Initializing k-means Clustering
Christian Borgelt
and Olha Yarikova
University of Konstanz, Universit
atsstraße 10, D-78457 Konstanz, Germany
Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Hellbrunner Straße 34, A-5020 Salzburg, Austria
k-means, Cluster Initialization, Maximin, k-means++.
The quality of clustering results obtained with the k-means algorithm depends heavily on the initialization of
the cluster centers. Simply sampling centers uniformly at random from the data points usually yields fairly
poor and unstable results. Hence several alternatives have been suggested in the past, among which Maximin
(Hathaway et al., 2006) and k-means++ (Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007) are best known and most widely used.
In this paper we explore modifications of these methods that deal with cases, in which the original methods
still yield suboptimal choices of the initial cluster centers. Furthermore we present efficient implementations
of our new methods.
If groups of similar objects are to be found in given
data, the k-means clustering algorithm is among the
most popular approaches. However, a problem of the
k-means algorithm is that its success depends heavily
on its initialization. If the initial centers are poorly
chosen, it may get stuck in a local optimum far infe-
rior to what may be possible. This is often the case
for the na
ıve approach of choosing the initial cluster
centers uniformly at random from the data points.
Two common approaches to address this problem
are the Maximin method (Hathaway et al., 2006) and
the k-means++ procedure (Arthur and Vassilvitskii,
2007). In this paper, after a brief review of the ba-
sic k-means algorithm in Section 2, we consider in
Section 3 extensions of these two methods that aim
at reducing the chances of low quality center choices.
These variants try to avoid choosing outliers or cen-
ters that are too close together by restricting the data
points from which the next center may be chosen, ei-
ther strictly or in probability. In Section 4 we present
experimental results on several standard benchmark
data sets, evaluating both result quality and number
of distance computations. The paper closes with Sec-
tion 5, in which we draw conclusions from our exper-
iments and their results.
2 k-means CLUSTERING
The k-means algorithm finds a desired number k of
clusters in a data set x
, . . . , x
. It starts by
choosing k initial centers, e.g. by sampling uniformly
at random from the data points. In the subsequent
optimization phase, two steps are executed alternat-
ingly: (1) each data point is assigned to the center that
is closest to it and (2) the centers are re-computed as
vector means of the data points assigned to them.
If ν(x) denotes the center closest to a data point x,
this update scheme can be written as
i;1 i k : c
) = c
) · x
) = c
The upper indices indicate the update step and (φ)
yields 1 if φ is true and 0 otherwise. ν
) represents
the assignment step, the fraction computes the mean
of the points assigned to center c
It can be shown that this update scheme must con-
verge, that is, must reach a state in which another
execution of the two steps does not change the clus-
ter centers anymore (Selim and Ismail, 1984). How-
ever, there is no guarantee that the obtained result is
optimal in the sense that it yields the smallest sum
of squared distances between the data points and the
cluster centers they are assigned to. Rather, it is very
likely that the optimization gets stuck in local opti-
Borgelt, C. and Yarikova, O.
Initializing k-means Clustering.
DOI: 10.5220/0009872702600267
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2020), pages 260-267
ISBN: 978-989-758-440-4
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
real[][] maximin (real data[][], int n, int k):
(* data: data points, n: number of data points, k: number of clusters *)
int i, j, imax; (* loop variables, array indices *)
real dsts[n], dmax, d; (* (min/max) distance to centers *)
int hcis[n]; (* highest used cluster indices *)
real ctrs[k][]; (* chosen initial cluster centers *)
ctrs[0] = data[randint(0, n-1)]; (* choose first center randomly *)
for i = 0 to n-1: (* compute distances to first cluster *)
dsts[i] = distance(data[i], ctrs[0]); hcis[i] = 0;
for j from 1 to k-1: (* select the remaining clusters *)
dmax = 0; imax = 0; (* init. max. distance and index *)
for i = 0 to n-1: (* traverse the data points *)
if dsts[i] <= dmax: continue; (* if less than maximum, skip point *)
while hcis[i] < j-1: (* traverse skipped clusters *)
hcis[i] += 1; (* compute distance to center *)
d = distance(ctrs[hcis[i]], data[i]);
if d < dsts[i]: (* if less than known distance, *)
dsts[i] = d; (* update the minimum distance *)
if d < dmax: break; (* if less than current maximum, skip *)
if dsts[i] > dmax: (* if larger than current maximum, *)
dmax = dsts[i]; imax = i; (* note new maximum and index *)
dsts[imax] = 0.0; (* mark the data point as selected *)
ctrs[j] = data[imax]; (* and add it to the set of centers *)
return ctrs; (* return the chosen cluster centers *)
Figure 1: Efficient implementation of the Maximin cluster center initialization.
