Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and
Segmentation of German Court Rulings
Ingo Glaser
, Sebastian Moser
and Florian Matthes
Chair of Software Engineering for Business Information Systems, Technical University of Munich,
Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching bei M
unchen, Germany
Document Segmentation, Legal Document Analysis, Legal Information Retrieval, Metadata Extraction,
Natural Language Processing.
Legal research is a vital part of the work of lawyers. The increasing complexity of legal cases has led to a
desire for fast and accurate legal information retrieval, leveraging semantic information. However, two main
problems occur on that path. First, the share of published judgments is only marginal. Second, it lacks state-
of-the-art NLP approaches to extract semantic information. The latter, in turn, can be attributed to the issue
of data scarcity. One big issue in the publication process of court rulings is the lack of automatization. Yet,
the digitalization of court rulings, specifically transforming the textual representation from the court into a
machine-readable format, is mainly done manually. To address this issue, we propose an automated pipeline
to segment court rulings and extract metadata. We integrate that pipeline into a prototypical web application
and use it for a qualitative evaluation. The results show that the extraction of metadata and the classification of
paragraphs into the respective verdict segments perform well and can be utilized within the existing processes
at legal publishers.
The work of legal practitioners is knowledge-
intensive and time-consuming. Many studies have
shown that legal research is a vital part of the daily
work of lawyers (Lastres, 2015; Peoples, 2005).
With this, one crucial document type is court rulings.
While the legislation defines legal rules, the interpre-
tation of the terms used in law is made through the
jurisdiction. That is why legal cases play a crucial
role in various legal processes.
As a result, various online databases offering dig-
ital access to former cases exist. Many of these
databases are hosted by legal publishers. While they
aim at providing useful information retrieval features
to its users, the actual digitalization process is yet per-
formed in a manual and tedious process.
At first, the legal publishers receive a court ruling
via e-mail from the respective court. Now, the court
provides the verdict in a simple textual format such
as .docx or .pdf. Given any machine-readable format
such as Akomo Ntoso (Palmirani and Viatali, 2011),
, or other private in-house formats,
trained employees manually transform the provided
verdict into the corresponding target format. This pro-
cess involves the extraction of metadata and the seg-
mentation of the verdict (see Section 3 for more de-
tails). In the next step, a legal author reads through the
verdict to gain semantic information about the court
ruling. The corresponding information extraction re-
sponsibilities range from quite knowledge-intensive
tasks such as text summarization to relatively simple
tasks such as extracting the area of law.
Despite the existence of online databases, legal in-
formation retrieval is not much advanced yet. The
reasons for this are manifold. As explained earlier,
the digitalization process has to be performed by le-
gal practitioners, which constitutes a bottleneck. Fur-
thermore, valuable semantic information that can be
utilized within state-of-the-art information retrieval
approaches remains untouched. Instead of manu-
ally extracting knowledge about cases, modern Nat-
ural Language Understanding (NLU) methods must
be applied. This again closes the circle to automat-
ing the digitalization as it would provide more exten-
sive datasets that can be used to train machine learn-
Glaser, I., Moser, S. and Matthes, F.
Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings.
DOI: 10.5220/0010691300003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 282-291
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ing (ML) models for specific tasks.
All that results in exhaustive legal research activi-
ties for legal workers. Therefore, we want to automate
parts of the described process. This paper investigates
the feasibility of automatically transforming a court
ruling as a court provides it into a machine-readable
In general, legal text is typically conveyed in natural
language and not suitable to be processed by com-
puters (Shelar and Moharir, 2018). For that reason,
much research concerning knowledge representations
of legal documents was performed within the AI &
Law community. Particularly representations for leg-
islative and judicative documents were investigated.
Akoma Ntoso (Palmirani and Vitali, 2011), defines
simple technology-neutral electronic representations
in the XML format of parliamentary, legislative, and
judiciary documents. Its XML schemas make explicit
the structure and semantic components of the digi-
tal documents to support the creation of high-value
information services. LegalDocML
is another stan-
dard that is based on Akoma Ntoso. Even the Ger-
man Federal Ministry of the Interior, with the partic-
ipation of other institutions, developed a version of
LegalDocML tailored to the German legal domain.
