Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and
Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case
Study: College Student of the Batam State Polytechnic Applied
Business Administration Study Program
Ru’yati Prihastuti and Bambang Hendrawan
Applied Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Indonesia
Politeknik Negeri Batam, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Electronic Money, Debit Cards, Hedonic Lifestyle, Consumptive Behavior.
Abstract: This study discusses the effect of electronic money, debit cards, and hedonic lifestyles on student
consumptive behavior. Retrieval of research data using questionnaires or questionnaires and documentation.
Using multiple linear regression analysis and descriptive analysis to explain the results of the study. The
research sample was 137 respondents, the respondents were students of the 2017 Applied Business
Administration study program and the 2018 batch of Batam State Polytechnic. The results of this study are
that there is a negative effect of the use of electronic money on the consumptive behavior of students, there
is a significant positive effect of a partially hedonic lifestyle on the consumptive behavior of students. The
debit card variable partially has no effect on the consumptive behavior of students. The variables of
electronic money, debit cards, and hedonic lifestyles together affect the consumptive behavior of students.
Money is a legal medium of exchange. Along with
the development of increasingly rapid technological
advances, money is now not only in the form of cash
or cash. Financial Technology (Fintech) is always
developing and innovating. One of the innovations
in the world of financial technology is the
emergence of an electronic payment system, to
maximize the use of indirect payment transactions
(Dwi, et al., 2020). Payment transactions are divided
into electronic money in the form of balances on an
application or server, and chip-based electronic
money found on cards such as debit and credit cards.
Server-based electronic money is money that is
not in the form of cash but the form of balances in
application programs such as shopeepay, go-pay, i-
saku, and other forms of electronic money. The
process of filling out electronic money, using it, as
well as the security provided or facilitated by the
issuer of electronic money really, helps users to be
more efficient for financial transactions.
People also often use cards as a means of
payment, for example, using debit cards. A card
payment instrument (APMK) is a transaction
medium containing a balance (money) that is useful
for paying off obligations arising from economic
Concerning the ease of payment transactions, it
creates the habit of making shopping easier for
teenagers, especially students. Students tend to
spend time entertaining themselves by having fun
and getting the center of attention. One of the habits
that exist among students, in general, is shopping,
traveling, spending time with social media, and
others. With these habits, it is not surprising that
they spend time shopping for things that are less
needed and less useful, such habits can be called a
hedonic lifestyle (Anggraini and Santhoso, 2017).
With the non-cash payment system and the
easier, it is to use the payment, the community,
especially students, make purchases more often or
make transactions more often. More and more online
shops and marketplaces and easy transactions make
students, in particular, to be able to choose their
lifestyle to be wiser in shopping or choose to be
consumptive. Consumptive behavior is the attitude
or behavior of someone who has excessive and
Prihastuti, R. and Hendrawan, B.
Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case Study: College Student of the Batam State
Polytechnic Applied Business Administration Study Program.
DOI: 10.5220/0010894700003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 307-315
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unreasonable consumption behavior of goods
(Lestarina, et al., 2017).
Based on this description, it can be seen that
there is a change in behavior due to technological
developments, especially in the field of payment
from using cash to non-cash so that it affects the
consumptive behavior of students. For this reason,
this study examines the effect of using electronic
money, debit cards, and style. hedonic life towards
consumptive behavior of students of the Applied
Business Administration study program class of
2017 and class of 2018 Batam State Polytechnic.
The study of the literature discusses contains the
foundation of the theory that is relevant to the
2.1 Payment System
The payment system is a system that involves a set
of rules, institutions, and mechanisms used to carry
out the transfer of funds, to fulfill an obligation that
arises from economic activity.
Meanwhile, according to previous researchers,
they defined a payment system in the form of rules
or regulations, instruments, standards, used in the
process of exchanging financial values carried out
by two or more parties (Fatmasari, et al., 2019).
Thus, it can be concluded that the payment system is
a system that involves rules, institutions, and
mechanisms used for the process of exchanging
money values or transferring funds carried out by
two or more parties to fulfill an obligation arising
from economic activity.
