New Media and Political Communication Challenges for Difable in
Realizing Inclusive Election in 2024
Mami Eva Novayani, Pawito and Ign. Agung Satyawan
Communication Science Department, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords New Media, Difable, Political Communication, Inclusive Election.
Abstract The presence of new internet-based media such as websites, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter has made it easy for
all communities to interact, including for people with. On the other hand, when people with disabilities use
new media they face obstacles in realizing inclusive elections in 2024. This study aims to provide an
understanding of new media in helping efforts to increase the fulfillment of the rights of people with
disabilities in the 2024 general election. Qualitative research is used in this research mainly by using in-depth
interview techniques to people with disabilities. Regulations regarding voters with disabilities are contained
in article 356. Paragraph 1, namely: Voters with visual disabilities, physical disabilities, and those who have
other physical barriers when casting their ballots at TPS can be assisted by other people at the request of the
voters. Various efforts have been made by various parties including the General Election Commission KPU
and political parties to realize inclusive elections that are friendly to persons with disabilities. The right of
people with disabilities to vote or make choices must continue to be fought for because they have the same
rights as citizens.
This template, New Media is a medium that is
currently increasingly used by the public. Its presence
on the one hand can bring many benefits and on the
one hand can bring negative impacts. The condition
of the Covid-19 pandemic which limits many
physical meetings can also be a factor that affects the
increase in new media users.
Many people use new media for various
communication purposes, including friendship,
business, entertainment, politics and so on. In the
political field, new media has often been used for
political education for voters, campaigns and others.
Many people with certain limitations have also used
new media to communicate. With apps like Jaws.
New media are not the same as face-to-face-
interaction, but they provide new forms of interaction
that bring people back into personal contact in ways
that dolder media could not. For example, peolpe can
share pictures and exchange messages on Facebook.
At the same time, this communication is still mediated
because it is going through a device and ancourages
users to eschew face- to-face communication in favor
of mediated communication (Littlejohn, 2021).
According to Flew (2005), new media as “as those
forms that combine three CS: computing and
information technology (IT), communication-
network, ditigized media and information content.
Dan Nimmo explains the meaning of political
communication as follows. Politics comes from the
word polis which means the state, the city, which in
totality is the unity between the state (city) and its
people. The word polis evolved into politicos which
means citizenship. Then politicos became politera
which means citizenship rights. Political
communication is a communication process to
influence public knowledge, beliefs and actions
regarding political issues (Nimmo, 1989). In carrying
out the political and administrative processes, Merilee
S. Grindle, states that the implementation of activities
is influenced by two major contexts, namely the
content of a policy and its implementation. At the
point of policy content, the influencing factors are
interests, types of benefits, expected level of change,
decision making, program implementation, and
commitment of resources. In the context of
implementation. There are three influential factors,
namely the first power, interests and strategies of each
party involved, second, the characteristics of the
Novayani, M., Pawito, . and Satyawan, I.
New Media and Political Communication Challenges for Difable in Realizing Inclusive Election in 2024.
DOI: 10.5220/0010805000003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 88-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
institutions and regimes in power, thirdly compliance
and responsiveness (Grindle, 1980).
Efforts to realize elections that can be accessed by
all groups have been carried out by the KPU as
election organizers and political parties that also have
an interest in inviting people to become active voters.
In realizing disability-friendly inclusive elections,
political communications to educate politics must
continue to be built.
So far, there are still tendencies to think that
people with disabilities only have one eye and only
have shortcomings or limitations. The momentum of
December 3 every year which is commemorated as
International Day of Persons with Disabilities can be
a stepping stone for various elements of society to
give attention and care to them so that they can voice
their rights as citizens. One of them gives a choice of
their representatives both sitting in the executive and
legislative branches.
For people with disabilities, the commemoration
of Disabled Day should be able to motivate them to
move forward. Community concerns should get a
positive response so that they can progress.
