Content of the Universal Competence on the Ability to Form
Intolerant Attitude towards Corrupt Behavior
S. M. Nikolaev
Pskov State University, Pskov, Russia
Keywords: Corruption, Intolerant Attitude to Corrupt Behavior, Values-Based Orientations.
Abstract: The requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education are prescribed to form universal
competencies in students of intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior. This process is of a systemic nature
and cannot be effectively solved by applying a separate technology or studying specific prohibiting norms of
law. The interdisciplinarity and uncertainty of the corruption problem led to the construction of the study
based on the use of a complex of methodological approaches: humanistic, systemic, activity-based and
axiological. To analyze the causes and motives of corruption-related crimes, a study was conducted of the
attitude to corruption manifestations of 3276 law enforcement officers, as well as 573 former employees of
various law enforcement agencies convicted of committing corruption crimes. The ability to form an
intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior is expressed in a meaningful choice by the subject of a position
to counteract corruption risks in all areas of his life, based on the corresponding values (honesty, care,
independence, discipline, responsibility, diligence, simplicity, courage, justice), which must be formed in the
process of specially organized anti-corruption training.
The importance and relevance of measures to
improve the effectiveness of countering corruption is
beyond dispute. Over the past 10 years, over 3 million
breaches of anti-corruption legislation have been
identified in Russia. In 2019, 234.7 thousand
breaches of anti-corruption legislation were identified
and suppressed in Russia, more than 30 thousand
corruption crimes were registered. What is more, all
tendencies in the structure and dynamics of
corruption crime exist and develop.
In the Russian Federation, "corruption" is not only
a concept of criminal law, but also a collective term
for various types of offenses - from disciplinary
offenses to criminal offenses. The broad meaning of
the concept of "corruption" touches all spheres of life
of the state and implies a violation of the legal and
social foundations of the development of society on
the basis of the transformation of state service into a
means of enrichment. The consequences of
unfounded enrichment are: economic damage to the
state, lowering of moral and ethical standards of
citizens' behavior, distortion of the boundaries of
social justice and legal consciousness.
To actualize the importance of preventive
measures to prevent corruption offenses, the Ministry
of Science and Higher Education, starting from 2019,
introduced the universal competence "Able to form
an intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior" in the
federal state educational standards of higher
education "3++" within the formation of a civil
position among students.
It is out of question that the problem of the
formation of a student's intolerant attitude towards
corrupt behavior is of a systemic nature and cannot be
effectively solved by using a separate technology or
studying specific prohibitive norms of law.
Taking into account the complexity,
interdisciplinarity and significant role of pedagogical
mechanisms in the study of the formation of a
student's intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior
led to the construction of the research at the levels of
Nikolaev, S.
Content of the Universal Competence on the Ability to Form Intolerant Attitude towards Corrupt Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0010671900003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 562-568
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
philosophical, general scientific and specific
scientific methodology (Yudin, 1978). The research
was based on the use of a complex of methodological
approaches: humanistic, systemic, activity-based and
The use of a humanistic approach (Asmolov),
2008; V.А. Slastenin (Slastenin and Chizhakova,
2003) G.I. Chizhakova and others) made it possible
to assess corruption relations in the state as a problem
for each individual person. The systems approach
(V.I. Novosel'cev (Novosel'cev, 2006), V.N.
Sadovskij (Sadovskij, 1974), А.I. Uemov (Uemov,
2004) and others) was used to characterize intolerant
attitudes towards corrupt behavior. The axiological
approach (L.V. Baeva (Baeva, 2004), M.S. Kagan
(Kagan, 1997), V.А. Yadov (Yadov, 2013) and
others) made it possible to assess and substantiate the
formation of the subject's readiness for corrupt
behavior and the suppression of such behavior. The
provisions of the activity-based approach (L.S.
Vygotskij (Vygotskij, 2000), S.I. Zmeyov (Zmeyov,
2002), I.S. Kon (Kon, 1984), А.N. Leont'ev
(Leont'ev, 1975), V.А. Yadov (Yadov, 2013) and
others) made it possible to substantiate the
coordination of actions to implement intolerance of
corrupt behavior, to consider the peculiarities of the
formation of motives and needs.
