Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural
Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic:
Case Study in District of Lebak, Banten Province, Indonesia
Helmy Faizi Bahrul Ulumi
and Muhammad Syafar
Department of Islamic Community Development, State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten,
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman No. 30 Serang City, Banten Province, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Capital, Social Enterprise, Pesantren, Community Development, Covid-19 Pandemic.
Abstract: The world development targets that were designed in the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) in 2030 is a challenge for all global stakeholders. This article aims: 1) to identify social
entrepreneurship pesantren-based through social capital and local wisdom of community in District of
Lebak, 2) to identify the development of social entrepreneurship pesantren-based to support local economy
in the era of pandemic Covid-19, 3) to analyze of benefits of social entrepreneurship pesantren-based for
rural development in the era of pandemic Covid-19. The method used a qualitative method in order to
obtain a comprehensive understanding of all phenomena occurring in the study. The results of this study
showed that: 1) social entrepreneurship that has been developed by the pesantren and community focuses on
social capital and local wisdom of the community. 2) The impact of Covid-19 outbreak affected the local
economy, however pesantren as social enterprises can contribute to support economic resilience through
strengthening farmer groups. 3) Benefit of social entrepreneurship pesantren-based has an impact for socio-
economic community and accessibility dealing with economic enhancement and rural development.
Furthermore, enhancing social enterprise as the local institution is needed for improving social
entrepreneurship development that has contributed to the local economy.
Poverty is a fundamental problem in world
development, especially in Indonesia as one of
developing countries. Poverty is defined as a
person's inability to meet his basic needs due to
inability to access or control economic resources
(Nur, 2014: 55). The inequality of socio-economic
development is one of the causes of poverty in
Indonesia, generally in rural communities. Law No.
6/2014 concerning Village as the basic national
policy to reduce poverty in rural level (Republic of
Indonesia 2014) which are the important aspect of
the government's policy agenda to reduce poverty
and equitable development between rural and urban
Law No. 6/2014 has provided opportunities for
the participation of stakeholders in rural
communities, including pesantren as the Islamic
educational institution which are mostly scattered in
rural areas. The existence of pesantren as a strategic
Islamic institution is one way to forge the rural
youth generation (Budiwiranto 2009), and they also
have contributed for developing the local economy
because the pesantren source of livelihood comes
from agricultural products in rural areas.
Sociologically, Dhofier (2014) stated that pesantren
not only describe the purpose of Islamic education,
but also but also to strengthen human values, such as
morality, spirituality, honesty of santri (Islamic
Furthermore, the existence of pesantren aims to
foster the santri as a youth generation that has the
personality to strengthen their mindset, attitude and
real action for the improvement of socio-economic
capacity. However, it is rare to find pesantren in
rural areas that grow and develop independently
Ulumi, H. and Syafar, M.
Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in District of Lebak, Banten Province, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010756300003112
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences (ICE-HUMS 2021), pages 649-659
ISBN: 978-989-758-604-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which have the ability to develop sustainable
business scale, and the opportunity for santri to
obtain knowledge and skills according to business
are limited. Thus, Pesantren does not yet have
contributed for the improvement of santri capacities
regarding competitiveness on the job opportunity
and/or various fields of business sectors (Hudaefi et
al., 2019; Muttaqin, 2016).
The Ministry of Religion Affair of the Republic
of Indonesia (2016: 179) noted that the number of
Islamic boarding schools in 34 provinces was 28,961
units divided into 2 (two) categories, namely
traditional (15,057 units) and modern (13,904 units).
The traditional Pesantren are widespread in West
Java (40%), Banten (22%) and Central Java (20%).
Meanwhile, the modern Pesantren are widespread in
East Java (34%), West Java (23%), and Central Java
(12%). Generally, these locations of Pesantren are
scattered in rural areas which are reflecting
interactions with local communities, such as in
Banten province.
Pesantren in Banten are widespread in Lebak
district (31.96%) which is known as one of
underdeveloped regions in Indonesia. Statistic
Indonesia (2020) note that the Human Development
Index (HDI) of Lebak has the lowest HDI compared
to other districts in Banten, where in 2014 (62,03)
and increased in 2019 (63.88). This condition was
described that HDI aspects including economy,
education and social services in Lebak are relatively
low compared to other districts in Banten. Therefore,
Pesantren in Lebak have the opportunity to be able
to build cooperation with rural communities to
enhance economic development (Buresh 2003)
through social entrepreneurship to support new
business models that are useful for the community.
