Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh
Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies
Mycellia Cempaka Mz, Robert Sibarani* and Dardanila
Faculty of Cultural Sciences, University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Anthropolinguistics, Pemamanen Tradition, local wisdom.
Abstract: The research is entitled ‘Tradition of Pemamanen “Uncle” of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara
district’. The objectives of this study are to describe the tradition of harvesting 'uncle' in Khezeki
(circumcision) in Alas community in Aceh Tenggara or known as Adat Siempat pekhkakhe or Siempat
Perkara, especially in Khezeki (circumcision) tradition which becomes the core of studies in this research
and to discuss some matters related to customs. Defining pemamamen tradition (ontology), carrying out the
pemamanen tradition (epistemology) and cultural preservation (axiology). The Anthropolinguistic Concept
is used in this research. Descriptive research with qualitative methods is carried out by using the
ethnographic case studies, and the interview with the informants directly. From the research, the tradition of
"uncle" finds out the local wisdom in Khezeki (circumcision) tradition of the Alas community in Aceh
Tenggara. The tradition of understanding 'uncle' in the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara Tenggara
includes 5 local wisdoms, namely; cooperation, respect, gratitude, harmony, and politeness.
The religion of Islam in the Aceh region, especially
Aceh Tenggara District, Aceh Province and in the
other areas embraces its cultural perspective which
gives a very important role in human life. Religion
becomes a guidance to create meaningful, peaceful
and dignified life. Realizing the importance of
religion for human life, the internalization of
religious values in the life of each individual
becomes necessity. Islam is a religion which was
sent down for all mankind, not only for one group or
ethnic group. Al - Quran was revealed as guidance
for all mankind. Islamic teachings are spread out
throughout the world and have various cultures.
Islam is embraced by local culture, in Aceh
particularly. It is precise in Tanah Alas, Aceh
Tenggara District, Aceh Province, which is known
for its customs which are acceptable to the
community and prevent conflict with other religious
teachings. Acculturation of Islam with local culture
in Aceh Tenggara regency, shows that Islam is very
accommodating in accepting local cultures. Local
cultures are becoming Islamic culture. Islam is
becoming precise in Tanah Alas, Aceh Tenggara
Regency. Aceh Province is a multicultural, multi-
ethnic, religious, racial and group area. Cultural
diversity from one region to another in Aceh
Tenggara leads to diversity. The cultural value
system is the highest level and the most abstract
customs. This is because the cultural values are the
concept of what lives in most people mind, about
what they consider valuable and important in their
life. They lived in Alas land long before Dutch
colonial government entered Indonesia.
So that is why the tradition of the Prophet's
Circumcision has been becoming one of the most
important customs of Alas people related to Islam;
following Sunnah of the Rasullullah Muhammad
SAW which has been highly praised by the Alas
community since 1348 and until now this tradition.
Sibarani (2018) with the title The Role of Local
Wisdom in Developing Friendly City aims to find
local wisdom in building integrity between humans
and their homes and describe the concept of friendly
city development based on local wisdom. The
parameters used are connectedness, value, and
sustainability. The results of his research indicate
that the role of local wisdom in developing a
friendly city indicates that the character of culturally
friendly residents has an impact on a cultured city as
well. Friendly city means friendly due to the cultural
and traditional performance of its inhabitants.
Cempaka Mz, M., Sibarani, R. and Dardanila, .
Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0010312000003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 368-376
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The tradition of Pemamanen 'uncle' in Aceh
Tenggara as the Preservation of Cultural Treasures,
is expected to be a form of my contribution to the
city where I live now. I hope the results of my
research can be used as the input for the city
government to urge people to always preserve the
cultural heritage from their ancestors and continue as
it, so it will not be disappeared or adapted to the
other cultures. Instilling good behaviour and culture
are the keys to shape the personality as a successor.
