Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on
Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Department of Management, STIE Trisna Negara, South Sumatra, Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational commitment, Job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behaviour.
Abstract: The purpose of the research study is to determine the effect of organizational commitment and job satisfaction
on organizational citizenship behaviour. This research is a correlational study where the samples are the
Administration Division employees of SMK Negeri 1 SemendawaiSuku III. The methodology of this research
is using a survey method and was analyzed through multiple regression analysis. The finding show that the
job satisfaction variable has a positive and significant effect on the organizational citizenship behaviour
variable, while the organizational commitment effect is not significant
Entering the current era of globalization, competition
among a school between countries is getting tougher,
because competitiveness between schools is
increasingly showing quality, especially school
management. Facing these situations and conditions,
schools must determine their management strategies
and policies, especially in the field of human
resources (HR). HR management is now a must and
is no longer an option if the school wants to develop.
Human Resources is very important in an
organization, because the effectiveness and success of
an organization are very dependent on the quality and
performance of human resources that exist in the
organization. High performance of human resources
(employees) will encourage the emergence of
organizational citizenship behaviour(OCB), which is
behaviour beyond what the company has
standardized (Krietner&Kinicki, 2004). Although it
is still considered rare, the emergence of OCB is a
positive thing for companies, not least in SMK Negeri
1 SemendawaiSuku III, which is one of the schools
that has implemented OCB in improving the
performance of employees/employees in schools in
the form of good quality of employee services to
stakeholders. The emergence of OCB can be a picture
of high performance in the organization.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior can arise from
various factors in the organization, including because
of job satisfaction from employees and high
organizational commitment (Robbin & Judge, 2007).
When employees feel satisfaction with the work
done, then the employee will work optimally in
completing his work, even doing some things that
might be outside his duties. Likewise, when someone
has a high commitment to the organization, then that
person will do anything to advance the company
because of his belief in the organization (Luthans,
1995). When someone gets job satisfaction and has a
high commitment to the organization, employees will
provide good service and vice versa, when employees
do not experience satisfaction than the services
provided to consumers, in this case, students and
lecturers can be unsatisfactory.
Job satisfaction is defined as a person's emotional
response to aspects in or on the whole work (Nawawi,
1998). The emotional state or attitude of a person will
be shown in the form of responsibility, attention, and
the development of performance.
Based on the background above, the authors are
interested in examining the effect of job satisfaction
on OCB Administration of SMK Negeri1
SemendawaiSuku III and the influence of
organizational commitment to OCB Administration
at SMK Negeri 1 SemendawaiSuku III.
Job satisfaction is an affective or emotional
response from a job (Krieter&Kinicki, 2004). From
the above understanding, positive and negative
feelings experienced by employees cause a person
can experience job satisfaction, and dissatisfaction is
a complex problem, because it comes from various
work elements, for example towards their work,
salary/wages, promotions, supervision, coworkers, or
as a whole. From the various studies that have been
done a lot, when employees are asked about the
Novitasari, .
Effect of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment Organizational Citizenship Behavior Against.
DOI: 10.5220/0009962906950698
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 695-698
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
response of the work they have done, the results vary
for various elements of work. From the results of the
study, in general, employees feel overall satisfaction
(Robbins & Judge, 2007). A highly committed
individual is likely to see himself as a true member of
the organization. According to Luthans (1995),
organizational commitment is defined as a strong
desire to remain as a member of a particular
organization; the desire to try hard according to the
wishes of the organization; and certain beliefs, and
acceptance of organizational values and goals. In
other words, this is an attitude that reflects employee
loyalty to the organization and the ongoing process in
which organizational members express their concern
for the organization and the ongoing success and
progress Allen and Mayer in Greenberg & Baron
(2003) put forward three dimensions of
organizational commitment. First, affective
commitment. Refers to emotional attachment,
identification and involvement of an employee in an
organization. A person's affective commitment will
become stronger if his experience in an organization
is consistent with expectations and satisfies the basics
and vice versa. Affective commitment shows the
strong desire of someone to continue working for an
organization because he does agree with the
organization and is willing to do so. Employees who
have a strong affective commitment continue to work
with the company because they want to work at the
company. Second, ongoing commitment
(continuancecommitment). According to Organ and
Ryan (1994), organizational citizenship behavior are
behaviors carried out by organizational members /
employees who: are not expressly rewarded when
they do it and also will not be penalized if they do not
do so, do not form part of the job description owned
by employees, and is the behavior of employees who
do not need training in advance to carry out the
organization depends on the OCB behavior of
employees to help colleagues who are having
problems, create a positive work climate, patiently
face disruptions without complaining and maintain
assets owned by the organization (Lovell, 1999).
Conscientiousness refers to an employee in carrying
out the tasks assigned (in terms of behaviour) carried
out by way of exceeding or above what has been
required by the organization / company.
Sportsmanship (sportsmanship), is an attitude that
emphasizes the positive aspects of the organization
rather than the negative aspects. Provide tolerance for
disruption to the job, that is when an employee bears
work that is uncomfortable without having to raise a
complaint or complaint. Courtesy (good), Is good
behaviour, for example, behaviour helps someone
prevent the occurrence of a problem or take steps to
reduce or reduce the development of a problem.
