Securing Device-to-Cloud Interactions in the Internet of Things Relying
on Edge Devices
ıas Grande and Marta Beltr
Department of Computing, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Access Control, Delegation of Authorization, Identity Management, Internet of Things, Name-oriented
Networking, Reverse Addressing.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is not a traditional network, and this is the reason why it presents new and unique
challenges such as identification, addressing, naming, authentication or authorization of constrained devices.
Edge approaches rely on distributed platforms at the network edge serving as a bridge between the physical
world (things and data sources, often very constrained devices) and the IoT-cloud services (digital services
offered from full-resource servers in the cloud, often not real-time and bandwidth-consuming). The main
contributions of this work are the specification of a new event-driven addressing approach for IoT relying
on edge-centric delegation of authorization which appropriately adapts and extends the well-known OAuth
2.0 specification for the IoT and a novel approach for naming constrained devices in large scale scenarios that
does not depend on the application domain or on the deployment and implementation details. Furthermore, the
definition of the Enrolment and Action flows solving the most important challenges arising in the considered
scenario: enrolment at the edge device, name-oriented networking, authentication, and authorization using
access control tokens as a mechanism for transferring access rights from one agent (edge device) to another
(constrained device).
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a very challenging
context in which many traditional solutions for ad-
dressing, naming, authentication or authorization are
not suitable due to its inherent scale, heterogeneity,
dynamism, complexity and, in many cases, resource
constraints. The new Edge Computing paradigm in-
troduces new devices (such as controllers, hubs, smart
gateways or micro data centres) at the edge of the
network, near constrained devices and able to com-
municate with both, these devices and resources, ser-
vices or applications offered in the cloud. These edge
devices can be used to decouple the cloud services
from the low-level implementation details of proto-
cols used by constrained devices and to offload secu-
rity functions, etc. In summary, edge devices can be
used as logical intermediaries, brokers or proxies be-
tween the physical and the Internet/Web/Cloud layers
of IoT, raising interoperability and security levels.
This work is focused on delegating complexity
to an edge node relying on publish-subscribe mecha-
nisms to solve addressing (reverse addressing), defin-
ing generic naming schemes not dependent on de-
vices’ implementation, allowing name oriented net-
working and delegation of authorization based on fed-
erated mechanisms (token-based).
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-
tion 2 provides an overview of the related work. Sec-
tion 3 discusses the primary motivations for this work
with some examples and potential use cases. Section
4 describes the considered architecture and presents
the proposed addressing, naming schemes and au-
thentication/authorization flows, all of them based on
an edge-centric approach. Finally, Section 5 summa-
rizes our main conclusions.
Previous works have proposed different addressing
mechanisms specifically designed for the IoT. The
first group of these works rely on hierarchical ad-
dressing from IoT-cloud services to constrained de-
vices which forces the cloud services to know the un-
derlying deployment of constrained devices and the
network they build (Tanganelli et al., 2018), (Moeini
et al., 2019). The second group of these works pro-
Grande, E. and Beltrán, M.
Securing Device-to-Cloud Interactions in the Internet of Things Relying on Edge Devices.
DOI: 10.5220/0009804705590564
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 559-564
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
poses the opposite approach: addressing relies on
publish-subscribe mechanisms instead of on one-to-
one synchronous communications (Lan et al., 2014),
(Cheng et al., 2016). This kind of solution can be
much more efficient than the previously discussed due
to the large scale of usual IoT projects. However,
constrained devices need to subscribe to an event bus
without intermediaries, with all the resources con-
sumption and security threats that this implies.
Regarding the definition of naming schemes spe-
cific for the IoT, there have also been very interest-
ing researches. One group includes in the name of
the device information relative to actions it supports
or provides. This conditions the naming scheme to
the implementation details of the different constrained
devices enrolled to the system, (Arshad et al., 2018),
(Hail, 2019). The other group tries to propose solu-
tions independent of devices’ properties, functional-
ity or implementation details. Therefore, they are not
tied to any specific application domain, but, on the
other hand, they cannot take advantage of particular
devices’ characteristics (Yan et al., 2013), (Lee et al.,
2015), showing worse performance figures.
With name-oriented networking, interactions are
consumer-driven, and consumers request accesses us-
ing only the name of the required resource. In ad-
dition, these interactions are protected using a data-
centric approach: each piece of information (data,
file, command) is individually protected. Further-
more, interaction requests must be stateful to enable
smart forwarding and management strategies. Some
recent works have proposed lightweight mechanisms
to guarantee all these properties in the IoT given usual
resource constraints (Mahmoud et al., 2019), (Pahl
et al., 2019).