Ostendorff et al. (Ostendorff et al., 2021) evaluated
different document representations for content-based
legal literature recommendations.
While great strides have been made in the field of
document representations, the use of such represen-
tation in an automated digitization process utilizing
modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) has re-
mained mostly unexplored. Particularly within the
German legal domain, only very little research ex-
ists. Structural text segmentation of legal documents
was investigated by Aum
uller et al. (Aumiller et al.,
2021). Based on the assumption that information sys-
tems rely on representations of individual sentences
or paragraphs, which may lack crucial context, they
propose a segmentation system that can predict the
topical coherence of sequential text segments. Their
system can effectively segment a document and pro-
vide a more balanced text representation for down-
stream applications. Glaser et al. (Glaser et al., 2021)
encountered the issue of detecting sentence bound-
aries in German legal documents. While Sentence
Boundary detection (SBD) has been seen as a solved
problem for quite some time, domains with solid lin-
guistic characteristics such as the legal domain re-
quire tailored models. For that reason, they created
an SBD model, trained on German legal documents.
In another paper, Glaser and Matthes (Glaser and
Matthes, 2020) tried to automate parts of the infor-
mation extraction part of the publishing process. They
compared rule-based approaches and ML approaches
to automatically detect the underlying area of law for
a given verdict.
Even though there is existing work on legal
document segmentation, including metadata extrac-
tion (Lu et al., 2011; Lyte and Branting, 2019;
Loza Menc
ıa, 2009; Waltl et al., 2019; Chalkidis
and Kampas, 2019), they generally rely on existing
HTML or XML structure in their input documents.
Therefore, they do not generalize to random text in-
puts without structural features. As a result, to the
best of our knowledge, no attempt to transform plain
textual verdicts that origin from German courts into a
machine-readable format has ever been made before.
For this research, we focus on court rulings in civil
proceedings as well as criminal law. The court pro-
cedure in civil proceedings is regulated mainly by the
German civil procedure code (ZPO). As a result, it de-
fines the general structure of a court decision in civil
matters. A civil judgment is divided into six parts:
1. Recital of parties (Rubrum): This is the beginning
of a court ruling and indicates, in addition to the
involved parties and their addresses, the type of
the decision, the address of the court, and the case
number. While the concrete format of a case num-
ber varies from court to court, it always consists
of the initials of the court, the processing division
of the court, a register number, and a current file
number. Sometimes, when being published, the
recital of parties contains a verdict title that has
been added during the publication process by a
legal author. However, the ZPO does not require
such a title.
2. Tenor (Tenor): This is the essential part of the
judgment, as the dispute is decided here. A tenor
usually consists of three different parts, whereas
the concrete composition depends on the decision
scope. First, the main decision states, for exam-
ple, whether the defendant must pay the plaintiff
the amount claimed or whether the action must or
will be dismissed. Second, the possible interest in
the claim and the costs of the litigation are con-
Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings
sidered. In addition, possibly the question of the
provisional enforceability of the judgment (if ap-
peals against the judgment are still possible) must
also be decided.
3. Summary of the facts (Tatbestand): The summary
of facts contains the central facts on which the
case is based. They are presented from the judge’s
point of view as they were presented in the last
hearing. Most importantly, these facts are also the
foundation for the final decision.
4. Reasoning (Gr
unde): Here, the court states its rea-
soning for the decision made. The reasoning is
written in the so-called judgment style, which be-
gins with the result, followed by a gradual jus-
tification. If the case at hand is not the first in-
stance, supplementing the court’s opinion at hand,
the lower court’s reasoning is also included. For
purposes of distinction, the lower court’s reason-
ing is written in the indirect language.