The quality of a k-means result depends heavily on
the initial centers. Poor choices can lead to inferior re-
sults due to a local optimum. However, improvements
over na
ıvely sampling uniformly at random from the
data points are easily found, for example the Maximin
method (Hathaway et al., 2006) (Section 3.1) and the
k-means++ procedure (Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007)
(Section 3.2).
3.1 Maximin and Its Variants
Standard Maximin. A simple and straightforward
method to obtain well dispersed initial centers is the
Maximin method (Hathaway et al., 2006): the first
center is sampled uniformly at random from the data
points. All subsequent centers are chosen as those
data points that maximize the minimum distance to
the already chosen cluster centers (hence the name
A na
ıve implementation of Maximin computes,
after the first center has been chosen, the distances
of all data points to the most recently chosen center
and updates a minimum distance to a center that is
stored for each data point. This requires
(k 1)n distance computations. However, using ideas
that are inspired by approaches like (Elkan, 2003;
Hamerly, 2010; Newling and Fleuret, 2016a) for ac-
celerating the optimization phase, the number of dis-
tance computations can be reduced (Yarikova, 2019).
The core idea is as follows: we store for each data
point a (minimum) distance to a center and the index
of this center. These distances are initialized with the
distance to the first center and all indices are set to
zero. Any new center can obviously only reduce the
stored distances. Hence, in the search for the maxi-
mum of the minimum distances of data points to al-
ready chosen centers, any data points with a smaller
minimum distance than the current maximum can be
skipped, even if not all distances to the currently cho-
sen centers have been computed. These distances
are computed only on a need-to-know basis: if the
minimum distance stored with a data point is greater
than the current maximum, it could yield the new
maximum, and hence distances to centers that were
skipped before are determined, but only as long as
the minimum distance of the data point remains larger
than the current maximum. Thus, for data points close
to some already chosen cluster center, distance com-
putations may no longer be necessary. A formal de-
scription of this algorithm in pseudo-code (somewhat
Python-like) is shown in Figure 1.
Trimmed Maximin. A core problem of the Max-
imin method is that it tends to select outliers, that is,
data points at the very rim of the data point cloud.
Although this ensures well dispersed initial centers,
it also tends to select centers that are far away from
Initializing k-means Clustering
other data points and thus atypical for any clusters.
A simple solution to this problem is trimmed Max-
imin (Hathaway et al., 2006), where in each selection
step a certain number s (or fraction) of the farthest
data points are trimmed. Hence the data point with the
(s+1)-th largest minimum distance to already chosen
centers is selected.
Such an approach is easily implemented by re-
placing the single maximum distance dmax and cor-
responding index imax in the algorithm in Figure 1
by a minimum heap of size s + 1, which collects
the s + 1 data points with the largest minimum dis-
tances (Yarikova, 2019). We used a simple binary
heap in our implementation. Whenever a data point
has a larger minimum distance than the data point at
the top of the heap, the data point at the top of the
heap is replaced (unless the heap is not yet full—then
the new point is simply added) and the new point sifts
down in the heap to its proper place. After all data
points have been processed, the data point at the top
of the heap is chosen as the next center.
Sectioned Maximin. An alternative to excluding ex-
treme data points is to reduce at least the chance
that outliers are chosen by selecting the data point
with the largest maximum distance not among all
data points, but only in a (random) subset of the data
points (Yarikova, 2019).
This can be achieved with a simple modifica-
tion of the algorithm shown in Figure 1: The subset
size s n is passed as an additional parameter. The
loop for i = 0 to n-1: is replaced by a loop
for r = 1 to s: (r is a new variable), while the
variable i is initialized to zero before it and updated
by i = (i+1) mod n; in each loop. In this way
the subsets, from which the next centers are chosen as
those data points with the largest minimum distances,
are sections of data points that are cut cyclically from
the (initially shuffled) data points. Note that choos-
ing s = n conveniently yields the original Maximin
behavior as a special case (Yarikova, 2019).
