A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of
Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
Seyma Kocak
and Jan M. Pawlowski
Institute of Computer Science, University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland
Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences, Lützowstraße 5, Bottrop, Germany
Keywords: Digital Competencies, Digital Skills, Digital Attitude, Digital Mindset, Company, Leader, Employee.
Abstract: Digital transformation is a mega-trend and is perceived by many companies as an opportunity to remain
competitive. The digital competencies and digital mindset of managers and employees play an important role.
Without new competencies and changed attitudes, the transformation cannot be driven forward. Research on
digital transformation competencies in the field of companies is limited and little evidence exists on which
digital competencies, and skills are particularly important for companies. In this study, a systematic literature
review was used to identify digital competencies and attitudes and classify them into six categories. With a
focus group discussion, four digitalisation experts evaluated them by classifying and prioritising the
competencies and attitudes on the pre-defined classifications. The results show that the majority of the
identified competencies and attitudes are crucial for both managers and employees. For this purpose, the
personal competencies, digital mindset and personality traits should be considered separately in order to
investigate correlations in future research.
Companies in all sectors are affected by the current
trend of digital transformation (DT). In this context,
the term digital transformation is increasingly used to
describe the major changes organisations are
undergoing in the digital age (Osmundsen, Iden, &
Bygstad, 2018). The transformation is motivated and
inspired by emerging digital technologies, changes in
the competitive landscape (Sebastian, et al., 2017)
and the increasing customer focus (Osmundsen et al.,
2018). To manage digital transformation, companies
should develop their skills and knowledge
(Osmundsen, 2020). An important prerequisite for a
successful digital transformation is a collection of
skills, abilities and attitudes for problem solving in a
specific context (Pawlowski & Holtkamp, 2012).
However, research on which competencies are
essential for DT is limited, as is research on how
established companies can acquire these
competencies (Butschan, Heidenreich, Weber, &
Kraemer, 2018; Shahlaei, Rangraz, & Stenmark,
DT involves the use and integration of new digital
technologies into business processes to enable
significant business improvements (Schwertner,
2017) and often requires a transformation of the
workforce (Eden, Casey, Burton-Jones, & Draheim,
2019). As digital transformation requires not only
strong leadership but also rational decision-making
and strong employee competencies, exploring the
specifics of digitalisation, especially from a change
management perspective, is very relevant (Egor,
2020). Moreover, in addition to structural changes,
there is also the change in employee roles and
competencies, which play an essential role in the
introduction of new technologies in the company
(Vial, 2019). In doing so, they are sometimes trapped
in cultural heritage because it has worked well for a
long time. Companies invest a lot in training their
employees to deal with change (Von Ohain, 2019).
However, leadership in the digital age is above all a
question of inner attitude. Similar to the frequent
assertion that a good leader must first be able to
successfully lead himself or herself, digital leadership
first requires a distinct digital mindset that creates
sufficient openness for the upcoming innovations
(Eggers & Hollmann, 2018). While many studies
have not considered narrowing down to employees
and managers (Osmundsen, 2020; Müller et al., 2019;
Foster et al., 2018; Hellwig et al., 2020; Grevtseva et
al.,2021; Weber et al., 2017), the present work
Kocak, S. and Pawlowski, J.
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees.
DOI: 10.5220/0010674700003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 52-63
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
distinguished between managers and employees in
order to create individual competence profiles for
specific job roles. For this purpose, digital attitudes
were included in this work in addition to digital
To identify digital competencies and attitudes, a
systematic literature review (see chapter 2 Method)
was conducted. The identified competencies with
focus of attitudes were divided into six categories.
With a focus group discussion, they were presented to
digital experts who were asked to rank them on the
classifications and prioritise them. The results show
that many competencies and attitudes overlap for both
managers and leaders. These competencies and
attitudes can be applied to specific sectors to define
concrete competencies and attitudes.
In the first part, the background of digital
competencies in companies is presented, which are
then divided into classifications. Since the digital
mindset also plays an important role in the digital
transformation, the attitudes that are necessary for a
successful digital transformation were elaborated and
also divided into a classification. Based on this, the
approach of the study is presented, which consists of
a systematic literature review and a focus group
discussion. Finally, the results are presented and
critically reflected.
To identify digital competencies and attitudes, a
systematic literature search was conducted, which
describes a method for reviewing relevant articles
based on clearly formulated research questions,
themes or phenomena (Kitchenham, et al., 2009),
(Webster & Watson, 2002). In total, there were
23,168 publications. According to the inclusion
criteria there were 133 papers and according to the
exclusion criteria there were 19. Six papers were
added by the forward and backward search. 25
publications were selected for analysis based on the
scope of the study (Boger & Mercer, 2017) and the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. A web-based
automated search through digital libraries
(Kitchenham, et al., 2009) was used. For digital
competence and digital mindset-based scholarly
articles in the company published in scholarly
databases. Three main databases (AIS, ACM &
IEEE) focusing on information systems and computer
science were searched between the period of 2014-
2021 to find the current results.