Therefore, I took the title “Uncle” tradition of
pemamanen to expect people in Aceh Tenggara,
especially as successors, can still be familiar with
the local culture. I hope that the successors can still
hold the culture, by preserving this tradition so that
those who carry on this culture have a good
personality too, by not leaving good local cultures
from the region. This research needs to be carried
out to equalize perceptions among several
informants whose information is different in
carrying out the harvest tradition because the kute
(village) has different understanding, for example in
celebrating (party). Most communities have reduced
the existence of their customs, for example in
Mbhagah (invitation), there are those who do not
invite the Tebekhas custom (conveying a
celebration) and then get an invitation to harvest,
which against the tradition. The positive impact of
this research is to introduce the implementation of
the harvesting tradition in Tanah Alas becoming a
complete and standardized culture and the negative
impact is if this research is not carried out, it will
give different understandings for the future
generations. Based on the background of the
problems that have been described, this study
focuses on analyzing the tradition of "uncle" in the
Alas Aceh Tenggara community. In analyzing the
data, the researchers use the anthropolinguistics
How the tradition of pemamanen 'paman' is in
Alas community in Aceh Tenggara. How the local
wisdom is in the traditional ritual of "uncle" in the
Khezeki (circumcision) tradition in the Alas
community in Aceh Tenggara, by getting the
information from several sources, by direct
interviews. This research needs to be carried out to
equalize perceptions among several informants
whose information is different in carrying out the
harvest tradition because the kute (village) has a
different understanding, for example in celebrating
(party). Most of the communities has reduced the
existing customs, for example in Mbhagah
(invitation). There are those who do not invite the
Tebekhas custom (conveying a celebration) and then
get an invitation to harvest, which is wrong in this
To study the repertoire in the language contained
the tradition of understanding "uncle" both the
meaning and the local wisdom. It is useful as a
reference in the study of the “uncle” tradition,
especially about the Alas community, so that this
research can serve as an input to predict the extent of
“uncle” tradition in Alas community in Aceh
As a starting point or a source of reference for
linguists and subsequent researchers who focus on
the field of culture and language, especially the
study of 'uncle' tradition in anthropolinguistics as the
use of language and the development of regional
culture for a good source of study as well as
scientific interests and even its preservation.
Knowing about the cultural tradition of "uncle"
in Alas, Aceh Tenggara community. In terms of
language and culture, Alas is one of Indonesia's
linguistic wealth in particular as well as Indonesian
culture in general. This research is one of the
documentation of Alas language and culture that can
be used further to build cultural wealth. As a follow-
up ceremony to preserve customs, a culture which is
begun to removed and abandoned by the
community, where customary and cultural values
such as local wisdom can be maintained to unite the
people who hold it. Taking part as participants in
Aceh Tenggara expo (exhibition) every year.
The problem about the tradition of pemamanen
in Alas community includes; 1.Different
understandings between traditional and religious
leaders; 2. The series of events are not complete; and
3. The implementation time is different. To answer
the problems, this research collects many sources as
possible to find the similarity. To reveal the
phenomenon under study, this study raises some
results of previous research as material for literature
review. Literature review is written based on a
thematic system related to the formulation of
research problems on performance, as well as the
value of local wisdom that uses anthropolinguistic
studies and what distinguishes it with the area and
problem under study.
The formulation of the first problem, namely
performance has been researched by Sibarani (2018)
with the title The Role of Local Wisdom in
Developing Friendly City aims to find local wisdom
in building integrity between humans and their
dwellings and to describe the concept of friendly
city development based on local wisdom. The
parameters which are used are connectedness, value,
and sustainability. The results of his research
Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies
indicate the role of local wisdom in developing a
friendly city which indicates the character of cultural
friendly residents and has an impact on a cultural
city as well.
"Tradition" comes from the Latin traditio, a noun
formed from the verb traderere or trader "transmit,
transmit, and secure". As a noun, the word traditio
means a habit that is passed on from one generation
to the next for a long time so that the habit becomes
part of the social life of the community. There are
three characteristics of tradition. First, it is a
tradition habits (lore) and at the same time a process
(process) of activities that are owned by a
community. This definition implies that the tradition
has the meaning of continuity (sustainability),
material, custom, and verbal expressions as common
property which are continued to be practiced in
certain groups of society. Second, tradition is
something that creates and confirms identity.
