Realization of the Right to Education in the Context of Information
and Digital Reality and the Artificial Intelligence Development in the
Arctic Region of Russia
Tatiana Balashova
and Maria Lipchanskaya
Public Law and Legal Management Support Department, the State University of Management, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Human and Civil Rights and Freedoms, the Right to Education, the Arctic Region, Indigenous and Small
Peoples, Information and Digital Reality, Artificial Intelligence.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the problems of the artificial intelligence technologies use in the
realization of the right to education in the Arctic region of Russia in the information and digital reality
conditions. The Arctic exploration is recognized as one of the priorities of the State policy of Russia. Its goal
is to accelerate the country economic growth, improve the quality of life and develop science. These processes
are inextricably linked to the process improvement and the education quality for children in the Arctic, the
key aspect of which is the indigenous peoples educational traditions and modern information, and other
technologies combination. The purpose of the study is to analyze the prospects and risks of testing artificial
intelligence systems in the education field in a special Arctic region. To assess the digital inequality presence,
the traditions influence and other living and learning conditions of the Northern indigenous peoples on the
technologies development in the education field. To achieve this goal, various general scientific and private
scientific methods are used in the work, the study is carried out in accordance with the systematic approach
principles, dialectical interdependence, behaviorism and political hermeneutics. The research theoretical and
methodological basis is the synthesis of the general theory of security and modern theories of the social
phenomena analysis.
The Russian State large-scale plans for the
introduction and use of digital technologies and
artificial intelligence systems in all spheres of society
objectively actualize the need for understanding,
scientific justification and adequate legal regulation
of these processes, including in regions with special
climatic conditions and indigenous peoples traditions.
Artificial intelligence technologies and systems
are being purposefully introduced into all society and
the State activity spheres, and their influence is
becoming more and more noticeable in the human
rights implementation, including the basic social
rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian
In the information society context and the
artificial intelligence technologies introduction, not
a 0000-0002-1532-1451
only the realization of basic human rights is
transformed, but also their established content is
changing, new powers are emerging or existing
"digital" specifics are being supplemented.
This study focuses on the constitutional right to
education implementation analysis in the information
and digital reality conditions and the artificial
intelligence technologies development in one of the
harsh Russian regions – the Arctic.
The Arctic exploration is recognized as one of the
priorities of the State policy of Russia. Its goal is to
accelerate the country economic growth, improve the
quality of life and develop science. These processes
are inextricably linked to the process improvement
and the education quality for children in the Arctic,
the key aspect of which is the indigenous peoples
educational traditions and modern information, and
other technologies combination.
Balashova, T. and Lipchanskaya, M.
Realization of the Right to Education in the Context of Information and Digital Reality and the Artificial Intelligence Development in the Arctic Region of Russia.
DOI: 10.5220/0010670100003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 450-455
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The Arctic peoples have a long tradition of school
education, which was perceived differently in
different periods of the Soviet State. The first schools
in the Far North appeared in the 1920s. Enthusiastic
teachers came to the reindeer herders, hunters,
fishermen camps and taught children to read and
write, simultaneously convincing their parents that
they should be sent to a stationary school. Parents had
the right to choose the form of schooling for their
children. This continued until the mid-1950s, when
the USSR introduced the compulsory seven-year
education, which led to the creation of boarding
schools in the Arctic regions, where a child was
required to study throughout the school year. Such
radical imposed educational measures have proved
ineffective and, moreover, detrimental for children
education and the small indigenous peoples
traditional crafts skills maintenance.
It is necessary to recognize that globalization and
the information society development are inevitable,
and it is important in these conditions to ensure a
balance of public interests in the modern educational
technologies introduction and the indigenous peoples
traditions and culture preservation.
The research methodological basis is the dialectical-
materialistic method, as well as the most important
general methodological principles and social reality
cognition methods. The paper analyzes the problems
of implementing the right to education in the
information and digital reality context and the
artificial intelligence development in modern Russia.
