Modernization Processes as a Factor of Construction and
Transformation of the System of Territorial Structures on the
Example of the Territory of the South of the Far East
Elena S. Kosheva
, Galina V. Petruk
and Yulia S. Lebedinskaya
Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service, 41 Gogol str., Vladivostok, Russia
Keywords: Territorial Structure, System, Modernization Processes, Reformation, Structural Adjustment, South of the Far
East, Transformation.
Abstract: The territorial structure, like any system that consists of elements that are different in their parametric and
typological characteristics that determine its integrity, is subject to change. Any intra-structural violation of
the functional activity of the elements caused by political, economic, and social processes largely determines
the nature and direction of systemic changes in the territorial structure. This paper aims to provide a
comprehensive analysis of the modernization processes of an economic, political and social nature that have
an indirect impact on the Far East South territorial structure elements transformation. Within the framework
of this goal, the following tasks are solved: the study and correlation of modernization processes occurring in
the Southern Far East territory in spatial and temporal dynamics and their impact on construction, and the
territorial structures system elements transformation. The authors applied a comprehensive approach to the
study of this process, which allows to analyze the territorial structuring elements transformation by studying
the modernization processes in the south of the region in spatial and temporal dynamics. As a result of the
study, the modernization processes occurring in the Southern part of the Far East in spatial and temporal
dynamics are analyzed; three waves of powerful modernization processes are systematized and identified, i.e.
the 1905 uprising; the 1917 revolution; the USSR collapse in 1991 and the modern Russia formation; their
differences are identified, characterized by the reform conceptual, political, economic and social features,
which caused changes in the south of the region territorial structuring system elements in the spot-temporal
continuum. The special theoretical methods conceptual application for the study of this problem makes it
possible to explain in general the territorial structures system elements transformation patterns in the South
of the region.
The nodal and linear elements form the territorial
structure basis and are an objective indicator of its
stability. Consequently, the main reason for the
emergence of systemic changes in the territorial
structure will be the reorganization. The source of
such transformations is the economic growth of the
national economy branches, which are the object of
producing decisions taken by political authorities in
the field of the economy of the Southern region of the
Far East. This means that the economic change policy
main subjects are political and economic institutions.
A special role in this issue is assigned to the State. It
is a leading political management institution that
determines the choice of the Primorye political and
economic development path. On this territory,
depending on the state policy direction of
modernization and reorganization (is chosen by the
government), the territorial structure nodal and linear
elements formation and development was carried out.
All system elements structural adjustments,
according to V.V. Ratieva, S. Cardina, began from the
institutional structure deformation, which was caused
by the economic and political forces activities. The
main role in this process is assigned to politics, since
Kosheva, E., Petruk, G. and Lebedinskaya, Y.
Modernization Processes as a Factor of Construction and Transformation of the System of Territorial Structures on the Example of the Territory of the South of the Far East.
DOI: 10.5220/0010668100003223
In Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Forum on Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems (WFSDS 2021), pages 336-341
ISBN: 978-989-758-597-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the choice of the modernization path, according to
A.I. Demidov, took place and began in this area,
where not only the political will to change was clearly
manifested, but also the modernization changes
option choice was made (Ratiyev, 2012). It is political
reform actions that trigger the economic, social, and
political development mechanisms, ensuring the
consistent implementation of reforms in these public
life areas. However, the modernization changes did
not always take place evenly. Their impact often
covered the economic and political spheres. This
situation was explained by the exceptional role of the
State in Russia. The State modernization began with
the institutional structures transformation, the state
apparatus, military and industrial power, in order to
achieve a high level of political, economic, and
technological development, especially in military-
technological terms (Koshevaya, Tushkov, 2020).
