Promotion Strategy of Tourism Marketing using Android and
IOS-based E-Tourism Application in Dlingo District
Sri Kussujaniatun
Anis Siti Hartati,
Ninik Probosari
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: Tourism promotion, Mobile application, Android and iOS, E-tourism
Abstract: Market limitedness still serves as a problem for the tourism developers in Dlingo. This research aims at
developing the tourism potentials in Dlingo that are very interesting to promote. The data are obtained using
surveys, interviews, and focus group discussions, as well as pictures of the tourism objects in 25 different
locations. The analysis of the research result is conducted by making mobile application as the technique of
digital tourism promotion. IOS and Android are mobile applications that are accessible both in Android
smartphones like Samsung and in IOS smartphones like iPhone, and thus they will increase the number of
tourist visits in Dlingo, Bantul, both for domestic and for international tourists. Furthermore, it is necessary
that the information must be continuously updated via IOS and Android applications, and besides that, it is
also necessary to build good cooperation with the travel agent and public as well as private institutions.
Tourism has a huge potential to become the pillars in
building the national economy. As stated by Lubis
and Osman (2014), tourism is able to increase
economic growth in Indonesia and other Asian
countries. The tourism sector can create job
opportunities and vacancies, improve income level,
and support the equal income distribution of the
society. The powerful and sustainable regional
economic development is effective collaboration
among the resources, society, and the government.
Dlingo district is one of the strategic and
potential tourism sectors that can be managed,
developed, and marketed. The tourism objects are
favorite tourism objects with high attractions and its
beautiful scenery. This interesting phenomenon is
when Indonesia president, Mr. Joko Widodo (Hadi,
2018), and the former United States of America
president, Mr. Barrack Obama (Nursalikah, 2017),
visited Puncak Becici and Pine Forest in Dlingo. It
proves that the tourism objects in Dlingo district
have strong potential and are very attractive so that it
can serve as natural tourism assets in Bantul.
However, up to now, Dlingo has not used the right
marketing strategy to attract tourists to visit.
Therefore, one of the ways to optimize the local
resources to improve the tourist visit is by
developing tourism using the e-tourism concept. The
marketer does not only fulfill the customers' needs
so that they are satisfied. With the existence of
digital technology such as the internet, consumers
expect the companies to do more than just building a
relationship with them, more than just satisfying
them and more than just pleasing them. They expect
companies to listen to them. (Kussujaniatun,2011).
E-tourism is a tourism recommendation and
tourism planning application to help the users in
managing their trip and tourism agenda (Sebastia L,
Garcia I, Onaindia E, Guzman C. 2009). This is also
emphasized by Buhalis and Deimezi (2004), stating
that e-tourism reflects the digitalization of all
processes and the value chain in the industry of
tourism, trip, hotel, and catering. The e-tourism
application will be applied in the android and IOS-
based system by using Geographic Information
System program that is useful to map the tourism
object destination so that the tourists get the
complete information about the tourism objects.
Furthermore, the tourists are able to identify various
existing tourism objects so that in the future, the
society, pokdarwis (tourism awareness group), and
the government can arrange, direct, and promote the
tourism objects that are not popular yet. Geographic
Information System itself is a computer system that
is able to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, and
present the geographical data (Kang-Tsung Chang,
Kussujaniatun, S., Hartati, A. and Probosari, N.
Promotion Strategy of Tourism Marketing using Android and IOS-based E-Tourism Application in Dlingo District.
DOI: 10.5220/0009963802570261
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 257-261
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2002). Bernhadsen (2002) also suggests that this
system is implemented into software and hardware
in computers that have functions in data acquisition,
data verification, data compilation, data storage, data
change and update, data management and exchange,
data manipulation, data calling and presentation as
well as data analysis.
The Internet, as a global computer network in all
over the world, can provide the information needed
by the public and can be accessed everywhere. The
benefit of information technology in tourism is to
promote and to introduce tourism objects via
websites and geography. The use of information
technology is used to optimize in introducing the
tourism objects in a region as a promotion media
that can reach national and international tourists so
that they know and visit the tourism objects, in this
case, in Dlingo district. Therefore, the visualization
of the internet-based tourism information system is
one thing that needs to be conducted right now.
Based on this rationale, a proper strategy is
needed in the marketing promotion to attract tourists
and to reach the tourism market target in Dlingo.
Therefore, the interest of this research focuses on
utilizing the application-based information system
visualization applied in smartphones for android and
IOS. The use of the Android and IOS applications is
expected to be able to give a contribution to the
society and tourism managers in marketing the
various tourism objects in Dlingo.
Nowadays, the ways of marketing are gradually
evolving from the customer platform into the digital
economy platform. Marketing 4.0 utilizes the use of
technology to reach the customers in a humanistic
way that is supported by the big data (Philip Kotler,
Hermawan Kertajaya, Iwan Setiawan,2018). The
promotion strategy of this research is in line with the
article written by Hermawan Kertajaya about the
ways to keep the customers, which is by increasing
the customers’ digital experience via mobile
application. He also states that in this digital era, the
most crucial thing is smartphones, and therefore
mobile commerce needs its special focus.
