Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked
Critical Infrastructures
Nicholas Cifranic
, Jose Romero-Mariona
, Brian Souza
and Roger A. Hallman
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, San Diego, California, U.S.A.
Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Cybersecurity, Deception, Honeypots, Cyber-physical Systems, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA), Industrial Control Systems (ICS), Critical Infrastructure.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) networks, which enable virtual components of critical
infrastructures to connect to physical components, like the electrical grid, for example, are susceptible to
cyber threats. This introductory paper discusses the application of deception as a technique for improving
the cybersecurity posture of a network by using decoys to obfuscate the network and in turn make it harder
for a potential adversary to find the real components. The Decepti-SCADA framework is introduced, which
demonstrates multiple improvements over previous implementations of cyber deception strategies for SCADA
systems. Decepti-SCADA has developed SCADA-specific decoys that can be used in a critical infrastructure
environment. We detail Decepti-SCADAs architecture, decoy generation and distribution, and ultimately
explore what else can be done with cyber deception for critical infrastructures through early results.
The current state of computer security is an asymmet-
ric battle between defenders and attackers. Defend-
ers need to have a high level of security assurance
on their networks and that requires an intensive risk
management process. When securing a computer net-
work, it is impossible to eliminate all vulnerabilities
so defenders have to focus on minimizing their risk
(Denning and Denning, 2016). The way to minimize
risk is to find what vulnerabilities are present on their
systems, then rate the likelihood and the impact of
those vulnerabilities being exploited. That leaves de-
fenders with a model of which vulnerabilities are a
priority and need to be fixed first. Defenders have
limited recourses so they must choose what fixes to
implement based on the cost price analysis of said
fixes. This leaves some lower priority vulnerabilities
unpatched, and other vulnerabilities with imperfect
fixes. In short, completely defending an operational
network is an impossible task. In order for attackers
to accomplish their goals, they don’t need to find all
the weak points in a network, they only need to find
a few. In this way, attackers have an asymmetric ad-
Defenders add security features to their networks
like firewalls and intrusion detection systems in order
to prevent unauthorized and unwanted access to their
systems. These types of security features can success-
fully thwart cyber-attacks, but are fundamentally hon-
est. When attackers do network reconnaissance, they
have a high level of confidence that their interactions
with the systems on the network can be trusted as le-
gitimate. Defenders can take advantage of this trust
by adding deception to their network. Deception can
be used to degrade the quality of the attacker’s under-
standing of the network that they are trying to exploit.
This will cause an attacker to spend a disproportion-
ate amount of time interacting with devices that don’t
add useful information to the attacker. Any amount of
time that an attacker is interacting with a decoy is less
time with a real machine and less progress towards
their goals.
In this paper we present the Decepti-SCADA
framework, which utilizes recent advances in de-
ception and cybersecurity and integrates them into
the realm of operational and industrial technologies.
Our main contribution is the introduction of a high-
interaction honeypot system for networked critical
infrastructure. Furthermore, Decepti-SCADA has
a modular, Dockerized design (Merkel, 2014) that
makes it much more user-friendly than currently ex-
isting implementations of deception technologies for
industrial control systems.
Cifranic, N., Romero-Mariona, J., Souza, B. and Hallman, R.
Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked Critical Infrastructures.
DOI: 10.5220/0009343300690077
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security (IoTBDS 2020), pages 69-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-426-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 provides background information on
deception and SCADA systems which will be neces-
sary for developing an understanding of the Decepti-
SCADA framework. Sections 3, 4, and 5, respec-
tively, present the Decepti-SCADA framework, archi-
tecture, and deployment. Concluding remarks and fu-
ture work are discussed in Section 6.
We begin by covering background information that
lays the foundation for the Decepti-SCADA frame-
work. Specifically, we provide a brief history of de-
ception and survey its application to cybersecurity for
information technology (IT) systems. We also discuss
SCADA networks and how these operational technol-
ogy systems differ from more well-known IT systems.