Indonesia has two payment systems, namely cash
payment systems, and non-cash payment systems.
Electronic money is divided based on technology,
there are two types. First, chip-based electronic
money, using a card number as an identity, for
example, an ATM card. Second, server-based
electronic money, this type of electronic money uses
an email address, phone number, or other as an
identity, for example, Dana, i-Saku, Go-pay, and
others (Dwi, et al., 2020).
2.2 Electronic Money
Electronic money is a product that has a stored value
or prepaid where there is a certain amount of money
stored in an electronic media owned by someone
called a balance that can be used for various types of
payments (multi-purposed) (Dwi, et al., 2020).
Meanwhile, the value of electronic money is the
value of money stored electronically in a media
server or chip that can be transferred for the purpose
of payment transactions and or for transfer of funds,
and in electronic money there are several
instruments. payments that must meet the following
a. Issued on the basis of the value of money
that was deposited in advance to the issuer.
b. Value of money stored electronically in a
media server or chip; and
c. The value of electronic money managed by
the issuer is not a deposite as referred to in
the Law government banking.
Electronic money has some variable operational
that is ‘ease of use’, benefits of e-money, promotion,
and security. Ease of use is defined as an action
where someone believes that a computer or
electronic device can be easily understood, from this
definition it can be concluded that ease of use will
reduce a person's effort (energy and time) in learning
electronic device (Rahman and Dewantara, 2017).
The benefits of electronic money in the form of
subjective possibilities from users of applications or
electronic devices that have the potential to help in
work, so that they are more useful and more
efficient, thus the results obtained will be even better
in terms of non-physical or physical (Aksami and
Jember, 2019).
The more widespread trade in Indonesia, the
more agents or digital money issuers. As a form of
marketing, digital money publishers have recently
carried out many promotions aimed at making their
digital products used by potential users. The
definition of promotion is a means of external
communication from service/goods providers to
motivate potential buyers to make transactions
(Latief and Dirwan, 2020).
Security is a very important thing in a payment
instrument, low security in electronic money or e-
money is an aspect that really needs to be considered
by publishers for the development of these electronic
products (Aksami and Jember, 2019).
2.3 Debit Card
The payment system uses a debit card in the form of
a facility provided by the bank to customers or
holders of savings or current accounts in their
banking which can be used to perform various kinds
of transactions, including payment transactions
where if the card is used to make transactions, the
nominal amount of the funds in the savings will be
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
reduced. (Fatmasari, et al., 2019).
In terms of the function of a debit card, it
functions as a tool to withdraw money from an
ATM, it can be used for account transfers, used for
cash deposits, and paying bills. In terms of the
benefits of a debit card, it has benefits such as easy
and efficient use due to fast transaction processes,
being able to make payments without cash. For risks
and drawbacks, namely, the use of a debit card is
only limited to the balance on the card, the risk of
theft of customer data, as well as negligence by the
cardholder in storage.
The use of debit cards also has strong legal
protection as regulated concerning customer
protection as consumers. In the law, it is written
about the rights of customers as consumers and
responsibilities to the bank as the issuer. There are
two kinds of legal protection owned by the
cardholder or cardholder (Savira, 2019). First,
repressively carried out by resolving disputes.
Second, preventively carried out by the customer
making a complaint against the bank if the customer
feels or finds an inappropriate situation.
2.4 Hedonic Lifestyle
The lifestyle or lifestyle of individuals who in doing
activities to seek the pleasures of life by spending
their time having fun outside the home with their
friends just shopping or buying things that are not
needed and always want to be the center of attention
around them is called a hedonic lifestyle (Anggraini
and Santhoso, 2017).
Aspects of the hedonic lifestyle consist of:
a. Activity is a person's way of using his time with
tangible and observable actions such as talking,
traveling, shopping, entertainment, and other
b. Interest is the level of satisfaction or pleasure
that arises specifically and makes the person pay
attention to certain objects or events.
c. Opinion is a written or oral response to a
stimulus that arises in the form of social, sport,
or community issues or entertainment.