We analyzed the causes of corruption-related
crimes in order to identify the system and
technologies of training intolerant attitude to corrupt
behavior from 2009 to 2018, during which we
conducted a study of attitudes towards corruption
manifestations of 3,276 law enforcement officers, as
well as 573 former employees of various law
enforcement agencies convicted of committing
corruption crimes. In the course of the analysis of
corruption crimes in Russia and the results of the
survey, the features of psychophysiological
protective mechanisms were identified and described
in the formation of a positive or neutral assessment by
the subject of a breach of the law. The findings made
it possible to reveal that the convicted law
enforcement officers have a slightly different view of
the questions posed, looking for self-justification in
the answers for the crimes committed and changing
their status. The defence mechanism for justifying
one's criminal activity is designed to neutralize, on a
subconscious level, the adverse impact of the
committed offense on the moral and ethical state of
the employee. Thus, when answering the question:
"What do you think is the reason for such a high level
of corruption in law enforcement agencies?", 67% of
the interviewed employees and 81% of convicts from
among former employees indicated the absence of a
systemic anti-corruption education. Among the most
effective measures for the formation of anti-
corruption behavior, 79% of the interviewed convicts
from among former employees noted the need to
educate civil officers in order to acquire knowledge.
To clarify the content of the concept of "the ability to
form an intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior",
we turn our attention to the consideration of the
category of "intolerance" as hostility, unwillingness
to accept and tolerate anything (Efremova, 2000).
Refusal to commit any actions is the basis for the
normal and harmonious development of an
individual. "Even in the cornerstone of modern
morality - in the ten commandments - eight of the ten
commandments are in the nature of a prohibition,
restriction ("Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not
steal"...), and only two prescribe a specific type of
behavior," - says I. D. Frumin (Frumin, 2011).
In order to characterize the concept of
"intolerance", we address to the analysis of the
subject's activity. V.А. Yadov (Yadov, 2013)
introduces the concept of "dispositional hierarchy",
which is understood as the product of the collision of
needs and situations (conditions) in which the
corresponding needs can be satisfied and are fixed in
the personality structure as a result of experience. The
logical and psychological consistency of activity is
achieved by matching the levels of the hierarchy. The
behavioral system of the dispositional hierarchy is
structured and brought into a state of stable integrity,
depending on the processes occurring in the cognitive
and emotional subsystems.
Coordination of the student's activities on
intolerance of corruption should be achieved by the
correspondence and consistency of the levels of the
elementary fixed attitudes based on the needs
for the physical existence of the student;
social attitudes based on the student's
assessment of himself as a member of society;
the general (dominant) orientation of the
interests of the student's personality based on
the formed need and identification of himself
as a citizen who has certain duties to society
and bears the corresponding responsibility;
value-based orientations for the goals of life
and the means of achieving them, justified by
the higher social needs of the individual in self-
development and self-expression.
Content of the Universal Competence on the Ability to Form Intolerant Attitude towards Corrupt Behavior
An intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior
implies the stabilization of the internal consistency of
the student's personality, the prevention of a possible
conflict of value orientations, the satisfaction of
which is possible with the help of corrupt behavior.
In activities on intolerant attitude towards corrupt
behavior and compliance with anti-corruption
standards of official behavior, mental modeling of a
possible life situation, an assessment of
circumstances, an analysis of possible alternatives of
behavior, a mental assessment of their effectiveness
and a rational decision taking into account the
experience of the subject, accumulated knowledge,
spiritual and moral states, are of particular
The basis for an intolerant attitude towards
corrupt behavior is the formation of values and value
orientations that determine this type of activity. The
formation of values that determine the corruption
combating should be based on the subject's
independent choice of various possible options for
behavior and building a life line. A person as an
individual is characterized by the ability to think
critically, make a conscious choice and accept the
consequences of his choice for himself and society as
a whole. The result of the formation of values that
determine the corruption combating should be the
ability not only to understand the world, society, the
state and the processes taking place in it, but also to
have the skills to change part of public relations and
counteract negative life situations and corruption
To highlight the values that determine the
intolerance of corrupt behavior, we address to foreign
experience in combating corruption.
