User Interactions Analysis on a Moodle-based Online Learning
Management System during Pandemic
Bernard Renaldy Suteja
and Wilfridus Bambang Triadi Handaya
Department of Information Technology, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Surya Sumantri 65, Bandung, Indonesia
Department of Informatics, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Babarsari 44, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Academic, Moodle, Learning Management System, Pandemic.
Abstract: The Covid19 pandemic in Indonesia has provided a concise overview and practical understanding of how
technology might aid educational continuity. This pandemic presents a unique challenge for academic
innovation in establishing the optimum technology-based distribution strategy. Moodle was one of the most
popular LMS sites for providing an online learning experience during the pandemic. However, not all
educational institutions are subject to the government's online learning model. This study uses a sample
dataset from Moodle, a learning management system (LMS) platform used in the odd semester of 2020/2021.
Start on September 21, 2020, until February 5, 2021. During the study, data was collected from only three
departments at Universitas Kristen Maranatha. According to the statistics, the Informatics Engineering
undergraduate department student interacts with LMS for 17200 hours and 11455 times throughout a semester.
In March 2020, most universities and educational
institutions shuttered to limit the COVID-19
outbreak, which was quickly followed by the launch
of online education (Alghamdi, 2021). However, as
previously reported by Abidah et al. (Abidah,
Hidaayatullaah, Simamora, Fehabutar, & Mutakinati,
2020), not all educational institutions are prepared to
face the government's online learning model.
It has been a year since all the learning completed
working online. Universities have adjusted all
restrictions to the use of technology as an alternative
learning technique, according to prior research by
Abidah et al. (Abidah et al., 2020). Online learning
processes are regulated by higher education
institutions, which include lecturers' growing grasp of
online learning technologies. Both asynchronous and
synchronous implementations should be usable and
well-assembled in the online learning environment.
In synchronous e-Learning, the educational and
learning process that students go through in a natural
context is virtualized. Technology such as electronic
board apps, live chat applications, and video
conferencing systems, all available through an LMS,
are used in the learning process. The learning activity
is timed, and everyone must be logged in at the same
time. Asynchronous e-Learning, on the other hand, is
a type of online learning. Students take part in learning
exercises that the teacher fictionalizes at their leisure,
and they have access to the resources that have been
provided to them (Ülker & Yılmaz, 2016).
As indicated in prior research by Deepak Kc (KC,
2017), students and lecturers gain from accessing the
LMS, the primary platform for lectures, directly
during learning activities, also known as an online
learning management system. Furthermore, the
system would serve as the principal means of
disseminating books, teaching, learning services, and
other online information. As stated in table 1, both
teaching techniques are based on Daniel Stanford's
quadrant of Internet bandwidth usage.
Using learning platforms, particularly Moodle,
can be driven from various viewpoints from an
academic standpoint. Individuals will, for example,
customize the appearance of the course, resulting in a
more pleasant and inspiring learning environment.
(Sayco Evale, 2017). On the other hand, formal online
education offers enormous potential to expand access
to higher education and diversify the student
Suteja, B. and Handaya, W.
User Interactions Analysis on a Moodle-based Online Learning Management System during Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0010753100003113
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Technology, Engineering and Science (ICE-TES 2021), pages 314-319
ISBN: 978-989-758-601-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
population. Furthermore, different students and levels
of education are transforming the learning
environment by including digital content and
activities that stimulate cooperation and
connectedness (Mohd Kasim & Khalid, 2016).
Table 1: Bandwidth Immediacy Matrix.
No Spectrum of
Internet connection
Categories of Activities
1 Low immediacy and
high bandwidth
Pre-recorded video
Pre-recorded audio
Discussions with Video
Discussions with Audio
2 High immediacy
and high bandwidth
Video conferences
Audio conferences
3 Low immediacy and
high bandwidth
Discussion boards with
text and images
Readings with text and
4 High immediacy
and low bandwidth
Group chat and
This epidemic period will train and instill the habit
of becoming independent learners who continue to
build and improve online activities through various
online classes or webinars attended by students
(Sadeghi, 2019). In addition, students will work
together to solve problems and address real-world
difficulties. When it comes to imparting education,
this circumstance is difficult for both students and
lecturers, as lecturers must ensure that students
understand the topic. As a result, institutions
frequently employ open-source learning management
systems such as Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented
Dynamic Learning Environment) (Juárez Santiago et
al., 2020).
This study uses a sample dataset from Moodle, a
learning management system (LMS) platform used in
the odd semester of 2020/2021. Start on September
21, 2020, until February 5, 2021. This study examines
how MOODLE LMS's extensive data analysis may
be utilized to analyze the degree of interaction
between academic civitas in a department during
complete online learning.
Any exceptionally vast and complex piece of data is
referred to as "big data." Because of their size, all of
these enormous data constitute a high-value
perspective on student behavior for numerous
education research domains, according to Fischer et
al. in a previously published (Fischer et al., 2020). It
is, therefore, critical to include it in the earliest and
continuous stages of learning (Ruiz-Palmero,
Colomo-Magaña, Ríos-Ariza, & mez-García,
The characteristics of Big Data are as follows:
a. Volume
There are many numbers to go through.
b. Velocity
Data is received at a rapid speed and can be used
c. Variety
Traditional data styles are often standardized.
The amount of unstructured data grows in
tandem with the amount of structured data.
There are 185 tables in the Moodle Learning
Management System. One table, for example, is
utilized as log data for all activities performed when
using the LMS in online learning activities. As seen
in Figure 1, log data will become increasingly
valuable as LMSs are increasingly employed for
online learning. As a result, data can be collected,
aggregated, analyzed, categorized, and learned so that
it can be used to study the behavior of digital
technology users.
