Applicability of a Foundational Ontology to Semantically Enrich the
Core and Domain Ontologies
Luis Olsina
GIDIS_Web, Engineering School, UNLPam, General Pico, LP, Argentina
Keywords: Thing Ontology, Foundational Ontology, Core Ontology, Domain Ontology, Ontological Architecture.
Abstract: This paper analyses the key terms, relationships and axioms of ThingFO (Thing Foundational Ontology),
which is an ontology devoted for particular and universal things and assertions. It is placed at the foundational
level in the context of a five-tier ontological architecture. This architecture groups together foundational, core,
top-domain, low-domain, and instance levels, making ThingFO the single ontology at the top level. Thus, the
ontologies at lower levels reuse and specialize, for example, its terms and relationships. To illustrate the
applicability of ThingFO, this work also discusses enriched terms and specialized relationships for a core
ontology, particularly for situation, where its concepts are themselves cross-cutting concerns for different
domain terminologies. In addition, verification and validation issues are addressed as well.
A foundational ontology –also known as top-level or
upper– is independent of any domain. It is at the
highest level of reference terminologies useful for the
sciences. Even core ontologies such as situation,
event, or process are domain-independent reference
terminologies, but they can semantically extend or
reuse foundational elements. Note that domain-
dependent ontologies are the most massive
terminologies built to date, such as for software,
health, or mechanic. But most of the existing domain
ontologies are not based on core and/or foundational
terminologies. Or, if they do, there is often no clear
separation of concerns considering ontological levels.
As indicated in (Horsch et al., 2020), top-level
ontologies are becoming increasingly important for
integrating heterogeneous knowledge bases coming
from different sources and domains of sciences.
The main reason for adopting, adapting or
creating an upper ontology should be that it has a
minimum set of particular and universal concepts of
the described world so that they can be reused
accordingly across domains. As a consequence, a
large number of lower-level ontologies can fall under
the umbrella of such a top-level ontology.
Considering the endeavor of developing
ontologies, (Schneider, 2003) indicates that most
knowledge engineers are unaware of the challenges
of building an upper ontology, because it involves
issues that are unusual for the practice of representing
concrete knowledge for specific domains. Thus, to
build an upper ontology a transdisciplinary
knowledge is required not only in various areas of
Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence, but
also in Cognitive Sciences and Philosophy.
In fact, although thousands of domain ontologies
have been developed so far, only fewer than a dozen
well-known upper ontologies have been built in the
last three decades, such as Cyc (Lenat et al., 1990),
BFO (Arp et al., 2015), DOLCE (Masolo et al., 2002),
PROTON (Casellas et al., 2005), GFO (Herre, 2010),
SUMO (Pease, 2011), and UFO (Guizzardi, 2005).
In the light of these efforts, this work discuss
ThingFO, which is a foundational ontology for
particular and universal things and assertions placed
at the highest level in the context of a five-tier
ontological architecture called FCD-OntoArch
(Foundational, Core, Domain, and instance
Ontological Architecture). Why the need to build
another foundational ontology is also justified later.
The main contribution of this paper is to analyze
key features of ThingFO in the context of the above
mentioned architecture. It also illustrates the
applicability of ThingFO to enrich concepts of a core
Olsina, L.
Applicability of a Foundational Ontology to Semantically Enrich the Core and Domain Ontologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010641000003064
In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2021) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 111-119
ISBN: 978-989-758-533-3; ISSN: 2184-3228
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ontology, where its concepts are themselves cross-
cutting concerns for domain ontologies.
Note that the first version (v1.0) of ThingFO was
published at a national conference (Olsina, 2020).
Since then the current version (v1.2) has been
validated with external experts, which allowed
adding, for example, new non-taxonomic
relationships, properties and three axioms, among
other improvements. Additionally, this work deals
with verification aspects, which were not covered
The rest of the paper is organized as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of FCD-OntoArch, in
which ThingFO and lower-level ontologies are
placed. Section 3 discusses the elements of ThingFO.
