Study of Stock Ownership Nominee Agreement
in Mining Business to People’s Welfare That Is Aligned for
Sustainable Development Goals
Ida Sumarsih
Doctor of Law Student, Pelita Harapan University, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.50, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Nominee Agreement, Mining, People’s Welfare.
Abstract: The goal for Limitation of Foreign Stock’s ownership to protect natural resources in Indonesia is not yet
optimal because of the existence of nominee agreement. Which is a form of law smuggling. So natural
resources that should be benefiting for Indonesia people’s welfare, in reality it is enjoyed by Foreign Investor.
This research is a normatif juridical research using secondary data and doing inductive analysis. From the
result of the research is concluded that law smuggling in stock ownership nominee agreement prohibition in
mining field is still exist because there is no monitoring, control, field observation, evaluation and law
enforcement for nominee agreement practices in mineral and coal mining up to beneficial ownership in
establishment and operational of mineral and coal mining business. Therefore it is needed to make a regulation
to monitor, supervise and doing law enforcement by The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry (ESDM)
through Monitoring, Conrolling, Field Observation and Evaluation System (P3LE) towards stock ownership
nominee agreement practices in mining business so that the management of natural resources can be
benefitting for poeple’s welfare and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is achieved.
Since late of 2019 until now the world is going
through COVID-19 Pandemic, this pandemic also
have an impact for Indonesia Country, which is
causing the increase of poverty in Indonesia in the
yaer of 2020, as mention by Central Bureau of
Statistics (BPS), that “The percentage of people lived
in poverty on September 2020 was 10,19 percent, had
increased 0,41 percentage point to March 2020 and
increased 0,97 percentage point to September 2019.”
Also “Number of people lived in poverty on
September 2020 is 27,55 Million People, had increase
1,13 million people to March 2020 and increased 2,76
Million people to September 2019” (BPS, 2021).
The Government is trying to hold back the spike
in the poverty rate by doing all kind of efforts, one of
them is to exploit natural resourcess, especially in
mineral and coal area.
As we know Indonesia is one of the biggest
mineral and coal producer in the world (FEB UGM,
2019). Moreover, the country’s revenue from natural
resources is also large, So that’s why the country has
to optimize the mastery and management of those
natural resources which will be used for the properity
of the people.
Our constitution has already arranged the natural
resources belong to Indonesia nation, this is listed in
article 33 paragraph (3) 1945 Constitution which
reads “Earth and Water dan Natural Wealth contained
therein is shall be controlled by the state and used as
much as possible for the prosperity of the people”, As
Gustav Radbruch’s opinion that taught that law have
to have three basic principles which are : the value of
justice (philosophical aspect), the vaule of benefit
(sosiological aspect) the value of certainty (juridical
aspect). So that each rule must be returned his validity
to those 3 basic principle (Marwan, M, 2014).
The State Property Rights “contains authority to
manage, supervise and monitoring the management
or cultivation of minerals and also contain the
obligation to used it as much as possible for the
prosperity of the people. The mastery by the country
is held by the government” (H.S, Salim, 2014).
So the understanding of Natural Resources is
controlled by the state is the state have the right to
manage the natural wealth so it can be enjoyed by the
people. Where the people is the passion and final
Sumarsih, I.
Study of Stock Ownership Nominee Agreement in Mining Business to People’s Welfare That Is Aligned for Sustainable Development Goals.
DOI: 10.5220/0010751600003112
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences (ICE-HUMS 2021), pages 329-335
ISBN: 978-989-758-604-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
goal of welfare state that must be realized by the state
and Indonesia Government”. Managing natural
wealth is one of the way to achieve prosperity (Sutedi,
A, 2012)
To gain a real result for the people’s welfare,
natural resources must be managed. Management and
natural resources needed process where those
management and utilization process is doing by
business called mining. The definiton of Mining
according to Article 1 number 1 law Number 3 year
2020 about the change in Law number 4 year 2009
about mineral and coal mining (Change in Mineral
and Coal Mining Law), “Mining is part or all activity
in order to utilize and manage mineral or coal that
include general investigation, exploring, feasibility
study, construction, mining, manage and/or
purifiying or developing and/or utilizing, trasporting
and selling, also activity after mine”. As currently
mineral and coal mining is under Energy and Mineral
Natural Resources Ministry, Directorate General of
Mineral and Coal (herein after refer to as EnMR
Ministry, Coal & Mineral Dirgen).