In Russia, the reform actions in most cases did not
concern the political sphere, except when it was
necessary. According to S.A. Lantsov, this area
"lagged far behind the changes that took place in other
spheres of public life, which caused crises" (Lantsov,
2001). This lag was explained by the fact that the
State modernization policy pursued by the
government primarily covered the economic sphere,
solving the problem of the gap in the economic
development level with advanced countries (Lantsov,
2001; Kolganov, 2012). This process was often
carried out on the basis of the internal resources usage
and was accompanied by new technologies
introduction, most of which, according to M.V. Ilyin,
V.I. Pantin, A.L. Yanov, E.Yu. Meleshkin, were
borrowed (Yanov, 1991). The political modernization
process in Russia is called endogenous-exogenous. Its
characteristic feature, according to A.A. Achkasov
and S.N. Gavrov, was the Western models and
development technologies imitation (Achkasov,
2001; Gavrov, 2004). The need to accept the Western
countries experience was largely due to the desire to
achieve an equal position with more developed
countries in a number of priority areas, i.e. military-
technological, scientific, economic, and political, the
implementation of which for a long time determined
the Russian development path, characterized as
inorganic modernization. The transformations were
not completed and had a cyclical pattern, which was
characterized by the reforms and counter-reforms
alternation. Such a model of cyclical or wave-like
development in Russia is analyzed in scientific
studies (Pantin and Lapkin; 2011; Pantin and Lapkin,
2005; Kolganov, 2012; Pain, 2008; Klyamkin, 2011).
The meaning of such development was most fully
revealed and expressed by A.L. Yadov: "Short phases
of modernization activity with long prostration
periods" (Yanov, 1991).
The modernization processes taking place in
various spheres of public life brought the systemic
changes deformations in the territorial structure. Its
restructuring was accompanied by the territorial
structure key elements development. Their economic
growth was due to the State policy, i.e. due to the
modernization of the military-technological,
economy production sector and those industries that
were directly related to the increase in the country's
defense capability (Gudkov, 2012).
Russia pursuits the inorganic modernization path
that led to some reforms incompleteness and the other
reforms subsequent introduction. (Kara-Muza, 1999).
Such development was uneven on the Russian
territory. It was explained by regional differences in
economic, socio-political, and technological
development. In this regard, the modernization multi-
level regional results in various spheres of public life
led to territorial contradictions, which largely
determined the modernization direction and pace.
Transformations in some areas of public life were
successful, while in others they ended in gradation
and destabilization, which only proved the uneven
modernization process in Russia.
Complex and incomplete reform processes were
called the modernization "revolutions" because these
processes were forced. In total, there were three
waves of powerful revolutionary modernization in
Russia, i.e. the uprising in 1905; the revolution in
Modernization Processes as a Factor of Construction and Transformation of the System of Territorial Structures on the Example of the
Territory of the South of the Far East
1917; the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and the
modern Russia formation. It perfectly demonstrates
the modernization changes impact on the construction
and transformation of the territorial structures system
in the South of the Far East.
A rather difficult economic and social situation
developed in Russia at the beginning of the XX
century. It was caused by the economic crisis of 1900-
1904 beginning and the Russian-Japanese war of
1904-1905, which was the reason for the launch of the
first wave of a revolutionary nature modernization. It
dates 1905-1907 and is characterized by the
beginning of social, economic and political
upheavals. A powerful impulse to its development,
according to A. Kolganov, was the extraordinary
circumstances, i.e. the gap in economic development
with advanced countries, the military defeats, the
increase in geopolitical threats (Kolganov, 2012). The
military failures and the production sectors tension
related to the country defense capability became the
direct reason for the modernization. In this regard, the
Russian government has attempted to implement the
industrial modernization and the agrarian reform. The
industrial reforms implementation provided a
significant industrial recovery, with the highest
growth rates in metallurgy, mechanical engineering
and mining. Such a leap of industries contributed to
the systemic changes beginning within the territorial
structure nodal elements. Their development was
accompanied by the territorial structure entire
integrity reorganization. At the same time, the change
in the areal elements partially took place. It was
carried out through the transport lines and settlements
construction, since there was an unresolved land
issue. Consequently, the industry growth did not
contribute to the agrarian question resolution. All
attempts taken by S.Yu. Witte were doomed to failure
within the autocratic political system framework.
In general, the first wave of modernization in the
period from 1900 to 1906 took place unevenly, it was
affected only by the economic sphere and industries
related to the country defense capability. In the South
of the Far East, the industrial production development
contributed to the beginning of systemic changes in
the territorial structure nodal elements, the functional
activity of which was disrupted by еру political
actions of a mass nature, i.e. the political unrest,
demonstrations. During the period of their operation,
the territorial structure did not develop, its functional
activity was insignificant, factories worked
intermittently, the infrastructure traffic was minimal,
which allowed the author to conclude that the system
was stagnating.
Extraordinary circumstances in 1917 were the
reason for the development of the modernization
shocks during the second wave in Russia, according
to A. Kolganov (Kolganov, 2012). According to A.