2.5 Consumptive Behavior
Individual actions that are directly or carried out by
oneself make frequent and excessive purchases of
goods to fulfill their desires, not just for needs, this
activity results in a lot of expenditure or waste so
that the costs used are inefficient (Lestarina, et al.,
Many goods or services are purchased by
consumers without thinking about their use so that
the nature of the goods or services becomes
excessive, this means that a person becomes more
controlled by worldly desires and material pleasures
(Patricia and Handayani, 2014).
The aspects of consumptive behavior according
to Khairat, et al., (2018) are as follows:
a. Impulsive buying
b. Irrational buying
c. Overbuying
After knowing what aspects of consumptive
behavior are, then there are two factors (internal and
external) that can influence consumptive behavior.
Internal factors, including motivation, observation
and learning process, personality, self-concept, also
belief. Second, external factors include culture, role
models, social class, and family (Lestarina, et al.,
2.6 Relationship between Variables
The use of money as a means of payment
transactions generally does not use cash but uses
services provided by banks such as transfers
between accounts or with existing balances in
electronic money. This allows students to have the
behavior of spending money to just fulfill their
desires or consumptive behavior. The use of debit
cards and electronic money has an effect on student
spending because the higher the use of debit cards
and electronic money, the more expenses will be
made (Ramadani, 2016).
The rapid development of technology and
industry has made people's supplies of goods more
abundant. This causes people to easily consume
goods that are not only primary goods or necessities,
but other consumption is also carried out such as
excessive shopping, visiting several tourist
attractions such as karaoke, and others. This habit is
referred to as an excessive lifestyle or having a
hedonic lifestyle. Such a lifestyle that tends to be
excessive and leads to a luxurious life leads to
consumptive behavior (Patricia and Handayani,
3.1 Population and Sample
Students of Applied Business Administration Study
Program Class of 2017 and Class of 2018 Batam
State Polytechnic became the research population.
Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case
Study: College Student of the Batam State Polytechnic Applied Business Administration Study Program
The research sample was 137 respondents.
Determination of the number of respondents using
the Solvin formula with a 95% confidence level.
Sampling using the method of distributing
questionnaires to respondents using google form.
3.2 Operational Variables
Conducting a study, of course, requires complete
instructions on what must be there and observed and
what variables must be measured and tested, so
operational variables are needed.
Table 1: Operational Variables.
money is
stored in
s of using
1. (Easy to
2. Benefits of
3. Promiotion
4. Securit
Card (X2)
using the
by the
bank as a
facility for
using a
debit card.
1. Debit card
2. Debit card
using a debit
A lifestyle
that is
carried out
for fun.
Aspects of
a hedonic
lifestyle 1.
1. Activit
2. Interest
3. O
action or
in buying
based on
not based
on needs.
Aspects of
1. Impulsive
2. Irrational
3. Excessive
3.3 Analysis Method
In completing exploratory interactions, the
techniques used are descriptive elaboration and
inferential measurement. The descriptive translation
method is used to explain and describe the data
contained in the study in the form of diagrams,
tables, and others (Hanafiah, et al., 2020). Inferential
statistics is a technique for analyzing data in a study
(Susilawati, et al., 2019).
The research data was obtained by using a
questionnaire or questionnaire and documentation
method. After getting the data, then the data is
processed using the SPSS version 25 application
program. To measure the validity and reliability of
the items that become indicators in data collection
by conducting reliability tests and validity tests.
After the validity and reliability tests have been
carried out, different tests are carried out, namely
normality tests, heteroscedasticity tests, and
multicollinearity tests which are generally referred
to as presumption tests or classical assumption tests.
To test the analysis using multiple linear regression,
and to test speculation using the F test, and t-test.
After obtaining data from the distribution of
questionnaires and documentation, the following are
the results and explanations of the analysis used.
4.1 Validity Test
The validity of an indicator item in the questionnaire
is of course very important, for that, a validity test is
carried out which is useful to see whether the
questionnaire items in each variable are valid or
invalid. Indicator items are said to be substantial or
valid if R count > R table (Ghozali, 2018). R table is
obtained by looking at the R-table with df = (N-2)
and = 0.05. The R-table is 0.1678.
Table 2: Result of Validity Test.
R-table Decison
X1.1 0.811
X1.2 0.775 Valid
X1.3 0.844 Valid
X1.4 0.825 Valid
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
R-table Decison
X1.5 0.686 Valid
X2.1 0.827
X2.2 0.906 Valid
X2.3 0.862 Valid
X2.4 0.831 Valid
X2.5 0.780 Valid
X3.1 0.572
X3.2 0.599 Valid
X3.3 0.626 Valid
X3.4 0.662 Valid
X3.5 0.527 Valid
X3.6 0.465 Valid
X3.7 0.416 Valid
X3.8 0.632 Valid
X3.9 0.675 Valid
X3.10 0.661 Valid
Y1 0.614
Y2 0.221 Valid
Y3 0.700 Valid
Y4 0.754 Valid
Y5 0.390 Valid
Y6 0.354 Valid
Y7 0.744 Valid
Y8 0.573 Valid
Based on the results of calculations using a data
processing application, all statement items in the
questionnaire have a significance value of more than
0.1678, which means that all statement items for
each variable are valid.
4.2 Reliability Test
Reliability testing was carried out aimed at seeing
the reliability of the statement items contained in the
electronic money variable, debit card variable,
hedonic lifestyle variable, and consumptive behavior
variable. It is said reliable if the value Cronbach
Alpha > 0.06 (Nanincova, 2019).
Table 3: Result of Reliability Test.
Cut off
X1 0.846 0.60 Reliabel
X2 0.896 0.60 Reliabel
X3 0.785 0.60 Reliabel
Y 0.730 0.60 Reliabel
Referring to the results of the reliability test,
which has been summarized in the form of a table, it
can be seen that the Cronbach Alpha value in the
three research variables is more than 0.60 it means
that all research items are reliable.
4.3 Classic Assumption Test
Test carried out in order to obtain ideal results from
the regression model used. There are three konds of
4.3.1 Normality Test
Used to see the normality or fairness in the
distribution of the data has been generated. It is
considered normal if the sig. > 0.05 (Ghozali, 2018).
Table 4: Result of Normality Test.
One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 137
a, b
Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 2.01603426
Absolute .071
Positive .041
Negative -.071
Test Statistic .071
Asymptotic Significance (2-
The significance value of this research article is
0.086, which means that the distribution of the data
is reasonalble or normal.
Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case
Study: College Student of the Batam State Polytechnic Applied Business Administration Study Program
4.3.2 Multicollinearity Test
It is necessary to determine the correlation or
relationship between the independent variables of
the study, for that a multicollinearity test is carried
Table 5: Result of Multicollinearity Test.
Variable Tolerance VIF
Electronic Money 0.665 1.504
Debit Card 0.649 1.540
Hedonic Lifestyle 0.969 1.033
As seen from table 5 the three independent
variables are said to be good and meet the
requirements because they have met the
requirements in the multicollinearity test, namely the
tolerance value more than 0.1 and VIF value is less
than 10.
4.3.3 Heteroscedasticity Test
In this study, it is necessary to see the residual value
of between variables, so a heteroscedasticity test is
carried out with the aim that the regression model
used is free from heteroscedasticity. The certainty of
the test is determined if the significance value is
more than 0.05 (Gumilang, 2020).
Calculation of test statistics heteroscedasticity is
presented in table 5. following:
Table 6: Hasil Uji Heteroskedastisitas.
Variabel Sig. Keputusan
Electronic Money 0.482
Debit Card 0.287
Hedonic Lifestyle 0.565
Referring to table 6. it can be seen that the
significance value of the independent variables,
namely 0.482, 0.287, 0.565 is more than 0.5 which
means that it is free from heteroscedasticity.
