The Effect of Bean Size and Curing Process on Aroma Profile and
Vanillin/Glucovanillin Content of Indonesian Cured Vanilla Beans
Dede R. Adawiyah
, Petronela Yunia Dua Reri
and Hanifah Nuryani Lioe
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology and Engineering, Bogor Agricultural
University, IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia
Southeast Asian Food and Agricultural Science and Technology (SEAFAST) Center, Indonesia
Keywords: Aroma Profile, Glucovanillin, Curing, Killing Temperatures, Vanillin.
Abstract: A cured vanilla bean produced in Indonesia has lower quality than that produced in other countries, which
may be associated with improper maturity of vanilla bean and curing process. The quality of vanilla is
dependent on its aroma and vanillin content. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effects of fresh
vanilla bean size (weight and length) on aroma profile and vanillin/ glucovanillin of cured vanilla bean. Curing
condition was conducted under 90ºC killing temperatures and sun drying period (dried to 50% of initial beans
weight). Aroma profile was evaluated using sensory quantitative descriptive analysis and vanillin content
determined by high performance liquid chromatography. The results showed that different size of vanila beans
with same condition of curing process gave different aroma profile. Vanilla beans with size less than 8 grams
or 12.3 cm length of vanilla bean did not have good aroma vanilla characteristics. The highest vanillin content
was found in vanilla with size of bean more than 15 grams or 19.6 cm length of vanilla bean, and characterised
as vanillin aroma.
Indonesia is one of the biggest vanilla producers in
the world beside Madagascar, Mexico, India and
Africa. However, the price of Indonesian vanilla
beans tends to be the lowest (US$12.592 per ton) over
vanilla beans produced from other countries (FAO,
2009). fruit maturity (indicated by bean size) and
curing condition seems to be a key stage affecting the
aroma compounds of the vanilla bean; thus, improper
harvesting time and curing process may contribute to
production of undesired aroma on the Indonesian
vanilla beans, such as dry smoky or woody aroma
(Adedeji et al., 1993).
Mature green vanilla beans contain precursors of
flavor and aroma compounds, and these compounds
are released during curing process. The curing
process induces the enzymatic reaction which
converts glucovanillin to vanillin. In green vanilla
beans, the concentration of glucovanillin was found
around 14% dry weight basis (Havkin-Frenkel and
Belanger, 2010). Many studies have investigated the
effects of various curing conditions on the hydrolytic
activity of glucovanillin (Dignum et al., 2002;
Havkin-Frenkel et al., 2004; Pérez Silva et al., 2011).
In a study, vanillin concentration was found to
increase during curing process from 8418 ppm to
22361 ppm (Pérez Silva et al., 2011). Vanillin content
in cured vanilla beans is an important analytical
parameter, which indicates a strong relationship
between curing condition and vanilla quality.
Numerous studies have identified hundred volatile
compounds present in vanilla bean, and their presence
is responsible for the aroma profile of vanilla
(Adedeji et al., 1993; Pérez-Silva et al., 2006;
Sostaric et al., 2000). However, vanillin is the major
volatile compound in vanilla bean (Sreedhar et al.,
2007; Pardio et al., 2009; Zhang and Mueller, 2012).
Many studies have been conducted to determine the
optimal conditions to obtain a good quality of cured
vanilla bean (Dignum et al., 2002; Van Dyk et al.,
Under ripe or immature green vanilla bean will
produce low quality of cured vanilla bean compare
with mature vanilla bean. Van Dyk et al. (2010)
reported that physiological age of vanilla bean during
harvesting is important factor affecting vanilla
quality. General indicators of fully mature vanilla
beans are green-yellow color, cylindrical shape and
length 10-25 cm and witdh of 1-1.5 cm (Rao dan
Adawiyah, D., Reri, P. and Lioe, H.
The Effect of Bean Size and Curing Process on Aroma Profile and Vanillin/Glucovanillin Content of Indonesian Cured Vanilla Beans.
DOI: 10.5220/0009977400002833
In Proceedings of the 2nd SEAFAST International Seminar (2nd SIS 2019) - Facing Future Challenges: Sustainable Food Safety, Quality and Nutrition, pages 106-111
ISBN: 978-989-758-466-4
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Ravishankar 2000). Medina et al. (2009) mentioned
the importance of sorting and grading on the
harvested vanilla bean. The size and appearance
become very important because it is related with the
aroma produced from their Vanillin component
during curing process.
Based on information as mentioned above, vanilla
quality is heavily affected by maturity level based on
size parameter of vanilla bean or pod and curing
process. In this paper, we study on the effect of vanilla
bean size (weight and length) on the quality of cured
vanilla bean evaluated from aroma profile and
vanillin / glucovanillin contents.