Averin, its characteristic feature is the halfway
modernization undertaken by the government. And
these measures were not enough to realize the
necessary transformations in the war and socio-
economic and political crises conditions (Averin,
2012). Many researchers associate the events of 1917
with the modernization crisis, the forms and
dynamics of their implementation were caused by
protracted military difficulties, which were a
powerful impulse for military-technological
transformations in the economy branches sphere.
This kind of halfway modernization was
accompanied by the production reorganization in a
military manner, actions of this nature led to the
reduction of consumer-oriented direction, which
contributed to the beginning of the economic (food)
crisis (1915-1916), which had significantly worsened
by 1917. A. Stolypin attempted to correct the
situation by reforming the agrarian, administrative
system. In the face of the authorities unwillingness to
give up the autocracy foundations these attempts were
useless. Thus, the revolutionary movement led to the
downtime of many industrial and agricultural
industries (Alimov and Zhokhov, 1979), ensuring the
frame structure degradation. By this time, it was a
stable structure consisting of the territorial structure
nodal elements: Blagoveshchensk, Khabarovsk,
Ussuriysk, Vladivostok, which performed the
structure forming and organizing functions in relation
to the adjacent territory, and the territorial structure
geostrategic linear elements connecting them: the
Amur and Ussuriysk highways. The weak but stable
support framework created by the government in the
South of the Far East did not last long. Its destruction,
as the author believes, began with the territorial
structure nodal elements. Their functional activity
was disrupted by the widespread re-equipment of
production sectors in a military manner, which
provoked a food crisis. The nodal elements stagnation
contributed to the beginning of the systemic changes
process in the linear and areal elements of the
territorial structure. It was accompanied by a decrease
in their functional activity. All these systemic
changes in the territorial structure had a significant
impact on the frame structure restructuring in the
South of the region. Weak, but stable, it underwent a
strong change during the civil war, which, according
to G.M. Lappo, could affect the end of the autocratic
political system and the empire collapse (Lappo,
In general, the second wave of modernization took
place unevenly in Russia. It was united with the first
wave by the fact that it, like the previous one, was
aimed at transforming only the economic and priority
industries spheres. Such a trend was the cause of
systemic changes in the territorial structure nodal
elements and the territory structuredness as a whole.
The system did not develop, but functioned in a
stagnant mode.
The further modernization process took place
already in Soviet Russia, where the government
clearly defined the main modernization areas,
covering only those areas of activity that are closely
related to the industrial, high-tech industries and
military technologies development. One direction of
reforms, in the absence of political changes, led to an
economic crisis. The authorities unsuccessful
attempts to overcome the crisis by partially reforming
the political system led to the fall of the economy
redistributive system and, as a result, to a political
crisis (Shaptalov, 2003; Baranov, Lyubashits,
Mamychev, Kuchina, Shestopal, 2017). These
extraordinary circumstances were the reason for the
beginning of the new modernization wave of a
revolutionary nature, according to A. Kolganov
(Kolganov, 2012). The prerequisites for its
development were the governmental narrowly
targeted modernization efforts:
1. the war communism policy (1917-1920);
2. the new economic policy (1921-1927);
3. the policy of forced industrialization and
collectivization (Stalin's Great Turning Point and
terror) (1920-1932);
4. the governmental and socio-political
development of the "Thaw" era (1950-1960).
5. the socio-economic policy of the "Stagnation"
era (1965-1984);
6. Perestroika (1985-1991):
the collapsed planned economic and political
systems dismantling; the formation of new
relations in the socio-economic and political
spheres (1993-1998);
the restoration of Russian statehood and
country economic recovery (1998-2008);
the integration policy in the Asia-Pacific
region (2008-2012) (Bogaturov, 2004;
Mosyakov, 2003).
These transformations are characterized by the
incompleteness and regular changeability, due to the
specific features of Soviet Russia, the internal and
external circumstances that determined the
modernization conditions, pace and dynamics in the
The ongoing transformations accompanied the
territorial structure nodal elements development.
Among them there was an evolutionary growth
caused by an increase in the number of functions
performed. Their formation was associated with the
linear elements construction and improvement. The
full-scale development of the territorial structure
supporting elements, especially the proto-nodes
unlimited formation, contributed to the territorial
structure areal elements formation, the evolutionary
growth of which was associated with the huge
territorial spaces involvement in the economic
activity. Thus, on the basis of the territorial structure
elements widespread development, the process of
systemic changes in the territorial structure was
carried out, and the extensive frame structure
formation in the South of the region was ensured.
