Hyperparameter Optimization in NLP Architectures
Noureddine Ettaik
, Ben Lahmar El Habib
Laboratory for Information Processing and Modeling, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik,
BP 7955, Sidi Othman, Casablanca, Morocco
Keywords: Natural Language processing, Hyperparameter optimization, Survey
Abstract: Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) is an essential part of setting up efficient machine learning models
dealing with natural language processing (NLP) tasks, especially with the recent NLP breakthroughs. In this
paper, we explore the problem of HPO through a survey conducted on a selected number of academic
publications in NLP by studying the strategy used for the optimization of their hyperparameters and by
investigating their common traits. We then lay out some recommendations for good practice in NLP HPO.
As data grows in size and complexity, algorithms
processing it are getting more complex, especially
when dealing with natural language processing NLP
tasks. A significant component of this complexity
stems from the optimization process of
Hyperparameter optimization is mainly done
manually (Hinton 2012) or by testing a predefined set
of hyperparameters in a grid (Pedregosa et al. 2011),
or by exploring the search space and randomly
selecting the optimal hyperparameters (Bergstra and
Bengio 2012). More sophisticated techniques have
made their appearance (Claesen and De Moor 2015)
and were applied to HPO like the Bayesian
optimization (Swersky, Snoek, and Adams 2013;
Zhang et al. 2016; Klein et al. 2017; Bergstra et al.
2015; Feurer et al. 2015), the evolutionary algorithms
(Young et al. 2015), heuristics inspired algorithms like
simulated annealing, particle swarm optimization (Ye
2017) and ant colony optimization (Costa and
Rodrigues 2018).
Deep learning models share a multitude of their
models’ hyperparameters, but when dealing with a
specific task like in NLP with specific architectures
like RNNs and LSTMs, or more recent transformer-
based ones, generalizations cannot be easily made,
and the optimization becomes more task-specific. In
this context, hyperparameters tend to behave
according to the task at hand and the probability of
generalization among models dealing with NLP is
higher in the same architecture.
In this paper, we inquire into the use of
hyperparameter optimization in natural language
processing by investigating a group of papers in the
domain, we try to spot the techniques used to optimize
these hyperparameters as well as the tools used to tune
them, we also try to find any pattern related to the most
important and useful hyperparameters and set them
apart from the less useful ones. We finally set a list of
recommendations regarding the use of
hyperparameter optimization in the context of NLP.
The studies selected for this paper are a result of
research in academic databases based on an adapted
search equation, a study selection was applied on the
resulting papers (inclusion and exclusion criteria).
They are highly cited papers in the domain of NLP
dealing with hyperparameter optimization and
published in highly respected journals and
conferences in the domain of artificial intelligence.
We describe below the major highlights of HPO in
NLP displayed in each study.
In (Melis, Dyer, and Blunsom 2017), the focus is
on language modelling architectures like LSTMs,
RHN (Recurrent highway network) (Zilly et al. 2017)
Ettaik, N. and El Habib, B.
Hyperparameter Optimization in NLP Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0010736600003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 466-470
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and NAS (Neural architecture search) (Zoph and Le
2017), the HPO is performed on Google vizier
(Golovin et al. 2017), which is a black box
hyperparameter optimization tool. Based on the
results of this Automl tuner and the validation loss, the
authors plotted these results against each other, which
showed that 15 %to 25% of the hyperparameter space
is promising, a comparable grid search yielding the
same results, would have taken too much time and
trials as the authors stated.
In (Aghaebrahimian and Cieliebak 2019), an ad
hoc search was used to tune the hyperparameters of a
model over a limited budget for a text classification
task. Certain hyperparameters had an impact on the
model, while others had none.
For the same task, we can see that the authors in
(Tellez et al. 2017), tackle the task of text
categorization in a supervised learning layout, the
process of optimization was carried out by first
performing a combination of a random search and a
hill-climbing algorithm, in other words, the RS spots
randomly some promising areas of the hyperparameter
space and then the hill-climbing algorithm is
initialized using those promising points by greedily
updating them till no improvement is possible.
The task of linguistic sequence tagging is
investigated in (Reimers and Gurevych 2017) using
deep LSTM-Networks, the study shows that
hyperparameters have different impacts on the model.
For example, the choice of embeddings and the
dropout mechanism have a considerable leverage on
the result. Also, the hyperparameters tend to influence
each other, which means if an initial search yielded an
excellent performance, the global optima might be
hidden down the line of further HP combinations.
In (Dernoncourt and Lee 2016), the task at hand is
based on dialog act classification, more precisely
assigning a dialog act to each utterance, and the model
is based on an ANN architecture. The
hyperparameters are optimized using Gaussian
process GP (a Bayesian optimization inspired
approach), which proved to be four times better than
the uninformed random search. That GP search result
is highly impacted by the initial random points.
The task at hand In (Wang et al. 2015) is
classification and question answering, and the
optimization of hyperparameters is done based on
Bayesian optimization but with a multi-stage approach
allowing for the HPO to take place in successive
stages in a sequential fashion while increasing the
amount of data being trained. The optimization starts
with a small amount of data being trained in the early
stages and keeps improving according to the
promising candidate hyperparameters, a full Bayesian
optimization is applied based on these candidates to
allow for a convergence based on a better prior
The transformer architecture with self-attention
introduced in (Vaswani et al. 2017) experimented on
machine translation, and the hyperparameters were set
after multiple experimentations on different values
(No mention of a particular technique of
optimization), especially the optimizer and its
parameters, the regularization (residual dropout,
attention drop out and label smoothing) and the
learning rate which underwent an increase according
to a formula with warmup step of 4000.
