Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural
Youakim Badr, Partha Mukherjee and Sindhu Madhuri Thumati
The Pennsylvania State University, Great Valley, U.S.A.
Keywords: Hybrid Neural Network, Speech Emotion Recognition, MFCC, ConvLSTM, RAVDESS Data.
Abstract: Speech emotion recognition is a challenging task and feature extraction plays an important role in effectively
classifying speech into different emotions. In this paper, we apply traditional feature extraction methods like
MFCC for feature extraction from audio files. Instead of using traditional machine learning approaches like
SVM to classify audio files, we investigate different neural network architectures. Our baseline model
implemented as a convolutional neural network results in 60% classification accuracy. We propose a hybrid
neural network architecture based on Convolutional and Long Short-Term Memory (ConvLSTM) networks
to capture spatial and sequential information of audio files. Our experimental results show that our
ComvLSTM model has achieved an accuracy of 59%. We improved our model with data augmentation
techniques and re-trained it with augmented dataset. The classification accuracy achieves 91% for multi-class
classification of RAVDESS dataset outperforming the accuracy of state-of-the-art multi-class classification
models that used the similar data.
Speech is the most basic mode of communication
between human beings and it is the easiest way to
convey emotions. Important information like the
mental state of a person and his intent can be
determined if we can capture the emotion of a person
while he is speaking. This is not only crucial in the
case of human conversations but also for human-
machine interactions. With the latest advancements in
the field of machine learning, the number of human-
machine interactions has significantly increased and
there is a need to recognize the emotion of a person
to make the conversation more natural and real.
Detecting the emotion of a person would also make
human-machine interaction close to human
interaction (Cowie et al. 2001). Interactive chat bots
have become prominent in a wide range of industries
and speech emotion recognition would allow these
conventional chatbots to empathize with the user
while being aware of their emotion and intent
(Fragopanagos and Taylor 2005). Organizations can
enable the chatbots to be more user friendly by
customizing their responses based on user emotion.
Knowing the emotion of their customers would allow
organizations to change their product strategies
accordingly. Since speech emotion recognition has a
wide impact on many walks of life, it has been a
subject of research among many data scientists for
about a decade (K.-Y. Huang et al. 2019; Lalitha et
al. 2015; Mu et al. 2017). Emotion Recognition is a
classification task with input being speech and output
being different emotion classes. This task has been
challenging because emotions are subjective and can
be interpreted in many ways. Another challenge in
speech emotion recognition is extracting best features
from speech signals to clearly distinguish between
different emotions. A significant body of research
projects has been done in this area and mainly rely on
traditional feature extraction methods like Mel
Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) (Kerkeni et
al. 2019), Short-time Fourier Transformation (STFT)
to extract features from audio files before training
classification algorithms (Vinola et al. 2015; El Ayadi
et al. 2011; Chandrasekar et al. 2014; Koolagudi and
Rao 2012). Yet, there is no conclusive evidence about
the best features to recognize emotion from speech.
Recently, with the advancement in the field of deep
learning, context free approaches using auto encoders
are implemented and tested to perform the speech
emotion classification task (K.-Y. Huang et al. 2019;
Kerkeni et al. 2019).
In this paper we propose a deep neural network
Badr, Y., Mukherjee, P. and Thumati, S.
Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural Networks.
DOI: 10.5220/0010707400003063
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2021), pages 366-373
ISBN: 978-989-758-534-0; ISSN: 2184-3236
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
model with data augmentation to classify speech into
six emotion classes using Ryerson Audio-Visual
Database of Emotional Speech and Song
(RAVDESS) dataset and compare the performances
with that proposed in (A. Huang and Bao 2019).
We propose an enhanced version of the
Convolution and Short-Term Memory Network
ConvLSTM architecture implemented in (Zhao et al.
2019). Inspired by the work of Kwon (Kwon et al.
2003), we extended our model with vocal feature
extraction from raw speech signals and used extracted
features to train our ConvLSTM model. The proposed
model resulted in higher six class classification
accuracy than (A. Huang and Bao 2019; Zhao et al.
2019) when combined with data augmentation
The remaining sections of the paper are organized
as follow. In section 2, we present the literature
survey while section 3 deals with data description and
data preparation. Section 4 discusses on the extraction
of features from the audio signals. Section 5 and 6
point out the experimental set up for CNN and
ConvLSTM models respectively while section 7
delineates the findings of model performances. Nest
two sections deal with the discussion of result and
conclusion and future work respectively.