3.2 k-Means++ and Its Variants
Standard k-Means++. The k-means++ procedure
(Arthur and Vassilvitskii, 2007) can be seen as a ran-
domized version of the Maximin method. The data
point with the largest minimum distance from the al-
ready chosen centers is not selected absolutely, but
is merely assigned a (significantly) higher probability
than other data points. To be more specific, the prob-
ability that a data point is chosen as the next center is
proportional to the square of the minimum distance it
has to already chosen cluster centers (sampling from
a d
-distribution). Thus data points that are far away
from all already chosen centers have a high probabil-
ity of being chosen, without the farthest one being the
only possible choice.
A standard implementation of k-means++ re-
quires, like a na
ıve implementation of the Maximin
(n i) (k 1)n distance computa-
tions. Unfortunately, this cannot be reduced so eas-
ily as for the Maximin method, because all minimum
distances to cluster centers need to be known for the
random sampling. For large data sets, the methods
suggested in (Bachem et al., 2016a; Bachem et al.,
2016b) may be useful, which yield an approxima-
tion of k-means++ with the help of a Markov Chain
Monte Carlo method. We implemented these as well,
but since their results do not differ much for standard
benchmark data sets, we do not study them here.
Trimmed k-Means++. k-means++ still suffers from
two drawbacks: in the first place, outliers again have a
high probability of being chosen as initial cluster cen-
ters. Secondly, even though data points with a small
minimum distance to already chosen centers are as-
signed only a small probability, the number of these
data points naturally increases as more centers are be-
ing selected. Hence they collect considerable prob-
ability mass simply by their number. As a conse-
quence, the chance that centers are chosen that are
too close together may be unfavorably high.
We address these problems with a trimming ap-
proach based on quantiles (Yarikova, 2019): data
points with a minimum distance below a user-
specified lower quantile 1 q
or above a user-
specified upper quantile 1 q
cannot be chosen as
the next cluster center. (Note that we specify both
quantiles as 1 q, because we want q
and q
to refer
to fractions of data points with the largest minimum
Especially if the lower quantile is large (we rec-
ommend to choose q
< 0.5), this also enables an
efficient implementation that can use (similar to the
trimmed Maximin method) a heap to find the data
points above the lower quantile 1 q
. That is, we
create a minimum heap of size s = bq
·nc, which col-
lects the data points having the s largest minimum dis-
tances to already chosen cluster centers. This heap is
filled in exactly the same way as the one for trimmed
Maximin. After all data points have been processed,
the top t = bq
·nc data points (that is, the t data points
with the largest minimum distances) may be trimmed
from the heap using the quickselect scheme (Hoare,
1961) for finding a quantile quickly as well as col-
lecting the values above the quantile. A formal de-
scription of this algorithm in pseudo-code (somewhat
Python-like) is shown in Figure 2 (Yarikova, 2019).
