Participatory Design in Knowledge Management: An Opportunity to
Small and Medium Business
Amanda Carolina Teixeira
, Nelson Tenório
1,2 b
, Danieli Pinto
, Nada Matta
Arthur Gualberto Bacelar da Cruz Urpia
1,2 e
Stricto Sensu Departament, Cesumar University, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Cesumar Institute of Science Technology and Innovation (ICETI), Maringá, Paraná, Brazil
Business Faculty of Cianorte, Cianorte, Paraná, Brazil
Technological University of Troyes (UTT), France
Keywords: Technology, KM Implementation, Factors, Literature Review.
Abstract: Knowledge Management (KM) has become an essential driver to develop dynamic capabilities for businesses,
organizational learning, and boost knowledge assets on behalf of competitiveness. Nonetheless, some critical
success factors are hampering KM implementation, such as a lack of a KM strategy, cultural aspects,
leadership, and technology. In this paper, we focused on KM implementation within Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs). Our study explores if Participatory Design might be considered an opportunity for KM
implementation in SMEs, by focusing on information technology as a critical success factor. To achieve this
goal, we conducted an ethnographic study in the real environment of a consulting firm that is starting its own
KM. Our results show that Participatory Design might be recommended to SMEs to implement KM, by taking
advantage of already available, but underused technological tools.
SMEs are the main sources of job creation and local
economic development. Despite representing 90% of
businesses in the world (Durst and Bruns, 2018),
SMEs have limited resources in which require
developing dynamic capabilities to remain
competitive in a constantly changing market (North
and Babakhanlou, 2016).
SMEs are important drivers of economic growth
in Brazil. Data from SEBRAE (2020) show that there
are more than 19 million companies spread across the
Brazilian territory. Of these, around 89.93%
correspond to SMEs and comprise the most
diversified segments. They are responsible for
employing around 20 million people and have a 30%
share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Knowledge and the capacity to manage it are
considered the most distinctive and strategic assets a
a 0000-0002-3132-1101
b 0000-0002-7339-013X
c 0000-0002-3422-8746
d 0000-0001-8729-3624
e 0000-0002-5273-6373
business can have, as it helps firms to act intelligently,
and it is also a driver to organizational learning. The
success of any firm depends on this intangible
resource (Nieves and Osorio, 2015). In this context,
KMintends to manage organizational knowledge
through the coordination of people, processes, and
technologies through the creation, sharing, and
application of knowledge aiming at promoting
organizational goals (Dalkir, 2017; Davenport and
Prusak, 2005).
Despite this, there is a tendency in KM to focus
on large businesses and neglect SMEs (Durst and
Edvardsson, 2012). Moreover, there are some
obstacles to KM implementation in SMEs, namely
critical success factors, such as the absence of a clear
strategy for KM, the lack of sharing culture,
leadership support and managers’ commitment, as
well as the absence of an information technology
infrastructure that supports information sharing
Teixeira, A., Tenório, N., Pinto, D., Matta, N. and Urpia, A.
Participatory Design in Knowledge Management: An Opportunity to Small and Medium Business.
DOI: 10.5220/0010655400003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 29-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Wong and Aspinwall, 2005; Anand, Kant, Patel and
Singh, 2012; Miklosik and Zak, 2015).
As a way of stimulating KM implementation in
those companies, by tackling the critical success
factors, Participatory Design can be deemed as a
promising opportunity. Increasingly applied in design
projects, one of its characteristics is to provide users'
participation, through empathy and communication,
understand their behaviors and what they want during
their experience with the product, enabling the
creation of new attractive modes for user experience
(Mahlamäki, 2013; Wang, Yu and Xu, 2017).
