Bibliometric Analysis of Product-Service System Related to Life Cycle
Christina Wirawan
Industrial Engineering Department, Maranatha Christian University, Prof. Drg Suria Sumantri 65, Bandung, Indonesia
Keywords: Bibliometric Analysis, Life Cycle, Product-Service System, Sustainability.
Abstract: The product-service system (PSS) concept is a concept that offers an alternative consumption pattern by
shifting the consumption of tangible products into one product and service bundle. This concept appears to
address the sustainability problem. In a company, the PSS concept is closely related firm life cycle. This paper
aims to provide an overview of the bibliometric literature on PSS in terms of the life cycle. The methodology
used is a bibliometric literature review and article mapping using VOSviewer software. The articles studied
Scopus indexed articles, found on based on the keywords 'product-service system' and 'life cycle'.
From the results of the research conducted, it can be concluded that the articles were originally in the field of
product development as well as product and service developed towards industrial management and
competitive advantage. This study provides an appropriate basis for further research and a research road map
on 'product service systems' related to 'life cycles'. By mapping the bibliometric, researchers can find out what
areas need to be further developed. Further research can be conducted with recent articles to always track the
dynamics of the research related.
Nowadays, human consumption patterns can be
divided into 2 groups, namely overconsumption and
under consumption (Mont, 2002). Both groups are
burdensome to the environment. Overconsumption,
usually done by the prosperous people, namely the
pattern of consumption of goods more than what is
needed (Mont, 2002) so that it wastes existing
resources. Meanwhile, under-consumption is usually
carried out by underprivileged people, who exploit
natural resources unwise and cause damage to the
environment (Mont, 2002).
As the human population continues to increase, if
these two patterns are ignored, in the next few
decades it will result in a lack of productivity. This
deficiency occurs due to the use of large amounts of
energy and materials for making tangible goods,
which are natural resources. This condition
threatening sustainability. However, since the early
1980s, people have started to aware of sustainability.
Sustainability is viewed from three aspects, namely
economic, environmental and social (Elkington,
2004). With this awareness of sustainability, there
needs to be a breakthrough that can save resource
A strategy that can be implemented to save
resource consumption is the concept of a product-
service system (PSS). This concept offers a change in
consumption patterns from tangible goods (products)
to packages consisting of tangible goods (products)
and services (services) (Goedkoop, Halen, Riele, &
Rommens, 1999; Mont, 2002). In this concept, the
consumption of tangible goods is shifted to services
wherever possible without sacrificing the
performance and benefits provided to customers
(Baines et al., 2007; Mont, 2002; Tukker, 2004).
Implementing PSS can decrease the consumption of
tangible goods, protect the environmental burden, and
offer the entrepreneur a new business model. Thus,
PSS can encourage sustainability.
In the context of maintaining sustainability, PSS
needs to be linked to the life cycle. PSS can be used
to manage life cycles by varying the bundle of
products and services and shift to more services. Then
in turn it is helping to extend sustainability as well.
Until now, research on PSS has been done by
many researcher (such as Baines et al., 2007;
Goedkoop et al., 1999; Mont, 2002; Tukker, 2004 and
Wirawan, C.
Bibliometric Analysis of Product-Service System Related to Life Cycle.
DOI: 10.5220/0010745000003112
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences (ICE-HUMS 2021), pages 110-118
ISBN: 978-989-758-604-0
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
many more). Research on PSS is increasing over time
in terms of quantity and from related areas. The life
cycle concept also a mature concept and applied to
product (Hill, Jones, & Schilling, 2015; Cao & Folan,
2012), industry (Karniouchina, Carson, Short, &
Ketchen, 2013; Tavassoli, 2015), organization or
company (Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001; Hasan,
2018; Bakarich, Hossain, & Weintrop, 2019).
