Influence Transformational Leadership Style and Motivation to
Work on the Job Satisfaction in Group SMEs Products from Casava
District Bantul
Emmy Nur Hariati, Istiana Rahatmawati, Karyono, Tino Syamsu Rizal
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Keywords: UKM, Transformational Leadership Style, Work Motivation, and Job Satisfaction Employee.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the influence of transformational leadership style and work motivation on
employee job satisfaction (the study of the managers of UKM in Bantul). The research method is a census
with a population of 157. Methods of data collection through questionnaires. The analysis used is descriptive
analysis and Multiple Linear Regression analysis using SPSS version 21. The variables in this study are a
transformational leadership style, work motivation, and employee job satisfaction. The results showed that:
(1). The Transformational Leadership Style and Work Motivation together had a significant positive effect on
employee job satisfaction in SMEs. (2). The Transformational Leadership Style partially has a significant
positive effect on employee job satisfaction in SMEs. (3). Work motivation partially has a significant positive
effect on employee job satisfaction in SMEs.
The problem of SMEs has a very important role in the
speed of the community's economy. These SMEs are
also very helpful to the country or government in
terms of creating new jobs. SMEs also have a high
degree of flexibility when compared to businesses
with larger capacities. The success of a company in
achieving its goals is largely determined by the
human resource factors involved in its operational
activities. To be achieved following expectations,
companies must be able to increase job satisfaction.
According to Handoko (2014), job satisfaction is a
pleasant or unpleasant emotional state of employees
towards their work. Meanwhile, according to Malayu
SP Hasibuan (2007), employees who prefer to enjoy
their satisfaction at work will prioritize their work
more than payback even though remuneration is
important. High job satisfaction greatly affects
positive and dynamic working conditions so that it
can provide tangible benefits, not only for the
company but for the employees themselves. Besides,
one of the companies ' roles in increasing job
satisfaction is to pay attention to leadership and
motivation in the workplace of employees.
Leadership broadly includes the process of
influencing in setting organizational goals,
motivating followers' behavior to achieve goals,
influencing to improve the group and its culture
(Veithzal, 2004). An effective leader must be
responsive to change, able to analyze the strengths
and weaknesses of his human resources to maximize
organizational performance, and solve problems
appropriately. For that, the company needs a leader
who is reformist and able to be a motor of change
(transformation) of the company. Transformational
leadership is defined as leadership that includes
efforts to change the organization, which is believed
this style will lead to superior performance in the
organization when facing the demands of renewal and
change (Handoko, 2001). According to Yukl (2005),
with transformational leadership, subordinates have
trust, admiration, loyalty, and respect for leaders, and
they are motivated to do more than expected from
them. Motivation is a process that explains the
strength, direction, and perseverance of a person to
achieve organizational goals related to work
(Robbins, 2014). Mangkunegara (2011) states that
motivation is formed from the attitude of employees
in dealing with work situations in the company.
From the interviews, in the last few years, the
productivity of workers began to slow down.
Symptoms or responses that arise from the decline in
productivity lead to job satisfaction; namely, some
Hariati, E., Rahatmawati, I., Karyono, . and Rizal, T.
Influence Transformational Leadership Style and Motivation to Work on the Job Satisfaction in Group SMEs Products from Casava District Bantul.
DOI: 10.5220/0009963105430548
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 543-548
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
workers often arrive late, avoid their work
responsibilities, and compare the ratio of results with
their input to the ratio of results with the input of
others. Besides, in the processing process, that still
relies on sunlight, and its production is very
dependent on the season. Bad weather like rain also
results in stunted activities so that workers experience
a decrease in job satisfaction, which is marked by a
decrease in wages/payments received, and this
triggers the level of employee satisfaction in doing
Work motivation related to actualization needs,
namely, the need to show one's ability, expertise, and
potential, is still lacking in attention. Can be seen lack
of innovations in the manufacture of raw materials
that should be processed more diverse
In the running, an organization can not be
separated from the figure of a leader. The ideal leader
is a leader who not only gives orders and direction but
is shown in action and can be a role model for the
member. Leadership related to Intelectual
Stimulation Refers to the way leaders to strive to
create a climate that is conducive to the development
of innovation and creativity of every employee is still
not optimal. The leader in this UKM does not
encourage its members to come up with new ideas
and creative solutions to the problems they face. This
can lead to less than optimal job satisfaction.
2.1 Transformational Leadership
Leadership in principle motivates subordinates to do
better than what can be done; in other words, it can
increase subordinates' confidence or self-confidence
that will affect performance improvement.
According to Suharto (2006), transformational
leadership is defined as the relationship between
leaders and subordinates who are very close, giving
rise to very other closeness, and subordinates feel
respect and trust in their leaders and are motivated to
work more than they are.
Transformational leadership involves developing
closer relationships between leaders and
subordinates. With transformational leadership,
leaders help subordinates to see interests that are
more important than their interests for the mission
and vision of the organization or group. By
developing the confidence, effectiveness of work, and
self-esteem of subordinates, it is expected that leaders
have a strong influence on the level of identification,
motivation, and achievement of followers' goals.