Because the management process required big
capital, newest technology and experts in mining field
therefore foreign domination occured in mining
business. That’s why, to give benefit to the people of
Indonesia and to protect the country’s soverignty in
Natural Resources area, the government limited
foreign stock ownership in mineral and coal mining
area up to maximum 49% (Forty Nine Percent) as
arranged by Provisions of stock divestment Article
112 paragraph (1) Change of Mineral and Coal Law.
Currently has occured stock ownership nominee
agreement phenomenon in mining business to tricked
the limitation of foreign stock ownership, by using
Indonesian citizen name/s or Indonesia business
Stock ownership based on nominee agreement is
clearly a form of Law smuggling, both from the point
of Criminal State Administration or Civil State
Administration. Therefore nominee agreement is
usually done through Privately Made Deed. In the big
scale of mining, the process of making nominee
agreement is a complex negotiation activity, in
secret, time consuming and involved a lot of
institution and profession. That’s why the process of
making nominee agreement needs to be monitored,
controlled, observe in the field and evaluated by the
government so Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) is achieved, through monitoring system,
controlling, Observation and Evaluation (P3LE).
Based on the background above, the writer
formulated problems such as :
1. How is the prohibition arrangement in the
stock ownership nominee agreement in the
establishment of mineral and coal mining
business entity in Indonesia?
2. How is the ideal legal arrangements for stock
ownership nominee agreement prohibition in
mining business entity in order to achieve
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
create people’s wellfare?
2.1 Type of Research
This research is done in Legal studies domain. This
research is Normatif Juridical Research. Normatif
Juridical Research. Is a legal research that puts Law
as a norm system building. Those norms among
others are : principles, norms, rule of laws and
regulations, agreements and doctrines (teachings),
(Mukti, F & Yulianto, A, 2019). Normatif Legal
Research by Soerjono Soekanto and Sri Mamudji is
also said by the term Library Research (Soerjono, S
& Sri, M, 2005).
2.1.1 Types and Data Sources
The Data Sources in Normatif Juridical Research is
by researching library materials or secondary data
(Dyah, S.O & A’an, E, 2018), that is data obtain from
data, primary source book materials, rules, principles
and concrete legal rules that apply in the Law system.
All the rules, principles and that concrete legal rules
are written rules (recorded rules) which is uphold by
the country, can be found inside applicable laws and
regulations (Teguh, P, 2019). Secondary law source
include law books written by law experts, law
dictionary, law encyclopedia, law journals, law
dissertations, law thesis, law essay, law comments
and court decision comments, etc (Dyah & A’an,
2.1.2 Data Collection Technique
Data collection technique is using library study whih
is secondary data collection technique; the source of
the data is not from the people in person but from data
or primary law source, for example; laws and
regulations, books, documents and library materials
or any other written materials which is related in an
event or spesific activity related to problems
formulated in this resaerch.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
2.1.3 Analysis
This researsch using inductive analysis, by seeing
spesific things and look for a common things and
generalized it.
3.1 Arrangement for Stock Ownership
Nominee Agreement Prohibition in
Establishment and Operational
Mineral and Coal Mining Business
in Indonesia
3.1.1 Definition of Agreement
In deutch law, agreement or contract is called
overeenkomst and agreement law is
overeenkomstenrech (C.S.T, Kansil, 1995).
Agreement is the most important source that give
birth to treaty. Treaty mostly come from agreement,
however there are other sources that can give birth to
treaty. Those other sources are laws. In article 1233
code of civil law, every treaty is made because there
were approval, or because laws, means that there are
treaty made from agreement and there are also treaty
made from laws.
In article 1234 code of civil Law mention that
every treaty is to give something, do something or to
not do something.
Treaty or agreement have to qualify the legal
terms of agreement where the legal terms is regulated
in article 1320 code of civil law. Article 1320 code of
civil law is the main instrument to tested the validity
of a contract that made by both term which are (Agus
Y.H, 2014):
1) agree; both term which ties itself together
agree means approve or uniformly about main
things that put in the agreement.
2) capable; to make an agreement in the
principles, every adult person who have fully
grown and has a healty mind is capable
according to law. In article 1330 code of civil
law mention persons who do not qualify to
make an agreement are :
a) person who is not an adult yet;
b) person that been put under efficacy;
Article 1337 Code of Civil Law, “A cause is forbidden if
it is forbidden by the law or if it is in the contrary with
decency or public order”.
c) women set by law, and every person
the law has forbid to make a certain
3) certain things, means something that is an
object of an agreement. The object can be
item/s that already exist or will exist (Danang,
S &Wika, H.P. (2016)).
