Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating
Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School
Ica Yolanda Ginting
, Arta Uly Siahaan
, Winanda Wahana Warga Dalam
and Happy Yugo Prasetiya
Department of Informatics, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam Centre, Batam City, Indonesia
Department of Business Management, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam Centre, Batam City, Indonesia
Keywords: ADDIE Model, Education Media, Kusuma Bangsa School, Mini Comic, Pre-test, and Post-test.
Abstract: The importance of implanting is a sense of awareness and concern for environmental cleanliness must have
been implanted in the community, especially implanted from an early age. One way is to carry out community
activities with the aim of increasing awareness of the surrounding environment since children age with the
implementation of waste sorting education and training in waste management to students at Kusuma Bangsa
School use mini comic educational media entitled "Smart Waste Management". The purpose of carrying out
this activity is to reduce existing problems by providing education, namely providing education in sorting and
processing waste. The method of implementing will be made using the pre-test and post-test methods using
the ADDIE Model in making these mini comics which consists of the stages of analysis, design, development,
implementation, and evaluation. From the results that have been done as a whole obtained an average pre-test
of 58% and post-test 88% with a value of N-Gain 0.71 which falls into the category of high increase. The
results of the analysis showed that the mini comic "Smart Waste Management" can help students as a media
of educational briefing on sorting and processing waste in the Kusuma Bangsa School environment.
Every community has hopes to be able to live clean
and comfortable in a residential environment in their
daily life, but in reality, it is difficult to achieve
because of the lack of empathy from the community
for a clean environment. This problem needs special
attention considering the various environmental
problems it can cause. This can be seen from the high
level of waste in Indonesia in 2020 which reached
67.8 million tons according to the submission by the
Minister of Environment and Forestry, Siti Nurbaya
in a press release number:
SP.060/PR/PP/HMS.3/02/2020 (Kepala Biro
Hubungan Masyarakat KLHK, 2020).
One form of empathy that can be done by the
community in supporting the creation of a clean and
comfortable environment is to process and sort waste.
Waste sorting is an activity that is done to dispose of
waste according to its type. If the waste is disposed of
according to its type, then the processing of waste it
will be easier and can improve environmental health
(Lestari, Purnama, Safitri, & Koto, 2020). Seeing this
condition, the importance of planting a sense of
awareness and concern for environmental hygiene
should have been instilled in the community,
especially instilled early. Instilling values on
environmental hygiene to children from an early age
is important to do, because as we know that children
are the next generation of the nation where it should
have been provided first by parents or teachers on
things that can maintain the continuity of a nation
where in this case one of them is by maintaining a
clean environment. Children when they are in the
stage of development, they are in the process of
imitating something that is by looking at what the
adults around them are doing and doing it (Amri &
Widyantoro, 2017).
There are several factors that can influence a
person's behaviour to dispose of waste in its place,
such as habits that are done at home, in the
community, and also in school. School is one of the
media that is expected in an effort to provide
education to children in applying waste disposal
Yolanda Ginting, I., Uly Siahaan, A., Wahana Warga Dalam, W. and Yugo Prasetiya, H.
Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School.
DOI: 10.5220/0010895000003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 316-324
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
behaviour in its place. However, not only the role of
children is important in efforts to maintain cleanliness
in the school environment, there are other roles that
are also important such as teachers, security guards,
janitors, sellers in the cafeteria, and others who also
have to participate together in shaping awareness
from as early as possible not to litter and as much as
possible learn to know the types of waste to the way
of management. In Batam, the volume of waste every
day reaches 1000 to 1200 tons. In 2013-2014 waste
increased by about 329,554 tons. Then in 2014-2015
there was a decrease of about 303.6 tons (Manalu &
Purba, 2020).
Based on the exposure of the above problems by
looking at the ever-increasing volume of waste in
Batam, researchers are interested in doing something
to hold activities aimed at increasing the sense of
concern and responsibility for the environment at
Kusuma Bangsa School, namely through the
application of education on waste sorting assisted by
smart waste can media, there is also waste processing
training, as well as assistance in the process of
rubbish to cash. Not only that, but researchers also
want to create an educational media that can attract
elementary school children by creating a mini comic
that is also the focus of researchers in this report. This
research aims to design and make mini comics as a
media of educational briefing on sorting and
processing waste in the Kusuma Bangsa School
environment and analyzing the increase in knowledge
from mini comics as a media of educational briefing
on sorting and processing waste in the Kusuma
Bangsa School.
