Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of
Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and
Application of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework
Georgios Athanassiou
, Maria Pateraki
and Iraklis Varlamis
Department of Ergonomics, IfADo, Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors,
Ardeystr. 67, 44139 Dortmund, Germany
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation of Research and Technology, 100 Nikolaou Plastira str.,
71003 Heraklion, Greece
School of Rural, Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering, National Technical University of Athens,
15780, Athens, Greece
Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, Omirou str. 9, 17778, Athens, Greece
Keywords: Recommendation Systems, Micro-moments, Occupational Safety and Health, Well-being, Work Ability,
Sustainable Work, Recommendation-based Interventions.
Abstract: The paper outlines the sustAGE system, a smart solution that builds upon strategic technology trends, such as
Internet-of-Things, machine learning and recommender systems, to support sustainable work environments
and increase wellness at work and well-being with a focus on the ageing workforce. Acknowledging the
interrelation of the work and private arrays for healthy ageing, the developed solution utilizes a
recommendation-based approach providing personalized warnings and preventive recommendations
regarding occupational risks, as well as personalized cognitive and physical training activities for the off-
work context with the overall goal of maintaining Work Ability and enabling sustainable work. The piloting
of the proposed solution in two critical industrial domains provides promising results towards the use of
personalized recommendation-based interventions for the working context and beyond for improving
workers’ occupational safety and health, performance and general well-being.
As the overall population in the EU is getting older,
the proportion of relatively older employees in all
occupational sections is also increasing. The
combination of this fact and the decision of most EU
member states to increase the retirement age limits to
at least 65 to 67 introduces specific challenges in
terms of enabling factors for sustainable work (Belin
et al., 2016).
Ensuring sustainable work is a multi-faceted goal
and includes the common and combined consideration
of work-related and general contributing factors. In
terms of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) and
in accordance with the European legal framework, the
notion of sustainable work considers good working
conditions and the control of all risks for physical and
mental health and across the entire occupational
lifespan (Belin et al., 2016). In addition, the needs of
vulnerable occupational groups, and the (age-)
appropriate design of working conditions and
respective interventions in order to meet these needs,
is also concomitant to the definition of sustainable
work (Belin et al., 2016). Consequently, a specific
focus should be given to specific risks and challenges
for OSH for the occupational group of older workers
Another concept that points out the mutual
influence of work and general health and well-being
for sustainable work and sustainable ageing is Work
Ability (WA).
WA defines the balanced interplay
between occupational demands and the (subjectively
perceived) ability of individuals to effectively cope
with these demands (Ilmarinen & Ilmarinen, 2015).
Its development and maintenance depend on several
core, individual as well as contextual, work-related
factors that are tightly interlinked:
1) health and
functional capabilities; 2) competence/expertise; 3)
values, attitudes and motivation towards work; and 4)
job/task characteristics. Ilmarinen & Ilmarinen
(2015) expand the boundaries of the working context
Athanassiou, G., Pateraki, M. and Varlamis, I.
Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework.
DOI: 10.5220/0010723000003063
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2021), pages 409-419
ISBN: 978-989-758-534-0; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
by including private aspects, such as social
environment as well as overall physical and mental
well-being that demonstrate a mutual
interdependence with work-related factors for WA.
WA remains generally at a high level between the
ages of 20 and 65, however a cross-domain, cross-
gender decline as well as an increase of individual
differences has been observed after 45 years
(Ilmarinen, 2006; Ilmarinen & Ilmarinen, 2015). This
is also in accordance with the inter-individual
variance in the way changes (i.e. decline) in physical
and cognitive abilities ensue with age. Furthermore,
it seems that the availability and maintenance of an
adequate level of personal resources, such as general
well-being and health status, can moderate the effects
of ageing on perceived WA. This suggests the
necessity of personalized approaches that consider
inter-individual variance in order to maintain and
strengthen the respective work-related resources that
affect WA for older (i.e. 50+) employees (Ilmarinen
& Ilmarinen, 2015).
