Reactivating the Digital Marketing through
Psychoeducation in Bank Sampah Lestari Turi
Candra Indraswari, Luqman Amirul Mukmin, Azizah Octavia Dewi, Febri Wicaksono,
Arlan Alamsyah Apriawan and Anang Fauzi
Departement of Psychology, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia,
Keywords: Lestari Turi, Psycho Education, Waste Bank, Waste Management.
Abstract: Waste will continuously increase following the high number of human population and numerous human
life activities. It could be a severe problem if people do not have an awareness of it. A waste bank is one
of the management systems commonly established by residents. For example, Bank Sampah (Waste Bank)
Lestari Turi was established in 2017 and became a craft industry in Turi, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Its members
consist of Turi villagers and additional support personnel from Waste Management System Program (DLH)
Bantul. Bank Sampah Lestari Turi sold secondary items, namely craft products, and they are currently facing
decreased income due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This research aimed to add marketing knowledge through
psycho-education of Waste Bank Lestari Turi in pandemic Covid-19. This research used a qualitative
descriptive method with three board community members as the participants. Data were gathered by interview
and observation. The result showed a make-shift in understanding marketing methods which from mouth-to-
mouth to digital marketing massively. From now on, Waste Bank Lestari Turi has an e-catalog on their own Instagram
One of the problematic issues for big cities in
Indonesia is waste disposal (Widiarti, 2012). Widiarti
(2012) also added that the increasing amount of waste
is currently caused by the high population and human
standard of living. The more prosperous and modern
a person’s life, the higher waste is produced
(Widiarti, 2012). Therefore, it is undeniable; waste
will be continuously increased following the
increased human activity.Every year, it is undeniable
that the volume of waste will continuously increase
along with the increasing consumerism within society
(Suryani, 2014). The amount of waste heap in
Indonesia has been increasing linearly with
population growth. The increase in population caused
an increase in population activity which means an
increase in the amount of waste (Pratama & Ihsan,
2017). Hence, along with the increased number of
populations, the volume of waste in Indonesia also
Waste reduction activities aim to make all parties
in society, both the government and the business
sector, carry out activities to limit waste
accumulation. Not only that, but waste reduction also
includes recycling and reusing waste, better known as
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R), through innovative
yet efficient programs. Nevertheless, the 3R activities
still face a significant obstacle: the low awareness of
sorting waste effectively within the community
(Suryani, 2016). As a solution to this problem, in
2012, the Ministry of the Environment made efforts
to develop a waste bank. This activity is a social
program that teaches and informs people to sort out
waste and raise public awareness in managing waste
wisely (Suryani, 2014). Suryani (2014) also added
that it is hoped that sorting waste at the waste bank
will reduce the amount of waste transported to
landfills. Furthermore, the construction of the waste
bank is the initial momentum in fostering collective
community awareness to start sorting, recycling, and
utilizing waste. Therefore, waste bank management
needs to be implemented in various regions because
it turns out that waste has a selling value, and
environmentally sound waste management can
become a new culture in Indonesia.
Indraswari, C., Mukmin, L., Dewi, A., Wicaksono, F., Apriawan, A. and Fauzi, A.
Reactivating the Digital Marketing through Psychoeducation in Bank Sampah Lestari Turi.
DOI: 10.5220/0010803500003348
In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH 2021), pages 34-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-603-3; ISSN: 2685-273X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Lestari Turi Waste Bank is a waste bank that
was established on May 20, 2017 in Dusun Turi,
Bantul, Yogyakarta. It consists of 21 people, all of
whom are local villagers. The waste bank previously
held the concept of waste alms before finally
changing its name to a waste bank. The
implementation of the Lestari Turi Waste Bank
activities cannot be separated from obstacles. These
obstacles can be caused by many factors, both
external and internal. One of them was the constraints
related to sales which did not increase significantly.
Another thing that also goes hand in hand was product
constraints that are not widely known; these obstacles
and constraints may impact the welfare of members.
To give more understanding, this research was
conducted to increase the number of product sales at
the Lestari Turi Waste Bank. It is hoped that the
psycho-education program can improve the
community's welfare at the Lestari Turi Waste Bank;
therefore, the waste bank can increase product selling
and compete in the market. In order to increase sales
of waste bank products, it is necessary to have a wide
channel or network to be able to market products from
waste banks, such as using social media, unicorns that
provide a marketplace for their users.