Finally, regarding authentication and authoriza-
tion of IoT devices, the first group of analysed pre-
vious works rely on distributed and cooperative ap-
proaches to overcome this challenge, trying to pro-
pose simple, lightweight and efficient mechanisms
that do not consume all available resources IoT sen-
sors and devices. These mechanisms are very often
based on different kinds of cryptographic techniques
and rely on specific features of devices, communica-
tion protocols and application domains (Cirani and Pi-
cone, 2015), (Sciancalepore et al., 2018).
The second group of works rely on centralized or
federated approaches, trusting in some sophisticated
authorization engine or server (or in a federation of
them) to make richer decisions regarding access con-
trol (fine-grain, based on context or attributes, risk-
based). Many of these works are based on the OAuth
2.0 specification (IETF, 2019). It is an authorization
framework that allows third-party applications to ac-
cess resources on behalf of the resource owner, who
has previously consented to it. There are recurrent
challenges addressed by works relying on the OAuth
specification for the IoT (Arnaboldi and Tschofenig,
2019), (Lagutin et al., 2019). Mainly, the secure
storage of credentials used for the device authentica-
tion and the management of user consents minimizing
non-automated interactions involving this user. Both
are especially difficult to solve given the limitations
of available resources and the high scalability of IoT
There are a plethora of use cases that could benefit
from a new approach overcoming the limitations of
previous works related to the identification, address-
ing, naming, authentication and authorization of con-
strained devices from IoT-cloud services. Good ex-
amples can be found in Smart Cities, Industry 4.0,
Smart Agriculture or Healthcare scenarios. All these
use cases have essential aspects in common not ad-
dressed by previous works:
Addressing based on an asynchronous publish-
subscribe approach may be much more efficient
than usual addressing linked to constrained de-
vices or protocols specific features. However, re-
source consumption levels with current solutions
are too high due to direct subscription to the event
bus. Furthermore, the security levels achieved
are usually not enough for many of these use
cases, where some of the applications are critical
(healthcare, industry, transportation, etc.).
Naming solutions proposed in the past do not ab-
stract sufficiently IoT-cloud services from imple-
mentation and deployment details (of devices and
protocols). Furthermore, if they do, they do not
usually enable name-oriented networking, a suit-
able approach for the considered context and a de-
sirable feature given its stateful data-centric secu-
Standard versions of OAuth, a well-known so-
lution to solve authorization, are not suitable
for constrained devices because they work over
HTTP and TLS. Solutions based on lightweight
application protocols are required instead. More-
over, these solutions should be capable of working
with very constrained devices not capable of stor-
ing their own credentials securely.
All previous works trying to adapt OAuth to these
scenarios have something in common: they do
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Three-Layer architecture considered in this work.
not focus on the enrolment or registration of de-
vices into the authorization solution, credentials
sharing is always performed manually and out-
of-band, or it is an issue not explicitly addressed
for constrained devices without any secure stor-
age capabilities. This approach does not provide
the required levels of scalability in the scenarios
mentioned above.
In general, all IoT scenarios requiring high degrees
of automation of management because they include
large amounts of constrained devices working over
lightweight protocols and not capable of storing their
own credentials securely, could benefit from the solu-
tion proposed in this paper.
The three different roles, shown in figure 1,
are considered: IoT-cloud services (running on full-
resource servers; delivering computing and commu-
nication capabilities, data storage, management or vi-
sualization capabilities; and needing to address, name
and authorize things to perform certain specific tasks),
edge devices (gateways, independent or embedded
controllers, sensing terminals or even edge clusters or
micro data centres) and constrained devices (things
embedded within the physical world with minimal
available resources).
Given this architecture, the edge-centric solution
proposed in next section specifies how constrained
devices can be addressed and named by IoT-cloud ser-
vices through edge devices which support OAuth 2.0.
According to the considered architecture and our
research goals, we first need to enrol constrained de-
vices in the proposed addressing and naming schemes
through an edge device. Once a constrained device
has been enrolled in the proposed system, it has a
name and the IoT-cloud service should have a mean to
find it by some kind of address. This name (or iden-
tifier) should be unique and agnostic of the authoriza-
tion server so that identity will be related one-to-one
with the provided name, regardless of the edge device
in which the constrained device has enrolled. If this
feature can be guaranteed, it will support authoriza-
4.1 Enrolment Flow
This flow is related to the constrained device enrol-
ment, enabling an edge device to identify a single de-
vice (or a group of them) that may, at some point, re-
quire interaction with an IoT-cloud service. This flow
should allow constrained devices to negotiate their
own access scopes for these interactions through edge
devices solving their addressing and naming.