Section 4 illustrates the usefulness of ThingFO for
enriching terms and relationships of a couple of
lower-level ontologies. Section 5 provides a
discussion, and Section 6 summarizes conclusions.
As mentioned above, ThingFO is placed at the
foundational level into the FCD-OntoArch
architecture. Figure 1 depicts its five tiers, which
entails foundational, core, top-domain, low-domain
and instance levels. Each level is populated with
ontological components, i.e., ontologies.
Figure 1 also shows that ontologies at the same
level can be related to each other, except for the
Foundational Ontological Level where only ThingFO
is found. Additionally, ontologies' terms and
relationships at lower levels can be semantically
enriched or specialized by ontologies' terms and
relationships from higher levels. Since ThingFO is at
the highest level, ontologies at lower levels benefit
from reusing and specializing its concepts.
ThingFO has three key terms namely Thing,
Thing Category and Assertion that semantically
enrich terms of components at lower levels. For
example, TestTDO, a software testing ontology
placed at the top-domain ontological level is enriched
by concepts of SituationCO and ProcessCO placed at
the core ontological level. In turn, both are enriched
by the abovementioned terms of ThingFO.
The concepts of ThingFO are independent of any
domain. From top to bottom, the next level is called
Core Ontological Level. Ontologies such as
ProcessCO, GoalCO, SituationCO and PEventCO are
located at this level, among others not shown in the
figure such as ProjectCO. Their concepts are also
independent of any domain, but they are closer to
different domains. For example, the term Activity in
ProcessCO (Becker et al., 2021) is specialized in each
domain accordingly. Thus, we have specific-domain
Activities for measurement, testing, or development.
On the other hand, ProcessCO includes terms with the
semantics of Thing such as Work Entity (Work
Process, Activity, Task), or Artefact. It is important
to remark that ontological components at the same
level may reuse terms with each other entirely.
Looking at Figure 1, the next level is called Top-
Domain Ontological Level. Ontologies such as
TestTDO (Tebes et al., 2020), FRsTDO (FRs stands
for Functional Requirements), NFRsTDO (NFRs
stands for Non-Functional Requirements), and
MEvalTDO (MEval stands for Measurement and
Evaluation) are located at this level, among others not
shown in the figure. Note that the terminological
coverage of a top-domain ontology can serve as the
basis for the development of low-level (more
specific) domain ontologies. For instance, at the Low-
domain Ontological Level, the MetricsLDO and
IndicatorsLDO components are depicted, but as the
reader may surmise, many others can be conceived at
this level.
Lastly, at the Instance Ontological Level, we can
place ontologies such as instances of units (UnitIO in
Figure 1), instances of quality characteristics, to name
just a few.
Therefore, the described multitier architecture
promotes a clear separation of concerns by
considering the ontological levels and allotting built
ontologies in the right place. This also fosters the
modularity, extensibility and reuse of ontological
elements throughout the levels.
Figure 1: The five-tier ontological architecture named
FCD-OntoArch, where ontological components are placed.
ThingFO and ontological components at the core level are
domain independent. Note that the figure does not depict all
the developed components to date.
KEOD 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
As previously mentioned, building a foundational
ontology requires a transdisciplinary knowledge. This
is so because we are dealing with mental
representations of human agents (subjects as Things),
who explicitly make claims about the essentials of
Things (objects) and their invisible links between
them in particular and universal situations of the
world. To put it elegantly, to represent a top-level
ontology, the eyes of the subject's mind must be at the
highest level.
Developing an upper ontology involves
challenges that are unusual for the common practice
of knowledge representation (Schneider, 2003). On
one hand, the need for descriptive adequacy requires
a considerable subtlety of conceptual analysis based
on sound philosophical and cognitive grounds. On the
other hand, the usefulness of an upper ontology
depends on the greatest possible formal simplicity
and transparency, as well as the completeness and
conciseness of the elements included.