The method is a scientific way to obtain valid data
with the aim of being able to find, develop, or prove
it and to find the truth of the problem under study
from certain knowledge. So that, in turn it can be
used to understand, solve, and anticipate problems in
certain fields. In addition, the use of the intended
research method is to obtain valid, accurate, and
significant data on management so that it can be
used to reveal the problems under study. According
to the National Science Foundation (1956), it means
that research or research is a systematic and in-depth
search to obtain broader and more perfect
knowledge about the subject being studied. A clearer
description can be obtained from Sutrisno Hadi's
(1978) description as follows: research means an
effort to discover, develop and test scientific
knowledge. Research is defined as: "An attempt to
find, develop, and test the truth of knowledge, and
these efforts are carried out by the scientific method"
(Sutrisno Hadi, 2001). In descriptive research using
the qualitative method described above, it can
provide a clear picture of the tradition of "uncle" in
Alas community in Aceh Tenggara. This method
will clearly describe the object under study naturally
and explain the real reality. By describing the
tradition of understanding 'uncle', the explicit and
implied meanings of the tradition can be explained.
Research materials or materials can be in the form of
descriptions of the population and research samples,
as well as informants. Research samples can be in
the form of locations or areas where certain
languages are spoken. Determining the location is an
important step in research and usually involves
traditional leaders and civil servants because it takes
a lot of time. Based on the description above, the
researcher conducted research obtained from a
community in Southeast Aceh Regency, Kampung
Baru Village because (1) in the Kampung Baru
village there are problems that the authors describe
on the background, namely: The tradition of
harvesting 'uncle' has almost eroded in the village;
(2) in the village of Kampung Baru, research has
never been conducted on the tradition of "uncle"
harvesting (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Map of the Research Location in Kampung Baru
Village, Badar District, Aceh Tenggara Regency, Aceh
Province. Researchers conducted field research in the
village of Kampung Baru in Badar sub-district, Aceh
Tenggara district.
Harris (2010: 116) states that data is something
that is obtained from a data collection method that is
processed and analyzed by certain methods which
will then produce a picture or identify something. In
this study, there are two sources of data, namely
primary data and secondary data, where primary
data is through recordings, photos, and interviews
with sources that are conducted directly about the
tradition of understanding 'paman', while secondary
data is through writing such as books and MAA
decisions, with Primary and secondary data, then
described in more detail how the tradition of
pemamanen 'uncle' in Alas community in Aceh
Tenggara where this tradition is still maintained and
is still being cultivated with the seven scopes
described in the next chapter. Informants are
selected purposively (who have inclusion criteria)
and key persons. Key person is used if the researcher
already understands the initial information about the
object of research and research informants, therefore
it requires a key person to conduct in-depth
interviews, key person, namely traditional leaders,
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
religious leaders and health workers (Bugin, 2003),
namely; (i)Base informant, Mr. Arsyad Sekedang,
community leaders, Alas cultural craftsmen, music
teachers, dance teachers, regional language teachers
who mostly provided the information on social
interactions and community beliefs in Kampung
Baru Village and informed the key informants to
help the researchers to get more information deeper;
(ii)Base informant, Mr. Thalib Akbar, Chairperson
of the Aceh Tenggara Customary Council (MAA),
who is also a traditional leader and also a religious
leader who mostly provided information in this
study. (iii) Base informant, Mr. Kasirin Deputy
Chairperson of the Aceh Adat Council (MAA) Aceh
Tenggara Regency provided the information in this
study as well as assisted researchers in translating
Alas' Ngekhane language. (iv) Base informant, Mr.
M. Saleh is a religious and community leader who is
an expert in the field of Ngekhane and was also very
helpful in providing related information about the
"uncle" Pemamanen Tradition.
