Factors Influencing Agricultural Extension Competence at Samosir
Island Agritourism, Lake Toba
Helena Tatcher Pakpahan, Ravik Karsidi, Sugihardjo and Sapja Anantayu
Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Extensions, Competence, Agritourism, Samosir Island, Lake Toba.
Abstract: This study aimed to determine what factors affected agricultural extensions' competence in the agritourism
region of Samosir Island, Lake Toba. The research method is quantitative that uses a survey technique. The
data collection technique was questionnaires distributed to 44 agricultural extensions in Lake Toba's
Samosir island. The data analysis tool used is multiple linear regression with SPSS version 25. The results
of the study concluded that factors affecting the competence of the extensions were age, work experiences,
number of dependents, total income, number of fostered farmers, education and training, achievement
motivation, technology, and government policies. The level of education and the number of assisted villages
were the factors that did not affect the competence of agricultural extensions in the region of agritourism of
Samosir Island, Lake Toba.
Lake Toba is the largest caldera lake globally,
located in North Sumatra Province. In the middle of
Lake Toba, there is an island called Samosir Island.
The enormous contributions to the regencies'
economy in the region of Lake Toba were
agriculture, plantations, farming/ livestock, fisheries,
trade, hotel, and restaurant sectors (tourism sectors).
Agricultural potential is developed as an agritourism
product/ attraction in each regency of the region of
Lake Toba. Agrotourism in the region of Lake Toba
will highlight the local culture in utilizing its
agricultural land so that it is expected to increase
farmers' income while conserving natural resources
(Anonimous, 2017). According to Knowd (2006),
the primary motivation to engage in agricultural
tourism is economic sustainability. The primary
motivation for agritourism in Sweden is social
contact and cultural exchange; the presence of
tourists is seen as favorable by farmers (Gössling
and Mattsson, 2002). According to Barbieri and
Mahoney (2009), agritourism is due to economic
motives and the need to generate additional income
in agriculture, namely the sustainability of
agriculture and the improvement of the quality of
family life. Mahaliyanaarachchi's (2016) research
result in Sri Lanka shows that agricultural extension
is significant in promoting and developing
agritourism. The Lake Toba regency has a strategic
position in national agricultural development, so its
existence needs to be supported by human resources,
especially by the agricultural extensions which are
competent in carrying out their duties. Responding
to the changes in the strategic environment, such as
agritourism, and the demands of the community's
needs for economic sustainability, it is necessary to
have the competence of the agricultural extensions
under this development.
The collaboration of farming communities and
agricultural extension services can build agritourism
both in the existing agricultural and new agricultural
ones. Extension activities are essential to invite
others to be interested in agritourism. The
agricultural extensions must be competent and
encourage farmers and the community to acquire
new knowledge (Živković at. al., 2009). The
competence of agricultural extension is needed to
carry out extension activities with the goals that
have been set (Pakpahan, 2017). The extensions' low
competence results in the extensions' low
performance, which will ultimately have an impact
on the services provided to farmers (Pakpahan,
2018). Conditions in the field illustrate that the
competence of the agricultural extensions is still not
as expected by farmers. The factors causing the low
competence of the extensions need to be identified
Pakpahan, H., Karsidi, R., Sugihardjo, . and Anantayu, S.
Factors Influencing Agricultural Extension Competence at Samosir Island Agritourism, Lake Toba.
DOI: 10.5220/0010805600003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 119-124
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and solutions sought. This research will answer the
factors that affect the competence of the extensions.
This paper aims to determine the factors that affect
the competence of agricultural extensions in the
region of agritourism of Samosir Island, Lake Toba.
This research is located in Samosir Island, the
Province of North Sumatra. The research uses
quantitative research, namely survey research. The
data collection method used questionnaires
distributed to respondents as the research samples.
The populations in this study were all agricultural
extension workers in Samosir regencies. The method
of determining the sample in this study is the census.