Speech emotion recognition has been an active field
of research for about a decade now. Traditional
speech emotion recognition models were built using
feature extraction and machine learning techniques
(K.-Y. Huang et al. 2019). Researchers proposed
different approaches to extract frame level and
utterance level features from audio files and
implemented machine learning frameworks to
classify emotions using the extracted features, SVM
being a very widely proposed model among them.
(Mannepalli et al. 2018) proposed a thresholding
fusion mechanism for integrating a set of SVM
classifiers for human emotion classification. The
classification accuracy was improved by combining a
group of SVM classifiers. But, noise resilient features
of the audio have not been analyzed by the model.
Cao et al. (Cao et al. 2015) implemented a ranking
based model for recognizing the emotions in the
speech based on the multi-class prediction strategy.
Noroozi et al. (Noroozi et al. 2017) introduced a
vocal-based emotion recognition approach using
Random Forests. Some other classifiers, such as
Decision Trees (Lee et al. 2011) and K-Nearest
Neighbor (KNN) (Kim and Provost 2013), have also
been used in speech emotion recognition. These
classifiers require empirically chosen very high-
dimensional handcrafted features. Deep Learning is
an emerging field in machine learning in recent years.
A very promising characteristic of Deep Neural
Networks (DNN) is that they can learn high-level
invariant features from raw data (Vinola et al. 2015;
Koolagudi and Rao 2012), which is potentially
appropriate for emotion recognition classification.
Zheng et al. (Zheng et al. 2015) constructed a
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture to
implement emotion recognition, the ultimate
experimental results showed that their proposed
approach outperformed the SVM classification. Zhao
(Zhao et al. 2019) used a Long Short-Term Memory
Network and CNN into one-dimensional CNN-
LSTM network to recognize speech emotion from
audio clips. The two-dimensional CNN-LSTM model
focuses on learning global contextual information
from handcrafted features, and achieved recognition
accuracy of 52.14%. Perez-Rosas et al. (Pérez-Rosas
et al. 2013) have shown that features such as prosody,
voice, MFCC, and spectral, prove promising in
identifying sentiment. While most of these works
have extensively used the IEMOCAP dataset (Busso
et al. 2008), Huang and Bao (A. Huang and Bao
2019) explored conventional feature extraction
techniques like MFCC and STFT, and implemented
CNN-based classifier which yielded the accuracy of
85% on the Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of
Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS) dataset
(Livingstone and Russo 2018). Kwon et al. (Kwon et
al. 2003) implemented SVM and Hidden Markov
Model (HMM) to process pitch, log energy, mel-band
energies, MFCCs and velocity/acceleration of pitch.
Their model received 96.3% accuracy for 2-class
classification, and 70.1% for 4-class classification,
proving that pitch and energy are the most
contributing features. However, the result for 5-class
classification is much lower. The lower performance
of the models explored in the previous studies
motivates us to formulate our research using deep
learning method on augmented RAVDESS data to
evaluate whether our method could achieve higher
accuracy compared to the existing research.
Many of the state of the art speech emotion
recognition models were mostly trained and
evaluated on the IEMOCAP database (Busso et al.
2008) and the Berlin database (Burkhardt et al. 2005).
We choose to train and evaluate our proposed speech
Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural Networks
emotion recognition model using the RAVDESS
dataset (Livingstone and Russo 2018). Firstly, this
dataset has high levels of emotional validity and
reliability of audio. Secondly, it has a large number of
samples when compared to common speech
databases (Busso et al. 2008; Burkhardt et al. 2005).
RAVDESS is a multimodal database, including files
in three modalities (audio-video, video-only and
audio-only) and two vocal channels (speech and
song). Each audio file is rated on emotional validity,
intensity, and genuineness. In our study, we only
extracted audio files as our purpose is the audio
emotion recognition task. It is worth noting that the
dataset is gender balanced, consisting of 24
professional actors, vocalizing lexically matched
statements in neutral North American accent. The
dataset contains 1440 audio files recorded in the
“.wav” format and annotated into 8 classes of human
emotions as shown in Table 1. The classes “Calm”
and “Neutral” were selected as baseline conditions,
while the remaining classes constitute the set of six
basic or fundamental emotions that are thought to be
culturally universal.
Table 1: Initial distribution of audio files.
Emotion Class Number of Files
Neutral 96
Calm 192
Happy 192
Sad 192
Angry 192
Fearful 192
Disgust 192
Surprised 192
Total Files 1440
In Table 1, we observe two major issues in the
RAVDESS dataset 1) class imbalance, where the
classes are not represented equally and 2) relatively
small size for training and evaluation. To address this
issue, there are a few techniques we can apply to deal
with class imbalance such as over-sampling or
adjusting the weight of cost function to balance the
classes, etc. In our case, we choose to group similar
class labels together to obtain better classification
accuracy. To this end, we analyze the intensities of a
random sample of audio files from each emotion class
and group the classes with similar overall intensity
into one class. The overall intensity of speech signal
for male audio files is significantly different from
those of female audio files. Also, emotions like happy
and surprised have similar amplitudes. We grouped
emotions with similar amplitude together to a total of
6 classes.
Feature extraction is the first step in the process of
implementing a speech emotion recognition model. A
speech signal comprises spectral features and prosody
features. Prosody features represent the pattern of
speech signal like pitch, intensity and energy etc.
Sometimes prosody features alone are enough to
distinguish between emotions, but few emotions
might be too close to be distinguished using prosody
features alone. Feature extraction is accomplished by
changing the speech signal to a form of parametric
representation at a relatively lesser data rate for
subsequent processing and analysis. Feature
extraction approaches usually yield a multi-
dimensional feature vector for every speech signal
and there are different algorithms to parametrically
represent the speech signal for the emotion
recognition process, such as Perceptual Linear
Prediction (PLP) (Kim and Provost 2013), Linear
Prediction Coding (LPC) (Kim and Provost 2013) and
Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC).
Figure 1: MFCC Process.
In this paper we use MFCC to extract features as it is
the best representation of spectral properties of
speech signal (Muda et al. 2010). In the computation
of MFCC, the first step is Pre-emphasis where the
signal is passed through a filter to emphasize higher
frequencies. Next the speech signal is split into
individual frames and this process is called Framing.
The next step is Windowing to integrate all the
closest frequency lines. To convert each frame from
time domain to frequency domain Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) is applied to find the power
spectrum of each frame. Subsequently, the filter bank
processing is carried out on the power spectrum,
using Mel-scale. Mel-scale was developed to
overcome the linear interpretation of pitch by the
human auditory system. It scales the frequency to
match closely to what the human ear can perceive as
humans are better at identifying small changes in
speech at lower frequencies. With the Mel-scale
applied, the coefficients will be concentrated only
around the area perceived by humans as the pitch,
which may result in a more precise description of a
NCTA 2021 - 13th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
signal, seen from the perception of the human
auditory system.
1 
where F(Mel) is the resulting frequency on the mel-
scale measured in mels and FHz is the normal
frequency measured in Hz (see Figure 1). Next, the
log Mel spectrum is converted into time domain using
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). The result of the
conversion is called Mel Frequency Cepstrum
Coefficient. The speech signal after translating the
power spectrum to log domain to calculate MFCC
coefficients as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: MFCC Frequency plot.
In our experiment, all audio files have been timed for
a window of 3 seconds to extract length invariant
feature sets using MFCC. We extracted 13 MFCCs
per frame which is the default window sufficient to
capture meaningful information for the model. The
sampling rate of each file is doubled keeping
sampling frequency constant to get more features
from a small audio file. We select the 80:20 random
split, which implies 80% of the samples are used for
training our proposed models and 20% of samples for
model validation.
We build a CNN model with convolutional layer
which is mainly used for image classification and
object detection tasks, as a baseline model for speech
emotion recognition. Convolution is a specialized
type of linear operation used for feature extraction.
The convolution generates a feature map with the
help of kernel and tensor. Kernel is defined by a small
array of numbers, while the tensor is the input array
of numeric values. The kernel is applied on the input
tensor where the element wise multiplication between
each item of the kernel and the input tensor is
determined. The product at each location of the tensor
is summed up to yield a feature map which is the
value in the corresponding position of the output
tensor. The feature maps represent different
characteristics of the input tensors; different kernels
can, thus, be considered as different feature
extractors. Two key hyper-parameters that define the
convolution operation are size and number of kernels.
As CNN captures spatial data and MFCC has
coefficient information along the x-axis, and its value
on the y-axis, capturing correlation with convolution
will provide a reasonable and interesting approach.