5. Instruction on the right of appeal (Rechtsmittel-
belehrung): Under section 232 of the ZPO, all
civil court decisions, unless a representation by a
lawyer is required, must contain instructions on
how to appeal.
6. Signature of the judges: The final part of the ver-
dict is only a formality and includes the signature
of each judge.
A published court ruling usually contains another vi-
tal section that the ZPO does not define. That is the
guiding principle. In jurisprudence, a guiding princi-
ple summarizes the main reasons for a decision by the
court. Usually, the judge has written it before a ver-
dict is published. On the other hand, sometimes, this
part is referred to as an orientation sentence. Typi-
cally, a legal author creates it representing a short text
on the court decision, which is more comprehensive
than the not always easy-to-understand guiding prin-
ciple. It offers a classification of the decision and thus
provides orientation knowledge, which often cannot
be presented by the leading sentences of a decision.
The verdict structure remains for criminal law al-
most identical. However, the German Criminal Pro-
cedure Code (StPO) does not divide the facts and rea-
soning into two distinct parts but places them into a
single reasoning segment. Semantically, of course,
the two parts - facts and reasoning - have to be there
in this order because a coherent, logical argumenta-
tion works this way.
Figure 1 reveals the information we want to ex-
tract from court rulings by showing an annotated ex-
cerpt of a possible input court ruling for our pipeline.
As the figure only includes the first page of a verdict,
the remaining pages would include the remaining text
segments tenor, facts, and reasoning. Additionally,
usually the date and file number of the previous in-
stances are included as well.
In the following, we want to discuss how our pipeline
converts a textual German court ruling into a struc-
tured representation that can then be used for further
processing or utilization in an online database. The
system is largely written with SpaCy
, while all neu-
ral models are implemented in PyTorch
. The initial
textual document (e.g., .pdf, .doc, or .docx) is con-
verted to a raw textual representation by use of tex-
. In doing so, the system only depends on the
textual output of the court ruling, while structural re-
quirements on the input text are low. All the informa-
tion we infer or create is stored directly in the SpaCy
document or with specific tokens and word spans. As
a result, it allows us to create a processing pipeline
with great flexibility. This adaptability is vital as the
pipeline may require changes in the future to suit even
more instances.
The performance of text segmentation usually
heavily relies on the underlying structures. There-
fore, it is important to detect sentences with high ac-
curacy. For that reason, after the space-based tok-
enization from SpaCy, we use a sentence segmenta-
tion system proposed by Glaser et al. (Glaser et al.,
2021), specifically tailored to German legal docu-
ments. The following segmentation is segregated into
three phases: (1) preprocessing of the document, (2)
resegmentation, and (3) a final labeling step. The pos-
sible text segments that can be assigned are GUID-
ING. Furthermore, a verdict also has many meta seg-
ments, namely PRE TITLE, TITLE, COURT, DATE,
NORE and UNKNOWN, which are used for any case
not fitting in this taxonomy. Initially, each sentence
has the segment label UNKNOWN.
4.1 Preprocessing
Retokenization is the first significant step necessary
due to the different formatting styles in a court ruling.
Different fonts, large spaces between letters of one
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 1: Excerpt of a verdict from the German supreme court (BGH) with annotated metadata and segmentation.
word, or other formatting choices are not uncommon
and introduce some minor problems tackled in this
step. Most problems occur with the beginning formu-
lation of the tenor. Terms like ”f
ur Recht erkannt”
(found for right) or ”beschlossen” (decided) are writ-
ten with large spaces between the letters. During this
step, we remove spaces between the letters and assign
the TENOR segment for the following sentence if we
find such a formulation.