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
real[][] kmeanspp (real data[][], int n, int k, int s, int t):
(* data: data points, n: number of data points, k: number of clusters *)
(* s, t: number of data point from lower/upper quantile to end n *)
int i, j, isel; (* loop variables, array indices *)
real dsts[n+1], dcum[], d; (* (min/cum) distances to centers *)
int hcis[n]; (* highest used cluster indices *)
int heap[s], h[]; (* heap for largest min. distances *)
real ctrs[k][]; (* chosen initial cluster centers *)
ctrs[0] = data[randint(0, n-1)]; (* choose first center randomly *)
for i = 0 to n-1: (* compute distances to first cluster *)
dsts[i] = distance(data[i], ctrs[0]); hcis[i] = 0;
dsts[n] = -1.0; (* set distance sentinel for heap *)
for j from 1 to k-1: (* select the remaining clusters *)
heap[0] = n; j = s; (* set heap sentinel, start index *)
for i = 0 to n-1: (* traverse the data points *)
if dsts[i] <= dsts[heap[0]]: continue; (* if less than heap data, skip point *)
while hcis[i] < k-1: (* traverse skipped clusters *)
hcis[i] += 1; (* go to the next cluster *)
d = distance(ctrs[hcis[i]], data[i]);
if d < dsts[i]: dsts[i] = d; (* if less, update minimum distance *)
if dsts[i] <= dsts[heap[0]]: (* if less than heap data, *)
continue; (* skip the data point *)
if j > 0: j -= 1 (* get (next) position in heap *)
sift(heap, j, s, i, dsts); (* let new distance sift down in heap *)
if t <= 0: h = heap; (* if all in top quantile, use heap *)
else: (* if to trim uppermost quantile *)
quantile(heap, s, t-1, dsts); (* trim off t largest distances *)
if t < s: h = heap[t:]; (* get the remaining heap *)
else: h = heap[-1:] (* or at least the last element *)
dcum = cumsum([dsts[i] for i in h]); (* form cumulative sums *)
isel = searchsorted(dcum, dcum[-1] *random());
if isel >= len(h): isel = len(h)-1; (* sample randomly from d
distrib. *)
isel = h[isel]; (* get chosen data point index *)
dsts[isel] = 0.0; (* mark the data point as selected *)
ctrs[j] = data[isel]; (* and add it to the set of centers *)
return ctrs; (* return the chosen cluster centers *)
Figure 2: Efficient implementation of the trimmed k-means++ procedure. The function sift performs a standard sift down
operation for a binary heap (as a simple array), called on the heap, the number of empty elements in the heap, and the size of
the heap, the data point and its distance. The function cumsum forms the cumulative sums of the values in its parameter array;
the function searchsorted finds the index of an element in an array.
3.3 Local Outlier Factor
In order to prevent outliers from being chosen as clus-
ter centers (this is the main problem of the Maximin
approach, see above), we also tried finding (potential)
outliers first and excluding them from the available
choices for (initial) cluster centers. That is, the de-
scribed methods for choosing initial cluster centers
were executed only on those data points that were not
labeled as outliers, while all data points were used in
the subsequent cluster optimization phase.
For detecting outliers we relied on the local out-
lier factor measure (Breunig et al., 2000) in the
SciKitLearn (Pedregosa et al., 2011) implementa-
tion, using default settings (20 neighbors, automatic
thresholding). For all used data sets, the local outlier
factors were computed and turned into outlier indica-
tors (thresholds determined as described in (Breunig
et al., 2000)), which could then be passed in a sepa-
rate file to the actual clustering program. In this way
we avoided having to re-compute the local outlier fac-
tors again for each clustering run, although execution
times were generally very low (see the last column of
Table 1 in the next section).
We also experimented with the somewhat newer
method of local outlier probability (Kriegel et al.,
2009), in the implementation that is provided by
. However, the execution times were so
much longer than those of the local outlier factor
implementation of SciKitLearn that we soon aban-
doned this possibility.
For our experiments we used the data sets shown in
Table 1, most of which stem from (Fr
anti and Siera-
Initializing k-means Clustering
noja, 2018)
, although the data sets “iris”, “wine” and
“yeast” can also be found in the UCI machine learning
repository (Dheeru and Taniskidou, 2017). The data
set “hepta” (Ultsch, 2005) is part of the Umatrix pack-
age for R.
These data sets have been used several
times in similar contexts (e.g. (Newling and Fleuret,
2016b; Fr
anti and Sieranoja, 2018)) and hence may
be viewed as standard benchmark data sets. All data
sets were z-score normalized in all dimensions, that
is, transformed in such a way that each dimension
has a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
After an initialization with the different methods de-
scribed above, the actual k-means optimization was
conducted with the Exponion method (Newling and
Fleuret, 2016a).
Experimental results on these data sets are shown
in Tables 2 to 6. Table 2 shows the number of dis-
tance computations needed in the initialization phase
relative to the number needed in a naive Maximim or
a standard k-means++ implementation (i.e.,
i) (k 1)n). Clearly, the optimized form of Max-
imin can reduce distance computations considerably,
often down to less than half. Trimming comes, of
course, at a price, since the restrictions on the min-
imum distances that have to be considered are less
strict. (It does not suffice for a minimum distance to
be less than the current maximum to skip additional
distance computations, but it must be less than the top
x% of minimum distances.) Sectioned Maximin, es-
pecially for small section sizes, reduces the number of
distance computations the most, sometimes to as little
as a fifth.