In addition, a forward and backward Webster &
Watson, 2002) search was carried out, as some papers
were often cited. The following keywords were used
to search the IEEE and ACM databases: (digital
competencies AND company) OR (digital literacy
OR digital skills) OR (craft industry OR craft
enterprises) AND (digital mindset OR digital
attitude). For the AIS database, the following
keywords were used because no hits were found for
the other keywords: (digital competencies AND
company) OR (digital literacy OR digital skills) OR
(craft industry OR craft enterprises) OR (digital
mindset OR digital attitude). Furthermore, a
publication was selected as a source for the analysis
process if the proposed inclusion criteria were met; a
publication was removed from the reference list if it
met the predefined exclusion criteria. Following the
research questions and guidelines for reviewing
publications, the inclusion and exclusion criteria are
as follows: The inclusion criteria are peer-reviewed
paper (journal or conference), explicit mention of
generational terms in abstract, title or keywords, and
collaboration between groups in the context of
digitisation. The exclusion criteria are non-English
language, no explicit mention of digital skills or
digital mindset; paper incomplete as paper in progress
and no scientific methodology available (Okoli &
Schabram, 2010).
The digital competencies and attitudes identified
in the literature were divided into six classifications
(Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018) (personal
competencies, professional competencies, technical
skills, technological competencies, communication
competencies, information-processing competencies).
A focus group discussion with digitalisation experts
was conducted in order to be able to assign the digital
competencies and attitudes for managers and
employees to the categories. The external validity
focuses on the quality of the results identified through
the literature. The focus group discussion was chosen
because it is used to evaluate and further develop
products and services (Henseling, Hahn, & Nolting,
2006), to evaluate measures and their improvement
(Schulz, Mack, & Renn, 2012), to evaluate
differences of opinion (Dürrenberger & Behringer,
1999) and to conduct acceptance analyses (Schulz et
al. 2012). In addition, focus groups remain at the first
level of information and are therefore very suitable
for the analysis of e.g. organisational processes or
structural analyses.
Two focus group discussions were conducted for
the study. The experts came from the university
context and have experience in the field of
digitalisation and consulting in the company. In the
first focus group discussion, four experts
participated. Of these, two were female and eight
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
were male. The ages of the experts were between 23-
50 years. Eight of the experts are research assistants
with a focus on digitalisation, one expert is a
digitalisation consultant and one expert is a
professor in the field of digitalisation. In the second
part, there were six participants. In the first session,
the experts were asked to rank and prioritize the
digital competencies and digital mindset of the
managers on the Miro board. Two figures
(employee, manager) were created and all
competencies and attitudes were assigned and
prioritised with the help of stickers to the respective
classifications that are important for managers and
employees. They were also asked to carry out the
same procedure for the employees in round two. The
sample was N=10. For this purpose, six digital
competencies and mindset classifications were
created, which were published on a virtual Miro-
Board. In the first round, the experts were asked to
classify the digital competencies and mindset for
managers into the categories. In the second round,
the experts were asked to categorize the same
competencies and attitudes for employees. After the
categorisation, open discussion questions were
asked about digital competencies and attitudes. For
the discussion, the following open questions were
asked to check for comprehensibility and to add any
missing competencies and statements:
Table 1: Summary of the questions.
Questions For Focus Group Discussion
Do you find the six classifications understandable?
In your opinion, are there still digital competencies and
attitudes for leaders/employees that should be added?
If yes, what would they be? To which classification
would you assign them?
Do you think the classification of personal
competencies/attitudes and personality traits as a whole
or separately makes sense?
If yes, which personal competencies could you imagine
for leaders/ employees?
What character traits would you see for personality traits
that are relevant for digitalization?
What attitudes would you see for digital mindset that are
relevant for digitalization?
In addition to the open questions, the experts were
asked to rank the digital competencies and attitudes
according to low and high priority. This ranking
should later reflect the current importance of digital
competencies and attitudes. Six experts participated
in the group discussion, which was then recorded
with an audio device, transcribed and categories
were formed. These categories were used to extract
the most important statements in order to expand the
competencies and attitudes if necessary.
DT is the process of adopting and integrating new
digital technologies into business processes to
enable business improvements (Reis, Amorim,
Melao, & Matos, 2018), which in turn requires new
competencies (Butschan, Heidenreich, Weber, &
Kraemer, 2018; Vial, 2019). Digital competencies
have become an important concept in the discussion
about what skills and understanding people should
have in the knowledge society, reflecting ideas
about future requirements in which new
technologies are understood as opportunities (Punie,
2007). Digital competencies are the bundling of a
company's collective competencies that are
necessary for the digital transformation process
(Osmundsen, 2020), which is also pursued in this
study. DT involves the use and incorporation of new
digital technologies into business processes to
enable significant business improvements
(Schwertner, 2017) and often requires a
transformation of the workforce (Eden et al., 2019).
