab have their own
cars, drivers and bases to meet the needs of the
Over time, new business models related to
transportation have sprung up in the world. The
business operates on the concept of sharing economy
or collaborative consumption where people offer and
share resources owned by community-based online
services (Cohen & Kietzmann, 2014). Sharing
Economy is an economic-technological phenomenon
that is driven by the development of information and
communication technology for sharing socio-
economic related matters including goods and
services (Cohen & Kietzmann, 2014). Sharing
Economy generally refers to the phenomenon of
changing assets that are not used by individuals into
productive resources that can generate income
(Wallsten, 2015).
One of the transportation service companies in
Indonesia that uses the concept of sharing economy is
GOJEK. The arrival of the GOJEK ridesharing
application as an online transportation service shook
the local motorcycle industry in early 2015
(Mechthild, 2017). GOJEK does not only provide
shuttle services, but also various services such as
gofood, gomart, gobill, gomassage, gosend, goshop,
gopulsa and other services. The GOJEK application
Ade Pertiwi, A. and Lestari, N.
Sharing Economy: Perception of Drivers for Online Transportation Gojek.
DOI: 10.5220/0010936700003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 471-480
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can be downloaded for free via iOS and Android
The presence of GOJEK has greatly helped the
economy of the Indonesian people, especially the city
of Batam, in getting extra income (part time). GOJEK
provides an opportunity to Batam city community
who have motorbikes and cars to become GOJEK
drivers as jobs. Over time, GOJEK drivers in Batam
City are no longer looking for additional income (part
time), but have become full time jobs. The income
offered can be higher than the Batam City Minimum
Wage because GOJEK drivers can manage how many
orders, points, and bonuses are generated every day.
Research related to sharing economy on online
transportation has been conducted by Hamari,
Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015). The study examined
why individuals participated in collaborative
consumption. The research was conducted in Finland.
The sample in this study were 168 users registered at
Sharetribe. Sharetribe Ltd is a non-profit social
company registered in Finland. The dependent
variable is the intention to participate in collaborative
consumption, while the independent variable is the
perception of attitude, perception of enjoyment,
perception of sustainability, perception of economic
benefits and perception of reputation. The results
show that perception, enjoyment perception and
perception of economy benefit have a significant
positive effect on the intention to participate, whereas
perceived ability and perception of reputation have no
influence on the intention to participate in
collaborative consumption or sharing economy.
This research is a replication of Hamari, Sjoklint
& Ukkonen (2015) research. The difference between
this research and Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015)
is that the sample used is the GOJEK driver registered
at the GOJEK company in Batam. This research is
important because research that has been done in
Indonesia only focuses on the perspective of GOJEK
customers, while this research focuses on the
perspective of GOJEK drivers who contribute to
sharing economy.
The purpose of this study firstly, to analyze the
internal motivations that influence a person to be a
GOJEK driver in Batam City. Secondly, to analyze
the external motivations that influence someone to be
a GOJEK driver in Batam City.
Research has benefits in theory and practice. The
benefits of the theory in this study are: firstly, proving
the concept of sharing economy. Secondly, it
provides information regarding factors that influence
a person to become a GOJEK driver. The benefit of
practice in this research is to assist GOJEK
companies in providing background related
information from GOJEK drivers. Researchers
impose limits on GOJEK drivers, those drivers who
use two-wheeled vehicles and have been registered in
GOJEK Batam city for a minimum of 6 months. This
research uses a 5 point Likert scale questionnaire
2.1 Sharing Economy, Self
Determination, Planned Behaviour,
and Job Satisfaction Theory
Sharing economy describes the collaborative
consumption that comes from sharing, exchanging,
and renting goods or services without owning them
(Choi, Lee, & Woo, 2014). The concept of
collaborative consumption was created by Felson &
Spaeth (1978) which refers to the conditions in which
individuals consume goods or services together.
Collaborative consumption is not a new fundamental
concept, but since the advent of sharing economy this
concept has become a topic that is often discussed
(Henten & Windekilde, 2016). Sharing economy
describes the type of business model that is built
based on the division of resources between
individuals through peer-2-peer services where
customers to access goods when needed.
The theory of self-determination by Ryan & Deci
(1985) argues that motivation can be distinguished as
intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation arises from
intrinsic value such as enjoyment related to the
activities provided, while extrinsic motivation is
related to external pressures, such as reputation and
monetary gain. According to Lindenberg (2001),
there are two types of intrinsic motivation: enjoyment
comes from the activity itself and values come from
the right behavior with the norm. Enjoying an activity
or obtaining economic benefits through the activity is
not directly influenced by the opinions of others,
while reputation and conformity with norms are
influenced by the opinions of others.
The theory of planned behavior is a theory that
arises because of an intention to behave, the theory
explains or controls individual behavior (Ajzen,
1991). Individual intentions for behavior consider
three factors, namely attitude behavior. subjective
norms and perceptions of self-control (Ajzen, 2005)
Job satisfaction is a positive feeling related to the
results of the work done by evaluating the
characteristics of the job. Job satisfaction is not only
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
about the conditions of work but also the personality
of the worker. Individuals with high levels of job
satisfaction have positive feelings about their work,
while individuals with low levels have negative
feelings (Robbinsq & Judge, 2013). Job satisfaction
is an individual because each individual has different
levels of satisfaction according to the perceptions of
each individual. The higher the aspects of work that
are in accordance with individual expectations, the
higher the level of satisfaction felt.
2.2 Hypothesis Development
Several studies on sharing economy have been carried
out, including Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015)
examining why a person participates in collaborative
consumption. The study was conducted in Finland
with the sample used was a registered user from the
Sharetribe service who was recruited through the
official Sharetribe e-mail bulletin of 178 respondents.
The study was a qualitative study using a Likert scale
7 questionnaire instrument. The research explores
internal motivation and external motivation that
influence one's intention to participate in
collaborative consumption. Intrinsic motivation such
as sustainability, enjoyment and extrinsic motivation
such as economic benefits and reputation. The results
show: first, sustainability does not affect the intention
to participate in collaborative consumption. Second,
Enjoyment affects the intention towards collaborative
consumption. Third, economic benefits have a
positive effect on the intention to participate in
collaborative consumption. Fourth, reputation does
not affect the intention to participate in consumptive
Lee, Chan, Balaji, & Chong (2015), tested the
inhibiting, motivational and technological factors that
influence one's interest in participating in the sharing
economy. The research uses an online survey by
sending participation invitations to UBER drivers in
Hong Kong through a marketing research company.
The study collected 319 respondents but 24
respondents did not answer completely so the last
sample was ¬295 respondents. The study used a
Likert scale 7th questionnaire as a data collection tool.
The study uses a partial least squares (PLS)
measurement model. The dependent variable of the
study is the intention to participate in the sharing
economy. The independent variable is low risk,
information quality, trust in the platform, enjoyment
and economic benefits. Result of the research shows
that low risk, information quality, trust in the platform,
enjoyment and economic benefits alone influence the
intention to participate in the sharing economy.
Valente, Patrus, & Guimaraes (2019) analyze why
individuals participate in sharing economy by
becoming UBER drivers. Samples in the study were
20 UBER drivers in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
This study uses interview instruments and is further
explained through descriptive analysis. The result is
that individuals contribute to sharing economy by
becoming UBER drivers because of the economic
crisis, unemployment, seeking additional income and
flexibility time. The research proves that contributing
to the sharing economy greatly reduces
unemployment and earns more income from previous
Kim, Yoon, & Zo (2015) in their research
analyzed the factors influencing interest in
participating in sharing economy. The study used a
survey in the form of an online questionnaire on the
Amazon Mechanical Turk. The dependent variable in
the study is intention to participate in the sharing
economy. The independent variables are trust,
perceived risk, reputation, perceived social, perceived
benevolence, advantages, economic benefits, social
benefits. The results of this study indicate that trust,
perceived risk, reputation, perceived social, perceived
benevolence, advantages, economic benefits, social
benefits have a positive effect on the intention
(intention) to participate in sharing economy.
Bocker & Meelen (2017) also examined the
motivation of users and service providers to
participate in the sharing economy. The research was
conducted in the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
The study surveyed 1330 people online via e-mail.
The research divides into three motivations that
influence participation in sharing economy, namely
economic, social and environmental. Indicators of
sharing economy in the study are cars, motorcycles,
accommodation, equipment and food. The result is
that the economic motivations of younger and lower-
income groups are more economically motivated to
use and provide shared assets. High-income and
higher-educated groups are less socially motivated to
participate in the sharing economy. Women's groups
are influenced by environmental motivation to
participate in the sharing economy, especially for
sharing cars and travel.
Daunoriene, Draksaite, Snieska, & Valodkiene
(2015) evaluate the level of accuracy of the key
sustainability of sustainability in the sharing economy
business model. The study sample was employees at
peer-to-peer companies in Lithuania. Sustainability in
sharing economy is measured using economic,
environmental, social and technological perspectives.
Measurements are given values of 1 (critical), 2 (bad),
3 (higly unsatisfactory), 4 (satisfactory -), 5
Sharing Economy: Perception of Drivers for Online Transportation Gojek
(satisfactory), 6 (satisfactory +), 7 (highly
satisfactory), 8 (good), 9 (vibran ). A value of 1-3 is
called poor practice, a value of 4-6 is called the mid
point, a value of 7-9 is called a high level of
sustainability. The results show that employees in
peer-to-peer companies have economic,
environmental, social and technological
sustainability at the mid point level in the business
sharing economy.
Tussyadiah (2014) examined the motivational
factors that encourage and inhibit collaborative
consumption in transportation and tourism services.
The study conducted a survey of 754 adults enrolled
on Airbnb in the United States. Out of 754 people,
only 155 have been drivers in peer-to-peer services.
The dependent variable in the study is the intention to
participate in collaborative consumption. The
independent variables are community, sustainability,
and economic benefits. The results of this research
community, sustainability, and economic benefits
affect the intention of individuals to participate in
collaborative consumption. The highest motivation is
the economic benefit. Hawlitschek, Teubner, &
Gimpel (2016) examined the motivation and
inhibitors of individuals participating in the sharing
economy. The study conducted two surveys, namely
to peer-to-peer corporate drivers and customers. The
dependent variable of the study is the intention to
contribute to the sharing economy. Independent
variables are anti-capitalism (anti-capitalism), burden
of ownership, effort of expectation, enjoyment,
hedonic motivation, income, independence,
independence, independence knowledge (knowledge),
lack of trust (lack of trust), modern lifestyle (modern
lifestyle), prestige (ownership), privacy (privacy),
risk (risk), product variation (product variety), quality
(quality), scarcity of resources (resource scarcity),
sense of ownership (sense of belonging), social
experience (social experience), social influence
(social influence), substitution (substitutability),
sustainability (sustainability), saving (thriftiness),
availability everywhere (ubiquitous availability), and
uniqueness. The results from the perspective of
drivers are only anti-capitalism and ubiquitous
availability whose results do not affect the intention
to participate, while other independent variables
influence the intention to participate in sharing
economy. The results of the customer perspective are
only income, pretige of ownership and ubiquitous
availability which do not affect the intention to
participate in sharing economy, while other
independent variables affect the intention to
participate in sharing economy. Sung, Kim, & Lee
(2018) examine the sustainability that is obtained by
users and providers in the sharing economy. The
study distributed questionnaires in South Korea with
a sample of 322 Airbnb customers and 100 Airbnb
producers. This study examines the effect of
economic, enjoyment, social, network, and intention
to use on attitudes independently. The results show,
in the user perspective only enjoyment, network and
attitude that affect the independent variable. In the
provider perspective only enjoyment does not affect
the independent variable, other variables have an
influence on the independent variable.
Yang & Ahn (2016) analyzed the relationship
between motivation, security perceptions, attitudes,
and loyalty to the intention to participate in the
sharing economy, especially Airbnb. The study was
conducted by distributing questionnaires in South
Korea with a total sample of 294 people. Motivation
is divided into four perspectives, namely economic
benefits, enjoyment, reputation and sustainability.
The results of this study indicate that motivation,
security perceptions, attitudes, and loyalty have a
positive effect on intention to contribute to Airbnb.
Based on previous research, the main determinant
of a person's behavior in carrying out an activity or
job is attitude (Ajzen, 1991). Perception of attitude in
this study means people's thoughts or feelings about
Job satisfaction theory states that there is a
positive feeling of work done by evaluating the
characteristics of the job. The more individuals enjoy
doing their work, the results obtained will be in line
with expectations. Enjoyment is an important factor
in sharing activities (Nov, Naaman, & Ye, 2009).
Sustainability is connected to the long-term
conditions that individuals want to do a job or activity.
Sharing economy will contribute to reducing
excessive consumerism and minimizing the use of
resources. Sharing economy can solve problems such
as pollution and excessive use of energy.
Economic benefits are an important factor for
individuals to do a job. Basically every job is carried
out by individuals to get income and economic
benefits such as savings. Cost saving is the most
important factor in sharing economy. Driver GOJEK
can save operational costs by sharing the vehicle with
passengers. In addition to saving costs, financial
benefits become a major factor in sharing economy
because revenue is based on the number of orders
each day so that drivers can determine the expected
revenue target. Job satisfaction theory suggests that
the higher the aspects of work in accordance with
individual expectations, the higher the level of
satisfaction felt.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Reputation can be judged by the good or bad
reputation of the company. GOJEK company has a
good reputation nowadays with its quality of service.
A good reputation will also have a good impact on the
elements that contribute to the company. A good
reputation will have an impact on increasing the
quantity and quality of a company.
Based on these explanations, the hypothesis can
be formulated as follows:
: Perception of attitude has a positive effect on
intention to become a GOJEK driver
: Perception of enjoyment has a positive effect on
the intention to be a GOJEK driver
: Perception of sustainability has a positive effect
on the intention to be a GOJEK driver
: Perception of economy benefit has a positive
effect on the intention to be a GOJEK driver
: Perception of reputation has a positive effect on
the intention to be a GOJEK driver
Figure 1. Research Model.
The technique used in sampling is non-probability
sampling that is purposive sampling, the sample is
based on specific criteria, namely: First, the GOJEK
Driver for two-wheeled vehicles. Second, registered
in GOJEK Batam city for a minimum of 6 months.
Third, it operates in the city of Batam. Fourth,
GOJEK drivers are the main work (full time).
Data collection techniques using a questionnaire
(questionnaire) that will be distributed to GOJEK
drivers in Batam. Distribution is done accidentally
where questionnaires can be given to GOJEK drivers
who accidentally / incidentally meet with researchers.
Distribution of questionnaires to drivers is done
within 30 days.
Basic decision making in regression analysis can
be seen from the significance value, i.e., if the
significance value> 0.05 then there is no influence of
the independent variables on the dependent variable.
Conversely, if the significance value <0.05 then there
is the influence of the independent variables on the
dependent variable.
The object of research used in this study is the
two-wheeled GOJEK drivers who have been
registered in Batam city GOJEK for at least 6 months.
The sample taken is a sample selected using
predetermined criteria. The number of samples used
in this study can be seen in the following table
Table 1. Data Characteristics.
Description Amount
Questionnaires distributed on week 1
Incomplete questionnaires
Questionnaires distributed on week 1
Incomplete questionnaires
Questionnaires distributed on week 1
Incomplete questionnaires
Questionnaires distributed on week 1
Incomplete questionnaires
Number of samples (n) that matches
the criteria
Number of samples (n) used
Source: Primary Data Processed (2020)
Population data used in this study are GOJEK
drivers registered in Batam City. The sample in this
study was selected using the criteria that GOJEK
drivers have been registered for at least 6 months and
are full time jobs. The method of data collection was
conducted within a period of 1 month from 19
November 2019 to 19 December 2019. The total
sample that met the specified criteria amounted to 145
respondents, while the outlier data totaled 15
Validity test is done to measure the validity of a
cookie detector. A questionnaire is said to be valid if
the questions on the questionnaire are able to express
something that will be measured by the questionnaire
(Ghazali, 2013). The results of the validity tests can
be seen in the following table:
Table 2. Validity Test Result.
Variable Item r r-table Conclu
Item 1 0.895 0.306 Vali
Item 2 0.854 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.935 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.932 0.306 Vali
Attitude Item 1 0.846 0.306 Vali
Perceived Reputation
Internal Motivation
External Motivation
Perceived Attitude
Perceived Economy Benefit
Perceived Sustainability
Perceived Enjoyment
Sharing Economy: Perception of Drivers for Online Transportation Gojek
Item 2 0.790 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.648 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.720 0.306 Vali
Item 5 0.684 0.306 Vali
Item 1 0.859 0.306 Vali
Item 2 0.884 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.882 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.882 0.306 Vali
Item 5 0.864 0.306 Vali
Item 1 0.878 0.306 Vali
Item 2 0.847 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.727 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.536 0.306 Vali
Item 1 0.788 0.306 Vali
Item 2 0.823 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.758 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.806 0.306 Vali
Item 5 0.767 0.306 Vali
Item 1 0.649 0.306 Vali
Item 2 0.745 0.306 Vali
Item 3 0.640 0.306 Vali
Item 4 0.719 0.306 Vali
Source: Primary Data Processed (2020)
Reliability test is used to find out whether the
questionnaire question indicators used are reliable or
reliable as a variable measurement tool. Reliability
testing of all question items was carried out using the
Cronbach-alpha statistical test. A research instrument
can be declared reliable if the reliability coefficient
(cronbach-alpha value) is greater than 0.70 (Ghazali,
2013). The results of the reliability tests can be seen
in the following table:
Table 3. Reliability Test Result.
Intention 4 0.924 0.700 Reliable
Enjoyment 5 0.766 0.700 Reliable
0.918 0.700 Reliable
0.749 0.700 Reliable
utation 4 0.833 0.700 Reliable
Source: Primary Data Processed (2020)
Descriptive statistical analysis is used to provide
an overview of data seen from the mean, maximum,
minimum, and standard deviation based on the
questionnaire answer data from GOJEK drivers. The
scale used is a 5-point Likert scale, namely: 1)
Strongly Disagree (STS); 2) Disagree (TS); 3)
Disagree (KS); 4) Agree (S); and 5) Strongly Agree
(SS). Before being tested, the researcher examined
the outlier data from the answers from the GOJEK
drivers and the results of the data were free from the
outlier data. The average respondent's answer is
above scale 3. The results of the descriptive statistical
analysis can be seen in the following table:
Table 4. Descriptive Statistics.
Item Mean Std. Dev
Intention_1 4.692 0.526
2 4.692 0.526
Intenton_3 4.683 0.529
4 4.582 0.645
1 4.651 0.633
Attiude_2 4.762 0.428
3 4.751 0.471
Attitude_4 4.583 0.725
5 4.682 0.574
Enjoyment_1 4.702 0.538
2 4.692 0.555
Enjoyment_3 4.651 0.567
4 4.584 0.656
Enjoyment_5 4.573 0.658
Sustainability_1 3.223 0.909
2 3.242 0.888
Sustainability_3 3.251 0.883
4 3.584 0.834
Econfit_1 4.104 0.905
2 4.622 0.589
Econfit_3 4.223 1.004
4 4.092 1.045
Econfit_5 4.761 0.428
Reputation_1 4.762 4.403
2 4.821 0.355
Reputation_3 4.851 0.355
4 4.853 0.355
Source: Primary Data Processed (2020)
Table 5. Hypothesis Test Results
R-Squared t-stac Sig. VIF
0.401 0.253 6,581 0.000 1.000
0.287 0.129 4,362 0.000 1.000
0.077 0.015 1,382 0.085 1.000
0.320 0.222 6,044 0.000 1.000
0.829 0.426 9.738 0.000 1.000
Coeficients B
R-Squared Sig. VIF
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
0.401 0.253 0.000 1.000
0.287 0.129 0.000 1.000
0.077 0.015 0.085 1.000
Economy Benefit
0.320 0.222 0.000 1.000
0.829 0.426 0.000 1.000
Source: Primary Data Processed (2020)
The first hypothesis (H1) states that the perception
of attitude has a positive effect on the intention to be
a GOJEK driver. The results show that the
significance level of 0.000 and t-stac 6.581, so
hypothesis 1 is supported. The meaning is, the higher
the attitude perception of an individual towards
GOJEK, the higher the intention to become a GOJEK
driver. The results of this study are in line with
research conducted by Sung, Kim, & Lee (2018) who
examined the effect of attitude on the intention to use
Airbnb services in South Korea and found that
attitude affected someone's intention to join Airbnb's
services. This is because perception related to attitude
is the main determinant of a person's behavior in
doing something. Attitudes toward behavior refer to
the extent to which a person has an evaluation or
assessment that is favorable or unfavorable (Ajzen,
1991). The theory of attitude and behavior (Theory of
Attitudes and Behavior) developed by Triandis
(1980), states that a person's behavior is determined
by attitudes related to what people want to do.
The second hypothesis (H2) states that the
perception of enjoyment has a positive effect on the
intention to be a GOJEK driver. The results show that
the significance level of 0.000 and t-stac 4.362, so
hypothesis 2 is supported. Meaning, the higher the
perception of enjoyment of an individual towards
GOJEK, the higher the intention to become a GOJEK
driver. The results of this research are in line with
research conducted by Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen
(2015) which examines the effect of perception of
enjoyment towards someone's intention to participate
in collaborative consumption or sharing economy on
Sharetribe services. The results of Hamari, Sjoklint,
& Ukkonen (2015) research found that there was a
positive influence on the perception of enjoyment on
the intention to participate in collaborative
consumption in Sharetribe services in Finland. This
study is also in line with research by Kim, Yoon, &
Zo (2015) which found the results under the
perception of enjoyment had a significant positive
effect on the intention to participate in sharing
economy on Amazon Mechanical Turk services.
Other research that is in line with this research is the
research of Lee, Chan, Balaji, & Chong (2015) who
found that enjoyment has an effect on one's intention
to contribute to the sharing economy service, namely
UBER in Hong Kong. Next is a study by Hawlitschek,
Teubner, & Gimpel (2016) who found that enjoyment
influence the intention to contribute to the sharing
economy services, namely Airbnb and Ebay, to
students at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology,
Germany. Research by Yang & Ahn (2016) also
found that enjoyment affected the intention to
participate in sharing economy, namely Airbnb in
South Korea. This can be caused because the
perception of enjoyment is a feeling from within an
individual that is created in the form of pleasure,
comfort, and satisfaction in carrying out an activity or
job. The perception of enjoyment becomes an
underlying factor in one's internal motivation to carry
out an activity. This is in line with the theory of the
theory of self-determination by Ryan & Deci (1985)
who argues that intrinsic motivation arises from
intrinsic values such as enjoyment related to the
activity given. Participating in GOJEK makes
individuals have enjoyments such as freedom of
working hours, can determine targets to be achieved
and is not pressured by superiors who make these
individuals will feel enjoy and get satisfaction at work.
In the theory of job satisfaction (job satisfaction)
states the higher the aspects of work in accordance
with individual expectations, the higher the level of
perceived satisfaction (Robbinsq & Judge, 2013).
The third hypothesis (H3) states that the
perception of sustainability has a positive effect on
the intention to be a GOJEK driver. The results show
that the significance level of 0.00845 and t-stac 1.382,
so hypothesis 3 is not supported. The results of this
hypothesis are in line with research conducted by
Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015) which examines
the effect of perceived sustainability one's intention
to participate in collaborative consumption or sharing
economy in Sharetribe services. The results of
Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015) research found
that there was no influence between sustainability
perception on the intention to participate in
collaborative consumption in Sharetribe services in
Finland. This is due to the perception that
sustainability is only an important factor in internal
motivation for some individuals who have high
environmental or ecological awareness in the city of
Batam, so that for other individuals the perception of
sustainability does not have an important influence on
the intention to become a driver GOJEK in Batam city.
This research is not in line with research conducted
by Tussyadiah (2014) which found that sustainability
Sharing Economy: Perception of Drivers for Online Transportation Gojek
affects the intention to participate in collaborative
contributions or sharing economy. Research by
Daunoriene, Draksaite, Snieska, & Valodkiene (2015)
also found that sustainability is an important factor
for individuals to do a job. Research by Hawlitschek,
Teubner, & Gimpel (2016) also found that
sustainability affects the individual's intention to
participate in the sharing economy, which is to
become a UBER driver.
The fourth hypothesis (H4) states that the
perception of economic benefits has a positive effect
on the intention to become a GOJEK driver. The
results show that the significance level of 0.000 and
t-stac 6.044, so hypothesis 4 is supported. Meaning,
the higher the perception of economic benefits
(economy benefit) of individuals towards GOJEK,
the higher the intention to become a GOJEK driver.
The results of this hypothesis are in line with research
conducted by Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015)
which examines the effect of perception of profit
economy to one's intention to participate in
collaborative consumption or sharing economy in
Sharetribe services. The results of Hamari, Sjoklint,
& Ukkonen (2015) research found that there was a
positive effect on the perception of economic benefits
on the intention to participate in collaborative
consumption in Sharetribe services in Finland.
This research is also in line with research by
Tussyadiah (2014) which found that economic
benefits have an effect on the intention to participate
in collaborative consumption and is the highest
motivation for Airbnb drivers in Amsterdam. Other
studies that are consistent with this research are Kim,
Yoon, & Zo (2015) who found that economic benefits
affect the intention of a person to contribute to the
sharing economy service namely Airbnb in South
Korea. Next is a study by Lee, Chan, Balaji, & Chong
(2015) who found that economic benefits affect the
person's intention to contribute to the sharing
economy service, namely UBER in Hong Kong.