In (Devlin et al. 2019), another transformer-based
architecture paper with an outcome of a state of the art
pre-trained model (BERT), the tasks it tackles are
question answering and language understanding. For
this type of model, transfer learning can be applied
with minor hyperparameter tuning; in fact; the
optimization can take place using the majority of the
pre-trained model hyperparameter values and use a
recommended range of values for the remaining
hyperparameters (dropout, batch size, learning rate
and epochs) even with tasks different than the original
tasks of the model.
In table 1, we lay down the pattern we detected in the
studies, which showcases the hyperparameter
optimization HPO used, and the NLP specified
Table 1: HPO techniques in NLP and tasks by study.
ue NLP tas
and Lee 2016)
Bayesian opt
by gaussian
Dialog act
et al. 2018)
Natural Language
Processing tasks
tasks (word to
vec: embeddin
(Tellez et al.
Search then
(topic and
spam detection,
user profiling and
Hyperparameter Optimization in NLP Architectures
(Wang et al.
classification and
QA tasks
and Cieliebak
Ad hoc grid
Multi-label text
classification task
(Reimers and
Gurevych 2017)
NA Linguistic
sequence tagging
(POS, Chunking,
NER, Entity
Recognition, and
(Devlin et al.
NA Question
natural language
(Vaswani et al.
HP set with
expertise and
with a
formula (for
The strategy of hyperparameter optimization adopted
depends on the task at hand, the available resources
and the dataset complexity. The Bayesian
optimization proves to be efficient but is very
expensive; thus performing a multi-stage BO can
yield better and faster results (Wang et al., 2015). Its
variant; the gaussian process; proves to be faster than
random search in dialog act classification
(Dernoncourt & Lee, 2016), when using simple
heuristics may not find optimal hyperparameters well.
When dealing with multilabel text classification
tasks, the degree of impact of the HP is not the same,
and some have no impact at all on the model; for
example in (Aghaebrahimian & Cieliebak, 2019;
Reimers & Gurevych, 2017), the combination of
glove embedding type, Sigmoid for last layer, bi GRU
deep architecture, Nadam as optimizer, pooling with
both max and average concatenated, normalization
for Gradient control and dropout set to variational
proved to be the optimal set of HP for the task.
In tasks related to linguistic sequence tagging, the
combination of the optimizer Nadam with a gradient
normalization threshold of 1, a variational dropout,
recurrent units of LSTM layer and a CRF classifier
(Reimers & Gurevych, 2017). Relying on full Automl
search may be counterproductive as an HPO strategy
since it could be greedy. A simple combination with
a manual approach (Melis et al., 2017), for example,
a plot between promising hyperparameters and
validation loss could produce optimal results.
For machine translation tasks, and under a
transformer architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017)
recommend choosing specific hyperparameter
values, namely Adam as optimizer, a learning rate
that is variant according to the warm-up steps, which
start at 4000, a residual dropout rate of 0.1 and a label
smoothing of 0.1. in the same transformer
environment but with a bidirectional variant and a
different task based on Question Answering and
natural language understanding (Devlin et al., 2019)
recommend setting dropout probability to 0.1, batch
size to16 or 32, learning rate (Adam) to 5e-5, 3e-5 or
2e-5 and epochs to 2, 3 or 4.
NLP tasks are becoming more and more demanding,
and the need for optimization grows more important
than ever. Meanwhile, hyperparameter optimization
algorithms and techniques have recently proven to be
very efficient, especially with the rise of automated
machine learning applications, and if used efficiently,
could improve the state-of-the-art models and bypass
the budget and time constraints.
Not all hyperparameters have the same impact on
the models, and the nature of NLP tasks favours
parameters like the word embeddings type, the
dropout rate and the optimizer, which are more
impactful than others, thus making the tuning of the
latter useless in most cases.
HPO is becoming as compulsory as choosing the
model itself for NLP tasks. Researchers and
practitioners alike should invest more time and effort
to optimize their models using the available
A combination of automatic HPO based mostly on
a sophisticated approach like the Bayesian technique
coupled with a rule of thumb like a plot comparison
between the initial HPO and the loss, a warm start, or
an early stopping is the most efficient since a
complete search is always greedy in resources.
The availability of pre-trained models like BERT
(Devlin et al., 2019), ELMO (Peters et al., 2018) and
others allows for a minimal hyperparameter
optimization that doesn’t involve a huge search space
and can be applied across a wide array of NLP tasks.
Applying different HPO techniques on NLP
models may be time-consuming or expensive for
some tasks, especially with big datasets, but their use
proves to be effective when the sweet spot of optimal
values is reached, especially with the use of pre-
trained models since they are highly effective in the
field of NLP, and the tasks in the domain are recurrent
and repetitive and deal with a homogenous entity
which is language. Meaning that the hyperparameters
that are optimal in a big model will very likely yield
the same results in smaller tasks with the same nature.
This paper provides an insight into good practices in
hyperparameter optimization in natural language
processing related tasks. We found out that there are
common traits in the optimization process of
hyperparameters and that some particular HPO
techniques work well with certain tasks. Also, the
values reported in this paper from certain studies can
be reproduced in similar tasks. The recent
developments in transformer architectures, have
paved the way for optimal models down the line by
means of transfer learning, which benefits ultimately
the hyperparameter optimization in NLP.
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