From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case
Study on an Italian Banking Institution
Roberto Saia, Alessandro Giuliani, Livio Pompianu and Salvatore Carta
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Cagliari, Via Ospedale 72, 09124 Cagliari, Italy
Business Intelligence, Decision Support System, Machine Learning, Credit Scoring, PSD2.
The Payments Systems Directive 2 (PSD2), recently issued by the European Union, allows the banks to share
their customer data if they authorize the operation. On the one hand, this opportunity offers interesting per-
spectives to the financial operators, allowing them to evaluate the customers reliability (Credit Scoring) even
in the absence of the canonical information typically used (e.g., age, current job, total incomes, or previous
loans). On the other hand, the state-of-the-art approaches and strategies still train their Credit Scoring models
using the canonical information. This scenario is further worsened by the scarcity of proper datasets needed
for research purposes and the class imbalance between the reliable and unreliable cases, which biases the
reliability of the classification models trained using this information. The proposed work is aimed at experi-
mentally investigating the possibility of defining a Credit Scoring model based on the bank transactions of a
customer, instead of using the canonical information, comparing the performance of the two models (canoni-
cal and transaction-based), and proposing an approach to improve the performance of the transactions-based
model. The obtained results show the feasibility of a Credit Scoring model based only on banking transactions,
and the possibility of improving its performance by introducing simple meta-features.
Nowadays, risk management has become a key factor
in financial business scenarios. An appropriate credit
risk management is crucial for supporting financial in-
stitutions that provide lending services, which may be
affected by substantial economic losses due to loan
defaults. Estimating the probability of default is a
common way to assess the risk borrowers cannot re-
pay their loans. In such a context, to support finan-
cial businesses in facing the competitive marketplace,
defining a reliable and effective Credit Scoring model
is essential to predict and avoid the aforementioned
issue. Credit Scoring can be defined as the set of
models and statistical methods aimed at automatically
evaluating consumer credit, estimating the likelihood
of default (Thomas et al., 2017; Gup, 2005).
Recently, Credit Scoring systems have rapidly
grown due to the increase of both consumer credit
requests and financial operators who flank the tradi-
tional credit circuits (i.e., banks) (Siddiqi, 2017). In-
deed, the massive number of requests does not allow
processing them manually, requiring effective auto-
mated systems to establish the reliability of a given
user, according to a binary (by classifying the user as
reliable or unreliable) or continuous (by assigning a
solvency score to the user) criterion.
In such a context, many people can not access
consumer credit because of the strict conditions re-
quired by financial institutions, e.g., in many coun-
tries, banks ask customers to provide formal docu-
mentation proving they have a permanent employ-
ment contract. Clients who do not meet these cri-
teria can not access consumer credit, even if they
have other financial incomes, allowing them to repay
a loan. For these reasons, there has also been a growth
of investments and efforts in Credit Scoring research,
involving an ever-increasing number of researchers.
The focus is on defining strategies and algorithms ca-
pable of correctly evaluating new cases (users) basing
on the data previously collected.
A common way to define Credit Scoring models
is to rely on Machine Learning techniques to quan-
titatively assess the default risk, typically basing on
personal information (e.g., age, job, income, or out-
standing debt debts) obtained from loan applicants
(Lee and Sohn, 2017; Kim and Sohn, 2012). In de-
tails, the aim is to develop systems able to classify a
user as reliable or unreliable by exploiting the avail-
able information, which from now on we define in-
Saia, R., Giuliani, A., Pompianu, L. and Carta, S.
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution.