Persons with Disabilities are any person who
experiences physical, intellectual, mental, and/or
sensory limitations in the long term in interacting
with the environment, may experience obstacles and
difficulties to participate fully and effectively with
other citizens based on equal rights (Bawaslu, 2018).
Various efforts have been made to realize
inclusive elections in Indonesia. However, until the
2020 regional head election, there has not been a
disability-friendly general election. Moreover, the
Covid-19 pandemic has had a wide impact, including
the holding of elections.
Accessibility in elections is a condition when
every citizen can exercise their political rights (to
vote, be elected, and appointed as election organizers)
directly, publicly, freely, confidentially, and
independently without any obstacles. Accessibility in
elections referred to here is facilities and services that
can facilitate persons with disabilities in granting
their political rights in elections. Accessibility is a
universal need, not a form of privilege for persons
with disabilities. The need or accessibility in elections
must be met at every stage of the election
(Afifuddin.M, 2019).
There are three previous studies that the author
uses as a reference. First, the journals of Nurul Hasfi,
Joyo NS Gono, Wiwid Noor Rakhmad which were
published in the Aspikom Journal Vol. 5 No. 1 year
2020. Article entitled Internet Access and the
Potential in Facilitating Online Political
Communication of the Disabled. It identifies the
potential of the internet as a means of online political
participation for disabled groups. Using the case
study method in the context of the 2018 Central Java
gubernatorial election, researchers conducted in-
depth interviews with persons with disabilities,
election administrators and educational institutions
with disabilities in the city of Semarang. The research
findings show that certain people with disabilities
(physical disabilities, deaf and mild) have access to
the internet, but no access to interactive political
communication. The internet has not functioned
optimally as an Assistive Technology (AT) mainly
due to the digital divide; skepticism of the internet
and limited internet literacy (Hasfi, Gono, & Wiwid,
Second, research by Indrawan, J., Efriza, Ilmar, A.
Their research on the Presence of New Media (New
Media) in the Political Communication Process
published in the Medium Journal (online). Vol.8
No.1. Social media makes it easier for a group to
exchange information and influence each other. Most
Indonesians are familiar with social media and have
social media accounts. Participating candidates in the
2019 general election not only ignores this, they use
social media as a means for campaigning. Candidates
introduce their program and try to win the sympathy
of potential voters without having to leave. More
efficient in terms of time and cost. But besides having
a positive side, social media also has a negative
impact such as the rise of hoaxes, post-truth and black
campaigns. This study aims to examine the
phenomenon of the widespread use of social media as
a political campaign strategy by building voter
sympathy and emotion rather than rationality. The
author uses the data collection method with literature
study, and the method used for this research is
literature study (Indrawan, Efriza, & Ilmar, 2020).
Third, the thesis of the postgraduate student of
Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta,
Heru Dwi Herbowo, in 2020. The thesis is entitled
Implementation of Access Elections in Yogyakarta.
This paper explain that accessibility is one of the
important elements in implementation general
election for voters with disabilities that must be met.
Matter The aim is to make it easier for people with
disabilities to carry out activities related to general
elections and access at the Polling Station Vote
(TPS), so that they can obtain their political rights
optimally withoutbarriers and disabilities. For that,
the facilities and infrastructure related to the
implementation of elections need to be adjusted to
their needs. Mainly related to voting media to get
New Media and Political Communication Challenges for Difable in Realizing Inclusive Election in 2024
attention from the KPU as the organizer of the general
election. This research is a qualitative research with
research subjects among others, Yogyakarta City
KPU, Disability Base Volunteers, PPK, PPS,
disability community, and voters with disabilities.
While the object The research here is the fulfillment
of the accessibility of persons with disabilities in
holding the 2019 general election in the city of
Yogyakarta. To get information researchers used a
structured interview method by using Interview
Guide, as well as documentation. Researchers have
found that meeting the accessibility of persons with
disabilities in the implementation of the 2019 General
Election in Yogyakarta City, there are: some special
services and facilities for voters with disabilities.