4.4 Multiple Linear Regression
In conducting the research, an analytical tool is
needed to prove the research hypothesis about the
effect of the independent variable on the dependent
variable, so multiple linear regression is used. The
regression equation used is:
Y = variable bound
= constant
= regression coefficients
X = independent variable
e = eror
Table 7: Result of Multiple Regression Analysis.
t Sig.B
1 (Constant) 9.466 1.749 5.412 .000
-.208 .101 -2.071 .040
Kartu Debit .109 .101 1.084 .280
Gaya Hidup
.470 .044 10.70
a. Dependent Variable: Perilaku Konsumtif
The form of the regression equation model based
on the resulting table of regression analysis is
presented in the form of the following equation:
Y= 9.466 - 0.208X
+ 0.109X
+ 0.470X
+ e (2)
Referring to the existing regression equation
model, then:
The constant value of 9.466 is the absolute value
of the dependent variable. This means that the value
will remain if each independent variable (electronic
money, debit card, hedonic lifestyle) does not
increase or is 0.
The effect of the electronic money variable (X1)
on electronic money (Y) can be seen by referring to
the equation model, namely by looking at the
regression coefficient value on the electronic money
variable, which is -0.208, thus having a meaning for
each change per unit of the electronic money
variable, it will be reduced by 0.208 on the variable
consumptive behavior with a note that the value of
the other independent variables remains.
The effect of the debit card variable (X2) on the
consumptive behavior variable (Y) can be seen by
referring to the equation model, namely by looking
at the regression coefficient value on the debit card
variable, which is 0.109. This indicates that for each
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
change per unit value in the debit card variable, it
will increase by 0.109 in the consumptive behavior
variable with a note that the value of other variables
does not change or remains.
Referring to the equation model, the coefficient
value on the hedonic lifestyle variable (X3) is 0.470.
This shows that for every one-unit increase in the
hedonic lifestyle variable, it will increase by 0.470
in the dependent variable of consumptive behavior
(Y) with a note that the other independent variables
have a fixed value.
4.5 Hypothesys Test
The proof of the hypothesis in the research article
uses the simultaneous test of the F test and the
partial test of the t-test and RandR square analysis.
4.5.1 Simultaneous Tes (F-test)
The F test is used to see whether there is an
influence between the independent factors on the
dependent variable simultaneously or together.
Table 8: Result of F-test.
Sum of
uares df
e F Si
1 Regress
510.425 3 170.1
552.758 133 4.156
Total 1063.182 136
Referring to the results of the statistical test in
table 8. The significance value is 0.000 which means
it is below 0.05. Therefore, based on a significance
level of 5% or 0.05, namely H0 is rejected and H1 is
recognized or there is an influence from the
independent variables of electronic money, debit
cards, and hedonic lifestyles on the dependent
variable, namely consumptive behavior.
4.5.2 Partial Test (T-test)
This test is used to see whether there is an influence
of independent factors or independent variables on
the dependent factors individually or individually.
Table 9: Result of T-test.
d Coefficients
t Sig.B
1 (Constant) 9.466 1.749 5.41
-.208 .101 -
Kartu Debit .109 .101 1.08
Gaya Hidup
.470 .044 10.7
a. Dependent Variable: Perilaku Konsumtif
Decision making on t-test:
a. The significance value is less than 0.05, then:
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted.
b. The significance value is more than 0.05, then:
H0 is acccepted and H1 is rejected.
The Effect of Electronic Money Variables on
Consumptive Behavior
Referring to the results of the analyst test that has
been carried out and seen in the t-test table, it can be
seen that the significance value of electronic money
is 0.040, which means less than 0.05. It can be
concluded that at the 5% significance level, H0 is
rejected and H1 is accepted or there is an influence
of the electronic money variable itself on the
consumptive behavior variable.
The Effect of Debit Card Variables on
Consumptive Behavior
Referring to the analysis test that has been
carried out and seen in the t-test table, it can be seen
in the debit card's significance value, which is 0.280,
which means it is greater than 0.05. It can be
concluded that at the 5% significance level, H0 is
accepted and H1 is rejected or in other words, the
independent variable of the debit card has no
independent influence on the dependent variable of
consumptive behavior.
The Effect of Hedonic Lifestyle Variables on
Consumptive Behavior
Referring to the analysis test that has been
carried out and seen in the t-test table, it can be seen
that the significance value of the hedonic lifestyle is
0.000, which means it is less than 0.05. It can be
concluded that at the 5% significance level, H1 is
accepted and H0 is rejected or in other words, the
Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case
Study: College Student of the Batam State Polytechnic Applied Business Administration Study Program
independent variable of the hedonic lifestyle itself
has an influence on the dependent variable of
consumptive behavior.