DOI: 10.5220/0010653200003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 164-171
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Research on Credit Scoring has been heavily con-
ditioned by the scarcity of publicly available datasets,
due to the privacy policies of most financial com-
panies. A key-point of state-of-the-art approaches
trained with the canonical datasets is represented by
the high level of class imbalance, as, typically, the
unreliable cases (e.g., users that did not repay, fully
or partially, a loan) occur less frequently than the re-
liable ones (e.g., users that repaid a loan). The data
imbalance, which represents a very common scenario
in several domains, e.g., in Fraud Detection (Carta
et al., 2019b; Saia et al., 2017; Saia and Carta, 2017a)
or in Intrusion Detection (Saia et al., 2018b; Saia
et al., 2019b), is typically addressed by adopting sev-
eral re-sampling strategies (Leevy et al., 2018; Jun-
somboon and Phienthrakul, 2017). It should be ob-
served that such balancing techniques often cannot ef-
fectively face some types of problems, since the gen-
eration of synthetic unreliable instances based on the
existing ones does not face the heterogeneity prob-
lem introduced before. Indeed, if there were similar
instances related to both information classes (reliable
and unreliable), they will continue to exist, even in
more significant numbers, despite the data balancing.
It means that very similar feature patterns can char-
acterize both categories of users, reliable and unre-
liable. Consequently, the traditional information set
may need to be enlarged.
To address the aforementioned issue, let us con-
sider an emerging perspective. Currently, the Credit
Scoring environment is strongly affected by the Pay-
ment Services Directive 2 (PSD2), i.e., the new regu-
latory framework, introduced by the European Com-
mission, to regulate payment services and providers
throughout the European Union (EU) and European
Economic Area (EEA). The PSD2 aims to provide a
more integrated European payments market, in which
all players may be either banks or non-banks while
ensuring a more secure and protected platform for
consumers. In particular, the new directive encour-
ages customers to exploit innovative online and mo-
bile payments, such as through Open Banking, as the
current rules better protect customers in online pay-
ments and make cross-border European payment ser-
vices safer. In doing so, the PSD2 regulation al-
lows third parties to obtain free access to client ac-
counts and their payment transactions through bank
APIs. This new regulation can be exploited in real-
world scenarios, as models based also on bank trans-
action information may offer interesting employment
prospects. However, there are still no clear policies on
which technologies should be used and, in particular,
which types of data the banks must share. To this end,
there is the need to investigate the explanatory value
of transaction data to estimate the potential usefulness
in a Credit Scoring scenario.
This paper aims to exploit the transaction infor-
mation to improve the characterization of the user in-
stances for classic Credit Scoring models. Further-
more, basing on a state-of-the-art study, we also ex-
pand the feature space by adding a series of meta-
information. To our knowledge, no peer-review publi-
cations exist on using transaction data to define Credit
Scoring models. Our scientific contribution can be re-
capped as follows:
- the analysis of a real-world dataset provided by an
Italian bank institution, built with client accounts
information and their payment transactions data,
compliant to the new PSD2 regulation;
- assessment of the usefulness of transaction data for
Credit Scoring models;
- enrichment of the feature space with the introduc-
tion of a series of meta-features;
- evaluation of the related improvements for the
Credit Scoring models.
This paper has been structured into the follow-
ing sections: Section 2 presents the background and
the related work of domain taken into account in this
paper; Section 3 formalizes the notation adopted in
this paper, providing also information about the ex-
ploitation of the additional meta-features; Section 4
describes the performed experiments in terms of envi-
ronment, datasets, strategy, and adopted metrics, dis-
cussing the experimental results; remarks and future
work where we are headed are given in Section 5,
which also ends the paper.
The literature identifies three different risk models
based on the default condition (i.e., the failure to re-
spect the legal obligations/conditions related to a fi-
nancial service, such as a loan): (i) Probability of De-
fault (PD), a model aimed to assess the likelihood of
a default over a certain period; (ii) Exposure At De-
fault (EAD), a model aimed to assess the total value
a financial operator is exposed in case of default; (iii)
Loss Given Default (LGD), a model aimed to assess
the amount of money a financial operator loses in case
of default.
For the purpose related to this paper, we will con-
sider the PD model, since our objective is a dichoto-
mous classification of the new instances into two
classes, reliable or unreliable.
