Consumers’ Expectation towards Functional Foods:
An Exploratory Study
I Gede Mahatma Yuda Bakti, Sik Sumaedi, Nidya J. Astrini, Tri Rakhmawati and Medi Yarmen
Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Expectation, Consumers, Functional Foods, Exploratory.
Abstract: There are various functional foods offered in the market in the forms of food and beverage. Unfortunately,
not all of them survived. Many functional food products had been rejected by consumers because they did not
focus on consumers’ expectation. This research has one main purpose: to investigate consumers’ expectations
towards functional foods’ health benefits. Three research methods were employed; literature review, multiple
interviews, and a survey. The interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis method while the survey
data was assessed using Exploratory Factor Analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha and the calculation of indicator
transformation index were also employed. The research identified 22 important expectations related to
functional foods’ health benefits. This result is beneficial for companies in creating consumers’ oriented
functional foods. It can also serve as an input for the government in establishing functional food development
One of the industry sectors that is currently enjoying
significant growth in the global market is the food
industry. It is because this industry provides a basic
need, but also products that have potential
physiological benefits for their consumers (Bachl,
2007; Chrysochou, 2010; Pech-Lopatta, 2007;
Goetzke & Spiller, 2014). The term is “functional
food.” Generally, functional food products are “foods
that may provide health benefits beyond basic
nutrition” (Roberfroid, 2000).
On the other hand, consumers awareness of a
healthy lifestyle and the prevalence of non-
communicable diseases (NCDs) also rises (Zoltan et
al., 2012; La Barbera, 2016). This is due to the rising
health costs of treating NCDs (Peake, 2001).
Consequently, the demand for functional foods
upsurges ever year. It can be seen from 7-10% annual
growth of the functional food industry (Fitzpatrick,
2003). This growth is expected to persist in the future
(Westrate et al., 2002; Black & Campbell, 2006;
Verbeke, 2006; Kljusuric et al., 2015). Furthermore,
the functional food market share was projected
between $11 to $155 billion per year (Doyon, 2008).
Even though the functional food industry shows a
positive trend, there were many companies that failed
marketing their products. One of the reasons was
consumers did not accept the products even though
they gave health benefits. It happened because there
were expectancy discrepancies between companies
and consumers (Parasuraman et al., 1985). In other
words, the health benefits offered by the products
were not the ones expected by the consumers or
consumers had different expectations regarding the
health benefit of functional food.
In the consumer behavior literature, one of the
concepts that have been studied and discussed
multiple times by researchers theoretically and
practically was consumers’ expectation (Licata et al.,
2008). This was because ‘expectation’ was one of the
determinants of consumers acceptance. Previous
researchers stated that consumers’ expectation was
closely related to product quality (Ignacio et al., 2006;
Brunso et al., 2002; Issanchou, 1996; Douglas &
Connor, 2003). Other researchers added that
‘expectation’ also related to consumers satisfaction
(Cadotte et al., 1987; Bhattacherjee, 2001; Yi, 1993).
Even though consumers expectation has an
important role in product success, this study argues
that previous research on consumers expectation
toward the health benefit of functional food has not
been widely discussed. Research in the context
Indonesian consumers, who are very likely different
from other consumers, are even rarer. Different
Bakti, I., Sumaedi, S., Astrini, N., Rakhmawati, T. and Yarmen, M.
Consumers’ Expectation towards Functional Foods: An Exploratory Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0009993300002964
In Proceedings of the 16th ASEAN Food Conference (16th AFC 2019) - Outlook and Opportunities of Food Technology and Culinary for Tourism Industry, pages 37-43
ISBN: 978-989-758-467-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
dietary habits, climate, vegetation, economic
condition, and population distribution influence
consumers expectation (Kljusuric et al., 2015).
Related to that condition, a study to investigate
consumers expectation toward functional foods
health benefits in the context of Indonesia becomes
important. This study expects to give inputs for
businesses in developing consumers expectation-
oriented products.
1.1 Functional Food
Even though studies on functional foods have
significantly grown, agreed-upon definition of
functional food does not exist, yet (Sarkar, 2019).
Several organizations and researchers might have
different definitions. The International Life Sciences
Institute defines functional food as foods that, by
virtue of the presence of physiologically-active
components, provide a health benefit beyond basic
nutrition (ILSI, 1999). According to International
Food Information Council, functional foods are foods
(or beverages) that provide health benefits beyond
basic nutrition, like improving the diets or reducing
the risk of specific diseases (IFIC, 2009). In
Indonesia, Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan
(National Agency of Drug and Food Control or
BPOM) defined functional foods as “processed foods
with one or more food components, which based on
scientific research have a certain physiological
function beyond their basic function, do not pose
harmful effects and contain health benefits” (BPOM,
2011). However, BPOM retracted that definition. A
researcher defined functional foods as “food that
encompasses potentially helpful products, including
any modified food or food ingredient that may
provide a health benefit beyond that of the traditional
nutrient it contains” (Roberfroid, 2000). Another
researcher defined it as “a food and not a drug, that is
part of a normal diet, and that can produce benefits
beyond basic nutrition” (Lajolo, 2002). On the other
hand, functional food is defined as “any substance
that is a food or part of a food that provides medical
and/or health benefits, including the prevention and
treatment of disease” (DeFelice, 2007). From those
definitions, it was clear that functional foods are not
regular foods because they provide not only basic
nutrition but also an extra health benefit. Based on
that definition, there are several types of functional
foods, which are fortified food, enriched food, altered
food, and enhanced commodities (Kotilainen et al.,
2006; Spence, 2006; Siro et al., 2008). The definitions
can be seen in table 1.
Table 1: Types of functional foods.
Type of
1 Fortified food “A food fortified with
additional nutrients”
2 Enriched food “A food with added new
nutrients or components not
normally found in a
articular food”
3 Altered food “A food from which a
deleterious component has
been removed, reduced or
replaced with another
substance with beneficial
4 Enhanced
“A food in which one of the
components has been
naturally enhanced through
special growing
conditions, new feed
composition, genetic
ulation, or otherwise”
Source: Siro et al., 2008.
1.2 Consumer Expectation
In the consumer behavior literature, there is not a
converged definition of consumer expectation.
According to the study of Santo and Boote (2003), the
definitions could be categorized into nine groups,
which are (1) expectation as the ideal standard (what
the consumer wished for the excellence-performance
of product), (2) expectation as ‘should be’ standard
(what the consumer feels ought to happen), (3)
expectation as the desired standard (what the
consumer wants to happen), (4) expectation as the
predicted standard (what the consumer thinks will
happen), (5) expectation as the deserved standard
(consumers’ subjective evaluation of their own
product investment), (6) expectation as the adequate
standard (the lower level expectation for the threshold
of acceptable product or service), (7) expectation as
the minimum tolerable (the lower level or bottom
level of performance acceptable to the consumer), (8)
expectation as the intolerable (under the minimum
tolerable level of expectation), and (9) expectation as
the worst imaginable (the lowest level of
This study refers to ‘consumer expectation’ as an
ideal expectation or an ideal need and want that is
expected by the consumer toward the performance of
functional foods. This study adopted that definition
because ‘ideal expectation’ was not affected by
various marketing variables and the competition, so it
is suitable for this research (Santos & Boote, 2003).
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
In addition, ‘ideal expectation’ was also believed to
be stable from time to time compared to ‘consumer
expectation’ as a ‘should be’ standard (Churchill,
This is exploratory research with a quantitative
approach. To achieve the aim of this research, this
study went through three stages (see figure 1). First,
this study investigated consumers’ expectation
toward functional foods. In this stage, this research
conducted a literature review of previous studies that
focused on the health benefits of functional foods.
This study also ran interviews on several consumers
to ask about their expectations that might have (or
have not been) identified by previous research.
Purpose: Identifying consumer expectation
Method: Literature review and exploratory interviews
Step 1. Investigating Consumer Expectation
Purpose: Reducing the number of expectations
Method: Survey using questionnaires, Exploratory Factor
Analysis, Cronbach’s α
Step 2. Determining and Categorizing Consumer
Purpose: Assessing the consumer expectations
Method: Survey using questionnaires
Step 3. Measuring the Value of Each Expectation
Figure 1: Research process.
The second stage aims to determine and
categorize consumers expectation. This stage
determined which kind of health benefits that were
direly expected by functional food consumers.
Specifically, this stage omitted benefits that were not
expected by consumers. After the determination,
health benefits were then statistically categorized to
help businesses in understanding consumers
expectation. For this stage, this study conducted a
survey to gather data using a questionnaire. The
questionnaire inquired about how high their
expectations are. This questionnaire used a 5-point
Likert scale to represent consumers expectation. The
survey was done in three areas, which were Jakarta,
Bekasi, and Tangerang. The respondents were
Indonesian aged 18 and above and chosen based on
convenience sampling. This study used 114
respondents, which profile can be seen in table 2. The
Table 2: Demographic profile.
Characteristic Cate
ories %
Male 97.4
Female 2.6
≤ 20 years ol
30 years ol
40 years ol
ears ol
≥ 51
ears ol
school 1.8
Junior high school 10.5
High school 77.2
College diploma/bachelor’s
Bachelor’s degree (Hons) 4.4
Master’s degree 0.9
ed 0.9
Stay-at-home (without
Freelancers 8.8
Student 0.9
Permanent employee of
rivate business
No income 7.0
2.500.000 3.5
Rp2.500.001 - Rp5.000.000 71.9
Rp10.000.000 14.9
> Rp10.000.000 2.6
statistical analyses used in this stage were
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Cronbach’s
alpha (α).
After being identified and categorized, the list of
expectations was measured to determine which the
most expected health benefits were in the third stage.
This stage aims to investigate consumers priorities.
The technique used in this stage was the Indicator
transformation index. The formula is below (Aminah
et al., 2015).
Transformation Index
     
      
This study used three categories: low expectation
(0-59), moderate expectation (60-80), and high
expectation (81-100) (Afina & Retnaningsih, 2018).
3.1 List of Consumers’ Expectation
The exploration of consumers’ expectation has been
done through literature review and interviews. A
Consumers’ Expectation towards Functional Foods: An Exploratory Study
review was done to previous studies that focused on
the health benefits of functional foods (Schnettler et
al., 2015; Siegrist et al., 2009; CMPA, 2003). After
that, interviews with 11 consumers were done to gain
an in-depth understanding of their expectations,
which might not have been identified through the
review. This study found 22 health benefits expected
from functional foods. Those expectations were then
divided into two categories, which were ‘disease
prevention’ and ‘improvement of bodily functions.’
The list is displayed in table 3.
Table 3: Consumers’ expectations.
Categories Consumers’ expectation
CE1 Reducin
the risk of diabetes
CE2 Reducin
the risk of cance
CE3 Reducing the risk of heart
CE4 Reducin
the risk of stroke
CE5 Reducing the risk of kidney
CE6 Maintaining an ideal level of
CE7 Lowering the cholesterol level
CE8 Maintaining a healthy level of
CE9 Strengthening joints and bones
(including reducing the risk of
CE10 Reducing the risk of digestive
colon, stomach
CE11 Reducing weight problems
CE12 Preventin
CE13 Im
eneral stamina
CE14 Improving concentration
CE15 Reducin
CE16 Im
CE17 Improving sexual performance
CE18 Maintaining healthy skin, nails,
and hai
CE19 Maintainin
CE20 Maintaining eye functions
CE21 Increasing muscle
CE22 Maintaining a longer feeling of
3.2 Tested List of Expectation and the
Based on the EFA, this study found that the
expectation model built by this study is fit. This can
be indicated by the Keiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) of
sampling adequacy value that fell above the cut of
value of 0.5. and the p-value of Bartlett test of
sphericity of lower than 0.05 (see table 4) (Hair et al.,
2010). The analysis also showed that all health
benefits in the ‘disease prevention’ and ‘improvement
of bodily function’ categories were expected. No
health benefit was omitted from the original list
because (1) the MSA value for each health benefit
was above 0.5; (2) their communalities values were
higher than 0.4; and (3) their factor loadings were also
higher than 0.5 (Hair et al., 2010). Aside from that,
the EFA result shows that all health benefits in each
category were proven to be converged into one factor.
The total variance explained for ‘disease prevention’
was 56.974% and 59.341% for ‘improvement of
bodily function.’ The Cronbach’s α coefficient for
‘disease prevention’ was 0.915 and for ‘improvement
of bodily functionwas 0.937. The values were far
higher than the cut-off value of 0.6 (Hair et al., 2010).
Therefore, this research shows that the model to
measure functional food consumers’ expectation was
reliable for both ‘disease prevention’ aspect and
‘improvement of bodily function’ aspect.
3.3 Indicator Transformation Index
From the previous stage, this study has found 22
consumers’ expectations toward health benefits of
functional foods. Based on the measurement process,
there was only one expectation that generated an
index between 60-80 and the rest have index values
more than 80. This indicates that consumers have
high expectations of 21 health benefits. In the disease
prevention group, three most prioritized benefits were
reducing the risk of contracting digestive diseases
(85.09), reducing the risk of cancer (84.65),
strengthening joints and bones (84.43), reducing the
risk of kidney failure (84.43). In the improvement of
bodily functions group, three most prioritized health
benefits were improving concentration (85.31),
improving immunity (84.43), and maintaining a
longer feeling of satiety (see figure 2).
This research found that consumers expect 22 health
benefits from various range of functional foods.
There were ten health benefits that represented
‘disease prevention’ and twelve that represented
‘improvement of bodily function.’ This research
supports previous studies that also found similar
(e.g., Verschuren, 2002; Schnettler et al.,
2015). ‘Disease prevention’ is a health benefits group
that consumers expected to get after consuming foods
beverages with disease prevention claim
16th AFC 2019 - ASEAN Food Conference
Table 4: The results of exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach’s α.
KMO of sampling
Bartlett’s Test of
Sphericity (Sig.)
Total Variance
Explained (%)
CA MSA Communalities
0.898 635.449 (0.000) 56.974 0.915
CE1 0.932 0.654 0.809
CE2 0.899 0.462 0.680
CE3 0.937 0.464 0.681
CE4 0.868 0.591 0.769
CE5 0.877 0.641 0.801
CE6 0.832 0.479 0.692
CE7 0.895 0.567 0.753
CE8 0.899 0.573 0.757
CE9 0.945 0.623 0.789
CE10 0.901 0.643 0.802
0.927 875.090 (0.000) 59.341 0.937
CE11 0.940 0.606 0.779
CE12 0.940 0.622 0.788
CE13 0.934 0.591 0.769
CE14 0.928 0.571 0.756
CE15 0.948 0.609 0.780
CE16 0.950 0.530 0.728
CE17 0.927 0.571 0.756
CE18 0.906 0.531 0.729
CE19 0.902 0.574 0.757
CE20 0.894 0.649 0.806
CE21 0.911 0.650 0.806
CE22 0.948 0.617 0.786
Figure 2: Consumers’ expectation of health benefits offered by functional foods.
(Schnettler et al., 2015). This study found that the
most expected health benefits related to disease
prevention were (1) reducing the risk of digestive
diseases; (2) reducing the risk of cancer; and (3)
strengthening joints and bones. ‘Improvement of
bodily function’ is a group of health benefits expected
by consuming functional foods with bodily functions
improvement claims (Schnettler et al., 2015). This
research identified three most expected health
benefits in terms of the improvement of bodily
functions, which were (1) improving concentration;
(2) improving immunity; and (3) maintaining the
feeling of satiety. This research also revealed that
consumers’ values ‘disease prevention’ and
‘improvement of bodily functions’ equally.
84,43 84,43
84,43 84,43
Consumers’ Expectation towards Functional Foods: An Exploratory Study
This study has practical implications. First, the
result encourages business to understand their
consumers’ expectation while developing a
functional food product. Especially the expectation of
real health benefits in terms of disease prevention or
the improvement of bodily functions. Second, this
study emphasizes that in developing a functional food
product, businesses must decide whether they would
position their products as disease prevention products
or bodily functions improvement products. This study
has identified ten health benefits of functional foods
related to disease prevention and twelve health
benefits related to the improvement of bodily
functions. Those 22 expectations could be a guide for
business in developing functional foods. By adhering
to those expectations, the developed product is
expected to be accepted by consumers and
simultaneously create satisfaction.
Even though this study has generated interesting
findings, it still has limitations. First, the respondents
who engaged in this study were chosen based on
convenience sampling. Consequently, the results
could not be widely generalized. Future research
should use a probability sampling technique. Second,
this study only considered consumers expectation of
health benefits. In reality, when a consumer bought or
consumed certain product, there were many aspects
that played into considerations, such as price, brand,
packaging, etc. Future research should incorporate
other factors.
This study is funded through Insentif Riset Sistem
Inovasi Nasional (National Research Innovation
System Incentive) The Ministry of Research and
Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia. All
authors are main contributor.
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Consumers’ Expectation towards Functional Foods: An Exploratory Study