Foundational ontologies are representations about
domain-independent top-level primitive constructs
such as thing, property, power, relations, thing
category, as well as assertions that deal with them.
Hence, the main goal and requirement to conceive an
upper ontology is to have a minimum set of particular
and universal concepts of the target world, that is, key
terms, properties, relationships and constraints that
represent the world so that they can be reused and
specialized, and ultimately can be useful and easy to
adopt or adapt across all domains of the different
Therefore, in sub-section 3.1, we first discuss the
terms Thing, Property and Power and their main
relationships. Then, in sub-section 3.2, we analyse the
terms Thing Category and Assertion. Particularly, we
discuss types of Assertions that a human agent can
formulate about things and categories. Note that we
describe the ThingFO conceptualization of Figure 2
using the following text convention: ontology terms
begin with capital letters, properties are italicized, and
relationships are underlined.
The reader can check the entire ThingFO
documentation at
3.1 Thing, Property and Power
The term Thing represents a particular, tangible or
intangible object of a given particular world, but not
a universal category, which is modelled by the term
Thing Category. A particular object or entity
represents and implies unique individuals or
instances. Therefore, a particular Thing results in
instances, whereas a universal Thing, i.e., a Thing
Category does not result in instances, at least with
valuable meaning of individual.
A Thing is not a particular object without its
Properties and its Powers, so “things, properties and
powers all emerge simultaneously to form a unity”
[…] “Things, properties and powers are necessary
and sufficient for the existence of this unity”
(Fleetwood, 2009). Moreover, a Thing cannot exist or
be in spatiotemporal isolation from other Things. This
principle of non-isolation is represented among
Things in Figure 2 through the relationship relates
with, in which the cardinality is at least one.
Figure 2: UML diagram of the terms, properties and relationships of the Thing Foundational Ontology (ThingFO).
Applicability of a Foundational Ontology to Semantically Enrich the Core and Domain Ontologies
Thus, in a particular situation of the represented
world, a Thing (or many) in the role of the target is
always surrounded by other Things in the role of the
environment. This is modeled in SituationCO by
including the terms Target Entity and Context Entity,
as we will exemplify in sub-section 4.1. Note,
however, under the principles of simplicity and
conciseness, we tried to delegate most of the
responsibilities to the core ontologies so as not to
overload ThingFO with derivable terms, relationships
and axioms. This lack of conciseness often occurs in
other related work, as we will discuss in Section 5.
Property has a structural description that refers to
the intrinsic constitution, structure, or parts of a
particular Thing, whereas Power has a behavioral
description that refers to what a particular Thing does,
can do or behave. Thus, the behavioral description
portrays the Power of a Thing in terms of
responsibilities, operations or actions.
According to (Fleetwood, 2009)Powers are the
way of acting of a things’ properties; powers are a
things’ properties in action”. Also, he states that
“Things have properties, these properties instantiate
[…] acting powers, and this ensemble of things,
properties and powers cause any events that might
occur”. These Fleetwood’s statements are represented
in the following relationships. One or more Properties
enable one or more Powers. In turn, Powers act upon
Properties, as well as can interact with other Things.
For ThingFO to be actionable at lower levels, three
axioms were defined, which were not available in
(Olsina, 2020). They are specified in first-order logic
in the linked documentation referenced above, so
only the textual description follows:
All Property of a Thing enables only its Powers;
The Power of a Thing only acts upon its Properties;
The Power of a Thing only interacts with other
Powers and Properties are two members of the triad
that conform the particular entity named Thing.
Hence, there is no Power or energy alone floating in
the air that can be dissociated from a Thing. Lastly, it
is important to note that a Property, which is a
member of the triad that makes up a given Thing,
most of the time, is seen as other particular Thing
outside of it, with its own Properties and Powers.