As digital transformation requires not only strong
leadership but also rational decision-making and
strong employee competencies, exploring the
specifics of digitalisation, especially from the
perspective of transforming business leadership, is
very relevant (Egor, 2020). Furthermore, in addition
to structural changes, there is also the change in
employee roles and competencies (Vial, 2019).
When new digital technologies are introduced in a
company, new skills are needed (Vial, 2019).
Competencies related to managing, operating and
interacting with new machines and media, so-called
"digital literacy", are fundamentally desirable in a
rapidly changing environment (Plumanns, Janssen,
Vossen, & Isenhardt, 2019). This is also evident in
sales staff, who are undergoing a transformation due
to technological advances, leading to a new field of
digital literacy (Ilomäki, Paavola, Lakkala, &
Kantosalo, 2016). To increase digital competencies,
organisations should build their own digital talents.
These can be developed by training internal
resources or acquiring external resources (Andriole,
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
2018). Key competencies for employees include
'leading and deciding', 'supporting and
collaborating', 'interacting and presenting',
'analysing and interpreting', 'creating and
conceptualising', 'organising and executing',
'adapting and coping', 'being enterprising' and
'performing' (Prifti et al., 2017). In an established
company, the competencies identified were
teamwork, cooperation, strategic thinking,
interpersonal communication and relationship
building. (Murawski, Bühler, Blatz, & Bick, 2019).
Responsibility is also identified as a component of
digital competence required in the digital world.
Four types of digital competencies have been
defined for this purpose: Information and media
literacy, communicative competence, technical
competence and consumer competence (Grevtseva
et al., 2021). Cloud integration skills should also be
created to increase competitiveness (Mitra,
O'Regan, & Sarpong, 2018). The lack of cloud-
based skills also negatively impacts businesses,
competitiveness and the economy (Blackwood,
2016). Research on digital transformation skills is
limited (Butschan, Heidenreich, Weber, & Kraemer,
2018) and there is little knowledge about which
digital competencies and skills are particularly
important for companies (Butschan, Heidenreich,
Weber, & Kraemer, 2018; Shahlaei, Rangraz, &
Stenmark, 2017).
In summary, digital transformation cannot be
driven without digital competencies of managers
and employees. As there is a multitude of digital
competencies in the literature, the following chapter
classifies the identified competencies and assigns
them to the respective classifications.
3.1 Classifications of Digital
The literature shows a variety of digital competencies
that are relevant for managers as well as for
employees in a company. For this reason, the
identified digital competencies were divided into five
categories (communication competencies,
professional skills, information processing
competencies, technical skills, and technological
competencies). The classifications professional
competencies and technological competencies were
derived from the research of (Tahvanainen & Luoma,
2018). These classifications were chosen because
they cover the most important requirements for
employees and managers (Prifti et al., 2017). The
classifications communication competencies,
information processing competencies and technical
skills were added as they are important categories for
the classification of competencies. communication
competence focuses on an individual's ability to
respond to a conversational situation by
demonstrating skills relevant to the conversational
situation and context (Salleh, 2008). This means that
a person is communicatively competent if the
appropriate communication knowledge is available.
Developing these skills requires adaptation to the
particular requirements of each communication
Table 2: Classification of digital competencies.
Classification and Competencies
Communication Competencies
Digital communication (Hellwig et al., 2020; acatech,
2016; Plumanns et al., 2019; Hummert et al., 2019)
Collaboration (Lipmann, 2020; Weber et al., 2017)
Teamwork (Lipmann, 2020; Weber et al., 2017;
Plumanns et al., 2019, Hummert et al., 2019; Foster et
al., 2018, Singh, A., & Hess, T.,2017)
Cooperation (Lipmann, 2020; Weber et al., 2017)
Interpersonal communication (Grega & Kornecki,
2015; Weber et al., 2017)
Technical communication (Egor, 2020)
M2M communication (acatech, 2016; Henseling et al.,
Interdisciplinary environnements (acatech, 2016;
Henseling et al., 2016)
Maintain customer relationship (acatech, 2016;
Henseling et al., 2016)
Creating business network (acatech, 2016; Henseling et
al., 2016)
Information Processing Competencies
Big data analytics (Henseling et al., 2016; Egor, 2020;
acatech, 2016)
Data analysis (Eggers & Hollmann, 2018; Weber et al.,
2017; Von Ohain, 2019; Egor, 2020; acatech, 2016;
Henseling et al., 2016)
Information seeking (Lipmann, 2020, Weber et al.,
Industry- specific analytics (Mulder, 2014)
Data management (Mulder, 2014)
Information competence (Grega & Kornecki, 2015;
Weber et al., 2017)
Data interpretation (Weber et al., 2017; Egor, 2020;
acatech, 2016; Henseling et al., 2016)
Analysing information (Shahlaei et al., 2017)
Compromising (Egor, 2020)
Including data and network (Egor, 2020; acatech, 2016;
Foster et al., 2018; Henseling et al., 2016)
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
Table 2: Classification of digital competencies (cont.).
