The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees
Performance at a Freight Transport Company
Andi Erna Mulyana and Muhammad Rido
Business Management Department, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl.Ahmad Yani, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Human Resources Management, Performance, Work Conflict, Work Stress.
Abstract: This research aims to find out the effect of a work conflict and stress on employees' performance at a freight
transport company with and without educational level as a control variable. The method used in this research
was a quantitative approach by using questionnaires data from 40 employees in the company. The data
obtained then being analysed with classic assumption test and inferential statistics. The result of the study
shows that work conflict and stress have a significant impact on employee performance with and without
educational level as a control variable.
The companys most important asset is its human
resources. Employees as resources have a share as a
driving factor of every process in the company.
Suppose a company does not have qualified
employees. In that case, the impact will be more
difficult for a company to achieve its company goals.
Unconsciously, companies often require employees
to develop their work capability; these actions can
also affect job satisfaction and employee
performance. Job stress will occur if the action is
Work conflict is a conflict between individuals
due to disagreement among the employees because of
differences of opinion or obstacles in communication.
Work conflict is a social hereditary that applies in
various circumstances because it arises due to
differences of opinion and conflicts between two or
more parties. Conflict itself can have a positive and
negative impact on a company. The positive impact
of the conflict, for example, can increase the
motivation of company employees at work because
employees will compete to provide the best results for
the company. For the negative impact of conflict, one
of them is work stress.
Work stress usually occurs because of an
emotional or physical reaction due to pressure from
within or outside the company. Work stress can
positively affect, for example, motivating the
employees, spurring them to work even harder, and
producing a good performance. In general, work
stress is caused by a physical and psychological
imbalance that causes the condition of employees to
be disturbed. Work stress can turn into a severe
problem for the company because this condition can
make the performance of employees decrease. Work
stress that is not resolved correctly will hinder and
disrupt the work process in the company.
Work stress and work conflict are two
interrelated things because work conflict will cause
work stress experienced by employees. In a company,
a conflict is an unavoidable event.
A freight company in Batam (the company name
cannot be mentioned) was used as an object in this
research because the work environment of this
company requires a high discipline on working time
and progress. The employees require to work well
under pressure. Therefore, this research was
conducted to determine the effect of workplace
conflict and stress on the employee's performance in
this company.
The objectives of this study were to find out the
effect of workplace conflict and stress on employees’
performance and find out the correlation between
workplace conflict and stress in affecting the
employees’ performance.
Erna Mulyana, A. and Rido, M.
The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees Performance at a Freight Transport Company.
DOI: 10.5220/0010865400003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 32-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Human Resources
Human Resources are human skills that can work for
a work business service. Said to be able to work
means being able to carry out an activity that has
economic value. Human resources are the most
valuable assets for the company. Employees as
resources have a role as a driving factor for every
process in the company (Prayudi, 2017). If a company
does not have qualified employees, it will make it
more difficult for a company to obtain its goals. In
order to achieve the vision and mission expected by
the company, proper and regular management is
needed, especially employees, because employees are
the core factor in planning, forming, and carrying out
existing activities within a company. Even though the
company has facilities and infrastructure and
excessive company finances, but there are no
qualified employees, the company's goals are still not
appropriately achieved. Employees must continue to
be trained and given knowledge so that their abilities
can continue to develop. It proves that employees are
the primary resource that must be considered.
2.2 Workplace Stress
Workplace stress is a condition in which a person
experiences excessive emotional demands and makes
it difficult to function effectively in all areas of life
(Richard, 2010). Interactions between individuals and
their environment usually cause this condition, and
stress is an internal and external pressure and other
problematic conditions in life. When experiencing
stress, two aspects arise as a result of the stress that
occurs, namely:
a) Physical aspect
The physical aspect of stress impacts decreasing a
person's condition when stress makes the stressed
person experience pain in the limbs, such as
dizziness and digestive disorders.
b) Psychological Aspect
Psychological aspects of stress, namely the
occurrence of disturbances in the behaviour of
people who are exposed to stress, emotional
symptoms occur, and symptoms of cognition. The
severity of the person is experiencing can be seen
from the inside and outside of the person.