Approaches: The literature offers a considerable
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution
number of techniques and strategies, such as:
- Statistical: in (Sohn et al., 2016) the authors ex-
ploit Logistic Regression (LR) to design a fuzzy
Credit Scoring model aimed at assessing the de-
fault probability of a loan. In (Khemais et al.,
2016) the authors use the Linear Discriminant Anal-
ysis (LDA) in order to achieve this result. A
recent study (Roy and Shaw, 2021) proposes a
model based on multiple-criteria decision-making
(MCDM) that can be adopted as an internal scoring
model to preliminary screen the loan applications,
and it can be initially applied to reduce costs;
- Transformed Domain: in (Saia and Carta, 2017b)
has been proposed a Credit Scoring approach based
on the Fourier transform, similarly to the work done
in (Saia et al., 2018a), where instead the Wavelet
transform has been exploited;
- Machine Learning (ML): in (Roy and Urolagin,
2019) a Credit Scoring approach based on Decision
Tree (DT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) al-
gorithms has been defined, whereas in (Zhang et al.,
2018) a Random Forest (RF) algorithm has been
adopted. Another work is based on a survival gra-
dient boosting decision tree (GBDT) approach (Xia
et al., 2020);
- Deep Learning (DL): recent works focus on exploit-
ing DL models also in the field of Credit Scoring.
In (Liu et al., 2019) the authors exploit an Artificial
Neural Network (ANN) to perform the Credit Scor-
ing task, as well as in (Lei et al., 2019), where has
been defined an Imbalanced Generative Adversarial
Fusion Network (IGAFN) based on a feed-forward
neural network (FNN) and a Bidirectional Long
Short-Term Memory (Bi-LSTM) network. An ap-
proach based on Generative Adversarial Networks
(GAN) for data oversampling is proposed in (En-
gelmann and Lessmann, 2021);
- Others: approaches that focus on other factors.
For example, the entropy factor has been taken
into account in (Saia and Carta, 2016a), the linear-
dependence of the involved data has been consid-
ered in (Saia and Carta, 2016c; Saia and Carta,
2016b), a discretized enriched technique has been
considered in (Saia et al., 2019b), whereas some
hybrid approaches that combine different methods
have been proposed in (Tripathi et al., 2018; Zhang
et al., 2019).
Let us remark that, in this preliminary work, we
focus on developing a model aimed at highlighting
the usefulness of transaction data rather than compar-
ing the model with all state-of-the-art systems. In do-
ing so, we compare our model with the most-known
classical ML models.
Open Problems: Although there are numerous state-
of-the-art approaches for credit scoring, they have to
face some well-known problems, such as:
- Data Scarcity: the scarcity of real-world datasets
has affected the research activity in the Credit Scor-
ing domain. Otherwise, the development of this
research area would undoubtedly have been more
consistent and effective, and it is curious to ob-
serve how this kind of problem can be considered
a side effect, given by the security and privacy poli-
cies that regulate many public and private compa-
nies (Sloan and Warner, 2018).
- Data Imbalance: the prediction models used in the
Credit Scoring domain are commonly defined on
the basis of datasets with a high degree of data
imbalance, i.e., data characterized by unbalanced
distributions of the events of interest (unreliable
cases), which are significantly fewer than the other
ones (reliable cases). Class imbalance is the most
critical problem to face in developing Credit Scor-
ing solutions, since a model trained by using un-
balanced data underestimates the probability of rare
events, tending to be biased towards the most com-
mon events (King and Zeng, 2001), reducing the
performance dramatically. The literature offers sev-
eral methods to balance the data, mainly accord-
ing to one of the following strategies: introducing
synthetic instances (oversampling); removing ex-
isting instances (undersampling); combining both
the oversampling and undersampling strategies. In
more detail, in the Credit Scoring context, the
oversampling creates synthetic unreliable instances
based on the existing ones, whereas the undersam-
pling removes several reliable existing instances to
balance their number with respect to the unreliable
ones. Both oversampling and undersampling have
their shortcomings. The former can lead to over-
fitting, as duplicating “bad” records may underesti-
mate the likelihood of observations belonging to the
minority class, whereas the latter may discard rele-
vant cases from the majority class, overestimating
the probability of “bad” samples (Weiss, 2004). An
empirical study on the balancing techniques applied
to Credit Scoring models highlighted that, albeit
larger datasets require longer training times, over-
sampling significantly increases the accuracy rel-
ative to undersampling (Crone and Finlay, 2012).