Social entrepreneurship as stated by Hulgård
(2010: 4) is the collaborative creation of a social
value between people and organizations that are
produced through economic activity by engaging
social innovations that usually imply their socio-
economic. Social entrepreneurship is designed
according to 4 (four) criteria, including: civil
society, innovation, social value, and economic
activity. The socio-economy is an economic activity
that supports the strength of the community itself
(the social sector) in terms of Pesantren as a node of
economic development for rural communities.
Hence, social entrepreneurship lies in the potential
for community socio-economic activities as one of
the drivers of economic growth and welfare
Furthermore, collaboration in the form of
business development is oriented towards social
goals and does not prioritize for earning profits,
and/or profits are used for social interests. Thus,
with all community backgrounds from both rich and
poor peoples, they are able to work together to
develop their business under the management of the
Pesantren. Cases in Indonesia, several social
institutions already engaged in social
entrepreneurship activities in the form of economic
enterprise development. Syafar (2012: 12) explains
that the Peramu Foundation (Mustadh'afin
Empowerment) located in Bogor Regency has
conducted socio-economic empowerment activities
for poor households as participants in the Baytul
Ikhtiar Cooperative. They are assembled in business
groups and conduct microfinance programs through
the tanggung-renteng approach. This program is
similar to the Grameen Bank pattern by involvement
of women as program beneficiaries.
Furthermore, social entrepreneurship programs
were also conducted by Pesantren institutions.
Churiyah (2014) stated that Pesantren of Al-Azhar
Salafiyah located in Malang Regency conducted
institutional empowerment activities for its santri
where they are required to live in the community
around Pesantren for 2 (two) months. Furthermore,
they have obtained entrepreneurial knowledge and
skills, and they should be practiced in the
community according to local resources. This
ultimate goal of programs aimed to improve
independent human beings and its benefit for the
community. Thus,
santri can become facilitators in
strengthening the local economy to increase
productive business with the involvement of the
community. Meanwhile, Pesantren Al-Ittifaq in
Bandung has conducted social entrepreneurship
through agribusiness activities which involved their
santri (Mujiyo et al.,, 2017). Therefore, social
entrepreneurship development in Pesantren had
increased in the rural community to support the local
economy, and several village governments had
collaborated with Pesantren by involvement of
community to provide business assistance and
various training for their economic resilience,
especially in the era of COVID-19 pandemic.
The pandemic of COVID-19 has affected the
world economy, especially local communities in
rural areas. Task force COVID-19 of Indonesia
(March 31, 2021) announced that more than 1,5
million people have confirmed COVID-19 cases,
and around 40 thousand people have died of the
disease. Therefore, social entrepreneurship is the one
strategy to support the local economy in the
pandemic Covid-19 era. By combining aspects of
business and social perspectives with the
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
involvement of pesantren as a social enterprise to
maintain sustainable rural development, this study is
important to enrich new opportunities related to
economic activities for rural communities in Lebak
District of Banten Province. For these reasons, this
study aimed: 1) to identify social entrepreneurship
Pesantren-based through social capital and local
wisdom of community; 2) to identify the
development of social entrepreneurship Pesantren-
based to support local economy in the era of
pandemic Covid-19, and; 3) to analyze of benefits of
social entrepreneurship Pesantren-based for rural
development in the era of pandemic Covid-19.
Based on explanations above, this study focused
on social entrepreneurship in supporting rural
development regarding the Law No. 6/2014
concerning Villages. The biggest challenge of
sustainable rural development to achieve national
development and SDGs 2030 are how these policies
can be implemented at field level. By analyzing and
investigating the problem, this article can contribute
for Pesantren as social enterprise and
recommendations through involvement of
community as well as to enforce the implementation
Law No. 6/2014 nationally by focusing on social
entrepreneurship. This will be beneficial not only for
Indonesia, but also for the world in achieving
economic recovery amid a pandemic situation.
The method used in this study was a qualitative
approach. This method was used in order to obtain a
comprehensive understanding of all phenomena
occurring in the study site. Qualitative methods used
4 (four) approaches, i.e. local wisdom identification,
local economy activities, social mapping, and
identification of economic opportunities for social
entrepreneurship. This study is conducted by a case
study due to it involves an intensive and detailed
analysis (Bryman, 2008: 52). In the process of
research, the researchers built interactions with Kyai,
pesantren and the community to obtain relevant
information. The informant who was involved i.e.:
head of village, manager of pesantren, farmer
groups, and santri.
The study sites were located in 2 (two) villages
in Lebak District, i.e. Nurul Madany in Sipayung
Village, sub-District of Cipanas and Quthrotul Falah
in Sumurbandung Village, sub-District of Cikulur.
This study can be categorized as cross sectional,
Neuman (2003: 31) stated that in a cross-sectional
study, the researcher makes observations at one
time. The rationale of choosing these locations are as
follow: 1) the pesantren and villages represented the
dynamic relation between natural resources and
community in socio-cultural contexts; 2) Potentially,
these pesantren have contribution to support rural
development through social entrepreneurship; 3)
currently, these pesantren are have many productive
efforts that can be developed for small industrial
sector including home industry enterprises; 4) both
pesantren and community have potential
collaboration in natural resources (agriculture,
livestock, fisheries and forestry) as a source of
livelihood for rural communities.
The selection of informants in this study was
carried out selectively. In a qualitative study, the
selected informants need to have sufficient
information about the phenomena being studied so
that researchers can comprehensively understand the
phenomena that occur related to the social
entrepreneurship aspect. As stated by Neuman
(2003: 394) explains that the ideal informant has
characteristics, including: 1) Informants are totally
familiar with the relevant issues; 2) informants are
involved in the field research; 3) informants are
conducted in the research and can spend time with a
researcher. Thus, the selection of informants
determined in this study is that they are familiar with
the local socio-cultural conditions at the study site
and the people involved in social entrepreneurship
development. The selected informants are those who
are directly involved in the field, they work together
with researchers and provide relevant information
related to the development of social
Furthermore, the analysis of data is used as an
inductive approach to identify various realities of
development social entrepreneurship on pesantren,
so that the analysis was clearer, more explicit. In
addition, in qualitative analysis is operationally
conducted in 3 (three) ways, including: 1) reduction
of data, the process of reducing and deciphering of
data into a complete and precise arrangement, 2)
presentation of data, the effort to produce and
present of data that can be detailed & described
clearly, and; 3) verification and conclusions, the
process of compiling information which is analyzed
systematically to obtain clear conclusions. Finally,
according to the characteristics of data and
information on study site, the techniques of data
collection i.e.: 1) interviews are the process to obtain
relevant information, including: in-depth interviews
and group interviews, 2) literature study has
conducted to obtain secondary data, including:
Village Profile, books, journal articles, and etc., and;
Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in District of Lebak,
Banten Province, Indonesia
3) documentations are to enrich information that was
obtained in interviews, such as photos.
3.1 Social Entrepreneurship
Pesantren-based through Social
Capital Approach
The landscape in the study site is characterized by a
rice field, plantation, river, and hills (mountain). The
study site, in Sumurbandung & Sipayung villages
possessed a wide area of natural resources but
limited human resources (see Figure 1). The farming
activities in the study site were also conducted
following the local wisdom rules. Limited access to
village economic development was also induced by
the poor road infrastructure at the villages. Most of
the community used paddy field products for the
family's subsistence need of food, while livestock
and fisheries were sold to fulfill the other living
needs (house, cloth, education and health). In
addition, there were two main livelihoods based on
commodities in the study site: (1) family's
subsistence need of food from paddy fields; and (2)
commercial livelihood to generate cash from
agricultural commodities, such as crops, annual
plant, livestock and fisheries. However, those
commodities depended on product quality and its
price in the market, suddenly non-profitable for their
income. Therefore, many community members in
both villages have decided to leave the villages and
became labor as alternative livelihood.
Generally, productivity of agricultural
commodities is relatively low which was caused by
lack of knowledge and skill in cultivation, pest and
disease outbreaks, and low purchasing power for
fertilizer. Although paddy field management ability
of the community was better than other
commodities, their income resulted from paddy field
was relatively insufficient. Hence, in order to fulfill
their needs for food, the community planted a
limited number of secondary crops such as sweet
potato, cassava, vegetables and paddy fields.
Furthermore, the community was also raising
livestock (cow, goat and chicken) to support the
household economy. Some community members
who have paddy fields also cultivate fish, such as
Nila and Mujair in a system of mina-padi to support
the food sovereignty.
Figure 1: Sipayung (above) and Sumurbandung (below).
Furthermore, value systems are embedded
systems at both villages to protect social values
relationships in the community. In the study site,
local knowledge can be understood as a system that
has been acknowledged, practiced and become a
tradition in the community in the human life (social
and economic systems) and natural resources
management, where (Tresnasih 2009) stated that the
purpose of agricultural ceremonies are supplicating
safety, neither in farming nor social activity. Both in
Sipayung and Sumurbandung villages found that
mutual cooperation (gotong royong) still existed in
the community. Generally, gotong royong used to
help special events such as parties/celebrations,
death as well as other social activities. Local
knowledge can also be integrated into a form of
social institution or social capital, especially at the
religious institution (pesantren, masque, majelis
Both Qothrotul Falah and Nurul Madany have
been recognized by the community around
pesantren. Their inceptions in those villages have
contributed significantly in social development, such
as Islamic education, both of them also contributed
significantly to providing formal education for the
community, i.e.: junior and senior high school (see
Figure 2). Furthermore, pesantren also facilitate
santri to improve entrepreneur skills in the
cooperative, such as Koperasi Pondok Pesantren
(Koppontren) and agribusiness (see Figure 2).
Therefore, santri are oriented to have a spirit of hard
work, creative, and capable in managing their skills.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
Figure 2: Agricultural equipment and nursery in pesantren
of Qothrotul Falah (above) and Nurul Madany (below).
Furthermore, Both Qothrotul Falah and Nurul
Madany have collaborated with farmer groups at
villages in agricultural activities. This shows that
pesantren and communities were integrated in the
economic activities by strengthening their social
capital. According to Syafar (2017: 5) stated that the
concept of social capital as a set of values, norms,
and beliefs that make the community can actively
work together to achieve common goals. Socially,
both pesantren and communities are recognized as a
local tradition to maintain the natural resources and
environment for their livelihood sustainability in the
present and in the future.
Typically, pesantren and farmer groups have
cooperated in the form of training and assistance.
Pesantren has roles in responding to social and
economic dynamics through community
development programs in agricultural cultivation.
However, Qothrotul Falah has a network with the
local government to obtain several programs for the
community, such as agricultural equipment grants.
Meanwhile, Nurul Madany has the Agricultural
Vocational High School which involves agriculture
agencies in the educational processes, such as:
learning, training, and comparative study with
farmer groups. This condition can be referred to the
phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, since the
pesantren are shown their ability to build
collaboration with other stakeholders in supporting
local economy enhancement, such as agricultural
extension agents. Based on the facts, social
entrepreneurship pesantren-based at both villages
are potentially conducted through collaboration
approaches between pesantren and communities, and
as Reginald et al. (2015: 343) stated to maintain the
socio-economic activities, i.e. the Islamic values
(dakwah), business network, and providing social
values for the community. For this reason, the role
of pesantren in the context of social
entrepreneurship can be a social enterprise which
has a strategic role for farmers and other social
groups in both villages.
Based on the explanation above, social
entrepreneurship that has been conducted by
pesantren used social capital approach. This
approach is effective to develop mutual cooperation
between pesantren, community, and stakeholders
due to the capacity of pesantren to stimulate rural
community participation are relatively effective.
Pesantren has characterized by patron-client
relationships, where Kyai (pesantren leader) has
highly charismatics influence not only by santri, but
also by the community, and they are believed that
the existences of Qothrotul Falah and Nurul
Madany in their villages can contribute for them,
especially education, religious value, and social
norm, Siregar et al. (2013) stated that the charisma
of a Kyai also has supported from the people due to
his faith quality and moral stability. Thus, the
charisma of Kyai has been recognized by the
community because they wish to obtain his blessings
from Kyai.
Furthermore, despite the pesantrens roles at the
community are relatively well in both villages, the
services it conducts are socially integrated with the
common goal. Abu-Saifan (2012: 24) noted that the
ultimate goals of social entrepreneurs are to create
economic wealth, and directly serve their mission to
deliver social value, and the priority is to fulfill their
social mission. In Sumurbandung, farmer groups and
pesantren are worked together in field rice which
was assisted by facilitators from pesantren. They are
also involved with the local government for training
activities, such as the agriculture agencies & local
army. They have conducted training for farmers
groups, neither cultivation nor cooperative
managerial training. Cooperative farmers have been
built by them to manage their commodity in the
market, such as price. Furthermore, the involvement
of farmer groups and pesantren are needed to ensure
social entrepreneurship originates from the social
capital of the community.
3.2 Social Entrepreneurship
Development Pesantren-based to
Support Local Economy
Pesantren and the community have initiated the
realization of social entrepreneurship based on local
resources at both villages, neither Sumurbandung
Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in District of Lebak,
Banten Province, Indonesia
nor Sipayung. In the group interviews session at the
villages of Sumurbandung, the farmer groups are
well-responded to participate in the collaboration
program with Qothrotul Falah for local economy
enhancement. They believe that these pesantren
have a role and function as Islamic education as well
as economic institutions that have given the impact
for rural areas due to both pesantren have grown and
developed together with the surrounding
community. Therefore, the existence of pesantren
can be argued that they have a high level of integrity
with the surrounding community, as well as being a
social norm for community life.
Furthermore, Nurul Madany sees that community
empowerment surrounding pesantren as a
collaboration of efforts to meet the need, especially
education and local economy. In these cases,
pesantren organize empowerment programs with the
community in various fields based on basic needs to
attain their goals, the basic needs are mainly dealing
with economic and social problems. Social
entrepreneurship at Sipayung village needs
cooperation between ustadz, santri and farmers, as
Wibowo et al. (2015: 15) explain that at least three
interrelated terms will be found, i.e. social
entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur, and social
enterprise. Santri has been provided with
entrepreneurial training by the pesantren to prepare
capacity enhancement in business skill. As stated by
an informant that in improving the quality of santri,
Nurul Madany has organized training for students in
the fields of livestock, agriculture, sewing, and home
industry to make various snacks from simple
ingredients that can be obtained from the
surrounding environment, this program collaborated
with alumni (MMU, 20 July 2020).
They are not only obtained knowledge in the
training, but also several motivations to be able to
develop their skills. The results of their skills are
convection products (bags, shoes, clothes, t-shirts).
These products were exhibited and marketed around
Lebak district. In this context, Nurul Madany’s
perspective of empowerment is directly related to
capacity building for his santri in the business skill
improvement. Furthermore, Qothrotul Falah has
improved the quality of his santri by developing
various economic efforts. Ustadz have significant
roles to facilitate santri in the improvement of
business skills. They have Koppontren that santri
are given opportunities to manage the business units,
such as: herbal medicine, groceries, office
stationery, bike shop, etc. Santri are also given
activities by pesantren to manage the pesantren's
farms, such as: livestock, nursery, crops, and field
Furthermore, both
Qothrotul Falah and Nurul
Madany have conducted entrepreneurship and
cultivation of agriculture training for the community,
such as: farmer groups and women organizations.
Based on the group interviews in Sumurbandung, all
training on entrepreneurship for women has
benefited and essential and to improve household
income. They are assessed that social
entrepreneurship by Qothrotul Falah is needed for
the community by conducting training including
training on entrepreneurship (81%), lending business
capital (10%), and improving women organization
(9%) to support their small business activities that
have already existed. However, both pesantren are
also identified empowerment activities that have
been formulated and designed with sustainable
assistance and evaluation.
Meanwhile, Nurul Madany has conducted
training on cultivation of paddy for farmer groups
which are beneficial for their activities. They are
assessed that the development of the paddy would
have a positive impact for their prosperity. They
have believed that pesantren were built and
developed with the community, and can work
together due to pesantren as an integral part of
society. The informants stated that social
entrepreneurship was the alternative business for the
local economy, and the farmers could cultivate other
crops to support social entrepreneurship, especially
fruits crops. Many informants stated: the primary
solution for their alternative livelihood might be
raising livestock such as: cows and goats when the
other commodity has declined. Livestock is also an
important source of secondary income and a source
of protein for many farm households.
In the group interviews at both villages the
community has participated in the pesantren’s
programs, neither cultivation assistance nor
entrepreneurial skills. The communities expect that
social entrepreneurship will provide more permanent
activities to the people surrounding the pesantren
due to their occupation as a majority as farmers and
farm workers. Reindrawati (2017: 221) stated that a
social entrepreneurship approach that emphasizes
entrepreneurial creativity, drive and talent for
solutions to social, local economy and
environmental problems, and also provide
employment opportunities for the community. The
majority of occupations of the community in
Sumurbandung and Sipayung are farmers (62% and
41%), and there are also 43 percent farm workers in
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
Sipayung, civil servants and small entrepreneurs at
both villages as shown in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Occupation of community in Sipayung (above)
and Sumurbandung (below).
The community hopes that the social
entrepreneurship model can serve as a business
center for local people, and provide expansion of
jobs for the community. For further plans, pesantren
as social enterprise can create social entrepreneurs
through business centers that aimed to develop
innovations for the community. Therefore, the
pesantren can be an enterprise activities center to
support local economy development by conducting
capacity building activities to increase farmers’
insights, creating new business, and managing their
farm. For this reason, the pesantren and community
should work together to achieve symbiosis
mutualism (see Table 1), to get better understanding,
and to improve the local economy, such as income
generating for the community.
Table 1: Social Entrepreneurship Aspects between
Qothrotul Falah and Nurul Madany.
Social Enterprise
Qothrotul Falah Nurul Madany
Social value
services to
farmers groups
in agricultural
Assisting farmer
groups within
Building a farmer economy by
strengthening of agribusiness units
that engaged with local community.
1. Community empowerment
which includes training and
2. Providing microfinance
services within cooperative
3. Building agribusiness canters
in strengthening marketing
dependence on
funding from
donor agencies
to ensure
1. Increasing
2. Improving
3. Farmers'
1. Overcoming
the poverty
2. Improving
3. Social
Source: Researcher, 2020 (data was processed)
Social entrepreneurship which has been
conducted that is developed by pesantren and
communities, both pesantren can realize social work
specially in alleviating poverty. Innovations and
ideas that are obtained by community and pesantren
are to address opportunities for social change in their
villages. Therefore, the entrepreneurial approach
taken by those pesantren in the form of social
business is a form of economic independence to
support its social activities. Profits obtained from
entrepreneurial activities are developed and
redistributed to society, especially at risk groups
(vulnerable people or poor people) through activities
that have a social or positive impact, so that social
entrepreneurship which are conducted by pesantren
and community are plays an important role in the
form of a breakthrough in poverty reduction efforts.
3.3 Social Entrepreneurship Benefits in
Rural Development
Based on explanations above, both Qothrotul Falah
and Nurul Madany have carried out social
entrepreneurship activities that are developed and
integrated with social capital and local wisdom
owned by the community around the pesantren.
Development of pesantren-based social
entrepreneurship which focuses on community is
assistance activities and facilitation of farmer
groups. For this reason, as social entrepreneurs,
Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in District of Lebak,
Banten Province, Indonesia
pesantren develop their social entrepreneurship to
uphold social capital in maintaining the
sustainability of their present and future livelihoods,
as Kelley et al. (2011: 18) noted that entrepreneurs
“create needs” but business people or social
entrepreneurs “satisfy needs”. Thus, the
development of social entrepreneurship in the two
villages cannot be separated from the social capital
of the community which has a socio-economic
impact on the region.
Social entrepreneurship that has been developed
based on pesantren and the community is a
sustainable effort that promotes the active role of
local residents to manage it in a better direction.
This can be seen from the fact that the community
has the knowledge and skills in managing the local
economy and social capital which is the potential
and opportunity and equitable economic
development, especially for poor communities, it is a
significant driver of change through social
innovation. Pesantren have created sustainable
social impact by providing the target groups with
beneficial services and products. Thus, the
entrepreneurial approach taken in the form of a
social business is a form of economic independence
to support social activities in their village. Therefore,
community involvement roles are an important
aspect in managing and preserving the developed
social entrepreneurship patterns.
Qothrotul Falah and Nurul Madany have
conducted social entrepreneurship providing
services to farmers in order to improve their
economy through mentoring activities and the
formation of organizations that focus on sustainable
agricultural development. With the existence of
pesantren in the villages that rely on local and
national strengths, the community has begun to be
open and professional in its management to achieve
effective and efficient goals. Therefore, pesantren-
based social entrepreneurship requires collaboration
with various stakeholders to achieve effective
targets. Therefore, pesantren can be transformed
into an independent institution by implementing
entrepreneurial values with the community.
One of the challenges faced by pesantren related
to social entrepreneurship management in
accordance with local resource development is the
level of competence and skills, as well as business
competition in facing industry 4.0, such as e-
commerce, Kurniawati et al. (2020) stated that e-
commerce opportunities to influences satisfaction
and provides the best services. The management of
social entrepreneurship in encouraging sustainable
rural development in the spirit of local wisdom
values will create increased business opportunities,
because it is managed by the community and
pesantren who have business skills and knowledge
to empower the community. So that the development
of social entrepreneurship will be manifested in the
quality management of social enterprise and
reliability of human resources.
The community's challenge in the future is the
limited collaboration with stakeholders in supporting
its activities. Local stakeholders consist of
individuals and institutional groups located in the
village, such as the village government. For this
reason, if the pesantren and the community want to
have the expected target, it is very important to build
cooperation with various parties, including: 1) the
government plays a role in encouraging access to
services through rural development programs based
on Islamic boarding schools, 2) Village-owned
enterprises (Badan Usaha Milik Desa) as a forum
increasing regional economic development (Sumarni
et al., 2020) through various collaborative
institutions with various parties, 3) Regional
stakeholders are local governments consisting of
Banten Province, Lebak Regency, related local
government agencies, universities, and non-
governmental organizations. (NGOs) such as
Dompet Dhuafa, 4) National stakeholders are the
Ministry of Villages, Development of
Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration, the
Ministry of Home Affairs, the Ministry of National
Development Planning or the National Development
Planning Agency (BAPPENAS).
Interaction between stakeholders is a mutually
beneficial symbiotic relationship, especially at the
local level. Individual and local stakeholders carry
out several activities and communication
intensively. The benefits of existing collaboration in
developing social entrepreneurship by pesantren and
community in villages have had a wide impact.
Pesantren has become a potential social enterprise in
facilitating target groups, such as farmer groups,
santri, ustadz to implement their business. In
addition, this pattern is an effort by pesantren to
help the community, especially in facing the
pandemic of COVID-19 outbreak that can threaten
nation development to resolve poverty alleviation.
Nowadays, the world is addressing the aftermath
of COVID-19 outbreak, the World Economic Forum
(2020: 8) stated that the pandemic has resulted many
marginalized communities in the worldwide, and
approximately 100 million people could slip into
extreme poverty due to the impact of the health and
economic effects of this crisis. Social
entrepreneurship is needed as a responsibility for the
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
world crisis, the existence of Qothrotul Falah and
Nurul Madany in social entrepreneurship practices
can become partners for the government in
economic development in responding to the
pandemic to overcome poverty can be realized.
Therefore, pesantren as social entrepreneurs need
strength support from stakeholders to play a role in
serving or working with the community.
Finally, those stakeholders and pesantren should
create activities that provide the poor with beneficial
services and products to improve business
opportunities. They can design a sustainable model
for building an inclusive economy for many years in
facing the pandemic COVID-19 consist: 1) develop
essential products and services in the agribusiness
development during pandemic, 2) maintaining social
security which are collaborated with local
government, 3) innovating to overcome
environmental and social challenges, 4) conducting
and advocating for a SDGs, calling for a green
economy, 5) empower and create strategy with
communities around pesantren so that they can
develop their own challenges and its solutions.
