Relevance of Graduates Competence to the Needs of the Labor
Silvina Widya and Fandy Bestario Harlan
Applied Business Administration, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl. Ahmad Yani, Batam Centre 29461, Indonesia
Keywords: Relevance, Graduates Competencies, Labor Market Needs.
Abstract: This research examines the relevance between graduates’ competencies and competencies needed in the labor
market, especially those in Batam. The respondents studied were Alumni of The Applied Business
Administration Study Program. The analytical approach used is a descriptive static analysis and multiple
correlation analysis. This study showed that the level of relevance between graduate competencies to
competency needs in the labor market is 71% which means it falls into the "relevant" category.
Financial conditions can determine the level of
welfare of a country's people. Financial growth can be
improved by opening opportunities and jobs so that
the labor force can be absorbed to the maximum. The
government's expected financial target can be
achieved if growth in the industrial sector can also
reach the target as desired. Therefore, the efforts that
must be made to achieve the growth target in the
industrial sector is the fulfillment of a superior and
competent workforce following the needs of the
growing industry. However, in reality there is a gap
between competence and the needs of industry,
especially in Indonesia today.
Recorded in the central statistics data by the
Central Bureau of National Statistics in 2020 as of
August, that there are 52% of the poor working group
of 138.22 million people in the workforce in Indonesia
(Badan Pusat Statistik Nasional, 2020). The workforce
in Indonesia is still dominated by elementary to junior
high school graduates where the level of quality and
competence can be said to be relatively low or below
current industry standards. Based on McKinsey
Global Institute data in 2012 that listed in study by
Handayani (2015), the number of labor availability is
greater than the number of labor needs, the difference
in the number of labor availability with the number of
labor needs is at the smallest number at the college
education level of two million people. This proves that
the chances of availability of college graduates are
higher than other graduates of the education level. The
educational background becomes one of the main
factors that influence the size of competence of a
workforce to be accepted to work.
Vocational education as one of the educational
institutions that have an essential role in preparing
competent human resources for companies or
industries. Vocational education is prepared to print
skilled personnel who are ready to work with various
competencies and able to adapt to the development of
the industry. There are various departments and skills
courses provided by vocational education that are
expected to be a solution for prospective workers to
meet the needs of a growing industry.
Competence is the main factor that a graduate
needs in entering the world of work. Work
competency is the ability possessed by a workforce to
complete a job well. Graduate competencies need to
be designed according to competency needs in the
labor market, so it is important to analyze the
competency level of graduates as an effort to increase
the level of absorption of graduates themselves under
the needs of the world of work so that evaluations of
graduate development can be obtained for the better in
the future. This can also help the government reduce
the number of unemployed graduates which has an
impact on reducing poverty in Indonesia.
The Research by Dhruba Borah, Khaleel Malik, &
Silvia Massini entitled “Teaching-Focused
Widya, S. and Bestario Harlan, F.
Relevance of Graduates Competence to the Needs of the Labor Market.
DOI: 10.5220/0010888700003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 281-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
University–Industry Collaborations: Determinants
And Impact On Graduates' Employability
Competencies”, aims to explore research on teaching-
focused university-industry collaboration (UIC) by
studying the determinants of university participation
in collaboration as well as the impact of teaching-
focused UIC on graduate employability.
Another research conducted by Pauceanu, AM,
Rabie, N., & Moustafa, A, entitled "Employment
Under The Fourth Industrial Revolution", aims to
identify the perspectives of higher education students
on their work competencies and compare them with
the job skills of the labor market as requested by the
The Research by Supriati & Tri Handayani with
the title "Relevance of Higher Education Graduates in
Work Placement", aims to determine the level of
relevance of graduates in work placements and
determine competency relevance factors in work
placements. Another study by Yelli Eka Sumadhinata
& Pipin Sukandi entitled "Analysis of the Relevance
of Graduate Competencies to Work Needs", has the
aim of knowing the size of graduate competencies
needed by the world of work.