Job stress is a condition that is not good, is a
person's assumption of the conditions experienced,
both physically and psychologically, that is excessive
because of the demands of work both internally and
externally. This work stress can impact employee
dissatisfaction when doing their work, and this
condition can reduce employee performance. Job
stress is a significant problem in modern companies
today (Safaria and Triantoro, 2011).
Work stress can positively affect, for example,
motivating, spurring people to work even harder, and
producing a good performance. However, there is
more work stress at this time, which negatively
impacts employees and the company. In general,
work stress is caused by a physical and psychological
imbalance that causes the condition of employees to
be disturbed. Work stress that is not resolved
correctly will hinder and disrupt the work process in
the company. Therefore, leaders in the company are
responsive in solving these problems.
According to Hasibuan (2012), several factors
cause work stress, including:
a) A difficult job to complete
b) There is pressure and leadership behaviour in the
c) Inadequate working hours and work requirements
d) Problems within the company between
individuals and leaders
e) Less company reciprocity
f) Problems in the employee's family.
2.3 Workplace Conflict
Work conflict is a conflict between individuals due to
disagreement or incompatibility between employees
due to differences of opinion or barriers to
communication. Work conflict in a company is also
often influenced by ambitious and aggressive
individuals or groups. These individuals or groups
usually create a potential conflict in carrying out their
activities in the company. Work conflict is a social
hereditary that applies in various circumstances
because it arises due to differences of opinion, as well
as conflicts between two or more parties. Work
conflicts usually occur in companies as a result of
communication, structure, or personal problems.
Some of the causes of conflict include:
A misunderstanding that causes incomplete
information is one of the causes of conflict. It
could be due to miscommunication, the use of
language that is difficult to understand, and the
method of delivery.
Competition between power seekers in the
company and competition for goals in the
company also causes conflict within a company.
The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees Performance at a Freight Transport Company
Incompatibility between the personal mindset of
employees with the behaviour of superiors in the
company and differences in at something or
perspective and perception.
Differences of opinion
The occurrence of differences of opinion in a
company can led to a conflict. If the condition of
this difference is sharp enough, it can cause
Not all employees in the company agree, for
example, an employee who has good intentions,
but for other employees, such actions can harm
other employees, causing discomfort or even
There are several forms of conflict within a
company, including:
Hierarchical Conflict
Hierarchical conflict is a conflict that occurs
between leaders in one company. This conflict
occurs due to differences in interests between
each, differences of opinion, and goals.
Functional Conflict
Functional conflict is a conflict caused by various
work units in the company. Conflict occurs
because of the different goals of each part.
Line Staff Unit Conflict
Line Staff Unit conflict is caused by departmental
leaders and staff in contact with their work
Formal-Informal Conflict
Formal-Informal conflict is a conflict caused by
rules informal companies carried out in non-
formal companies.
2.4 Performance
Employee performance is the output of work
activities. The results include the company's quality
and quantity in the company in completing their work
following what the company has given to the assigned
employee. Performance is a description of the work
or achievement of the activities carried out in
achieving the company's goals, vision, and mission.
Performance is seen from the results of work or work
success and includes how the work activities are
carried out. Employee performance is closely related
to the results of the employee's work in a company.
The results of the work include quality, quantity, and
on-time work.
Performance standards are performance
benchmarks applied to a company. Performance
standards are comparisons or targets for a job. Good
work standards must be easy to understand and
valuable for the continuity of the company and
employees (Abdullah, 2014). Performance standards
are an essential component of the company. The
setting and implementation of performance standards
must involve employees who work in the company to
achieve the company's goals. Performance standards
help in completing work effectively and efficiently.
The purpose of implementing performance standards
is to make work within a company effective and
efficient to be right with what the company wants to
achieve. So, with performance standards, employees
and leaders in the company can find out when the
goals of a company are achieved.
This research uses a quantitative approach, namely,
studying a population or sample based on the
philosophy of positivism (Sugiyono, 2014). This
research design is a descriptive approach with the
form of a causal relationship, namely the type of
relationship characterized by cause and effect.
3.1 Population and Sample
3.1.1 Population
According to Sugiyono (2017), the population is the
total of objects to be studied. These objects have
specific properties, are complete and precise, and can
be used as objects in research. The population of this
study is employees of the freight transport company
with a total of 40 people.
