Mitigating Vocabulary Mismatch on Multi-domain Corpus using Word
Embeddings and Thesaurus
Nagesh Yadav, Alessandro Dibari, Miao Wei, John Segrave-Daly, Conor Cullen, Denisa Moga,
Jillian Scalvini, Ciaran Hennessy, Morten Kristiansen and Omar O’Sullivan
International Business Machines, U.S.A.,,,,
Information Retrieval, Query Expansion, Word Embedding, Thesaurus.
Query expansion is an extensively researched topic in the field of information retrieval that helps to bridge
the vocabulary mismatch problem, i.e., the way users express concepts differs from the way they appear in
the corpus. In this paper, we propose a query-expansion technique for searching a corpus that contains a mix
of terminology from several domains - some of which have well-curated thesauri and some of which do not.
An iterative fusion technique is proposed that exploits thesauri for those domains that have them, and word
embeddings for those that do not. For our experiments, we have used a corpus of Medicaid healthcare policies
that contain a mix of terminology from medical and insurance domains. The Unified Medical Language
System (UMLS) thesaurus was used to expand medical concepts and a word embeddings model was used to
expand non-medical concepts. The technique was evaluated against elastic search using no expansion. The
results show 8% improvement in recall and 12% improvement in mean average precision.
When searching for information, users often express
their search queries in a way that differs significantly
from how that information is presented in the cor-
pus being searched. For example: a user may search
for medical insurance information such as ‘Flu jab
coverage for children’, and be interested in results
(i.e., snippet from a document) like ‘Influenza immu-
nizations are a benefit for both child and adult mem-
bers.... Here, the desired result matches little or none
of the vocabulary used in the query. Some of these
differences are straightforward – e.g.,in medicine, the
terms ‘Flu’ and ‘Influenza’ are synonymous. Others
are contextual e.g., in Insurance, the terms ‘cover-
age’ and ‘benefits’ are semantically similar (in con-
trast to Project Management, where they have dis-
tinctly different meanings). This is a standard prob-
lem faced in Information Retrieval (IR) systems re-
ferred to as vocabulary mismatch problem (Xu and
Croft, 2017).
Query expansion is a commonly-used approach
to mitigating the vocabulary mismatch problem
(Carpineto and Romano, 2012)(Crimp and Trotman,
2018)(Kuzi et al., 2016). IR systems commonly
‘expand’ users’ searches to include synonyms, and
semantically-related terms, such as those in the Flu
example above. Many domains have well-established
thesauri that enable this type of query expansion.
The NIH Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
metathesaurus is a well-curated example applicable to
Medical and Healthcare domain (Bodenreider, 2004).
However, thesauri alone are not sufficient to bridge
the vocabulary mismatch gap. First, they often have
gaps in their vocabulary e.g., due to infrequent up-
dates. Secondly, to look up expansions in a thesaurus,
an IR system must first match n-grams in the users’
query to concepts in that thesaurus (‘concept detec-
tion’). Differences between the user’s representation
of that concept in the query (e.g., ‘flu jab’) and the
thesaurus representation (‘Influenza virus vaccine’)
can cause detection to fail and thus, no expansions
to be identified. Finally, many domains lack high-
quality thesauri, or those available are not well-suited
to Information Retrieval tasks. e.g., in Insurance,
there are no widely-adopted thesauri to indicate that
terms like ‘PAR’ and ‘prior authorization’ are syn-
onymous, while ‘covered’, ‘benefit’ and ‘available’
share similar meanings. In this paper, we address
the aforementioned problems by combining thesauri
and word embeddings, as both have useful properties
for addressing these problems - e.g., by representing
Yadav, N., Dibari, A., Wei, M., Segrave-Daly, J., Cullen, C., Moga, D., Scalvini, J., Hennessy, C., Kristiansen, M. and O’Sullivan, O.
Mitigating Vocabulary Mismatch on Multi-domain Corpus using Word Embeddings and Thesaurus.
DOI: 10.5220/0009090804410445
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2020) - Volume 1, pages 441-445
ISBN: 978-989-758-395-7; ISSN: 2184-433X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overview of our approach.
words as learned vectors (distributed representations),
proximity can be used as a rough approximation of se-
mantic similarity.