Readers wishing for more detailed surveys of the top-
ics are encouraged to read (Pawlick et al., 2019) for
deception in cybersecurity and (Arghira et al., 2011;
Nazir et al., 2017) for an overview of modern SCADA
systems and their specific cybersecurity needs, re-
2.1 Deception in Cybersecurity
Communication, be it between people or machines,
operates on the presumption of truthfulness. Decep-
tion occurs when the message sender intentionally
transmits a false message to the receiver, with the
intent of fostering an inaccurate belief state (Buller
and Burgoon, 1996). Indeed, deception has been used
in adversarial situations throughout history to create
a strategic advantage where it may not have previ-
ously existed (Latimer, 2003). Examples of decep-
tion tactics include the creation of a fake Allied in-
vasion force in Kent during World War II (Wheatley,
1976) or ‘bluffing’ in games of poker (Palom
aki et al.,
2016). In the case of World War II’s fake invasion
force, the Allies’ goal was to fool NAZI forces into
relocating their forces and making the actual landing
site on Omaha Beach a softer target; poker players
typically bluff when they they have a weak hand and
want to convince their opponent to fold.
Where traditional (i.e., passive) cybersecurity is
primarily oriented towards intrusion prevention and
detection, deception is categorized as a form of active
security (Denning, 2014). Deception for cybersecu-
rity seeks to manipulate the information that an ad-
versary learns during the attack reconnaissance phase
(Bilinski et al., 2019). Pawlick, et al (Pawlick et al.,
2019), provide a detailed taxonomy of defensive de-
Perturbation is a deception technique which uses
the insertion of noise to limit the leakage of sensi-
tive information. Differential Privacy is a notable
example of a perturbation strategy (Dwork, 2011).
Moving Target Defenses (MTD) actively recon-
figure network assets and defensive tools to im-
pair an adversary’s attack reconnaissance (Jajodia
et al., 2012).
Obfuscation defenses waste an adversary’s re-
sources by presenting and directing them to decoy
targets as opposed to the network’s actual assets,
as well as presenting fraudulent information inter-
mixed with legitimate (i.e., valuable) information
(Chakraborty et al., 2019).
Mixing strategies use exchange systems to prevent
direct linkage between systems (e.g., the use of
the Tor network (AlSabah and Goldberg, 2016)).
Honey-x deception strategies refer to the use of
technologies such as honeypots (Fan et al., 2017),
honey-patches (Araujo et al., 2014), etc.,that mas-
querade as legitimate network assets but include
advanced monitoring capabilities which enable
system administrators to discern information on
Attacker Engagement involves the use of feedback
to influence attacker behavior for extended peri-
ods, wasting their resources and allowing network
administrators to conduct counterintelligence op-
erations (Gutzwiller et al., 2018; Bilinski et al.,
2.2 Modern SCADA Systems
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
networks, systems which monitor and control auto-
mated processes, are important to both ICS and crit-
ical infrastructure. In power generation and distribu-
tion infrastructure, SCADA systems are used for su-
pervision, control, optimization, and management of
generation and transmission systems (Arghira et al.,
2011). SCADA systems typically consist of compo-
nents such as:
Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) automatically col-
lect data from collected sensors, meters, or other
process equipment;
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are used
in numerous control applications as well as read
meters and application status reports.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Furthermore, SCADA systems have typically used
numerous, often proprietary, protocols that limit inter-
connectivity with other systems (as opposed to more
recent trends in protocol standardization).
2.2.1 Cybersecurity for SCADA Systems
SCADA systems are notoriously fragile systems with
many legacy devices which are unable to support stan-
dard security technologies, and this has led to nu-
merous cybersecurity difficulties (e.g., SCADA sys-
tems are susceptible to timing errors due to the inter-
action with cybersecurity components). Members of
the Decepti-SCADA team have previously surveyed
the current state of SCADA security and developed
evaluation capabilities to grade the suitability of cy-
bersecurity products for SCADA networks (Romero-
Mariona. et al., 2016). This review of cybersecurity
for SCADA concentrates on defensive deception—
honey-x strategies, in particular—applied to ICS and
critical infrastructure.