2.1 Waste
Waste is a solid waste material from households,
markets, offices, inns, hotels, restaurants, industries,
debris materials and scrap metal used motor vehicles
and in other words waste is the result obtained from
human activities or activities that have been used
(Sucipto, 2012). There are two types of waste, namely
organic waste, and inorganic waste. Organic waste
means waste from living things such as humans,
animals, and plants. Inorganic waste is something that
is not derived from living things, but comes from
materials that are not easily decomposed, hazardous
materials or toxic materials and fall into the category
of recyclable waste for example materials made of
plastic and metal (Lestari, Purnama, Safitri, & Koto,
2020). The quantity and quality of waste can be
influenced from many types of activities as well as
from the level of life of the community. Several
important factors that affect waste production, such
as the population, socioeconomic circumstances, and
technological advances (Shobri, 2014).
2.2 Comic Media
A media when in the process of learning and teaching
is often referred to as a graphic, photographic tool that
serves to capture and process and reorder information
both visually and verbally and one of the media that
is now quite widely used is comics. In (Koswanto,
Prestiliano, & Utami, 2017), Waluyanto said that
comics used as a learning media is a tool that serves
to convey the message of learning while being
delivered. In this sense, the learning in question will
be directed to a communication process that occurs
between the student and the source (in this case the
learning comic). Communication in learning will run
appropriately if the message or learning objectives
that want to be conveyed can be received clearly,
systematically, and interestingly.
2.3 ADDIE Model
ADDIE Model is one of the designs of teaching
materials development that is often used, while in
ADDIE Model there are 5 stages: Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation and Evaluation
(Cahyadi, 2019).
1. Analysis
This stage is the first stage that will be done
where the analysis of the development of
teaching materials in the learning objectives
and there are several analyses that will be
2. Design
The design stage is divided from several
planning of the development of teaching
materials that will be carried out.
3. Development
Development in the ADDIE Model will
contain the content of the activities of the
application of product design which in this
case is a teaching material. The development
steps in this study include the activity of
making and modifying teaching materials.
When the design stage has been done, the
framework has been prepared in concept from
the development of teaching materials.
Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School
4. Implementation
This stage is the stage where the
implementation will be carried out directly,
namely the provision of finished comics to
students. During the implementation process,
the design of teaching materials that have been
designed and then developed will also be
applied to the actual stage.
5. Evaluation
Evaluation is the last stage of the ADDIE
Model. Evaluation results will be used as
feedback on the development of teaching
materials and also measure whether the
purpose of making teaching materials has been
achieved or not.
2.4 Pre-test and Post-test
According to Costa in (Damayanti, Pusparini,
Djannatun, & Ferlianti, 2017) pre-test and post-test
methods are one of the widely used assessment tools
and are highly recommended when measuring the
success and progress of a learning process. Pre-test
will be given before the activities and comic giving
with the aim to know the extent of knowledge of
students of Kusuma Bangsa School to waste and
processing. While post-test is given when the activity
has been implemented and the comic has been given
with the aim of knowing if there is an increase in
knowledge after the activity is carried out.
In this study will be used one group pre-test
post-test design, namely the design of research that
there is pre-test before being treated and post-test
after treatment. Doing one group pre-test post-test
design will get results that are known to be more
accurate, because the results obtained will be
compared to the holding before being treated
(Citroresmi & Nurhayati, 2017). The form of one
group pre-test post-test design as in Table 1.
Table 1: One Group Pre-test Post-test Design.
Pre-test Treated Post-test
T1 XT2
T1: First Test (pre-test)
T2: Final Test (post-test)
X: Implementation of Learning Model
Next is to calculate the percentage of pre-test
and post-test results will use the formula as below.
P = f/N x 100 %
Which is:
P = Question Percentage
f = Frequency of respondents’ answers
N= Total Frequency
After the percentage of respondents’ answers
has been obtained, the next stage will be interpreted
or assessed on the results of the study interpreted at
the percentage criteria level in Table 2 (Prihanto,
Table 2: Category Value Percentage.
No. Percentage Category Value Percentage
1. > 84% Very Good
2. 68% – 84 % Good
3. 52% – 68% Enough
4. 36% – 52% Less
5. < 36% Very Less
Then to assess the increase in comic
knowledge is determined from the post-test results.
The post-test results obtained will be analyzed in
increments from pre-test results calculated using the
following N-Gain formula as seen in Figure 1
according to (Novianti, 2010) in (Prihanto, 2018).
Figure 1: N-Gain Formula.
The results of the N-Gain then will be
classified into categories in Table 3.
Table 3. Category of N-Gain.
No. N-Gain Score Category
𝐺 ≥ 0,70
Height Increase
0,30 ≤ 𝐺 < 0,70
Medium Increase
𝐺 < 0,30
Low Increase
Test results obtained from pre-test and post-test
evaluation instruments, comics are said to be
improved and useful for use in case of an increase in
the average score of N-Gain G 0.7 which is included
in the classification of high increase Gain.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
In the creation of this comic the researcher uses
ADDIE development model consisting of Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation and
Evaluation (ADDIE) where each component that is
interconnected and structured systematically cannot
be sorted randomly as seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2: ADDIE Development Model Steps.
3.1 Analysis Stage
Comics are quite popular in Indonesia, where comics
have been found in every Indonesian bookstore. The
popularity of comics in Indonesia from year to year
also experienced ups and downs. Such as the results
of the popularity graph comics in Indonesia obtained
from web searches through Google Trends. From the
chart, in 2015-2020 the popularity of comics in
Indonesia experienced ups and downs, but not as
significant as seen in Figure 3. With this data, it can
be concluded if the interest of Indonesian readers
towards comics is quite large.
Figure 3: Graph of interest in comics in Indonesia.
3.1.1 Goal Analysis
With the results of previous analysis that has been
done, the researcher wants to apply comics as a media
of information about sorting waste with the title
"Smart Waste Management" where the target is
students of Kusuma Bangsa Elementary School
located in Citra Pendawa Asri Housing Block A1
No.7-9, Kelurahan Buliang, Kecamatan Batu Aji,
Batam City. The school has 68 students, with 13
kindergartens and 55 elementary schools.
3.1.2 General Needs Analysis
The needs used to create this comic consist of two
things, namely hardware needs and software needs.
Hardware needs include Laptops, Wacom, Hard
drives. Software needs include Adobe Illustrator,
3.2 Design Stage
The design stage is the model design process that will
underlie the next development process. The design
stages that will be created include story ideas,
synopsis, scripts, character sketches and storyboards.
3.3 Development Stage
This stage is a stage that contains the results of the
realization of the design stage. At this stage, it will be
done making smart comics sorting waste which will
then be continued by giving colour to the comic. This
stage will result in a smart comic sorting out the waste
that will be used as a media of information about
3.4 Implementation Stage
This stage is the stage where the implementation will
be carried out directly, namely the provision of
finished comics to students of Kusuma Bangsa
School. This stage is also the stage where the pre-test
will be conducted before the comic is given with the
aim to measure the level of knowledge of students to
sort waste and post-test to see the renewal of student
knowledge to sort waste.
3.5 Evaluation Stage
Evaluation is the last step of the ADDIE Model. This
stage is a process that is done to provide value to
smart comics sorting waste, which will be assessed
the level of knowledge of students after reading
comics through post-test.
Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School
4.1 Comic Implementation and
Colouring is done so that comics can be seen and
distinguished from other objects. This stage is the
realization of the design stage as shown below. The
first is the comic cover that can be seen in Figure 4.
Figure 4: Comic Front and Back Cover.
Figure 5 is the content of the first and second pages
containing the opening story of the comic.
Figure 5: The Opening Story of Comic.
Figure 6 is the content of the third and fourth pages
that contain the types of waste, the colors of the trash
can, and the impact of littering.
Figure 6: Material Types of Waste and the Impact.
Figure 7 is the content of the fifth and sixth pages that
contain about how to process waste.
Figure 7: Waste Processing Materials.
Figure 8 is the content of the last page that is the ending of
the comic.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Figure 8: The Ending.
4.2 Comic Giving
This stage is the stage where the implementation will
be done directly, namely the granting of comics that
have been completed. This stage is where the comics
that have been designed are applied to the actual
conditions. Comics were given during the activity on
Saturday, May 11, 2019, to 68 students of Kusuma
Bangsa School as shown in Figure 9 and Figure 10.
Figure 9: Mini Comic "Smart Waste Management".
Figure 10: Comics Received by Students.
4.3 Results Achieved
The test results of pre-test and post-test that have been
conducted to 68 students of Kusuma Bangsa School
can be seen as in Table 4.
Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School
Table 4: Pre-Test and Post-Test Results.
No Question
Pre-test Post-test
True False True False
What is
45 23 65 3
How many
types of
28 40 60 8
Why should
we throw
away the
50 18 60 8
What would
happen if we
littered the
50 18 59 9
Who is
for waste
33 35 58 10
How to
recycle the
25 43 53 15
What are the
benefits of
sorting out
the waste?
40 28 55 13
Why should
we sort out
the waste?
38 30 57 11
How many
colors of
trash can?
30 38 66 2
Are you
going to start
sorting out
the waste?
55 13 68 0
Then the data that has been obtained from the
results of pre-test and post-test tests will be processed
into a percentage form. The first is the percentage
result of the pre-test that can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5: Pre-Test Percentage Results.