The next preprocessing step constitutes the extrac-
tion of all structural components, such as headlines
and enumerations. Our system can match 5 different
enumeration types: (1) roman (I., II, ...), (2) alpha-
betic (a), B, ...), (3) numeric (1., ...), (4) combined
(1a, ...), or (5) marginal numbers/RVs (1). Each type
is matched via its own set of regular expressions. Any
matching token is then checked for validity. Those
validity checks include, among others, whether it oc-
curs at the start of a line or whether the token before
is an enumeration. Given the sequence of all such to-
kens, we now check that all enumeration sequences
are well-formed, i.e., they have the correct start to-
ken, each token in a sequence has the same punctua-
tion, and they are correctly nested. The algorithm is
independent of any writing style of enumerations, al-
lowing variations such as ”1.”, ”1)”, or ”1.)”. Only the
global validation takes the writing style into account
when linking the different enumerations.
After extracting all structural components, we
consider the different headlines. German court rul-
ings only contain a handful of different headlines,
which are all solid indicators for the segment of the
following sentence. The only exception here is the
headline ”Gr
unde” (Reasoning), as it can be com-
monly found before FACTS or REASONING seg-
ments (see Section 3). If there are no more spe-
cific headlines (”Tatbestand” (Facts), or ”Entschei-
unde” (Decision reasoning)), the sentence af-
ter ”Gr
unde” (Reasoning) will be REASONING for
the moment. To ensure that each matched word is in-
deed a headline, we check the characters before and
after the found token (for instance, at the beginning of
a line). Furthermore, we filter the headlines, such that
at most, one for each segment type is found. Last but
not least, page numbers and other unnecessary spans
of text are removed.
As each court has its formatting and writing style,
we introduce a court-specific pipeline component in
Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings
the following step. First, every relevant piece of in-
formation for that specific court is matched. Second,
we use this information in a post-processing step to
reason about the segment of specific sentences. To
test this, we implemented a pipeline component for
BGH court rulings, as they have a unique structure
with their mixture of norm chains and guiding princi-
ple sentences at the beginning. Due to the flexibility
of our pipeline, it is straightforward to extend it for
other courts, as this might be necessary for court rul-
ings with esoteric formatting.
4.2 Resegmentation
Based on the headlines and enumeration information,
we now assign new segment ends and starts, such that
the headlines and enumeration symbols are treated as
their own sentences. This step is necessary to separate
structural information from content.
4.3 Labeling
We will now assign the final segment labels to each
sentence in the document based on the extracted in-
formation. Additionally, we classify each sentence in-
dividually via a BERT-based classifier (Devlin et al.,
2019). The predicted label is used in the following
as a second measurement to determine the actual seg-
ment label of each sentence. If we have not yet as-
signed a label by any other rule, we will use the clas-
sification output.
We use the bert-base-german-cased pre-trained
BERT model as the base for our classifier, as it was
trained partially on German legal documents. On top
of BERT, we put a linear classification layer taking
the pooled output of BERT. The classifier is trained
with Flair (Akbik et al., 2019). As a dataset, we used
73k German court rulings in an XML format which
contains segment information for each sentence. In
a standalone evaluation, the classifier (97.65 Macro
on test set; only trained on text segments) showed
the unwanted behavior of switching back and forth
between segment labels within a continuous span of
sentences. This, together with the fact that we can-
not train a classifier for every segment due to a lack
of available data, was why that we use the classifier
as one pipeline component that produces the segment
annotations and the rest.
The next step is to consistently label the sentences
between two found headlines known to be commonly
found in that order, i.e., if the following headline after
a facts headline is for the reasoning segment, we know
for sure that all sentences in between are FACTS. If
we have a title headline, everything before will be an-
notated PRE TITLE. That is a simplification because
courts sometimes add information before the title,
while those segments have always a headline and thus
are already annotated. Afterward, we will smooth the
segment annotations such that no two-segment classes
are found interleaved in the document.
Eventually, one final segmentation step is only ap-
plied if we have not found any FACTS. This is often
the case due to the ambiguous ”Gr
unde” (Reasoning)
headline. In such cases, we use a heuristic based on
the enumerations. If the reasoning block starts with a
roman I or alphabetic A enumeration, we will anno-
tate everything up to the following enumeration token
(II or B) as FACTS. Some verdicts are outliers, but the
practice has shown that this rule is correct in almost
all cases.
After segmenting the court ruling into its distinct
components, we take care of extracting metadata. At
first glance, it may seem not very reassuring to extract
metadata after the segmentation. However, the seg-
ments play a crucial role for the extraction of meta-
data as it defines where the required information can
be found.
In the information extraction step, we identify all
reference numbers, the specific file number for a ver-
dict, all referenced courts, the concrete court of the
verdict, dates and the specific date of the decision, cat-
egory of the court ruling, norm chains, and previous
instances. This procedure is again a two-step process
as some pieces of information are needed for other
steps. We need, for example, all reference numbers
before being able to identify previous instances. Thus
each preprocessing step (first paragraph of each meta-
data part) is finalized before any of the postprocessing
steps (second paragraph) can be performed.
5.1 Reference Number
The file numbers for civil cases and criminal cases
vary in their syntactic. For that reason, based
on two regular expressions, we identify the ref-
erence numbers of the following forms: (1 -
ZPO) Prefix Department/Chamber/Senate Register-
Reference Year.Number Suffix and (2 - StPO) De-
partment/Chamber/Senate RegisterReference Num-
ber/Year. However, some specific courts may add ad-
ditional elements to the beginning or trailing of the
base form.
Afterward, we parse the matched spans of text and
add potential additional prefixes or suffixes. Next, we
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
extract the reference number with the highest instance
level as the reference number of the current court rul-
ing. With this, we only search in non-text segments
as those sometimes contain references to court rul-
ings of higher courts. In the rare case that no ref-
erences are found, the list of excluded segments is
reduced until one reference number is found. Each
RegisterReference has a specific legal meaning, and it
is possible to assign an instance level to each of them,
i.e., for every RegisterReference we collect the possi-
ble instance-level this RegisterReference is used in. If
multiple levels are possible, we used the lowest one.
Based on the RegisterReference we also heuristically
extract the code of procedure of the verdict (ZPO or
5.2 Courts
In order to detect the court of a verdict, we utilize a
dictionary lookup. Therefore, a dictionary of all Ger-
man courts was created by crawling respective online
resources. The dictionary may contain the same court
multiple times, as we use the different possible abbre-
viations as a key. Based on that dictionary, we anno-
tate each court found in the document and assign an
instance level to each of them.
In the next step, similarly to the rules for the file
number above, we choose the court with the high-
est instance level to be the court of the given verdict.
With that, again, we only consider courts that are out-
side of a text segment and only reduce the list of ex-
cluded segments if no court was found.
5.3 Dates
The extraction of the promulgation date can be con-
sidered a relatively simple task. After matching all
dates in the court ruling via regular expressions, the
latest date is chosen. However, only dates outside of
the guiding principle, the facts, and the reasoning of
the verdict are considered. Eventually, the date is con-
verted to the ISO format.
5.4 Type of Verdict
The different types of court rulings in Germany are
pretty limited. For that reason, we utilize a pre-
defined list of words (”Beschluss”, ”Urteil”, ”Teil-
urteil”, ”Leitsatzentscheidung”, etc.). Each token
of sentences segmented into the recital of parties
(Rubrum) is matched against that list. As the verdict
type is always defined at the beginning of the deci-
sion, the first match is chosen as the respective cate-
5.5 Previous Instances
The extraction of previous instances and their file
numbers and dates is done only through postprocess-
ing steps. After obtaining all reference numbers, ex-
cept the one already classified as the file number for
the given verdict, we look for the most extended se-
quence of reference numbers that each has at most
one line between them. This assessment is made, as
the previous instances always occur together. Then
those are parsed and potentially identified as previous
instances. Finally, we identify where the court and
date for each of them are (i.e., before, after the refer-
ence number) and extract this information.