The transformational leadership style in this study
uses benchmarks from the indicators of Bass and
Avolio (1994), four indicators as follows:
a. Charisma (Idealized Influence)
This refers to leaders who provide examples
and tend to act as role models, positive
behavior, attitudes, achievements, and
commitment to its members.
b. Inspirational Motivation
Relating to the role of leaders who constantly
motivate their members by communicating
high expectations and clear work challenges.
c. Intellectual Stimulation
This refers to the way leaders try to create a
climate that is conducive to the development of
innovation and creativity. Leaders encourage
their members to come up with new ideas and
creative solutions to the problems they face.
d. Individualized Consideration
This refers to the way leaders give special
attention to the needs of each member to excel
and develop by acting as a coach or mentor for
their members.
2.2 Work Motivation
Work motivation in this study uses the benchmarks of
the Abraham Maslow indicator with the following
a. Physiological Needs (Physiological)
Needs Physiological needs are the most basic
hierarchy of human needs that are needed to be able
to live, such as eating, drinking, housing, oxygen,
sleep, and so on.
b. Needs of Security(Safety-need)
When the physiological needs relatively satisfied, it
appears the second requirement, namely the need for
security. The need for security includes security for
protection from workplace accidents, guarantees for
the continuity of work, and guarantees for old age
when they are no longer working.
c. Social needs (Social-need)
If the physiological needs and a sense of security have
been satisfied at a minimum, then there will be social
needs, namely the need for friendship, affiliation, and
funds for closer interaction with others. The
organization will be related to the need for a compact
working group, good supervision, joint recreation,
and so on.
d. Choice needs (Esteem-need)
These needs include the desire needs to be respected,
valued over individual achievement, recognition of a
person's capabilities and expertise as well as the
effectiveness of one's work.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
e. Self-actualization needs
Self-actualization is Maslow's hierarchy of needs of
the highest. Self-actualization is related to the process
of developing the true potential of a person. The need
to show one's abilities, expertise, and potential. The
need for self-actualization tends to increase in
potential because people actualize their behavior.
Someone who is dominated by the need for self-
actualization likes tasks that challenge his abilities
and expertise.
2.3 Job Satisfaction
2.3.1 Understanding Satisfaction
According to Sutrisno (2010), satisfaction is an
employee's attitude towards work related to work
situations, cooperation between employees, rewards
received at work, and matters relating to physical and
psychological. Job satisfaction refers to an
individual's general attitude towards his job.
Someone with a high level of job satisfaction shows
a positive attitude towards work, someone who is
dissatisfied with his job shows a negative attitude
towards the job (Robbins, 2007). According to
Handoko (2014), job satisfaction is a pleasant or
unpleasant emotional state with which employees
view their work.
Of the several definitions of job satisfaction
above, it can be said that job satisfaction is the
attitudes and feelings felt by each related to the
activities carried out with the results obtained, either
in the form of material or non-material.
Job satisfaction in this study uses the benchmarks
of indicators Smith, Kendall, and Hulin (in Luthans,
2006) with the following indicators:
a. Work itself (work itself); each job requires a
certain skill by their respective fields. Difficult
weather or not a job and someone's feeling that
their expertise is needed in doing the job, will
increase or reduce job satisfaction.
b. Supervisor (supervisor), a good boss means
willing to respect the work of his subordinates.
For subordinates, the boss can be considered a
father/mother/ friend figure and, at the same time,
his boss.
c. Workers (workers), is a factor related to the
relationship between employees and their
superiors and with other employees, both the same
or different types of work.
d. Promotion (promotion) is a factor related to the
presence or absence of opportunities to gain
career advancement during work.
e. Salary/wages (pay), is a factor fulfilling the needs
of the life of employees who are considered
appropriate or not.
In this research, the object of research is SMEs in
Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The
population for this research is 157 SMEs. The method
in this study is to use the method Census. The type of
data used in this study is primary data. Data collection
is done by distributing questionnaires.
Variables in this study are:
1. (Independent) Independent
variables in this study consisted of:
a. Transformational Leadership Style (X
b. Work Motivation (X
2. The variable (dependent) dependent
The variable in this study consists of:
a. Job satisfaction (Y)
b. Transformational Leadership Style (X
Transformational Leadership is defined as the
relationship between leaders and subordinates who
are very close to cause emotion and closeness that is
close very different, and subordinates feel respect and
trust in their leaders and are motivated to work more
than they are. According to Bass and Avolio (1994),
indicators of the Transformational Leadership Style
are: Idealized Influence (X
), Inspirational
motivation (X
), Intellectual Stimulation (X
Individualized Consideration (X
c. Work Motivation(X
Indicators of work motivation in this study take from
Abraham Maslow which consists of Physiological-
need (X
), Safety-need (X
), Social-need (X
Esteem-need (X
), Self-actualization need (X
3. Dependent Variable
Job satisfaction indicators of Smith, Kendall, and
Hulin (in Luthans, 2006) as follows: work itself,
supervision, Workers, pay.
4.1 Description of Respondents
Primary data that has been successfully collected by
researchers is analyzed to determine the
characteristics of respondents, including gender,
Influence Transformational Leadership Style and Motivation to Work on the Job Satisfaction in Group SMEs Products from Casava District
respondent's age, education, and years of service.
Descriptive analysis is shown in Table 4.1:
Table 4.1: Respondent Characteristics
Characteristics Category Percentage
Total 100.0
19- 28 years
29 - 37 years
38 - 46 years
47 - 55
56 – 65
Total 100.0
Total 100.0
4.2 Test of Instruments
The results of the validity test show that all questions
on these three variables are validly used as research
instruments. In testing this reliability, by looking at
Cronbach Alpha. A research instrument is declared
reliable if the value Cronbach Alpha> 0.70 (Ghozali,
Table 4.2 Test Reliability
's Alpha
0.908 Reliable
0.927 Reliable
Job Satisfaction (y)
0.797 Reliable
Reliability test results showed that all the variables
have an Alpha coefficient of more than 0, 70. Thus, it
can be concluded that all items of the research
variables are reliable.
4.3 Data Analysis Techniques
1) Descriptive Analysis Descriptive
the analysis is used to explain data obtained through
the systematic description in the form of words,
sentences, schematics, and pictures.
2) Quantitative Analysis
In this study, the quantitative analysis tool used is the
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis.
4.4 Significance Test (Test F)
Together hypothesis testing is carried out with the F
test. This test is used to test the first hypothesis. To
test this hypothesis use F statistic (α = 5%) in the
decision-making criteria as follows:
1) When sig F 0.05, then Ho is accepted, and H
rejected today means there is no significant
positive effect jointly transformational
leadership style, motivation on job satisfaction.
2) If sig F 0.05, then Ho is rejected and H
accepted today means that there is a significant
positive influence jointly transformational
leadership style, motivation on job satisfaction.
4.5 Partial Test (t-test)
Partially, hypothesis testing is done by t-test. This
test is used to test the second hypothesis. According
to Ghozali (2012), the statistical test of t shows how
far the influence of one explanatory/independent
variable individually in explaining the dependent
variable. The t-test is done by comparing the
significance of
with t
using the standard
provisions of testing 5% or 0.05 then. If the
significance value 0.05, then H
o is
accepted, and H
rejected, which means there is no partial effect
between transformational leadership style variables
and motivation for job satisfaction. If the significance
value <0.05, then H
rejected and H
accepted, which
means there is a partial effect between the variables
of transformational leadership style and motivation to
job satisfaction.
4.6 Discussion
1) The effect of Transformational Leadership
Style and Work Motivation on Employee
Satisfaction in SMEs
The results of the Multiple Regression analysis
show that there is a significant influence of
transformational leadership style and motivation on
job satisfaction by 60.3%. While the remaining
29.7% is influenced by other factors or variables not
examined in this study, namely compensation, work
environment, work discipline, and others in SMEs.
To achieve job satisfaction, transformational
leadership styles and work motivation are needed for
employees. With the transformational leadership
style, employees will feel trust, admire, loyal, and
respect leaders, and have high commitment and
motivation for achievement. Motivation is directed
towards achieving the objectives of SMEs. Only with
clarity of purpose can all employees involved in the
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
organization easily understand and implement it. If
the fulfillment of employee needs has been met will
be able to create job satisfaction. The results of this
study are in line with previous studies conducted by
Simanjuntak (2017), which states that
transformational leadership variables and work
motivation have a positive effect on employee job
2) The Effect of Transformational Leadership
Style on Employee Satisfaction in SMEs
The results of multiple regression analysis
showed that there was a significant influence of
transformational leadership on job satisfaction of
36.0%. Thus, the application of a good
transformational leadership style in SMEs will be
able to increase employee job satisfaction. The results
of this study are in line with previous research
conducted by YennyAnggraeni and T. Elisabeth
CintyaSantosa (2013), which states that there is a
positive and significant influence of transformational
leadership style on job satisfaction.
3) The Effect of Work Motivation on Employee
Satisfaction in SMEs
The results of multiple regression analysis
showed that there was a significant influence of work
motivation on job satisfaction of 34.6%. Thus, if the
higher motivation that encourages employees to work
will further increase job satisfaction. The results of
this study are in line with previous research
conducted by TitinHidayatiMaghfiroh (2014), which
states that there is a positive and significant influence
of work motivation on job satisfaction.
a. Transformational Leadership Style and Work
Motivation together have a significant positive
effect on employee job satisfaction in SMEs.
b. Transformational Leadership Style partially
has a significant positive effect on employee
job satisfaction in SMEs.
c. Work motivation partially has a significant
positive effect on employee job satisfaction in
It is recommended to SMEs to further increase work
motivation through fulfilling self-actualization needs.
SMEs are expected to be able to maintain
transformational leadership that can motivate and
increases creativity and innovation.
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