For this reason, in this paper, we adopted this tech-
nique to balance the data.
- Cold Start: the cold start problem concerns the
evaluation model definition when such a process
can not use samples of one of the classes of infor-
mation involved, and it is a problem shared by many
domains. In the Credit Scoring one, this typically
happens when there are no unreliable cases avail-
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
able, and then the evaluation model training can not
be performed by using only the reliable ones.
Evaluation Metrics: As already pointed out, we fall
in a binary classification domain, in which the sys-
tem should predict if a given user will be reliable
or unreliable. In such a context, we are focused on
confusion-matrix based metrics, such as, for instance,
accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and Matthews cor-
relation coefficient (MCC), which are largely used in
literature in several domains. All the reported met-
rics are based on the confusion-matrix, i.e., a matrix
of size 2x2 that reports the numbers of True Nega-
tives (TN), False Negatives (FN), True Positives (TP),
and False Positives (FP). In the Credit Scoring lit-
erature, the confusion-matrix-based metrics are usu-
ally combined with other metrics based on the Re-
ceiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve (Green
and Swets, 1966). One of the metrics primarily used
is the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUROC): the
ROC curve plots the confusion-matrix-based Sensi-
tivity against the confusion-matrix-based Fallout, re-
spectively on the y-axis and the x-axis, giving us the
separability measure of a binary classifier (i.e., the
capability to discriminate the reliable and unreliable
cases, correctly).
Before formalizing the proposed approach, we in-
troduce the adopted formal notation: given a set
of classified instances I = {i
}, composed
by a subset of reliable ones I
= {i
(then I
I), and a subset of unreliable ones I
} (then I
I), we denotes as
I =
} another set of unclassified instances,
each instance being characterized by a series of fea-
tures F = { f
, f
,..., f
}, and a destination class C =
{reliable, unreliable}.
Data Aggregation: In order to train the classification
models of the involved algorithms, as the first step,
we aggregate the transaction information of each user
in a single data vector (record) on the basis of sev-
eral criteria. In more detail, the adopted Data Aggre-
gation Approach (DAA) aggregates the transaction of
each user in terms of: number of transactions, activ-
ity days, minimum handled amount, maximum han-
dled amount, total handled amount, mean handled
amount, and standard deviation measured in all the
Meta-feature Addition: Similarly to other previ-
ous works (Saia et al., 2019b; Carta et al., 2020;
Carta et al., 2019a; Saia et al., 2019a), which ex-
ploit preprocessing techniques in order to improve the
performance of the machine learning algorithms, we
propose a Meta-features Addition Approach (MAA)
aimed to better characterize each instance in the
sets I and
I, improving the credit scoring perfor-
mance. In more detail, we added a series of meta-
features MF = {m f
,m f
,...,m f
}, where m f
minimum, m f
= maximum, m f
= average, and
m f
= standard deviation, all of them calculated in
the set of features F related to each instance, as for-
malized in Equation 1, then such a process involves
both the set I and the set
MF =
m f
= min( f
, f
,. .. , f
m f
= max( f
, f
,. .. , f
m f
( f
m f
( f
f )
Instances Classification: Each instance
I will be
classified as reliable or unreliable, in accordance with
the criteria formalized in the Algorithm 1. In order to
Algorithm 1: Instance classification.
Require: A=Classifier, I=Set of classified instances,
i=Instance to evaluate
Ensure: c=Classification of the
i instance
1: procedure GETEVALUATION(A, I,
2: I aggregateData(I) DAA process on I set
i aggregateData(
i) DAA process on
i instance
4: I addMeta f eatures(I) MAA process on I set
i addMeta f eatures(
i) MAA process on
i instance
6: model = trainModel(A, I) Classification model training
7: c = getPrediction(model,
i) Instance classification
8: return c
9: end procedure
simplify, with regard to each user, we have not used a
different notation for the multiple instances (i.e., the
related bank transactions) and those aggregated into a
single vector through the DAA process.