5.6 Normchain
To extract the norm chain, firstly, tokens that are com-
monly found in norms are matched. To do so, we
extracted all norms from the norm chains in our clas-
sification dataset. The resulting norms were split into
their components, such as words, register characters,
numbers, and punctuation. All lines containing a
match that contains at least 95% of such tokens are
stored as a potential norm chain. Then, the most ex-
tended continuous sequence of norms is identified and
classified as the norm chain of the verdict. Further-
more, the court-specific pipeline component provides
specific information as well, as some courts do not
have continuous norm chains.
The proposed system covers various tasks that differ
in their characteristics. Some tasks, such as extracting
the case number, could be quickly evaluated quanti-
tatively with standard metrics such as precision, re-
call, and F
. On the other side, text segmentation re-
quires different evaluation methods as a segment can
be partially correct. Furthermore, tasks such as the ex-
traction of norm chains require even some qualitative
feedback from domain experts. In order to be able
to assess the overall performance of our system, we
came up with a custom evaluation method combining
qualitative and quantitative measures.
Before the remainder of this section elaborates on
the essential criteria, on the evaluation itself, and on
error analysis, we introduce Verlyze. Verlyze is a
web application implementing our proposed pipeline.
Users can upload original verdicts in various input
formats as provided by courts. During the upload,
the court ruling is processed by that pipeline. Verlyze
performs further semantic analysis, which is not part
Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings
of this paper. The structured, machine-readable rep-
resentation is then stored in a database, enabling le-
gal information retrieval. Figure 2 shows a screenshot
of the verdict view after retrieving a specific verdict.
A user can scroll through the different text segments,
highlight references, read through meta information,
or even inspect semantic information. Furthermore,
the original document can be shown in order to allow
a quicker assessment during the evaluation.
6.1 Description Criteria/Grading
We used 50 randomly selected German court rulings
chosen from a larger dataset of approximately 800
verdicts for the evaluation. A legal publisher created
the dataset. However, they provided it to us only af-
ter finalizing the system in order to avoid overfitting.
Thus, none of those court rulings were used for test-
ing the implementation. To ensure a variety of dif-
ferent documents, the random selection was further
subdivided by instance level. Twenty court rulings
are from the BGH, fifteen from local supreme courts
(OLG), and fifteen from other courts.
The evaluation was done by four evaluators, two
of the authors, and two employees from the legal pub-
lisher that are skilled in the publication process of
court rulings. The evaluation task was to evaluate the
metadata extraction and the segmentation for each se-
lected verdict. The annotators could give up to 10
points in each category, with 10 points denoting a per-
fect result. The categories include Guiding Principle,
Tenor, Facts, Reasoning. Each of those text categories
should be evaluated individually based on the content.
For example, if the system wrongly assigns all the
facts to the reasoning part, while the reasoning part is
otherwise perfectly extracted, the facts-score should
be 0, and the reasoning-score should be 10. For such
cases, we also added a Structure category, which al-
lowed annotators to judge the formatting, extraction
of enumerations, and overall structure.
For the norm chain, the annotators needed to judge
if all Norms were extracted as well as the more fine-
grained extraction of the Paragraphs. Similarly for
the previous instances, the evaluation included the
Courts, their Reference Numbers and their Dates.
For the basic meta information (Id or reference
number, Ruling Court, Ruling Date) we choose a bi-
nary score as the result has no variability in the cor-
rectness. We subdivided the criteria court into one
point for the instance level and one for the correct
If any of this information was not present in the
original document, the annotators had to denote an x
instead. The score for each category shall be based on
how much wanted content is present in the processed
representation. The annotators also provide a Total
score for each verdict. To analyze the scores, they
were normalized to represent a percentage.
6.2 Annotator Agreement
As the scoring for a category can be subjective, and
there are sometimes no hard correctness rules, we will
look at the inter-annotator agreement. Usually, the
inter-annotator agreement is used to assess the qual-
ity of labels in a dataset. However, we argue it can
be used for our purposes as well. In the following,
the annotators will be called A0 to A3. When looking
at the mean scores per category, as seen in Figure 3,
annotators A0, A2, A3 have very similar annotations.