Goodness (courtesy) refers to the act of teaching
others before they take action or make decisions
related to their work. CivicVirtue, is an action taken
to participate in supporting the administrative
functions of the organization. Behaviour that can be
explained as the active participation of employees in
organizational relations, for example attending
meetings, answering letters and always following the
latest issues concerning the organization.
Mahendra (2009), examined the effect of
organizational commitment, job satisfaction and
work environment on organizational citizenship
behaviour(OCB) employee of the Semarang Regency
regional secretariat office. This research uses multiple
regression analysis. The results showed that there was
a positive and significant influence of job satisfaction
on OCB, there was a positive and significant effect on
organizational commitment to OCB, there was a
positive and significant effect on the work
environment on OCB and there was a positive and
significant effect on job satisfaction and
organizational commitment on OCB.
Based on the type of research, this research is a
correlational study. This study will measure the effect
of job satisfaction and organizational commitment
variables on organizational citizenship behaviour.
The variables in this study are job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and organizational
citizenship behavior. Job satisfaction is defined as the
degree of individual feeling towards work arising
from the difference between what should be received
and what is received, which later consists of three
factors, namely recognition, compensation, and
supervision. Organizational Commitment is defined
as an attitude that reflects the extent to which an
individual knows and is bound to his organization,
which consists of three dimensions, namely: affective
commitment, ongoing commitment, and normative
commitment. Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) is defined as an employee behavior that
exceeds standardized, consisting of five dimensions,
namely prioritizing the interests of others (altruism),
accuracy (conscientiousness), attitudes of members
of the organization that are wise / good (civic virtue),
attitudes of sportive (sportsmanship)and respect
(courtesy). The population in this study was the
Teacher and Administrative Staff of SMK Negeri 1
SemendawaiSuku III totalling 69 people. Data
collection in this study used a questionnaire obtained
directly from respondents through filling out the
The questionnaire contains questions about job
satisfaction developed from the Minnesota
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
Satisfaction Questionnaire; the organizational
commitment questionnaire was developed from the
Allen and Mayer questionnaire (1990), and the
questionnaire organizational citizenship behaviour
from Organ &Konovsky (1988). All variables in this
study were measured using a Likert Scale with a scale
of 1 to 5. Each alternative answer will be given a
numerical value as follows: strongly disagree = 1,
disagree = 2, neutral = 3, agree = 4, and strongly agree
= 5. The instrument trial results found that the
instrument to measure job satisfaction has a value
Cronbach Alpha of 0.86, organizational commitment
of 0.80, and OCB of 0.82. Thus all the instruments
used in this study are reliable because they have a
value Cronbach Alpha greater than the established
benchmark value of around 0.6 (Ghozali, 2007).
The classic assumption test results associated with the
normality test show that the data used in this study for
the variables of job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and organizational citizenship
behaviour are normal. Thus, the assumption
normality can be fulfilled. So are multicollinearity
assumptions, the results show that multicollinearity
does not occur between independent variables in the
regression model. The test results found colinearity of
job satisfaction and commitment variables of 0.123 or
12%. Because this value is still below 95%, it can be
said that there is no serious multicollinearity.
Heteroscedasticity test results with scatterplot
showed no clear patterns and points spread above and
below the number 0 on the Y axis, so it can be
concluded that there is no rocketedasticity. Thus all
classic assumptions can be fulfilled.
Overall this study found that the magnitude of the
effect of the variable job satisfaction and
organizational commitment to OCB of 38.8%, this
means that 38.8% of the variables of job satisfaction
and organizational commitment can explain variables
OCB, and the remaining 61.2% is influenced by
variables others that are not used in research.
This study found that job satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on variables OCB,
which is indicated by a significance value of less than
0.01. Constant (a) of 1,825, coefficient of leadership
style (b) of 0,631. This finding supports the results of
previous studies conducted by Mahendra (2009).
Thus the job satisfaction felt by the Administration of
State Vocational School 1 SemendawaiSuku III
affects the level of OCB employees. Organizational
commitment has no influence on variables OCB.
This is indicated by the significance value of
0.635, which means it is greater than the significance
value set of 0.05. The results of this study differ from
the results of research conducted by Mahendra (2009)
and Wahyuningsih (2009) but by research conducted
by William and Anderson (1991), which found that
organizational commitment did not affect OCB. This
difference is possible because OCB behavioris that
exceeds what is standardized by employees (beyond
expectations), so high organizational commitment
does not always cause someone to do OCB.
Employees who feel they have high normative and
ongoing commitment tend to be neutral for their
affective commitment. This will be different if the
employee has an affective commitment, because it is
deeper than other commitments, in other words,
someone who has an affective commitment feels a
bond with the organization because things are felt by
employees themselves, not from outside as well as
normative commitments and ongoing commitment,
so that the drive to do OCB is greater if someone has
a high affective commitment.
a. Job satisfaction variable has a positive and
significant effect on the job satisfaction variable
of SMK Negeri 1 SemendawaiSuku III with a
coefficient of 0.650 and significant at 0,000.
Thus the first hypothesis which states that job
satisfaction affects OCB is supported.
b. Organizational commitment variable does not
affect the variable in OCB Vocational
Administration 1 SemendawaiSuku III, with a
coefficient of -0.52 and significant at 0.625.
Thus the second hypothesis which states that
organizational commitment affects OCB, is not
c. The magnitude of the effect of the variable job
satisfaction and organizational commitment to
OCB of 38.8%.
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ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management