In addition, there are many articles relating PSS to
the life cycle. Several articles related PSS with
product life cycle design (such as Doualle et al., 2016;
Mourtzis, Doukas, & Fotia, 2016; Haber, Fargnolli
and Sakao, 2016; etc.), product life cycle
management and improvement (such as Lindkvist &
Sundin, 2016; Patala et al., 2016; Kambanou, 2020;
etc.), PSS life cycle engineering (such as Berkovich,
Krcmar, & Leimester, 2011; Sousa-Zomer,
Magalhae, Zancul, & Cauchick-Miguel, 2017;
Zhang, Ming, & Yin, 2020; etc.), PSS life cycle
assessment (Kambanou, & Lindahl, 2016; Banerjee,
& Punekar, 2020; Bonilla-Alicea et al., 2020; etc),
and PSS life cycle customer needs (Annarelli,
Battistella, & Nonino, 2020; Kim, 2020; Liu et al.,
2020; etc.) and many more. With the variety of
research areas regarding PSS related to the life cycle,
it is necessary to have a study that shows the
conditions of these studies. This research will be
useful for researchers who will continue or seek new
fields related to the PSS area and the life cycle.
But an article about bibliometric and map
generated to describes the position of existing articles
related to PSS and life cycle not found. The
bibliometric analysis had not been found for PSS
areas, even more related to life cycle area. Therefore,
this article aims to fill in the research gap by
providing an extensive bibliometric analysis of the
PSS related to life cycle literature. Bibliometric
analysis conducted based on articles published and
indexed by Scopus using VOSviewer software.
This article benefit researcher to view the map of
the current articles related to PSS and life cycle and
find further research. Further research hopefully can
develop the area of PSS and life cycle which can
encourage sustainability.
Related to the background, the research questions are:
What is the current map of Scopus indexed articles
related to PSS and the life cycle? What areas are
related to PSS and the life cycle that has developed a
lot and which are not yet? Then, what research
opportunities could be undertaken to fill in the gaps
and develop this area.
This article conducted the bibliometric study by
mapping and analysing scientific articles that have
been published or in press. The topic to be mapped
and analysed in this study is PSS related to life cycles.
The method used in this research is a five-stage
method (Hudha et al., 2020) as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Bibliometric analysis steps (Hudha et al., 2020).
As at figure 1, following are the explanation about
each step.
1 Determine Search Keyword
This is the first step of the research. In this step, I use
the source of the articles analysed and the keyword
used to search the articles. To ensure good quality
articles that analysed, the articles search from the website.
The keyword used is related to PSS and the life
cycle. Then, the literature search was conducted on
17 November 2020 at the website, using
TITLE-ABS-KEY (“product-service system” OR
“product service system” OR “PSS”) AND TITLE-
ABS-KEY (“life cycle” OR “life-cycle”) keyword.
2 Initial Search Results
As mentioned before, literature search were Scopus
indexed articles. It is found that the articles range
from the year 2001 to 2021. At first search, 626
articles found. Then, I go to the next step, refinement
of search results.
3 Refinement of Search Results
To improve the results, the refinement of the search
conducted. The refinement is done by excluding:
Non-English articles
Review and conference review type articles
Unrelated area: agriculture and biological science,
chemical, biochemical, medicine, nursing,
pharmacology, toxicology and pharmaceutical,
earth and planetary science, physic and
astronomy, chemical engineering and health
Lecture notes
Retracted article
After the refinement, there are 503 articles left for
further analysis. The results are saved in Research
Information Systems (RIS) format including article’s
titles, authors, authors’ affiliations, keywords,
abstracts, and citations for further analysis.
Bibliometric Analysis of Product-Service System Related to Life Cycle
4 Compile Data Statistics
The data of the articles collected from the refinement
of search results steps, then converted to Microsoft
Excel, while checked for the completeness and
accuracy of the information. If necessary, data from
google scholar also added to improve the database.
The data tabulated and analysed to find the spread
according to the year of publication, citation number,
and articles number per journal or proceeding.
5 Data Analysis
The bibliometric analysis in this study employed
descriptive statistical. However, to analyse and
visualise bibliometric networks, VOSviewer software
is used (Martínez-López, Merigó, Gázquez-Abad, &
Ruiz-Real, 2020; Shukla, Merigó, Lammers, &
Miranda, 2020). VOSviewer also help to create
publication maps, author maps, or journal maps based
on co-citation networks or to build keyword maps
based on shared networks (Hudha et al., 2020).
Based on the data collected and analysed, we found
the results and following we discussed the results.
3.1 Publications and Citations
The statistical analysis results of the articles discussed
PSS related to life cycle are shown at table 1 to table
4 and figure 2.
Table 1: Data of articles related to PSS and Life Cycle
indexed by Scopus.
As can be seen in Table 1, we found that the first
publication indexed by Scopus about PSS related to
life cycle is at 2001 in total 3 publications, while
publication not indexed by Scopus found at 1999
(Goedkoop et al., 1999). From Table 1. it can be seen
that from 2001-2021 there were 503 articles
published in Scopus indexed documents (book, book
chapter, journal and proceeding) discussing PSS
related to life cycles. For articles in 2021 are still in-
press status and there are 2 articles recorded. Of these
503 articles, the average citation per article quite high
reaches 14.7 citations and an average number of
citations 351.2 per year. This information indicates
that these articles are of high quality and that the
science in this field is produced and developed during
these periods. So that, it can be concluded that the
discussion of this area is suitable.
Table 2 and figure 2 show the distribution of
articles published yearly for each type of
publications. Most of the publications are in the form
of proceedings, shown that many conferences held
related to the topic. This indicated that this topic
could interest the authors.
Table 2: Number of publications spread by year of
publication and type.
The topic of PSS is relatively new because it only
started around 1999, so it can be seen that in the early
2000s there were still few articles published but there
is an increasing trend. Started in 2006 the number was
incrementally increased and was quite stable until it
experienced a sharp increase in 2013 and a spike
occurred in 2016.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
Figure 2: Publication distribution diagram by year and type of publication.
Table 3: Top ten cited articles.
This surge most of the proceedings, with the
implementation of quite some conferences on this
topic in 2016. In 2017 the articles decreased when
compared to the spike in 2016, but when compared to
2015 it increased and tended to be stable until 2019.
Even though in 2017 the number of articles
decreased, However, the number of articles in
journals is increasing because there have been many
studies and writings that have solidified experts for
publication in journals. For 2020 proceedings
Bibliometric Analysis of Product-Service System Related to Life Cycle
decreased drastically, due to the Covid-19 pandemic
which prevented the conference from being held.
Another cause could also be a pandemic hindering the
conduct of research, so the completion schedule was
postponed. In addition, the Covid pandemic has also
affected the speed and time accuracy of journal
Another explanation about the decreasing amount
of publications in the development of the PSS area
was going to other many areas besides the life cycle
so that the research and articles spreading to many
The most cited articles are shown in table 3. These
articles can be considered as "key articles" in the field
of PSS related to life cycles. They should be had a
good quality as well as high novelty so that many
other researchers have cited them. By knowing this
information, these articles can be taken into
consideration to read earlier if the researcher wants to
study PSS related to life cycles.
Next is information about journals and
proceedings that mostly publish PSS articles related
to life cycles as in table 4. In this table, it can be seen
that Procedia CIRP contains the largest number of
articles related to the topic of PSS and life cycles,
followed by the Journal of Cleaner Production. This
information can be a reference for researchers who
want to find or publish their work with appropriate
Table 4: Top journals or proceedings published articles
under PSS related to life cycle area.
3.2 VOSviewer Mapping Results based
on Topic Areas
The database of articles analysed using VOSviewer
software. The articles downloaded from
stored at RIS files. The RIS file is then uploaded to
VOSviewer with the following steps: Create - Create
a map based on bibliography data - Read data from
reference manager file - RIS, select the file - Type
analysis: co-occurrence - Counting method: full
counting - Next – Next.
After done these steps, VOSviewer shown the
keywords detected by VOSviewer. The next step is to
observe keywords. If there are keywords that have a
similar mean, then the keywords are combined with
the help of a thesaurus file. Thesaurus file can be
generated by making two column file, label and
replaced by, then convert the file to txt file.
Furthermore, some general or irrelevant keywords are
excluded. In this study, the keywords "3d printers",
"article" and "priority journal" were excluded.
Visualization generated by VOSviewer can be
seen in figure 3. This figure shows the relationship
Figure 3: Map of articles related to life cycle and PSS.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
Figure 4: Overlay visualization.
Figure 5: Distribution and relationship of authors for PSS related to life cycle.
keywords, described by lines. The circle size
represented the amounts of articles find. The small
circle represented keywords with the small number of
articles found. On the contrary, a big circle
represented keywords with the large number of
articles found. The two biggest circles related to PSS
and life cycle are product development and design.
The figure also shows clusters formed,
represented with different colours. In this picture, the
keywords are divided into 7 clusters, represented by
each colour. Each cluster, represented keywords that
usually used together in articles. The cluster elements
formed can be seen in table 5. From table 5, we can
find each cluster’s topics describe topics that usually
related to research by the researcher.
Figure 4. shows a similar map to figure 3, but in
this figure, the map shows the years of publication is
due. This map shows the history of the emergence of
this topic and then its development into other topics.
By knowing this distribution, researcher can trace
the origin of topics and can also search for the latest
Figure 5 shows the distribution of authors and
their relation to other authors. This description helps
future researchers to find key authors in related
topics. This knowledge help author to trace the
articles and find the thought of the authors to ease
future researchers to compare the thoughts and find
Figure 6 shows the distribution of authors
calculated from the time of publication. This map
helped researchers to trace the author's activity and
the history of their thoughts. This knowledge help
researchers to follow the thoughts then find their own.
From the results of research conducted, it can be
concluded that articles published and indexed by
Bibliometric Analysis of Product-Service System Related to Life Cycle
Table 5: Cluster elements formed.
Figure 6: Distribution and relationship of authors for PSS related to life cycle by years.
ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences
Scopus from 2001-2021 with the topic "product-
service system" and "life cycle" have been found.
From the year the article was published, it can be
seen, in general, the initial topic was about product
development and product and service that developed
towards industrial management and competitive
advantage. Then the environmental impact develops
on the other hand, which develops into sustainability
and sustainable development.
After that, interrelated and emerged PSS, life
cycle, decision making which then evolved into life
cycle management, cost, and maintenance. The topics
that were then raised were life cycle costing, business
models, big data, IoT, industry 4.0 and quality
function deployment. The last topics are topics that
are still a little-publicized so that they still open up
opportunities for further researcher.
Other topics that people have written about the life
cycle and PSS for a long time also still have the
opportunity to be researched, considering that the
circle is not too big and has something to do with the
life cycle and PSS. Other research opportunities can
also be searched by linking topics that are not
currently related.
Further, this article can be used by researchers as
a base to do a literature review, state of the art, as well
as to find novelties and research ideas. To keep on up
to date, this article needs to be upgraded periodically
due to the fast addition articles at
The limitation of this research is that it only takes
data from because it wants to make sure
the articles analysed are good articles. But actually,
there are other articles that are not included in, for example on the Web of Knowledge,
Google Scholar, and others. Therefore, for future
research, articles from more sources can be taken.
Another thing that is also a limitation is that this
bibliometric analysis is carried out in 2020, so it takes
data on articles that have been published or will be
published until November 17, 2020. Meanwhile, the
articles published will definitely continue to grow
over time, so bibliometric analysis is also necessary.
constantly updated to get the latest condition maps.
There will always be opportunities for future research
to carry out bibliometric analysis.
In addition, this study only discusses research
areas related to PSS and the life cycle. Future research
can be done by discussing other topics related to PSS,
such as sustainability, product design, big data, and
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ICE-HUMS 2021 - International Conference on Emerging Issues in Humanity Studies and Social Sciences