Classification and Competencies
Technological Competencies
Digital tools (Guo, 2015; Weber et al., 2017)
Digital devices (Guo, 2015; Weber et al., 2017)
Digital fabrication (Guo, 2015)
Customer service orientation (Lipmann, 2020; Smit et
al., 2016; Egor, 2020; acatech, 2016; Singh & Hess
Digital technology orientation and adoption Mulder,
2014; Weber et al., 2017)
Agile project management (Mulder, 2014)
Safety (Weber et al., 2017)
Digital content creation (Weber et al., 2017)
IT- competency (Schwertner, 2017)
Technology affinity (Grevtseva et al., 2021; acatech,
2016; Henseling et al., 2016)
Digital security (Hummert et al., 2019)
Knowledge about mobile technology (Hummert et al.,
Media competencies Grega & Kornecki, 2015;
Osmundsen, 2020)
Analytical thinking (Egor, 2020; Lipmann, 2020)
Technical Competencies
Cloud based skills (Blackwood, 2016)
Digital documentation (Guo, 2015)
AI/ machine intelligence for business (Guo, 2015;
acatech, 2016)
Agile (Shahlaei et al., 2017)
Programming knowledge (Weber et al., 2017; Egor,
Optimization (acatech, 2016)
Professional Competencies
Strategic thinking (Lipmann, 2020)
Portfolio management (Mulder, 2014)
Process competence (Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018;
Mulder, 2014)
Change-management skills (Schwertner, 2017;
Henseling et al., 2016; Singh & Hess ,2017)
Project management (Singh & Hess, 2017)
Stewardship of resources (Lipmann, 2020)
Customer competence (Grega & Kornecki, 2015)
Knowledge management (Grevtseva et al., 2021)
Self-management and organization (Hummert et al.,
2019; Sebastian et al., 2017)
Management Ability (Sebastian et al., 2017)
Knowledge management and organisation (Grevtseva et
al., 2021; Hummert et al., 2019)
Organisational awareness (Lipmann, 2020)
Life-long learning (Hummert et al., 2019; Foster et al.,
One of the important categories is technological
competence, which is relevant for the digital
transformation. Technological competence relates to
the level of productive forces, work and life that has
been achieved, as well as the technological systems,
processes and products, e.g. machines, which
underlie the productive forces and relations of
production. (Dahmen-Adkins & Thaler, 2019).
Professional competence is considered the
overarching, integrated and generalised ability to
perform effectively in a specific professional activity,
job, role, operational context and task situation over
time (Mulder, 2014). Professionals in all fields are
expected to have professional competencies; these
include the ability to organise one's own work,
analytical skills, leadership skills, teamwork skills,
communication and interpersonal skills, and
problem-solving skills (Tahvanainen & Luoma,
2018). The last classification of digital competencies
deals with technical competencies. Technical
competencies include knowledge of the methods and
procedures used in the field of IT and information
systems management (Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018).
The most often mentioned competencies are
programming and AI/machine intelligence for
enterprises. Accordingly, these competencies are the
basic ones for the technical classifications.
The term digital mindset is referred to as a keyword
in the context of digital transformation and expresses
the need to think in a new way (Oswald &
Kleinemeier, 2017). Kollmann (2020) defines digital
mindset as the inner attitude and positive attitude
towards existing and new digital application
possibilities. Digital business transformation still has
a long way to go, sometimes being trapped in the
cultural legacy that has worked for a long time.
Companies are investing heavily in training their
employees to cope with change (Von Ohain, 2019).
Leadership in the digital age is a question of inner
attitude, which requires a distinct digital mindset that
personality also plays an essential role (Eggers &
Hollmann, 2018). In this context, the digital mindset
is a factor of exponential development that makes
companies successful in the long term. It is important
to show employees the importance of digital
transformation and mindset. The first step is to
identify how pronounced the mindset of the
employees is, which can be found out through
different frameworks and accordingly measures or
learning paths can be derived (Knorr, 2020). It is also
assumed that employees' beliefs about personal and
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
societal factors in relation to technological progress
have an influence on employees' behaviour in digital
transformation measures. Accordingly, the success of
digital transformation measures depends on the
conscious involvement of employees in the change
process (Solberg et al., 2020). For this reason, the
fundamental understanding of the employees' digital
mindset is of central importance. In order for the
digital mindset to adapt to the corporate strategy and
the future viability of the company, it should first be
identified for each employee in which area they
currently stand with their mindset and in which areas
development and advancement opportunities are still
lacking (Knorr, 2020). Digitalisation has a positive
effect on perceived job satisfaction, internal
capacities and organizational climate (Hummert et
al., 2019). Attitudes and digital literacy show a
significant positive effect on self-efficacy (Daniel,
Mazanov, Meacheam, Heaslip, & Hanson, 2016).