In general, there are two techniques in data
collection, namely data collection techniques using
library research and data collection techniques
through field research. There are several ways to
collect field data:
2.1 Observation
According to Sugiyono (2015: 204) observation is
an activity of loading research on an object. When
viewed in the process of implementing data
collection, observation can be divided into
participants and non-participants. The type of
observation used in this study is non-participant
observation in making observations, the researcher
chooses what is observed and records things related
to the research. The observations made in this study
were on the process of the tradition of understanding
the 'uncle' Khezeki (Sunat Rasul) in Alas community
in Aceh Tenggara.
2.2 Interview
The interview technique in this study used free
guided interview technique. Arikunto (2013: 199)
explains that free guided interviews are interviews
conducted by asking questions freely but still in the
interview guidelines that have been made. Questions
will develop during the interview. Researchers get
direct information using interview techniques from
community leaders, traditional leaders and religious
2.3 Bibliography
To support the research data, it requires reading the
information from books, MAA decisions, the
internet, documentation in the form of pictures and
videos. All of this data helps and complements the
primary data obtained from video recordings and
interviews conducted directly with the informants.
Literature is carried out to support the accuracy of
the overall data obtained from the research location.
2.4 Documentation
According to Sugiyono (2013: 240) documents are
records of events that have passed. Documents can
be in the form of writings, pictures, or monumental
works of a person. Documents in the form of
writing, for example diaries, life histories, stories,
biographies, regulations, policies. Documents in the
form of images, for example photos, live pictures,
sketches and others. Documents in the form of
works such as works of art, which can be in the form
of pictures, sculptures, films and others. Document
study is a complement to the use of observation and
interview methods in qualitative research. In data
collection, researchers in this study used a photo
shoot using a camera (photo) and video recordings
to show how the tradition of "uncle" pemamanen in
Alas community in Aceh Tenggara. All data
obtained from the photo shoot will be stored in the
form of documentation.
The data in this study consists of a series of
activities in the diverse tradition of understanding
'uncle' on Khezeki (Khitan), which was conveyed by
several resource persons from the Alas community
in Aceh Tenggara. In the Khezeki (Khitan) tradition,
local wisdom is contained in the tradition of "uncle"
Khezeki (Khitan) previously carried out the Bheli
and Pesulaki customs, has a philosophy that aims to
motivate shy children and their husbands to work on
the economic life of their families.
The hope of the Alas community is when the
child is born, a boy at the age of 7 to 9 years has to
be circumcised, if the child is ashamed (a sukut who
has a celebration) feels capable, that is enough to
prepare rice (from the rice fields), which is curried
meat which is the parent. Their cows were given in a
traditional ceremony for the pesulak'i at the
beginning of their marriage. So now is the time to
feed Mr. Pemamanen / guardian known as the
traditional tebekhas (conveying the Prophet's
circumcision ceremony or marrying the guardian).
The Pemamanen / guardian is directly obliged to
prepare the basis of business strength to improve and
Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies
develop the economy of his family and for his own
shameful children. This is the duty of Mr.
Pemamanen / guardian. On the other hand, Mr.
Pemamanen / guardian after fulfilling the custom of
bheli and pesulak'i, they already have customary
rights to receive respectful treatment in Alas
customary life and customs from Pekhanakbekhunen
(shy children and son-in-law men and their siblings)
when carrying out the Siempat Perkara
custom(steps, sustenance, meeting, death / death).
Before being in the pesulak'i, the Pemamanen /
guardian is not allowed to attend the Siempat
Perkara custom above against his shame child. For
example, in the event of a death, the Pemamanen /
guardian may not attend his customary events. Thus,
philosophically, the strong customary rules of bheli
and pesulak'i link the customary ties between Mr.
Pemamanen / guardian and the shameful child and
her husband (Pekhanakbekhunen), both in the order
of customary life and customs, as well as in
improving the life of nggabheken geluh / the
economy of shy children and their descendants
Custom Alas. By using the concept of
anthropolinguistics and data analyzed in a
qualitative way, basically there are two points that
are considered very important, namely, language
becomes a cultural index, where language is the way
people express their thoughts, ideas and means of
Miles & Huberman (2014: 14) states that data
analysis techniques in qualitative research include:
Data Collection
Process and prepare data for analysis. This step
involves transcripts of interviews, scanning material,
typing in field data or sorting and organizing the
data into different types depending on the source of
the information.
2.5 Data Condensation
Data condensation is the process of selecting,
focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and modifying
field notes, interview transcripts, documents, and
other empirical (findings) material. Condensing
(condensing) data means converting previously
evaporated data into denser (water). The difference
between reduction and condensation lies in the way
of simplifying the data. Reduction tends to sort then
select, while condensation adjusts all filtered data
without having to sort (reduce) the data. The data
obtained in the field interview results from a number
of sources were condensed through compaction so
that they could accommodate the data as a whole
without having to reduce field findings during the
2.6 Data Presentation (Data Display)
Presentation of data in the form of matrices and
tables. In qualitative research, data presentation is
carried out in the form of brief descriptions, tables,
charts and relationships between categories. By
presenting the data, the data is organized and
structured so that it will be easier to understand.
2.7 Conclusion Drawing / Verivication
The initial conclusions put forward are still
provisional, and will change if no solid evidence is
found to support the stage next collection.
Conclusions in qualitative research can answer the
problem formulation that was formulated from the
start. Schematically, the process of collecting data,
condensing data, presenting data, and drawing
conclusions can be described as follows (Figure 2):
Figure 2: Components of Interactive Model Data Analysis
Source: Miles and Huberman (Miles, Huberman and
Saldana, 2014: 14).
Dr. H. Halib Akbar, M.Sc (at the time of the
interview on January 02, 2020) the tradition of
"uncle", which means honoring the guardian and if
we literally mean "pemamanen", means feeding the
guardian, respecting the guardian of the woman
(mother) and the customs in society that has been
developed since immemorial time. A responsibility
is given to the uncle in carrying out all the
necessities of the planned event, in preparing the
event funds, the availability of horses, even realizing
the wishes of his younger siblings or older sisters.
The meaning of "uncle" in the traditions is also
described below:
In Khezeki Custom (Pesenatken or Apostle
Circumcision) After accepting Islam as the religion
of the Alas people, it is mandatory for every boy
between the ages of 7 to 9 years to carry out Khezeki
(circumcision of the Prophet) with the following
traditions: (i) The traditional tebekhas (conveying
the celebration of the Prophet's circumcision or
marrying the guardian). There are three types of
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
tebhekhas that determine the size and size of the
attendance of the Pemamanen / guardian masters in
the traditional pesenatken (adat pemamanen) party,
namely: Antat Takhukh Si Mbelin ne (the biggest),
Intermediate (medium), and Pemamanen Tandok
Sepapan and maceken nakan (small). Metakal
bulung (Ox head, old royal dish, his name is pahakh)
Pemamanen/guardians in the circumcision ceremony
the Apostle must be respected as high as possible,
after God and his apostles and parents, then they are
respected. So great are the customs of Khezeki
(circumcision of the Prophet), so that in the
treatment of respect for Mr. Pemamanen / guardian,
he must receive a meal and to the customary leaders
who have the right on the part of Mr. Pemamanen /
guardians present ;(ii) The traditional mandate of
pekhintah (handing over the work of making
customs and parties to the success of the party to
relatives all day) is carried out after the ngateken
tebekhas event. The Sukut / Senine master who
celebrated the event, the contents of the order of the
command include notifying the customary work to
begin at a predetermined time, both attending the
njagai (plain flour and seeds) of the child who was
circumcised by the apostle, one night before the day
of the customary event; (iii) The custom of
mebhagah, which is carried out after completing the
order of the commandment carried out by the person
receiving the commandment, who should be invited,
Bagah Pemamanen, Bagah a shy child, Bagah
saudare Bagah tebeken sukut a set of buet, tandok
sepapan (invitation to siblings or siblings and
villagers); (iv) Ngekhane conveying his intentions in
traditional festivals and others by using the language
and regional literature of the Alas Nation in the form
of verses or rhymes, proverbs or traditional advices
(proverbs) which are beautiful for heard and in
accordance with the circumstances in which two
traditional leaders from the sukut and
Pemamanen/guardians acted. Ngekhane was also
carried out at the event conveying Tebhekhas
(inviting) for the Prophet's circumcision,
implementing the Pemamanen party (Prophet's
circumcision), conveying the intention of Mbhagah
guardian with Tebhekhas on the way of marriage,
Mbabe anak bhe lawe (taking a shower where
ngekhane is now rarely carried out), in the mebhadas
event (husband passed away), mekhadat midho
Hukum (marriage), and on certain occasions are
required in remarks from local officials etc.
Local wisdom refers to various cultural
properties that grow and develop in a society which
are known, trusted, and recognized as important
elements to strengthen social cohesion in society
(Haba, 2007: 11; Abdullah, 2008: 7). Quaritch
Wales defines local wisdom or local genius as "the
sum of the cultural characteristic which the vast
majority of a people have in common as a result of
their experiences in early life". The main ideas
contained in the definition are (1) cultural character,
(2) cultural owner group, and (3) life experience is
born from cultural character. Local wisdom aims to
increase welfare and create peace (Sibarani, 2013:
22). Local wisdom is extracted from cultural
products related to the life and life of the owner's
community, for example value systems, beliefs and
religions, work ethics, even how the dynamics take
place (Pudentia, 2003: 1; Sibarani, 2013: 21-22).
Local wisdom has the following significance and
functions. 1) identity marker of a community; 2)
adhesive element (cohesive aspect) across citizens,
across religions and beliefs; 3) cultural elements that
exist and live in society (bottom up); 4) the
togetherness of a community; 5) change the mind set
and reciprocity of individuals and groups by placing
them on the common ground / culture they have; 6)
encourage the building of togetherness, appreciation
as well as a joint mechanism to ward off various
possibilities that diminish and even destroy
solidarity communal belief and awareness grows on
the shared awareness of an integrated community
(Haba, 2007: 334-335 through Abdullah, 2010: 7-8).
An example of local wisdom contained in the
Pemamanen 'uncle' tradition is the Pemamanen itself
where the Pemamanen tradition is a typical
characteristic of the Alas community which is very
different from other regional cultures and traditions
and is unique in a series of Pemamanen events such
as; Tebekhas, 2. Titah Pekhintah. 3. Mbagah, 4.
Welcoming Mr. Pemaman. 5. Sabhungen Silime-
lime. 6. Ngekhane and 7. Njagai. Besakh ne shy
kakhene wali and besakh ne wali kakhene shy means
the award for uncle is done by his younger / older
sister.The judgment of his younger siblings for
bringing Mame/guardian. The conceptual
In analyzing the tradition of understanding
"uncle" using the Anthropolinguistics approach.
Performance in Anthropolinguistics includes three
elements, namely text, co-text and context. To
analyze the text, the structural theory proposed by
van Dijk was used. To analyze the co-text,
Finnegan's opinion, is used which includes
paralinguistics and materials / equipment that are
used simultaneously at the time the text is spoken.
Likewise with context, the researcher also uses the
context that is interpreted by Finnegan's situation.
Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies
Sibarani (2015: 92) states that the term
anthropolinguistics was first introduced in 1993.
At that time, anthropolinguistics was an
interdisciplinary field that studied names and
naming as a source of culture, especially mental
culture that exists in local communities in giving
names to their children. Anthropolinguistics
examines the relationship between languages and
cultures that are related to one another. In terms of
naming, anthropolinguistics is born as an analogy to
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics and
neurolinguistics. This shows that anthropolinguistics
is a sub-science of linguistics. The presence of
anthropolinguistics can be used to analyze a speech
act that originates from a speech event. Through the
concept of Anthropolinguistics with its three main
areas, namely text, co-text and context. It will unite
the research linguistic anthropology and
anthropological linguistics at the same time by
carrying out the parameters of their
anthropolinguistics analysis. As an interdisciplinary
course of anthropology and linguistics,
anthropolinguistics uses major areas in linguistic
anthropology and cultural meaning in
Anthropological linguistics. Anthropology linguistic
is a branch of anthropology so that performance is
one of the main areas that is important for research.
In anthropological linguistics, language is examined
through its cultural meanings by emphasizing its
uses such as its misuse and uselessness.
Anthropolinguistics uses the second concept
where the strength of linguistic anthropology is on
its performance, while anthropological linguistics
will complement the meaning of language from
cultural correlation and as an interdisciplinary field
between linguistics and anthropology.
There are three scopes of anthropolinguistics
studies, namely regarding to language, regarding to
culture, and regarding to other aspects of human life.
These three fields are studied from a framework
between linguistics and anthropology. The linguistic
framework is based on the study of language and the
anthropological framework is based on the study of
the intricacies of human life.
Then, anthropolinguistics is the study of
language within the framework of anthropology, the
study of culture within the framework of linguistics,
and the study of other aspects of humankind within
the interrelated framework of both anthropology and
linguistics (Sibarani, 2012: 314).
Table 1: Anthropolinguistic Analysis.
Anthropolinguistics seeks to explore and study
local wisdom based on the relationship between text
structure, co-text, and context in an event or the
performance of the “uncle” tradition in the Alas
community in Aceh Tenggara. Cultural values and
norms that are described from the relationship
between text structure, co-text, and context in an
event or performance indicate the cultural values and
norms of the oral tradition which are the reflection
of the social reality. To analyze the text structure, it
examines the macro structure, flow structure and
micro structure. The following layer discusses the
ins and outs of cultural values and norms which are
described based on the meaning, message and
function of an oral tradition, cultural traditions and
local wisdom that can be applied in social life based
on their values and norms. Sibarani (2018) states
that cultural values that can be used wisely to deal
with social problems and to improve human welfare
and peace refer to local wisdom. The term local
wisdom is not the opposite of national, international
or global, but refers to the wisdom found from
cultural traditions in the community or where a
person comes from. Local wisdom can be found
from the behavior / actions (performance) which are
the characteristic of the community.
Local Wisdom on 'uncle' Pemamanen Tradition;
Mutual cooperation Wisdom
In the 'Pemamanen' event there is mutual
cooperation wisdom, namely that when the money
(travelers) from all those present are included,
money (travelers) are made in a list and the name
and amount of money (the traveler) is written down
and finally added up as a whole. This activity of
donating money (travelers) will also be rewarded by
the sukut host at other family harvesting events.
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
With this wisdom, good communication will be
established and mutual respect in continuing the next
harvest. This indirectly helps the people of Alas to
help each other so that there is mutual cooperation
that makes the community always help and do work
Wisdom of Gratitude
In the 'pemamanen' program the stressing is on
Khezeki (Sunat Rasul), which shows that in the
circumcision of the apostle there is a pangir (plain
flour) activity which is carried out at night. The
following pangir (plain flour) activity is held a
thanksgiving feast (prayer) while praying to be given
safety and health to those who are circumcised
which are carried out together. Pangir (plain flour)
activities are carried out before the Pemamanen
event which in Alas is called Njagai. In the Khezeki
"Sunat Rasul" event in the "uncle" Pemamanen
tradition to bind a strong brotherhood and stay in
touch between family and friends. In the general
views and opinions of the Alas community in Aceh
Tenggara District, in terms of kite geluh ni, adat,
mate ni, the content of law (we live in the realm of
dead tradition in the context of law), there is a close
relationship between custom and religious law in the
harvest tradition that does not conflict with Islamic
The value of mutual agreement/rukun khut dame
(Harmony Wisdom)
At the Khezeki "Islamic circumcision" event in the
'uncle' Pemamanen Tradition from the guardian of
the 'uncle' pemamanen with this traditional event
between guardians and pekhanakbekhunen (mothers
of children who are adored), they hold value of
respect for uncle, because in Alas society the
tradition of harvesting is also a difficult value of
togetherness. I feel happy and happy, meaning that
both sad and happy can be felt together in the
traditional tebekhas or the main harvesting event
where in the tebekhas custom there is a typical food
of Alas Puket megaukh (diamond) there is a taste of
fat and eg (fat and sweet).