Figure 1: Data Log for Moodle.
2.1 Entity Relationship
It is essential to log in to analysis, reporting, and
analytics. Moodle can keep track of all user activity
data, allowing for intelligent, evidence-based
decisions. The researcher, for example, will look to
check if a user has accessed a specific course, signed
in, or logged out of the system.
This study analyzed learning data using Moodle
log data (Rapanta, Botturi, Goodyear, Guàrdia, &
Koole, 2020). Most of this study is focused on entity
relationships. The entity-relationship model is used
User Interactions Analysis on a Moodle-based Online Learning Management System during Pandemic
for logging data. As seen in figure 2, a user, who in
this situation could be an instructor, student, or
administrator, will be registered numerous times in
the log table.
Figure 2: Relationship between the Log Entity and the User.
The log table has ten fields: id, time, userid, ip,
path, module, cmid, action, url, and data. The
components that can be employed in this study are
time, userid, ip, and activity. The userid will be
associated with the user table to determine the
identity of the access viewer. The IP will be used to
determine the location of the user's access, and the
behavior involving the operation or contact from the
user to the LMS will all be used to determine the
access case. Figure 3 shows the log table structure of
the Moodle LMS database.
Figure 3: Structure of a Log Table.
2.2 Data Iteration
A UNIX-timestamp time field in the log table can be
utilized to read the log data. The Unix-time stamp
represents the number of seconds since Unix was
created on January 1, 1970. This Unix time must first
be converted before it can be used to compare the time
conditions of log data retrieval. In the analysis, IP
addresses were also employed as a component of
time. As a result, the IP address and time of the user
are utilized to group them. The overall number of user
interactions and their length will be calculated using
this classification. However, first and foremost, a
method for retrieving user interaction data from the
Moodle LMS is required:
1. View all log data recordings from September 21,
2020, until February 5, 2021.
Here is the SQL command that was used:
SELECT mdl_log.userid,
mdl_user.firstname, mdl_user.lastname
FROM mdl_log, mdl_user WHERE
mdl_log.userid = and
FROM_UNIXTIME (mdl_log.time,'%Y-%m-%d
%H:%i:%s') between :starttime and
:endtime group by mdl_log.userid order
by mdl_log.time
2. Each user id is utilized to construct time and IP
groupings from each iteration, allowing the
LMS system to calculate the number of
interactions from that IP.
Here is an example of a SQL command:
mdl_log.ip, count(mdl_log.ip) FROM
mdl_log WHERE
%H:%i:%s') between :awal and :akhir
and mdl_log.userid=:id group by
%d'),mdl_log.ip order by mdl_log.time,
3. Perform the shelter's stage over a while and with
various user activities or interactions—formulas
for calculating time differences.
Δt = t1 – t0, as seen in figure 4.
Figure 4: Interaction time detection.
Where Ta is the amount of Δt:
First Iteration: Δt = t1 – t0 (1)
Second Iteration: Δt = t2 – t1 (2)
Where Tb is the sum of Δt:
First Iteration: Δt = t1 – t0 (3)
The total interaction time:
Ta + Tb (4)
The SQL command that was used:
SELECT mdl_log.action,
%H:%i:%s') as wkt FROM mdl_log WHERE
%d')=:wkt and mdl_log.ip=:ip and
mdl_log.userid=:id order by
Log User
ICE-TES 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Technology, Engineering, and Science
This study aims to determine the number of
interactions and periods users communicate with the
LMS system. Detection can be used to evaluate the
interactions of administrators, instructors, students, or
a combination of these groups, all the way up to the
entire user. A visualization illustration from a
computer science postgraduate department is shown
in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Output samples for interaction time detection.
The instructor interacted with the device 11 times
during the odd semester 2020/2021. The most
interactions 71 times occurred on November 5, 2020,
for 15638 seconds, equivalent of 4.34 hours on the
day, and from an IP address of Figure
6 displays a more detailed visualization.
Figure 6: Examples of user login activity logs.
Figure 7 shows the lecturer's involvement time
with the LMS system based on log data acquired from
the Computer Science postgraduate department.
Figure 7: Time spent interacting with the lecturer.
Figure 8 displays the length of time students spent
interacting with the LMS system.
Figure 8: Time spent by students interacting.
User Interactions Analysis on a Moodle-based Online Learning Management System during Pandemic
Figure 9 depicts the comparison of research from
the Computer Science postgraduate, Informatics
Engineering undergraduate, and Information Systems
undergraduate departments as a description of data
processing in the final stage of data comparison of
three undergraduate and postgraduate related to the
university LMS. The results acquired reveal valid
data from the Universitas Kristen Maranatha
Learning Management System for a total of 17200
hours and 11455 times, the majority of which were
conducted by students from the Informatics
Engineering undergraduate department.
Time Count
s2ilkom 4955695 637
s1if 62026251 11455
s1si 17546200 4167
Figure 9: Three departments' duration of time and activity.
In the odd semester of the 2020/2021 academic year,
the research was only performed in three
departments. Nonetheless, using analytical data from
MOODLE Learning Management System log files to
predict user interaction activities can help educational
institutions detect and improve LMS effectiveness.
This study's findings can be used to help higher
education institutions integrate online learning.
Internally managed LMS across departments can help
implement these policies by integrating all
knowledge resources into a single system. In addition,
the strategy to permit hybrid learning during the
pandemic will undoubtedly influence educational
institutions in selecting the optimum approach to
organize the educational process in their respective
institutions based on policy readiness, supporting
infrastructure, and human resources.
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User Interactions Analysis on a Moodle-based Online Learning Management System during Pandemic