The use of a cyber deception strategy on SCADA
systems allows defenders to disrupt an attacker’s
asymmetric advantage by presenting false informa-
tion that the attacker accepts as the truth, and build a
false belief state based on that information. Thus a de-
ception strategy offers advantages that other defense
strategies cannot. Using decoys on a SCADA sys-
tem increases the attack surface that an attacker must
interact with in order to complete their goals. For in-
stance, if an Attacker is doing passive reconnaissance
(e.g.,simply monitoring traffic) decoys will obfuscate
which values and protocols are actually being used on
the real systems, delaying or deterring an attacker. If
an attacker is doing active reconnaissance, then de-
ception increases the size of their network footprint
by forcing them to have to interact with real devices as
well as decoys. Network intrusion detection systems
then have a higher probability of detecting attacker,
since their attack footprint is larger. Using honeypots
accomplishes this with relatively low overhead cost to
the defenders, and the honeypots do not interact with
the real SCADA devices. This means that properly
configured deception can be used on a SCADA sys-
tem without interrupting normal system functionality.
Honeypots have been implemented in SCADA cy-
bersecurity strategies in both commercial and aca-
demic settings. Commercially, HoneyD
and Con-
are two well-known, opensource projects. Hon-
eyd is a small daemon that creates virtual hosts on
a network which can be configured to run arbitrary
services, and their personality can be adapted so that
they appear to be running certain operating systems.
HoneyD shows how hosts might appear on the net-
work, however these virtual hosts are not very inter-
active. Conpot is a low interaction server-side ICS
honeypot designed to be easy to deploy, modify and
extend. Conpot code is difficult to execute due in part
to a poor user interface.
The SCADA HoneyNet Project was an early at-
tempt at integrating honeypots into SCADA systems
that was able to simulate stack, protocol, and appli-
cation levels of architecture, as well as some serial
ports. The project is no longer maintained, how-
ever project artifacts are available in an online reposi-
. The Digital Bond SCADA HoneyNet is another
SCADA honeypot effort which has been abandoned
and archived online
. Digital Bond’s approach could
simulate a Programmable Logic Controler (PLC) with
Modbus/TCP, FTP, Telnet, HTTP, and SNMP avail-
able to the attacker. However, a separate machine is
required for network monitoring.
More recently, Simoes, et al. (Sim
oes et al., 2013;
oes et al., 2015), consider the use of integrat-
ing honeypots into SCADA systems and critical in-
frastructure systems in the larger context of securing
large-scale networked critical infrastructure. Their
honeypot detects attackers by simulating a complete
Modbus TCP device, incorporating the protocol, con-
trol device logic, as well as other services such as
SNMP and FTP services that are commonly found on
commercially available PLCs and RTU devices.
3 THE Decepti-SCADA
This paper describes the Decepti-SCADA framework,
which we believe is a significant improvement over
previously available SCADA honeypots. Specifically:
Decepti-SCADA decoys are built in a modular
fashion, making it easy for contributors to develop
and add new decoys to the platform. Most exist-
ing honeypot system code bases are so coupled
that developers have trouble contributing to the
Most existing honeypot systems are low-
interaction, which often compromises deception.
Decepti-SCADAs use of Docker helps to create
decoys that replicate real operational systems,
which makes interactions with decoys highly
interactive and thus creates a more convincing
Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked Critical Infrastructures
Decepti-SCADAs use of Docker eliminates
cross-platform dependencies.
Contra existing honeypot systems, Decepti-
SCADA presents a beautiful web graphical user
interface for decoy deployment which is even ac-
cessible to novice users (See Figures 2 and 5).
Existing honeypots are generally cumbersome to
install, and often take many hours to set up prop-
erly. Decepti-SCADA only requires a CentOS 7
minimal installation with git and two network in-
terfaces; takes care of
the rest.
The purpose of the Decepti-SCADA framework is
to trick a network intruder into thinking they’re inter-
acting with legitimate SCADA systems; in turn, slow-
ing them down, and at the same time, alerting secu-
rity analysts of an attacker’s presence. There are two
main components of the framework, each of which
are commonly deployed in a Linux-based virtual ma-
Decepti-Box is used to create, manage, and deploy
ELKSUR allows network administrators to moni-
tor adversarial interactions with the decoys.
3.1 Decepti-Box and ELKSUR
Decepti-Box is a system deployed on an opera-
tional SCADA network which deploys and simulates
SCADA devices. Attackers can freely interact with
the deployed decoys as if they are real SCADA sys-
tems. From a very high level, this is accomplished
by a mix of virtual interfaces, and building decoys
in docker, such that they are deployed as lightweight
containers. Due to the lightweight architecture of
Decepti-Box, several hundred of SCADA decoys can
be deployed with a minimal resource footprint. The
system has a web front end that can be used to easily
deploy decoys, even to the most novice of users.