Recommender systems provide individuals with
targeted, cue-based guidance for an appropriate
alignment of goals and goal-promoting behaviours
(Sardianos et al., 2020). In the context of targeted
interventions for human factors/ergonomics and OSH
practice, recommender systems can support
interventions for OSH and well-being of employees
by monitoring behaviour and providing targeted and
systematic recommendation-based guidance for
appropriate responses.
With sustAGE we propose a holistic approach for
recommendation-based interventions for OSH and
well-being in order to promote sustainable work and
Work Ability of older employees. This in turn is
expected to reduce the likelihood of older workers to
leave work by considering their health state in
relation to working conditions and demands.
The recommendations are the tool for gradually
shaping better user profiles, for notifying or alerting
users with respect to OSH risks and recommend
appropriate counter actions, and for motivating them
to engage in activities that promote physical and
psychosocial well-being. In order to strengthen the
effectiveness of these recommendation-based
interventions, sustAGE introduces a contextual
aspect for the delivery of recommendations, which
relates mostly to the appropriate timing of delivery,
but implicitly considers the general conditions within
which a recommendation is issued. This is
implemented through the concept of Micro-moments
(MiMos). MiMos are cues of special interest to the
daily routine of each worker. sustAGE uses them to
trigger MiMo-relevant recommendations.
The recommendation-based interventions
incorporated in sustAGE are based on a respective
conceptual framework and a focused consideration of
age-specific risks and challenges for OSH and well-
being and are being currently piloted in two industrial
domains: manufacturing industry and maritime
logistics/port operations.
In the following Section 2, we shortly outline the
conceptual framework laying at the core of sustAGE
and describe the specification of recommendation-
based OSH and well-being interventions for the
purpose of meeting the needs of two pilot
occupational environments. Section 3 discusses the
practical aspect of the actual implementation of the
framework in two working setups, as well as for the
off-work context. Section 4, illustrates some first
results concerning the acceptance of the proposed
intervention from the workers that participated in the
pilots, the impact that it had on them and the
perceived subjective workload when using sustAGE.
Finally, Section 5 summarizes our findings and
provides an outlook on the next steps of this work.
The design of sustAGE is relying on the development
of a generic framework for recommendation-based
interventions that outlines the most salient risks and
challenges for OSH and well-being of older
employees regardless of the specific occupation
domain. It constitutes the first step for deriving age-
appropriate interventions for the support and
improvement of OSH and general well-being of older
employees in the working context and beyond.
Further on, and beyond the consideration of
general definition of age-related criticality and
probability of the occurrence of OSH risks, planned
interventions need to take into consideration the
specific characteristics and demands of tasks and
occupations in different industrial domains (Belin et
al., 2016). Hence, the proposed framework serves
also as supporting base-line for the domain-specific
definition and prioritization of interventions.
This section provides a short outline of the
conceptual framework for the sustAGE interventions
and provides insights for the process of substantiation
of interventions for specific occupational contexts of
implementation with distinguishable characteristics
and needs.
SmartWork 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments
2.1 A Framework for
Interventions for OSH and
The objective of the proposed framework is to
provide guidance for the implementation of a holistic
solution towards healthy aging, by jointly improving
OSH and the well-being of older employees.
postulates the well-documented correspondence
between work-related factors, general well-being and
Work ability. It provides the basis for a definition of
the most prevalent risks and challenges for OSH and
well-being for older employees that will be founded
on scientific evidence and promotes the idea of the
tight interdependence of the work and private arrays
for sustainable work and WA.
In addition, it considers the importance of
individual differences in terms of ageing, OSH and
general well-being for the experienced level of Work
Ability and propagates the necessity of implementing
personalized interventions in order to accommodate
the individual needs and characteristics.
The framework points out the need to detect and
to effectively manage existing risks and to prevent
future risks through targeted multi-level
It differentiates between three types of
recommendation-based interventions that all
contribute to the goal of sustainable work: those that
target workplace behaviour modification; those that
target structural (i.e. working conditions conditions)
modification; and interventions that target
improvement of general well-being. Further on, it
acknowledges the interrelations and the benefits of a
joint implementation of all intervention types for the
purpose of sustainable work. Figure 1 illustrates the
sustAGE conceptual framework.