Figure 3 depicts the architecture of our CNN
model architecture. We implemented a trial and error
approach to select hyper parameters for our model.
We train the first CNN model (referred as CNN-1
model) on training dataset with Stochastic Gradient
Descent algorithm to optimize the classification
errors. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is the
common optimizer that updates the parameters of
learning such as kernel and weights to minimize the
loss, i.e., the cost function that measures the
difference between the prediction and the ground
truth. It can be represented as the partial derivative of
the cost function w.r.t the learnable parameters (i.e.
the gradient) as shown in the following equation:
𝜔 represents parameters, L represents the cost
function (loss) and 𝜆 denotes learning rate.
Figure 3: CNN Model Architecture.
We implement a trial and error strategy to select best
hyper parameters. We re-trained the model with
Adam optimizer (CNN-2) (Yamashita et al. 2018)
keeping all other parameters same as CNN-1. Adam
optimization requires first-order gradients with
memory requirement. The method computes first and
second moment of the gradients. The update of
MaxPooling Conv1D
MaxPooling Conv1D
Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural Networks
learnable parameters is based on the estimates of first
and second moments. The estimate of first and second
moments and update of the learnable parameters are
given by the following equations (Kingma and Ba
Where 𝛽
and 𝛽
represent hyper-parameters [0, 1]
which monitors the exponential decays of 𝒎
while 𝜶 is the learning rate.
Table 2 exhibits the hyper parameter details for
both the gradient descent and Adam optimizer where
the loss function is taken as categorical cross entropy
for both CNN-1 and CNN-2.
Table 2: Hyperparameters for CNN Models.
CNN Model 1 CNN Model 2
Loss Function: Categorical
Cross Entropy
Loss Function: Categorical
Cross Entropy
SGD with 𝛼 = 0.0001,
momentum=0.0, decay=
0.0, nesterov = False
Adam optimizer with 𝛼 =
0.0001, 𝛽
=0.9, 𝛽
= 0.999,
amsgrad = False
Batch Size = 32
Number of Epochs = 500
Batch Size = 32
Number of Epochs = 700
Since audio files are sequence data, we use a hybrid
model which combines Convolutional Layers and
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layers to preserve
the sequential relationship between audio frames. In
fact, the ConvLSTM architecture consists of using
Convolutional layers for feature extraction on input
data combined with LSTM layers to support sequence
prediction. Figure 6 illustrates the architecture of the
ConvLSTM Model. Convolution layers in the
beginning of the network help preserve the spatial
patterns in the spectrogram followed by LSTM layers
which capture the temporal information. The
ConvLSTM estimates the future state of a certain cell
in the tensor grid by the values of the input cells and
previous states of the local neighboring cells of it. We
use a convolution operator in the inter-state and input-
to-state transitions to achieve this (Shi et al. 2015).
The ConvLSTM inner structure is represented by the
following equations (Shi et al. 2015).
Here x
s are the inputs while cell
s are outputs of
cells, h
’s are hidden states, i
, r
and c
s are the
tensors while r and c are the spatial dimensions of the
cells. 𝜔
, 𝜔
, and 𝜔
are the weights of the input
data, the inputs to the hidden states and the cell
outputs respectively. ‘*’ and ° are denoted as
convolutional and Hadamard operator. The 𝜎
function is the sigmoid activation function. We used
the hyper parameters from our baseline CNN-2 model
to train our ConvLSTM network. Table 3 lists the
hyper-parameters we used to train the ConvLSTM
Model. We explored data augmentation techniques to
overcome this issue in the next section.
Table 3: ConvLSTM Models Hyperparameters.
ConvLSTM Model
Loss Function: Categorical Cross Entropy
Adam optimizer with 𝛽
= 0.5, 𝛽
= = 0.99
Batch Size = 32, Number of Epochs = 250
Data augmentation is a key strategy adopted in
scenarios where we have less training data. It also acts
as a regularizer to prevent overfitting and reduce the
effect of class imbalance making the entire model
more robust. To resolve the problem of overfitting we
used two data augmentation techniques which are
pitching and noise injection. Random audio files are
selected from the dataset to which noise is injected
and pitch is varied. These random samples are
augmented to the original dataset creating a larger and
more randomized corpus. These techniques increased
the sample size and sample variance thereby
addressing the overfitting issue. We also used
stratified shuffle split instead of random split to
maintain similar distribution of records over classes
in both train and test data. The audio corpus has
increased from 1440 audio files to 4320 audio files,
giving us more samples to train the model.