Since information technology is one of the most
critical success factors in KM implementation, in this
paper, we present the opportunities of Participatory
Design to engage companies members in
implementing KM within SMEs. Hence, our
contribution aims to strengthen the knowledge-
sharing culture within SMEs organizations
motivating and engaging people to participate in KM
design initiatives. In this sense, employees can have
the opportunity to discuss and present their own users'
needs getting their belonging-sense that drives their
engagement to KM effectiveness. To achieve this, the
literature, discussing technology as a critical success
factor, as described in Section II. Section III presents
Participatory Design, while Section IV a systematic
literature review approaching Participatory Design in
KM and our research method. Finally, sections V and
VI focus on our findings and discussions, while
conclusions close our paper.
KM is recognized for assisting organizational
performance through the implementation of tools,
processes, systems, structures, and cultures to
improve the processes of creation, sharing, and use of
knowledge, which are crucial for innovation,
competitiveness, companies’ decision making,
adjustment to market conditions and to create value
for the business (Despres and Chauvel, 2001; Choy,
Despite the fact knowledge is one of the main
assets of organizations, managing it is a challenge for
SMEs. Although they are innovative by nature, since
they produce customized products and services and
are easily adaptable to changes in the business
environment (Durst and Bruns, 2018), they
concentrate most of their organizational knowledge -
predominantly tacit - in their partners and managers,
have little recorded knowledge and do not store it
properly for later recovery and use (Durst and
Edvardsson, 2012).
KM implementation could bring numerous
benefits to organizations, such as sales growth,
employee development (skills and learning),
consumer satisfaction (loyalty), innovation,
creativity, better relationship with other firms,
improvements in human resources management, and
organizational performance (Durst and Bruns, 2018).
Some KM processes are facilitated by SMEs’
characteristics, which favor their implementation. On
the one hand, knowledge sharing is favored by the
familiar climate between employees, which promotes
trust and strong social interaction, with higher
frequency in communications, ease of information
flow, and overlapping activities among colleagues.
Knowledge storage and retention process, on the
other hand, face constraints, since solutions are
customized and differentiated, while the storage
process demands financial resources, time, and
people to formalize and structure artifacts, patterns,
systems, and procedures. Consequently, knowledge
rests concentrated in the mind of only a few people
(Wang, Yu and Xu, 2017).
Before any KM initiative, however, it is necessary
to pay attention to some critical success factors,
which are activities and practices that must be
directed to ensure KM implementation (Choy, 2005).
Wong and Aspinwall (2005) list 11 critical success
factors for KM implementation in SMEs, in this order
of importance: support from top management and
leadership; a culture that encourages sharing; a clear
strategy and purpose for KM; resources, processes,
and activities; training and education; human
resource management; information technology;
motivational assistance; organizational infrastructure
and evaluation. From all these aspects, the ones
related to people are more crucial than the technology
itself in supporting KM Davenport and Prusak, 1998;
Delong and Fahey, 2000), since the formation of a
knowledge-sharing culture based on trust favors
people's willingness to collaborate (O´Dell and
Grayson, 1998; Govella, 2019). Hence, KM is
recognized as a cultural phenomenon (Choy, 2005),
whose main foundation is people.
Davenport and Prusak (1998), when approaching
the eight success factors of KM, affirm that one of the
most important conditions is the existence of a culture
favorable to knowledge, not to mention the
importance of motivated workers who develop, use
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
and share knowledge, in addition to the support and
commitment of senior management and leadership.
An environment conducive to sharing
presupposes the creation of a culture of knowledge
sharing supported by leadership, in which employees
understand the importance of knowledge sharing,
highlighting trust as a key element for the formation
of this culture and technological infrastructure that
gives support to communication (Dorow, 2017).
Nonaka and Takeuchi (2004) call “ba” these
favorable environments for the creation of a shared
culture of trust and empathy, in which participants
share their context and create knowledge from a
network of interactions. These informal environments
allow people to develop mutual respect and friendship
in their relations over time, even more than in clearly
established channels (Dorow, 2017).
Despite these considerations, in the current
pandemic context, in which companies are operating
remotely while increasing the speed of use and
creation of means of communication, it is imperative
to analyze and focus on one critical success factor that
is currently decisive for others to flourish: technology,
which is indispensable for communication, social
interaction and collaboration. Thus, this study opted to
analyze the opportunities presented by Participatory
Design while tackling this factor.