The framework provides a rather generic model
for risks and challenges of OSH and well-being that
can accommodate the implementation of targeted
interventions. The design of such interventions will
depend on the characteristics of different
occupational environments, and on the technical
specifications of the sensory environment that
supports user monitoring and the respective
triggering of recommendation.
Finally, it emphasizes user-generated feedback
with respect to the valid assessment of user status as
a necessary precondition for the effectiveness and
acceptance of recommendation-based interventions
by the users as well as for the adjustment of the
triggering indicators and the assessment of
improvements of users’ overall health and well-being.
Figure 1: the sustAGE framework for OSH, well-being and
sustainable work.
2.2 The sustAGE Use Cases for the
Working Context
sustAGE examines two highly demanding working
environments with different requirements that at the
same time are crucial for Europe’s economy:
assembly line work in the manufacturing
(automotive) industry; and maritime logistics
(port/cargo operations).
Based on a thorough context-specific review of
the two industrial domains of assembly line work and
port operations, specific OSH risks for the use-case
scenarios are outlined which can be utilized for
targeted recommendation-based interventions within
The domain-related specification of OSH risks
was based both on reviews of available literature as
well as on the collection of respective empirical data
from two industrial partners cooperating in the
implementation and evaluation of sustAGE. The
purpose of the data collection consisted in obtaining
information regarding OSH risks, existing practices
and potential solutions as well as cognitive,
psychosocial and physical aspects of work and well-
being directly from the end-users in the two
occupational sites and thus tailor interventions to the
specific needs in an optimal manner. The data
collection took place between September and October
2019 in two respective sites.
An overall of N = 77 individuals participated in
the data collection in both sites (manufacturing = 30;
port operations = 47). 68 thereof were male and 9
were female. The age mean of the participants was
M=53,4 (SD=4,9, Min=41; Max=66). The
participation was voluntary. The test battery included
10 questionnaires and five psychometric cognitive
tests available in the two languages of the sample
(Italian and Greek). In addition, a short interview was
conducted in order to elicit workers’ perception of
age-related aspects of work, and existing practices
with respect to managing OSH risks, work
Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application
of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework
organization and workload, work adaptations in the
face of unanticipated occurrences.
2.2.1 Specification of Interventions for OSH
in the Manufacturing Use Case
OSH risks for older workers in the manufacturing
industry depend on task characteristics and overall
working conditions. In partially automated hybrid
human/machine mixed-model assembly lines, despite
the technological improvements physical abilities and
cognitive skills are still required in order to carry out
more complex production stages not fully automated
such as final assembly operations.
Workplaces and tasks in the manufacturing sector
are characterized by high repetitiveness of short-
cycled tasks and activities, shift work, dependence on
the pace given by the line, awkward body postures,
occasionally lifting heavy objects, and application of
force that is associated with strain to specific body
parts and muscle groups involved in the
assembling/manufacturing task (mostly neck and
upper extremities) (Belin et al., 2016; Boenzi et al.,
2015; Guerreiro et al., 2017; Otto & Battaïa, 2017).
Continuous exposure of older workers to
suboptimal working conditions can lead to
discomfort, pain and health impairments due to work-
related musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and
susceptibility for respective injuries resulting in
health-related drop outs from work and drawbacks in
productivity especially as workers’ age advances
(Belin et al., 2016; Guerreiro et al., 2017)
Another important aspect of OSH that is
associated with MSD and working conditions is task-
related fatigue. Older workers in manufacturing have
reported that fatigue mainly manifests itself in strain
in lower and upper extremities and the neck.
In addition, the acquired data suggest that older
workers may demonstrate lower levels of WA
(measured with the Work Ability Index). Figure 2
illustrates the overall WA score for the sample in the
manufacturing context.
Figure 2: Work Ability overall scores-manufacturing
This result can be associated with the reported low
autonomy and control over the process and the
amount of work when compared to older workers in
port operations that may imply an imbalance in the
perceived task demands and available resources (see
Figure 3).
Figure 3: Relative frequencies Influence of workers on
work volume Port/manufacturing (COPSOQ Item B.3-02:
“Can you influence the amount of work assigned to you?”
OSH risks in the manufacturing context can be
mitigated by providing workers with more control
and decisions over the working process (e.g. break
management) and with tasks that vary in cognitive
demands; introducing job redesign measures for
optimizing workload such as job/work station
rotation and task switching; and monitoring awkward
postures and physical and mental workload and
fatigue in real-time and providing support
(information and opportunities for micro-breaks with
alternative activities) for effective mitigation.
The respective areas for interventions that target
ageing manufacturing workers will have to focus on
existing risks for OSH and well-being for the overall
workforce and prioritize aspects that correspond
highly with advanced working age in terms of work
demands, available compensation capabilities, and
potential consequences for safety and health.
Recommendation-based interventions should
focus on the preventive management of specific OSH
risks and hazards related to the repetitive execution of
the same task and the associated mental and physical
workload and fatigue; to the accumulated strain
through awkward body postures during assembly
work; the introduction of individual micro-breaks for
a short-term mitigating recovery in the face of fatigue
effects; and the potential utilization of the short
intervals between each assembly task cycles for short
physical (stretching) exercises.
Hence, respective recommendations should
trigger and enable the optimization of body part
stressing and mitigation of physical fatigue (that may
SmartWork 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments
lead to muscle strain injuries and MSD on the long
run), as well as the optimization of the mental
demands of consecutive and repetitive micro-tasks of
medium and high complexity that may lead to mental
fatigue and/or monotony effects. Apart from the
preventive avoidance of injuries, discomfort and
suboptimal physical and mental workload,
recommendation-based interventions must also
address the monitoring of environmental conditions
in order to provide a proper working environment.
2.2.2 Specification of OSH Interventions for
the Maritime Logistics Use Case
The port and cargo handling sector has seen the
introduction of technological aids and sophisticated
supporting solutions in the last decades, signalling a
shift from labour-intensive towards capital-intensive
operations (Turnbull, 2011). Despite the
technological developments, port operations remain
challenging for OSH, as port workers are still exposed
to occupational hazards and discomfort factors as
well as face the risk of severe occupational accidents
(Antão et al., 2016). In addition, containerisation is
characterized by a rather high degree of repetitiveness
and reduced mental demands that may result in
decreased attention during work and also overall
long-term decline of cognitive abilities due to lack of
challenging work-conditions and the respective
work-related resources.
The respective areas for interventions that target
older port workers will have to focus on existing risks
for OSH and well-being for the overall workforce and
prioritize aspects that correspond highly with
advanced working age in terms of work demands,
available compensation capabilities, and potential
consequences for safety and health.
Recommendation-based interventions that focus
on OSH and the well-being of older port workers
should focus on the preventive management of
specific OSH risks and hazards of the working set of
cargo handling. In addition, different occupational
groups are involved in port operations that face
different risks and challenges for OSH due to the
specific nature of the respective tasks, special
consideration should be taken with respect to the
group-related needs for implementing context-
appropriate recommendations. The current
recommendation system focuses on the two most
significant occupational groups for port operations
involving containerized cargo, crane operators (COs)
and dockworkers (DWs), as these groups have been
found to experience the most OSH challenges during
cargo handling at the port (Walters et al., 2020).
Interventions addressing DWs should target the
optimization of heavy physical workload and fatigue
(that may lead to muscle strain injuries and MSD).
The acquired data for the port environment confirms
this issue as dock workers have reported that fatigue
corresponds with back aches, as well as
musculoskeletal discomfort and pain in upper and
lower extremities.
In addition, as port operations take place in the
open, workers are exposed to environmental conditions
such as high or low temperatures. The effects of
environmental conditions (especially heat stress)
should also be targeted as heat stress is associated with
cardiovascular impairments which can be crucial for
older workers. Although other environmental
conditions (such as noise and vibration) seem to be
more prevalent for the manufacturing context, these
should also be monitored and, if feasible, addressed in
an appropriate manner. Figure 4 illustrates the
workers’ appraisal of the relevance of respective
hazards for their working context.