Value of Mekokhe (Wisdom of Politeness)
At the Khezeki " islamic circumcision" event in the
"uncle" Pemamanen tradition where the
pekhanakbekhunen (the mother of the circumcised
child) comes to the guardian in conveying the aims
and objectives and inviting all extended families and
discussing the intention of the celebration that will
be held. Where are the traditional leaders both
parties from the embarrassed child and the sukut
lord were also present as representatives of the sukut
delegation and the uncle / guardian.
Wisdom mutual respect
At the Khezeki " islamic circumcision " event in the
'uncle' Pemamanen tradition to respect the guardian,
the shameful child (the mother of the child to be
circumcised) brings rantang in which contains the
side dishes along with puket megaukh (wajik/
traditional food made of sticky rice) which is a
tribute to the younger sibling / her elder sister
against her guardian.
Tabel 2: Local Wisdom of Pemamanen 'uncle' tradition.
No Local
Score Event
1 Mutual
Value of
(Wisdom of
2 Wisdom of
3 The value of
agreement /
rukun khut
The value of
4 Value of
(Wisdom of
The value of
Petuah on
5 Value of
(Wisdom of
The following is the process of the Pemamanen
Tradition; Tebekhas Tradition, The Titah
Pekhintah, Mbagah, Welcoming Mr. Pemaman,
Sabhungen Silime- lime, Ngekhane and Njagai.
The harvest tradition is a series of guardian breeding
activities among the Alas community. In the past,
this activity was only carried out among the royal
family. Today the harvesting tradition is a culture
practiced by all Alas people in Aceh Tenggara, Aceh
The tradition of harvesting is the breeding of
guardians carried out at the event; taking a bath,
circumcising the apostle, marriage, and death, but
Tradition of Pemamanen "Uncle" of the Alas Community in Aceh Tenggara District: Anthropolinguistic Studies
what is commonly carried out is the circumcision of
the apostle (pesenatken).
The tradition of pemamanen for the Alas
community in Aceh Tenggara is a cultural heritage
that must be preserved and preserved in order to
deny foreign / foreign cultures that enter social life
that can affect or damage the existing order.
Local wisdom in the Pemamanen tradition is found
in the Pemamanen tradition itself, where the
Pemamanen tradition is a typical characteristic of the
Alas community in Aceh Tenggara Regency. The
diverse opinions of various sources regarding to
tradition of harvesting both the series of activities
and the timing of their implementation are used as a
standard reference for all Alas Aceh Tenggara
The Pemamanen 'paman 'tradition in the Alas
community in Aceh Tenggara District, Aceh
Province is a cultural heritage that is still intact and
is still preserved nowadays. When viewed from the
history of the origin of the "uncle" Pemamanen
activities, it was only carried out among the royal
family. However, recently harvesting activities have
also been carried out at every level of the Alas
community and several other ethnicities such as;
Gayo, Aceh, Singkil, Padang, Pak pak, Karo and
Mandailing who reside in Aceh Tenggara. The
largest “uncle” memamanen activity is carried out at
the Khezeki (islamic circumcision) event where the
Alas community, the customary holders, think that
circumcision is an Islamic activity in the
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CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies