Linguodidactic Base of Teaching Translation in Higher Education
Institutions within the Framework of the New Federal State
Educational Standards
L. Pavlova
, S. Pesina
Yu. Vtorushina
Yu. Baryshnikova
and T. Baklykova
Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University, Magnitogorsk, Russia
Keywords: Methods of Teaching Translation, Translation Competence, Pedagogical Conditions
Abstract: The relevance of the research problem is caused by the need to improve the quality of foreign language
education at the university within the framework of the implementation of the new Federal State Educational
Standards to achieve personal learning outcomes, expressed in the training of highly qualified translators who
are able to carry out a genuine dialogue of cultures in a variety of professional translation situations. These
tasks can be solved by implementing a communication-oriented method of teaching translation in the system
of foreign language education at the university. The article considers and defines the translation skills of
students as the most important factor in the effective implementation of translation activities. The theoretical
significance of the research lies in the development of pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation
of the methodology of teaching translation, aimed at the formation of translation skills and ensuring the
achievement of meta-subject results of foreign language education at the university. The article presents a
communicative-oriented method of teaching translation as a system of components, which proved its
effectiveness in the process of experimental training and made the novelty and practical significance of the
The newest Federal educational standards of the third
generation set fundamentally new requirements for
the system of training linguists-translators in the
paradigm of the competence-based approach. A
translator must master the basics of professional
intercultural communication, be able to transform a
text from one language into another, retaining the
general essence, concept and structure of it, and
promote intercultural understanding. Therefore,
qualitatively new resources are needed for training
students, corresponding to the scale of solving new
problems, which would contribute to the professional
development of future translators in the entirety of the
required competencies.
a 0003 2241 0513
b 0001 5320 4726
Currently, translation as a product of bicultural,
and often multicultural work of the translator is a
means of historical and modern dialogue of cultures
and civilizations, as well as a tool for expanding the
information field of society, enriching the fund of
world culture and science, preserving the world's
artistic and scientific heritage. A modern translator
combines several roles: interpreter, mediator,
organizer, editor, and propagandist. In modern
conditions, a professional translator must be able to
solve a number of tasks: to cope with the most
difficult intellectual task of finding the most
appropriate equivalent to the context and situation of
the translated unit, to avoid distortions in the
translation, which can lead to serious political
conflicts and economic damage.
Translation is a very complex type of speech-
thinking activity, which involves the presence of
Pavlova, L., Pesina, S., Vtorushina, Y., Baryshnikova, Y. and Baklykova, T.
Linguodidactic Base of Teaching Translation in Higher Education Institutions within the Framework of the New Federal State Educational Standards.
DOI: 10.5220/0010670500003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 475-481
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
linguistic and interdisciplinary knowledge and skills,
specific personal qualities that are acquired in the
process of learning to translate (Slepovich, 2002).
The creative nature of translation activity
manifests itself in the constant search for linguistic
means to express the unity of the content and form of
the text in the source language and the choice between
several possibilities of transmission. This versatility
of the translation profession should be optimally
implemented in the professional training of students.
As a result of professional training, students should
have the professional competence of a translator,
which is understood as a flexible set of competencies
that ensure high efficiency of translation activities.
The purpose of this article is to develop a
communication-oriented methodology for teaching
translation, implemented as a systematic set of
components (approaches to teaching translation,
teaching content, didactic materials, techniques and
exercises of teaching translation), aimed at the
formation of translation skills and ensuring the
achievement of meta subject results of foreign
language higher education.
The material of the research is the actual problems of
improving the quality of teaching translation in the
system of foreign language education at the
university. In our article, we rely on the following
research methods: theoretical methods (analysis,
interpretation and generalization), empirical methods
(scientifically recorded observation, questionnaires,
testing, experimental training), statistical methods of
processing research results.
This article is based on research in the field of
translation studies, intercultural communication,
linguoculturology and linguodidactics.