Figure 4: Relative frequencies of stated OSH hazards in
port operations and manufacturing.
Safety awareness during operations must be
supported in order to prevent potential accidents, and
the monitoring of environmental conditions is
important for avoiding workers’ exposure to extreme
conditions (M. Cezar-Vaz et al., 2014; M. R. Cezar-
Vaz et al., 2016; Walters et al., 2020).
Respectively, interventions addressing COs
should target effects of environmental conditions,
work-related physical and mental strain effects
associated with demands for sustained attention,
responsibility, and awareness for the safety of people
on the ground, musculoskeletal discomfort through
continuous and constrained arm/hand postures and
repetitive head and neck movements and prolonged
stationary work can create preconditions for MSD
and chronic fatigue as well as psycho-social negative
responses such as anxiety through the increased
responsibility for the safety of others (Yakub & Sidik,
Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application
of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework
2.3 Specification of Recommendations
for General Well-being
In addition to the recommendations within the
workplace, the system incorporates gamified
cognitive training measure supports the maintaining
cognitive skills that are related to work performance
and general health and well-being and have been
found to decline with age (e.g. memory, executive
functions, processing speed) (Anguera et al., 2013;
Ballesteros et al., 2014; Green & Bavelier, 2003;
Strobach & Karbach, 2021). At the same time,
maintaining physical fitness also corresponds with
mental fitness and stress reduction for older
individuals and this has been also associated with
overall healthy ageing (Colcombe & Kramer, 2003;
Gajewski & Falkenstein, 2015; Smith et al., 2010)
sustAGE unobtrusively and under the premise of
users’ consent utilizes information beyond the
working context through monitoring users’ patterns
of overall physical activity. Based on this
information, the system proposes (physical and
cognitive) training activities over the day that
promote wellness and support maintenance of
cognitive skills and an adequate physical fitness, and
also inform users over performance improvement
over time in order to motivate the sustainable
habituation of an overall healthy lifestyle. In addition,
off work interventions address sleep quality as this
issue correlates with work-related aspects such as
chronic fatigue, performance detriments at work and
Respective recommendation-based interventions
consist in reminders for practice physical and
cognitive skills on a regular albeit dynamic manner
(i.e. taking advantage of any idle time that users may
have while at home).
In order to improve physical fitness, the system
recommends off-work physical activities several
times a week. In order to increase the
recommendation acceptance, the system considers
the location of the users two hours after they have
finished work, and if they are at home, they are
recommended to have 1 hour of physical activity.
Cognitive Games (CGs) provide a joyful
intervention to compensate for age-related declines in
cognitive functions. Six different CGs are used to
provide users with the ability to exercise their
cognitive skills. The system recommends the users to
participate in a cognitive game challenge every
second day or three times a week, but the users are
also able to train with the available games any time
they wish. Similar to the physical activity
recommendation, the users are recommended to play
CG in the afternoon when they are at home. The
acceptance of the provided recommendation is
automatically verified by the CG app back end which
logs the hours that each user has played, his/her
scores to the games and the difficulty level that is
currently attributed to the given user.
With respect to sleep quality, the number of sleep
hours can drastically affect the performance of the
users at work. The system estimates the hours that
each user sleeps every night and when they are below
a specified threshold, the user is informed in the
morning and asked to sleep earlier the following
night. Moreover, if the average sleep hours for several
consecutive days is low, the user is informed about
the possibility of accumulated fatigue due to
repeating poor sleep and is recommended to adjust
his/her long term go-to-bed strategy.
The implicit or explicit users’ response to a
recommendation is recorded and employed by the
system for deciding whether a new similar
recommendation should be issued (or not).
In order to enable the technical implementation of the
recommendation framework presented in the
previous section, the following aspects have been
i) multiple streams from different sensors
are exploited for the continuous and real-time analysis
of user-centred and contextual information as these
may reveal important properties of user state, actions
and interactions with the environment; ii) the different
modalities from sensor measurements are combined to
achieve a more robust detection; iii) unobtrusive
monitoring via a privacy-by-design approach is in the
centre-point, exploiting a minimum setup of low-cost
sensors and in parallel adopting privacy and security
mechanisms in data ingestion, management and
communication for improved user acceptance.