Social entrepreneurship pesantren-based has been
conducted by Qothrotul Falah and Nurul Madany as
the development efforts through participatory
approaches with local people surrounding pesantren.
Social entrepreneurship plays an important role in
the form of a breakthrough in poverty reduction
efforts. Manifestations of pesantren and community
have described that entrepreneurship is an economic
lever for society to improve the economy and
increase income, especially in facing the Pandemic
COVID-19. In addition, social entrepreneurship
encourages local economic development, although
still within a limited reach due to several challenges.
However, in the long term the poverty alleviation
agenda in Lebak district can be realized if pesantren
and local community are always collaborating in the
framework of social enterprise. Therefore,
innovative ideas and creative innovations can
combine in their business concepts and take
advantage of entrepreneurial opportunities to solve
local problems.
Furthermore, the creation of several activities
that have been conducted by pesantren and
community, especially farmer groups in
Sumurbandung and Sipayung villages, can enable
them to identify their own potentials, problems, and
together proposing alternative solutions. This means
that social entrepreneurship was conducted
depending on social cohesiveness, the concept of
social capital as the groundwork of their activities.
The members, such as ustadz, santri, farmer groups,
and women organizations that they have a more
equal relationship, and are able to make cooperation
with the Kyai in conducting their activities. The role
of Kyai is an important in both pesantren to ensure
that the facilitation of social entrepreneurship can
conduct as their planned. Pesantren as actors of
social entrepreneurship play a role in encouraging
community economic improvement in order to help
the community surrounding pesantren. Community
empowerment is an important value as in the
concept of social entrepreneurship development
pesantren-based, social value creation is the main
goal by combining it with innovative activities.
Social entrepreneurship that has been conducted
by Qothrotul Falah and Nurul Madany are
developed and integrated with social capital and
local wisdom which is owned by the community
around the pesantren. Socially, both pesantren and
communities are recognized as a local tradition to
maintain the natural resources and environment for
their livelihood sustainability in the present and in
the future in responding to social and economic
dynamics through community development
programs. Qothrotul Falah has a network with the
local government to obtain several programs for the
community, such as agricultural equipment grants.
Meanwhile, Nurul Madany has the Agricultural
Vocational High School which involves agriculture
agencies in the educational processes, such as:
learning, training, and comparative study with
farmer groups.
Furthermore, implementation of social
entrepreneurship is needed as a responsibility for the
world crisis, especially the pandemic of COVID-19
outbreak. Both Pesantren have become a potential
for social enterprise in facilitating target groups,
such as farmer groups, santri, ustadz to implement
their business. The existence of Qothrotul Falah and
Nurul Madany in social entrepreneurship practices
can contribute for local economy and become
partners for the government in economic
development, 1) providing services to farmers to
improve agriculture by focusing on facilitation and
trainings, 2) assisting farmers in trainings and
cultivation of field rice, livestock, and fisheries, 3)
building household economy through the
establishment of agribusiness unit that engaged in
community as well as education and trainings. Those
activities are aimed to increase socio-economic
through community empowerment.
Social Entrepreneurship Pesantren-based to Support Rural Development in the Era of Covid-19 Pandemic: Case Study in District of Lebak,
Banten Province, Indonesia
Social entrepreneurship pesantren-based is
beneficially has contributed for target groups. They
have obtained entrepreneurial knowledge and skills,
and they should be practiced in the community
according to local resources. Those programs are
aimed to improve independent human beings and
benefit them. However, collaboration actions are
needed between stakeholders and pesantren for
creating activities to provide business opportunities,
especially poor households surrounding pesantren.
In addition, they can design a sustainable model for
building an inclusive economy for many years
facing the pandemic COVID-19, such as: inclusive
and green economy.
We would like to thank the Ministry of Religion
Affair, Republic of Indonesia that has given us the
opportunity to conduct this research through the
Competitive Research Grant on the Title: Social
Entrepreneurship Pesantren-Based to Support Rural
Development in Banten, Indonesia. Furthermore,
Prof. Fauzul Iman, as a Rector of State Islamic
University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten
who has encouraged us to conduct this research, the
Institute for Research and Community Service of the
State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana
Hasanuddin Banten, and our students as field
assistants who have helped us in providing data and
relevant information.
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