3.2 Thing Category and Assertions
Thing Category represents a universal of a set of
particulars conceived by the human being's mind for
classification purposes. Whereas a Thing represents a
concrete object or entity, which implies unique
instances, a Category of Thing represents an abstract
or universal entity in which the instances do not have
valuable meaning of individual. Therefore, a Thing
Category does not exist, is or can be in a given
particular world as a Thing does. On the contrary, it
can only be mentally formed or developed by human
beings as an abstract or generic construct, which in
turn, hierarchies of sub-categories can be developed.
Ultimately, a Thing Category predicates on
related particular objects. That is, it predicates on
the common essence of Things which, therefore,
belong to the intended Category of Thing.
Lastly, the third key term in ThingFO is Assertion.
This construct has a great conceptual impact when a
human agent intentionally represents and models
particular and universal Things and situations of the
world in question.
Assertion is defined as “A positive and explicit
statement that somebody makes about something
concerning Things, or their categories, based on
thoughts, perceptions, facts, intuitions, intentions,
and/or beliefs that is conceived with an attempt at
furnishing current or subsequent evidence”.
Regarding a particular or universal, a positive
statement refers to what it is, was, or will be.
Therefore, it contains no indication of approval (e.g.
I like it) or disapproval. Assertions are conceptualized
consequences of persons’ mental models of the
represented world, phenomenon, or situation at hand.
Considering the part of the previous phrase that
indicates …statement that somebody makes about
” means that for instance a concrete human being –
as a particular Thing- defines or conceives
Assertions. And considering the part of the same
phrase that indicates “…about something concerning
Things…” means, for example, about the substance,
structure, behavior, situation, quantity, quality,
among other aspects of Things or Thing Categories.
To be valuable, actionable and ultimately useful
for any science, an Assertion should largely be
verified and/or validated by theoretical and/or
empirical evidence. Assertions can be represented by
informal, semiformal or formal specification
languages. Thus, a specification can include text in
natural language, mathematical or logical
expressions, well-formed models and diagrams,
among other representations.
There is only Assertion on Particulars for Things
and Assertion on Universals for Thing Categories.
Notice the constraint with the label {complete,
disjoint} set in the inheritance relationship in
Figure 2. Hence, Assertion on Particulars
deals with
particulars (Things), whereas Assertion on Universals
deals with universals (Thing Categories).
KEOD 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
In addition, Figure 2 shows 12 types of Assertions
that allow specifying and representing the substance,
situation, relations, structure, behavior, intention,
quantity and quality, among other aspects related to
Things and Thing Categories. Notice also the
constraint with the label {incomplete,
disjoint} set in the inheritance relationship.
In the sequel, we describe a subset of types of
Assertions for space limits. The reader can see all the
term definitions at For the sake
of illustration, the reader can realize that a
conceptualization of an ontology as an artefact (e.g.,
the ThingFO UML diagram in Figure 2, plus the
linked document with the definition of terms,
properties, and non-taxonomic relationships as well
as specifications of axioms) represents a combination
of Substance-, Relation-, Structure-, Intention-,
Situation- and Constraint-related Assertions.
A Substance-related Assertion is related to the
ontological significance and essential import of a
Thing as a whole entity, or a set of Things. Substance
aspects can be specified for Particulars and can also
be abstracted for Universals.
A Relation-related Assertion refers to logical or
natural associations between two or more Things and
their categories. As abovementioned, a Thing cannot
exist or be in spatiotemporal isolation from other
Things in a given particular world. Therefore, a Thing
is related to other Things. Also, it can be specified for
both Particulars and Universals.
A Structure-related Assertion is related to the
Property term, which represents the intrinsic
constitution, structure, or parts of a Thing. Structural
aspects can be specified for Particulars and can also
be abstracted for Universals.
An Intention-related Assertion is related to the
aim to be achieved by some agent. The statement of
an Intention-related Assertion considers the
propositional content of a goal purpose in a given
situation and time frame. It can be specified for both
Particulars and Universals.