Further research is Hawlitschek, Teubner, & Gimpel
(2016) who also found that economic benefits are a
major factor influencing one's intention to contribute
to sharing economy in this case on Airbnb services in
Germany. The results of the same study by Bocker &
Meelen, (2017) found that economic benefits
influenced an individual to participate in a sharing
economy service, namely Peerbay in Amsterdam, the
Netherlands. Research by Valente, Patrus, &
Guimaraes (2019) found that economic benefits
became the motivation for individuals to become
UBER drivers in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
This can be the main reason why people choose to
participate or work in business with the concept of
sharing economy is the economic benefits that are
obtained. Perception of economic benefits (economic
benefits) is an external motivation that can be
classified into cost savings and income increment.
The theory of self-determination by Ryan & Deci
(1985) extrinsic motivation related to monetary
benefits can influence individuals to determine the
activities or work to be performed. The economic
benefits gained from the sharing economy service,
GOJEK, are income from services and bonuses every
day, which are very beneficial for individuals who
participate in these services.
The fifth hypothesis (H5) states that the
perception of reputation has a positive effect on the
intention to be a GOJEK driver. The results show that
the significance level of 0.000 and t-stac 9.738, so
hypothesis 5 is supported. Meaning, the higher the
perception of reputation perception of an individual
towards GOJEK, the higher the intention to become a
GOJEK driver. The results of this study are in line
with research conducted by Hamari, Sjoklint, &
Ukkonen (2015) who examined the effect of
perceptions of reputation on one's intention to
participate in collaborative consumption or sharing
economy in Sharetribe services. The results of
Hamari, Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015) research found
that there was a positive influence of perceptions of
reputation on the intention to participate in
collaborative consumption in Sharetribe services in
Finland. The results of the same study by Kim, Yoon,
& Zo (2015) found that reputation has an influence on
one's intention to participate in the sharing economy
service namely Airbnb in South Korea.
Reputation is an important element for a company
because an indicator of a company's success can be
judged by the good or bad reputation of the company.
This reputation becomes the individual's external
motivation to contribute to a service because
individuals can judge the good or bad of the service.
GOJEK is the first-rate sharing economy service in
Indonesia, so individuals will not hesitate to
participate in the service. So, in this study reputation
perceptions affect the intention to become a GOJEK
This research has the first objective is to analyze the
internal motivations that influence a person to
become a GOJEK driver in Batam City. Second, to
analyze the external motivations that influence
someone to be a GOJEK driver in Batam City.
Internal motivation that influences the intention to
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
become a GOJEK driver is measured by 3 items,
namely attitude perception, enjoyment perception and
sustainability perception. External motivation that
influences the intention to become GOJEK driver is
measured by 2 items, namely the perception of
economic benefits and reputation. The data collection
method in this study used a questionnaire distributed
to GOJEK drivers for 1 month from 19 November
2019 - 19 December 2019. The sample used in this
study was 130 respondents.
The results show that attitude perception can
increase intention to be a GOJEK driver. Enjoyment
perception can increase intention to be a GOJEK
driver. Economic benefit perception and reputation
reputation have a positive effect on the intention to
become a GOJEK driver. While the perception of
sustainability does not matter. The results of this
study are in line with research conducted by Hamari,
Sjoklint, & Ukkonen (2015) who found that
perceptions of attitude, enjoyment, perception of
economic benefits and perception of reputation have
a positive effect on intention participate in
collaborative consumption at Sharetribe services in
Finland. While the perception of sustainability does
not matter.
Limitations in this study first, the sample only 130
GOJEK drivers who drove two wheels with full time
criteria and had been registered in GOJEK Batam for
at least 6 months. Second, the questionnaire was only
distributed to GOJEK drivers in the Batam Center
area for a period of 1 month. Third, this study only
uses 5 independent variables. Internal motivation is
measured by perception of attitude, perception of
enjoyment and perception of sustainability. External
motivation is measured by the perception of
economic benefits and the perception of reputation.
Fourth, the method of data collection in this study
only used a 5-point Likert scale questionnaire
The next researcher is expected to be able to
increase the number of samples by distributing
questionnaires to four-wheeled vehicle drivers,
adding the period of distribution of questionnaires for
3-6 months and spreading in areas other than Batam
Center so that they get better results, using different
measurements in their research in order to see a
comparison of research results and adding data
collection methods such as interviews and
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science