Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa
Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency
Nazrantika Sunarto, Dwi Astuti, Muhammad Arif and H. Khairi Fahrizal
D3 Department of Administration at Bengkalis Polytechnic, Bengkalis Regency Government Economic Section, Bengkalis,
Keywords: Village Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa), Business Feasibility, Drinking Water.
Abstract: Villages have an important role in the process of equitable distribution of national economic development.
One of the purposes of Undang-Undang Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages is to stimulate villages to
have BUM Desa which functions as a service institution and at the same time carries out the business functions
of the Village Government in order to obtain village original income that can be utilized for development
purposes. BUM Desa Sukajaya in Sukajadi Village already has several business units. One of them is a bottled
drinking water refill depot. Even though this business is run without going through a business feasibility
calculation process, since it started in 2020 this business has been quite profitable compared to other business
units at the BUM Desa Sukajaya. Based on the results of the feasibility study conducted in this study using a
business feasibility approach similar to that of a BUMD as regulated in Government Regulation Number 54
of 2017, it was found that Business Drinking Water Refill Depot is considered feasible to be implemented.
However, the implementation of the Dringking Water refill Depot business must be supported by policies and
synergies with government programs because it involves primary needs. Although this business is quite
profitable, but it is a type of business with limited development and it is difficult to expand the market, because
this business depends on the number of residents and each village has its own drinking water service program
in accordance with government programs.
To achieve the national goals and objectives,
integrated economic development has become the
focus of government programs (Tomisa, Syafitri,
2020). The government and the people collaborate to
explore, manage, and foster the existing potential to
create a just and prosperous society in accordance
with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution (Chambers
The existence of the village as one of the driving
factors for development has strengthened in recent
years. Villages are encouraged to become leaders, to
stimulate the realization of equitable and just
development ideals. Villages are given the freedom to
be creative and innovate in development, because the
Government realizes that rural development is one
way to alleviate poverty in Indonesia.
Undang-Undang Number 6 of 2014 concerning
Villages, mandates that Villages need to get
protection and empowerment in order to be tough,
advanced, independent, and democratic. One form of
this effort, in article 87 it is stated that the Dasa
Government can establish BUM Desa which is
managed in a spirit of kinship and mutual
cooperation. BUM Desa aims to utilize all economic
potential, economic institutions, as well as the
potential of natural resources and human resources in
order to improve the welfare of the village
community (Tomisa, Syafitri, 2020).
Specifically, BUM Desa is different from
ordinary companies such as PT and CV. BUM Desa
is a business entity characterized by a Village which
in its operations, in addition to assisting the Village
Government, also aims to meet the needs of the
Village community. However, BUM Desa is also
expected to be able to carry out the functions of
service, trade, and economic development in a
professional and measurable manner.
The Bengkalis Regency Government continues to
optimize the implementation of Undang-undang
Number 6 of 2014 on BUM Desa, especially in terms
of village economic development. However, in its
implementation, not all BUM Desa that have been
formed have achieved and succeeded and driving the
Sunarto, N., Astuti, D., Arif, M. and Fahrizal, H.
Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0010925400003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 366-375
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
village economy and generating Village Original
Income. Some of the existing BUM Desa are still only
focused on carrying out service functions. In fact,
there are still many BUM Desa which actually
become a burden for the Village Government due to
poor management.
Practically there are still very few business units
managed by BUM Desa which are carried out with an
adequate business approach. So do not be surprised if
some of the implementation of the BUM Desa
business function does not run optimally, loses
money, or BUM Des is stuck in a constant business
and is difficult to develop. This happens because the
business units implemented by BUM Desa are mostly
just run by trial and error, or only following market
trends whose sustainability is not yet clear.
Reflecting on the management of Regional
Owned Enterprises (BUMD), which is a more
complex form of BUM Desa, the phase of formation
and selection of BUMD business units regulated
through Government Regulation Number 54 of 2017
concerning BUMD is packaged more carefully and
accountably. Although the pattern is different, where
BUM Desa is based on kinship and mutual
cooperation, while BUMD is based on a service and
business approach. Several approaches to
implementing BUM Desa business functions should
follow the pattern applied by BUMD.