Information Technology is one of the main critical
success factors for KM implementation (Choy, 2005;
Wong, 2005) as it plays a vital role in enabling and
supporting tacit knowledge creation, sharing,
transfer, and use, including geographically dispersed
teams (Chugh, 2019). They are catalysts for
knowledge development, as they help it to be
managed systematically, helping to convert tacit to
explicit knowledge by supporting communication,
collaboration, and KM processes of accessing,
capturing, storing, and sharing knowledge. Moreover,
it is considered one of the KM pillars that impact
organizational performance together with people and
processes (Dalkir, 2017).
Despite the relevance of technology infrastructure
for large-scale information sharing, it is necessary to
think of mechanisms to engage workers in tacit
knowledge transfer as it is often low and there is often
a lack of confidence
(Chugh, 2019), and to consider
social, motivational, interactive, and organizational
cultural aspects in the processes of knowledge
creation and sharing (Hasanali, 2002). Thus,
technology should be considered not only a
mechanism for storing and managing information, but
also a promoter of collaboration, communication, and
sharing among peers, in the form of social networks,
video-conferencing tools, blogs, wikis, discussion
groups, e-mail, or web portals (Chugh, 2019)
This interactive process can be facilitated by
platforms, such as social networks, as they can function
as a KM system to provide access to sources of
knowledge that can be combined in different ways,
stimulating knowledge creation through exchange
between people with differing backgrounds. One
advantage of these networks is the formation of a group
identity, trust, and a common understanding that
contributes to the transfer and creation of knowledge
among the participants (Nieves and Osorio, 2015).
The effectiveness of KM tools (including
technological ones) in the process of generating,
coding, and transferring knowledge inside and
outside organizations (Ruggles, 1998) depends on the
existence of a collaborative and knowledge-sharing
culture (Servin, 2005). Bearing this in mind,
Participatory Design can be considered as an
opportunity to stimulate the good use of technology
and its effectiveness. Technology itself does not
foster knowledge sharing, as this depends rather on a
separate extrinsic motivation that can come from
organizational culture or leadership encouragement.
Considering this structure needs to be designed in a
personalized way for each company, it can be helpful
to integrate the company's workers in the design
process, taking advantage of existing technologies
combinations, instead of buying a new system.
Indeed, there is no single, ready-made solution in KM
systems: What works for one company may not work
for another (Choy, 2005). Thus, this scenario
reinforces the usefulness of Participatory Design in
KM implementation.
The use of Participatory Design might stimulate,
as a spillover effect, a culture of collaboration
favorable to knowledge among employees,
customers, and suppliers in the process of knowledge
exchange, favoring trust and common ground that
enables knowledge expansion within and outside
organizational boundaries employing technological
The next subsection presents some basic concepts
and the context of Participatory Design to clarify this
work's main proposal.
The real understanding is based on tacit knowledge,
that is, practical knowledge, intrinsic to people and
difficult to express in words, whose dissemination
takes place through a social process, in which people
need to contribute to becoming part of the network of
Participatory Design in Knowledge Management: An Opportunity to Small and Medium Business
knowledge (Lee and Yang, 2000). In this context, it
is necessary to promote an organizational structure
and culture that encourages the expression and
retention of tacit knowledge within the organization,
the improvement, and expansion of knowledge bases,
as well as the integration between individuals and
knowledge through collaboration and sharing in a
process of a systematic transfer of knowledge and
best practices (Bhatt, 2002; Huysman and Wulf,
2006; Martins and Meyer, 2012; Gonzalez and
Martins, 2017; Lee and Yang, 2000).
Before introducing the concept of Participatory
Design, it is worth understanding ‘participation’. It is
the action of being part of something or sharing
something, referring to decision-making processes
involving lay people in situations in which they
strengthen their autonomy by expressing opinions and
making decisions in the development of a project
(Bratteteig and Wagner, 2014). Participation involves
people in the significant adaptation of their contexts to
change their lives, valuing the capacity of local actors
through methods that facilitate social learning and
problem solving through the integration of different
types of knowledge (Sanoff, 2007; Berthet, 2016).