Based on that statement, tourism marketing
strategy is very necessary, especially tourism
promotion done to increase the number of tourist
visits, both for domestic tourists and for
international tourists. One of the ways to utilize the
local resources optimally to increase the tourist visit
is by developing tourism using the E-tourism
concept (Herlina, 2015). The domestic and
international tourists are expected to be able to
access the application using their smartphones, both
Android and IOS (iPhone), to map and find
information related to a tourism object destination.
On the other hand, tourism application serves as a
platform for the society, pokdarwis or tourism
awareness group, and the local government in
Dlingo to promote the tourism objects. Therefore, by
developing the application optimally, creatively, and
innovatively, the application can provide a positive
contribution to the Dlingo district. This is in line
with what is stated by Kussujaniatun (2017) that in
facing tourism business competition, creativity and
innovation are needed. The positive contribution
eventually leads to the improvement of the economy
of the society so that the poverty level will decrease.
The methods employed in this research is a survey,
interview, FGD, and field observation to support the
data of the tourism objects (Kussujaniatun,2017) and
the data about the facilities supporting the tourism in
Dlingo. The research survey is conducted by visiting
all of the 25 tourism objects to take the pictures and
to conduct field observation. The observation is
meant for the tourism objects, while the interview is
conducted to the tourism awareness group, tourism
village manager, and the local government in the
village and district level in Dlingo.
The analysis conducted is descriptive statistics
with the method of software planning using
geographic information systems implemented on
Android and IOS applications.
The step in making the geographic information
system of the tourism distribution in Dlingo is by
inputting the data of the tourism objects. The
tourism objects in Dlingo district are as follows:
No Village Tourism Object
1 Mangunan PangukKediwung Hill
Mojo Gumelan Hill
Watu Mabur Cliff
Tembelan Cliff
Mangunan Fruit Garden
Seribu Batu Songgo Langit
Watu Goyang
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Mangunan Hobbit House
GajahCave Viewpoint
Asri Pine Forest
Watu Lawang
Gajah Cave
2 Muntuk Lintang Sewu Hill
Pinus Becici
Pintoe Langit Dahromo
Gunung Cilik Tourism Village
3 Terono Watu Ngadek
Sendangsari Pine Forest
Gunung MungkerOutbond
4 Jatimulyo Randusari Waterfall
Tri Panjung
5 Dlingo Lepo Waterfall
Mahesa Jaya River Tubing
Gunung Cilik Tourism Village
Jatisari Seropan 3 Eco-tourism
Banyu Nibo Waterfall
Pintoe Langit Dahromo Spot
Figure.1: The visualization of IOS application
Figure.2: Visualization of Android Application
a. System Planning
The system planning is created in the form of a Data
Flow Diagram that explains the steps of the data
flow in the system.
b. Context Diagram
Context Diagram is the highest level that describes
the whole system. The context diagram describes the
data flow that will be processed in the system. The
Context Diagram Planning built for the Explore
Dlingo application can be seen in Figure 3.
Administrators manage the main display of the
application and add the data of the tourism
destination, category, popular tourism, and tourism
destination map, and thus, the data can be seen by
the users via the application.
c. Zero Diagram
Zero diagram is the development of the context
diagram that describes the detailed process like the
data input process that eventually produces the
output in the form of information. Zero diagram
built for Explore Dlingo application can be seen in
Figure 4.
Promotion Strategy of Tourism Marketing using Android and IOS-based E-Tourism Application in Dlingo District
3.1 Level 1 Diagram
Level 1 Diagram is the development of data adding
process conducted by the administrators like data
input of tourism destination data, tourism category
data, popular tourism data, and pictures gallery data
as well as the data of each tourism destination map.
The display of the Level 1 Diagram can be seen in
Figure 5.
3.2 Level 2 Diagram
Level 2 Diagram describes the data flow of the
output process in the form of information that can be
seen in Explore Dlingo application such as
information of tourism destination, tourism
categories, popular tourism, pictures gallery, and the
map of each tourism destination. The display of the
Level 2 Diagram can be seen in Figure 6.
Figure.3: Context Diagram
Figure.4: Zero Diagram
Figure.5: Level 1 Diagram
Figure.6: Level 2 Diagram
Market limitedness still serves as a problem for the
managers of tourism in Dlingo. Therefore, there is a
need to conduct digital promotion strategy that can
be applied by providing mobile application facilities
for the tourists to attract the number of the tourists to
visit all of the tourism objects, in which there are 25
tourism objects that need to be developed and
exposed in Dlingo, Bantul.
IOS and Android are the mobile applications that
are easily accessible, both from Android
smartphones like Samsung and IOS smartphones
like iPhone, and thus they will increase the number
of the tourist visit in Dlingo, Bantul both for
domestic tourists and international tourists.
The recommendation given is always to update
the information provided to the tourists via IOS
and Android applications. Besides that, there is
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
also a need to build cooperation with the travel
agents and public and private institutions.
Thank the Ministry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education for the financial support for this
research and to the University of National
Development “Veteran” for the support to realize
this research.
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Promotion Strategy of Tourism Marketing using Android and IOS-based E-Tourism Application in Dlingo District