The implementation of the State modernization
policy (the Decree of the Government of the Russian
Federation No. 1661. 2008, Decree of the
Government dated March 19, 2002, the Decree of the
Government of the Russian Federation 1661-p.) from
2008 to 2012 on infrastructure and transport
development, the formation of cross-border
cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific
region contributed to the active development and the
geopolitical significance territorial structure linear
elements creation in the East-West, North-South
direction. Their growth was accompanied by the
region frame structure expansion beyond the Russian
State border, to the foreign territory.
In total, the modernization carried out by the
government from 1998 to 2012 did not completely
solve the economic and political problems, the
Russian economy still remained dependent on raw
materials. Its rise from 2000 to 2008 was the result of
the energy exports price policy. According to E.A.
Pain, it is possible to overcome the dependence on
raw materials if the majority of products in Russia
will be from the intelligent manufacturing, i.e. on the
basis of resource-substituting and information
technologies (Pain, 2008). According to V.L.
Inozemtsev (Inozemtsev, 2000), these technologies
should become the basis for Russia's transition from
a raw material economy to the post-industrial
economy development.
In general, the third wave of modernization took
place unevenly in Russia. It was consolidated with the
first and second waves by the fact that it, like the
previous ones, was aimed at transforming the
economic sphere only and those industries that were
directly related to the country defense capability. The
economic growth of industrial military-technological,
high-tech industries from 1920 to 1985, on the one
Modernization Processes as a Factor of Construction and Transformation of the System of Territorial Structures on the Example of the
Territory of the South of the Far East
hand, contributed to the beginning of systemic
changes in the territorial structure due to the territorial
structure nodal elements reorganization and the
proto-nodes unlimited formation. Their widespread
appearance not only contributed to the broadwise
South of the Far East frame structure development,
but also significantly "weighed it down". On the other
hand, the industry intensive development, especially
the mining enterprises growth, led Russia to the path
of resource-intensive development, which ended in an
economic crisis. The State transformative attempts to
withdraw from this crisis from 1985 to 1991 resulted
in the administrative-command and political systems
collapse, and the collapse of the State.
At the same time, the third wave of modernization
has significant differences, which were most clearly
manifested in Russia from 2008 to 2012. The
following are among them:
- oil and gas industries development, instead of
defense industries;
- the role of the structure-forming function in the
territorial structure formation was assumed by the
territorial structure linear elements. Here, the
construction was the impulse for the nodal elements
creation. This territorial space organization model is
called linear-nuclear, in which the territorial
structuring source is not the proto-nodes, but the
transport lines.
The three waves of revolutionary modernizations in
Russia analysis has shown that the extraordinary
circumstances serve as a powerful impulse for
modernization, according to A. Kolganov (Kolganov,
2012). Each new wave of modernization in Russia
was associated with the need to reduce the gap in the
development level with advanced countries, to
increase the State defense capability, especially in the
period of military defeats and the growing
geopolitical threat elimination. This narrowly
targeted orientation of modernizations gave a certain
degree of incompleteness and fragmentation,
characterized by an alternation of reforms and
counter-reforms, which is due to the specific Russian
features, its external and internal circumstances,
which largely determine the modernization pace and
In the unidirectional, incomplete modernization
implementation by the State, which has a narrow
target orientation, in the territorial structuring
development in the South of the Far East, a natural
trend is clearly traced. It is characterized by the
dependence of the territorial system development on
the State policy modernization cycles. At the same
time, the territorial structure nodal elements have a
pulsating dynamics, while the system itself has a
stagnant development. Their pulsation is manifested
on the basis of the industries development, and the
unlimited, ubiquitous appearance of proto-nodes,
which sufficiently weigh down and expand the frame
structure in breadth on Southern territory of the
In general, the modernization processes
contribute to both the territorial structure elements
evolutionary growth, their development, stagnation,
degradation, and the formation of a branched, weak,
but sufficiently stable frame structure. It is the
territorial structures system elements transformation
that most clearly demonstrates the process of
modernization changes in the South of the Far East.
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Modernization Processes as a Factor of Construction and Transformation of the System of Territorial Structures on the Example of the
Territory of the South of the Far East