The fundamental concept for us is "professional
competence of the translator". As R. K. Minyar-
Beloruchev notes, "the competence of a translator,
first of all, determines the knowledge of two
languages and fluency in them" (Minyar-Beloruchev,
1996). L. K. Latyshev distinguishes the basic and
pragmatic competence of a translator (Latyshev,
T. N. Serova identifies the following fundamental
competencies of a linguist-translator: proficiency in
linguistic and non-linguistic means of interlanguage
communication; proficiency in all types of foreign
language speech activity, proficiency in skills and
models of intra-group subject-subject and inter-group
collective interaction, ability to work in a team,
proficiency in forms of thinking, mental operations
and ways of formulating thoughts, setting and solving
problem problems, proficiency in the socio-cultural
and professional spheres, proficiency in professional
translation situations and the general professional and
social context within the framework of the dialogue
of cultures (Serova, 2006).
Thus, summarizing the considered approaches, it
can be concluded that the goal of basic linguistic
education of a translator should be the formation of
professional competence, including mental
operations and forms of thinking, language and
speech competencies, as well as the translation skills
in various translation situations that allow you to
effectively carry out professional activities.
The generalization of the scientific literature on
translation and translation studies allows us to
identify the linguodidactic base for the effective
implementation of the translation. Let's clarify what
basic translation skills can be formed in the process
of teaching translation in the system of foreign
language education at the university.
The most important component of any activity is
goal setting. The ability to perform a translation
action also implies a vision of the goal with the future
result and knowledge of the necessary operations. At
the same time, the goal as an image of the future result
is realized almost simultaneously with finding the
most optimal option.
When teaching translation, it is necessary to pay
special attention to the perception and understanding
of the original utterance. It is necessary to lay in the
students the idea that one of the main tasks in
translation is not to convey their personal attitude to
the text, but to recreate in the translated text an
objective analog of the original text. One of the main
tasks of the translator is to take into account and
reflect not only the general properties of the text as a
tool of speech influence, but also the peculiarity of its
internal structure. Therefore, it is advisable to train
future linguists to see the different types of text
content, to be able to identify the most important
elements that must be reproduced in translation, and
those that can be modified in the process of pre-
translation analysis of the source text, which begins
with understanding its functional and genre affiliation
(Latyshev, 2003).
The next important skill is that in the process of
teaching translation, students form a new conscious
and analytical perception of the language being
studied. While studying translation, students learn to
compare different language systems, means, ways of
understanding and transmitting information. The
ability to analyze the grammatical, semantic, and
stylistic structure of a statement/text, which is
important for the translator, is formed in order to fully
and accurately understand its content and convey it in
the target language.
It also develops the ability to focus on the content
of the translated speech fragment, and to make
transformations within both the native and foreign
languages, transmitting the same content using a
variety of synonymic constructions, which in turn
improves memory, expands the active vocabulary,
and also forms the ability to easily move from one
language to another, easily finding equivalents for
transmitting the information contained in the
It is worth noting that within the framework of
translation training, students also get acquainted with
the types of non-equivalent vocabulary and ways of
transmitting it in their native language (Pesina, Kiva-
Khamzina, Rubanova, 2019; Karamalak, Pesina,
2017), which is necessary for every translator,
because when translating such vocabulary, it is
essential to be able to proceed not from the
translatability of each component of the meaning, but
from the transmission of the meaning of the utterance
or the reality as a whole. Together with this, students
will learn about such a phenomenon as" false friends
" of the translator, without the knowledge of which it
is impossible to carry out a competent translation.
There is an introduction to the lexical and
grammatical difficulties that may arise in the
translation process and ways to overcome them.
Translation classes encourage students to pay
attention to the most subtle nuances of the semantics
of language units, reveal the uniqueness of the system
organization and functioning of languages, the
features of the" picture of the world " created by each
language, the common and special in the culture and
thinking of representatives of different language
communities (Swallow, 2020).
By drawing the students ' attention to the methods
of translation, the teacher expands their
understanding of the phenomena of the modern
language situation and activates the metalinguistic
skills that involve the awareness of the language as
the fact of the development of different elements of
the language, and the reasons that cause its
development. Thus, future translators develop
metalinguistic consciousness, as a special form of
human language consciousness, characterized by the
ability to abstract logical operations with several
language systems. In this regard, cognitive processes
associated with the development of students '
translation skills play an important role.
