The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Quality of Information on the
Adoption of Instagram-based Android Application
Bela Yudha Darasta, Dyah Sugandini,
Mohamad Irhas Effendi
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: PEOU, Quality information, attitudes, and adoption
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the adoption of Instagram Based-Android, which is influenced by the perceived
ease of use and quality of information. This research uses a survey based on Instagram, Based-Android
users who are staying in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique used is convenience sampling. The number of
respondents in this study was 215 people. The data analysis technique used is PLS-SEM. The results of the
data analysis show that not all proposed hypotheses are accepted. The effect of PEOU directly or through
mediating attitudes can influence innovation adoption. The influence of information quality on adoption
mediated by attitude is supported. The direct effect of information quality on adoption is not supported.
Social media advances are rapidly linking products
and services. This social media allows marketers to
send special messages to targeted customer
segments after filtering them based on the required
criteria (Rishi and Sharma, 2017). Social media
marketing, according to Yazdanparast et al. (2016),
is a process that empowers promotional activities,
products, and social services through online
channels. This involves marketing related activities
such as blogging, sharing photos, and posting online.
Also, tools, platforms, and applications allow
customers to connect and be able to communicate
with others (Pinto & Yagnik, 2017). This study aims
to analyze the use of android-based social media on
users of tourism content on Instagram. Based on
research from we are social (a British social media
company), together with Hootsuite, mentioned that
out of a total of 268.2 million, 150 million of them
are social media users. The results of research
Hootsuite published on 31 January 2019 show that
in Indonesia, the use of social media has reached a
figure of 56%, which has been an increase of 20
million social media users compared to a few years
ago. The age of social media users ranges from 18-
34 years and spends an average of 3 hours 26
minutes to use social media for various purposes. In
this regard, to attract both local and foreign tourists,
the role of using social media is very important. In a
matter of minutes or seconds, the location of
marketing tourist attractions, we can enjoy its beauty
through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, or
Instagram. Application Instagram Android-based
indeed occupies the first rank social media compared
to Facebook, Snapcat, and Tweeter. The initial
survey results through 30 respondents who use the
Android-based Instagram application, as many as 27
people adopted Instagram, but the phenomenon of
the problem that arises is from the information users
Instagram use Instagram just to top selfie, watch
videos, share other people's posts, follow to artists or
shopping online, and do not look for information
related to attractions with the adoption of application
Instagram this android-based. Adoption, according
to Roger (2003) decision to usefully and fully an
innovation. The adoption process happens to people
individually. The adoption of applications Instagram
android-based has an important role that has a
function to provide ease or ease of use in use (Lin,
This research discusses several research gaps,
namely the first result of research conducted by that
variable X1, Ease of Use, influences Adoption.
Research conducted by Davis et al., (1989) research
results show that Ease of Use Affects Attitude
toward using. The results of research from Bareto.,
JJ & Martinez., SC (2018) show that the quality of
the destination website (ease of use, quality
information, interactivity, and web design) has a
direct and significant influence on the website's
Darasta, B., Sugandini, D. and Effendi, M.
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Quality of Information on the Adoption of Instagram-based Android Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0009963400290033
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 29-33
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Attitude Toward adoption. According to Ramadhani
(2015), in his research, found that Information
Quality influences and significantly affect the
Information Adoption Variable.
But the results of research conducted by
Prabowo and Arofah stated that there was no
significant difference between knowledge before
receiving messages about digital TV and after
receiving messages via Instagram. In addition, the
results of a study conducted by Chong et al. (2012)
showed that perceived ease of use had no significant
effect on consumers' intention to adopt 3G.
This research seeks to justify the relationship that
exists between both variables. Variable perceived
ease of use and quality of information as
independent variables. In this study, the position of
the information quality variable will be observed as
an independent variable that influences the adoption
of Android-based Instagram applications.
Based on the background of the problem, the
formulation of the problem proposed in this study is
as follows how the influence of
perceived ease of
use, quality of information on the adoption of an
Android-based Instagram application is mediated by
attitudes on Instagram users of Special Region of
2.1 Innovation Adoption
The Innovation Adoption decision-making model is
developed based on the theory, hierarchy of effect,
which is that behavior change generally occurs
through a sequential process that starts from the
knowledge stage to the formation of behavior. Sirait
(2018), the difference between the diffusion process
and an adoption process that is the adoption process
occurs in individuals in determining decision
making, which is a process where it occurs between
individuals. In the process of adopting innovation, it
cannot directly get a response from the social
system, but through several stages, whether an
innovation is adopted or not. Innovative individuals
will tend to be easier to accept innovation than other
individuals (Zhao et al., 2016).
2.2 Attitudes on Instagram Users
The attitude, according to Aakers and Myers (1997),
is the pros or cons attitude towards the application of
a product. Pro or contra attitude toward a product
can be applied to predict someone's behavior to use a
product or not to use it. Attitudes towards the
application of technology (attitude toward using
technology), can also be interpreted as an evaluation
of the user about his curiosity in using technology.
Attitude is defined as an individual's positive or
negative feelings towards the use of individual
technology, which shows a positive attitude towards
a technology that has a greater tendency to adopt the
technology. The definition of attitude, according to
Allport in Setiadi (2003: 214) "a mental and nervous
connection with readiness to respond, is organized
through experience and has a direct or dynamic
influence on behavior. According to Egle and
Chaiken (1993) in Curran and Meuter (2005),
attitude psychological tendencies expressed by
evaluating certain entities with several levels that are
beneficial or detrimental. Who is the auditor's
behavior to use a system in carrying out his work
(Kim at all, 2009)? The attitude itself is influenced
by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use
(Nasri and Charfeddine, 2012)
2.3 Perceived Ease of Use
Perceived ease of use, as described by Davis (1989);
Venkatesh & Davis (2000), is the extent to which
the use of android is free from effort. This is an
individual assessment of the efforts used for using
new technology (Davis, 1989). Ease of use is one of
the main behavioral beliefs that influence the user's
intention to accept technology in both the original
and revised TAM models. In the context of an
android application, perceived ease of use, as the
main determining factor influencing behavioral
intentions to use applications on smartphones
(Vatanparast, 2010; De Silva et al., 2011). Ease
Perception is the extent to which individuals have
confidence in the use of technology that will free
them from business, that is, if they consider the
information media to be used (Jogiyanto, 2008).
Perceived ease of use and usefulness affect attitudes
towards usability that shape intended to be used
(Renny et al., 2013). Attitudes on the use of use in
the Technology Acceptance Model are defined by
Davis et al., (1989) in Prasada and Ni Putu (2016) as
positive or negative feelings of someone performing
the specified behavior. The attitude of individuals
who support the use of information system
technology will automatically encourage the use and
use of information system technology. Attitude to
users is a factor that has the most significant
influence on the adoption of internet banking
(Brown et al., 2004). Chau and Lai (2003) show that
their perceptions of ease have a positive and
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
significant effect on the cycle of internet banking
use. Perceived Ease has a positive influence on the
intention to buy online (Oentario et al., 2017).
H1: Ease of use a positive effect on Adoption of
Instagram Based-Android Applications with
mediating attitude
H2: Ease of use has a positive effect on Adoption
of Instagram Based-Android Applications
2.4 Information Quality
Information Quality is defined as a level where
information has a characteristic, time, and form that
gives value to certain end-users (Brien, 2011).
According to Widodo et al. (2016), Information
quality is the level at which information has
characteristics, contents, the shape, and time that
gives it to certain end-users. Information quality has
been divided into several questions, namely
regarding information that is accurate, reliable,
timely, relevance, easy to understand, according to
needs and in accordance with formal (Widodo et al.,
(2016). Information quality is defined as customer
perceptions of the quality of information about
products or services provided by a website (Park and
Kim, 2003, in Loo, 2011). According to Jogiyanto
(2007), information quality measures the quality of
output of information systems. Ong et al. (2009)
argue that information quality is defined as the
measurement of the quality of information systems,
while Negash et al. (2003) explained the quality of
information as one of the functions concerning the
value of information output produced by a system.
According to Loo., (2011) information quality is the
perception of customers of the quality of information
about products or services provided by a website
Measurement of info quality variables ease of use
indicators adopted from Irmadhani., (2012) which
include: Up to date information, helping online
shoppers make decisions, is consistent, and easy to
understand. According to Aji et al. (2014) Attitude is
a feeling, thought, or the tendency of someone who
is more or less permanent about certain aspects in
their environment where the consequences of
someone dealing with the object of attitude. The
research conducted by Nasri & Charfeddine (2012)
knows the factors that influence Tunisian students
from adopting The research model is
based on TAM and TRA (Theory of Reason Action).
The results of the empirical study show that
Tunisian students' interest in using is
influenced or determined by attitudes, uses, and
social norms.
H3: Information Quality affects the Adoption of
an Instagram Based-Android Application
mediated by Attitude.