The object of the agreement can be item/s,
service/s and dont do anything (Ratna A,
4) A halal cause; means the contents of the
agreement cannot be something forbid by the
Agreement or contract according to its name
divided into 2 (two) parts called a name contract
(nominaat) and a nameless contract (innominaat).
This classification is based in the name of agreement
that listed in Article 1319 Code of Civil Law:
a. A name contract (nominaat)
Nominaat contract is a contract known in Code
of Civil Law. Which include in the contract are
buy and sell, change and exchange, rent and
renting, civil partnership, grant, deposit
counter, lease, borrow and borrowing, power
of attorney, liability for debt, reconciliation,
etc (H.S, Salim,2019).
b. Nameless Contract (innominaat)
Innominaat contract is a contract that appear,
grow and develop in the society. For example
is a production sharing contract, joint venture,
contract of work, contruction contract, leasing,
buy rent, franchise, surrogate mother,
management contract, technical assistance
contract, etc (H.S, Salim, 2019).
3.1.2 The Definition of Nominee Agreement
Basicly the concept of nominee agreement is not
known in Continental European law system or Anglo
Saxon that apply in Indonesia, Indonesia just recently
know the concept of nominee agreement and is
frequently used in several law transaction especially
agreement after the growth of foreign investor around
the year 1990 or so, and because foreign investor
interest to invest their capital in Indonesia based on
quite a large amount of profit and cheap labor wages
(Endah, P, 2018).
Nominee agreement is included in innominaat
agreement/contract and this agreement exist in
Article 1319 Code of Civil Law, “Every agreement, that
is have a spesific name or doesnt have a certain name,
submit to general rules that is include in this chapter or
the previous chapter”.
Study of Stock Ownership Nominee Agreement in Mining Business to People’s Welfare That Is Aligned for Sustainable Development Goals
business world, exist and develop and used in
everyday life.
In the agreement law in Indonesia the form of
stock nominee agreement is innominaat agreement
(H.S, Salim, 2003), or nameless agreement where
Code of Civil Law is not regulating this nominee
The definition of Nomine according to Black Law
Dictionary is “by the name of or under the name or
designation of” (Campbell, H, 1979). Other definiton
according to Black Law Dictionary is “one who has
been nominated or proposed for an office. One
designated to act for another in his or her place”
(Campbell, H, 1979). Used to mark an agent or
representative sometimes is used more than to act for
other party or as a receiver of scholarship from other
Nominee according to article 1 paragraph (6)
Regulations of The Directorate General of taxes
number PER62/PJ.2009 about Prevention of Misues
of Double Tax Avoidance, is person or entity that
legally have (legal owner) a wealth and/or income for
the benefit of or a mandate of a party which is actually
become the wealth owner and/or based on the
mandate of a party who actually enjoyed the benefit
or income.
Stock ownership nominee agreement is a
agreement made and approve by both parties (in this
case is between the real owner of the stock
[beneficiary] with a person which his/her name is
used [omineee]), for the interests that wanted by one
of the party for stock ownership in a Limited Liability
Company (PT).
That stock nominee agreement is a written
agreement between two parties where one of them
agreed to do an act of law which made an impression
to others (pretending), that party is the the stock
holder or a director of a company, as for that act of
law he/she done is actually for the benefit or interest
of the other party.
3.1.3 Nominee Agreement Prohibition
Nominee agreement is prohibit in Investment Law,
the prohibition can be found in Article 33 paragraph
(1) Law Number 25 year 2007 about investment (Law
Investment), which are:
(1).Domestic investors and foreign investors who
do investing in a form of limited liability
company is prohibited to make an agreement
and/or statement which empasized that the
stock ownership in that limited liability
company is for and on behalf of other person.
Although in Article 33 Investement Law has
already regulated about nominee prohibition, but in
mining business there are still phenomenom of
nominee agreement practices. That is because there is
no monitoring and strict law enforcement from the
government especially with nominee agreement
phenomenom practices in establishment or
operational in mining business. Where the
government should be doing monitoring through
Monitoring system, Controlling, Field Observation
and Evaluation (P3LE), and also doing firm legal
action for those offender or nominee agreement
3.2 The Establishment and Operational
of Mining Business Entities in
Order to Achieve Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) to
Create People’s Wellfare
3.2.1 Establishment of Mining Business
Entities in Indonesia
The concept that Limited Liability Company is a law
entity gave birth to Limited Liability Company
existence as an independent law subject, with a
separate existence for the stock holders (Mulhadi,
2020). This thing is the one that makes a lot of
investors choose Limited Liability Company as a
busniess entity, because there is a differentiation
between the company’s wealth and the stock holder’s
The definition of Limited Liability Company
according to Article 1 number 1 Law Number 40 year
2007 about Limited Liability Company (Limited
Liability Company Laws), said, “Limited Liability
Company, herein after refereed to Limited Company
is a legal entity which is a capital alliance, establish
based on agreement, to do business activity with basic
capital where whole of it divided into stocks and
qualify the terms included in this laws and its
implementing regulations”.