The artificial intelligence concept is analyzed in order
to form the research conceptual and methodological
The use of systematic and structural-functional
methods allowed us to consider the trends and
prospects for the constitutional right to education
implementation in the Arctic region of Russia in the
context of information and digital reality and the use
of artificial intelligence in the educational process.
The work is carried out in accordance with the
systematic approach principles, dialectical
interdependence, behaviorism and political
hermeneutics. The research theoretical and
methodological basis is the synthesis of the general
theory of security and modern theories of the social
phenomena analysis.
To solve the problem set in the study, a set of
complementary scientific methods was used, such as:
system and socio-cultural analysis; structural and
functional method; documents and sources analysis;
interdisciplinary analysis.
The method definition and the research grounds
systematic formation allowed us to build the structure
and logic of the work in such a way that the obtained
theoretical results have a deductive character.
Currently, there is no special legislative regulation in
the Russian Federation that takes into account the
artificial intelligence technologies usage specifics in
the education field.
In this situation, a conceptual dilemma arises. Is it
appropriate to advance legislative regulation on the
mandatory use of artificial intelligence technologies
in the educational process, or should the gradual use
of modern information technologies be flexible,
depending on the economic, resource, national and
other features and capabilities of the educational
organization and other educational process subjects?
It is worth noting that in the Concept of the
Development of relations regulation in the artificial
intelligence and robotics technologies field until
2024, the first task is to create the new public relations
legal regulation foundations that are formed in
connection with the use of artificial intelligence and
robotics systems, which are mainly of a stimulating
nature. Based on this, it can be concluded that the
Russian State is focused on the creation of legal
regulators of a "soft imperative" nature, which create
conditions and motivate the legal relations subjects to
use artificial intelligence technologies.
At the same time, when defining the priority
industry directions of regulation of the artificial
intelligence usage in the Concept, the education
sphere is unreasonably ignored. The Concept adopted
until 2024 does not actually imply the development
of educational legislation taking into account
artificial intelligence technologies in this area in the
next few years. It is in the education field that it is
planned to apply a flexible step-by-step artificial
intelligence introduction version at the discretion of
the educational organization itself, using a risk-based
approach based on the potential harm size assessment
and the need to take measures to minimize the
corresponding risks.
The normative legal act specifying the
constitutional right to education implementation is
the Federal Law No. 273-FZ dated December 29,
2012 "On Education in the Russian Federation". A
textual and substantive analysis of this law has shown
that to date it does not use the terms "artificial
Realization of the Right to Education in the Context of Information and Digital Reality and the Artificial Intelligence Development in the
Arctic Region of Russia
intelligence technologies", "artificial intelligence
systems" and other phrases formed with the "artificial
intelligence" phrase. The article establishes the
concepts and the procedure for implementing
educational programs using e-learning and distance
learning technologies.
Thus, the State policy in the education field allows
the use of such innovative forms of educational
activities as e-learning and distance learning
technologies. At the same time, e-learning is
understood as the organization of educational
activities with the use of information contained in
databases and used in the educational programs
implementation, various information and
telecommunications networks that ensure the
information transmission over communication lines,
students and teachers interaction.
Distance learning technologies are understood as
educational technologies implemented mainly with
the use of information and telecommunications
networks in the indirect (at a distance) students and
teaching staff interaction. Simultaneously with the
use of e-learning and distance learning technologies,
the educational organization undertakes to create an
electronic information and educational environment
that provides certain conditions for high-quality and
barrier-free development of the educational program.
The first practices of implementing e-learning
in the Russian Federation are already available. For
example, in Moscow, MES (the Moscow Electronic
School) is actively used. Most educational
organizations, under the constraints caused by the
pandemic in 2020, were forced to implement e-
learning and distance learning at an accelerated pace.
However, it is important to understand that this is not
yet AI, but the first attempt to automate the
educational process. First, it is necessary to provide
each student with a personal digital device, and only
after that "it is possible to obtain a digital educational
footprint and a basic technological foundation for
building individual educational trajectories using
artificial intelligence".