The sensor streams allow to detect low level events,
which are further correlated with past user-data, and
higher-level information about possible conditions or
restrictions, and subsequently trigger MiMos and the
respective recommendations. The system relies on a
wide range of sensor feeds and devices to capture and
exploit multimodal information:
Wellness Sensor. The Garmin Vivoactive-3
smartwatch is used to collect heart-rate, beat-to-beat
intervals, the number
of steps, and 3D accelerometer
information with a dedicated smartwatch app.
SmartWork 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments
Environmental Sensors. A custom solution that has
been developed to enable the use of multiple third-
party sensors installed in a sensor box in various
places at work. They are used for capturing
environmental data such as ambient temperature,
relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed,
air quality, illuminance and noise level.
Visual Sensors. Visual information is captured
through a monocular camera installed on a mobile
harbour crane. The camera is connected directly via
GigE connection to a PC supporting all relevant
processing close to the original source. This camera
shares a common reference frame with the crane, as
described in Lourakis et al. (2020) visual sensors are
used to monitor moving containers, and extracted
information is correlated with workers location data
to trigger proximity alerts. In the manufacturing case
passive stereo vision is exploited across each
workstation to detect stressing body postures.
Speech Sensors. The human voice encapsulates
linguistic and paralinguistic information, which
relates to a speaker’s current states, traits and well-
being. Workers utterances may be captured through
the microphone embedded in the Xiaomi Mi 9
smartphone used by the platform users. The
smartphone plays a key role, being the primary means
of interaction between the users and the system.
Positioning Sensors. Positioning information is
transmitted through the smartphone multi-GNSS
chipset by simultaneously tracking the signals
broadcasted from all operational satellites (i. e. GPS,
GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou), providing
increased robustness, reliability and spatial coverage.
3.1 Manufacturing Use Case
For detecting worker fatigue in the manufacturing
case, the smartwatch is used to continuously collect
heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) data
of each worker. By comparing the actual HR and
HRV values with the worker’s personalised “normal”
values the system detects a user fatigue MiMo.
Subsequently, the Recommendation Engine (RE)
examines the worker’s context (at work or not), the
average fatigue state of the team, and the worker’s
sleep hours the previous day. Depending on the case,
the RE either associates the fatigue with low sleep
quality and notifies the worker to adjust his/her sleep
schedule, or if the last night sleep time was sufficient
it recommends the worker to take a micro break.
Worker safety mainly targets the repetitive
actions and body postures that stress workers’ body
parts and may potentially lead to injuries and MSD.
Taking advantage of the visual sensors, the system
detects workers’ postures in real-time. Postures are
correlated to risk indices and if repeated for a longer
period, the system immediately alerts users to change
posture and perform stretching activities for
compensation of musculoskeletal strain as soon as
Adverse environmental conditions occasionally
occur in the indoor environment of a manufacturing
industry, e.g. when the A/C system is malfunctioning,
when noise or dust is temporarily high. The system
continuously monitors the environment to identify
conditions that may cause worker’s discomfort, or
increase accident risks. In such cases, it notifies
workers to protect themselves from the extreme
conditions and their managers in order to, if possible,
fix the problem.
3.2 Maritime Logistics Use Case
Worker fatigue in the port case can be detected for a
single worker or a group of workers and the
recommendations may differ depending on the
situation. For single worker fatigue events the
recommendation is for the worker to take a micro break
or fix his/her sleep schedule. When fatigue events
occur for multiple workers, a recommendation is sent
to the foreman and the crane operator to slow down
operations or grant an extra short break for recovery.