3.1.2 Sample
A sample is a method where the object has specific
properties, is complete, precise, and can represent an
object (Sugiyono, 2017). The population used as a
sample in this study were employees of the freight
transport company, because the population is known
and numbered less than 100, the technique used in
this study is saturated sampling. Saturated sampling
is a way of taking samples using the entire population
as a sample in research (Sugiyono, 2014). So, the total
number of respondents in the sample of this study was
40 respondents.
3.2 Hypothesis
The following are some of the hypotheses that were
proven in this study:
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
H1: There is a partial and significant effect of work
conflict on employee performance at the freight
transport company.
H2: There is a partial and significant effect of work
stress on employee performance at the freight
transport company.
H3: There is a simultaneous and significant effect of
a work conflict and work stress on employee
performance at the freight transport company.
H4: There is a simultaneous and significant effect of
a work conflict and work stress on employee
performance at the freight transport company with
educational level as a control variable.
3.3 Data Collection Technique
The data collection technique for this research is a
field survey using a questionnaire given to each
respondent. According to Sugiyono (2014), the
survey method is distributing questionnaire data in a
study conducted on a population. The questionnaire
is a sheet containing questions given by researchers
to respondents to obtain data about the responses
given by respondents regarding questions related to
the research object. The purpose of the survey is to
obtain respondents' perceptions of the research
conducted. The distribution of questionnaires in this
study using sheets of paper was distributed to 40
respondents who were employees of the freight
transport company who has worked for at least two
months. The measurement scale in this study is the
Likert Scale. Using this scale, the researcher asked
respondents to fill out a questionnaire and asked the
respondent to indicate their level of agreement with a
series of questions included in the questionnaire. The
questions listed by the researcher have been explicitly
made to make it easier for researchers to measure the
results of opinions from respondents.
3.4 Data Analysis Method.
3.4.1 Classic Assumption Test
The classical assumption test in this study was run
using the program SPSS (Statistical Product and
Service Solution) version 20 to find the output in the
form of statistical calculation results, namely
normality test, multicollinearity test, and
heteroscedasticity test.
3.4.2 Inferential Statistics
Inferential statistics is a statistical calculation to
analyse sample data so that conclusions can be drawn
on the population from sample about the suitability
between the results received from the sample and the
results received from the population (Sugiyono,
Inferential statistical tests were carried out using
SPSS version 20 in order to find the output in the form
of statistical calculations, namely multiple linear
regression test, T test, F test, and coefficient of
Multiple Linear Regression Test. This analysis is
used to determine the impact of two or more
dependent variables on one independent variable or
prove the presence or absence of a functional
relationship between two or more independent
variables (X) and a dependent variable (Y).
t-Test. Using the t-test to show how much influence
the independent variables have individually and
explain the variation of the dependent variable. The t-
test was carried out by comparing the t-count of each
independent variable with the t-table value with an
error degree of 5% (α=0.05) (Sugiyono, 2014).
F-Test. The F test is used to see the effect of all
independent variables that can influence the
dependent variable. The F test uses a risk level or a
significant level of 5% with the following decision-
making criteria to test the hypothesis:
If F
> F
, then H0 is rejected. Ha is accepted,
which means it has a simultaneous influence
between the independent variables on the
dependent variable.
If F
< F
, then H0 is rejected. Ha is rejected,
which means that it does not have a simultaneous
influence between the independent variables on
the dependent variable.
Coefficient of Determination. The coefficient of
determination (R
) is intended to determine the best
level of accuracy in regression analysis, and this is
evidenced by the magnitude of the coefficient of
determination (R
) between 0 (zero) to 1 (one). If the
coefficient of determination is zero, the independent
variable does not affect the dependent variable. From
the coefficient of determination (R
), a value can be
obtained to measure the contribution of several X
variables to the variation in the Y variable's rise and
fall, which is usually expressed in percentages.
The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees Performance at a Freight Transport Company
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Validity and Reliability Test
The test in this study uses tools called SPSS version
20. Based on the validity tests using SPSS, each
item/indicator of statements on the variables of work
conflict (X1), work stress (X2), and employee
performance (Y) has an r value that is greater than the
r table of 0.3120, so that it can be said that all
statement items/indicators contained in each variable
are valid.