First, this flow avoids the need for performing a
strong authentication that would consume all avail-
able (and limited) resources at the constrained device.
In order to identify and to authenticate this device this
work proposes the use of an identity token issued af-
ter the validation of a soft fingerprint built through at-
tributes regarding device’s context, static or dynamic
(Yang et al., 2019). The device fingerprint can be
built relying on its hardware properties, physical or
logical addresses, user agent, geo-location, etc. or on
behavioural features coming from network protocol
analysis (used protocols, headers and payloads sizes,
inter-arrival times, etc.). The identity token works as a
unique and opaque identifier representing the device’s
context stored in the cloud during its enrolment.
Second, avoiding a robust authentication model
allows one edge device, even with limited resources
too, to enrol and to manage a significant number of
constrained devices. Third, both soft fingerprint built
through attributes regarding the device’s context and
the identity token generated from that context, allow
network independence because there are not authenti-
cation mechanisms based on the underlying commu-
nication protocol.
Figure 2 shows the proposed Enrolment flow, con-
sisting of the following steps:
1. The constrained device requests to the edge de-
vice for the available scopes it has allowed as an
OAuth 2.0 client. The application protocol must
support this request; it may be a GET or a POST
depending on the specific edge device implemen-
tation and selected protocol.
2. The edge device retrieves from this request and
register all the attributes that describe the current
context (the aforementioned soft fingerprint) of
the constrained device. If the request was a GET,
Securing Device-to-Cloud Interactions in the Internet of Things Relying on Edge Devices
Figure 2: Enrolment Flow.
the context includes the logical address of the con-
strained device and its user agent depending on
the headers included in the protocol implementa-
tion. If the request was a POST, the payload could
also include the device’s physical address, its geo-
location, etc.
3. The edge device replies to the constrained device
with the set of supported scopes.
4. Once the constrained device chooses which scope
among the available best fits its needs, it requests
for an identity token valid only for this specific
5. The edge device validates that the requested scope
is supported and verifies if the context of the re-
ceived request matches the previously registered
6. If the scope is supported and the context is veri-
fied successfully, the edge device requests to the
OAuth 2.0 server the delegation of authorization
based on its own access token. At this moment,
the OAuth 2.0 authorization server links the iden-
tity of the specific constrained device with the ac-
cess token of the edge device for generating a new
identity token which represents the new autho-
rization granted to the constrained device. This
delegation can be made as many times as needed
with all devices which initiate the enrolment flow
through the same edge device. This delegation hi-
erarchy allows to the cloud services the ability to
revoke all identity tokens linked to a concrete ac-
cess token only revoking this access token in the
same way a Public Key Infrastructure works with
the intermediate certificate authorities and the cer-
tificates issued by them. In this step, it is assumed
that the access token has been previously negoti-
ated between the edge device and the OAuth 2.0
server securely following the traditional specifica-
7. The OAuth 2.0 server makes a soft enrolment of
the constrained device based on its context (prop-
agated by the edge device), and it links this con-
text to the access token of the edge device. After
that, the identity token for the constrained device
is generated with a short expiration time (which
varies from one application domain to another but
that should not exceed one hour), and this token is
also linked to the access token of the edge device.
8. The generated identity token is sent back to the
edge device. As in any other capability-based
model (tokens are traditional access control capa-
bilities which provide permissions to access pro-
tected resources), the token must always be trans-
mitted over a secure channel.
9. Finally, the identity token is replied to the con-
strained device (again over a secure channel) and
therefore, the enrolment procedure at this edge de-
vice is concluded.
4.2 Event-driven Addressing and
Action Flow
Once a constrained device is enrolled in an edge de-
vice, it has an identity token, and therefore, it is able
to interact with an IoT-cloud service through this edge
device. Reverse addressing is the method proposed
in this work to enable this interaction. This kind
of addressing is based on event-driven mechanisms
which allow building large-scale distributed applica-
tions within IoT. The routing is based on publish-
subscribe mechanisms instead of on one-to-one syn-
chronous communications. Figure 3 shows the pro-
posed Action flow required to support this reverse ad-
dressing, consisting of the following steps:
1. The constrained device sends a request to the edge
device in which it has enrolled via a GET includ-
ing two different headers: Proxy-Uri and ETag.
The Proxy-Uri header refers to the cloud service
URI where the constrained device needs to per-
form the access with the edge device acting as an
intermediary. The ETag header includes the iden-
tity token of the constrained device obtained dur-
ing the Enrolment flow. These two headers may
be supported by the selected application protocol
or may be defined from scratch.