К. Komalasari, D. Saripudin (Komalasari and
Saripudin, 2015) identified the following values that
determine corruption combating: honesty, hard work,
courage, responsibility, independence, justice,
discipline, modesty, attention. S. Sarmini, U.
Nadirokh, T. Suyanto, M. Swanda (Sarmini, Totok
and Ulin, 2018; 2017) analyzing the anti-corruption
culture in Indonesia, identify anti-corruption values:
honesty, responsibility, courage, justice, openness,
discipline, simplicity, hard work and care. R. Asia,
based on the study of the experience of anti-
corruption education in Nigeria, points out the
necessity of regular training in the values of fairness,
hard work, responsibility, honesty and obedience
(Romina, 2020)
Vidu, E. Indravati, D. Muliani, (Widya, Ena and
Desy, 2020) analyzing the models of anti-corruption
education in Indonesia, direct attention to the need to
consider the most relevant issues of moral education
aimed at the formation of values: honesty, care,
independence, discipline, responsibility, hard work,
simplicity, courage, justice.
The comparison of the values we have identified
(Nikolaev and Godunov, 2019) made it possible to
identify the following main values that determine the
choice of corruption combating: honesty, awareness,
independence, responsibility, disinterestedness,
rationality. At the same time, value orientations
towards combating corruption determine the focus of
the subject on the formation and evaluative attitude to
the system of fixed values. They determine the solid
refusal of the subject from entering into corrupt
relations and the ability of anti-corruption activities.
Considering the world experience of education in
the field of corruption combating, it is necessary to
highlight the special studies of Dr. V. Amukova and
prof. S.O. Gung (Wycliffe, 2013) In their research on
anti-corruption education, scientists pay attention to
the role of moral factors in the formation of anti-
corruption consciousness. Scientists focus on the
formation of the student's morality, his understanding
of the legal provisions regulating the fight against
corruption. Special emphasis is given to the
importance of practicing specific practical situations
of combating corruption, which greatly facilitates the
choice of behavior in a situation of corruption risks.
The works of K. Komalasari, D. Saripudini
(Indonesia), which indicate that education for the
eradication of corruption should take the form of an
intersection between character education and civic
education, are of great importance. Anti-corruption
education is integrated into the content of the civic
academic programme and should be based on value-
based learning and a contextual approach to teaching
and learning. These provisions are of particular
importance in the development of the concept of
preparation for anti-corruption activities in a higher
educational institution of the Penal Enforcement
System and require more detailed development.
К. Komalasari, D. Saripudini define the following
provisions as conditions for the effective
implementation of values as part of preparation for
anti-corruption activities:
educational modules that develop values
should be easily understood by learners and
presented in a simple language;
the content of training should include the
concepts and meanings of combating
corruption, the principal directions of fight
against corruption;
preparation for anti-corruption activities should
be integrated into the content of the academic
programme and be based on value learning and
a contextual approach to learning;
anti-corruption values must be known and
understood by trainees. This requires their
implementation and adaptation in everyday
It is critical that the anti-corruption values
highlighted by scientists are common values that are
necessary for the formation of a law-abiding citizen
of the state. V. Amukova and S.O. Gunga (Wycliffe,
203) point out that it makes sense to integrate anti-
corruption training into various academic disciplines
(civic education, history, politics, religion, economics
or ethics). We agree with scientists on the issue of the
interrelationship of various fields of knowledge, their
general orientation to achieve the result of combating
corruption. Although most disciplines are not relevant
to the fight against corruption, they are all implicitly
related to it. These provisions of V. Amukova and
S.O. Gunga are associated with the fact that the
acquired knowledge raises moral issues and forms the
concept of public benefits and social justice, which
are the key to understanding the need to fight
Let's consider the main points of the experience of
organizing anti-corruption education in Indonesia.
Thus, Sarmini Sarmini, Ulin Nadirokh, Totok
Suyanto (Sarmini, Totok and Ulin, 2017; 2018),
analyzing the anti-corruption culture in Indonesia,
point out that anti-corruption education should be
based on various educational activities aimed at
forming students' knowledge about concepts,
principles, cause and effect relationships, negative
consequences, overcoming and preventing corruption
and criminal corruption. This will broaden the
knowledge of the trainees and provide an
understanding of anti-corruption materials that will
help to avoid deviant behavior in the future. M.
Mukodi, A. Burkhanundin, H. Hadi Abdullah
(Mukodi, Afid and Haryono, 2019) prove the
effectiveness of combatting corruption through
educational institutions in Indonesia. A crucial point
is related to raising and developing the idea of
combating corruption for students based on the
formation of anti-corruption perception, modeling
training and developing a strategy for the
implementation of anti-corruption education.
Parji, F. Chasanatun examined the effectiveness
of the model of anti-corruption education through the
biographies of different people. Thuswise, examples
in anti-corruption education come from many people
in society, including teachers, school principals,
national heroes, as well as individuals themselves;
there is a relationship between the ability to read,
motivation to search for information and emotional
mastery in learning (Parji, 2019).
Teachers play an important role in the
implementation of preparation for anti-corruption
activities in the Penal Enforcement System. For
example, the findings of a survey in Mexico show that
teachers are considered the second most important
professional group in the fight against corruption,
second only to the family. Teachers are the bearers
of values such as honesty and honor, which can have
a determining influence on the future professional
relationships and behavior of students. A survey in
Nigeria gave similar results - even in a poverty
stricken country where corruption permeates all
spheres of society, citizens consider the integrity of
the personality of teachers to be the main factor in the
formation of students' attitudes towards corruption
(Stealing the Future).
V. Amukova, S. Gunga (Wycliffe, 2013) note that
teachers of anti-corruption training must have the
knowledge required and skills to effectively manage
the transfer of content to students. The teacher's
approach to teaching should take into account the
cognitive level of the learners and their ability to
understand the knowledge being received. The
transmission of significant conclusions and thoughts
is fundamental for the professional activities of
teachers. Their actions are critical to ensuring quality
anti-corruption training and should help each trainee
to fulfill their potential.
In view of this, for the formation of universal
competence in terms of the ability to form an
intolerant attitude towards corrupt behavior, the
student must
the state of the problem of corruption relations;
origins, concepts and meanings of corruption
legal and regulatory framework of combating
corruption risks in professional activities;
the content of the values that determine the
refusal of the subject to enter into corrupt
be able to:
observe the norms of morality, ethics and law;
analyze corruption relations;
control incoming information about corruption,
come to appropriate conclusions;
identify and prevent corruption risks in
professional activities;
analyze and adjust internal needs to prevent
entering into corrupt relations;
Content of the Universal Competence on the Ability to Form Intolerant Attitude towards Corrupt Behavior
the skills to use knowledge about corruption
relations in various fields of activity;
the skills of independent preparation for anti-
corruption activities;
the skills of analyzing and correcting attitudes
towards events and subjects related to
corruption risks.
It is significant that, given the systemic nature of the
problem of corruption in modern society, it is
impossible to assert that a student, after completing
training for anti-corruption activities, will never
participate in corrupt behavior and not violate the
system of prohibitions and restrictions. Human
activity is a complex category, it is not always
predictable and amenable to analysis. It is of immense
complexity to unambiguously predict the needs of the
subject that appear under the influence of the external
environment and life circumstances and the activities
to meet them.
The ability to form an intolerant attitude towards
corrupt behavior and comply with anti-corruption
standards of service behavior includes a procedure for
assessing the significance of objects and phenomena
by the subject, as a result of which the subject's
attitude to the evaluated object is established in order
to determine its meaning. Assessment suggests
mutual comparison with our subjective views and
ideas, which perform the function of a criterion,
measuring tool, norm in the assessment process, and
thereby allow us to come to a value judgment
(Sutuzhko, 2008).
The subject of the assessment is the ability to meet
the actual needs of the subject, or such elements that
are associated with the meeting these needs. The basis
of the assessment is the point of view of which the
assessment is made (Sutuzhko V.V., 2008). Internal
bases express the emotional sphere of the subject, his
feelings, sensations, positive and negative emotions
related to the mental sphere of likes and dislikes.