Titik Handayani researched "The Relevance of
Higher Education Graduates in Indonesia to the Need
for Manpower in the Global Era", and this research
examines the relevance of university graduates in
Indonesia and the need for manpower in the global
era. Another research conducted by Anas Arfandi
with the title "Competency Relevance of Graduates of
Diploma Three in Civil Engineering in the World of
Work", has the objectives of: (1) describing the
relevance of the graduate's field of work with
educational background; and (2) mapping the
relevance of D3 Civil Engineering competencies in
the world of work with D3 Civil Engineering
competencies at FT UNM.
The Research conducted by Mercedes Teijeiro,
PaoIo Rungo & Me Jesus Freire entitled “Graduate
Competencies and Employment: The Impact of
Matching Firms' Needs and PersonaI Attainments”,
aims to study the working conditions of graduates and
the relationship between universities and the labor
market and the role of competence in the relationship
between the two variables. Another study by Ali
Muhson, Daru Wahyuni & Endang MuIyani with the
title "Analysis of the Relevance of Higher Education
Graduates with the World of Work", examines the
level of relevance (suitability) of graduates of
Economics Education at UNY.
The difference in the research that the author will
do with previous studies, lies in the focus of research
which emphasizes the relevance of competence and
different research objects, namely graduates of the
Applied Business Administration study program at
the Batam State Polytechnic in the last six years,
starting from from 2015 to 2020.
2.1 Work Competencies
Competence is the ability possessed by each
individual in the form of knowledge and skills to be
able to do a job in order to achieve optimal
performance. According to research of Muksin &
Kurniawati (2019), competence is the ability to
behave, think and act consistently as a manifestation
of the value of knowledge and skills possessed by a
person in carrying out work. While work competence
is the ability possessed by a workforce to complete a
job. According to UU RI No. 13 Year 2013 About
Employment, competence is the work ability of each
individual covering aspects of knowledge, skills and
work attitudes in accordance with established
standards. Rauner, et al., added that professional work
competencies refer to skills based on a person's
specific intelligence and oriented to freedom from
workers in interacting between humans and
machines. In detail, the most needed work
competencies in the era of technological development
are as follows. (World Economic Forum, 2020)
Table 1: Job Competency Classification.
No Kind Classification Required
1 Hard-
Problem Solving Analytical thingking
and innovation
Complex problem
Critical thingking
and analysis
origanility and
and ideation
Technology use
and development
Technology use,
monitoring and
Technology design
2 Soft-
Active learning and
learning strategies
Resilience, stress
tolerance and
Working With
Leadership and
social influence
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
The world of work has competency standards in
an effort to maintain professional work competencies
that must be met by the workforce under the field of
work. Competency profile in a job is dynamic which
continues to grow following the demand for jobs and
skills required.
2.2 Competency of Business
Administration Graduates
Applied Business Administration Study Program is a
branch of administrative science that integrates the
administrative capabilities of work and tasks with the
ability to manage resources in a work system. Similar
to other study programs, the, Business Administration
Study Program has a standard of competence that
refers to the provisions of the Ministry of
The standard of competence that each study
program has in vocational higher education has been
regulated in the Regulation of the Ministry of
Technology. Through competency standards,, the
government becomes easier in controlling the quality
between universities and each other.
Competence of graduates of the Business
Administration Study Program obtained from the
learning outcomes formulated in the Batam State
Polytechnic curriculum (Politeknik Negeri Batam,
2021) which has referred to SN-Dikti
(Permenristekdikti No. 44, 2015) and has a level
under the level of Indonesian National
Qualification/KKNI (Perpres No.8 Year 2014).
2.3 Labor Market Needs
The market is known as a meeting place for the
demand and supply of a product that has added value.
In, the existence of the market is characterized by the
sale and purchase of goods and services as the output
of a production, as well as the concept of the labor
market where labor is part of the production factor.
Labor as input in the production process that will
produce the output of goods and services. Based on
data from the BPS Indonesia, there are a total of
128,454,184 Indonesians of productive age who work
by main occupation. These figures are described in
detail in the following graph. (Badan Pusat Statistik
Nasional, 2020).
Figure 1: Graph of Population Aged 15 Years Old and Over
Employed by Main Occupation.