Participatory Design came up with the idea of
participatory democracy in Scandinavian Europe 40
years ago, allowing citizens to participate in decisions
that impact their lives; over time, the practice was
also introduced in the industrial sector and systems
development, in the design of products, processes,
and interfaces (Camargo and Fazani, 2014; Straioto
and Figueiredo, 2015).
Participatory Design involves actors with different
roles, life contexts, experiences, and interests within
the activities of the co-creation process and product
or system design, such as designers, development
teams, and external partners - suppliers and their
consumers (Chen et al., 2018). It supports the creation
of the best user experiences with the product
(Govella, 2019), which makes them more accepted,
source and usable, as it values a way of thinking and
acting of the participants during the development
process, prioritizing empathy, dialogue, and
communication to solve the collective learning
process (Camargo and Fazani, 2014; Berthet, 2016;
Chen et al., 2018).
There is an approximation between co-creation and
design, which together give rise to the terminology
'Co-design'. Co-creation refers to any act of collective
creativity shared by two or more people, whereas
Codesign indicates collective creativity applied
throughout the entire range of a design process, in the
development of a collaborative project with a common
goal involving the creation of a shared understanding
of the content of design, with the participation and
integration of actors from different disciplines, trained
or not in design (Sanders and Stappers, 2008).
Codesign (also called collaborative design) refers
to the interdisciplinary process of developing
products and services in partnership with various
stakeholders (designers, users, promoters, decision-
makers). In this process, there are some levels of
participation: i) informative (solitary); ii) consultative
(weak participation); iii) collaborative (with people
exerting more influence in decision making) and iv)
empowerment (which is when there is a transfer of
control over decisions to people, with strong
participation). Thus, it is denoted that participation
and collaboration have points in common, although
they do not mean the same thing (Straioto and
Figueiredo, 2015).
The practice of Collaborative Design or Co-Design
is not recent, but it has existed for over 40 years under
the name of Participatory Design, and both have in
common the fact that they bring the user and other
actors to participate in the design process, regardless
of their skills and abilities, with a single common goal
(Sanders and Stappers, 2008). While collaboration
encourages the contribution of various actors in the
creative process, participation promotes the active
intervention of users in the development of the
project, giving them power over project decisions,
and design beneficiaries are not just a source of
information for designers (Scariot et al., 2012).
As Participatory Design deals with an important
KM process, which is the creation of knowledge, this
could also eventually favor it in terms of encouraging,
establishing, or reinforcing a culture favorable to
knowledge and its sharing. Thus, this work seeks to
understand how the literature has been dealing with
Participatory Design in the field of KM, identifying
the relationship between them, as influences and
applications. From the results of this review, several
perspectives of empirical studies can be glimpsed,
such as evaluating situations in which Participatory
Design could be a strategy that supports the
implementation of KM, favors some of its processes,
or minimizes the effects of some factors successful
Due to the similarities between Participatory
Design and other nomenclatures, such as
Collaborative Design and Codesign, it was decided,
in the review protocol, to adopt all of them to expand
the range of studies related to the theme. In the next
session, we present the steps followed to answer the
research question.
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
To investigate Participatory Design in KM
implementation in SMEs, we accomplished a
qualitative and exploratory study based on a protocol
adapted from Denyer and Tranfield (2009) and Pinto
et al. (2017). We sought to understand the
opportunities presented by Participatory Design in
KM implementation by tackling information
technology as one of the main critical success factors.
So, we firstly reviewed KM literature in the last fifteen
years. Secondly, we accomplished an ethnographic
study to analyze a KM implementation initiative in a
Brazilian SME firm. Finally, we identified potential
opportunities Participatory Design might present to
similar contexts, by emphasizing the critical success
factor of information technology.
4.1 Participatory Design and
Knowledge Management:
Literature Review
In this literature review, we present a general
evaluation about a topic, allowing us to find out
literature gaps about an issue, fostering future
investigations (Rivero-Baiocchi, 2019).