The differences between their scores for each cate-
gory are negligible and only differ in single percent-
ages (except for Reasoning, but this shall be discussed
in Section 6.4). A1 has assigned more pessimistic
scores but surprisingly gives a higher total score com-
pared to A0. The range for the mean Total per anno-
tator is between 69.4% and 83.2%. For each category
and verdict combination, we extracted the scores to
calculate the Fleiss’ kappa (Fleiss, 1971). We then
use that score to assess the inter-annotator agreement.
The Fleiss’ kappa for the annotators is 55.6%, which
denotes a moderate to substantial agreement. This
measure is not perfect in our case. However, the
Fleiss’ kappa does not take into account the differ-
ence between annotation scores. As a result, the com-
bination of the Fleiss’ kappa score together with the
small absolute differences between annotators sug-
gests a proper evaluation.
6.3 Evaluation
Moving to the general evaluation, we see overall high
scores in Table 1. The worst results are perceived for
the extraction of the previous instances with a high
standard deviation. This indicates that the extraction
either works or does not work, but there is no mid-
dle ground. The subsequent highest variability can be
found for Id, Court, and Date. This fact has to relate
to the fact that they are a ”binary variable”. Thus a
high variability is expected.
In contrast, identifying the text segments works
very well. They have the highest mean scores and
the lowest variability. This was also expected as the
meta categories have more potential for variability
solemnly based on how their information is presented,
e.g., there are numerous ways to reference one spe-
cific norm in a norm chain.
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 2: Screenshot of our web application implementing the proposed pipeline.
Figure 3: Range of the mean scores per category for each
To quantify the skew in the dataset, we also cal-
culated the mean score per verdict and then reported
the median of those means in Table 1. In all cases,
the median is higher than the mean score, in some
even substantially. With this in mind, it is evident that
our system produces very good to perfect results for
all categories in most cases, but some outlier verdicts
heavily influence our scoring as they give a poor re-
sult. In the following, we want to specifically look at
those outliers, i.e., the verdicts with the lowest mean
scores in each category.
6.4 Error Analysis
The error analysis for outlier verdicts is straightfor-
ward in our system, as most errors are introduced by
Table 1: Mean, median score and standard deviation for
each category. Std can be interpreted as the variability of
extraction results for the different verdicts.
Category Mean Median Std
ID 81.0% 100% 39.3%
Court 82.5% 100% 38.1%
Date 86.8% 100% 33.9%
Normchain 81.9% 100% 34.2%
NormchainParag 81.2% 95.0% 33.9%
PrevInst 75.3% 100% 38.8%
PrevInstID 65.9% 96.3% 43.1%
PrevInstDate 49.5% 50.0% 44.5%
GuidingPrinciple 88.8% 100% 30.4%
Tenor 89.8% 100% 27.2%
Facts 84.7% 96.3% 31.6%
Reasoning 91.1% 92.9% 21.3%
Structure 79.2% 81.3% 13.5%
Total 76.4% 80.0% 19.9%
a failure of a specific component in the processing
pipeline. We will now move through each category,
determining where our pipeline introduced an error
and how they can be fixed.
For the text segments Facts and Reasoning, the
problem lies in the segmentation algorithm as in some
cases, a differentiation is complex without an excel-
lent semantic understanding of the German language.
To solve this, we would need to use a more suited lan-
guage model for our domain, and the reliability of its
classification needs to be increased. For the Tenor and
Guiding principle, we have a similar problem (differ-
Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings
Figure 4: Total mean scores for each verdict with color annotation on the given court type.
entiating them from the other text segments), but their
errors might be solved by introducing a sophisticated
parsing of the recital of parties. The rubrum has very
distinct pieces of information, and their classification
will further help determine the type of a specific text
segment. This way could better identify the text seg-
ments that come before or within the rubrum. Also,
the rubrum is sometimes segmented together with the
facts or reasoning segment, which introduces more
problems to further steps in the pipeline. Most of the
low scores for the Structure category can also be at-
tributed to this.