2.4 Framework
Based on the literature study from the results of
previous research, graduate competencies that refer to
the formulation of learning outcomes according to the
Indonesian National Qualifications Framework
(KKNI) will produce competent graduates according
to the needs of the labor market. However, there is a
need for research on the reality that occurs in every
graduate about how the size of the competency level
that graduates has is under the competencies needed
in the world of work. In addition, there is a need for a
study of the level of relevance of graduates in certain
fields of science that are absorbed in the labor market.
Therefore, it will be analyzed in this study. The
following is the framework of thought formulated in
this research.
Figure 2: Research Framework.
2.5 Hypothesis Development
Hypothesis is a statement of two or more variables, the
relationship between variables is temporary,
speculative or still weak. The weak point in this case
is not the relationship between the variables which is
weak, but the statement made in the hypothesis is true
or not (Ansori, 2020). From the framework of thinking
that is applied, the following hypotheses are built:
Relevance of Graduates Competence to the Needs of the Labor Market
H0: There is no relevance/relationship between
the competence of graduates and the competence
of labor market needs kebutuhan
H1: There is a relevance/relationship between the
competence of graduates and the competence of
labor market needs
3.1 Population and Sample
The population in this study is Alumni of Applied
Business Administration Study Program, Batam State
Polytechnic from 2015-2020. The samples used in the
study were alumni of ABT Study Program who were
respondents where numbered 170 people.
3.2 Data Collection and Measurement
The data collection techniques used in this study are
by: (1) Questionnaire/Questionnaire, and (2)
Documentation. While the data measurement
techniques used are validity test and reliability test.
Validity test is conducted to find out the extent to
which the measuring instrument that has been
compiled actually measures what needs to be
measured (Sumadhinata & Sukandi, 2016). In
determining whether or not an item will be used, it is
usually done a correlation coefficient significance test
at a significance level of 0.05. If r calculates ≥ r table,
the instrument or question items are significantly
correlated to the total score (declared valid).
While reliability tests are used to determine the
extent to which measurement results remain
consistent when re-measured against the same
symptoms. The criteria used for determining items
are valid and have acceptable reliability values based
on the following table.
Table 2: Standard Criteria for Validity and Reliability of
Research Instruments.
0.8 0.5
0.7 0.3
0.6 0.2
3.3 Descriptive Statistical Analysis
The research method used is a method of descriptive
quantative statistical analysis, which is an analysis
whose data can be calculated to produce quantitative
interpretations that include the level of availability of
graduates as well as the level of competence of labor
market needs. While determining the level of
relevance of competence to the needs of the labor
market is calculated through the following equations.
(Wagiran, 2015).
     
   
Percentage (%) =
x 100%
The percentage obtained will be interpreted into
four categories based on normal distribution rules as
in the following table.
Table 3: Standard Guidelines for Relevance of Graduate
Competencies to Labor Market Needs.
Interval Category
81,25% < x < 100% Highly Relevant
62,50% < x < 81,25% Relevant
43,75% < x < 62,50% Less Relevant
25,00 < x < 43,75% Irrelevant
3.4 Normality Test
Normality test is used to see whether the distribution
of data is normally distributed or not. The normality
test in this study can be detected by the Kolmogrov-
Smirnov Test on SPSS 20 with the decision criteria
being if the value of sig > 0.5 then the data is normally
distributed and if sig < 0.5 then the data is not
normally distributed. A good regression model when
it has a normal value, the normality test is carried out
on the residual value not on each variable
(Seytoningrum, 2002).
Correlation Analysis
Correlation analysis is one way to determine whether
there is a linear relationship between variables.