We accomplished the literature review through
five steps as follow: i) research question; ii) definition
of keywords, databases, and research strategies; iii)
selection of articles based on abstract, title, and
keywords; iv) full reading of selected articles and new
filtration; v) presentation of results and discussion. In
the first step, we considered the following research
question: “Is there scientific literature addressing
Participatory Design in Knowledge Management in
the last fifteen years?” In the second step, we looked
for publications related to the topic on online scientific
databases: the Brazilian Portal de Periódicos da
Capes, Science Direct, and Dimension, based on the
keywords: “Knowledge Management” and
“Participatory Design”; “Knowledge Management
and Collaborative Design”; “Knowledge Management
and Co-Design” from 2005 to 2020.
In total, we reached 108 papers regarding our
target topic. So, in the third step, we have read the
title, keywords, and abstract of all selected papers,
which resulted in the second filter criteria. Moreover,
we just considered complete articles published in
national or international journals while we excluded
duplicated papers. We selected papers that were
related to the topic of Participatory Design and its
synonyms to Knowledge Management and vice-versa
as the main topic. At this step, 18 were chosen for full
reading, and 90 were excluded of which 22 were
duplicated. In the fourth step, we re-evaluated those
papers, including only those articles that presented a
connection between Participatory Design,
Collaborative Design, or Co-Design with KM, but not
the contrary. In the fifth and last step, we analyzed the
13 papers. The criteria of analysis were focused on
the content of the selected papers summarizing
critically each one.
Our results show that KM is fully present in
Participatory Design. KM plays a key role in design
processes since management is crucial to coordinate
design teams, as it represents knowledge schemes that
aid in decision making. Interestingly, in the 13 paper
remnants, we also found that participatory methods
contribute to creating favorable contexts and
environments for people's interactivity. Hence, KM
processes can be fostered due to interactivity,
coordination, and participation facilitated by
collaborative methods, which help in the design of
innovative products and systems.
The relationship between participative contexts
and participatory design methodologies for the
creation of KM systems, generate and share new
knowledge, understand user requirements in product
development, foster innovation, collaboration, and
communication of multidisciplinary teams and
communities of practice, create solutions in the most
diverse contexts. In this context, two dimensions in
the selected articles make a strong link between
Participatory Design to KM: participation and
technology, as presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Dimensions covered in selected articles.
Tecnology Participation
Berthet et al. (2016) X
Wang et al. (2009) X
Valtolina et al. (2012) X X
Wang et al. (2017) X
London and Singh (2013) X X
Van Der Bijl-Brouwer and
van Der Voort (2014)
Rızvanoğlu (2018) X
Treasure-Jones et al. (2019) X X
Sakellariou et al. (2017) X
Kyakulumbye et al. (2019) X X
Hajrizi et al. (2017) X X
Rivero-Baiocchi (2019) X
Zaman and Falak (2018) X X
Source: The authors (2021).
Of the 13 articles finally selected, ten concern
‘technology’, nine discuss ‘participation, while only
six both issues together. Nonetheless, only five
Participatory Design in Knowledge Management: An Opportunity to Small and Medium Business
articles were selected to be discussed, as all of them
have in common the fact that they address contexts in
which participation is used to KM design, supported
by technology, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Contexts in which participation is used to design
KM solutions.
Author Context
Valtolina et
al. (2012)
A new perspective for designing and
developing interactive systems to support
collaborative knowledge management,
involving the interaction of domain experts
through participation to map and translate their
professional models into the appropriate
vocabularies, notations, and visual structures
suitable for navigating between the elements of
the interface, facilitating knowledge sharing
among heterogeneous communities of practice.
London and
Singh (2013)
Participation appears to create effective high-
performance collaborations in
multidisciplinary supply chain groups on
individual projects, given that the integration of
consultants and contractors brings together the
interaction of different worldviews, with the
search for interaction, collaboration, and
communication for the implementation of an
integrated design and delivery solution across
the entire supply chain, considering that the
actors in the chain operate most of the time in a
virtual team.