All the involved code has been developed in the
Python language, exploiting the scikit-learn
In order to ensure the reproducibility of the exper-
iments carried out, the seed of the pseudo-random
number generator has been fixed to 1. We also per-
formed independent-samples two-tailed Student’s t-
tests, highlighting no statistical difference between
the results (p > 0.05).
Datasets: The experiments have been performed us-
ing real-world datasets provided by a huge Italian
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution
bank. In this regard, it should be noted that the data
provided by the bank allow us to compare the per-
formance of the canonical credit scoring models (i.e.,
those based on the information usually exploited in
literature) with those based only on bank transactions,
as both the datasets used during the experiments refer
to the same set of users. Each user has been labeled as
reliable or unreliable. In details, two types of datasets
have been provided by the bank, one containing trans-
actions made by a set of bank clients and one contain-
ing, for the same clients, the canonical information
used in the literature for the Credit Scoring tasks (e.g.,
age, gender, job, incomes, or loans). Similar to other
works that use real data from private companies, due
to confidentiality reasons, the dataset can not be made
public by us, not even in an anonymous form, except
for its characteristics, which should allow the repro-
ducibility of the experiments on other similar datasets.
The first dataset, named Credit Card Transactions
(CCT), contains 3,376, 573 transactions related to the
use of a revolving credit card, carried out by 49,847
bank customers in the period from 01/01/2017 to
31/12/2018. The CCT dataset has been preprocessed
according to the criteria described in Section 3, which
leads toward the features reported in Table 1.
In addition, concerning the same users in the CCT
dataset, we use another dataset, named Bank Cus-
tomers Information (BCI), that contains the Credit
Scoring information usually exploited in the litera-
ture. It refers to the same 49, 847 customers of the
CCT dataset, and its features are reported in Table 2.
Each dataset contains 49,459 reliable cases
(99.23%) and 388 unreliable ones (0.77%). There-
fore, they are characterized by a high level of
data imbalance, similarly to the other datasets typ-
ically available in the Credit Scoring field. In
order to evaluate the performance as correctly
as possible, avoiding the influence of the minor-
ity class in defining the evaluation model, both
datasets have been preprocessed using an oversam-
pling technique, the Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Ap-
proach (ADASYN) (He et al., 2008), keeping its
default parameters (i.e., sampling strategy=’auto’,
n neighbors=5, n jobs=None).
Table 1: CCT Dataset Features.
Feature Description Type
F01 Unique identifier of the user Integer
F02 Number of user transactions Integer
F03 Days of user activity Integer
F04 Minimum amount handled by the user Real
F05 Maximum amount handled by the user Real
F06 Total amount handled by the user Real
F07 Average amount handled by the user Real
F08 Standard deviation of the user transactions Real
Table 2: BCI Dataset Features.
Feature Description Type Feature Description Type
F01 user from Date F08 Employed from Date
F02 Family members Integer F09 Real estates Real
F03 Family income Real F10 Annual income Real
F04 Resident from Date F11 Other incomes Real
F05 House type String F12 Loans amount Real
F06 Job type String F13 Mortgages amount Real
F07 Job sector String F14 Rent amount Real
Metrics: In order to evaluate the performance, we
rely on three different metrics. Two of them, Sensi-
tivity and Specificity, are both based on the confusion
matrix, indicating, respectively, the true positive rate
and the true negative rate. They estimate the capabil-
ity to classify the reliable and unreliable instances,
correctly. The other one, the Area Under the Re-
ceiver Operating Characteristic curve (AUC), is in-
stead derived from the Receiver Operating Character-
istic (ROC) curve, and provides us information about
the predictive performance of an evaluation model, re-
gardless of the balancing of classes (reliable and un-
reliable) in the dataset (number of examples available
for the two classes).