External bases are oriented towards the cognitive
sphere, they reflect the knowledge of the subject,
formed by the relationship of the mental and social
nature of the reality surrounding a person. The
measure of assessment is a certain equivalent, which
can be almost any of the values or norms available to
the subject. The assessment process puts the subject
before the need to decide which of the equivalents to
give preference in the assessment. This choice
involves not only the previous experience of the
subject, but also the actual interest in the assessment
An important component of assessment and
decision-making is a mental dialogue, as a result of
which the value-based attitude rises to the rational-
ideological level. M.S. Kagan (Kagan, 1997) points
out that assessing the possibilities and alternatives of
behavior, the human brain chooses one of the
behavioral options, and this process is not always
conscious. Mental dialogue is the result of a split
personality into different subjects, in the collision-
conjugation of spiritual positions of which the system
of values of a given integral personality is perceived.
Its perception is the development by the subject of the
main content, the conceptual core of his self-
Particular attention should be paid to the top
priority of the subject's choice of anti-corruption
behavior from a variety of other possible behaviors.
We cannot but agree with the opinion of V.A. Yadov
(Yadov, 2013), who considers the behavior of the
individual from the perspective of hierarchically
organized actions.
Thus, a positive or neutral assessment of
corruption relations by the subject leads to a violation
of the assessment of the current situation within the
bounds of the law, a possible preference for criminal
behavior. In the meantime, goal-setting is
significantly adjusted, a single behavioral act changes
the distant life goals of the pursuit of imaginary
material well-being. The structuring of the activity of
the ability to form an intolerant attitude towards
corrupt behavior is systemic in nature, which includes
single behavioral acts, habitual actions, behavior in
the professional sphere and integral consistent
behavior of the subject.
In the choice of behavior, awareness and
meaningfulness of his activities is required from the
subject. In the matter of combating corruption, this
provision is of particular importance. E.N. Osin and
D.A. Leont'ev (Osin and Leont'ev, 2007) state that
only a meaningful life has a perspective, is conscious
and is determined mainly by the goals that we set
ourselves; it is authentic and driven by possibilities.
A meaningful life is not only inherent, but also
coherent, holistic; in the course of realizing the
meaning, a person transforms the world around him,
structures it according to the logic of meaning, and
the natural world becomes a humanized world,
acquires coherence.
The ability to form an intolerant attitude towards
corrupt behavior is expressed in a meaningful choice
by the subject of the position of countering corruption
risks in all spheres of his life, based on the
corresponding values, which must be formed in the
process of specially organized anti-corruption
Formation of the ability of trainees to tolerate
corrupt behavior implies an understanding of
responsibility before society for the consequences of
decisions made and for the interests of the country as
a whole, and conscious law-abiding behavior.
The value-based orientations of anti-corruption
activities should be coordinated at the level of the
formation of demands and the consistency of the
assessment of emerging situations and activities to
satisfy them. In the activity on the formation of the
ability of an intolerant attitude towards corrupt
behavior, mental modeling of a possible life situation,
an assessment of circumstances, an analysis of
possible alternatives of behavior, a mental assessment
of their effectiveness and a rational decision taking
into account the accumulated knowledge and the
spiritual and moral state are of particular importance.
The main attention in training should be paid to
strengthening individual legal consciousness of
trainees. The values available to the trainee require
analysis and comparison with the relevant legal
regulations. This analysis is required to determine the
goals of training activities. This will allow the trainee
to understand personally for himself what is meant by
corrupt behavior, adapt and include in his system of
values the system of prohibitions and restrictions in
the field of anti-corruption legislation.
When organizing anti-corruption training, it is
advisable to use special tasks to develop general civic
responsibility, form trainee' responsibility to others,
make objective decisions in conditions of moral
choice, form the personal responsibility of an official
and personal example. Special attention should be
paid to teaching staff, their anti-corruption behavior,
values, ability to present and structure material, make
meaningful inferences and analyze information.
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