2.1 Overview
In this paper we propose an iterative query expan-
sion technique, an overview of which is depicted in
this pipeline (figure 1). First, the user query is pre-
processed, including stop-word removal and case nor-
malization. An n-gram generator takes the normal-
ized query and creates a list of all possible n-grams,
starting from the largest and iteratively reducing to
individual words. Each of these candidate n-grams
is passed through a concept expansion module to get
a list of candidate expansions. This module is de-
scribed in section 2.3 and exploits a combination of
thesauri and word embeddings. Some of these candi-
date expansions are noisy - terms that appear in the
thesaurus, but are not relevant to the corpus in ques-
tion. For example, medical research terms that never
appear in an insurance policy corpus. To address this,
all expansions go through domain adaptation’ where
they are cross-checked against the corpus linguistics
using word embeddings, as described in section 2.4.
A query is then generated and submitted to the search
2.2 Concept Detection
The Concept Detection module is responsible for
mapping a candidate n-gram to a known concept in
the domain thesaurus, if such a match exists. In our
application, UMLS is used as a thesaurus of known
medical/healthcare concepts. As depicted in figure 2,
concept detection is first attempted by looking-up the
candidate n-gram in the thesaurus. If matched, the
concept is retrieved from the thesaurus and passed
onto to the concept expansion module. In our ap-
plication, these concepts are represented by Con-
cept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) from the UMLS the-
saurus. If the n-gram cannot be matched by a simple
lookup, a second attempt is made - this time exploit-
ing word embeddings. Potential synonyms and other
semantically-related terms for the n-gram are derived
from a word embedding model. Since word embed-
dings provide only a rough approximation of semantic
similarity, a high similarity threshold is used to miti-
gate the risk of noisy/irrelevant terms. (Optimal val-
ues for this threshold are determined experimentally -
e.g., for the Medicaid IR system in our case). At this
point, a second attempt at concept detection can be
made by looking-up these embedding-derived terms
in the thesaurus. If matched, the concept is retrieved
from the thesaurus as before and passed onto the con-
cept expansion module.
To illustrate the concept detection process - sup-
pose the user query is Panoramic x-ray cover-
age. Within this query is the bi-gram panoramic x-
ray. This bi-gram is looked up in the UMLS the-
saurus, where no matching concept can be found.
Semantically-related terms for this bi-gram are de-
rived from a word embedding model, yielding the
new term panoramic radiography. The embedding-
derived term is again looked up in the UMLS the-
saurus, and this time a matching concept is found
(e.g., a UMLS CUI). Once the concepts have been de-
tected, the thesaurus can then be exploited to expand
them, as described in the following sections.
After concept detection, a single concept can still be
ambiguous. More formally, a concept (initially rep-
resented only by its ngram) is ambiguous when af-
ter concept detection phase there are more than one
Concept Unique Identifier (CUI) matched in UMLS
against that term (n-gram). For our specific ap-
plication wherein we are interested in medical and
healthcare entities, we are exploiting UMLS Semantic
Groups to solve these ambiguities in most cases. Fi-
nally, when concept detection is complete, a numer-
ical confidence score is assigned to every identified
concept. This number is a function of the longest n-
grams matched, with respect to the given user query.
C = f (NG
, U Q) (1)
where NG
is the number of terms in the longest
concept and UQ is the number of terms in the original
user query.
NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
Figure 2: Query Expansion Flow.
2.3 Concept Expansion
The Concept Expansion module is responsible for
’expanding’ the terms in a user query with synony-
mous or closely semantically-related terms. This
is straightforward for simple, single-concept queries
that the concept detection module already matched in
a thesaurus. e.g., in our system, the CUI identified for
a concept is used to look up variant and synonymous
terms in the UMLS thesaurus.
However, queries that contain a mix of concepts
from different domains are less straightforward, par-
ticularly where some of those domains have a the-
saurus and others do not. To address this, we combine
expansions from both thesaurus and corpus-specific
word embeddings, using the confidence score de-
scribed in section 2.2 to determine the relative con-
tribution of each. The most trustworthy information
source is the thesaurus, which often has decades of
use and curation (e.g., UMLS). So when most of the
terms expressed in a user query can be mapped to con-
cepts in a thesaurus, then the confidence score is high.
In this case, expansions are primarily contributed by
the thesaurus, and less emphasis is placed on word-
embedding based expansions. In contrast, when most
of the concepts in a user query cannot be found in
the thesaurus, then the confidence score will be low.
In this case, expansions are primarily contributed by
a corpus-specific word embedding model, with only
a few (or none) contributed by the thesaurus. This
word embedding is learned from the corpus being
searched, to avoid introducing additional vocabulary
gaps - i.e., gaps between the vocabulary on which the
word embedding was trained and that of the corpus
being searched. Expansions are obtained from this
model using the same semantic similarity threshold
as before. In our application, Word2Vec was used to
train this word embedding model from a corpus of
Medicaid policy documents (Le and Mikolov, 2014).
Once obtained, all expansions are sent for domain
adaptation before being submitted to the search en-
2.4 Domain Adaptation
The Domain adaptation module reduces noise in the
search results by ensuring that expansions are only
used when they relate to the actual terminology used
in the corpus. Some thesaurus-based expansions may
be removed at this stage, if they are found not to
be relevant for the particular corpus being searched.
For each expansion resulting from the previous mod-
ule, we calculate its cosine similarity with the orig-
inal user query term it was derived from. This en-
sures that the set of expansions that are closer to the
corpus (measured in terms of semantic distance) and
Mitigating Vocabulary Mismatch on Multi-domain Corpus using Word Embeddings and Thesaurus
Table 1: Search metrics.
Metric Without expansion With expansion % improvement
Mean Average Precision 0.63 0.71 12
Precision(@Rank 10) 0.49 0.53 8
Recall(@Rank 10) 0.62 0.67 8
NDCG 0.79 0.83 5
also closer to the original user query are ranked higher
than those which are further apart.
The proposed technique was tested in IBM Policy
Insights, an application that helps Medicaid Fraud,
Waste and Abuse (FWA) investigators find policy in-
formation relevant to their investigations.
For Ground Truth, 3 subject matter expert (SME)
investigators identified a corpus of 345 Medicaid pol-
icy documents. They also defined 80 queries that
were representative of those typically used in their
investigations, ranging from single words to phrase
queries. Every document in the corpus was labelled
as either relevant or not-relevant for each query. The
corpus, queries and relevancy labels were used as
ground truth for measuring document retrieval per-
formance. To evaluate the performance, the follow-
ing metrics were used, Precision, Recall, Mean Av-
erage Precision (MAP), Normalized Discounted Cu-
mulative Gain (NDCG) and Mean Reciprocal Rank
(MRR) (Buttcher et al., 2016).
The underlying search engine used was Watson
Discovery Service (WDS) (Turner, 2016), using its
out-of-the-box elastic search capabilities only. A
WDS collection was created for the corpus of 345 pol-
icy documents. UMLS was used as a thesaurus. A
word embeddings model was trained on this corpus,
using word2vec (Le and Mikolov, 2014). To evalu-
ate baseline document retrieval performance, all 80
queries were run against WDS’ out-of-the-box Natu-
ral Language Query (NLQ) API and the above perfor-
mance metrics calculated for the returned documents.
For our experiment, the same setup was used, with
the 80 queries passed through our proposed query ex-
pansion pipeline in advance of being sent to the NLQ
search engine. The same performance metrics were
again calculated for the returned documents and these
were compared to the baseline performance.
Table 1 summarizes the comparison of key met-
rics. From the average performance over 80 queries,
it can be concluded that recall and precision are both
improved by our proposed query expansion pipeline.
We also observed that queries containing healthcare
concepts matched by our thesaurus (as described in
section 2.2) showed more significant improvements
than those that did not. This is expected, due to
the nature of our corpus and available thesauri i.e.,
UMLS contains high-quality human-curated knowl-
edge. We conclude that combining domain knowl-
edge from human-curated thesauri and automatically-
learned word embeddings enhances document re-
trieval performance on a corpus containing a mix of
terminology from several domains.
The proposed technique was tested on a corpus of
healthcare policy documents. Further testing needs
to be done on different domains to assess the gener-
alization of the proposed technique. Specifically, the
approach needs to be tested on domains with a less de-
tailed human-annotated thesaurus (such as insurance
sector). Furthermore, metadata of detected concepts
such as semantic groups will be exploited in future
iterations for concept disambiguation.
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Buttcher, S., Clarke, C. L., and Cormack, G. V. (2016).
Information retrieval: Implementing and evaluating
search engines. MIT Press.
Carpineto, C. and Romano, G. (2012). A survey of au-
tomatic query expansion in information retrieval. In
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Crimp, R. and Trotman, A. (2018). Refining query expan-
sion terms using query context. In Proceedings of the
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ADCS ’18, pages 12:1–12:4, New York, NY, USA.
Kuzi, S., Shtok, A., and Kurland, O. (2016). Query expan-
sion using word embeddings. In Proceedings of the
25th ACM International on Conference on Informa-
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NLPinAI 2020 - Special Session on Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence
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Mitigating Vocabulary Mismatch on Multi-domain Corpus using Word Embeddings and Thesaurus