ELKSUR is the second system in the Decepti-
SCADA Framework, and is used to detect adversar-
ial interactions with decoys. Like Decepti-Box, ELK-
SUR is commonly deployed as a virtual machine and
specifically monitors TCP/IP and UDP traffic on the
same network as Decepti-Box, passively ingesting
network traffic and looking for custom made signa-
Custom signatures are used to detect interactions
with the decoys such as: nmap scans, SSH traffic
interactions, TCP handshakes, and Banner grabbing.
This component is important because once an adver-
sary begins interacting with decoys, thinking that they
are real SCADA components, analysts can be alerted
in real-time, and thus help mitigate the situation. Cur-
rently, there are two ways of ingesting network traffic,
inline taps, or port mirroring on a switch.
Inline taps are physical devices which are installed
between two network devices such as two routers
(Galloway and Hancke, 2012). Port mirroring, also
known as a SPAN (Switched Port Analyzer) is accom-
plished by sending copies of packets seen in a port, to
another port, where it can be analyzed (Denning and
Denning, 2016) (in our case, to be analyzed by the
ELKSUR component of the Decepti-SCADA Frame-
work). The main difference between the two is that
inline taps require special devices, and Port Mirroring
depends on switch configurations.
3.2 Decepti-SCADA Framework in
Traffic is routed into Decepti-box, through a network
bridge, into the virtual interfaces, which have SCADA
decoy Docker containers bound to them. TCP/IP and
UDP traffic can interact with the Containers bound
to those internal virtual interfaces. When these in-
teractions happen, a passive IDS is sniffing all traffic,
and flags the interactions based on the related network
4 THE Decepti-SCADA
The Decepti-SCADA framework is broken into two
parts as shown in Figure 1, one host, “Decepti-Box”
will provide decoy deployment, and the other, “ELK-
SUR, will detect malicious interactions with the de-
ployed decoys.
Each system has two network interfaces, one
plugged into an out-of-band management network,
and one on the operational SCADA network. The out-
of-band management network includes the front-end
web services in which the Security Analyst will use,
such as the deployment capabilities. The analyst also
uses this network to access metrics on decoy interac-
tions in the form of a web-based Security Information
and Event Management (SIEM) system. Each host is
heavily dependent on use of docker containers.
4.1 Decepti-SCADA Decoy Templates
Decoy templates are JSON-based, which allows for
easy deployments of SCADA-Decoys; they can eas-
ily be grouped by categories and platform. This is
a new and novel way of deploying containers, as the
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 1: Decepti-SCADA Architecture.
container commands are already packaged for the end
user to execute. For example, in a Docker container,
a specific command must be executed. With use of
a template, we can pre-package that command to be
Docker is used as a container runtime for the
SCADA decoys. In order to deploy a decoy via
docker container, an image of the SCADA device
must exist. We have developed SCADA device im-
ages including a water meter and Guardian AST gas
tank system; however, hundreds of other SCADA de-
coy Docker images can be created. Docker containers
bind to virtual interfaces within Decepti-Box. An ex-
ample deployment is creating 100 virtual interfaces in
Decepti-Box, and assigning virtual IP
to said interfaces. Docker decoys process and then
bind to the virtual IP addresses.
4.2 ELKSUR Components
ELKSUR has four main components:
is a frontend web GUI to see if anyone
has interacted with the decoy. This is the interface
in which analysts will use to assess if an intruder
is interacting with a SCADA Decoy.
Figure 2: The Decepti-Box Decoy Templates. The Easy-to-
Use Decepti-Box User Interface Is Featured.
is an open source Network-based Intru-
sion Detection System (IDS). It logs alerts in ac-
cordance to signatures; in this case, signatures that
pertain to decoy interactions. The log file is called
is a host-based agent used to relay Suri-
cata logs to Elasticsearch. Filebeat relays the suri-
Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked Critical Infrastructures
Figure 3: Decepti-SCADA Routing Example.
cata fast.log to elasticsearch.
is a search engine used to collect,
and index data received data. Elasticsearch re-
ceives the parsed fast.log, which it then feeds
into the front end, Kibana, for engaging visualiza-
4.3 Routing
Routing traffic into Decepti-Box is environment
based; however, traffic must be routed to the virtual
IP addresses that reside within Decepti-Box. There
are several ways to achieve this, one of which is to
redirect traffic from the router.
