The Effect of Bank’s Internal Financial Ratio on Lending in
Indonesia Conventional Commercial Banks: Book IV Category
Fitri Karostiana and Sugeng Riadi
Department of Business Management, Politeknik Negeri Batam, Jl Ahmad Yani, Batam, Indonesia
Keywords: Internal Financial Ratio, Lending, Book IV Category.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyse the effects of Third-Party Funds (DPK), Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR),
Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR), Return on Asset (ROA), Non-Performing Loans (NPL) on Lending. The object
of this research is an Indonesia conventional commercial bank (book IV category) for the period 2012 – 2019.
The sampling technique uses a purposive sampling method with a sample size of 5 banks, namely Bank
Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI), Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia (BCA), Bank
CIMB Niaga. The number of research samples used was 40 samples. This study is using multiple regression
analysis with T test and F test, Hypothesis testing methods used with IBM SPSS 26. The results showed that
DPK, CAR and ROA partially had a positive effect on lending, while LDR and NPL partially had no positive
effect on lending. DPK, CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL simultaneously effect on lending
The business world in this era of globalization is
increasingly competitive which results in rapid
development of the marketing system. The marketing
activities are carried out to accelerate the circulation
of goods and services from producers to consumers
so that they are effective. The growth of marketing
activities into strategic business ideas that can
produce sustainable satisfaction. The business
activities are complex activities that require the role
of banking in serving the community, where business
activities include legal, economic and political
Financial ratio analysis is used as a benchmark for
calculating future profits and dividends, therefore
financial ratios can be one of the bases for
consideration in providing credit. Financial ratio
analysis has a big role in providing information about
the financial condition of company results in a certain
period. In accordance with the explanation above, the
formulation of the problem is determined, namely
how is the impact of the bank's internal financial
ratios on lending in conventional commercial banks
in book category IV in Indonesia.
Based on the problem formulation that the
researcher has described, the purpose of this study is
to determine the magnitude of the influence of the
bank's internal financial ratios on lending. Specific
objectives, namely to determine the influence of the
ratio of Third-Party Funds, Loan to Deposit Ratio,
Capital Adequacy Ratio, Non-Performing Loans and
Return on Assets on lending in conventional
commercial banks in the book category IV in
Based on the problems that occur in the
background, the researcher discusses and limits this
research to the level of financial ratios, namely, Third
Party Fund, Loan to Deposit Ratio, Capital Adequacy
Ratio, Non-Performing Loans, Return on Assets and
lending in 2012-2019. Researchers chose the object
of research on conventional commercial banks in
book category IV, namely Bank BNI, Bank BRI,
Bank Mandiri, Bank BCA, Bank CIMB Niaga.
Agency theory explains that the agency relationship
is a cooperation contract where someone or more uses
or employs other people who are tasked with running
or operating company activities (Jensen and
Meckling in (Pratiwi & Prajanto, 2020). Signal
Theory according to (Sa’adah, 2018) this theory is to
increase the value or value in a company through the
reports that are presented and send signals in the
Karostiana, F. and Riadi, S.
The Effect of Bank’s Internal Financial Ratio on Lending in Indonesia Conventional Commercial Banks: Book IV Category.
DOI: 10.5220/0010860000003255
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science (ICAESS 2021), pages 9-18
ISBN: 978-989-758-605-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
presented annual report. Positive accounting theory
developed by Blaug in (Noviantari & Ratnadi, 2015)
explains that this theory aims to describe a process
regarding the understanding and knowledge of
accounting science and the accounting policies used,
where these policies are suitable for certain
conditions in the coming period.
2.1 Previous Research
The research of (Pradana, 2019) examines the
influence of core capital, Third Party Funds or DPK,
Non-Performing Loan or NPL variables and interest
rates on the level of lending at Regional Development
Banks (BPD). The results of this study provide an
illustration that core capital has a negative influence
on lending at BPD. The DPK and NPL variables have
a negative but not significant effect on the level of
lending at the BPD. The interest rate variable has no
effect on the level of lending. Simultaneously the
variables of core capital, NPL, TPF and interest rates
(rate) affect the level of lending (lending) in BPD.
The research of (Ristyasmoro, 2018) conducted a
study on the impact of the CAR, NPL and DPK ratios
on the ROA ratio through total credit at state-owned
banks listed or listed on the Stock Exchange in 2010
to 2016. The independent variables determined were
the ratio of CAR, NPL, DPK, ROA and the dependent
variable is lending. The results obtained are the ratio
of CAR and the NPL variable to the variable number
of lending that have an effect. The ratio of TPF to the
dependent variable of lending has a significant effect,
while the effect of CAR, NPL and TPF indirectly on
return on assets through the amount of credit
disbursement has no effect.
According to (Hidayat, 2018), raised a research
entitled the effect of financial ratios and
macroeconomic variables on lending to the
Indonesian banking sector. The independent variables
are ROA, CAR, NPL, BOPO, DPK, People's
Business Credit on the other hand the dependent
variable is credit. From this research, it is found that
the BOPO, CAR, NPL and Working Capital Loan
Interest Rates have an effect on the credit variable.
The variables of TPF, ROA, KUR Credit and
inflation as well as gross domestic product (GDP)
have a significant influence on credit.
The research of (Pratiwi & Prajanto, 2020)
conducted is on external factors and internal factors
as determinants of increasing commercial bank
lending. CAR, TPF, ROA, Bank Indonesia Interest
Rate (BI Rate) are used as independent variables,
while lending is the dependent variable. The results
obtained are that the ROA, BI Rate and Growth
variables affect lending, while the CAR and TPF
ratios do not affect the credit increase.
According to (Siregar, 2016), research entitled the
effect of TPF and CAR on the amount of credit
financing in 2012 to 2014. The independent variables
are TPF and CAR while the dependent variable is
lending. Whereas DPK affects the amount of lending,
CAR does not affect lending. Simultaneously, TPF
and CAR affect lending for the 2012 - 2014 research
The results of (Amelia & Murtiasih, 2017),
regarding the internal ratio to the amount of lending
at QNB Bank stated that the DPK and LDR variables
had a positive effect on the amount of credit
disbursement. The NPL ratio has a negative and
significant effect on the amount of lending. The CAR
ratio has a positive and significant effect on the
amount of credit disbursement. Simultaneously, the
variables of DPK, LDR, NPL, and CAR have an
effect on the variable of the amount of credit
Research conducted by (Ismawanto, 2012),
regarding internal banking ratios (DPK, NPL, CAR)
to lending in state-owned banks states that Third
Party Funds (DPK) partially affect the amount of
lending, the ratio of Non-Performing Loans has no
effect on the dependent variable, the CAR ratio
partially affects the amount of credit disbursement.
DPK, NPL, and CAR simultaneously affect the
amount of lending to state-owned banks listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for 2009 – 2018.
The research of (Ervina, 2019), raises the theme
of DPK and CAR on the amount of credit, where the
independent variables are DPK and CAR while the
dependent variable is lending. Whereas TPF affects
the amount of lending, the Capital Adequacy Ratio
does not affect the amount of credit disbursement.
Simultaneously, third party funds and CAR have a
significant positive effect on the amount of credit
financing in 2012 - 2014.
The research of (Arullia, 2017) was appointed
with the title of the effect of the ratio of CAR, NPL,
BOPO and NIM on profits with the intervening
variable credit volume. The independent variables
applied are CAR, NPL, BOPO, NIM on the other
hand the dependent variable is the volume of credit.
The results obtained are that the CAR and BOPO
variables negatively affect the credit volume, while
the NPL ratio does not affect the credit volume.
According to (Mangindaan, 2019), analysis the
LDR ratio and the NPL ratio to the volume of credit
at Regional Development Banks in Indonesia from
2013 to 2017. The independent variable in this study
was the LDR, NPL ratio with the dependent variable
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
being credit volume. From this research, it was found
that the LDR and NPL variables did not affect the
credit volume variable. If taken together, the LDR
and NPL variables do not significantly affect the
credit volume.
The hypothesis used in this study:
H1: DPK has a positive and significant effect on
H2: CAR has a positive and significant effect on
H3: LDR has a negative and significant effect on
H4: ROA has a positive and significant effect on
H5: NPL has a negative and significant impact on
H6: DPK, CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL have a positive
effect on lending
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework.
3.1 Research Design
Researchers will use quantitative research to prove
the existence of a cause-and effect relationship
between the independent and dependent variables.
The independent variable (X) is the bank's internal
financial ratio, namely the ratio of DPK, CAR, LDR,
ROA and NPL. While the dependent variable (Y) is
3.2 Operational Definition of Variables
Third Party Funds (X1)
(Febrianto, 2013) third party funds are a source of
banking funds collected from the public in the form
of deposits or savings and other forms. Meanwhile,
according to banking’s law number 10 of 1998, third
party funds can be formulated as follows:
Source: Febrianto (2013)
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) (X2)
(Tenrilau, 2012) states that the CAR variable is the
asset ratio that describes the bank's ability to prepare
funds for business expansion and accept the risk of
losses caused by banking operations.
Source: Tenrilau (2012)
Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) (X3)
The Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) ratio reflects the
level of banking capability in repaying funds that
have been withdrawn and carried out by customers
using extended credit as a source of bank liquidity.
Source: Tenrilau (2012)
Return on Asset (ROA) (X4)
The higher the bank's ability to provide credit to
customers, the higher the ROA ratio, which means
that bank profits will increase.
Source: (Meiranto, 2013)
Non-Performing Loan (NPL) (X5)
Non-performing loans (NPL) are a measure of a
bank's ability to face the risk of default on debtors,
(Tenrilau, 2012), on the other hand, the ratio of non-
performing loans reflects credit risk, the smaller the
non-performing loan, the smaller the credit risk born
by the bank.
Source: Tenrilau (2012)
Dependent Variable (Y)
The dependent variable in this research study is
lending. The amount of credit extended to debtors in
a certain period or in one year period. According to
(Herijanto, 2013) the legal basis for granting credit is
a credit agreement between parties, banking action,
regulation of the implementation of banking actions,
jurisprudence, habits in banking practice and other
Indonesian bank provisions.
CAR = Own Capital x 100%
LDR = Total Credit x 100%
Third Parties Fund
ROA = Earnings Before Tax (EBT) x 100%
Total Assets
Third Party Funds=
Deposit + Savings + Current Account
NPL = Non-Performing Loan X 100%
Total Credit
The Effect of Bank’s Internal Financial Ratio on Lending in Indonesia Conventional Commercial Banks: Book IV Category
Types and Sources of Data
The types of data used are ratio and nominal data. The
ratio data used are CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL, while the
nominal data is data on DPK and amount of credit.
Data is obtained from banking annual reports for the
period 2012 - 2019 as well as the annual reports of the
Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Location and Research Objects
The object of this research is carried out in Indonesian
conventional commercial banks. The research
location will be taken from several conventional
commercial banks in Indonesia with book category
IV in Indonesia.
Technique for Determining the Number of
The population determined in this research is
conventional commercial banks. The sample used is
conventional commercial banks that meet the
research standards of book category four, namely
Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Nasional Indonesia,
Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia, Bank CIMB
Data Collection Techniques
This study uses secondary data taken from banking
websites and OJK (Financial Services Authority).
The data taken is the internal financial ratio data from
the bank's annual report and OJK's annual report data.
Data Processing Techniques
The SPSS 26 program is used as an application for
data processing techniques in this study. Before being
distributed into SPSS as a whole. There are four steps
that need to be done in data processing, namely
grouping the variables to be entered into tables and
data tabulation, data processing, by checking data and
coding. In addition, Microsoft Office Excel 2013 is
used as a program to input data, then the data that has
been tabulated into Microsoft Office Excel will be
processed using the SPSS 26 data processing tool.
3.3 Data Analysis Techniques
This research uses data analysis in the form of
descriptive analysis and classical assumption test.
Descriptive statistics can provide an outline or
depiction of research data information that can be
seen from the maximum, minimum and standard
deviation values.
Classical Assumption Test
Before testing the predetermined hypothesis, it is first
tested using the classical assumption test so that the
research to be carried out is correct. (Khikmawati,
2015) revealed that there are several ways to test
classic assumptions, namely, Multicollinearity Test,
Autocorrelation Test, Heteroscedasticity Test and
Normality test
Hypothesis Testing
In testing the research hypothesis, there are several
hypothesis tests, namely, Multiple Linear Regression
Test, T test, F test and Determination Coefficient Test
4.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The research was conducted at conventional
commercial banks in Indonesia, while conventional
commercial banks with book IV criteria were used as
samples. The sample of conventional commercial
bank book IV used is Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank
Negara Indonesia, Bank Mandiri, Bank Central Asia,
Bank CIMB Niaga. The data period used is 2012 -
2019 (8 years).
Table 1: Descriptive Variable Statistics with LN DPK and
LN Credit.
Variable N Min Max Mean Std.