The main form of organization of educational
activities is a system of classroom classes using
modern ICT methods and communicative teaching
methods: large group, small group, pair work,
individual, mutual learning and mutual control,
project tasks (in oral and written forms), quizzes,
tests, translation.
Taking into account modern approaches to the
organization of the process of foreign language
education (communicative-cognitive, cultural
studies, competence), it is important to give a
communicative orientation to this type of activity
when teaching translation.
Translation differs from other types of speech
activity not only in that it combines listening and
speaking, or reading and writing, but also in that it is
carried out in a bilingual environment. And to do this,
you need to create a bilingualism mechanism. This
mechanism is able to function if the subject has three
main skills: deverbalization, transformation, and
One of the difficulties in translation is to
overcome the dominance of formal features of the
source text, i.e. words and grammatical constructions
of the source language. Therefore, it is very important
to develop the skills of deverbalization, with the help
of which students will be able to correctly transfer
thoughts to the language of images for free speech
creation in the language of translation. To automate
this skill, we used the following exercises: reading
text with a score, microreference, fixing information
without words.
The second leading skill in translation is
transformation of the text while preserving its content
(Latyshev, 2003; Minyar-Beloruchev, 1996; Pesina,
Zimareva, Baklykova, 2019; Nazarova, Pesina,
2016). Transformations (lexical, grammatical, etc.)
are actually the essence of the translation process, in
which one word is constantly changed by another,
their interpretation and grammatical reconstruction.
These skills are formed using the following exercises:
an exercise in the transformation of lexical
exercise in the reconstruction of sentences;
an exercise in the global transformation of
A special place in the process of learning to
translate is occupied by the switching skill. The skill
is based on the familiar connections that are formed
between the lexical units of the target and native
languages of students. The possibility of errors can be
minimized if familiar connections are formed not
between individual words, but between word
combinations. At the same time, the switching skill
Linguodidactic Base of Teaching Translation in Higher Education Institutions within the Framework of the New Federal State Educational
should be formed in two directions, that is, not only
from the native language to a target one, but also from
a target language to the native one (Komissarov,
2001; Minyar-Beloruchev, 1996). We have identified
the following exercises for the formation of the
switching skill: exercise with numerals, recording
precision words, synchronized translation of phrases.
To form the ability to objectively evaluate their
work, it is necessary to familiarize students with the
classification of translation errors. The main
shortcomings in the translation of the source text are
expressed in distortions, inaccuracies and
Familiarizing students with the classification of
translation errors provides a basis for achieving
mutual understanding between the teacher and the
student in the process of analyzing educational
translations, developing agreed criteria for their
evaluation. It also makes it possible to develop
exercises for correcting translation and translation
errors to eliminate interfering phenomena.
New trends in foreign language education are
(Ariyan, Pavlova, 2019; Galskova et al., 2018;
Pavlova, 2019; Pesina, Druzhinin, 2016; Safonova,
2014; Shchukin, 2011; Pesina et al., 2020; Solonchak,
Pesina, 2015): variability, multifunctionality,
multiculturalism, and interdisciplinarity link the tasks
of professional, cognitive, and socio-cultural
development of students with the need to form an
adequate content that implements the modern goals of
teaching translation skills.
The analysis of the literature allows us to conclude
that the content of translation training should include
the formation of an idea of the concepts of
interlanguage communication, equivalence and
adequacy of translation; the formation of an idea of
the pragmatic aspects of translation and the main
methods of pragmatic adaptation of translation; the
study of the main models of translation and
translation transformations; the study of the main
types of translation correspondences and
familiarization with the methods of translation of
non-equivalent language units; the formation of an
idea of the basic principles of text translation;
formation of an understanding of the grammatical and
stylistic aspects of translation.
As for the selection of didactic materials for
teaching translation, it is important to note that it
should be carried out in accordance with the
following criteria (Latyshev, 2003):
the adequacy of the materials to certain
translation problems that can be solved with the
help of the selected materials;
focus on specific skills and abilities that can be
formed on the basis of these materials;
thematic genre and stylistic variety of texts;
samples of authentic modern foreign language
Carefully selected foreign language texts,
educational materials, and professional translation
situations should reflect a variety of social and
cultural contexts, motivate educational activities,
create a communicative base for the development of
students' socially valuable translation qualities, and
ensure their spiritual and professional growth.
When organizing translation as a communicative
bilingual activity, it is necessary to rely on the level
of students ' knowledge of communicative
competence, both in a foreign language and in their
native language. It is necessary to update the inter-
subject relations, skills and abilities of students and
involve them in translation activities that meet
modern information and cognitive needs and
Thus, the communication-oriented method of
teaching translation should be implemented in
accordance with the following requirements:
activation of students' mental activity,
development of educational and intellectual
skills and abilities: compare, generalize,
classify, differentiate;
presentation of the target language phenomena,
translation difficulties on the basis of authentic
texts that are of interest to the students;
development of translation skills based on the
comparison and comparison of language
phenomena with the native language, the
development of language guesswork;
development of metalinguistic competence,
which is manifested in the ability to observe the
language and perform independent translation
The process of developing translation skills
within the framework of the developed methodology
is more effective if the following pedagogical
conditions are met:
inclusion of modular interdisciplinary courses
on general cultural, scientific, and technical
issues in the content of foreign language
socio-cultural enrichment of the process of
teaching a foreign language;
involvement of students in professional
translation activities at partner enterprises on a
permanent basis.
While implementing these pedagogical conditions
in the framework of a communicative-oriented
methodology for teaching translation skills, the
following meta-subject results of foreign language
education are achieved: a high level of motivation,
development of abilities in volitional and emotional
spheres, development of attention, memory and
thinking of the individual.
In order to test the effectiveness of the
communication-oriented methods of teaching
translation activities in the system of foreign language
education at the university, we conducted an
experimental training of the students future
translators of the third and fourth years of the "Nosov
Magnitogorsk State Technical University", a total of
197 people. Three experimental groups EG-1 and
EG-2 were identified; EG-3, in which experimental
training was conducted on the basis of the
implementation of the developed methodology, and
one control group of CG, where translation training
was conducted traditionally. The experimental
training was conducted in three stages: ascertaining,
modeling, diagnostic and assessment.
At the ascertaining stage, the level of development
of students ' translation skills was revealed, for the
objective measurement of which we identified the
following criteria:
fullness of the translation (each component of
the translated text is translated);
translation accuracy (the meaning of the text is
not broken);
lexical and grammatical correctness.
At the ascertaining stage we carried out the
assessment test, measuring the level of development
of students ' translation skills.
The intermediate results of the assessment test
showed that the translation skills and abilities in both
the experimental and control groups are
approximately identical. The majority of students
(48%) in EG-1, EG-2, EG-3 and CG had an average
level, 38% - a low level and only 14% of students had
a high level. It follows that the level of proficiency in
translation skills and skills in general occupies a low
The modeling stage of the experimental training
was carried out in the experimental groups within the
framework of the developed communicative-oriented
methodology, while in the control group the foreign
language training was carried out traditionally. In the
translation classes, the students of the CG translated
the texts, transmitting their main content. At the same
time, special attention was not paid to overcoming
translation difficulties, and exercises to overcome
lexical and grammatical interference were not
offered. The students of the experimental groups were
trained with the introduction of exercises in the
learning process that contribute to the development of
skills and abilities of translation activities. The
material was taken from authentic sources that
correspond to the level of communicative
competence and interests of students. Students of EG-
1, EG-2, and EG-3 were trained with exercises where
it was necessary to draw a parallel between the texts
of the target language and the native language,
exercises on the periphrasis of the target language,
exercises aimed at working with lexical units, where
it was necessary to translate the "false friends" of the
translator, international words, articles from The New
York Times, the magazine “Nature”. In addition,
grammatically directed exercises were proposed,
during which students had to identify the functional
component of the infinitive forms in sentences and
perform their correct translation, it was also proposed
to translate numerals, and sentences with a compound
connection/adverbial turn.
At the diagnostic and assessment stage, new
measurements were carried out in the experimental
and control groups, which showed qualitative
changes in the studied criteria. The analysis of these
changes is presented below.
As shown by the diagnostics at the end of the
modeling stage of the experiment in the experimental
groups, the number of students with a high level of
development of translation skills increased by 2.0
times and amounted to 28%, the average level
reached 55% of students. The number of students
with a low level skills decreased by 2.2 times or by
21% of the total number.
These data confirm our idea of the need to
introduce a special methodology aimed at activating
the mental activity of students, developing their
educational and intellectual skills and abilities, based
on the comparison and comparison of language
phenomena with their native language.
The results obtained in assessing the level of
development of translation skills show that in the
course of the formative experiment, the value of the
absolute growth indicator for the average indicator (G
for AI) is the largest in EG-3. It was 0.38, which is
0.05 and 0.04 more than in the EG-1 and EG-2
groups, respectively, and 0.36 more than in the СG
group. The greatest increase in CE (efficiency
coefficient) is observed in EG-3 (0.20), where a set of
pedagogical conditions was introduced. This is,
respectively, more than the increase in CE in EG-1 by
0.03 and in EG-2 by 0.02.
Linguodidactic Base of Teaching Translation in Higher Education Institutions within the Framework of the New Federal State Educational
Clearly, the change in the values of the СE when
assessing the level of development of translation
skills during the modeling experiment is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Changes in the values of CE during the modeling
stage of the experiment when assessing the level of
development of translation skills.
It is obvious that without a special way of
organized translation training, students of the KG
have a weak idea of the" false friends " of the
translator, the ways of translating non-equivalent
vocabulary, are less oriented in translation
difficulties, and only occasionally show the ability to
bring the translation text in line with the norms of the
Russian language.
Based on the results obtained, it can be argued that
during the experimental training, the most significant
growth of students with a high level of development
of the measured criteria is observed in EG-3. Here,
the absolute increase (G) in CE (efficiency
coefficient) is 0.20, which is correspondingly greater
than the increase in CE in EG-1 by 0.03 and in EG-2
by 0.02. This is due to the fact that in EG-3, within
the framework of the implemented methodology, the
entire complex of three pedagogical conditions was
applied, while in EG-1, only the first pedagogical
condition was introduced, and in EG-2, 2 pedagogical
conditions were used.
The inclusion of modular interdisciplinary
courses on general cultural, scientific, and technical
issues in the content of foreign language education;
socio-cultural enrichment of the process of teaching a
foreign language; as well as the involvement of
students in professional translation activities at
partner enterprises on a permanent basis contributed
to the development of the knowledge and skills
studied by students of EG-1,2,3. As the obtained data
confirm, the communicative-oriented methodology
provides a focus on the development of translation
competence, and the proposed tasks contribute to the
formation of communicative-informational,
evaluative, compensatory, bilingual transformational
knowledge and skills.
At the end of the formative experiment, the
students of the EG -1,2,3 groups showed a higher
level of development of the skills to build speech and
non-speech behavior adequately to the socio-cultural
specifics of the linguosocium in which
communication is carried out, as well as a willingness
to act as a cultural intermediary in translation,
carrying out a genuine dialogue of cultures. This
gives us the basis to conclude about the effectiveness
of the developed communication-oriented
methodology for teaching translation activities in the
system of foreign language education at the
The introduction of the developed methodology and
pedagogical conditions in the process of teaching
translation to future linguists forms the students '
basic skills and abilities necessary for the
implementation of translation skills, provides
students with the classification of difficulties that may
arise in the process of translation, and with the ways
to overcome them, as well as teaches them to edit
translation texts.
For the effective implementation of a
communicative-oriented translation teaching
methodology the pedagogical conditions should
include modular interdisciplinary courses on general
cultural, scientific, and technical issues in the content
of foreign language education; socio-cultural
enrichment of the process of teaching a foreign
language; as well as the involvement of students in
professional translation activities at partner
enterprises on a permanent basis.
Summing up, we note that the developed
methodology actualizes the process of language
translation reflection of students, provides the basis
for professional translation and the success of
translation activities. The professionally significant
components of a translator's professional competence
are: a high level of proficiency in foreign and native
languages, knowledge of the basics of translation
theory, knowledge of translation techniques, the
background and subject knowledge on the topic of
translation, the ability to convey the ideas of the text
with all their shades.
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Linguodidactic Base of Teaching Translation in Higher Education Institutions within the Framework of the New Federal State Educational