One of the biggest challenges for established
organisations is digital transformation if skilled and
competent leadership does not manage it. Ala-Mutka
(2011) develops a digital competence model for
citizens and integrates the basic digital attitudes that
people need for digitalisation. These basic digital
mindsets include the intercultural and collaborative
mindset, the critical and creative mindset and the
autonomous and responsible mindset. The traits of
generosity, growth, flexibility, affability, curiosity,
teamwork and embracing diversity are also key
factors of the digital mindset concept
(Chattopadhyay, 2020). For digital leaders, the
characteristics empathic, innovative, open and agile
are the essential attitudes (Von Ohain, 2019).
Dombrowski and Bogs (2020) add networking,
participation and trust as relevant factors for digital
transformation for leaders. In addition to digital
attitudes for leaders, the most important factors for
employees have also been identified. To become
resilient, it is necessary to experience successes and
failures. In this context, mindset resilience plays an
important role for employees to develop a new
mindset. To be able to reflect on the experiences, it is
necessary to take risks. The last area is for employees
to reflect on their behaviour and attitudes, because
values and competencies usually do not change
without a lot of effort, while professional
competencies can be taught (Holtel et al., 2019).
Digital Mindset is an important prerequisite for DT
and represents a set of attitudes that are required.
Traits, skills and attitudes are driven throughout the
organisation by values, processes, structures and
functions to create the necessary mindset base for
digital transformation. The literature revealed that the
traits empathic, innovative, open, agile, networked,
participative and trusting are prominent as relevant
for leaders. According to the literature, the employee
characteristics for digital transformation are
resilience and risk-taking.
4.1 Classifications of Digital Mindset
There are many characteristics and attitudes for the
digital mindset in the literature. These were identified
through a systematic literature search and listed in a
classification (Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018).
(personal competence/ personality traits/ attitude).
Table 3: Classification of attitudes, personality traits and
personal competencies.
Classification and Mindset
Openly dealing with failure (Holtel et al., 2020)
Resistance (Holtel et al., 2020; Singh & Hess,
Trusting instinct (Holtel et al., 2020),
Self- control and Self-confidence (Murawski et
al., 2019)
Visioning (Murawski et al., 2019; Von Ohain,
Result-oriented mindset ( Müller et al., 2019;
Murawski et al., 2019)
Competitive and innovative mindset ( Müller et
al., 2019)
Enthusiastic (Von Ohain, 2019)
Respectful (Von Ohain, 2019)
Communicative (Von Ohain, 2019; Grevtseva et
al., 2021; Sousa & Wilks, 2018),
Emotional intelligence (Von Ohain, 2019)
Risk-taking (Von Ohain, 2019; Petter et al., 2018)
Curious (Von Ohain, 2019)
Creativity (Erol et al., 2016; Richter et al., 2015;
Kiesel & Wolpers, 2015; Von Ohain, 2019; Sousa
& Wilks, 2018)
Taking responsibility (Smit et al., 2016; Petter et
al., 2018; Von Ohain, 2019)
Broad-minded (Von Ohain, 2019; Petter et al.,
Openness to learning (Petter et al., 2018)
Flexibility (Erol et al., 2016; acatech, 2016;
Richter et al., 2015; Kiesel & Wolpers, 2015)
Inspirational skills (Singh & Hess, 2017;
Tahvanainen & Luoma, 2018)
The most frequently identified personal
competencies, attitudes and characteristics are
visioning, communicativeness, risk-taking, curiosity,
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
imagination, flexibility, creativity and inspirational
ability (see table 1). In order to assign these
competencies and attitudes to managers and
employees, a focus group discussion was conducted,
which is described in the following chapter.
The results show that the majority of the identified
competencies and attitudes are necessary for leaders
to move forward in digital transformation. The
prioritization revealed that among the technological
competencies, digital technology acceptance, digital
shares, digital technology orientation, agile project
management, analytical thinking, customer service
orientation and digital tools are high priority for
leaders. Technology affinity, security, media literacy
and digital security are in the middle priority. Digital
manufacturing, digital content creation and mobile
technology knowledge competencies were rated as
low priority. Agility and optimization are important
technical competencies for leaders. The competencies
cloud-based skills, AI/machine intelligence for
business and programming skills are of low relevance
for executives.
The following competencies were classified as
high priority: Results orientation, customer
competence, self-management and organization,
strategic thinking, organisational awareness,
knowledge management, management skills, process
improvement, project management, Change
management, business acumen, process competence,
lifelong learning and entrepreneurship. The experts
see the competencies control of resources as less
important and portfolio management in the midfield.
In the field of communication competencies, the
results indicate that all fields in this area were rated
with high priority. This shows that communication
skills are a crucial function for leaders in digital
transformation. The information processing
competencies results were also classified with a high
weighting, with the exception of Inclusive Data and
The traits imaginative and enthusiastic were
classified as low priority in the classification of
personal competencies, attitudes and personality
traits. Competitive Mindset also tends to be a low
priority for managers. In the middle range, there are
the following attitudes and personality traits: trusting
instinct, transparency, adventurousness and
trustworthiness. All other competencies, attitudes and
personality traits were rated as high value for leaders.
This shows that in addition to competencies, attitudes
and personality traits are also essential for the
implementation of digital transformation.
For this reason, the comprehensibility of the
classifications was discussed in the open discussion.
For example, one expert (E1) commented on the
personal competencies, mindset and personality traits
as follows: "I think it makes sense to separate the
whole thing. Certain personality traits are defined in
such a way that you cannot really change them. On
the other hand, it is quite good to separate attitudes
towards cognitive competencies and abilities,
because it is already a different level". Different
recommendations regarding the classifications were
made during the open discussion. In addition, some
competencies that are considered important for
managers for digital transformation were also added.
Regarding the lack of digital competencies and
attitudes, the expert (E1) commented as follows:
“Therefore, there are still a lot of IT competencies
that could be included, but then we still have to think
about the level we want to have”. In the digital
attitudes field, the expert (E2) stated: "Especially
when you think about Ferrari's digital competence
framework, so in the direction of ethics and
responsibility, whether you could add something to
that, especially in the area of recruitment". On
personal competencies, the expert (E3) noted that
"vision is very important for leaders. But also
flexibility". As important attitudes for leaders, the
expert (E2) said that "the willingness to change as
relevant or also flexibility but maybe also towards
digital learning and coaching and especially with
ethics and responsibility" are important aspects.
Another factor for the digital attitude was that "in the
context of the data flood to which one is simply
exposed to digitalization, critical thinking is
becoming more and more relevant" (E4).
According to the second focus group, digital
technology orientation, analytical thinking, customer
service orientation, IT competency, technology
affinity, agile project management, digital security
and safety are the most important competencies for
managers. The competencies digital fabrication,
digital technology adoption, knowledge about mobile
technology, digital devices and digital tools were
prioritised as less relevant. Among the technical
competencies, agile, optimizing, cloud based skills
and digital documentation show a high relevance for
managers in digital transformation. AI/machine
intelligence for business and programming were
prioritised as low. Process improvement, customer
competence, self-management and organisation,
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
result orientation, organisational awareness,
management skills, lifelong learning, project
management and entrepreneurship, which were
classified as professional competencies, were
prioritised as high. The competencies knowledge
management and stewardship of resources are
considered less important. In the classification of
personal competencies, attitudes and personality
traits, the following competencies were seen to be of
high importance: Innovative mindset, taking
responsibility, flexibility, openness to learning and
emotional intelligence. Less relevant are the
interdisciplinary environments and collaboration in
the classification of communication competencies.
Teamwork and creating business network are the
most important for managers. The most frequently
mentioned and highly prioritised information
processing competencies include industry specific
analytics, data analysis, compromising, data
interpretation, information seeking and analysing
information, whereas the experts see the
competencies data management, including data and
network and big data analytics as less relevant for
managers. In the discussion part, questions were
asked about the comprehensibility of the
classifications. The expert said that it was for
"understandable" (E2). However, there was overlap
in some competencies such as "analytical thinking".
For example, the expert commented as follows: "It
could also fit the Professional or Personal or
Mindset" (E2). In addition, one expert (E4) said that
it is sometimes difficult to delimit the categories. If
you have something like management skills or project
management. That includes things like change
management, knowledge management and the
weighting is difficult. This shows that the sub-aspects
of project management should be taken into account
and not project management in general. When asked
which competencies and attitudes for managers
should be added, the participant said that "this is
really broadly covered, i.e. personal" (E1). In this
context, "a lot of characteristics were taken and I
personally would not think of any other" (E1).
Whether the classification of personal competencies,
attitudes and characteristics should be separated or
considered as a whole, the experts said as follows: "If
we were to separate them now, a lot of them will
overlap. That's why I would keep it as a whole" (E1).
The experts (E4, E2) also confirmed this statement.
Through the two focus groups it became apparent
that some competencies and attitudes for managers
are reflected and also classified as high priority.
These are: digital technology orientation, agile
project management, IT competencies (technological
competencies), agile, optimisation (technical
competencies), result orientation, customer
competence, self-management and organisation,
organisational awareness, management skills, process
improvement, project management, life-long learning
and entrepreneurship (professional competencies).
Creating business network and teamwork were rated
as very relevant by both focus groups
(communication competencies). For information
processing competencies, industry-specific analytics,
information seeking, data analysis and data
interpretation were prioritised highly. There is also
overlap and high prioritisation in personal
competencies/attitudes and characteristics. These
include resistance, resilience, self-confidence and
learn motivation.