Figure 3 below depicts an example scenario of
how this routing is accomplished: an attacker has
breached the Jumpbox network and wishes to in-
teract with a device with a device with the IP ad-
dress He believes that this device
is located on the SCADA Network subnet; however,
when transmitting through the router, it is redirected
to Decepti-Box virtual IP address of
which houses a SCADA decoy.
Traffic is routed into Decepti-box, through a net-
work bridge, into the virtual interfaces, which have
SCADA decoy Docker containers bound to them.
TCP/IP and UDP traffic can interact with the Contain-
ers bound to those internal virtual interfaces. When
these interactions happen, a passive IDS is sniffing all
traffic, and flags the interactions based on the related
network traffic.
Figure 4: Initializing Dockerized GUI.
IoTBDS 2020 - 5th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security
Figure 5: Configuring and Deploying Decoys. A Honeypot Container Is Deployed Masquerading as a JACE Water Meter.
Decepti-SCADA Automatically Assigns Ports or Allows Manual Port Assignment. Access Control Can Be Enabled and
Limited to Network Administrators or Further Restricted.
The first step in deploying Decepti-SCADA is to start
the Dockerized, web-based Graphical User Interface
(GUI), called “Portainer. This is accomplished by
running the following command:
Once the Portainer GUI is up and running, using a
browser, navigate to the IP address, port 9000 of the
host on which Portainer is running. To configure and
deploy a decoy, from the App Template tab, select the
decoy in which you wish to deploy. One option would
be to deploy a SCADA Smart Water Meter. To do this,
browse, or search for the “VIKON JACE 8000 Water
Meter, and select it. Under the “name” field, give it
a tasteful description. Next, in the “Host” field, select
a virtual IP address to bind the decoy to. Finally, to
deploy the decoy, click the “Deploy the Container”
button. Reference figure 5 to see this in action.
We have introduced and described the Decepti-
SCADA framework, a robust solution used to de-
ploy SCADA decoys and continually monitor inter-
actions with them. Decepti-Box is the deployment
aspect, while ELKSUR conducts monitoring. While
this rapid prototype is not yet an operational system,
we have highlighted the ability to deploy SCADA is a
user-friendly fashion. Additionally, early results show
deception can be accomplished in critical infrastruc-
tures by creating realistic decoys of SCADA compo-
While the Decepti-SCADA Framework intro-
duced in this paper has shown to be a viable first
step in implementing deception across critical infras-
tructures, and particularly SCADA components. We
are continually making improvements to the Decepti-
SCADA prototype:
Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked Critical Infrastructures
We are currently working on a Decepti-Box build
for a Windows client.
We will be utilizing machine learning and artifi-
cial intelligence capabilities to enable decoys to
be more active and dynamic thus creating im-
proved realism.
We continue to profile various equipment compo-
nents from multiple vendors in order to create a
more diverse set of decoys.
We are actively studying ways to create more de-
coys while maintaining system fidelity.
We are beginning to study game theoretic and log-
ical tools to more effectively camouflage Decepti-
SCADA honeypots among legitimate SCADA
network assets. This might be accomplished
through the implementation of deceptive network
scan results (Jajodia et al., 2017).
We are conducting is an implementation of an at-
tacker engagement strategy (Bilinski et al., 2019)
in a SCADA network environment. The exper-
iment would have a real device and a decoy on
a SCADA network and test to see how a Rein-
forcement Learning (RL) agent would be perform
in determining which of the two devices are real.
Instead of using a simulated environment to give
signals to the RL agent, our experiment would use
real signals from the real machine and decoys.
This experiment will give us insight on how our
decoy system will influence an attacker given they
are aware of the techniques deployed by Decepti-
Beyond the areas described above, the Decepti-
SCADA Team continues to work on more refined test-
ing of the various components as well as develop a
case study which involves red team involvement in or-
der to determine the utility of deception for SCADA.
Roger A. Hallman is supported by the United States
Department of Defense SMART Scholarship for Ser-
vice Program funded by USD/R&E (The Under Sec-
retary of Defense-Research and Engineering), Na-
tional Defense Education Program (NDEP) / BA-1,
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Decepti-SCADA: A Framework for Actively Defending Networked Critical Infrastructures