H4: Information Quality influences the Adoption
of an Instagram Based-Android Applications
2.5 Research Method
Research is conducted in the form of a survey.
Convenience sampling is used as a sampling
technique because there are no specific restrictions
on the sample taken. The sample range in this study
includes all android-based Instagram users who are
looking for information about travel in Yogyakarta.
Five constructs were measured using a 5-point
Likert scale. Data analysis techniques using PLS-
SEM. The number of samples in this study was 215
3.1 Characteristics of Respondents
The characteristics of respondents can be seen in
table 1.
Table 1. Characteristics of respondents
Characteristics Category Total
Gender L
Duration of make
3 - 6 months
7 - 12 months
13- 16 months
> 16 months
Ages 18 -22 years
23 -27 years
28 -32 years
> 32 years
Income level
< 1.500.000
1.600.000 – 2.000.000
2.100.000 - 2.500.000
> 2.500.000
3.2 Results of Quantitative Analysis
Data processing techniques using SEM methods
based on Partial Least Square (PLS) require 2 stages
(1) Outer model and (2) Inner Model.
3.2.1 Outer Model for Instrument Testing
Based on results test Outer Loading seen from
convergent validity and discriminant validity, it can
The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Quality of Information on the Adoption of Instagram-based Android Application
be concluded that most of the instruments that make
up each variable latent are valid. This is indicated by
a value factor loading greater than 0.7. To show
convergent validity can be demonstrated through
unidimensionality, which can be expressed using the
average value of the extracted variant (Average
Variance Extracted / AVE). Expected AVE value>
0.5. Other reliability measurements in this study
were conducted by conducting a test composite
reliability. Based on the results of data analysis
shows that the value composite reliability 0.7. So
that all the instruments used in this study are reliable
3.2.2 Inner Model Path Analysis
Results of calculation of Q
predictive relevance
amounted to 0985 From testing R
and Q
is seen
that the model established is robust. So that
hypothesis testing can be done. The test results
showed that the path coefficient shows that all paths
are significantly positive. Here is a picture of PLS-
SEM results Bootstrapping. Test results indicated
the path coefficient shows that not all significant
pathways. It can be seen from the value of greater
than t-table. Not all of the value is greater than t-
table at a significance level of 5%, i.e. (1.96). In
addition, when viewed from p-values 0.05, not all
paths are significant. Here is a picture of PLS-SEM
results Bootstrapping.
Figure 1: Model PLS-SEM Algorithm for Adoption of
Test results indirect effects / mediating effect
each variable still can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Coefficient indirect influence / mediation
Specific Indirect Effects
PEOU Attitude
Information Quality
Attitude Adoption
4.1 Results of Testing Hypothesis
The first hypothesis states that PEOU effect on
attitude-mediated adoption. The results showed that
the effect of PEOU towards the attitude of 0.418.
The effect of attitude on adoption is 0.271. The
effect of PEOU on adoption with mediated attitude
is 0.209. Thus the first hypothesis is accepted.
The third hypothesis states that PEOU influences
adoption. The effect of PEOU on adoption was
0.271, p-value 0.0001; thus, the second hypothesis
was accepted. The third hypothesis states that
information quality influences adoption by mediated
attitude. The influence of information quality on
attitude is 0.532. The effect of information quality
on adoption mediated by attitude was 0.209; thus,
the second hypothesis was accepted.
The fourth hypothesis states that information
quality influences adoption. The influence of
information quality on adoption is 0.073, and the p-
value is 0.357. Thus the fourth hypothesis cannot be
The study analyzed the adoption of Android-based
Instagram. The results showed that not all proposed
hypotheses were accepted. The quality of the
information in this study did not directly influence
the adoption of Android-based technology. This is
because consumers must be comfortable using this
technology (Instagram) before adopting it. Good
quality information cannot directly influence
adoption because it turns out consumers must feel
the comfort and benefits of using Android-based
Instagram first before deciding on adoption.
The results of this study cannot yet justify the direct
influence of information quality on technology
adoption. In future research, it is best to reexamine
the role of information quality in influencing
adoption, so that it is possible to corroborate the
results of this study.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
We are thankful for the Directorate of Research and
Community Service, Ministry of Research and
Technology of the Republic of Indonesia
(Directorate of Research and Community Service -
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education) for funding this study in the 2019
Masters Thesis Grant. We are also thankful for
LPPM UPN Veterans Yogyakarta as the institution
that gave the approval to conduct this research.
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The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use and Quality of Information on the Adoption of Instagram-based Android Application