Based on the reliability test using SPSS, it is
known that all statement items/indicators on the
variables of work conflict, work stress, and employee
performance have Cronbach's alpha values greater
than 0.60 so it can be said that all statement
items/indicators are reliable.
4.1.2 Classic Assumption Test
Normality Test. Based on the normality test using
SPSS, it was found that the value of Asymptotic
Significance (2-tailed) is 0.997, where the value is
greater than the alpha value of 0.05. It can be
concluded that the data in this study is normally
Multicollinearity Test. Based on the test using
SPSS, it can be seen that each independent variable
has a tolerance value > 0.1 and a VIF value <10, so it
can be concluded that there are no symptoms or
multicollinearity problems in the regression model in
this study.
Heteroscedasticity Test.
Figure 1: Heteroscedasticity test result using SPPS.
Based on Figure 1 above, it can be seen that in the
scatterplot, there are no specific regular patterns
(wavy, widening, and also narrowing) and the points
on the scatterplot spread evenly where the points are
above and below 0. It was concluded that there were
no symptoms or problems of multicollinearity in this
4.1.3 Inferential Statistics
Multiple Linear Regression Test. The following are
the results of multiple linear regression without
control variables:
Table 1: Test result of multiple linear regression without
control variable.
Based on Table 1 above, it can be seen that:
The constant of 5.828 means that if the work
conflict (X1) and work stress (X2) is 0, then the
employee's performance (Y) is 5.828.
Work conflict (X1) has a regression coefficient of
0.396 and is positive. It means that if the
independent variable has a fixed value or does not
change, then an increase in one unit of employee
performance will increase by 0.396.
Work stress (X2) has a regression coefficient of
0.305 and is positive. It means that if the
independent variable has a fixed value or does not
change, then an increase in one unit of employee
performance will increase by 0.305.
The following are the results of multiple linear
regression without control variables:
Table 2: Test result of multiple linear regression with
control variable.
Based on Table 2 above, it can be seen that:
The constant of 4.685 means that if the work
conflict (X1) and work stress (X2), and the level
of education (XC) is 0, then the employee's
performance (Y) is 4.685.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
Work conflict (X1) has a regression coefficient of
0.246 and is positive. It means that if the
independent variable whose value is fixed or does
not change, the increase in one unit of employee
performance will increase by 0.246.
Work stress (X2) has a regression coefficient of
0.258 and is positive. It means that if the
independent variable has a fixed value or does not
change, then an increase in one unit of employee
performance will increase by 0.258.
The level of education (XC) has a regression
coefficient of 0.434 and is positive. It means that
if the independent variable has a fixed value or
does not change, then an increase in one unit of
employee performance will increase by 0.434.
t-Test. The following are the results of the t-test
without control variables:
Table 3: Test result of t-test without control variable.
Based on the results of the t-test, the t-count work
conflict (X1) is 5.163 > t
2.026, and the sig value
is 0.000 <0.05. Therefore, it can be stated that the
work conflict variable (X1) has a significant effect on
employee performance. Therefore, it can be
concluded that H1 from this study is proven.
Based on the t-test results, the t-count work stress
(X2) is 3,467 > t
2,026, and the sig value is 0.001
< 0.05. Therefore, it can be stated that the work stress
variable (X2) has a significant effect on employee
performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that H2
from this study is proven.
The following are the results of the t-test with
control variables:
Table 4: Test result of -test with control variable.
Based on the results of the t-test, the t-count work
conflict (X1) is 2.535 > t
2.028, and the sig value
is 0.016 <0.05. Therefore, it can be stated that the
work conflict variable (X1) has a significant effect on
employee performance. Therefore, it can be
concluded that H1 from this study is proven.
Based on the t-test results, the t-count work stress
(X2) is 3,017 > t
2,028, and the sig value is 0.005
< 0.05. Therefore, it can be stated that the work stress
variable (X2) has a significant effect on employee
performance. Therefore, it can be concluded that H2
from this study is proven.