DPK 40 23.7 27.6 26,654 0.9522
CAR 40 14.9 23.8 18,913 2.7213
LDR 40 68.6 99.4 86,808 7,4292
ROA 40 1.0 5.3 3,238 0.9418
NPL 40 0.4 3.9 2,245 0.8753
Credit 40 18.76 20.56 19.7403 0.52581
According to the statistical results above, several
analyses can be presented, namely;
1) The variable X1 (DPK) has a minimum value of
23.7 which is owned by Bank CIMB Niaga (2016)
and a maximum value of 27.6 is owned by Bank
Rakyat Indonesia (2019) with an average of 26.65
and a standard deviation of 0.95. The standard
deviation which is less than the average indicates
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
that banks are able to manage liquidity and short-
term debt well and the high amount of third-party
funds received illustrates that the banking
intermediation factor is getting better.
2) The variable X2, namely CAR has minimum
value amounted to 14.9 owned by Bank Mandiri
(2013) and maximum value amounted to 23.8
owned by Bank Central Asia (2019) with an
average value of 18.91 and a standard deviation of
2.7. The higher the capital adequacy ratio, the
more financial resources that can be used for
business development purposes, and the potential
losses caused by loans can be predicted, which
means that the capital adequacy variable has a
positive impact on borrowing.
3) The variable X3 is the LDR minimum value 68.6
by Bank Central Asia (2012) and maximum value
99.4 by Bank CIMB Niaga (2014) with an average
value of 86.8 and a deviation of 7.4. The Loan to
Deposit ratio indicates the level of the bank's
capability to repay the funds that have been taken
by the customer using the credit provided as the
basis for the ability to pay the bank's short-term
4) Minimum value the ROA variable (X4) owned by
Bank CIMB Niaga (2016) is 1.0 and maximum
valuein 2013 owned by Bank Rakyat Indonesia
amounted to 5.3 and a standard deviation of 0.94.
ROA in the implementation of credit allocation
can be used to measure bank profitability, the
higher the ROA ratio, the bank will get higher
profits which will increase the bank's credit
5) Minimum value NPL variable (X5), namely 0.4
owned by Bank Central Asia (2013) and
maximum value amounting to3.9 in Bank Mandiri
(2017) with an average value of 2.24 and a
standard deviation of 0.87. This non-performing
loan ratio illustrates bank credit risk. If the NPL
ratio is low, the credit risk received will
automatically be smaller, if the NPL ratio is high,
the credit risk received by the bank will be even
6) Loans disbursed by conventional commercial
banks book IV during the 2012 - 2019 period in
the form of an average credit obtained were
19.7403 and a standard deviation of 0.52581.
4.2 Classic Assumption Test
Table 2: Multicollinearity Test Result.
Criteria Tolerance VIF
From the multicollinearity test table above, it can be
seen that the tolerance value of each independent
variable is > 0.1, and the VIF value of each variable
is also < 10, it can be determined that there are no
symptoms of multicollinearity from the five
Table 3: Auto Correlation Test Result.
Model Durbin-Watson
The result of the calculation of the correlation test
using the Durbin Watson test is 1.968, which is
between -2 and +2, with the assumption that k = 5 and
N = 40 (Nk-1): It can be concluded that this research
does not have autocorrelation problems.
Heteroscedasticity Test Results
Based on testing with the Glesjer Test, it can be
seen that the significance value is more than 0.05,
meaning that the data of this study have no indication
of experiencing heteroscedasticity symptoms.
Table 4: Heteroscedasticity Test Result.
Based on the results of the normality test above
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, the test results
show that the estimated value of the residual variable
is very large, namely 0.200 or more significant than
0.05, which indicates that the data is normally
Model t Sig
Constant 1,389 0.174
The Effect of Bank’s Internal Financial Ratio on Lending in Indonesia Conventional Commercial Banks: Book IV Category
Table 5: Normality Test Result.
4.3 Hypothesis Testing
Table 6: Multiple Linear Regression Test.
Credit (Y) = 5,450 + 0.464x1 +
0.034x2 + 0.012x3 + 0.045x4 + 0.023x5
From the results of the regression analysis above, it
can be explained as follows:
1) The constant value with a positive number is
5.450. This means that if the value of the five
independent variables (DPK, CAR, LDR, NPL,
ROA) is fixed or zero, the credit value will be
2) The regression coefficient for the DPK variable is
0.464. A positive coefficient value indicates that
if the value of DPK increases by 1%, the credit
value will increase by 0.464.
3) The regression coefficient for the positive CAR
variable is 0.034. A positive coefficient value
means that if the CAR value increases by 1%, the
credit value will increase by 0.034.
4) The regression coefficient for the positive LDR
variable is 0.012. A positive coefficient value
means that if the LDR value increases by 1%, the
credit value will increase by 0.012.
5) The regression coefficient for the positive ROA
variable is 0.045. The positive coefficient value
means that if the value of the variable increases by
1%, credit will increase by 0.045.
6) The regression coefficient for the NPL variable is
0.023. A positive coefficient value indicates that
if other independent variables are considered
constant, then if the value of non-performing
loans increases by 1%, then credit will increase by
T test
This test is to determine the influence of each
independent variable on the dependent variable. The
degree of influence of the independent variable or the
dependent variable can be used to clarify the variables
that need it.
Table 7: T Test Result.
Model t Sig.
Hypothesis testing 1 (X1) can be explained that
the t-count is 7,434 with a significance of 0,000 <
0.005. According to these results it can be determined
that hypothesis 1 is accepted, where third party funds
have a positive effect on lending. This means that the
more DPK a bank has, the wider the banking sector
will be to channel its loans.
Hypothesis testing 2 (X2) can be explained that
the t-count is equal to 1,839 with a significance of
0.015 < 0.05. According to these results it can be
concluded that hypothesis 2 is accepted, where CAR
has a positive effect on lending. A high CAR ratio
value allows banks to have high capital so that the
management of their earning assets is getting better.
Hypothesis testing 3 (X3) can be explained that
the t-count is equal to 1.631 with a significance of
0.112 > 0.05. According to these results it can be
determined that hypothesis 3 is rejected, where the
LDR ratio does not have a positive effect on lending.
The LDR ratio is used to measure how much credit is
extended by banks to the amount of DPK held. The
greater the LDR ratio, the more credit is extended and
the banking liquidity is getting smaller.
Hypothesis testing 4 (X4) can be seen that the t-
count is 0,727 with a significance of 0.072 < 0.05.
Model Unstandardized
Most Extreme
Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Asymp. Sig. (2-
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
According to these results, it can be concluded that
hypothesis 4 is accepted, in which the ROA ratio has
a positive effect on lending. The higher the ROA ratio
the banks have, the greater the level of profitability
they have. It can be seen that banks are very effective
in managing their productive assets in order to
generate profits.
Hypothesis testing 5 (X5) can be seen that the t-
count is 0.324 with a significance of 0.748 > 0.05.
According to these results it can be concluded that
hypothesis 5 is rejected, where NPL does not have a
positive effect on lending. According to Bank
Indonesia, the maximum NPL value is at 5%, while
statistical data from the NPL of all conventional
commercial banks studied is at an average of 2.2%,
which means good so that non-performing loans are
classified as low, therefore NPL has no impact on
credit. The positive direction of the results of this
study means that the NPL ratio increases if the
amount of credit also increases. The increase in the
number of credit customers goes hand in hand with
the number of non-performing loans (NPLs).
F test
Hypothesis testing is carried out using the F test
to calculate whether the existing independent
variables have a joint effect on the dependent
variable. The following test results:
Table 8: F Test Result.
As can be seen from the F test table above, the F
value is 29.408, with a significance of 0.017.
Correspondingly, F counts more attention than F
table, and the probability is 0.017 under 0.05. This
shows that simultaneously or simultaneously the
variables of DPK, LDR, NPL, and ROA affect
Table 9: Determination Coefficient Test
From the table above, it can be seen that the
Adjusted R2 value is 0.785. This shows that 78.5% of
credit is influenced by the five independent variables
used (namely DPK, LDR, CAR, NPL, ROA). From
this value, it can be seen that the Adjusted R2 value
can be said to be relatively large, because other
factors that affect loans outside of research are 21.5%.
4.4 Discussion
4.4.1 The Effect of TPF on Lending
Based on the test results, it can be seen that the
regression coefficient value of the DPK variable (X1)
is 0.000 < 0.05, which means that DPK has a positive
effect on lending, and the results of this study are
supported by research by (Meiranto, 2013) (Siregar,
2016), (Hidayat, 2018), (Amelia & Murtiasih, 2017),
(Ristyasmoro, 2018), (Ismawanto, 2012) suggest that
third party funds have a positive and significant effect
on credit. Third Party Funds owned by the bank are
funds collected from the public which will be
channeled back to the community in the form of
credit. The more DPK a bank has, the wider the
banking sector is to distribute its loans.
H1: TPF has a positive effect on lending, accepted.
4.4.2 The Effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio
on Lending
Based on the test results, it can be seen that the
regression coefficient value of the CAR variable is
0.015 < 0.05, which illustrates that CAR has a positive
effect on lending. The research results of (Meiranto,
2013), (Yuliana, 2014), (Amelia & Murtiasih, 2017),
(Ristyasmoro, 2018), (Ismawanto, 2012), (Riadi,
2018) also prove this. The higher the capital adequacy
ratio, the more financial resources available for
business development purposes, including increasing
lending. The CAR variable is used as a prediction of
potential losses that may be caused by loans, which
means that the CAR variable has a positive effect on
H2: CAR has a positive effect on lending,
4.4.3 The Effect of LDR on Lending
Statistical testing can be explained LDR (X2) with
LDR variable regression coefficient value of 0.112 >
0.05 means that the variable has no effect on lending.
The results of this study are supported by research
results from (Meiranto, 2013), (E Ervina, 2019),
(Mangindaan, 2019) which explain that LDR has no
effect on credit. The LDR ratio indicates the level of
the bank's capability to repay the funds that the
customer has taken by using the credit provided as the
basis for the bank's ability to pay short-term
H3: Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) has no positive
effect on lending, rejected.
The Effect of Bank’s Internal Financial Ratio on Lending in Indonesia Conventional Commercial Banks: Book IV Category
4.4.4 The Effect of ROA on Lending
Judging from the data processing, it can be seen that
the level of significance obtained is 0.042 <0.05, so
the decision taken is that H4 is accepted and ROA is
proven to have a positive and significant impact on
credit. These results are also supported by research by
(Hidayat, 2018), (Pratiwi & Prajanto, 2020), that in
distributing credit, the ROA ratio can be used to
measure profits in banking. A high proportion of
ROA shows that the higher the profit received by
banks, so that the capacity of the bank to provide
loans will be higher.
H4: Return on Assets has a positive effect on
lending, accepted.
4.4.5 The Effect of Non-Performing Loans
on Lending
The results of the hypothesis test show that the
significance is 0.748 > 0.05, so the decision taken is
that H5 is rejected and the conclusion is that the NPL
variable does not have an effect on lending. This is
also supported by the results of research conducted by
(Arullia, 2017), (Riadi, 2018), (Hidayat, 2018),
(Amelia & Murtiasih, 2017), (Ristyasmoro, 2018), (E
Ervina, 2019), (Mangindaan, 2019), (Pradana, 2019),
(Ismawanto, 2012) which provides an explanation,
namely that NPL does not affect lending. If the
proportion of non-performing loans is low, the credit
risk obtained is small, if the proportion of non-
performing loans is high, the credit risk obtained by
the bank will be even greater.
H5: NPL has no effect on lending, rejected.
4.4.6 The Effect of DPK, CAR, LDR, ROA,
NPL on Lending
The results obtained are H6 with the results of DPK,
CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL factors affecting credit. This
shows that the five internal factors, especially DPK,
CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL together affect credit. This is
also supported by research by (Putri & Akmalia,
2016), (Amelia & Murtiasih, 2017), (Ismawanto,
2012), (Sari, 2018) on the grounds that all factors of
DPK, CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL are interrelated internal
financial components so that at the same time will
affect credit.
H6: Third party funds, CAR, LDR, ROA, NPL
affect lending, accepted.
Figure 2: Summary of Hypothesis Results.
5.1 Conclusions
According in the discussion in the previous chapter,
the researcher can conclude that third party funds in
hypothesis (H1) is accepted to have a positive effect
on lending. The results of hypothesis (H2) are
accepted, namely the loan to deposit ratio variable
does not have a positive effect on lending. The results
on hypothesis (H3) are rejected, the capital adequacy
ratio variable has a positive effect on lending. The
hypothesis (H4) is accepted that the non-performing
loan variable does not have a positive effect on
lending. H5 rejected, the non-performing loan no
have effect on lending. Simultaneously, all variable
has effect on lending (H6).
5.2 Suggestions
Based on the results of the discussion, the conclusions
and limitations that the researchers made, the
suggestions for further research are; using research
samples other than conventional commercial banks
(Book IV) namely Indonesian Islamic banks, state-
owned banks, conventional commercial banks listed
on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, and may even use
a sample of banks in the ASEAN region; using other
independent variables such as BOPO and NIM (Net
Interest Margin) and external ratios or macro factors,
namely growth (economic growth), inflation, foreign
exchange rates and dependent variables on credit card
growth, working capital loans, interbank syndicated
loans and UMKM credit.
ICAESS 2021 - The International Conference on Applied Economics and Social Science
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