As can be seen, the k-means++ procedure clearly
profits from trimming, and, not surprisingly, profits
the more, the tighter the trimming: Trimming allows
similar optimizations of skipping distance computa-
tions as Maximin: what cannot enter the heap needs
no update.
Table 3 shows the clustering error, measured as
the sum of squared distances between centers and
assigned data points. All results are averages over
100 runs. Clearly, trimming very often improves the
initialization, although there are cases (wine, yeast),
where proper trimming parameters are crucial. This
is not too surprising, though, as the best parameters
depend on the level of contamination of the data set
with outliers.
If such outliers are identified before initialization
by computing a local outlier factor (see Table 4), the
percentages become somewhat worse. However, the
reason for this is that the standard Maximin method
Table 1: Used data sets and their properties: m: number
of dimensions, n: data points, k: clusters, o: outliers (local
outlier factor), “time/s”: time in seconds for outlier compu-
tation (SciKitLearn).
data set m n k o time/s
iris 4 150 3 5 <0.01
wine 14 178 3 8 <0.01
yeast 8 1484 10 44 0.04
hepta 3 212 7 0 <0.01
r15 3 600 30 48 <0.01
d31 3 3100 31 215 0.02
a1 2 3000 20 82 0.02
a2 2 5250 35 181 0.03
a3 2 7500 50 261 0.04
s1 2 5000 15 158 0.03
s2 2 5000 15 123 0.02
s3 2 5000 15 67 0.03
s4 2 5000 15 97 0.02
birch1 2 100000 100 156 0.61
birch2 2 100000 100 2731 0.67
birch3 2 100000 100 857 0.61
fares better, as it can no longer select such outliers as
cluster centers. The higher percentages thus reflect
the smaller base of standard Maximin rather than that
trimming works less well. Nevertheless the initializa-
tion still profits considerably from trimming.
A better initialization is one thing, but does this
also improve the error of the final result after opti-
mization? Table 5 shows that this is actually often the
case, although results depend heavily on the specific
data set. Note, however, that this table shows average
errors over 100 runs, which is not necessarily what
is relevant. In practice, clustering will be run several
times with different initializations and then the best
result gets selected. W.r.t. best results over 100 runs
(not shown) the different approaches hardly differ for
these data sets (they usually find the global optimum
if only they are executed often enough). A lower av-
erage error can be read as a higher chance to obtain
a good or even the best clustering result in a limited
number of runs, though.
An important insight gained from Table 5 is that
k-means++, the de facto standard for k-means initial-
ization, performs worse than Maximin on many data
sets, sometimes considerably (hepta, d31). In these
cases trimming has a very beneficial effect: not only
does it reduce the number of distance computations,
but it also makes k-means++ competitive with Max-
imin again.
Finally, Table 6 shows that the trimming ap-
proaches also lead to gains in the number of update
steps (iris appears to be somewhat of an exception,
but this may be acceptable given the better result qual-
ity, see Table 5). For most data sets, better results can
thus even be obtained in less time (or more runs can
be conducted in the same time, thus increasing the
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Numbers of distance computations for different initialization methods on different data sets. All numbers are per-
centages relative to a naive computation (both Maximin or k-means++), which requires
(n i) (k 1)n distance
maximin kmeans++
opt trimmed sectioned std trimmed
1% 2% 5% 5% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5%
data set 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
iris 60.9 73.7 76.2 80.4 51.6 52.4 53.6 100 86.0 86.6 78.7 79.4 72.5 72.3
wine 53.7 62.5 68.7 76.0 51.4 52.0 52.4 100 84.9 85.1 75.8 76.7 68.3 68.0
yeast 14.1 67.3 63.9 64.2 13.9 14.8 15.2 100 72.3 73.0 57.2 60.0 44.5 46.7
hepta 50.0 72.7 72.2 72.4 23.3 27.6 33.7 100 81.8 82.0 74.6 74.8 68.2 68.4
r15 35.9 40.6 42.7 51.5 34.3 36.3 35.8 100 74.4 74.7 61.0 61.0 51.4 50.9
d31 46.6 56.3 58.2 62.1 32.7 40.2 44.2 100 77.0 76.9 67.8 67.8 62.1 62.0
a1 38.4 51.8 54.5 60.6 23.3 32.8 36.4 100 76.9 76.9 67.4 67.3 60.4 60.3
a2 36.5 52.6 54.6 60.0 30.2 34.3 35.6 100 76.5 76.4 66.6 66.7 60.0 60.1
a3 35.8 52.9 54.9 60.3 32.3 34.9 36.0 100 76.2 76.1 66.7 66.6 60.3 60.3
s1 40.2 56.1 58.7 63.7 20.0 30.3 36.8 100 77.9 77.9 69.3 69.6 63.3 63.9
s2 40.2 54.6 56.9 62.6 19.4 29.2 35.8 100 77.6 77.7 68.7 68.8 62.4 62.7
s3 37.5 52.9 55.0 59.0 18.8 28.3 33.9 100 77.1 77.0 67.1 66.8 60.9 59.7
s4 40.7 53.8 55.8 61.0 18.5 27.9 34.5 100 77.0 76.8 67.5 67.3 61.2 60.7
birch1 31.0 49.6 52.6 58.4 28.6 29.8 30.3 100 75.8 75.7 65.7 65.6 58.5 58.5
birch2 38.6 46.3 48.2 56.2 34.0 36.1 37.4 100 75.1 74.9 64.0 63.8 56.1 55.7
birch3 32.4 43.2 45.7 52.6 29.3 30.8 31.5 100 72.0 71.8 61.0 60.5 53.1 52.4
Table 3: Average error (sum of squared distances of data points to closest clusters, 100 runs) directly after the initialization.
All columns show percentages relative to the column “maximin:std”, which thus necessarily always shows 100%.
maximin kmeans++
std trimmed sectioned std trimmed
1% 2% 5% 5% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5%
data set 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
iris 100 109 103 73.7 60.6 65.9 77.7 65.9 60.3 57.7 68.1 61.7 81.6 71.6
wine 100 121 108 98.6 84.1 86.0 93.8 80.3 81.9 79.4 88.9 80.9 92.9 88.9
yeast 100 114 95.5 77.4 76.1 84.8 90.8 55.9 57.5 69.8 64.2 73.9 72.2 74.4
hepta 100 91.4 90.8 80.6 107 91.0 93.5 145 93.2 93.4 86.5 84.7 91.9 88.6
r15 100 67.1 60.2 56.7 62.9 69.9 78.3 62.8 58.7 57.9 60.4 57.5 61.6 58.0
d31 100 50.3 47.6 78.3 63.9 72.2 81.7 85.5 61.1 70.8 55.0 57.7 53.7 50.8
a1 100 62.4 61.1 66.7 76.4 82.6 89.4 78.8 66.8 66.3 63.9 62.0 64.2 61.8
a2 100 60.7 61.5 66.4 77.7 83.3 90.3 84.9 66.8 69.2 64.5 64.2 64.4 62.0
a3 100 62.3 64.6 67.1 77.5 84.9 90.3 87.7 69.1 71.1 64.8 67.1 64.3 62.3
s1 100 46.9 42.0 36.9 65.2 75.3 84.0 70.5 49.9 47.7 44.1 43.2 46.8 40.0
s2 100 50.6 44.9 45.4 69.4 78.5 85.1 64.7 52.5 51.6 49.9 46.0 51.8 46.2
s3 100 64.3 59.0 55.8 81.8 87.3 92.7 67.8 60.0 56.8 61.4 55.3 63.1 57.0
s4 100 61.5 57.1 51.0 79.3 83.8 89.8 64.4 57.5 53.3 57.5 52.5 59.0 55.3
birch1 100 78.6 78.6 81.7 95.1 96.6 98.4 102 83.9 86.9 81.3 82.4 80.6 79.7
birch2 100 61.6 63.7 84.6 93.0 95.4 97.7 75.0 61.4 80.9 60.3 74.6 60.5 63.5
birch3 100 58.4 55.9 62.4 90.6 93.8 96.0 53.8 49.8 56.6 50.9 56.0 53.7 53.7
chance of obtaining a good result), not only by reduc-
ing the needed number of distance computations in
the initialization, but also by reducing the number of
update steps and thus the number of distance compu-
tations in the optimization process.
We developed two new initialization methods for k-
means clustering, namely sectioned Maximin and
trimmed k-means++, and provided efficient im-
plementations of all Maximin versions (standard,
trimmed, sectioned) as well as of trimmed k-means++
(see also the URLs given below, from where our soft-
ware can be obtained).