One of the most important stages before selecting
a business unit in a BUMD, is to conduct a feasibility
study to ascertain whether the business to be carried
out is based on regional needs, is capable of
producing, or is in accordance with business
objectives. These stages should also be carried out at
BUM Desa to ensure that the business/core business
that will be run is feasible, structured, and
BUM Desa Sukajaya is a BUM Desa located in
Sukajadi Village, Bukit Batu District, Bengkalis
Regency. Since its establishment in 2015, until now
it has run several business units. In 2020, BUM Desa
Sukajaya added one new business unit, namely the
Bottled Water Refill Depot.
Observing the condition of BUM Desa which
often conducts business without an adequate
feasibility study, it is deemed necessary to conduct a
feasibility study, especially the business that has just
been run by BUM Desa Sukajaya with the title
"Feasibility Study of Drinking Water Refill Depot
Business at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village,
Regency Bengkalis".
There is some literature that must be understood and
considered in compiling an analysis of business
feasibility studies at the BUM Desa Sukajaya
business unit, especially in the water refill drinking
water depot business.
2.1 Drinking Water Needs
Water is a basic need for humans and all living things.
However, currently there is still a lot of drinking
water provided in very poor conditions both in terms
of quantity and quality for public health (Buckle et al,
The average need for clean water for humans
reaches 144 liters/person/day and the standard that
supports the classification of water use is according
to the Plumbing Standard SNI 03-7065-2005.
(Sutjahjo N, et.al, 2011). However, based on the
Minister of Public Works Regulation Number
14/PRT/M/2010 concerning SPM for Public Works
and Spatial Planning, it is determined that the water
requirement per person in a day is 60 liters. In terms
of the human need to drink to prevent dehydration, it
is strongly influenced by the body weight of each
individual, and the body weight of Indonesian adults
reaches an average of 2-3 liters per day. Thus, it is
generally concluded that the calculation of the service
capacity of drinking water facilities is strongly
influenced by the number of residents in the service
In terms of the drinking water supply target, in
2018 the Government originally planned to have 88%
potable and 7% safe, while the MDGs target based on
the RPJMN in 2024 is 100% access to safe drinking
water and 15% access to safe drinking water in 2020-
2024 (BPS Susenes, 2018)
2.2 Population Theory
There are several ways to project the population using
the projection method, namely: 1) Mathematical
projection and 2) Component Method. Meanwhile,
the mathematical method itself is divided into a)
arithmetic, b) geometric and c) exponential method.
Based on the existing condition of Sukajadi Village,
which is a small village, population projections can
use the Arithmetic method. However, based on the
available statistical data sources in Bukit Batu
District, it is only in the form of population growth,
namely 3.25% per year (BPS, 2020), the method used
in this study is the geometric method. With the
Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency
Pt : Projected Year Population
Po : Initial Year Population
r : Average population growth
t : The difference between the projected year and
the base year
The geometric method is a projection using the
assumption that the population will increase
geometrically using the basis of calculating
compound interest (Adioetomo and Samosir, 2010).
The geometric method is also used with the
assumption that the population increase shows a
relatively similar number from time to time (BPS,
2.3 Business Profitability
Robbani and Wasiso (2019) in their book "Scale Up"
explain that in the process of filtering or selecting a
business to be run, there are several criteria that must
be met including: 1) Business profits must be above
20%, 2) market size must be wide, 3 ) product price
stability, 4) Usually run with existing human
resources, 5) can be developed (added value), 6) can
compete in quality, 7) can be expanded (scaleable), 8)
relatively low capital, 9) passion (according to with
the pleasure of business actors) and 10) Current
However, in terms of managing the BUM Desa
business, profitability is not always the main goal
because some BUM Desa businesses can be of
service nature. However, the "beneficial" factor
becomes the main variable that greatly affects the
continuity or sustainability of a business.
2.4 Business Feasibility Theory
Kasmir and Jakfar (2017) describe a business
feasibility study as an activity that studies in depth the
business to be run, in order to determine whether or
not the business is feasible or not.
Hamdi (2017) states that business feasibility must
be reviewed from:
1) Legal Aspects,
2) Social Aspect,
3) Technical Aspect dan
4) Economic Aspect.
Pecifically, the economic aspect can at least use a
calculation of 1) payback period (PP), 2) Net Present
Value (NPV), 3) Profibility Index (PI), dan 4) Internal
Rate of Return (IRR).