No. Target Outcome
Students are able to
know the meaning
of waste
56/68*100% 66%
Students are able to
understand the types
of waste
40/68*100% 41%
Students are able to
understand the
importance of
disposing of waste
in its place
55/68*100% 74%
Students are able to
know the impact of
50/68*100% 74%
Students are able to
know who is
responsible for
waste management
47/68*100% 49%
Students are able to
understand how to
recycle waste based
on the type of waste
45/68*100% 37%
Students are able to
know the benefits
that can be from
sorting waste
52/68*100% 59%
Students are able to
understand the
importance of
sorting waste
50/68*100% 56%
Students are able to
know the types of
trash cans based on
the types of waste
40/68*100% 44%
Students have the
motivation to do
waste sorting
55/68*100% 81%
Average 58%
From Table 5, it can be known that the pre-test
results on each external aspect targeted have an
average of only 58% of students who know about
waste and its processing. Then after the granting of
comics to students of Kusuma Bangsa School, post-
test is conducted that are seen from after the reading
of comics by students get percentage results as in
Table 6.
Table 6: Post-Test Percentage Results.
No. Target Outcome
Students are able to
know the meaning
of waste
65/68*100% 96%
Students are able to
understand the
types of waste
60/68*100% 88%
Students are able to
understand the
importance of
disposing of waste
in its place
60/68*100% 88%
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Students are able to
know the impact of
59/68*100% 87%
Students are able to
know who is
responsible for
waste management
58/68*100% 85%
Students are able to
understand how to
recycle waste
based on the type
of waste
53/68*100% 78%
Students are able to
know the benefits
that can be from
sorting waste
55/68*100% 81%
Students are able to
understand the
importance of
sorting waste
57/68*100% 84%
Students are able to
know the types of
trash cans based on
the types of waste
66/68*100% 97%
Students have the
motivation to do
waste sorting
68/68*100% 100%
Average 88%
From Table 16 can be known on each external
aspect targeted to have an average of 88% of students
who know about waste and processing. So from the
percentage of pretest 58% and posttest 88%, there is
an increase in knowledge in students by 30%. Some
aspects that have below average value are related to
the impact of littering, who is responsible for waste
processing, how to recycle waste based on the type of
waste, the benefits of sorting waste and the
importance of sorting waste. This is because there are
still some students, especially in kindergarten, grade
1 and grade 2 who do not understand.
While the aspect that has a high score is the
motivation of students to do waste sorting where
previously there were still some students who did not
have motivation and after reading the comics all
students have the motivation to do waste sorting such
as Figure 11.
Figure 11: Pre-Test and Post-Test Results.
4.4 Improved Understanding of
The improved understanding of the comic "Smart
Waste Management" will be determined from the
post-test results of Students of Kusuma Bangsa
School. The post-test results obtained will be
analyzed in increments from pre-test results
calculated using the N-Gain formula with the results
as in Table 7.
Table 7: Recapitulation of Pre-Test and Post-Test Results.
Pre-Test Post-Test
58 88
Height Increase
The results of previous research conducted
(Prihanto, 2018) explaining the test results obtained
from pre-test and post-test evaluation instruments,
shows that comics can help students in learning in
case of an increase in the average N-Gain G score
0.7 which is included in the high increase Gain
From the calculation using the formula N-Gain in
Table 17, the results were obtained where there was
an increase in knowledge in students of Kusuma
Bangsa School related to waste and its processing of
0.71 which falls into the category of high increase.
The results of the analysis showed that the mini comic
"Smart Waste Management” can help students of
Kusuma Bangsa School as a media of educational
briefing on sorting and processing waste in the
Kusuma Bangsa School environment.
Mültrennung Method: The Application of Education for Separating Rubbish using Mini Comic in Kusuma Bangsa School
5.1 Conclusion
The conclusion of this study is:
1. The creation of this mini comic using ADDIE
Model with several stages, namely Analysis,
Design, Development, Implementation and
Evaluation. Mini comic "Smart Waste
Management" contains knowledge of waste
ranging from the types of waste, the colour of the
trash can, the impact of littering, to sorting and
managing waste with a total of 7 pages.
2. Based on the results of the pre-test and post-test
mini comic "Smart Waste Management" that has
been obtained from 68 students of Kusuma
Bangsa School, there has been an increase in
knowledge related to waste and its processing.
The average pre-test is 58% and post-test is 88%
with an N-Gain score of 0.71 which falls into the
high increase category. The results of the analysis
showed that the mini comic "Smart Waste
Management” can help students of Kusuma
Bangsa School as a media of educational briefing
on sorting and processing waste in the Kusuma
Bangsa School environment.
5.2 Recommendations
The recommendations that can be given to the next
1. Mini comics as a media of educational briefing on
sorting and processing waste can be developed
into a form of comic series with the next series
that can be continued.
2. Developing the distribution of mini comic "Smart
Waste Management” more widely to several other
schools to better educate children from an early
age sees the positive influence gained from this
This research was partially supported by Directorate
General of Education and Student Affairs, Ministry
of Research, Technology and Higher Education of
Indonesia through Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science