In this
study, correlation analysis was used to determine the
level of relationship between graduate competencies
and competency needs in the job market. The basis
for decision making in multiple correlation analysis is
as follows:
If the value of Sig. F < 0.05, then correlated
If the value of Sig. F > 0.05, then there is no
Meanwhile, to be able to provide an interpretation
of the correlation coefficient found is large or small,
it can be guided by the provisions listed in the
following table:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Table 4: Interpretation Guidelines for Correlation
Correlation Interval Relationshi
0,199 Sangat rendah
0,399 Rendah
0,599 Sedang
0,799 Kuat
1,000 Sangat kuat
3.6 Hypothesis Test
To test the extent of the influence of the independent
variables partially on the dependent variable, the t-
test is used which is done by comparing the t-count
value with the t-table with a significance level of 5%
of 5%. The basis for decision making in hypothesis
testing (T test) are:
If Sig. < 0.05 / t-count > t-table, then there is a
relevance/relationship between the competency of
graduates and the competency of labor market
If Sig. > 0.05 / t-count < t-table, then there is no
relevance/relationship between graduate
competencies and labor market competencies
4.1 Validity Test Results
Validity test refers to r-table values, the correlation
value used to measure validity (r-count) must be
greater than the r-table value in order to be declared
Table 5: Validity Test Results.
Variable Indicator r-count
r-table 5%
X1.1 0.642 0.1497 Valid
X1.2 0.594 0.1497 Valid
X1.3 0.707 0.1497 Valid
X1.4 0.737 0.1497 Valid
X1.5 0.537 0.1497 Valid
X1.6 0.664 0.1497 Valid
X1.7 0.731 0.1497 Valid
X1.8 0.654 0.1497 Valid
X1.9 0.687 0.1497 Valid
X1.10 0.648 0.1497 Valid
X1.11 0.658 0.1497 Valid
X1.12 0.577 0.1497 Valid
X1.13 0.662 0.1497 Valid
X1.14 0.707 0.1497 Valid
X1.15 0.688 0.1497 Valid
X2.1 0.756 0.1497 Valid
X2.2 0.771 0.1497 Valid
X2.3 0.777 0.1497 Valid
Variable Indicator r-count
r-table 5%
X2.4 0.766 0.1497 Valid
X2.5 0.749 0.1497 Valid
X2.6 0.749 0.1497 Valid
X2.7 0.665 0.1497 Valid
X2.8 0.708 0.1497 Valid
X2.9 0.713 0.1497 Valid
Y1 0.671 0.1497 Valid
Y2 0.533 0.1497 Valid
Y3 0.419 0.1497 Valid
4.2 Reliability Test Results
The criteria of a questionnaire question item are
declared reliable if the calculated alpha value is
greater than 0.70. The reliability test result of all
questionnaire statement items is 0.953, the value is
greater than 0.70, so all statement items can be said to
be reliable/consistent as following table.
Table 6: Reliability Test Results.
Variable Cronbach’s
Cut off
X1 0.942 0.7 Reliable
X2 0.969 0.7 Reliable
Y 0.953 0.7 Reliable
4.3 Respondent's Identity
The respondents taken in this study are graduated
student of the Polibatam Business Administration
Study Program from the 2015-2020 graduation year,
which is determined by the number of respondents as
many as 170 people. This research was conducted by
disseminating questionnaires through Google Form.
The characteristics of respondents in this study
include alumni status, waiting time to get a job, part
of job placement and position in the company as in
the following table.
Table 7: Respondent Identity.
No Category Sub-Categories
Not Working
Continuing Studies
Time to Get
a Job
< 6 months
before graduation
< 6 months after
Relevance of Graduates Competence to the Needs of the Labor Market
No Category Sub-Categories
> 6 months
before graduation
> 6 months after
Administration 25
HRD 12
Finance 8
Front-Liner 6
Technical 5
Other 44
Position In
Owner 2
4.4 The Level of Availability of
Graduates of the Applied Business
Administration Program of
Graduate data is classified into 4 categories, namely:
work, non-employment, entrepreneurship, and
continuing studies. Analysis of graduate data using
statistics techniques in percentage form based on
categories as in the following table:
Table 8: Graduate Availability Levels.
Category Percentage (%)
Work 59 66 59 71 76 45 63
Not Working 41 34 35 25 19 43 33
Entrepreneurial 0 0 7 4 3 12 4
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
Based on table 6, the highest average percentage
is in the working category of 63%, so it can be said
that graduates of the Applied Business
Administration Program Polibatam have been
absorbed in the world of work.