NCTA 2021 - 13th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 4: ConvLSTM Architecture.
Distribution of audio files after data augmentation is
shown in Table 4. Retraining the ConvLSTM model
using the augmented dataset significantly improved
the performance of the model.
Table 4: Number of audio files after data augmentation.
Target Classes Number of Audio Files
male positive 576
female positive 576
male negative 1152
female negative 1152
male neutral 432
female neutral 432
Our initial convolutional neural network (CNN-1)
with stochastic gradient descent optimizer resulted in
a low validation accuracy of 55%.
Figure 5: CNN-1 model training.
Figure 5 shows the training of CNN-1 model with
stochastic gradient descent optimizer to exhibit the
loss. But the same experimental setup with Adam
optimizer (CNN-2) worked slightly better as a
baseline model with a 60% validation accuracy.
Figure 6 shows the training of our baseline CNN-2
model with Adam optimizer. However, the model
was overfitting with 98% training accuracy and 60%
validation accuracy.
Figure 6: CNN-2 Baseline model training with Adam.
Similar overfitting issue occurred when we trained
our ConvLSTM model which resulted in 99%
accuracy on training dataset and 59% accuracy on test
dataset (see Figure 7) before data augmentation.
Figure 7: ConvLSTM training before data augmentation.
We addressed this overfitting by re-training our
ConvLSTM Model with augmented datasets.
Figure 8: ConvLSTM training after data augmentation.
Thus, the classification accuracy was significantly
improved to 91% and resolved the overfitting issue
with a training accuracy of 99% as shown in Figure
Speech Emotion Recognition using MFCC and Hybrid Neural Networks
8. For clarity Table 4 summarizes the findings from
the experiment.
Table 5: Training / validation accuracy metrics.
CNN-1 93% 55%
CNN-2 with Adam
ConvLSTM without
data augmentation
ConvLSTM with data
Convolutional Neural networks are traditionally used
to solve image related problems. We demonstrated
the possibility of using convolutional neural networks
in speech classification. It is also interesting to see
how using a traditional feature extraction approach
like MFCC with a combination of CNN and LSTM
resulted in a far better accuracy than individual
convolutional/recurrent neural networks. We have
used four types of deep learning techniques i.e., CNN
with stochastic gradient descent optimizer, CNN with
Adam optimizer, Convolutional LSTM and
Convolutional LSTM with data augmentation.
Though the first three algorithms exhibit high training
frequency, the validation accuracy remains poor. This
leads to overfitting in the result. We resort to the
fourth technique as we have less training data and
data augmentation helps to resolves the overfitting
issues observed in first three techniques.
Our ConvLSTM with data augmentation model
performed significantly better with 91% accuracy for
six class classification than the research in (A. Huang
and Bao 2019) which achieved 85% accuracy using
CNN based network for seven class classification for
speech emotion using the same dataset. Hybrid model
architecture proposed in this paper also performed
better than that showed in (Satt et al. 2017) which
implemented a hybrid model approach for emotion
classification on the IEMOCAP database. Overall,
this study explores the possibility of using CNN and
ConvLSTM neural networks for speech emotion
classification. Data augmentation techniques played
an important role in overcoming the overfitting issues
and resulted in high accuracy of ConvLSTM model
for speech emotion recognition. Our work can be
easily adapted to any speech emotion classification
problems with length invariant audio files that will
eventually facilitates the machine to identify the state
of emotion of the speaker and hence generate a
quality human computer interaction.
In the present study we proposed a deep learning
framework to classify the emotions from the speech
by segregating the data into six classes. We quantify
the emotions extracted from male and female voices
into positive, negative and neutral classes after
regrouping the original eight emotion classes shown
in Table 1. We introduced four deep learning models
and found that convolutional LSTM with data
augmentation achieved the best validation accuracy
with minimum overfitting which is significantly
better performance compared to the existing research
on same RAVDESS dataset. For future work we will
explore bi-directional LSTMs to classify the audio
files. In addition, we will extend and test our models
by collecting audio files recorded by random
individuals and evaluate how our models recognize
emotions. We will also build an end-to-end deep
neural network using raw spectrograms to eliminate
the feature extraction step. Additionally, availability
of more training data and using length variant audio
files to train models can lead to generalized findings.
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