Sukajadi village is one of 10 villages in Bukit Batu
District, Bengkalis Regency. The implementation of
SPAM by the Bengkalis Regency Government in
Bukit Batu District to complete mandatory affairs is
divided into two, namely 1) a piping system managed
by PDAM and 2) Non-Piping with a community
empowerment pattern, such as the Pamsimas program
and PNPM Mandiri in Rural Areas.
Pada Desa Sukajadi, SPAM is organized with a
pattern of community empowerment through the
Pamsimas and PNPM programs in the form of
providing communal Rainwater Storage (PAH)
facilities positioned in several locations. Due to age
and minimal maintenance, most of the current
facilities are not functioning. Meanwhile, the
PDAM's pipeline network cannot be fulfilled due to
the distance of the IPA to the service area, which is
very far, so it is not effective and efficient.
With geographical conditions that are directly
adjacent to the coast of the Bengkalis Strait, Sukajadi
Village does not have an adequate source of surface
and ground water and can directly be used as a source
of drinking water but must go through a filtration or
filtration stage to be safe for consumption.
In fact, the drinking water needs of the people of
Sukajadi Village are generally met by utilizing
rainwater and bottled water for drinking needs, while
shallow wells, deep wells and river water are used to
meet daily clean water needs.
3.1 Population Projection
Based on the 2020 BPS, the population of Bukit Batu
District in 2019 reached 20,945 people, with a growth
rate of 3.25%. While the population of Sukajadi
Village in 2020 is 1,134 people (BPS, 2021)
3.2 BUM Desa Sukajaya
BUM Desa Sukajaya, which was established in 2015
to date, runs several types of businesses including:
Table 1: Types of Business BUM Desa Sukajaya Sukajadi
Village Bukit Batu District.
e of business Year
Party Supplies Business 2016
Rice Refinery Business 2016
Savings and Loan Business 2018
Water Refill De
ot Business 2020
Casava Farmin
Business 2020
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Based on primary data, it is explained that from
several types of businesses that have been run, the
only businesses whose existence is quite good so far
are the Savings and Loans business unit and the
Makmur Sejahtera refill drinking water refill depot
The Makmur Prosperous drinking water refill
depot uses a Reverse Osmosis system filtering
machine with a capacity of 200 Gallons/day (GPD),
which is equipped with a permanent depot building
unit. From the provisions made by the Village and
business managers, the distribution of business
profits is given with the composition: 1) Management
incentives 65%, 2) Operational costs 15%, 3)
Maintenance costs 10% and 4) operating profit which
becomes Village Original Income of 10% (Report of
BUM Desa Sukajaya Village, 2021).
Based on the financial statements of the Drinking
Water Depot, on average, they sell 19 liter gallon
refills and derijen with a price variation of @ Rp.
2.800 to Rp. 3,800. All business results are distributed
according to the composition regulated by the
The research method used is a combination research
method (mixed method). Creswell (2016) describes
this method as a combined approach of quantitative
and qualitative methods. Quantitative and qualitative
methods are used sequentially in order to obtain more
comprehensive data (Sugiyono, 2015). Qualitative
method as a form of confirmation of fact finding in
quantitative method or vice versa.
The qualitative method in this study will use
purposive sampling by extracting information from
informants who are considered to be the most
understanding and directly active in the management
of the Sukajaya Village Owned Enterprise, Sukajadi
Village, especially in the management of the drinking
water depot business unit. While the quantitative
method is used to process numerical data related to
population projections, financial analysis which
includes economic feasibility in the business
feasibility study of the BUM Desa, Sukajadi Village.
5.1 Feasibility of Drinking Water Refill
Depot Business Existing Condition
The Water Supply Depot of Sukajaya Village Water
Depot has been running for more than a year. So that
in conducting business feasibility analysis on legal,
social, and technical aspects, it is done by comparing
the existing management conditions with the
regulatory system and needs.
While the economic aspect, in addition to
assessing business feasibility based on existing
conditions, calculations are also carried out on the
ideal business potential that should be achieved in the
Bum Desa Sukajaya Drinking Water Depot business.