As our experimental results demonstrate, these
methods can yield better clustering quality, while at
the same time reducing the number of distance com-
putations needed for the center initialization as well
as the number of update steps (and thus the distance
computations) needed until the k-means optimization
procedure converges.
Somewhat surprisingly, finding outliers first and
excluding them from the choice of initial cluster cen-
ters did not really improve the results—likely, be-
cause trimming during initialization already handles
outliers very effectively.
Initializing k-means Clustering
Table 4: Average error directly after the initialization (100 runs), if found outliers are ineligible as cluster centers. All columns
show percentages relative to the column “maximin:std”, which thus necessarily always shows 100%.
maximin kmeans++
std trimmed sectioned std trimmed
1% 2% 5% 5% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5%
data set 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
iris 100 109 95.1 70.9 68.6 74.0 79.5 69.6 68.3 63.5 74.5 69.6 84.2 75.9
wine 100 97.5 101 91.2 86.5 89.7 92.9 88.9 86.1 83.9 87.2 84.2 93.4 89.8
yeast 100 103 84.1 82.3 78.6 84.5 91.3 59.5 61.3 77.9 66.6 81.3 72.3 79.5
hepta 100 91.0 91.2 80.8 102 90.1 92.3 156 91.4 95.7 86.9 84.9 91.2 87.7
r15 100 75.6 68.7 67.2 74.2 77.4 84.4 77.9 71.8 71.1 71.9 70.4 73.5 70.0
d31 100 60.3 58.2 98.0 71.4 78.4 85.9 109 74.8 81.4 67.9 70.7 63.6 62.6
a1 100 65.1 62.8 72.0 77.8 84.3 90.1 85.0 69.5 71.1 67.3 66.4 67.4 65.0
a2 100 66.3 64.3 72.2 80.0 86.1 90.5 91.7 74.5 77.2 69.9 72.0 69.6 67.9
a3 100 68.3 70.9 75.4 82.0 87.5 91.9 97.0 74.2 80.1 70.7 73.6 70.5 69.6
s1 100 55.5 48.3 43.0 72.5 79.3 88.6 78.7 56.1 57.1 52.3 50.9 51.8 45.9
s2 100 54.9 50.1 51.3 75.1 83.2 87.8 73.0 58.9 55.7 54.2 52.1 55.8 51.4
s3 100 64.1 61.0 54.9 82.1 87.2 92.7 72.0 61.2 58.4 61.9 57.0 62.6 57.7
s4 100 66.0 59.8 56.6 80.8 86.0 90.8 70.3 61.5 58.6 63.1 57.3 65.6 59.1
birch1 100 80.9 81.1 84.4 95.0 97.0 98.2 104 86.9 89.7 83.8 85.2 82.1 81.7
birch2 100 62.8 66.0 89.6 93.1 95.8 98.2 75.1 63.1 84.5 61.4 75.7 62.0 63.8
birch3 100 60.3 58.7 69.7 90.1 93.3 95.7 56.8 52.4 61.2 53.1 60.7 55.8 56.7
Table 5: Average error (sum of squared distances of data points to closest clusters, 100 runs) after k-means optimization
until convergence. All columns show percentages relative to the column “maximin:std”, which thus necessarily always shows
maximin kmeans++
std trimmed sectioned std trimmed
1% 2% 5% 5% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5%
data set 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
iris 100 89.3 89.4 91.9 93.0 93.8 95.7 95.3 93.5 94.2 94.8 92.8 95.8 96.4
wine 100 99.2 99.2 102 99.9 101 100 99.5 100 101 99.8 101 101 101
yeast 100 94.0 105 108 96.9 97.7 99.3 98.8 94.1 109 94.8 109 96.2 107
hepta 100 100 100 100 118 100 100 178 110 110 100 100 100 100
r15 100 101 104 103 102 102 101 106 104 104 103 103 103 103
d31 100 96.5 97.9 137 97.5 97.6 98.0 153 118 130 106 112 100 103
a1 100 93.8 95.3 98.8 98.6 97.5 98.4 103 98.4 99.7 97.3 96.8 96.6 96.0
a2 100 89.5 90.7 95.5 94.3 95.7 97.1 107 96.0 98.1 92.6 93.3 92.4 91.2