The Equation 2 formalize the Sensitivity and
Specificity metrics, where TP indicates the instances
classified as reliable correctly, TN indicates the in-
stances classified as unreliable correctly. FN and FP
indicate, respectively, those unreliable wrongly clas-
sified as reliable, and those reliable wrongly classi-
fied as unreliable. These metrics give us the measure
of how many instances have been correctly classified
by an evaluation model.
Sensitivity =
(T N + FP)
, Speci f icity =
(T P + FN)
The Area Under the Receiver Operating Char-
acteristic curve (AUC) metric is largely used in the
Credit Scoring literature, since it allows us to assess
the capabilities of an evaluation model, regardless of
the data balancing. Formally, considering the subsets
of reliable (I
) and unreliable (I
) instances in the
set I, Equation 3 formalizes all possible comparisons
α of the scores of each instance i, and the AUC value
(in the range [0, 1], where 1 indicates the best perfor-
mance) is given by averaging over them.
) =
1, i f i
> i
0.5, i f i
= i
0, i f i
< i
Strategy: The experiments involve five of the most
performing algorithms in Credit Scoring literature,
i.e., Gradient Boosting (GB) (Chopra and Bhilare,
KDIR 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2018), AdaBoost (AB) (Freund and Schapire, 1999),
Random Forests (RF) (Malekipirbazari and Aksakalli,
2015), Multilayer Perceptron (MP) (Luo et al., 2017),
and Decision Tree (DT) (Damrongsakmethee and
Neagoe, 2019). Table 3 reports their parameters.
Table 3: Algorithms Parameters.
Algorithm Parameter Value
Gradient Boosting n estimators 100
(GB) learning rate 0.1
max depth 3
AdaBoost n estimators 50
(AB) learning rate 0.1
algorithm SAMME.R
Random Forests n estimators 10
(RF) max depth none
min samples split 2
Multilayer Perceptron alpha 0.0001
(MP) max iter 200
solver adam
Decision Tree min samples split 2
(DT ) max depth none
min samples lea f 1
The performance comparison has been made by
taking into account the average value of the three
considered metrics (i.e., Sensitivity, Specificity, and
AUC). In addition, in order to reduce the impact of
the data dependency, all the experiments have been
performed according to a k-fold cross-validation cri-
terion, with k=10.
The strategy adopted for the experiments follows
four steps: (i) evaluation of a model trained using the
canonical users information (BCI dataset); (ii) evalu-
ation of a model trained using only the bank trans-
actions (CCT dataset); (iii) comparison of the per-
formance of the two aforementioned evaluation mod-
els, both applied to the same set of users; (iv) as-
sessing the benefits of the proposed preprocessing ap-
proach (meta-features enrichment) in the context of
the model trained only with the bank transactions.
Results: According to our experimental strategy, the
first set of experiments has been aimed at evaluat-
ing the state-of-the-art algorithms in the context of an
evaluation model trained using the canonical Credit
Scoring information, then without using the bank
transactions (BCI dataset). The results are reported
in Table 4. In Table 5 are instead reported the per-
Table 4: Canonical Credit Scoring Model Performance.
Algorithm Dataset Sensitivity Specificity AUC Average
GB BCI 0.9320 0.9295 0.9307 0.9307
AB BCI 0.8933 0.8815 0.8873 0.8874
RF BCI 0.9560 0.9992 0.9776 0.9776
MP BCI 0.4836 0.7899 0.6367 0.6367
DT BCI 0.9613 0.9712 0.9715 0.9715
formance related to the same users of the BCI dataset,
but evaluated on the basis of a model trained using the
CCT dataset. It should be observed how, apart from
some algorithms (i.e., AB and MP), all the other ones
reach good performances, especially DT and GB, in
accordance with many literature works in this domain.