A Situation-related Assertion is related to the
combination of circumstances, episodes, and
relationships/events between target Things and
context entities that surround them, or their
categories, which is of interest or meaningful to be
represented or modeled by an intended agent. A
Situation can be represented statically or dynamically
depending on the intention of the agent. The
conceptualization of an ontology embraces a static
representation. It can be specified for Particulars and
generalized for Universals.
Finally, a Constraint-related Assertion is related
to the specification of restrictions or conditions
imposed to Things, Properties, relationships,
interactions or Thing Categories that must be satisfied
or evaluated to true in given situations or events. It
can be specified for both Particulars and Universals.
To analyse its applicability and usefulness, the
present work illustrates semantically enriched terms
and specializations of non-taxonomic relationships
for an ontology at the core level like SituationCO. Its
concepts (along with ProcessCO) are themselves
cross-cutting concerns primarily for domain
terminologies. Furthermore, we showcase the utility
of ThingFO together with these core ontologies, by
which domain ontologies reuse some of their
conceptual blocks or patterns.
It is worth mentioning that this work uses
stereotypes as a mechanism to semantically enrich the
terms. Stereotypes are, in some cases, a more suitable
mechanism that inheritance relationships, since they
generate a loose coupling between a lower-level
component and a higher-level component. Also,
stereotypes can reduce the complexity of the model,
promoting comprehensibility and communicability.
Next, in sub-section 4.1, we describe how some
ThingFO terms are stereotyped in SituationCO. Also,
we see how ThingFO relationships are specialized.
To do this, we address aspects of the SituationCO vs.
ThingFO non-taxonomic relationship verification
matrix. Then, in sub-section 4.2, we briefly point out
how these foundational and core concepts and
patterns are extended or reused by domain ontologies.
It is important to note that we are not going to
discuss the content of the SituationCO ontology, but
rather the enrichment and reuse mechanism of some
of its terms and relationships. The reader interested in
SituationCO can consult all the documentation at
4.1 SituationCO Reuses ThingFO
Figure 3 depicts a fragment of the conceptualization
of SituationCO with most of its elements reused from
ThingFO. SituationCO is placed at the Core
Ontological Level in the context of FCD-OntoArch
(Figure 1). This ontology, which mainly deals with
Particular and Generic Situations for a given Goal and
problem at hand, was developed rather recently.
Situation is defined as a Situation-related
Assertion that explicitly states and specifies the
combination of circumstances, episodes and
relationships/events embracing particular entities and
Applicability of a Foundational Ontology to Semantically Enrich the Core and Domain Ontologies
their surroundings, or categories of entities and their
related generic context, which is of interest and
relevant to be represented by a Human
Agent/Organization with an established Goal. Its
concepts primarily extend from ThingFO, and it also
borrows some core concepts from the GoalCO,
ProcessCO and ProjectCO components.
The term Thing semantically enriches the terms
Target Entity and Context Entity, in addition to the
completely reused terms of the core components
mentioned above, such as Project, Organization and
Human Agent. The term Thing Category semantically
enriches the term Entity Category and Context
Category. So concrete Context Entities pertain to
category Context Category, as seen in Figure 3.
Besides, the term Situation has the semantics of
Situation-related Assertion. In turn, a Particular
Situation has the semantics of Assertion on
Particulars, while a Generic Situation of Assertion on
Universals. Also, Goal –term reused from GoalCO-
has the semantics of Intention-related Assertion. For
the sake of a summary, a Human Agent/Organization
conceives /establishes a Goal that implies a Situation,
which is represented by a Situation Model. A Project
operationalizes Goals and specifies a Situation.
Note that non-taxonomic relationships were
verified with those of ThingFO. Table 1 represents an
excerpt from ThingFO's non-taxonomic relationships
that SituationCO specializes. Table 2 shows the
resulting correspondence. The complete non-
taxonomic relationship verification matrix is found in
the end of the document at
Table 1: An excerpt from ThingFO's non-taxonomic
relationships, which SituationCO specializes in Table 2.