2.1 Materials
Green vanilla beans were obtained from vanilla
producers in Alor, Indonesia and commercial
Madagascar vanilla were supplied by Ogawa Co.,
Japan. Chemicals for HPLC analysis were of
analytical grade (Merck, Germany), while aroma
references (vanilin, asam asetat, guaiacol, eugenol,
cinnamaldehyde, 1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-decadienal,C-8
acid, furfural, etil asetat, etil propanoat, isoamil asetat,
fenil etil alkohol, alcohol C-10) for sensory analysis
were also provided by Ogawa Co. Japan.
2.2 Method
Fresh vanilla beans were graded into 4 classes based
on weight: (A) less than 8 gram, (B) 8-11 gram, (C)
12-15 gram and (D) more than 15 gram. Length of
vanilla beans were measure individually to determine
range of length of vanilla bean in each class.
The beans were killed by immersion in hot water
at 90ºC for 3 mins. After killing, all bean groups were
wrapped with three layers: black cotton cloth, black
flannel cloth and black plastic sheet (from inner to
outer). For sweating stage, the wrapped beans were
put in a separated box (using styrofoam box) and kept
for 24 hr. Next, the vanilla beans were sun-dried for
5 hr per day until reaching 50% weight reduction.
Prior to sun drying, the beans were wrapped with two
layers, e.g., black cotton cloth and black flannel cloth
and placed in separated styrofoam box for the next
day. After this stage, all bean samples were subjected
to subsequent slow drying. In this process, the beans
were placed on trays in a ventilated room to continue
the drying process until the bean weights reached 20-
22% of their initial weight. After slow drying, the
beans were bundled and then stored in a wooden box
at ambient temperature for 3 months for conditioning
process. It was noted that sweating, slow drying and
conditioning process were conducted at the same
condition for each group of vanilla beans.
2.2.1 Sensory Analysis
The method used for the sensory evaluation was
quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA). The aroma
quality of cured vanilla beans was evaluated by 13
trained panellists of Bogor Agricultural University (9
women and 4 men, aged from 21 to 28 years old),
previously selected from 41 candidates. The panellist
was trained for 1 month by rating test and focus group
discussion for vanilla aroma. Approximately 1 g of
samples (only seeds have taken) were served in dark
vial (5 mL capacity), coded and presented randomly
to panellists. They evaluated the aroma (sweet, sour,
phenol-like, spicy, hay-like, liquid/whisky-like, and
woody) in samples with reference odours (Table 1)
and scored aroma descriptor on an intensity scale of 0
– 10 indicating “none” to “strong”. All sensory
evaluations were performed in individual sensory
booths at room temperature (26-27ºC). The sensory
evaluation test was conducted in triplicate.
Table 1: Description of aroma references.
References Description
Vanilin Sweet
Asam asetat acid
Guaiacol, eugenol Phenol like
Cinnamaldehyde spice
1-octen-3-ol, 2,4-
decadienal, C-8 acid
Furfural, etil asetat, etil
Liquid or whisky-like
Fenil etil alkohol,
alcohol C-10
2.2.2 Determination Vanillin &
Sample Preparation. Cured vanilla beans
(approximately 200 mg) were suspended in 10 mL
distilled water, added with 0.5 mL of 18 M sulphuric
acid and thoroughly mixed. The mixture was then
incubated in a waterbath at 60ºC for 3 h to hydrolyze
the glycosides, cooled in room temperature and added
with 2 mL of 9 M KOH to neutralize the mixture
solution (pH adjusted to 6-7). Then, 10 mL of n-
hexane and dicloromethane (1:1, v/v) was added to
extract the vanillin and shaken. The upper organic
phase was recovered, while the remaining aqueous
layer was extracted three times more with 10 mL of
The Effect of Bean Size and Curing Process on Aroma Profile and Vanillin/Glucovanillin Content of Indonesian Cured Vanilla Beans
n-hexane and dichloromethane (1:1,v/v). The
combined organic phase was dried over anhydrous
and filtered. The filtrate was dried using N
gas. The dried analyte was adjusted to 2 mL by
mobile phase solvent and filtered using membrane
filter 0.45 μm. The filtrate obtained was subjected to
HPLC and the result was calculated as total vanillin
of the samples. Free vanillin was analyzed using the
above procedure but without acid hydrolysis and
HPLC Analysis. Vanillin concentrations in the
hydrolyzed extracts from cured vanilla beans were
determined using HPLC Shimadzu LC-6A
(Shimadzu, Japan). HPLC is operated at room
temperature with the condition of column C18 (15
cm, 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm, Zorbak Eclipse XBD-C18,
Agilent, USA). The mobile phase consisted of 10%
O, 30% acetonitrile, 60% methanol. The separation
was performed under isocratic condition at a constant
flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Detection was performed at
271 nm with a UV-Visible detector SPD-10AV
(Shimadzu, Japan). The injection volume was 20 μL
of sample. Vanillin standard solutions, 5-100 µg.mL
were prepared to obtain a linear calibration curve.
2.2.3 Statistical Data Analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to
evaluate significant differences in aroma profile
among vanilla samples (p<0.05) using MINITAB
version 2016. Principal component Analysis was
performed using XLSTAT version 2014.
3.1 Vanilla Bean Size
Maturity level indicated by weight of individual
vanilla bean affected of aroma profile of cured vanilla
bean. Vanilla bean size was categorised by 4 groups
based on weight: A) less then 8 gram, (B) 8-11 gram,
(C) 12-15 gram dan (D) more than 15 gram. The
length of vanilla beans were ranging from 12.3 cm –
19.6 cm. Table 2 shows data of size (length and
weight) of vanilla bean used in this research. The
smallest size of vanilla bean was less than 8 gram
equivalent with 12.3 cm length (Table 2), while the
biggest size was more than 15 gram that equivalent to
19.6 cm length.
Table 2: Vanilla bean size.
Group Range
of weight
of length
A < 8 gram 5.16 12.3 ± 1.8
B 8-11 gram 9.52 15.5 ± 1.3
C 12-15
17.6 ± 1.3
D >15 gram 19.09 19.6 ± 1.5
A < 8 gram 5.16 12.3 ± 1.8
Figure 1: Aroma profile of 4 groups of cured vanilla bean.
Note: *significant different (p<0.05).
The results in figure 1 shows that bean size
(weight and length) significantly effect on aroma
profile of cured vanilla beans. Significant different
were found in phenol like, and hay like. Cured vanilla
bean from fresh vanilla bean weight less than 8 gram
had lower sweet aroma compare to the others. It
means that fresh vanilla bean weighs less than 8
grams or length less than 12.3 cm has not fully ripe or
optimum condition to produce sweet aroma because
flavour precursor for vanilla was not developed yet.
During this time, some of Indonesia's vanilla bean
farmers harvested the vanilla bean in under-ripe or
immature condition to avoid theft and to reduce the
production cost. They harvested vanilla bean at once,
mixed mature and immature vanilla bean. It resulted
in low quality of Indonesian vanilla bean compared to
vanilla from other countries such as the vanilla of
Madagascar. Immature fresh Vanilla bean has
incomplete flavor compound that responsible for
targeted flavors, such as sweet and vanillin flavor,
during the curing process (Ranadive 2006). The
vanilla bean more than 15 gram had sweet aroma
higher than the other size, although not significantly
different. Mature vanilla bean produce aroma profile
vanilla, sweet and creamy (Ranadive 2006).
A(<8gram) B(811gram)
C(1215gram) D(>15gram)
2nd SIS 2019 - SEAFAST International Seminar
3.2 Vanilin/Glukovanilin Contents
Vanilin is an important flavour compound quality
parameter of cured vanilla bean as the result of
hydrolysis of glucovanilin by β-glukosidase. In
general, the vanillin concentration in cured vanilla
bean on average is 1.4-3.0% (Gassenmeier et al.
2008; Cicchetti dan Chaintreau 2009). Cured Vanilla
bean with a high concentration of Vanilin (2.0-3.0%)
is a high-quality of vanilla. Concentration levels of
vanillin in cured vanilla bean depend on several
factors, one of which is the level of maturity of the
fresh green vanilla bean during harvesting. This
relates to the concentration of glucovanillin in the
fresh vanilla bean as a precursor to the flavor
compounds of vanillin. Tokoro et al. (1990) reported
that the highest content of Glucovanillin is in mature
vanilla fruit. In this research the vanillin compound
was analyzed using HPLC UV-Vis and detected at the
minute. The results showed that vanilla bean
weight more than 15 grams had a higher
concentration of vanillin compared to three others
size of vanilla bean (Figure 2). The content of vanillin
in this study was still relatively low in the range of
200-4000 ppm compared to the vanillin content of
Mexican vanilla, Madagascar (Pérez-Silva et al.
2011; Pardio et al. 2009).
Figure 2.
The results showed that vanilla bean with size
less than 15 grams on average had a lower vanillin
content than the size of more than 15 grams and
Madagascar vanilla. It is because Glucovanillin
content has not formed maximum level due to low
maturity level (immature). Glucovanillin is a
dominant flavor precursor found in cured vanilla
bean. Van Dyk et al. (2014) mentioned that
Glucovanillin began to increase in the 20th week after
pollination and achieved maximum concentration
after 40 weeks after pollination. The physical
condition as bean size became critical criteria in
determining the optimum harvest time of vanilla bean
for further processing of curing. Generally,
Indonesian vanilla farmers do not pay attention to the
size of vanilla fruit at the harvest time because
usually, farmers harvest the vanilla bean at once
without the selection of fruit one by one. It causes the
low quality of vanilla beans from Indonesia compared
to the other countries. Another factor that affected
vanillin/glucovanillin content is the curing process,
such as killing and drying methods.
3.3 Mapping of Cured Vanilla Beans
Characteristics by Principal
Component Analysis
Figure 3: PCA of cured vanilla bean with different size.
Mapping and correlation between cured vanilla bean
based on different size (weight) with aroma profile
and vanillin/glucovanillin content was described
using biplot graph from principle component analysis
(PCA) as can be seen in Figure 3. Figure 3 shows
mapping of characteristics cured vanilla bean from 4
different size of green vanilla bean as raw material.
The result of PCA explained 84.63% of the total
variance (F1=54.54% and F2=30.09%). The PCA
shows that fresh vanilla bean with different size
produce different characteristics of cured vanilla
bean. Vanilla A (weight less than 8 grams) does not
shows any dominant characteristics in sensory or
aroma profile and vanillin/glucovanillin content.
Vanilla B (weight 8-11 grams) has dominant
characteristics of liquid/whisky-like, phenol-like dan
woody, while cured vanilla C (12-15 grams) and D
(more than 15 grams) were noted by
concentration (ug/g)
A (<8 g)
B (8-11 g)
C (12-15
D (>15 g)
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
F2 (30,09 %)
F1 (54,54 %)
Biplot (axes F1 and F2: 84,63 %)
The Effect of Bean Size and Curing Process on Aroma Profile and Vanillin/Glucovanillin Content of Indonesian Cured Vanilla Beans
vanilin/glucovanilin content, and hay-like aroma.
This result research clearly clarify that the immature
vanilla bean indicated by small size less than 8 grams
or length less than 12.3 cm would produce low quality
of cured vanilla bean with less or no aroma identity.
Many factors are involved in providing good quality
of cured vanilla bean, including the level of fruit
maturity, environmental condition, curing process,
and others. In this study, the size of the vanilla bean
was a good indicator of the maturity level of vanilla
PCA also can be used to analyse correlation
between tested parameters. PCA also can be used to
analyse the correlation between tested parameters. A
Positive correlation can be seen from adjacent criteria
or parameters, while a negative correlation from the
data or parameter position in the opposite side or
diagonal quadrant. Based matrix correlation (data do
not shown), there was positive correlation between
glucovanillin with vanillin (r = 0.872), hay like aroma
(r = 0.846). Negative correlations were found
between vanillin with sour (r = -0.918); glucovanillin
with sour (r = -0.986); glucovanillin with
liquid/whisky-like (r = -0.869).
A positive correlation between glucovanillin with
vanillin (r = 0.873) means that higher glucovanillin
caused the higher vanillin concentration. High or low
concentration of vanillin in cured vanilla bean
depends on the concentration of Glukovanilin in fresh
vanilla bean. Vanillin obtained from hydrolysis of
glucovanillin by enzyme of β-glukosidase during
curing process. According to Van Dyk et al. (2014),
the concentration of Glucovanillin in vanilla bean
highly depends on the level of maturity. Some result
researches suggested that the maximum
concentration of glucovanillin in fresh vanilla bean
occurs at week 40 after pollination. This research
result emphasizes that the level of maturity was
highly significant in vanillin concentration produced
during the curing process.
Glucovanillin also has a positive correlation with
hay-like aroma (r = 0.846). Hay like is an undesirable
aroma in the cured vanilla bean. High glucovanillin
concentration in cured vanilla bean caused by less
intense hydrolysis to convert glucovanillin into
vanillin during the curing process. Hydrolysis of
glucovanillin highly depends on enzyme β-
glucosidase activity and water availability in the
vanilla bean. The moisture content of cured vanilla
bean was 13-14% wb which was relatively lower than
the optimum moisture content of 25-30%
(Brunschwig et al. 2012). It means intense hay-like
aroma in cured vanilla bean found in this research was
due to the low moisture content of vanilla bean.
Takahashi et al. (2013) reported that cut split vanilla
bean with the low moisture content of 11% had a
higher hay-like aroma intensity than vanilla red whole
beans with a moisture content of 25%.
Fresh vanilla bean size has a significant effect on the
aroma profile and the vanillin content in the cured
vanilla bean. Vanilla bean size less than 8 grams or
length of less than 12.3 cm produces a low quality of
cured vanilla bean in terms of aroma profile as well
as the content of vanilin/glucovanilin. The size of the
vanilla bean more than 17 cm or weigh more than 15
grams is recommended to the Indonesian vanilla
farmer as the physical criteria of the fruit to harvest
the vanilla bean to produces good characteristics of
cured vanilla bean.
We acknowledge to PT Ogawa Japan and PT Ogawa
Indonesia for their support both financial and
provision of materials in this research.
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The Effect of Bean Size and Curing Process on Aroma Profile and Vanillin/Glucovanillin Content of Indonesian Cured Vanilla Beans