Over the past few decades, the Russian
Federation has made attempts to adapt the Russian
educational system to the conditions of nomadic life
of the Far North inhabitants. This topic has become
particularly relevant in connection with the adoption
of the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic
Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring
National Security for the Period up to 2035, approved
by Presidential Decree No. 645 dated October 26,
2020. At the meeting of the Expert Council of the
Project Office for the Development of the Arctic on
the topic "Problems of School Education in the Arctic
zone of the Russian Federation", which took place in
June 2020, among other issues discussed there were
issues of attracting teachers to the Arctic zone, the
problems and prospects of distance learning for
schoolchildren, the specifics of education for the
indigenous peoples of the North and the pandemic
consequences for education. We believe that in the
conditions of the Arctic zone, where there are still
serious technical difficulties with Internet access, and
with the personal digital device availability for each
child, the prospects for universal education under the
AES project (an Arctic electronic school) by analogy
with the MES, are not in the near future.
It is noteworthy that neither e-learning nor
distance learning technologies involve artificial
intelligence systems in a broad sense. We believe that
electronic technologies, distance education
technologies and artificial intelligence technologies
are similar, but not identical concepts. The definition
of the first two is contained, as indicated, in the
federal law "On Education in the Russian
Federation", and the legal concept of artificial
intelligence was first formulated in our State in a by-
law-Decree of the President of the Russian Federation
dated October 10, 2019 No. 490 "On the
Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Russian
Federation", later it moved to Federal Law No. 123-
In accordance with these acts, the artificial
intelligence is understood as a set of technological
solutions that allows to simulate the person cognitive
functions and get results that are comparable, at least,
to the human intellectual activity results. At the same
time, it is separately noted that the simulation
includes self-learning and the search for solutions
without a pre-set algorithm. It is important to note that
the definition fully covers the currently available
types of artificial intelligence in a broad sense, i.e. the
artificial intelligence that works on the basis of pre-
defined tasks (existing knowledge), and artificial
intelligence that works autonomously, i.e. a
technology that can potentially completely replace a
person in performing tasks (Vasiliev, A. A.,
Shpopper, D. & Mataeva, M. H. 2018).
The definition reflects the artificial intelligence
fundamental characteristics, which are revealed from
its definition:
- this is a complex of technologies, not a single
- the artificial intelligence can self-study and
search for solutions without pre-defined algorithms.
This is its fundamental difference from other
- the artificial intelligence can get results that are
comparable, at least, to the human intellectual activity
results. The definition implies that artificial
intelligence can potentially get better results than
those obtained by humans.
With the adoption of the National Strategy for the
Artificial Intelligence Development for the Period up
to 2030 in 2019, Russia has become one of the
countries with strategic planning documents in the
artificial intelligence field.
The National Strategy for the Artificial
Intelligence Development for the Period up to 2030
states that the use of artificial intelligence
technologies in the social sphere contributes to the
creation of conditions for improving the population
living standard, among them there is improving the
services quality in the education field. At the same
time, the National Strategy specifies what is meant by
improving the services quality in the educational
environment. Namely, the educational process
adaptation to the students and the labor market needs,
the learning performance indicators systematic
analysis to optimize the children professional
orientation and early identification with outstanding
abilities, knowledge quality assessment automation
and analysis of information about learning outcomes.
These processes will be implemented by artificial
intelligence systems in the future.
Conditionally, the legal conditions for stimulating
the artificial intelligence technologies introduction in
the education field can include experimental and
innovative activities, the definition and content of
which is fixed in Article 20 of the Federal Law on
education. Of course, the purpose of these activities
is focused on the education system modernization and
development. As stated in the collective Commentary
to the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian
Federation", "the innovation activity is defined as an
activity (including scientific, technological,
organizational, financial and commercial) aimed at
innovative projects implementing, as well as creating
innovative infrastructure and ensuring its activities".