5.1.1 Legal Aspects
In the context of the analysis of legal aspects, the
business of drinking water refill depots is regulated
through the Decree of the Minister of Industry and
Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number:
651/MPP/Kep/10/2004, concerning the Technical
Requirements of the Drinking Water Depot Industry
and its Trade. In addition, it is also regulated through
Minister of Health Regulation Number 43 of 2014
concerning Sanitation Hygiene for Drinking Water
Based on the regulation, there are several
requirements related to licensing that must be fulfilled
by a Drinking Water Depot business including: 1)
Industrial Registration Certificate, 2) Permit to supply
raw water or take water and 3) have a water test
report. In addition to licensing, existing regulations
also regulate the technical preparation and
management of businesses.
Based on primary data, the BUM Desa Sukajaya
drinking water depot does not yet fully have business
legal requirements. The completeness of the licensing
administration is still in the management stage
according to the provisions. Meanwhile, for water
quality and depot management, although from the
beginning they did not pay attention to the existing
regulations due to a lack of understanding, based on
the results of observations, the condition of the
buildings and facilities of the depot can be said to
have met the criteria set by the government. The
water quality test was carried out at the first time it
was operated. Meanwhile, from the existing
requirements, it is generally estimated that Sukajaya
Village BUM can fulfill its operations while meeting
the needs of the community.
5.1.2 Social Aspect
If viewed from the social aspect, the existence of the
Sukajaya drinking water depot has a very positive
impact on the community. With natural conditions
that are difficult to obtain drinking water sources and
the trend of using refilled bottled water as a source of
drinking water is increasingly widespread, the
Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency
existence of the drinking water refill depot is very
much needsed.
In addition, as one of the government's business
units, it should be easier to coordinate with relevant
agencies in terms of periodic monitoring of water
quality. This is very important so that the water
received by the community actually meets the
minimum health standards set by the government.
The same is true in terms of job creation. Even
though it is classified as minimal manpower, the
existence of the Drinking Water Depot at least creates
new jobs such as managers and transportation
services (courier) of water shuttles and the like.
5.1.3 Technical Aspect
Judging from the technical aspect, the water filtration
equipment used by the Sukajaya Drinking Water
Refill Depot complies with the minimum standards
set by the Government. Water filtration facilities are
quite simple and do not use specific technology, thus
requiring the availability of specialized human
resources. This Reverses Osmosis (RO) system water
treatment is relatively easy to operate and currently
the existing workforce in Sukajadi village is sufficient
to run this business.
It's just that in a more specific context related to
drinking water lab tests that should be carried out
periodically, this process can only be carried out by
bringing water samples to the nearest testing
laboratory or establishing cooperation for a certain
period of time either with the Bengkalis district
government or competent institutions.
5.1.4 Economic Aspect
a. Market and Marketing Feasibility
Based on available population data, with a population
growth rate of 3.25% geometrically, the population of
Bukit Batu District in 2024 will reach 24,469 people
while the population of Sukajadi Village is estimated
to reach 1,289 people. Based on previous data and
discussions, in 2024 the MDGs target of access to
drinking water, the government has targeted access to
drinking water services of 100%.
Based on the MDGs targets and the existing
conditions in Sukajadi Village where there is no
refillable bottled drinking water depot, it is assumed
that the drinking water depot's business services can
reach 90% of the population, while the remaining
10% is fulfilled conventionally and/or using bottled
water. brands that are sold freely in the market.
Thus, the operational potential of the refillable
bottled water depot business unit with the maximum
capacity of the existing water treatment unit can be
Table 2: Projected Drinking Water Needs in Sukajadi
Village, Bukit Batu District.
Description 2024 Projection
ulation 1.289 Jiwa
Drinking Water Needs (90%
Population, 3 ltr/day)
3.479,7 liter/hari
Estimated Service (in 19
Liter Gallons
183,1 GPD
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
Thus, there is a business opportunity for refill
drinking water of about 183 gallons per day, to serve
90% of the population of Sukajadi Village.
Based on primary data, it was found that the
production cost of drinking water per gallon of 19
liters did not exceed Rp. 1.500,-. With a one-time
refill price of Rp. 3,800,- the gross profit of the
business is estimated at 61%. Based on the
information in table 2, the potential gross sales value
of the BUM Desa Sukajaya Drinking Water Refill
Depot is 183 gallons x Rp. 3,800, worth Rp. 695.932,-
per day or equivalent to Rp. 20.877.972, - per month
and Rp. 250.535.663, - per year with an estimated
gross profit potential of Rp. 151.640.007, -per year.