In the establishment of Limited Company is
regulated in Limited Company laws about the
Limited Company establishment procedures, Article
7 to article 14. It is said in Article 7 paragraph (1)
Limited Company Laws, “Limited Liability
Company is establish by minimum of 2 (two) person
or more with Notarial Deed and made in Indonesian
Language”, what is meant by “person” is an
individual, Indonesian citizen or foreign citizen or
Indonesian law entity or foreign law entity Mulhadi,
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
The provision for mining business entity in
Indonesia beside based on Article 7 to Article 14
Limited Company Laws also have to follow rules and
regualtions that apply in mining sector.
But in reality there is a difference opinion between
Public Notary as a general officials who brought out
Limited Company Deed of Establishment. In a
limited interview through whatapps as a media for
communication, among others :
1. According to Notary Noviana Tansari, S.H.,
M.Kn, mining business entity establishment
can be 100% foreign, but later on when the
company/business entity have aqquired
Production Operation Mining Business
License, it has the obligation to do stock
divestment as regulated in:
a. Article 112 paragraph (1) Mineral and
Coal law change about stock
divestment, “The business entity that
hold Mining License (IUP) or Special
mining Business License (IUPK) on
the stage of Operational production
that it stocks is own by foreign is
obligatory to do stock divestment
amounting to 5l% (fifty one percent)
gradually to Central government,
Regional Government, state-owned
business entity, and/or national private
business entity which goal is to
maintain Indonesia Soverignty
especially soverignty in natural
b. Article 2 paragraph (1), Energy and
Mineral Resources Minesterial
Regulation number 43 Year 2018 about
change of Energy and Mineral
Resources Minesterial Regulation
number 09 Year 2017 about Stock
divestment procedures and Fixed Stock
Divestment Price Mechanism in
mineral and coal business (herein after
referred to as Energy and Mineral
Resources Minesterial Regulation
number 43 Year 2018 about Stock
Divestment), about stock divestment,
that is “The holder of Mining license
(IUP) Operational production and
Special mining license (IUPK)
Operational Production in order for
foreign investment, after 5 (five) years
after production is obligatory to do
stock divestment gradually, until tenth
year it stock at least 51% (fifty one
percent) of it stock must belong to
Indonesia participants.
2. According to Notary Buntario Tigris
Darmawan, S.H., M.H since the establishment
of mining business entity, maksimum of the
foreign stock ownership is 49% (forty nine
percent), according to provision Article 112
paragraph (1) Change of Mineral and Coal
Laws and Article 2 Paragraph (1), Energy and
Mineral Resources Minesterial Regulation
number 43 Year 2018 about Stock
Divestment). Because although the company
is establish, if it doesnt meet the foreign
requirement then the deed of establishment
will be overrulled by The Directorate General
of Mineral and Coal, The Ministry of Energy
and Mineral Resources.
According to the writer, in establishment of
mining business entity have to referr to provision
maximum limitation of foreign ownership which is
49% (forty nine percent) as stated in provisions that
apply in mining area.
For an existing mining buiness entity which it
foreign stock ownersip is 100%, that means according
to currently divestment provision which exist in
Article 112 Paragraph (1) Change of Mineral and
Coal Laws about stock divestment juncto article 2
paragraph (1) Energy and Mineral Resources
Ministerial Regulation No.43 Year 2018 about Stock
Divestment, then those business entity must do stock
divestment according to applicable regulations.
3.2.2 Mining for People’s Wellfare
The special features of a prosperous country is that
the Government is responsible to create public
wellfare for their own people (H.R, Ridwan, 2014).
According to E. Utrecht, “since a country actively
involve in social association, then the government
jobs more and more will become wide”. The
country’s administration is given the responsibility to
create public wellfare (berstuurzorg), (Utrech, E,
The existence of “berstuurzorg” obligation bring
a special consequences for the country’s
administration. To implement responsibility for the
achievement of people’s wellfare, organize education
to the people, and everything else well, needs free of
will to act according to self initiative in state
administration, especially in emergency
administration, and more especially in emergency
problem/s that suddenly appear and never occured
before, so a state institutions that has legislative
power has never been made before Utrech, E, 1988).
Study of Stock Ownership Nominee Agreement in Mining Business to People’s Welfare That Is Aligned for Sustainable Development Goals
Indonesia is one of the adherent of material rule
of law country concept, who adopt wellfare state
country consepts, and implicitly can be found in
general explanation of 1945 Constitution, and if you
examine further the main concept of 1945
Constitution, we can conclude that Indonesia is a
material law country or we can also said state wellfare
concept where the government has the absolute
responsibility to advance public general wellfare and
to manifest social justice for all the citizen (Hadiyono,
V, 2020).
In the natural resources field then the concept of
wellfare in Indonesia must correspond with Article 33
paragraph (3) 1945 Constitution, then natural
resources especially mineral and coal must be manage
through mining business and can gain benefit for the
people’s wellfare.
3.2.3 Definition and Purpose of Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)
The definition of Sustainable Development Goals as
stated in Presidential Decree number 59 Year 2019
about Implementation of Achieving the Goals of
Sustainable Development, Article 1 number 1,
“Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a
document that contain global goals and objective
from year 2016 up to year 2030.
SDGs has now enter its Fifth Year, since set on
September 2015 in United Nations General assembly
that attended by 159 Head os State, where SDGs is a
2030 Global Agenda, which is implemented by all the
nations in the world (Bappenas, 2020).
In line with the formulation of SDGs in global
level, Indonesia is also arranging The National
Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) year
2015-2019 and 2020-2024, so the substance that is
inside SDGs has aligned with RPJMN which is a
Nawacita explanation as Indonesia Republic
President Mr. Joko Widodo’s vision and mission
(Bappenas, 2020). Nawacita is a National
development Agenda which is poured in President
and Vice President’s Vision-Mission (Kumolo T
&Tim, 2017) In general, National Development
strategy underlined things such are: (1) development
norm; (2)three dimensions development; (3)
conditions need to be fullfileed so the development
could take place; also (4) quick wins programs
(Kumolo T &Tim, 2017).
The purpose of SDGs is a development that
maintain the people’s economy growth continuously,
a development that maintain the quality of the
PBB (Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa).
environment that guarantee justice and
implementation of governance that is capable to
maintain the growth of quality of life from one
generation on to the next generation (Bappenas,
2020). SDGs is a global commitment and also
national commitment in effort to make the people
prosperous, that include 17 goals which are: (1)
Without Poverty; (2) Without Starving; (3) Healthy
and Prosperous Life; (4) Quality Education; (5)
Gender Awareness; (6) Proper Clean water and
Sanitazion; (7) Clean and Affordable Energy; (8)
Decent Job and Economy Growth; (9) Industry,
Innovation and Infrastructure; (10) Reduced
Inequality; (11) Sutainable Cities and Residences;
(12) Responsible Production and Consumption; (13)
handling Climate Exchange; (14) Sea Ecosystem;
(15) land Ecosystem; (16) Peace, Justice and Strong
Institution; (17) Partnership to Achieve Goals
(Bappenas, 2020).
Indonesia is one of the biggest natural resources
producer in the world, then in managing it must have
benefits for people’s wellfare. Therefore natural
resources authority is held by the country, also the
country limited the maximum of stock ownership.
But that is tricked by foreign investors by making
nominee agreement. The nominee agreement
phenomenon is a form of Law smuggling and violated
the country sovereignty in natural resources area.
That’s why the process of making nominee
agreement need to be monitored, controlled, observe
in the field and evaluated by the government so
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be
achieved, through Monitoring system, Controlling,
Field Observation and Evaluation (P3LE).
According to article 33 paragraph (3) 1945
constitution, natural resources management must
1. The value of Justice, that is fair that all natural
wealth is given by The Almighty God and in
Indonesia possesion, not only belong to one
area only;
2. The value of benefit, that is, the natural
resources management must benefit for all the
nation so that the recipient of the permit must
pay taxes, royalty or non-tax revenue (PNBP)
where all the money is used for the benefit of
the people;
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
3. The value of certainty, that is, the government
as the competent authority not jus give permit
to business entity that will manage mining, but
also doing monitoring and law enforcement so
SDgs is achieved.
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Study of Stock Ownership Nominee Agreement in Mining Business to People’s Welfare That Is Aligned for Sustainable Development Goals