Jones et al.
Participation occurs through collaboration to
build a technological tool for informal learning,
supporting learning practices and knowledge
construction in real work contexts in healthcare
SMEs, resulting in changes in practice, such as
making individual knowledge explicit.
Hajrizi et al.
A collaborative design approach induces
multidisciplinary participation towards the
development of new and more complex ways to
connect people, information, and technology in
the university and with society. Employs an
inclusive design approach to establish a shared
vision, purpose, and methods to build
collaborative environments to enable discovery
and access, interpretation and analysis, creation
and sharing of knowledge, valuing the social
context of learning where knowledge is
acquired and understood through action,
interaction and sharing with others, often made
possible by technology.
Zaman and
Falak (2018)
Participation takes place through the
engagement of the local community in the
process of designing systems for knowledge
management in a rural indigenous area.
Source: The authors (2021).
Analyzing these five articles, it should be noted
that all of them necessarily involve ‘technology’ to
include and engage people from different
backgrounds and disciplines from the same context of
work or community to collaborate, co-create or
develop a project related to KM, namely the design of
interactive systems (Valtolina et al., 2012; Zaman and
Falak, 2018) or the creation of a solution to improve
design processes (London and Singh, 2013), a
technological tool to facilitate learning during work
(Treasure-Jones et al., 2019) and an environment of
virtual collaboration (Hajrizi et al., 2017). Thus, this
review shows that technology is crucial to support
participative or collaborative processes delivering a
KM solution.
4.2 Ethnographic Research
We conducted this research through ethnographic
research once it analyses the behavior of a group,
social or cultural system and is based on a deep
description and interpretation of personal experiences
within the studied contexts, combining observation,
attentive listening, and participation in community
events (Silverman, 2005; Schuler and Namioka,
2015), facilitating data interpretation (Kozinets,
2010). We collected primary and secondary kinds of
data. Primary data were collected from observation
during a period of five months from July to
December 2020 of a working group’s meetings,
called ‘Knowledge Management Squad’, a kind of
committee responsible for KM implementation in an
SME consulting firm focused on Information
Technology solutions to big financial companies. As
it is a characteristic of an SME, the company, not
willing to invest a huge number of financial resources
on a consultancy to KM implementation, preferred to
organize a working group to study and implement
KM practices, although none of them had
considerable experience in the field.
The group was made up of eight members: six
from the company, representing each of the business
units, one KM’s master student, and a consultant
specializing in job training. In total, 22 online
meetings through the MS- ‘Teams’ platform were
observed, with an average of two hours each. The
company was chosen by using the criteria of
convenience and accessibility, with the consent of the
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
company’s partners. A field diary of each meeting
was written by using a structure of folders in
Microsoft OneNote containing the following aspects:
i) date; ii) time; iii) purpose of the meeting; iv)
participants; v) converging opinions; vi) divergent
opinions; vii) decisions made; viii) researcher's
perceptions; ix) remarks from members' main ideas
about each meeting topic, as illustrated in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Example to illustrate how field diary was
In addition, secondary data, such as group
documents (e.g., minutes of meetings, planners, mind
maps, MS-PowerPoint presentations from company
meetings), were used as a complement for our
analysis of the field diary to write the final report.
Moreover, to the ethnography final report, we used a
script to characterize the organizational culture,
understanding participants’ roles, behavior, attitudes,
beliefs, routines, rules, activities, deliveries, aiming at
finding evidence of multidisciplinary participation,
members engagement during the process of designing
knowledge management initiatives for the company,
collaboration while using technological tools, level of
interaction between members and the impact of all
these in structuring KM initiatives.
For data processing, a thematic codification of the
final report was done, based on topics related to
technology, allowing to find opportunities presented
by Participatory Design for KM implementation in
SMEs focusing on this critical success factor. Thus,
IT does not contribute to a successful KM initiative
without considering organizational culture
mechanisms that promote knowledge transfer
(Karlsen and Gottschalk, 2004).