ThingFO Term 1 Relationship ThingFO Term2
Assertion on
deals with
Thing relates with Thing
Thing defines Assertion
Assertion relates with Assertion
elongs to Thing Category
Table 2: Correspondence of SituationCO (SCO)'s non-
taxonomic relationships with those of ThingFO in Table 1.
SCO Term 1 Relationship SCO Term 2
Particular Situation deals with target Target Entity
Target Entity is surrounded by Context Entity
Human Agent conceives Goal
Goal implies Situation
Context Entity
pertains to
Context Category
4.2 Benefits at the Domain Level
As mentioned above, foundational and core terms,
relationships, and conceptual blocks are reused and
extended by domain ontologies. For example,
TestTDO is a top-domain ontology for software
testing activities, methods and projects, which is
terminologically benefited from ThingFO,
SituationCO and ProcessCO. For space reasons, we
focus only on a few conceptual blocks. The comments
below also apply to some other domain ontologies.
The term Particular Situation (Figure 3) enriches
the term Test Particular Situation. Hence, TestTDO
specializes the Particular Situation pattern including
the three terms renamed Test Particular Situation,
Testable Entity and Test Context Entity. SituationCO
relationships such as deals with target/environment,
is surrounded by and influences are also mirrored in
the Test Particular Situation conceptual block.
Furthermore, the Project pattern is also reflected
in TestTDO, in which Test Project operationalizes the
Test Goal and specifies the Test Particular Situation.
Lastly, TestTDO extends from ProcessCO, the
consumes/produces pattern (Becker et al., 2021).
This Section summarizes related work and provides a
discussion on upper ontologies. As pointed out in the
Introduction Section, although thousands of domain
ontologies have been developed so far, only fewer
than a dozen known upper ontologies have been built
in the last three decades, with somewhat impact.
(Mascardi et al., 2006) provide a description and
comparison of 7 upper ontologies, namely: BFO,
(Sowa, 2005), which were the most referenced within
the research community at the time of their study. To
summarize the information, they have designed a
template with fields like: Status of this description;
Home page; Developers; Description; History;
Dimensions; Modularity; Applications; among
others. In addition, they also provide a summary of
existing comparisons drawn among subsets of the top
7 cited ontologies previously made by other authors.
Besides, (Guizzardi, 2005) developed UFO. It is
made up of three ontologies: UFO-A (endurants),
UFO-B (perdurants, or events) and UFO-C (social
entities, built on top of UFO-A and B). This ontology
was not preselected in the Mascardi et al.’s
comparison surely for chronological reasons.
Another contemporary initiative is COSMO,
which is an upper ontology that can serve to enable
broad general semantic interoperability. COSMO
development started as a merger of basic elements
from Cyc, SUMO, and DOLCE adding new features
KEOD 2021 - 13th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Excerpt from the SituationCO ontology with terms, properties and relationships enriched from ThingFO (TFO).
as well. Note that all the documentation of this open
project can be accessed at Its
current OWL version has 24,059 types (classes), over
1,300 properties, and over 21,000 restrictions.
Some principles and quality criteria that benefit
the understandability, usefulness and potential
adoption of upper ontologies that guided the ThingFO
construction process are, namely: formal simplicity
and transparency promoting also the use of graphical
representations for the conceptualization; coverage
completeness but, at the same time, conciseness and
self-intuitiveness of the elements included; balanced
representation of both taxonomic and non-taxonomic
relationships; and, under the principle of modularity
and loose coupling, a clear delegation of
responsibilities to core ontologies. Some of these
quality criteria are in (D’Aquin and Gangemi, 2011).
In brief, qualitatively analysing the quoted
foundational ontologies, none of them simultaneously
satisfy all the above criteria. As for the numbers, the
smallest are Sowa (with 30 classes, 5 relationships
and 30 axioms), and BFO (36 classes linked via the
taxonomic relation is_a, which makes it a taxonomy
rather than an ontology). While the Cyc figures are
approximately 300,000 concepts, 3,000,000
assertions (facts and rules), and 15,000 relationships,
including in these numbers micro-theories. COSMO
numbers as mentioned above are also huge.