In the State Program for the Education
Development until 2025, approved by Government
Resolution No. 1642 dated December 26, 2017, the
innovative and experimental components are
expressed somewhat differently than in the previous
similar program. Within the State program
framework, a departmental target program "Support
for Innovations in the Education System
Development and Monitoring, Ensuring the
Effectiveness of Competitive Mechanisms for the
Program Activities Implementation in the Education
Field" is provided. Its goals are to provide the annual
support for at least 20 strategic initiatives and
innovative developments aimed at developing
regional and municipal systems for the education
system development and monitoring.
A new project of the Government of the Russian
Federation on the digital educational environment
formation may become a serious development in the
implementation of the constitutional right to
education in the Arctic in modern conditions. Its main
goal is to provide free access on the "one window"
principle for all categories of citizens, including those
studying under higher education educational
programs and additional professional education
educational programs, to online courses implemented
by various organizations engaged in educational
activities and educational platforms.
It is noteworthy not only that the Government of
the Russian Federation is promoting the formation of
a single publicly accessible digital educational
environment, but also the introduction of such terms
as educational platforms, online courses, passport and
online course expertise, personal educational
trajectory, portal, and others, reflecting the
transformation of the right to education in the
information and digital reality, into the Russian
normative field.
However, these are only the first steps in the legal
regulation of the artificial intelligence technologies
usage in the right to education realization.
One of the educational relations subjects is the
student. In relation to it, the artificial intelligence is
designed to ensure the educational services
availability and quality, the competencies for a
specific educational program systematic and
complete development. The use of artificial
intelligence can really solve the problem of
supporting an individual educational trajectory at a
new qualitative level, which should be dynamically
rebuilt as students acquiring competencies. The role
of a living teacher should be transformed from a
knowledge transmitter to the studied subject
philosophy carrier. Unfortunately, at present, the
individual learning path is understood narrowly and
"technically primitive". With regard to the higher
education peculiarities in the Arctic, the nomadic
university positive experience should be noted. This
is a project of the International Arctic Council, in the
implementation of which, in addition to Russia, four
other countries participate (Sweden, Scotland,
Norway and Finland). In 2020, within the project
framework, almost 30 Yakut reindeer herders began
to study a shortened bachelor's program remotely at
the Norwegian University of Nord. Graduates will be
able to apply their knowledge in the fields of
Realization of the Right to Education in the Context of Information and Digital Reality and the Artificial Intelligence Development in the
Arctic Region of Russia
entrepreneurship, modern technologies and
traditional food for the Northern peoples in practice,
in their usual field. It should be agreed that this
initiative and the similar ones will help the northern
peoples learn without breaking the traditional way of
life, and to develop their economy without destroying
it. And if the system of young reindeer herders remote
learning can be established, it will give many new
At the end of January 2021, the Ministry of
Education of the Russian Federation announced the
introduction of artificial intelligence basics learning
in Russian primary schools. The initiative deserves
the approval and support, but it raises numerous
questions, i.e. the need to modernize the entire
educational program, starting with primary classes,
personnel training and methodological developments,
according to which students will be taught the
artificial intelligence basics.
Thus, it can be summarized that in order to
stimulate the development and use of artificial
intelligence technologies in terms of realizing the
right to education in the Arctic regions of Russia, it is
necessary to adapt the regulation in terms of human
interaction with artificial intelligence, and to develop
appropriate ethical standards. At the same time, the
excessive regulation in this area can significantly
slow down the development pace and technological
solutions implementation.
For quite a long time, legal scholars have been
discussing the assignment of the legal status of
"electronic persons" to robots (
Yastrebov, 2017), the
recognition of a full-fledged society cyber subject
Čerka et al., 2015), the possibility of granting legal
personality to virtual persons (
Polich, 2018), the
granting of a particular system the status of a subject
of law (
Gabov, 2018), the recognition of an AI system
as a subject of copyright and patent rights (
), and the use of AI in justice (Afanas'ev, 2020), in
the social human rights implementation (
and Zametina
, 2020).