Worker safety/accident prevention: Taking
advantage of the real-time users’ location monitoring
and the state-of-the-art computer vision that
accurately tracks containers during transfer, the
distance between the individual users and the moving
container is continuously estimated. If this distance is
below a safety threshold (i.e. users into a hazardous
zone), the system immediately alerts users to move
away from the container and eliminate the risk of an
Adverse environmental conditions affect workers
differently in the maritime logistics environment. As
the dock-workers operate in the open space, the
system monitors the environment to identify
conditions that may cause worker’s discomfort, or
increase accident risks. The system blends
information from the temperature, hygrometer and
wind speed sensors, to compute the heat and chill
index, i.e. how the current weather feels for the
workers (Anderson et al., 2013). These “Feels-like”
values are used to detect situations that may require
the intervention of the system. In such a case, the RE
Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application
of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework
retrieves the list of workers and the supervisor in their
workplaces, and issues recommendations for short
breaks, resting, or hydration, in case of adverse
weather. Especially in the case of extremely high
wind at the port, crane operators are notified to seize
operations in order to minimize accident risk.
In order to evaluate the sustAGE intervention to the
two domains, we engaged 23 participants (port
operations =15; manufacturing = 8) who volunteered
to use the system for a four weeks pilot period. The
average age for the overall sample was M=54 with a
SD=3,79 (port operations: M =53,5; SD =4,32;
manufacturing: M = 54,8, SD= 2,53). For the
evaluation of recommendation-based intervention,
we distinguish three different types of criteria: i) the
recommendations’ acceptance, ii) the
recommendations’ impact and iii) the subjective
impact on workers’ workload.
For the acceptance of recommendations, we rely
on the explicit user feedback on each
recommendation, which is expressed with an
“accept” or “ignore” option button that workers can
press in any recommendation. For the impact we
evaluate whether the recommendations have
modified the workers’ training habits during the pilot
period, i.e. if they have performed the gamified
cognitive training and if they engaged in physical
activity (walking) more than before. In addition, we
examine whether workers have adopted better sleep
habits in order to avoid fatigue events and enhance
overall well-being. Finally, we assess the users’
perspective on system-induced workload and the
positive or negative interference of sustAGE in the
work process, we used the NASA TLX questionnaire
that captures the subjective task-related workload on
six different scales: mental demands, physical
demands, temporal demands, quality of performance,
effort and frustration.
4.1 Maritime Logistics/Port Operations
The overall recommendation acceptance in the
maritime logistics scenario is higher, reaching 88%
(Figure 5
Figure 5
). The acceptance breakdown to
different recommendation types, shows that there is
one recommendation (i.e. 𝑅_ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡_ℎ𝑒𝑙𝑝: ask if help
is needed) that collects the majority of user rejections.
This recommendation is either based on a
misconception of the recommendation message by
the workers or by an incorrect setup of the high heart
rate levels, which are probably set lower than they
have to be, resulting in oversensitivity for assistance
requests (false-positives). If we leave this
recommendation aside, the overall acceptance rate for
all other types rises to 95.5%.
Figure 5: Recommendations’ acceptance rates.
The recommendations have a direct impact on the
amount of training (physical and cognitive) that the
workers performed during the pilot. More specifically
the average daily number of steps of dock workers
increased by 700 steps within one month (a 25%
increase in relation to the average number of steps in
the first week). The average number of completed
cognitive game-based cognitive training sessions, and
the respective average high score gradually increased
during the study.
Finally, the NASA TLX results have shown only
one statistically significant difference with respect to
the use of the recommender system. More precisely,
a main effect of the system’s use on quality of task
performance for both groups (crane operators and
dock workers) has been observed (F (1,14) = 6,089,
p=.027), something that indicates that the system may
have had a positive impact in the respective aspect.
However, this issue needs further elaboration in order
to specify the perceived benefits for performance
stated by the users. With respect to the rest of the
workload scales, it seems that the system does neither
positively nor negatively affect workload.
Considering the short phase of the evaluation and the
novelty of the recommender system for the port
workers, this point can be viewed in a positive
manner, as working with sustAGE was not perceived
as obtrusive or negatively affecting the work process.
SmartWork 2021 - 2nd International Workshop on Smart, Personalized and Age-Friendly Working Environments
4.2 Manufacturing
The first results on recommendations’ acceptance
from the manufacturing domain pilot demonstrate
that the recommendations are well accepted with an
overall acceptance rate of 75%. The analysis per
recommendation type shows that the majority of heart
rate and fatigue related recommendations have been
accepted (both by shift managers and line workers),
with a cumulative acceptance rate over 90%. Some
technical issues related to a geofencing mechanism
that detects when a worker is at work, led to the
issuing of false recommendations concerning the
arrival at work.