4.5 Level of Competency Needs in the
Labor Market
Business administration competencies required in the
labor market are competencies that must be possessed
by workers graduates of Applied Business
Administration. Therefore, it is necessary to identify
the competencies that become the needs of the labor
market. The business administration competency
item consists of: 15 soft-skill competencies and 9
soft-skill competencies. Here's the percentage of
competencies needed in the labor market.
Table 9: Percentage competency of Overall Labor Market
ncy Type
ncy Items
Hard-skill 15 51% 29% 20% 100%
Soft-skill 9 74% 26% 0% 100%
Rata-rata 63% 28% 10% 100%
Table 7 shows that the level of hard-skill and soft-
skill competency needs in the labor market is 80%
and 100% respectively. This shows that overall, the
competence of Business Administration graduates in
the labor market is high.
4.6 Relevance of Graduate
Competency to Competency of
Labor Market Needs
The relevance of the competency of Graduates of
Applied Business Administration Polibatam with the
competence of labor market needs can be known from
the results of correlation analysis where it can be
known how the relationship of the two variables.
Classification of competency mapping graduates of
Applied Business Administration Polibatam there are
24 points of competence divided into hard-skill and
soft-skillcompetencies. The results of the calculation
of correlation analysis of both variables show that
hard-skill and soft-skill competency variables against
labor market needs variables have correlations /
relationships between variables, the value of Gis. F
0.000 < 0.05. While the degree level of relationship
between variables is in the category of strong
correlation that is between 0.61 – 0.80.
The large percentage of relevance between the
competencies of graduates of the Applied Business
Administration polibatam with the competence of
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
labor market needs can be calculated through a
comparison of the number of competencies needed in
the world of work to the total competencies of
graduates of Applied Business Administration, which
is described as follows:
Table 10: Number of Competency Item Scores Required.
cy Type
Number of
y Items
Number of
Scores Earned
15 items
Needed 3
9 items
Needed 1
Total 24 Total 17
     
   
Percentage (%) =
x 100%
= (17/24) × 100% = 71% (2)
The percentage obtained is further interpreted into
four categories in the competency relevance
guidelines (Table 2). Based on table 2, the
competency relevance rate of 71% falls into the
"Relevant" category where 62.50% < x < 81.25%.
These results show that the competence of graduates
of The Applied Business Administration polibatam
answer the needs in the labor market.
These findings are important to note as the basis
for the realization of a more effective college in
printing graduates. The college curriculum is required
to always pay attention to the level of relevance to
changes in conditions, technology, and changes in
labor market demand. In accordance with study by
Verawadina et all (2019) that the curriculum needs to
integrate new competencies and literacy relevant to
the world of work in the era of industrial revolution
4.0. Therefore, college graduates who are able to meet
the needs of competence in the labor market have
superior value and high competitiveness.
5.1 Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussion that
has been described, can be drawn conclusions as
1. The level of availability of graduates of the
Polibatam Applied Business Administration Study
Program is 63%
2. The level of competence needs of business
administration in the labor market that employs
graduates of Applied Business Administration
Polibatam belongs to the high category where each
percentage of the level of hard-skill and soft-skill
competency needs is 80% and 100%
3. The level of competency relevance between
competencies possessed by graduates of the
Polibatam Applied Business Administration Program
and the competency needs in the labor market falls
into the "relevant" category with a percentage of 71%.
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of the study on the analysis of the
relevance of graduate competence to the needs of the
labor market, the researchers gave 3 suggestions
described as follows:
To increase the availability of graduates of the
Applied Business Administration Study Program
Polibatam, universities (Polibatam) should be able
to further increase work motivation and career
guidance to students so that they can achieve the
college's goal to print graduates ready for work.
University (Polibatam) need to further improve
the quality of competencies of graduates,
especially hard-skill competencies that are under
the competency needs in the labor market so that
graduates can follow the changes that occur in the
labor market.
University (Polibatam) are expected to maintain
the level of relevance between the competence of
graduates and work needs, especially in the
Applied Business Administration Study Program.
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ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science