The results show that most of the identified
competencies and mindsets have a high priority level.
The findings of the technological competencies
indicate that digital tools, IT literacy, technology
affinity, digital technology adoption, digital security,
media literacy, mobile technology knowledge, digital
content creation and analytical thinking are the most
significant competencies for employees in the near
future. Agile project management, digital
manufacturing, customer service orientation, security
and digital technology orientation, on the other hand,
are less important for employees. The most important
technical skills are programming skills, agile, digital
documentation and cloud-based skills. This shows
that both technical and technological skills matter to
employees. Personal skills, attitudes and personality
traits are also crucial factors in driving digital
transformation. Accordingly, the experts rated the
following competencies, attitudes and characteristics
as particularly crucial: initiative, self-control, self-
confidence, resilience, open-mindedness, critical
thinking, motivation to learn, transparency,
adaptability, communicativeness, willingness to
learn, results-oriented mindset, curiosity, resilience,
innovative mindset, respect, performance orientation
and perseverance. In the middle range are the
competencies, attitudes and traits: Resourceful,
emotional intelligence, trustworthy, competitive
mindset, adventurous and enthusiastic. The traits
instinct of trust, capacity for abstraction, willingness
to take risks, flexibility, sense of responsibility,
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
ability to inspire, acceptance of responsibility,
decisiveness, vision, open-mindedness in dealing
with failure and global mindset were weighted less
strongly by the experts.
The most significant among the employees'
professional competencies are result orientation,
knowledge management, self-management and
organization, strategic thinking, lifelong learning,
management skills and conceptual thinking.
Customer competence was the only one rated as
average by the experts. The competencies resource
management, portfolio management, project
management, business acumen, organizational
awareness, entrepreneurship, change management
and process improvement were rated as having little
relevance to employees. For communication skills, all
but the competencies of building a business network
and maintaining client relationships were rated as
high priority. The last skill, information processing,
is also essential for implementing digital
transformation. Therefore, employees should be able
to demonstrate the competencies considering data and
network, managing data, finding compromises and
searching for information. The competencies
analysing information and data analysis were
considered a medium priority. Finally, the
digitalisation experts rated data interpretation,
industry-specific analytics and big data analytics as
less relevant.
In the discussion part, questions were asked about
the understandability of the classifications. The
expert (E1) asked, "Where is the difference between
technological and technical competencies?"
According to the expert (E1), the two classifications
are "not clearly distinguishable" and would see the
technical competencies "rather as development
competencies". The expert (E4), in which he
commented as follows, also confirmed this statement:
"I also found the differentiation between
technological and technical not so obvious, and I had
also added comments about individual competencies
that I could not really understand what was meant by
two or three terms". In response to the question
whether the classification should consider personal
competencies, mindset, personality traits as a whole
or separately, the expert (E1) expressed that "you
should look at it separately". Regarding the question
which digital competencies, mindset and personality
traits are still missing, the expert (E2) answered that
"an independent way of working and dealing with
complexity" should still be added as a competence.
Furthermore, the characteristics and competence
"ethics", knowledge "of digital trends in
digitalization" (E2) and "adaptation" (E3) were
In order to find out the relevant personality traits
and digital attitudes for employees, experts were
consulted. For example, the expert (E4) suspects that
"the whole digital transformation is also transferring
more and more responsibility to the employees". The
attitude of "readiness" (E4) is also becoming
increasingly important, which is also confirmed by
expert (E2). She, in turn, said, "especially when we
talk about lifelong learning, the employee has to
bring in and adapt a certain space".
The measurement results of the second focus
group in the classification of technological
competencies show that digital tools, IT-competency,
technology affinity, digital technology orientation,
digital technology adoption, digital security, media
competence, knowledge about mobile technology,
digital content creation and analytical thinking are the
most important competencies for employees. The
lower ranked competencies include knowledge about
mobile technology, digital fabrication, safety, agile
project management, digital devices, digital security
and digital content creation. The competencies agile
and digital documentation are the most relevant
technical competencies and AI/machine intelligence
for business and cloud-based skills were prioritised as
less relevant. In the classification of personal
competencies, attitudes and characteristics, the
following were given high priority: Openness to
learning, openly dealing with failure, openness to
learning, achievement orientation, respectful,
transparency, trustworthy, self-control, adaptability,
result-oriented mindset, communicative and
creativity. In the low range are ability to abstract,
imaginative, risk taking, curious, inspirational skills,
competitive mindset, global mindset and
decisiveness. The low prioritised professional skills
include portfolio management, knowledge
management, change management, strategic
thinking, project management, management skills
and entrepreneurship. The most relevant professional
competencies were process improvement, customer
competence, result orientation, conceptual thinking,
lifelong learning, process competence, self-
management and organisation. Among the
information processing competencies, analysing
information, big data analytics and data interpretation
were ranked high and prioritised. Data management,
information seeking, compromising, data analysis,
industry specific analytics and information
competence were classified as low. In the last
classification are communication skills. Here, M2M
communication and teamwork for employees were
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
seen as the most important competencies for digital
transformation. Cooperation and interpersonal
communication are less important. In the discussion
round, the experts named the following as the most
important characteristics for digital transformation:
"openness" (E2), which was also confirmed by the
expert (E1) and the characteristic "flexibility" was
also seen as an important characteristic. In addition,
one participant added the characteristic "persistence",
saying that one must "overcome difficulties" (E3).
From both focus groups, it became clear that
certain competencies and attitudes for employees
were reflected and rated with high priority. Digital
tools, IT competence, technology affinity, digital
technology use, media competence and analytical
thinking (technological competencies) were highly
prioritised by both groups. For technical
competencies, agility and digital documentation were
ranked as important. Results orientation, self-
management and organisation, lifelong learning and
conceptual thinking (technical competencies) are the
most important competencies for employees
according to both focus groups. For personal
competencies/attitudes and attributes, self-control,
transparency, adaptability, communicatively,
willingness to learn, result-oriented thinking, respect
and performance orientation are considered relevant
for both groups. For communication competencies,
there is only one match and that is the ability to work
in a team. There is no overlap in the information
processing competencies.
The aim of this study was to allocate and prioritise the
identified digital competencies, attitudes and
personality traits to managers and employees with the
help of digitalisation experts. The results of the study
show that the majority of the identified digital
competencies, attitudes and traits are relevant for both
managers and employees. Different digital
competencies and attitudes for employees and
managers have been studied in the literature. In this
context, the identified competencies (Murawski,
Bühler, Blatz, & Bick, 2019; (Grevtseva, Bashtanar,
Isakova, Balikaeva, & Kirillova, 2021; Butschan,
Heidenreich, Weber, & Kraemer, 2018; Shahlaei,
Rangraz, & Stenmark, 2017) and attitudes (Ala-
Mutka, 2011; Chattopadhyay, 2020) are limited to the
general public. In addition, studies have identified
limited competencies and attitudes, which in turn has
been extended by the present work. This study
identifies the key competencies and attitudes for
managers and employees that have not been included
in many works (Osmundsen, 2020; Müller et al.,
2019; Foster et al., 2018; Hellwig et al., 2020;
Grevtseva et al.,2021; Weber et al., 2017). For this
purpose, digital attitudes were included in this work
in addition to digital competencies, which the
literature also does not include. In addition, a ranking
of digital competencies and digital attitudes was
carried out. This showed that some competencies and
attitudes are more relevant for employees and others
for managers. A ranking of the identified
competencies and attitudes does not exist in the
literature either. The identified general factors of
Chattopadhyay's (2020) digital mindset concept
could be extended in the present study by ranking
further characteristics as crucial for digital
transformation for both managers and employees.
The basic characteristics and mindset of managers
(Von Ohain, 2019; Dombrowski and Bogs, 2020)
were added through mapping and prioritisation. The
digital attitudes identified in the literature (Holtel et
al., 2019) were also supplemented with new attitudes
and characteristics that are important for digital
transformation. When comparing the two focus
groups, it became apparent that some of the
competencies and attitudes overlapped. On closer
inspection, it became clear that few competencies and
attitudes were assigned and prioritised in the second
focus group for employees and managers. Therefore,
it can be said that for further research, the two focus
group results should be merged and used as one
instrument. The interview also pointed out that some
terms should be explained in more detail and the
technical classification as a development competence
should be changed. Additionally, as a limitation, it
can be said that the databases should be expanded in
the systematic literature search. In addition, it is
reasonable to carry out searches for relationships
between categories. These can be relevant for the
strategy and measures aimed at developing the
competencies and attitudes.
This study investigates the digital competencies and
digital attitudes of managers and employees in the
company. A systematic literature review was
conducted to identify the existing competencies and
attitudes in the literature. These were classified into
six classifications to get an overview of the
competencies and attitudes. Using a qualitative
A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees
research methodology, a focus group discussion with
digital experts was conducted. The aim was to map
and prioritise the identified digital competencies and
attitudes among employees and managers. The results
show that some competencies and attitudes reflect
those identified in the literature. In addition, many
competencies and attitudes are relevant to both
employees and managers. As the study was not
limited to a specific sector, the identified
competencies and attitudes can be explored in the
future with a qualitative methodology on a specific
sector to gain new results and insights. As this work
includes many classifications, a kind of ontology of
digital competencies could be defined. Furthermore,
it is important to find out how pronounced the digital
competencies and attitudes of managers and
employees are. There are various frameworks that can
be used for this.
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A Qualitative Study on the Categorisation and Prioritisation of Digital Competencies and Attitudes for Managers and Employees