For the Previous instances and Id, the major prob-
lem is the differentiation between the reference num-
bers. Using the instance level induced by the refer-
ence number to order them is an insufficient heuris-
tic as there are some edge cases for which this does
not hold. Taking the Date or their text position
into account might be necessary (as both are com-
monly found at the beginning of the text). There
are also some cases for Previous instances where the
court was previously unknown (e.g., different writ-
ing), which can be solved by extending the court dic-
Court and Date have similar problems as either
a higher precedence court or an earlier date is found
in a non-text segment. In one case, the segmentation
was the reason for a faulty extraction, as the segmen-
tation algorithm combined the rubrum with the rea-
soning segment, and thus a court from a different seg-
ment with higher search precedence was used. Here it
is necessary to take the context a piece of information
is found more into consideration. Both are not found
within a paragraph, and there are standard formula-
tions within their context.
There are three types of edge cases for the Norm
chain: (1) the norms are within the text and are not
further formatted in a specific way, (2) they contain
more extended expressions of unknown texts, and (3)
they contain different words afterward which are un-
common. To solve the first edge case, we would need
to extend the extraction of norms to the whole text
and then classify them, which can be done relatively
straightforward with modern ML tools. For the lat-
ter two cases, we would need to extend our dictionary
with uncommon norm terms. However, we have to
say that there always will be a missing term due to the
nature of the German language.
The overall scores for Total are depicted in Figure
4. In the worst cases, the segmentation is insufficient,
and consequently, other errors accumulate. This fact
further shows the necessity to introduce a more re-
liable and semantically informed segmentation. We
also investigated the Total mean scores per court type
in the dataset. BGH court rulings work best with
85.9%, but this was expected as we have specifically
created a pipeline component for them. Surprisingly,
OLG court rulings have the worst total score with
63.5%, compared to 78.2% for other courts. Identi-
fying the guiding principle and the previous instances
is hard for OLG rulings, which might be the reason
for their low scores. This might have to do with the
fact that many of the tested OLG cases have additional
information at the beginning which is not following a
consistent structure.
This work examined the possibility of automating the
court ruling publishing process for the German legal
domain. A state-of-the-art language model, namely
BERT, with a classification head on top, was fine-
tuned to classify sentences into the corresponding
verdict components. Furthermore, different verdicts
from various courts were examined to implement
rule-based approaches and heuristics combined with
the trained model to automatically provide a pipeline
capable of transforming court rulings from various in-
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
put sources. We could show that it is feasible to ex-
tract metadata and segment court rulings with great
Nonetheless, this research contains some limita-
tions. While we utilized court rulings from differ-
ent sources and instances, the system, particularly the
court-specific rule-based modules, was tuned based
on our inputs. Even though we evaluated the pro-
posed approach on unseen court rulings, even from
small courts, verdicts from courts of different juris-
dictions (financial, social, employment) may worsen
the results as their structure might be different. How-
ever, the whole pipeline is implemented in an exten-
sible manner so that it is easy to enhance the rules to
match other inputs.
Another promising approach may be the incorpo-
ration of a different head on top of BERT. Specifi-
cally, instead of classifying the whole sequence based
on the pooled representation, adding a linear layer on
top of the hidden-states output might be interesting
to compute span start logits and span end logits. The
model would only be responsible for defining the start
and end of each segment instead of classifying each
sentence. Due to the nature of such a token-based
classification task, it may be feasible for our classifi-
cation task.
While most of our rule-based and heuristic ap-
proaches seem to be adequate, it is worth investigat-
ing in the future whether modern language models
can help to classify tokens with respect to some of
the metadata that did not perform well for us, such as
the previous instances of the court ruling. This could
even improve our reported results further.
Last but not least, we implemented our pipeline
in a prototypical web application called Verlyze, al-
lowing the research community to build even more
reliable systems on top of our implementation.
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Improving Legal Information Retrieval: Metadata Extraction and Segmentation of German Court Rulings