The foundational ontology that its
conceptualization is best represented graphically is
UFO, whereas most of the remainder use other formal
logic-based representations that are not easy to
convey and even to understand for many
stakeholders. On the other hand, frequently, a clear
delegation of responsibilities to core ontologies is not
observed. For example, among the BFO 36 classes,
are terms such as Process, Quality, Temporal region
( that ThingFO
delegates to lower levels. Similarly, UFO is made up
of three ontologies at the upper level; however,
ThingFO is the single ontology at that level that
delegates the Event and Time issues at the core level.
Considering the terms, there is often a lack of
consensus on semantic matching. For example, the
DOLCE distinction between “endurant” and
“perdurant” does not fully correspond to that
established in GFO. Moreover, COSMO's great effort
began as a way to tackle the problem of semantic
interoperability by merging basic elements of Cyc,
SUMO and DOLCE, and adding new ones.
In building ThingFO, we have adhered to the
principles and quality criteria stated above. Its three
key terms are Thing (particular), Thing Category
(universal) and Assertion, which are used in the
ontologies at lower levels.
Lastly, it is worthy remarking that the types of
Assertions shown in Figure 2 are not represented in
this way in any of the quoted ontologies at the upper
Applicability of a Foundational Ontology to Semantically Enrich the Core and Domain Ontologies
level. In summary, the figures for the current version
(v1.2) of ThingFO are 19 defined terms, 13 defined
properties, 3 specified axioms in first-order logic, and
12 defined non-taxonomic relationships that are well
balanced with the taxonomic ones.
This work has analysed ThingFO and its
applicability. It is an ontology for Particular and
Universal Things placed at the foundational level
regarding a five-tier ontological architecture. This
multitier architecture promotes a clear separation of
concerns by considering the ontological levels that
allow the allocation of components accordingly.
Since ThingFO is at the highest level, ontologies at
lower levels benefit from reusing or specializing its
three key terms, namely: Thing, Thing Category and
Assertion. So the main aim is to have a large number
of core and domain ontologies accessible under the
umbrella of this foundational ontology.
In order to analyse its applicability, this work has
illustrated the semantically enriched terms of the
SituationCO ontology, where they are, in turn, cross-
cutting concerns primarily for top-domain or low-
domain terminologies of any science. Particularly, to
show the applicability of ThingFO alongside this core
ontology, we have also addressed the mechanism to
not only enrich terms, but also to reuse and specialize
relationships for a top-domain software testing
ontology. Moreover, the non-taxonomic relationships
of SituationCO were verified for their correct
correspondence considering them as refinements (not
as subsets) of those of ThingFO. This exercise
allowed us to find a missing relationship (now called
defines) between the terms Thing and Assertion.
Last but not least, ThingFO was validated by two
external experts, outside the members of the present
research group. Based on their recommendations,
some changes were made to the conceptualization of
ThingFO. In short, their comments gave us evidence
of its potential utility. Moreover, the aforementioned
external experts, working on discrete event
simulation, after the validation effort, plan to adopt
ThingFO and populate FCD-OntoArch with new
ontologies for events and simulation. Ultimately, if,
as a produced artefact, the ThingFO ontology were
adopted step by step by the academia and industry,
this will be a promising fact of its utility and validity.
As future work, we are going to quantitatively
compare and evaluate the conceptualization of
ThingFO with a set of preselected conceptualized
foundational ontologies, considering the quality
criteria mentioned in the Discussion Section and
using the strategy illustrated in (Tebes et al., 2018).
Arp, R., Smith, B., Spear, A., 2015. Building Ontologies
with Basic Formal Ontology, MIT Press.
Becker, P., Papa, M.F., Tebes, G., Olsina, L., 2021.
Analyzing a Process Core Ontology and its Usefulness
for Different Domains, In Springer book, CCIS (to
appear): Int’l Conference on the Quality of Information
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