Nowadays, the Covid-19 pandemic is changing
the face of the business sector, including Indonesian
mall micro and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The
Sea Insights survey in 2020 showed, as many as 54%
of respondents from MSME entrepreneurs were
increasingly adaptive in using social media to
increase their sales. The survey was conducted on
20,000 young people aged 16 to 35 years. A total of
2,200 participants were business actors. The survey
was executed through Shopee platforms during the
June 2020 period. The survey showed that
entrepreneurs used digital devices more than those
who were used the traditional way. In detail, 51% of
respondents increased their shopping through e-
commerce platforms, 50% increased their use of
video streaming, 49% increased online training, and
45% sold more actively on e-commerce platforms.
Sales through e-commerce were dominated by the
retail sector, home industry, food, and
accommodation. In addition to providing food
delivery services, MSMEs in the food and
accommodation sector also sold ready-to-eat food in
e-commerce. The results of the SEA Insights research
showed that the average income of Indonesian
MSMEs adopting e-commerce increased by more
than 160%, while the increase in productivity reached
110%. Thus, the income of MSMEs increased by
using an e-commerce strategy. The survey
contradicted the sales that occurred at the Lestari Turi
Waste Bank. It happened because the products from
the waste bank were mostly secondary goods.
Therefore, the craftsmen need to understand
business opportunities; thus, the products made can
be accepted by the community. However, the waste
bank still received the benefits from selling
recyclable waste. The resulting product was also a
tool that needed to be developed in order to maximize
Humans have widely used inorganic waste
through recycling or reprocessing using technology to
make new products, as well as being recycled into
handicrafts. Handicrafts from waste or used goods
provided quite promising benefits (Sutrisno, Lisa, &
Amizah, 2019). Homemakers can recycle the waste
produced from their homes into recycled products
with economic value (Sutrisno, Lisa, & Amizah,
2019). Before that, the management of the waste bank
must be formed with this management. It will make it
easier for the management and production processes
to be achieved (Wulandari & Sodik, 2019). After the
formation of management, the waste bank can
accommodate and sort waste.
Although the income from the waste bank is
considered not a large amount, the profits generated
can be used by community groups to buy goods that
are useful for many people or villagers. Therefore,
various items will begin to be collected from these
activities that can support community activities
(Wulandari & Sodik, 2019). The achievement of
these research objectives also cannot be separated
from the performance carried out by the Turi Lestari
Waste Bank members. If the waste bank members and
researchers are able to work effectively and
efficiently, the objectives of this research will be
achieved. Apart from members and researchers, the
products must also follow what the market wants.
This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a
case study approach. This approach was suitable for
this study regarding “how and why” the research lies
in present phenomena with real-life context (Yin,
2014). Researchers tried to get into the abstract form
of the marketing of Bank Sampah Lestari Turi. The
participant of this study was three participants who met
the criteria: the board or member of Bank Sampah
Lestari Turi.
Researchers explored participants' more in-depth
perspectives in terms of interpreting situations and
phenomena that occurred through interviews and
observations. The type of interview in this study was
Reactivating the Digital Marketing through Psychoeducation in Bank Sampah Lestari Turi
a semi-structured interview, and the questions list
could be elaborate during the interview to explore
more in-depth information. This method focused on
obtaining primary data regarding the problems that
occurred in selling products of Bank Sampah Lestari
Turi. The tool to use in this interview was using a
voice recorder to record and compile interviews.
Afterwards, the interviewer made transcriptions
verbatim. The other assistive devices were stationary
like pens, block notes, and informed consent of
participants. The observation was conducted to get
the situation in the field, explore and dig the non-
verbal expressions while interviewing the
The data was analyzed using analysis techniques
with (Moleong, 2018) data organization, data
reduction, coding, categorization, and interpretation.
Then, data reduction focused on the data related to the
research theme and tried to delete unnecessary
transcripts unrelated to the research theme (Eddles-
Hirsch, 2015). Afterwards, the coding was performed
to obtain the findings from the field based on verbatim
or interview transcripts made by researchers.
Researchers used Arabic numbering to code
verbatims; for example, P1 means Participant 1, I2
means second interview, 20-26 means line number
20 until 26 in verbatim. Subsequently, the
categorization gathered from each code has
similarities. Hence, these similarities can form one
big theme translated into discussion or conclusions
(Esterberg, 2002). In addition, this study used time
triangulation to obtain consistency from each
participant who was interviewed once or twice
(Begley, 1996).
After the research was done, researchers
conducted an intervention through psycho-education
of marketing in Waste Bank Lestari Turi. The psycho-
education was held in one day with the agenda was a
seminar and shot some pictures of products posted on
social media. In addition, the researcher taught the
member of Waste Bank how to take some pictures
and post them eye-catching on their Instagram page.
However, this research did not conduct an
experimental method in the measure before or after
the program.
Bank Sampah Lestari Turi was established four years
ago, in May 20
2017 in Dusun Turi, Bantul, Special
Region of Yogyakarta. This waste bank has 21
members which the majority of members are from
local villagers. In addition, Bank Sampah Lestari Turi
now has 150 customers from individual and groups of
customers. Previously, the waste bank had a concept
as "waste donation" or sedekah sampah before it
was changed into a waste bank or “bank sampah”.
Now, Bank Sampah Lestari Turi came as the answer
to the problem: flooding due to the large amount of
local garbage dumped in the river.
“…In 2016 Bank Sampah Lestari Turi began from
waste donation or ‘sodakoh sampah’, then a year
later developed into waste bank ‘bank sampah’…
due to many problems in village. For example,
many villagers dumped their garbage in the river
therefore caused flooding…” (P1/I1/20-26)
Moreover, Bank Sampah Lestari Turi has a system
that regulates recycled waste bartered with groceries
or daily needs. However, the selling price of waste is
equal to the buying price of groceries. Therefore, to
assist people in checking each price of waste that can
be delivered, the waste bank already prepared the
updated list of the groceries.
“…one of our strategies to make people come to
us is make the waste could be bartered with
groceries (sembako). Let say, if customers sell
garbage which was calculated approximately
7000 Rupiah, then they can get barter in the form
of cooking oil which costs equally with the waste
they sell.(P1/I2/197-199)
The benefit of the waste bank was obtained from 20%
of the sale waste to the collector, and 80% will be
returned to the customer. The executive board of the
waste bank tried to produce some goods, like
handicrafts, that could be resold to increase the income.
The goods produced, such as plastic tablecloths,
handicraft plastic flowers, plastic sling bags, candles
from used cooking oil, and so on. The waste banks’
recycled products were bags, vests, brooches and
others. Some participants, like executive boards of
the Waste Bank, explained how the procedure was
“…Thus, the proceeds from the selling of waste
to collectors were given to customers with a
profit-sharing system, 80-70% returned to
customers and 20% to the waste bank…”
“…the handicraft was made using some waste
such as coffee sachets, detergent sachets, snack
sachets that can’t be sold or recycled. So, we cut
them into small pieces and making some bags…”
“…Bank Sampah Lestari Turi recycled some
wastes into bags, vests, brooches and others...
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
In terms of marketing targets, several things that the
Bank Sampah Lestari Turi has sold were their
products such as plastic flowers, key chains, and so
on. Furthermore, they targeted elementary or
kindergarten students as consumers of those products.
Meanwhile, products such as bags were targeted at
homemakers who live near the waste bank. From the
begining, sales and marketing were more emphasized
on the visit to Bank Sampah Lestari Turi. The Bank
Sampah Lestari developed the marketing strategy, but
the district and local government also held some
events to promote local products to support the
“Group of customers consist of offices, health
centers, and schools. While individual customers
consist of the surrounding people…” (P3/I1/15-
“…we usually sell our products if there’s local
events…” (P1/I2/161- 162)
“…for elementary or kindergarten student, maybe
we sell plastic flowers, simple key chains, and so
on. For the housewives, we sell bags for them …”
Researchers found several things related to the
marketing strategy of the Bank Sampah Lestari Turi.
Before the pandemic, the Bank Sampah Lestari Turi
received much income from used goods from
residents' homes, offices in villages (Kantor Desa),
community health centers and school institutions that
had become partners. One of the most dominating
waste was obtained from household waste. Each
month, the Bank Sampah Lestari Turi can
accommodate around 50 kg to one quintal with an
income of approximately 500.000 Rupiah from used
goods obtained from partners. During the Covid-19,
the waste obtained from the community was reduced.
Outside villages that usually contribute to depositing
waste have also decreased. The same condition
happened with school institutions; they have students,
so the waste bank only received approximately 20-30
kg of waste.
“Each month, the waste bank of Lestari Turi could
get around 50 kg… one quintal and we got until
500K Rupiah. But during the covid, the waste
from the community was reduce... so we just got
20-30 kg.(P1/I1/58-62)
Despite the decline amid a pandemic, other
opportunities appeared for the Waste Bank during the
pandemic. First, it was the manufacture of
handwashing buckets using 25 kg paint buckets. The
handwashing bucket is an alternative solution for
washing hands placed in front of residents' houses.
“Yesterday we even got lot of orders for hand
washing buckets to put in front of their house…
you know, covid…” (P1/I1/193-194)
The Waste Bank of Lestari Turi management tried
another strategy by doing product marketing with
promotions through social media such as Facebook
and WhatsApp. However, the waste bank community
lost their device, which was used for promoting the
product through social media. As a result, their
marketing promotion through social media was
stopped. Another obstacle experienced was that the
majority of waste bank administrators were the
housewives of the village, so they had busy with their
household as well. Hence, these housewives felt hard
to reactivate doing online marketing. In the digital
era, they thought it would be easier to do marketing
and product promotion through online marketing.
Thus, the thing to do is create an Instagram platform
account and do promotions. The hope is to introduce
the Lestari Turis’ Waste Bank product to the broader
“The waste bank sells the product through
members who post status on Facebook or
WhatsApp, then if anyone interested the product
can order from those platforms.” (P2/I1/126-128)
“The problem is that we as administrators also
have other activities such as I am a housewife, then
there were also those who work so they are busy
too. That's why we don't really think about how to
sell it. And yes, we got more difficult to sell…”
(P3/I1/126- 128)
The Lestari Turi Waste Bank, which officially started
operating in 2017, can accommodate sorted waste
approximately 50 kg to 1 quintal with a turnover of
approximately Rp. 500 thousand per month. This
Garbage Bank received a supply of waste from
residents' homes, village offices, community health
centers and school institutions that have become
customers. Waste saving activities were held
regularly two times for each month. In addition to
saving waste, other activities were sometimes carried
out at the Lestari Turi Waste Bank, ranging from
socialization, training on making accessories from
used goods, and visits from government agencies and
other waste banks.
Sales of recycled products from the Waste Bank
Lestari Turi, such as bags, brooches, clothes, etc.
Before the pandemic occurred, the sales were in
uncertain condition. Sometimes, they did not open the
Reactivating the Digital Marketing through Psychoeducation in Bank Sampah Lestari Turi
office every day because it did not have good
marketing. The Lestari Turi waste bank does have
limitations in displaying recycled works. This is
because they have limited places to sell their products.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the Lestari
Turi waste bank vacuum for several months. This has
become a complaint by several homemakers who
have accumulated garbage and want to save it in a
waste bank. After being reopened, the Lesatri Turi
waste bank immediately received a lot of household
waste which overwhelmed the management.
During the pandemic, the Lestari Turi waste bank
had a mainstay product, namely hand washing
buckets. The public demanded handwashing bucket
products, and even product sales have reached more
than 100 pieces. The bucket not only answered the
need to wash hands but also fulfilled orders from
several villages and regional offices. Hence, the
government can meet the needs and demands by
buying these products in line with previous research
conducted by Chusnah (2020) that the demand was a
consumer's desire to own an item by buying it at a
certain price level varieties.
Furthermore, branding has a function to embed an
image on the product to be sold. Branding has three
main goals: forming perceptions, building trust, and
building love or brand (Wijaya, 2013). The Lestari
Turi waste bank also has a branding, namely "Bahu
Desa", which stands for " Bayar Hutang dengan
Sampah (Pay Debt with Garbage)". According to the
management, there was an increase in saving when the
slogan appeared.
In terms of marketing, the Waste Bank Lestari
Turi admitted that it had obstacles because it could not
use various existing media optimally. However,
Jerome McCarthy (in Kasmir, 2004) argued that
marketing is the achievement of activities that seek
organizational goals by anticipating customer needs,
regulating the flow of goods, and satisfying the needs
of producers. As yet, the marketing that the Turi
Waste Bank can do was through members by posting
a status on Facebook or WhatsApp. Then if there are
interested potential buyers, they can order, and it will
be made directly by the waste bank.
The result also showed that the waste bank
management does not determine the target market so
that the goods to be made are only based on orders.
Meanwhile, one of the marketing strategies is a target
market setting (Kotler, 2005). Several factors must be
considered to determine the target market, namely
segment size and growth, structural attractiveness,
and company goals and resources (Kotler, 2005). One
strategy was product specialization to concentrate on
producing certain products that sold (Kotler, 2005).
For example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, the
Lestari Turi waste bank received handwashing
containers orders made from recycled materials.
Psychoeducation is an intervention that can be
applied to individuals or groups (Borshalina, 2015).
The intervention focuses on educating participants
about challenges or problems in life to help
participants develop sources of support and social
support in dealing with those challenges (Walsh,
2010). On the other hand, the definition of psycho-
education is the development and provision of
information in education to the broader community
regarding information related to popular psychology
(Rachmaniah, 2012). Hence, psycho-education is an
intervention that could be conducted in an individual
or group to develop social support in dealing with
some problems.
The Turi Lestari Waste Bank owns many digital
marketing platforms, such as Facebook, WhatsApp,
and Instagram. They used those social since 2018.
Unfortunately, because the mobile phone with those
accounts was lost, the members were unable to do
marketing through social media.
The provision of digital marketing psycho-
education was carried out from the beginning of
December 2020 until the beginning of January 2021.
First, researchers conducted psycho-education to
administrators about the importance of marketing
products digitally in the pandemic era, especially on
Instagram. Why Instagram? Instagram is one of the
most popular social media platforms in the world,
especially among young adults. Until the first quarter
of 2021, the number of active Instagram users
worldwide reached 1.07 billion and 354 million users
aged 25 to 34 years (, 2021).
Then, the researchers also provided psycho-
education on how to photograph the products to be
sold in a beautiful or eye-catching manner. The
product is then designed to be more attractive and
provide psycho-education on how to make captions.
This is done so as not to post on Instagram feeds. In
this research, researchers did not measure the
effectiveness of the program due to large-scale social
Lestari Turi Waste Bank is a waste bank that was
established on May 20, 2017, in Turi, Bantul,
Yogyakarta. It consists of 21 people who are local
villagers. The implementation of the west bank
activities cannot be separated from its obstacles. One
of them was the constraints related to sales which did
AICOSH 2021 - The Annual International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICOSH) “Life After Pandemic: Perspectives,
Changes, and Challenges”
not increase significantly. Another aspect that also
goes is the product constraint that is less widely
known. These obstacles and constraints may have an
impact on the welfare of members.
This research was conducted to increase the
number of product sales at the Waste Bank Lestari
Turi with Instagram. The effort made is to make
Instagram feeds neatly and clearly in branding and
promotions in any product to market. However, there
were no significant changes in the production or sales
process, at least intervention through marketing and
branding improved using social media. Hence, it
would be beneficial to adjust marketing products to
process the Waste Bank Lestari Turi products for the
present and in the future.
The obstacle experienced by the researcher was
that the source who knows the detail about The West
Bank Lestari Turi, only Mrs Nurus as chairman.
Hence, researchers had difficulties in conduct
interviews and observation due to her schedule. The
next obstacle the researchers faced was a lack of
preparation before conducting observations and
interviews. In this research, researchers asked
questions about waste management to participants
then recorded them using cell phones. The recording
of the observation was done with wrote on paper and
took some shots at the location.
Although the present Lestari Turi Waste Bank is
already known by the local community, particularly
in Bantul, the marketing development related to
waste bank still needs to be developed, particularly on
the human resources who had to handle the
community, that there are still many communities that
need to be given the understanding in managing their
household trash. The development strategy through a
means of social media marketing and branding is still
significantly opened a huge opportunity for the
advancement of Lestari Turi Waste Bank. The
researcher also expected that the Waste Bank
community study could be more developed for the
next level of research.
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Reactivating the Digital Marketing through Psychoeducation in Bank Sampah Lestari Turi