Analyzing the company in which ethnography was
carried out, organizational culture influences the
degree of use of the available tools. For this reason,
Participatory Design tends to have greater chances of
success within technological platforms in conditions
that favor collaborative work among employees. The
research was conducted during the Covid-19
pandemic when enterprises were forced to adapt
completely data collection to a remote context. Thus,
Participatory Design could be recommendable for the
good use of existing technology platforms and tools
that can support the KM implementation process. The
technological dimensions identified were the use of
already existing communication platforms and the
use of online collaborative tools.
5.1 Using Already Existing
Communication Platforms
The company had some underused platforms in many
of its functionalities. With the beginning of the KM
implementation process, the Squad started to explore
these tools not only to communicate and enable
collaborative work but also to complete a complete
KM cycle in each practice implemented, namely
knowledge creation, sharing, storage, and use. Two
practices were chosen to be implemented in the pilot
plant. First, a practice related to writing technical
articles and another one related to giving lectures,
both conducted by the company’s employees.
Although both practices already existed, they were
not structured, and materials were not well stored and
shared with the rest of the company.
First, the working group after several discussions
decided to create a knowledge base (called a library)
using the SharePoint Platform to foment these KM
processes in each KM practice. The platform existed
in the firm but was not being used, so it helped to host
the first practice to be implemented, i.e., technical
articles produced by employees with tips and new
technical knowledge. This practice previously and
occurred spontaneously, dispersed through e-mails,
and without a stimulus from the company to foster its
constant production in a structured manner.
Second, the ‘Stream’ Platform started to be linked
to MS-Teams and MS-Sharepoint to store and
disseminate live lectures given by employees
themselves on topics of the company’s interest (a
practice called Tech Hour, that after pandemic started
Participatory Design in Knowledge Management: An Opportunity to Small and Medium Business
to be completely remote). One important group
finding during these two practices’ implementation
was that MS-Sharepoint might stimulate synergy,
interactivity, and connection between the two
implemented practices and ease knowledge access.
KM practices could be completely structured by
the Squad based on a KM cycle. For this, the group
used a platform called MS-Teams to plan agendas,
host meetings, folders with materials, and schedule
activities to monitor group members’ task division in
a planner. Hence, the existing two practices were
collaboratively organized by Squad. Considering
decision-making, the level of involvement and
participation of Squad members in meetings was
relevant to implement the chosen practices and
analyze as many variables as possible concerning
solutions for problems they found along the
implementation process. Hence, Participatory Design
methodologies are recommended to stimulate a
starting KM project, as it needs diverse points of view
from different participants of a company to be
effective and to have members' commitment.
Considering KM practices can have some
knowledge topics in common, the platform can render
KM effective if practices are concentrated in a unique
hub and knowledge can be founded by unified search
engines. Nonetheless, in the company studied, the
platform structuring counted with only two out of
eight people from Squad working on it, which can
prevent people to engage in it in the future if there is
not a good communication plan to foster use. Thus,
Participatory Design could play an important role in
stimulating future KM users to design the platform.
5.2 Using Online Collaborative Tools
Another aspect analyzed was the use of online
collaborative tools in the KM implementation
process. As Squad's work was eminently
collaborative, it was necessary to create mind maps to
organize new content about KM, organize the topics
to be discussed in each meeting, and the agendas of
the meetings. Moreover, online sticky notes were
used for voting and structuring critical enterprise
processes and the corresponding knowledge linked to
them in Design Thinking sessions, to elucidate the
best KM practices for each type of knowledge, online
spreadsheets, online voting forms, etc.
One of these tools used by Squad to map critical
knowledge was ‘Ideaboardz’, as can be seen in Figure
2. All this information was collected during online
meetings in which participants could contribute to
structuring the board.
The green part consists of the ‘activities’ contained in
the processes of one business unit; the yellow, the
knowledge involved in these processes, while the
purple, the artifacts generated, and finally potential
KM practices that could be implemented or that are
already being used.
Figure 2: Mapping strategic knowledge through an online
toll called Ideaboardz.