The average values reported in Table 5, related to the
Table 5: Transactions-based Credit Scoring Model Perfor-
Algorithm Dataset Sensitivity Specificity AUC Average
GB CCT 0.7920 0.8477 0.8173 0.8190
AB CCT 0.6907 0.7123 0.7008 0.7013
RF CCT 0.9803 0.8253 0.8883 0.8980
MP CCT 0.6311 0.6157 0.6231 0.6233
DT CCT 0.9703 0.9054 0.9356 0.9371
model trained using the credit card transactions, have
been compared in Table 6 to the results obtained af-
ter adding the meta-features (the best performance are
highlighted in bold). Furthermore, to better highlight
the impact of meta-features, the last column in the Ta-
ble reports the increment, expressed in percentage, of
the average values.
Table 6: Transactions-based Credit Scoring Model Perfor-
mance, Before and After the Meta-features Addition.
Algorithm Dataset Average before Average after Increment (%)
GB CCT 0.8190 0.8208 +0.22%
AB CCT 0.7013 0.7056 +0.62%
RF CCT 0.8980 0.9118 +1.54%
MP CCT 0.6233 0.6354 +1.94%
DT CCT 0.9371 0.9397 +0.28%
Discussion: The experimental results lead toward the
following considerations:
- the adoption of the canonical customers informa-
tion for the model training leads toward better per-
formances of those obtained using only the bank
transactions. In any case, to face those scenarios
where the canonical information is not available,
the latter evaluation model offers an interesting op-
portunity, as it allows the financial operators to ex-
tend the set of potential customers, with all the re-
lated advantages;
- according to the previous observation, we experi-
mented how the addition of simple meta-features
can improve the Credit Scoring performance of all
the classification algorithms taken into account dur-
ing the experiments;
- it is therefore clear that both models can be ex-
ploited in real-world scenarios, and that those based
on bank transactions offer interesting employment
prospects, albeit presenting lower performances
than those obtained by canonical models;
- although the improvements introduced by the addi-
tion of the meta-features appear slight, they can be
considered an interesting result, given their impact
in real-world scenarios, where are usually involved
From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution
a huge number of customers;
- the previous observation is supported by the fact
that in the context of the used dataset (49,847 bank
customers), the improvements related to the GB,
AB, RF, MP, and DT algorithms lead toward, re-
spectively, 60, 169, 837, 613, and 135 further cor-
rectly classified customers;
- summarizing, the results demonstrate both the fea-
sibility of a model based only on banking transac-
tions, and the possibility of improving its perfor-
mance by introducing simple meta-features.
The recent Payments Systems Directive 2 (PSD2) is-
sued by the European Union, which enables the banks
to share the user’s data with their prior consent, makes
it essential to revise the canonical methodologies for
defining Credit Scoring models. Indeed, the state-of-
the-art Credit Scoring models are usually trained us-
ing different information about the customers, mainly
based on personal data such as, for instance, age, gen-
der, current job, total incomes, or previous loans. To
this end, we investigated the feasibility of defining a
Credit Scoring model based on bank transactions of
customers instead of using the canonical information.
Transaction data has also been enhanced through the
introduction of suitable meta-features. The performed
experiments indicate a performance reduction when
the Credit Scoring models have been trained using the
bank transactions only, as reported in Table 4. How-
ever, as shown in Table 5, they indicate that it is pos-
sible to get acceptable performance also by using the
bank transactions, grouped according to simple cri-
teria, and that these performances can be improved
by adding meta-features (Table 6). These results open
up interesting scenarios, since they allow the financial
operators to extend their potential customers in many
contexts such as, for instance, in the consumer credit
one, by virtue of the fact that it is possible to evaluate
them even in the absence of the canonical information
used up to now.
As future work, we plan to extend the proposed
approach, testing more sophisticated methodologies
able to further improve the Credit Scoring perfor-
mance, according to the available user’s data.
This research was partially funded by the “Bando
Aiuti per progetti di Ricerca e Sviluppo’– POR FESR
2014-2020 Asse 1, Azione 1.1.3. Project Intelli-
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From Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) to Credit Scoring: A Case Study on an Italian Banking Institution