In the domestic legal doctrine, the attempts to
systematically approach the artificial intelligence
technologies regulation have not been made for a long
time. Currently, there are publications devoted to the
artificial intelligence regulatory problems conceptual
understanding problems, where it is fairly noted that
"the tactics of regulatory promotion ... are not
objectionable, provided that the changes are complex,
interrelated, and this is impossible without
developing at least the most general principles with
the regulatory efforts dynamics understanding"
Gabov and Havanova, 2018).
T. V. Zametina, E. V. Kombarova, and E. Y.
Balashova consider the artificial intelligence
introduction as an objective process that affects
human rights, which are the highest value recognized
both at the national and international levels (
et al., 2020). At the same time, the artificial
intelligence introduction should be associated with
the democracy constitutional values implementation,
recognition and respect for the interests of the
individual, society and the State.
The researchers A.V. Keshalava, M.P. Budanov,
V.Yu. Rumyantsev predict a significant impact on
society and the "digital economy" of mobile,
cognitive and cloud technologies, the "Internet of
things" and "big data" technologies (
Keshelava et al.,
The E. Dobrolyubova, O. Alexandrov, and A.
Efimov study (Dobrolyubova et al., 2017), devoted to
the digital transformation prospects, emphasizes the
need to eliminate legal and organizational barriers as
a factor in the digital transformation success in certain
industries, including education.
Considering the young people educational
migration problem and the youth outflow from the
Arctic regions of Russia, V. Levkin, G. Detter, E.
Gladun et al. (Ljovkin et al., 2020) revealed the high
potential of digital technologies in solving the youth
migration problem, which was previously considered
unsolvable. In particular, the high-quality distance
education availability can sufficiently increase the
attractiveness of the Arctic territories for the young
people's life, study and development. The authors
suggest that the Arctic young people migration
outflow can be sufficiently reduced if the
digitalization opportunities are used.
The study allows to draw the following conclusions.
1. The artificial intelligence is an essential
condition for the future educational standards
development. Currently, in the education field, the
artificial intelligence is manifested in two aspects: as
a technology for the education sustainable
development and as an object of study within the
educational process.
2. The Concept of the Development of Regulation
of Relations in the Field of Artificial Intelligence and
Robotics Technologies until 2024 unreasonably
ignores the education field, which is not listed among
the priority industry areas for regulating the use of
artificial intelligence. This situation does not
contribute to the education sustainable development
in the conditions of information and digital reality.
3. In relation to schoolchildren living in the Arctic
regions of the Russian Federation, the problem of
introducing in-depth study of native literature, culture
and traditional crafts is relevant. At the same time, it
is impossible to create artificial barriers to the
electronic and remote technologies development that
make it possible to participate in online webinars,
conferences, study electronic textbooks and books,
listen to electronic lectures and speeches.
4. Conditionally, the legal instruments for
stimulating the artificial intelligence technologies
introduction in the education field in the Arctic can
include experimental and innovative activities, the
definition and content of which is fixed in Article 20
of the Federal Law on Education. Of course, the goal
of these activities is focused on the education system
modernization and sustainable development.
The authors express their gratitude to the Russian
Foundation for the support of the scientific research
No. 20-011-00765 "The Constitutional and Legal
Mechanism for the Implementation of Social Rights
and Freedoms Using Artificial Intelligence: the Legal
Regulation Problems, Limits and Responsibility",
within the framework of which this article was
Afanas'ev, S.F. (2020). K voprosu o zakonodatel'nom
regulirovanii iskusstvennogo intellekta, Rossijskaya
yusticiya, 7: 46 - 49.
Čerka, P., Grigienė, J., and Sirbikytė G. (2015). Liability
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Dobrolyubova, E., Alexandrov, O., and Yefremov A. 2017.
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Realization of the Right to Education in the Context of Information and Digital Reality and the Artificial Intelligence Development in the
Arctic Region of Russia