Based on the results above, it can be concluded
that there is no significant difference between the
results of the t-test without the control variable and
the results of the t-test with the control variable,
where the results of the t-test both have a significance
value less than 0.05 so that the partial hypothesis
submission entirely acceptable.
F-Test. The following are the results of the F-test
without control variables:
Table 5: Test result of F-test without control variable.
Based on Table 5 above, it can be seen that the F-
count value is 195.923 with a sig value of 0.000. From
the calculation results, the F-count value is 195.923 >
F-table 3.25, and the Sig value is 0.000 <0.05, so that
H3 is accepted.
The following are the results of the F-test with
control variables:
Table 6: Test result of F-test with control variable.
Based on Table 6 above, it can be seen that the F-
count value is 147,882 with a sig value of 0.000. From
the calculation results, the F-count value is 147,882 >
F-table 2,87, and the Sig value is 0.000 <0.05, so that
H3 is accepted.
Based on the results above, it can be concluded
that there is no significant difference between the
results of the F test without the control variable and
the results of the F test with the control variable,
where both the results of the F test have a significance
value of less than 0.05 so that the hypothesis can
simultaneously be accepted.
The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees Performance at a Freight Transport Company
Coefficient of Determination. The results of the
coefficient of determination in this study are
presented in the following tables:
Table 7: Result of the coefficient of determination without
control variable.
Table 8: Result of the coefficient of determination with
control variable.
Based on Tables 7 and 8 above, it can be seen that
the value of R Square (R
) obtained in the study
without using the control variable is 91.4%. After
using the control variable is 92.5%, so it can be
interpreted that 92.5% of employee performance
variables can be explained by independent variables
and control variables in this study, while 7.5% is
explained by other variables not explained in this
study. Next, it can be concluded that the education
level variable has an excellent function to control the
influence of the independent variable on the
dependent variable because it can increase the value
of the coefficient of determination (R
4.2 Discussion
Work Conflict Variable is declared to impact
Employee Performance variable so that based on the
results of data analysis that has been carried out. It
means that work conflict has a considerable influence
on improving employee performance at the freight
transport company. The results of this study are
similar to the results of previous research conducted
by Fatikhin and Mukzam (2017), which states that
work conflict affects employee performance.
The variable of work stress is stated to impact the
employee performance variable and is based on the
results of the data analysis that has been carried out.
Job stress has a considerable influence on improving
employee performance at the freight transport
company. The results of this study are the same as the
results of previous studies conducted by Wartono
(2017) and by Noor and Ruhana (2016), which
showed that work stress affects employee
Work conflict and work stress variables are
declared to affect employee performance variables so
that they are sourced from the results of data analysis
that has been carried out, which means that both work
conflict and work stress together have a considerable
impact in improving employee performance at the
freight transport company. The results of this study
are similar to the results of previous research
conducted by Fatikhin and Mukzam (2017) and the
results of previous research conducted by Kusuma
and Soesatyo (2014) work conflict and work stress
jointly affect employee performance.
Work conflict and work stress variables with
education level as a control variable are declared to
affect employee performance variables based on the
results of data analysis that has been carried out,
where both work conflict and work stress together
have a considerable impact in improving employee
performance at the freight transport company. The
results of this study are similar to the results of
previous research conducted by Fatikhin and
Mukzam (2017) and the results of previous research
conducted by Kusuma and Soesatyo (2014) that work
conflict and work stress jointly affect employee
performance. Then the level of education can be a
controller in giving influence between work conflict
and work stress on employee performance. The level
of education with high and adequate standards
provides knowledge and teaches about a person's
behaviour and attitudes towards others to help
improve employee performance. Later, every
employee can reduce workplace conflicts and work
stress they experience in a company or organization.
The following conclusions are obtained based on the
result of the study:
There is a partial and significant effect of work
conflict on employee performance at the freight
transport company.
There is a partial and significant effect of work
stress on employee performance at the freight
transport company.
There is a simultaneous and significant effect of a
work conflict and work stress on employee
performance at the freight transport company.
There is a simultaneous and significant effect of a
work conflict and work stress on employee
performance at the freight transport company with
educational level as a control variable.
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The Effect of Workplace Conflict and Stress on Employees Performance at a Freight Transport Company