The sample consisted of 44 respondents. This study
used the ordinal scale data, the scale given as an
object. The measurement scale used was a Likert
scale. The data that had been collected was then
measured and scored. The technique of analyzing
data used was multiple linear regression. This
research involved eleven independent variables (X1)
the age (years), (X2) the education level (years),
(X3) the work experience (years), (X4) the number
of dependents (life/ person), (X5) the total income
(rupiahs), (X6) the number of assisted villages
(villages), (X7) the number of fostered farmers
(souls/person), (X8) the education and training, (X9)
the achievement motivation, (X10) the technology
and (X11) the policies. The competency of the
extensions as a dependent variable.
A simultaneous test compares the F-count with the
F-table: Obtained F-count was 388.350, and F-table
was 2.09. F-count were significantly lower than F-
table (p < .05). It means that the independent
variables (i.e., age, education, work experiences,
number of dependents, total income, number of
assisted villages, number of assisted farmers,
education and training, achievement motivation,
technology, and government policy) simultaneously
have a significant effect on the dependent variable
(the competence of agritourism extensions).
Determination coefficient analysis was intended
to determine how much influence given by variable
X to variable Y. N use values of R
of 0.993 (99.3
%), which mean that the variation of the dependent
variable (the competence of the agritourism
extensions) could be explained by independent
variables namely, age, education level, work
experience, number of dependents, total income,
number of assisted villages, number of fostered
farmers, education and training, achievement
motivation, technology, and government policies
while the remaining 0.7 % was explained by other
variables that were not included in this estimation
a. Age (X
) had an influence on the competence of
the extensions with the regression coefficient of -
14.984. It means that the age variable had an
influence on competence of the extension, if the
age increased by 1 year, the competency would
decrease by 14,984 and vice versa. Partial test by
comparing t-count and t-table was obtained for
the age t-count = - 25,363 > t-table = 2.036 with
a significant value of 0.00 <0.05. It showed that
partially the age had a significant effect on the
competence. The age was one of the factors that
affected a person's physical ability to be able to
accept the latest ideas or innovations, as well as
affected the way of thinking and the
competitiveness of everyone at work. The results
of this study were strengthened by
Padmowihardjo (2011), which stated that one's
age was strongly suspected to affect his ability,
both physical ability and thinking ability
(intelligence). The older one's age the less his
ability or it could be said that it would decrease
his ability.
b. Level of education (X
) had an influence on the
competence, with a regression coefficient of
0.556. It means that the education level variable
had an influence on the competence, if the
education variable increased by 1 year, the
competency would increase by 0.556 and vice
versa. Partial test by comparing t-count and t-
table was obtained for the education level t-count
= 1.395 < t-table = 2.036 with a significant value
of 0.173 > 0.05. It showed that partially the level
of education has no real effect on the
competence. The education played an important
role as a determinant of the quality of human
resources. The education was something that
could educate and help the development of a
human being completely, having knowledge,
having great character, being independent, and
having a strong personality. One's ability was
influenced by the level of education that had
been taken. The highly educated people were
relatively faster in receiving an update occured.
The higher the level of education would enable
one’s to think better in dealing with the situation.
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
c. Work experience (X
) had an influence on the
competence, with a regression coefficient of
- 3.397. It means that the work experience
variable had an influence on the competence, if
the work experience variable increased by 1 year,
the competency l would decrease by 3.397 and
vice versa. Partial test by comparing t-count and
t-tables was obtained for the work experience t-
count = -6.225 > t-table = 2.036 with a
significant value of 0.00 <0.05. It showed that
partially the working experience had a significant
effect on the competence.
d. Number of dependents (X
) had an influence on
the competence with a regression coefficient of -
5,390. It means that the variable number of
dependents had an influence on the competence,
if the variable number of dependents increased
by 1 unit, the competency would decrease by
5,390 and vice versa. Partial test by comparing t-
count and t-table was obtained for the number of
dependents t-count = - 12,537 > t-table = 2.036
with a sig value of 0.00 < 0.05. It showed that
partially the number of dependents had a
significant effect on the competence. The
number of dependents of a family were all
members of the family who were dependent of
the household whose took responsibility by the
head of the family. The more the number of a
family dependents, the more expenses (Baroh,
2011). The increasing number of dependents in
the family would reduce the competence of the
e. Total income (X
) had an influence on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
8.212. It means that the variable of total income
had an influence on the competence if the
variable of total income increased by 1 unit, the
competency would decreased by 8.212 and vice
versa. Partial test by comparing t-count and t-
table was obtained for the total income t-count =
- 15.589 > t-table = 2.036 with a sig value of
0.00 <0.05. It showed that partially the total
income had a significant effect on the the
competence. A family should pay attention to the
number of children because it could affect the
family income (Rahayu and Tisnawati, 2014).
f. Number of assisted villages (X
) had an influence
on the competence with a regression coefficient
of 0.062. It means that the variable number of
assisted villages had an influence on the
competency, if the variable number of assisted
villages increased by 1 unit, the competency
would increase by 0.062 and vice versa. Partial
test by comparing t-count and t-table was
obtained for the number of assisted villages t-
count = 0.095 < t-table = 2.036 with a significant
value of 0.925 > 0.05, It showed that partially the
number of assisted villages have no real effect on
the competency. The target village was an area
where respondents carried out their duties and
responsibilities. The Government Regulations in
Law Number 19 of 2013 concerning Protection
and Empowerment of Farmers and the Minister
of Agriculture Regulations Number 72 of 2011
concerning Guidelines for Formulating
Functional Position Formation of Agricultural
Extension Officers stated that at least one
extension worker in one village with agricultural
g. Number of assisted farmers (X
) had an
influence on the competence with a regression
coefficient of – 12.917. It means that the variable
number of assisted farmers had an influence on
the competence if the variable number of assisted
farmers increased by 1 unit, the competency
would decrease by 12.917 and vice versa. Partial
test by comparing t-count and t-table was
obtained for the number of fostered farmers t-
count = - 24,578 > t-table = 2.036 with a
significant value of 0.00 <0.05 It shows that
partially the number of assisted farmers had a
significant effect on the competence. The wider
the working area, the more the number of
assisted farmer groups. The agricultural
extensions who had too many assisted farmer
groups would not have sufficient time to add and
deepen their knowledge and skills in order to
maintain the quality of their extension activities
so that the lack of time and the high workload
would be obstacles for the agricultural extensions
to improve their competence (Lakai et al al.,
h. Education and training (X
) had an effect on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
0.314. It means that the education and training
variable had an influence on the competence if
the education and training variable increased by
1 unit, the competency would increase by 0.314
and vice versa. Partial test by comparing t-count
and t-table was obtained for the education and
training t-count = 12.818 > t-table = 2.036 with a
significant value of 0.00 <0.05. It showed that
partially education and training had a significant
effect on the competence. The education and
training was one of the efforts to improve the
competence and performance of the agricultural
extensions so that they met work standards. The
education and training included two aspects,
Factors Influencing Agricultural Extension Competence at Samosir Island Agritourism, Lake Toba
namely the education and training which had the
same goal, that was to improve one's competency
in doing his job. The education and training of
the extensions could be seen from the indicators
used, namely, the ability of the education and
training providers, the suitability of the
curriculum with the implementation of training
and the evaluation of training. The results of the
study were in line with the concept put forward
by Blanchard and Huszeza (Gomes, 2002), an
effective training should include planning based
on needs, learning experiences, and planned
activities. Slamet (2003), stated that to improve
the competence of the extensions through
training, it was necessary to organize and
improve the training institutions which handle
the extensions. The extension workers should be
trained and practiced regularly through the
education and training and specific materials
about locations needed by farmers in agritourism
area. The competence could be improved
through training and education programs
(Bangun, 2012).
i. Achievement motivation (X
) had an influence on
the competence with a regression coefficient of
0.055. It means that the achievement motivation
variable had an influence on the competence if
the achievement motivation variable increased
by 1 unit, the extension’s competency would
increase by 0.055 and vice versa. Partial test by
comparing t-count and t-table was obtained for
the achievement motivation t-count = 2.815 > t-
table = 2.036 with a significant value of 0.008 <
0.05. It showed that partially the achievement
motivation had a significant effect on the
competence. The motivation for this research
was the intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic
motivation was the motives that became active or
did not need to be stimulated from the outside,
because within each individual there was an urge
to do something. The intrinsic motivation were
responsibility and career while extrinsic
indicators were wages, working conditions and
status. The extrinsic motivation was the active
motives and it functioned because of external
stimuli. The Extrinsic motivation consisted of
working conditions, wages, and status. Good
working conditions, wages, and status would
affect the competence. The results of this study
were strengthened by Sterr (1996) and Gibson et.
al., (1989) which stated that there were two
conclusions, namely (1) the condition of
extrinsic, the condition of job which resulted in
discontent among employees if the condition did
not exist, those conditions such as wages, work
guarantee, working conditions and working
status; (2) the intrinsic conditions, work would
drive strong motivation such as achievement,
recognition and job responsibility. The
environment had a big role in motivating a
person, which was the place where one’s lived or
where one’s worked, higher status such as
promotions, wages which were payments for
physical services provided by employers to
workers. With rewards, one’s could be motivated
by the provision of rewards after one’s
performed an activity or a certain activity
(Suhardi, 2013). The greater the motivation that
an extension had towards his/her responsibilities
and career, the greater the effect on the
competence. The strength and weakness work
motivation had by a worker's would determine
the size of his or her achievements (Anoraga,
2011). According to Ma'ruf et al., (2011),
motivation had a significant effect in increasing
j. Technology (X
) had an influence on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
0.753. It means that the variable of technology
had an influence on the competence if the
variable of technology increased by 1 unit, the
competency would increase by 0.753 and vice
versa. Partial test by comparing t-count with t-
table was obtained for technology t-count =
8.274 > t-table = 2.036 with a significant value
of 0.00 <0.05. It showed that partially technology
had a significant effect on the competence.
Limited resources and learning facilities for the
extensions like books/ magazines, computer to
access information was limited and even did not
exist, lack of interaction with the learning
resources such discussed with related researchers
associated with the technology of specific
location associated with the increased
competence. The results of this study were
strengthened by Atrisiandy (2015), which stated
that technology could also help the course of an
agricultural extension. Nowadays, there was no
activities without using technology.
k. Government policy (X
) had an influence on the
competence with a regression coefficient of
1.630. It means that the government policy
variable had an influence on the competence if
the government policy variable increased by 1
unit, then the competency would increase by
1.630 and vice versa. Partial test by comparing t-
count and t-table was obtained for the
government policy t-count = 22.323 > t-table =
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
2.036 with a significance value of 0.00 <0.05. It
showed that partially the government policies
had a significant effect on the competence. The
government policies could shape the character of
the extensions so that it affected the competency
of the extensions. The government policies
related to the objectives, functions and targets of
the extension workers were stated in the
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia No. 16
of 2006 concerning Agricultural, Fisheries, and
Forestry Extension Systems Chapter III Article
4. The government policies in implementing
agricultural extensions had the principles of
decentralization, participatory, openness, self-
reliance, equal partnership, accountability and
integration, as well as in line with the vision of
extension, namely extension workers who had
strong professional integrity and independent and
sustainable food security, with the mission of
realizing independent and sustainable food
security based on local resources and organizing
dynamic and agribusiness-oriented extension
services. The extensions’ career was
underdeveloped; the extensions got less
opportunities to participate in formal education
to a higher level, to follow activities such as
seminars and workshops, and to follow training
related to the field of counseling; an unclear of
career promotion development and a work
appreciation toward the extension workers
(reward and punishment).
1. Coefficient of e or error indicated that there were
other variables that affected the competence of
the extension’s that were not included in this
The determinant factors that influenced on the
competence of the agricultural extensions in the
region of agritourism of Samosir Island, Lake Toba
were the age of the extension, the work experiences,
the number of dependents, the total income, the
number of assisted farmers, the education and
training, the achievement motivation, the
technology, and the government policies. The
factors that did not affect the competence of the
agricultural extensions in the region of agritourism
of Samosir Island, Lake Toba were the level of
education and the number of assisted villages.
It was necessary to conduct further research related
to professional extensions in the region of
agritourism whether the environmental factors, the
extension capabilities, the role of the extensions, the
independence of the extensions, the farmers needed
in the region of agritourism, and the competency of
the extensions in the region of agritourism.
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AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”