Along with the improvement in service quality and
public understanding of safe drinking water as well as
marketing techniques that continue to be improved, it
is estimated that annual sales will increase by 3% or
linearly with population growth of 3.25%.
Based on the financial statements of BUM Desa
Sukajaya, the average income from drinking water
refill depots reaches Rp. 20.800.000, - per month,
with average sales above 100 gallons per day. The
sales potential has reached 90% service for the people
of Sukajadi Village. With the condition of the sale, it
can be stated that the current business is being
managed quite well, even though a business
feasibility analysis has not specifically been carried
b. Financial Eligibility
The financial analysis will be carried out on the ideal
potential conditions that should be achieved by BUM
Desa Sukajaya from this refillable bottled water depot
business. The drinking water depot building is built
on village-owned land with the initial business
investment estimated as follows:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Tabel 3: Initial Investment and Capital.
ital Unit Sum. (R
Building 1 Unit 50.000.000
Complete package of 250
GPD RO Machine
1 Set 65.000.000
Gallon (19 Liter) 300
Membrane Washing
1 Unit 1.500.000
Three Wheeler (Pixar) 1 Unit 19.000.000
Miscellaneous expense 1 3.000.000
TOTAL initial investment 147.500.000
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
The amount of financing that must be issued by
the refill drinking water depot business unit at BUM
Desa Sukajaya is as follows:
1. Employee Wage Financing
To manage a Drinking Water Depot with a capacity
of 200 GPD, it is managed by at least 4 people.
Tabel 4: Manager's Salary.
Employee Salary
Managing Director 1.700.000
Treasurer (Cashier) 1.500.000
Water Distributor (Courier)
2 people @ Rp. 1,200,000
Total Monthly Cost 5.600.000
Total Annual Fee 67.200.000
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
The salary cost is estimated to increase by 3% per
year linearly with the increase in the target income
and population.
2. Depreciation
Depreciation of assets is expected to occur in the
following types of assets:
Table 5: Asset Depreciation.
Jenis Aset Perolehan UE* Dep/Y**
50.000.000 20 2.500.000
RO Machine
65.000.000 5 13.000.000
Gallons 9.000.000 2 4.500.000
1.500.000 5 300.000
19.000.000 7 2.714.000
Annual Depreciation 23.014.286
*UE: Economic age
Dep/Y**: Depreciation Per Year
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
3. General Financing
General costs are expenditures incurred for
operational purposes such as fuel, electricity,
stationery, replacement and minor servicing of
machine tools and the like, the cost of purchasing
bottle caps and testing water quality. The general cost
is estimated at Rp. 2,000,000/month or equivalent to
Rp. 24,000,000/year. This general cost is assumed to
also increase by 3% per year linearly with the revenue
4. Administration Financing
Administration financing are used for administrative
matters such as stationery, reporting, licensing, and
others. This cost is assumed to be Rp. 1,000,000 per
month or equivalent to Rp. 12,000,000 per year. This
cost is also assumed to increase by 3% per year.
Net Cash Flow
Based on the above estimates of income and
expenses, a business cash flow can be arranged (at
appendix). Meanwhile, the Net Cash Flow of the
BUM Desa Sukajaya Water Depot is as follows:
Table 6: Net Cash Flow.
LB** Depr*** NCF****
1 124.321.378,06 23.014.285,71 147.335.663,77
2 128.741.447,97 23.014.285,71 151.755.733,69
3 133.294.119,98 23.014.285,71 156.308.405,70
4 137.983.372,15 23.014.285,71 160.997.657,87
5 142.813.301,89 23.014.285,71 165.827.587,60
6 147.788.129,52 23.014.285,71 170.802.415,23
7 152.912.201,97 23.014.285,71 175.926.487,69
8 158.189.996,61 23.014.285,71 181.204.282,32
9 163.626.125,08 23.014.285,71 186.640.410,79
10 169.225.337,40 23.014.285,71 192.239.623,11
*Th: Tahun, **LB: Laba Bersih, ***Depr: Penyusutan;
****NCF: Net Cash Flow
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
From the Net Cash Flow table, it can be observed that
there is a positive growth every year.
Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency
Payback Periode
Payback Analysis Period is the time required to
recoup investment spending using net cash flow. This
method estimates how long the investment costs can
return (Hamdi, 2017).
Tabel 7: Analysis Payback Periode.
Year NCF NCF accumulation
Initial Investment Value 147.500.000
1 147.335.663,77 147.335.663,77
2 151.755.733,69 299.091.397,46
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
Based on the table above, it can be seen that the
accumulated value of NCF for the second year has
exceeded the initial investment value with a
difference of Rp. 151.591.397, -. So, the payback
period value for this drinking water depot business is
1 year and 1 month.
Net Present Value
Net present value (NPV) is found by discounting cash
disbursements and is equivalent to providing a certain
interest rate over the life of the business. The
difference of the present value (discounted value) of
cash disbursements and receipts.
Table 8: NPV Analysis.
Bank interest rates 6,8%
1 147.335.663,77 0,936 137.954.741
2 151.755.733,69 0,877 133.046.239
3 156.308.405,70 0,821 128.312.384
4 160.997.657,87 0,769 123.746.962
5 165.827.587,60 0,720 119.343.981
Total PV Cash Flow 642.404.308
NPV 494.904.308
*NCF: Net Cash Flow; **PV Fact: Present Value Factor
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
The Net Present Value is positive (+), which is Rp.
494.904.308, thus the Sukajaya drinking water depot
business is feasible to run.
Profitability Index
Profitability Index (PI) is the present value of cash
flows compared to the investment value. If the
Profitability Index is above 1, it means that the
investment is acceptable.
Based on the NPV table above, the PI value can be
PI = Total PV Cash Flow : investment value
PI = Rp. 642.404.308,16 : Rp. 147,500,000
PI = 4,355
With a PI value above 1, it means that this business is
quite feasible to carry out.
Internal Rate of Return
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a reference
for calculating the efficiency of an investment. In
simple terms, the IRR calculation can be the basis for
whether an investment is worth making or not. An
investment that is considered roadworthy must meet
the criteria for an IRR value that is higher than the
minimum acceptable rate of return or minimum
attractive rate of return.
The analysis of the IRR value in the BUM Desa
Sukajaya drinking water rfill depot business is as
Table 9: IRR Analysis.
Discount cash flow
6% 30%
1 147.335.663 138.995.909,22 113.335.125,98
2 151.755.733 135.062.062,73 89.796.292,12
3 156.308.405 131.239.551,52 71.146.292,99
4 160.997.657 127.525.224,59 56.369.755,21
5 165.827.587 123.916.020,12 44.662.190,67
∑ PV Cash
INVESTMENT 147.500.000 147.500.000
NPV 509.238.768 227.809.657
Source: Processed by researchers, 2021
375.309.657)]x (30%-6%)}
IRR = 62%
Thus, the invested capital is Rp. 147,500,000, -
when compared with the required capital cost or
interest of 6%, the IRR is 62% higher, then the
investment for this business is quite feasible to do.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Based on the results of the business feasibility
analysis above, it can be concluded as follows:
1. Refill drinking water depot in Sukajadi village is
very much needed and feasible to do after being
reviewed from all aspects. This is because this
effort really helps the government in meeting the
needs of decent drinking water for the community.
2. In the existing condition, the management system
implemented by BUM Desa Sukajadi is quite
profitable. One of the reasons for the profitability
of this drinking water depot business is the factor
that is not yet optimal in providing village
drinking water around Sukajadi Village, so that
some of the potential services of neighboring
villages are part of the Sukajadi BUM Desa
drinking water service.
3. Ideal conditions based on market potential and
community needs, drinking water depot business
in Sukajadi Village is quite profitable. With a
note, it must be with business management
conditions, including the process of socializing
the use of healthy water to the community. This is
to ensure that the maximum production of
drinking water can be distributed to the public, to
achieve the daily sales target.
4. Economically, the business of refill drinking
water depot in Sukajaya Village is quite profitable
with a profit exceeding 20%. In accordance with
the theory of Robbani and Wasiso (2019) in terms
of the filtration process (selection) of the business
to be run, with profitability above 20%, the
business to be run is classified as very
5. Even though it is quite profitable, the refill
drinking water depot business that BUM Desa
Sukajadi runs is categorized as a business that is
difficult to develop, because the target market is
based on the number of villagers. In addition, the
effort to fulfill drinking water is also a national
program that has also been regulated by the
government. Duplication of similar businesses on
other village will make the refill drinking water
depot business limited to serving the community
in their respective village areas.
1. In order for BUM Desa to carry out better
business functions, administrators and managers
need to receive adequate education regarding
business management, especially the drinking
water depot business. So that profitability and
business sustainability will be more guaranteed
and can be planned better.
2. Operationally, the refill drinking water depot
business must be followed by Village
Government policies that provide education to the
community, in order to increase public
understanding of the need to consume good water
for the body. Thus, it is hoped that the community
will wisely choose quality water and buy water
from drinking water depots managed by the
Village Government through BUM Desa which
has been operationally managed by taking into
account the consumption standards set by the
3. The Sukajadi Village Government must synergize
the drinking water depot business unit with
national programs so as not to clash with each
other so that it has a negative impact on the
sustainability of business and community
services. Program synergy will help BUM Desa
get convenience benefits related to access to
permits, quality testing and evaluation
4. The Bengkalis Regency Government and the
Village Government must formulate appropriate
drinking water supply management policies,
synergize with each other so that services will be
more optimal.
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 10: Tabel Perkiraan Arus Kas (Cash Flow) pada Usaha Depot Air Minum BUM Desa Sukajaya Desa Sukajadi
Sumber: Diolah oleh peneliti, 2021
1. Penjualan (keuntungan bersih) diprediksi meningkat 3% pertahun, diambil dari perkiraan tabel laba bersih.
2. Gaji pegawai terjadi peningkatan 3% Pertahun, diambil dari tabel pengeluaran.
3. Biaya Adm terjadi peningkatan 3%, diambil dari tabel biaya pengeluaran.
4. Biaya Penyusutan aset sesuai dengan perhitungan penyusutana aset.
5. Biaya umum terjadi penigkatan 3% pertahun, diambil dari tabel pengeluaran
6. Total Biaya adalah Gaji + Biaya adm + Penyusutan + Biaya umum
7. Laba Bersih adalah Penjualan - total biaya
8. Arus kas adalah Penyusutan + Laba bersih
Tahun Penjualan Gaji pegawai Biaya Adm Biaya penyus utan Biaya umum Total biaya Laba bers ih NCF
1 2 3 4 5 6 7=(3+4+5+6) 8=(2-7) 9 (5+8)
240.590.914,23 67.200.000,00 12.000.000,00 23.014.285,71 24.000.000,00 126.214.285,71 114.376.628,52 137.390.914,23
247.808.641,66 69.216.000,00 12.360.000,00 23.014.285,71 24.720.000,00 129.310.285,71 118.498.355,94 141.512.641,66
255.242.900,91 71.292.480,00 12.730.800,00 23.014.285,71 25.461.600,00 132.499.165,71 122.743.735,19 145.758.020,91
262.900.187,93 73.431.254,40 13.112.724,00 23.014.285,71 26.225.448,00 135.783.712,11 127.116.475,82 150.130.761,53
270.787.193,57 75.634.192,03 13.506.105,72 23.014.285,71 27.012.211,44 139.166.794,91 131.620.398,66 154.634.684,38
278.910.809,38 77.903.217,79 13.911.288,89 23.014.285,71 27.822.577,78 142.651.370,18 136.259.439,20 159.273.724,91
287.278.133,66 80.240.314,33 14.328.627,56 23.014.285,71 28.657.255,12 146.240.482,72 141.037.650,94 164.051.936,66
295.896.477,67 82.647.523,76 14.758.486,39 23.014.285,71 29.516.972,77 149.937.268,63 145.959.209,04 168.973.494,76
304.773.372,00 85.126.949,47 15.201.240,98 23.014.285,71 30.402.481,95 153.744.958,11 151.028.413,89 174.042.699,60
313.916.573,16 87.680.757,95 15.657.278,21 23.014.285,71 31.314.556,41 157.666.878,29 156.249.694,87 179.263.980,59
Feasibility Study of Refill Drinking Water Depot at BUM Desa Sukajaya, Sukajadi Village Bengkalis Regency