4.5.3 Correlation (R) and Determination
Analysis (R square)
The following table shows the results of the
calculation of the correlation coefficient and the
coefficient of determination:
Table 10: Result of R and R square.
Model Summar
Model R
Std. Error of the
1 .693
.480 .468 2.039
Referring to table 10. which the results can be
seen as a correlation value of 0.693. Thus, giving
meaning to the independent variable correlation of
electronic money, debit card, hedonic lifestyle on the
dependent variable of consumer behavior is quite
strong and positive. This means that the higher the
respondent's answer value on the electronic money,
debit card, and hedonic lifestyle variables, the higher
the value of the consumptive behavior variable. On
the other hand, the lower the value of the
independent variable, the lower the value of the
dependent variable will be.
The value of the coefficient of determination (r
square) is 0.480 or 48%. this means that the
variables of electronic money, debit cards, and
hedonic lifestyles affect the consumptive behavior
variable by 48%, while the remaining 52% is
influenced by other variables outside the study.
Based on table 9. the three independent
variables, namely electronic money, debit cards, and
hedonic lifestyle variables, have been t-tested. The
results of the test indicate that two independent
variables from three independent variables have a
significant influence on consumptive behavior,
namely the electronic money variable and the
hedonic lifestyle variable. Between the two, it can be
seen that the hedonic lifestyle variable is the most
powerful variable in influencing consumptive
behavior with a t value of 10,704 and a variable
mean value of 2.53.
Although the electronic money variable has a
variable mean value of 3.31 which means it is
greater than the hedonic lifestyle variable. This does
not make the electronic money variable a fairly
strong variable in influencing consumptive behavior
because the t value in the electronic money variable
is -2.071 which means it is smaller than the t value
in the hedonic lifestyle variable. Thus, the hedonic
lifestyle variable is the variable that has the most
significant value in influencing the Consumptive
Behavior of students of the Batam State Polytechnic
Business Administration study program in the 2017
and 2018 batches.
Based on the results of research that have been
conducted regarding the influence of the use of
Electronic Money, Debit Cards, and Hedonic
Lifestyles on Consumptive Behavior of students of
the 2017 Applied Business Administration study
program and the 2018 Batam State Polytechnic, it
can be concluded that:
Electronic money itself has a negative effect on
the consumptive behavior of students of the
2017 Applied Business Administration study
program and the 2018 batch of Batam State
The Debit Card itself does not have a significant
influence on the consumptive behavior of
students of the 2017 Applied Business
Administration study program and the 2018
batch of Batam State Polytechnic.
The Hedonic Lifestyle itself has a positive
effect on the consumptive behavior of students
of the 2017 Applied Business Administration
study program and the 2018 batch of Batam
State Polytechnic.
Based on the results of the analysis that the
three variables (electronic money, debit cards,
and a hedonic lifestyle) simultaneously have a
significant influence on the consumptive
behavior of students of the 2017 and 2018
Applied Business Administration study
program, Batam State Polytechnic.
Acknowledgments are addressed to Mr. Uuf
Brajawidagda, ST., MT., Ph.D., Director of Batam
State Polytechnic, Mr. Bambang Hendrawan, ST.,
MSM., CIPM., CISPM, as Assistant Director II for
General Administration and Finance, Mrs. Arniati,
SE., MSi., Ph.D. AK., CPA, as Head of the Business
Management Department, Mr. Rahmat Hidayat.,
S.AB., M.AB as Head of the Applied Business
Administration Study Program, Ms. Dwi
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Kartikasari, ST., MBA as Lecturer Guardian, and a
Lecturer in the Polytechnic Business Management
Department Batam country.
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Analysis of the Effect of the Use of Electronic Money, Debit Card and Hedonic Lifestyle on College Student Consumption Behavior: Case
Study: College Student of the Batam State Polytechnic Applied Business Administration Study Program