a3 100 89.7 90.9 96.7 93.8 95.1 96.4 113 99.8 101 95.7 96.5 91.9 93.6
s1 100 70.4 72.0 73.1 83.9 87.4 90.2 108 88.4 88.8 80.0 81.1 79.1 72.4
s2 100 91.7 85.8 88.6 94.1 93.0 95.8 102 91.9 90.9 90.5 88.8 89.5 87.5
s3 100 101 101 101 101 101 101 103 102 101 101 101 102 102
s4 100 99.5 100 99.8 102 101 102 101 101 99.4 100 101 102 99.9
birch1 100 95.1 95.1 95.9 98.8 98.9 99.2 98.8 96.4 96.5 96.1 96.1 95.7 95.9
birch2 100 99.0 99.1 99.9 102 101 101 101 97.8 99.0 98.2 98.9 98.3 98.4
birch3 100 94.3 95.1 99.4 98.5 99.1 99.5 94.3 92.8 97.5 92.4 96.2 92.8 94.4
However, selecting an outlier as an initial clus-
ter center may not be so bad either. Since outliers
are “surrounding” the data point cloud, they may still
be reasonably good choices for initial cluster centers
that are directed to their proper places by the opti-
mization procedure. This effect may also explain why
Maximin often outperforms kmeans++. This demon-
strates that the current de facto initialization standard
may be worse than it is held to be, at least it can
be improved upon. Our trimming approaches make
kmeans++ competitive with Maximin again, though.
However, in terms of the number of needed distance
computations, Maximin still wins.
Software and Extended Results. Our implementa-
tions (Python and C, MIT License) as well as ex-
tended result tables can be obtained at http://www.
The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial
support from Land Salzburg within the WISS 2025
project IDA-Lab (20102-F1901166-KZP and 20204-
DATA 2020 - 9th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 6: Average number of update steps (epochs) until the k-means optimization converges (100 runs). All columns show
percentages relative to the column “maximin:std”, which thus necessarily always shows 100%.
maximin kmeans++
std trimmed sectioned std trimmed
1% 2% 5% 5% 10% 20% 20% 20% 10% 10% 5% 5%
data set 0% 2% 0% 2% 0% 1%
iris 100 112 121 99.3 108 111 106 103 105 95.7 105 104 114 105
wine 100 87.7 79.9 76.7 89.2 89.7 93.2 89.0 78.4 82.6 87.0 78.7 89.0 83.4
yeast 100 58.9 71.6 86.8 91.3 103 88.6 79.7 75.2 78.5 80.6 83.3 89.7 86.4
hepta 100 100 100 100 116 102 100 158 106 110 100 100 100 100
r15 100 95.9 113 101 94.7 92.2 94.6 99.8 93.3 97.2 96.9 95.4 90.3 93.7
d31 100 70.4 75.4 117 72.4 83.1 85.4 137 110 123 93.3 106 86.4 87.1
a1 100 57.7 66.1 73.3 79.1 82.5 87.1 72.7 67.9 69.7 68.7 67.8 70.1 67.6
a2 100 76.9 85.9 90.3 90.3 98.9 102 117 92.9 102 90.1 90.0 86.1 80.4
a3 100 70.8 69.9 87.0 80.3 80.9 87.0 100 91.4 94.1 80.2 85.2 73.4 79.7
s1 100 46.9 50.4 53.0 75.9 81.7 94.1 133 92.3 83.7 67.7 68.9 62.8 48.6
s2 100 73.8 68.1 64.8 94.1 87.1 95.7 104 84.8 88.0 71.5 75.5 68.4 67.4
s3 100 95.6 91.1 94.2 101 104 104 103 90.7 92.7 96.5 96.9 96.0 93.2
s4 100 87.0 89.9 84.1 94.4 100 100 92.4 92.6 90.0 86.1 76.9 85.9 85.9
birch1 100 72.9 72.0 77.7 87.9 91.9 99.0 96.8 79.9 81.5 73.5 75.5 72.5 77.6
birch2 100 135 138 139 113 107 109 134 135 145 132 140 121 134
birch3 100 96.8 90.6 103 95.8 99.4 97.7 102 94.9 98.8 95.6 97.4 99.4 101
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