However, there are still some shortcomings in
services and facilities for persons with disabilities
caused by inadequate capacity resources in
implementing existing policies (Herbowo, 2020).
This study uses a qualitative method with a
descriptive approach. The subjects in the research are
new media and the challenges of political
communication for people with disabilities.
Researchers conducted interviews with
representatives of people with disabilities,
representatives of political parties and the General
Election Commission (KPU) in Wonogiri Regency.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes in
social life. Before the pandemic, each individual
could meet face to face freely. However, along with
the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, people are
increasingly reducing face- to-face meetings,
avoiding crowds and always keeping their distance.
These efforts are steps to comply with health
protocols in the interest of common safety.
Facing the 2024 General Election, election
organizers and political parties have started making
preparations. In a series of election activities, political
communication such as education on voting
procedures, which candidates will be elected and
mission visas to prospective voters must still be
carried out despite this pandemic. Before the
pandemic, these activities could be carried out more
optimally offline and online.
The current pandemic condition has forced all
components involved in political education efforts to
really take advantage of media that is easily
accessible, reaches many audiences and reduces face-
to-face contact. One of the options used is utilizing
new media, maximizing the use of internet-based
communication and information technology, through
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Challenges to Realize Inclusive Elections The
following are the challenges faced in realizing
inclusive elections.
3.1 Accurate Permanent Voter Data
Inclusive elections start from the beginning, namely
an accurate DPT so that all people who have been able
to vote can cast their votes. To obtain an accurate
DPT, of course, requires the involvement of the
election organizers and the community itself.
Residents who have families with disabilities can also
proactively convey to the village or sub-district
authorities for more accurate data collection.
The chairman of the Wonogiri KPU, Toto
Sihsetyo Adi said that an accurate DPT would be
useful to provide access to people with disabilities.
For example, the solution to get accurate data is
Telunjuk Sakti. The Telunjuk Sakti innovation in
Wonogiri Regency is to provide population
administration services by pressing the android
button or screen on the queue machine with your
index or finger. The Information Technology (Sakti)-
based Population Administration System provides
convenience and convenience for accessing
population data.
Election organizers have tried to make efforts to
involve people with disabilities in general election
activities such as KPPS members and witnesses.
3.2 Pro Disability Policy
Inclusive elections can be realized if one of them is
supported by local city/district government policies.
Each region has a policy that can be developed or
innovated by still referring to the rules from the
Local government policies play an important role
in providing support and changes in diffable
Local government support can be in the form of
organizing new media trainings for people with
disabilities, mentoring and other supports that can be
adapted to the conditions of each region.
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
3.3 Active Involvement of Persons with
To speed up the process of delivering messages to
people with disabilities, election organizers cooperate
with people with disabilities, both community groups
or disabled organizations. The chairman of the
Wonogiri Blind Association (Pertuni), Suyatno,
stated the need for an active role for the disabled in
order to convey their voices to become active voters.
People with disabilities need to be pro-active so
that they will get opportunities to be involved in
realizing inclusive elections. It is necessary to be
aware of the different conditions of people with
disabilities, both in terms of human resources,
education, access, economic level and conditions of
people with disabilities.
According to the Deputy Chairman of the
Wonogiri Regency National Mandate Party (PAN),
Sardi, political communication to people with
disabilities must continue to receive attention so that
they can convey their aspirations, one man one vote.
Disabled people so that they are not politically
blind and want to continue to try to be actively
involved in elections. So, it is hoped that their
aspirations can be fought for.
3.4 Easy-to-access Information
The use of new media is carried out to expand the
reach of delivering political communication
messages, ideally, to continue to be pursued during
this pandemic. A strategy is needed in choosing the
right media so that political communication to people
with disabilities can be right on target.
For example, through disabled-controlled
applications such as Jaws and braille sound card
templates. For the deaf, the presence of a companion
who knows sign language will be very helpful when
carrying out political communications.
Head of Indonesian Blind Association (Pertuni)
Wonogiri, Suyatno saw that one of the new media that
tends to be friendly to the disabled is Facebook
because it can accommodate the needs of people with
disabilities who are deaf, blind and physically
The ability of people with disabilities to access
new media is also not evenly distributed, for that there
needs to be assistance or training.
Diffables in one region and another cannot be
equalized equally. Especially for people with
disabilities who are in the poor category, do not go to
school and have never been in a social institution. It
is unlikely that they will understand new media.
3.5 Obey Health Protocols
Given the current pandemic period, all activities must
comply with health protocols (Prokes), namely
wearing masks, maintaining distance, avoiding
crowds and washing hands before and after activities.
This step was taken as a way to prioritize common
safety for the sake of humanity.
During this pandemic, political communication
would be wiser if it was conveyed more through new
media. The move is an attempt to reduce face-to-face
gatherings and crowds.
Face-to-face meetings can really be taken by
considering the situation and conditions of the
disabled, such as physical ability, distance of
residence, and financial side.
Toto Sihsetyo Adi, explained that before
pandemic and after the pandemic, political education
underwent changes. Physical and face-to-face
meetings began to decrease. Socialization about
elections through the sophistication of information
There are several advantages in between reach
out to more people, displaying candidate profiles
more easily can be through written news, videos and
so on. The media used are Facebook, Instagram,
Twitter and WA groups. All social media channels
are maximized.
Wonogiri KPU coordinates with administrators or
representatives of people with disabilities to find out
what media is most likely to be used during
socialization. In the previous election, the KPU
carried out an inventory of areas that were hampered
by signals, both those with difficult signals and few
signals. KPU coordinates with all election organizers
at the village level to find solutions so that
socialization runs optimally. That is looking for a
place that is easily accessible around the location with
a good signal.
Preparations for the 2024 General Election have
begun to be carried out by several parties, such as
political parties and election organizers. It is hoped
that in the future the implementation of elections will
improve and provide broad access to all levels of
society, including people with disabilities.
The use of new media and political
communication for people with disabilities should
New Media and Political Communication Challenges for Difable in Realizing Inclusive Election in 2024
receive more serious attention, considering that
during this pandemic, face-to-face meetings have
drastically reduced.
The use of new media and political
communication for people with disabilities must
continue to be built to build disability-friendly
The challenges faced in realizing the 2024
Inclusive Election are the availability of an accurate
permanent voter list (DPT), pro-disabled local
government policies, active involvement of people
with disabilities, easily accessible information for
people with disabilities and remaining obedient to
health protocols when meeting face-to-face.
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to
Allah who has given me the strength to complete this
paper. I would like to thank all my supervisors at the
Master of Communication Studies at Sebelas Maret
University, who have supported me during this
research. Thank you so much to all the informants in
Wonogiri Regency, Central Java Province.
Afifuddin.M. 2019. Membumikan Pengawasan Pemilu,
Mozaik Pandangan dan Catatan Kritis dari Dalam.
Jakarta: PT Elex Media Komputindo.
Bawaslu. 2018. Buku Saku Difabel Mengawasi Pemilu
2019. Kabupaten Jombang.
Grindle, M. S. 1980. Politics and Policy Implementation in
the Third World. New Jersey: Princenton University
Hasfi, N., Gono, J. N., & Wiwid. 2020. Internet Access and
the Potential in Facilitating Online Political
Communication of the Disabled Vol. 5 No. 1. Aspikom.
Herbowo, H. D. 2020. Implementasi Pemilu Akses di Kota
Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta, DIY, Indonesia.
Indrawan, J., Efriza, & Ilmar, A. 2020. on the Presence of
New Media (New Media) in the Political
Communication Process. the Medium Journal (online).
Vol.8 No.1.
Littlejohn, S. W. 2021. Twelfth edition Theories of Human
Communcation . United State of America: Waveland
Nimmo, D. 1989. Komunikasi Politik, Komunikator, Pesan
dan Media. Bandung: Remadja Karya.
Pawito, 2007, Penelitian Komunikasi Kualitatif,
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”