Figure 6: Average daily number of steps for the
manufacturing pilot.
We also had a high ratio of rejected
recommendations for performing physical training
(aerobic activity/walking) after work. This is mainly
because many users may draw a clear line between
work and their personal life and private time.
Therefore, although they accept the use of the
sustAGE system in the working context, they
apparently prefer to “decouple” from it in the
afternoon when they are out of work and thus they
seem to be rather unwilling to follow the respective
recommendations, even if these can be beneficial for
the overall well-being.
Accordingly, the amount of physical activity has
shown a decreasing trend in this case. However, we
can see that workers in general perform more steps
than the shift managers and both walk more at
workdays than during weekends. The main reason
was that after the first week the users were
occasionally taking off smartwatches in the afternoon
hours, therefore the number of steps performed for the
rest of the day couldn’t be counted. This behaviour
became a standard practice for many users by the end
of the study, which is interpreted as an overall decline
in the average number of steps (Figure 6).
Figure 7: The perceived workload before and after the pilot
execution (Performance dimension: inverted scores).
Concerning the perceived system-related impact
on workload, the NASA TLX index for the
manufacturing case slightly decreases from 43,8 (pre-
evaluation) to 38,1 (post-evaluation) (Figure 7)
The difference between the overall workload scores
is not significant before and after using the sustAGE
system, so we can also infer that, similarly to port
operations, sustAGE does not pose an additional
impediment to work process or negatively affects the
perceived workload for users in the manufacturing
use case. Considering the additional technical burden
that a new system can bring to the workers, the
observed slight decrease in the perceived workload is
a positive indication for a beneficial effect of
sustAGE for supporting the working process.
Also similarly to the port environment, workers in
the manufacturing context have reported better
performance when using sustAGE, although the
difference is marginally non-significant
(F (1,7) = 4,065, p = .084 at a CI = 95%). Moreover,
this result becomes statistically significant if the
Confidence Interval is set to 90% (see figure 7).
Considering the small sample size, this result
indicates a clear tendency towards an increased
performance quality when supported by sustAGE.
Again, this issue needs further elaboration in order to
specify the perceived benefits for performance stated
by the users.
The initial results that we have from the two pilot
studies are promising. They show that the proposed
recommendation-based intervention can be beneficial
for the workers and implicitly for their employers,
given that all the participants adopt the proposed
Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application
of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework
framework and the changes that it brings to their
routine. A more extended pilot in both cases, that is
scheduled as a next step of our work, will allow us to
implement the lessons learned from the first two pilot
studies and further improve the results of our
More specifically, an increased number of MiMos
recognized by the system produced a high number of
recommendations, which in general were accepted
positively by users. However, we had an indication
that the number of recommendations should be
slightly reduced, focusing mainly on those that are
absolutely necessary to improve safety, health and
productivity of employees, and sporadically
addressing secondary aspects.
The difference between the perceived workload
aspects of the working task with and without the use
of sustAGE and the respective work-related
recommendations was found to be not significant.
This means that the system did not negatively affect
the perceived workload especially considering some
technical issues with regard to the loss of connection
and the recommendations’ delivery.
The sustAGE recommendations framework and
its supporting ecosystem with the sensors, the
processing modules, and the delivery and feedback
mechanisms will allow to maximise the impact of the
intervention. Moreover, it will provide ageing
workers with a solution that empowers them to keep
their competencies, skills and fitness at a high level
and remain healthy and active in the workforce
throughout the foreseen time-span until retirement
(but also after retirement), setting the preconditions
for and supporting sustainable work and overall
healthy ageing.
This work has received funding from the European
Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation
programme under the grant agree-ment No. 826506
(sustAGE) (https://www.sustage.eu).
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Micro-moment-based Interventions for a Personalized Support of Healthy and Sustainable Ageing at Work: Development and Application
of a Context-sensitive Recommendation Framework