Although communication platforms and other
technological tools were used for KM
implementation in the company studied, ethnography
identified some gaps concerning participation that
hindered workers and leadership involvement in
decision-making relating to KM choices. Squad
barely benefited from other company Squads’
involvement to make some synergies during the
process of investigation and structure of the practices,
which prevented a lot of discoveries and the spread of
the importance of KM and its meaning across the
company since the beginning of KM Squad.
Participatory Design can be useful to boost the
possibilities of taking advantage of available
technological resources and can promote some
spillover effects: a) a culture of collaboration among
employees; b) prevent people inhibition; c) promote
collaboration among leaders and led, avoiding
knowledge concentration within seniors; d) fosters
the emergence of other methodologies, such as
hackathons, which involve people from different
areas to solve complex problems; e) helps to better
explore current KM practices and to develop new
ones, following KM cycle of capture, creation,
sharing, storage, and use; f) encourages people from
different areas to share knowledge not only during
collective events but also during individual work.
Also, it was verified that workers involved in KM
design (the group Squad) were much more committed
KMIS 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
and motivated to the applicability of knowledge to
generate value for the company than others that were
not involved. This is not a result of a lack of interest,
as companies’ members are interested in managing
accumulated knowledge. The lack of knowledge
about KM made other companies’ members more
distant and with a lot of doubts and difficulties
understanding Squad’s goals and implementation
process. Thus, workers’ involvement can also be
considered a critical success factor for KM
implementation and stresses how workers can
contribute to reaching organizational goals through
knowledge sharing and collaboration to problem-
Participation should be an element to be
considered while designing KM implementation
strategies for SMEs. The lack of considerable funds
to pay consultancy firms should not hinder these
companies to innovate by using already available tech
and human resources to KM design as illustrated by
our case. Some SMEs' characteristics, such as
members' proximity and a familiar environment favor
the creation of working groups to KM design, as
members tend to be more collaborative if they trust
their peers. Thus, contexts in which people participate
in KM developments could be confirmed in Hajrizi et
al. (2017), Zaman and Falak (2018), Treasure-Jones
et al. (2019).
The theory currently fails to explicate how to tackle
KM's critical success factors to KM implementation
in SMEs. Thus, integrating theory on Participatory
Design and KM presents itself as an opportunity to
solve this fail and extend theory in both areas. In this
paper, we investigated the opportunities presented by
Participatory Design to implement KM in SMEs
using technology, a critical success factor in KM
implementation, through a literature review and
accomplishing ethnography research. In this sense,
the paper analyses the opportunities of participatory
design in the KM implementation process based on
lessons learned from a concrete KM implementation
case that uses the support of technological devices,
which is also a KM critical success factor. Our results
show Participatory Design has the potential to engage
teams and people participation to implement KM in
SMEs by taking advantage of technological
platforms. In this sense, we suggest SMEs consider
exploring available tech tools to engage employees to
design KM since if it is combined with a familiar
context and greater proximity between people, they
support interaction and collaborative practices, which
enables trust for knowledge sharing.
It should be noted some study limitations. First,
the explorative nature of only one case study. Hence,
generalisability should be avoided. Further studies
can overcome these limitations, replicate this study in
a dissimilar organizational setting. Moreover, they
can explore other critical success factors that could be
strengthened by Participatory Design or the
relationship between them. For instance, leadership
could be strategic to encourage people participation
in structuring the best usage of technological
platforms’ potential for the sake of KM.
Finally, in further research, we will explore the
impact of Participatory Design in other critical
success factors and the opportunities behind it in the
same case study. Also, we suggest future research to
analyze other types of SMEs to verify if Participatory
Design could also help in designing KM initiatives
from the perspective of critical success factors such
as leadership, strategy, organizational culture, and
which of them could be most benefited by
Participatory Design. Hence, despite SMEs' lack of
financial resources to invest in innovation,
Participatory Design should be seen as an opportunity
for firms willing to implement KM, by taking
advantage of its own technological and human
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