2. The edge device translates the lightweight re-
quest method to the corresponding HTTP method
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 3: Action Flow.
and sends the request to the URI included in the
Proxy-Uri header of the initial request. In this re-
quest to the OAuth 2.0 server, the identity token
and the access token of the edge device are also re-
quired. In the example shown in figure 3, the GET
method is translated into an HTTP GET method.
3. The OAuth 2.0 server retrieves the context infor-
mation associated with the identity token, includ-
ing actions or orders needed by the cloud service
to perform the requested interaction, and it sends
back all information to the edge device.
4. The edge device verifies that the context of the
constrained device asking to interact with the
cloud service matches the available context infor-
mation retrieved from the OAuth 2.0 server. If
the context does not match, information retrieved
from the OAuth 2.0 server will not be shared.
5. Finally, the edge device translates the HTTP re-
sponse to the corresponding response in order to
act as an intermediary and to propagate the in-
formation to the constrained device. In this case,
only the actions or orders coming from the cloud
service would be propagated because the con-
strained device does not need information about
its own context.
4.3 Naming
A structured hierarchy of identifiers that can be under-
stood across domains, ecosystems, owners, commu-
nities and vendors is required. It would facilitate data
sharing, but it is unlikely that all IoT-cloud services
and edge devices agree on a single common network-
naming scheme. Names can be identifiers if they are
unique in some scope, even if constrained devices us-
ing these names move within the network or enrols
in a different edge device. This kind of names can
be used, for example, to verify the integrity or prove-
nance of sensing data, to guarantee non-repudiation
or to perform name-based search or discovery of con-
strained devices.
The use of a naming hierarchy minimizes the
probability of names’ collision while making easy to
check the veracity and uniqueness of a given name
and the mapping of the name to a specific device
within a broad deployment. It also may improve scal-
ability since new tags or fields could be added if re-
quired, supporting name aggregation. Finally, a hier-
archical scheme provides excellent compatibility with
the existing Internet naming solutions.
In this work, we propose a naming scheme based
on XRIs (G. Wachob, 2003), because they provide hu-
man and machine-friendly formats which can be ex-
pressed as URIs if needed. Furthermore, they enable
persistence. The name or identifier of a constrained
device can be built using ve tags (one more than it
was proposed in (van Thuan et al., 2014)):
xri:// Domain Tag / Region Tag / Zone Tag / Edge
Tag / ConstrainedDevice Tag.
The first tag is the ”Domain” tag. In this work, the
name or identifier of a constrained device is agnostic
of the identity provider or the OAuth server. In this
way, the name is unique, and each constrained device
is named in an interoperable way across the systems.
This tag starts with a ”=” or a ”+” depending on if the
domain is a person, or another kind of IoT business
domain respectively.
The second and third tags are ”Region” and
”Zone” respectively. These tags represent how the
constrained devices are grouped geographically or or-
ganizationally. They are optional tags because the
deployment of the constrained devices could be not
so complex even though that deployment was global.
These tags start with a ”@” because they are geo-
location data or an organizational unit.
The fourth tag is the ”Edge” tag, used to identify
the gateways, independent or embedded controllers,
sensing terminals or even edge clusters or micro data
centres to which the constrained devices are con-
nected. This tag is the first in the name hierarchy
linked to the technology and to the physical world,
and it starts with a ”+” because it may be any IoT
Finally, we have the ”Constrained Device” tag.
This tag represents anything embedded within the
physical world with minimal available resources.
They can be, for example, any kind of constrained de-
vices like sensors or actuators and therefore, this tag
starts with a ”+” in the same way that the previous tag.
Securing Device-to-Cloud Interactions in the Internet of Things Relying on Edge Devices
This paper has proposed an event-driven addressing
and novel XRI-based naming approach for the Inter-
net of Things, relying on a delegation of authorization
mechanism based on OAuth 2.0 that enables the au-
thenticated and authorized interaction of constrained
devices and IoT-cloud services through edge interme-
diaries. The proposed solution has demonstrated in
different projects that it is scalable (allowing auto-
mated enrolment in large scenarios) and interopera-
ble (based on an event-driven polling approach and on
the same concepts that standard OAuth 2.0 implemen-
tations, only extending them). Enough to solve ad-
dressing issues in almost all scenarios with adequate
efficiency, fault tolerance and security. Furthermore,
abstracting IoT-cloud services from low-level imple-
mentation details.
This research has been partially supported by the
Madrid region (EdgeData, Grant Ref. P2018/TCS-
4499) and by the Ericsson-URJC Chair (”Data Sci-
ence applied to 5G”).
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SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography