Misfit-score Evaluation on Business and Manufacturing Strategies
and the Impact on Operational Performance
Titik Kusmantini
, Tulus Haryono
, Wisnu Untoro
, and Ahmad Ikhwan Setiawan
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Keywords: Organizational Fit Theory; Business Strategy; Manufacturing Strategy; Misfit Score; Euclidean Distance;
Strategy Configuration
Abstract: This study aims to examine whether the higher degree of fit between business strategy and manufacturing
strategy will create a higher operational performance. The degree of fit in strategic alignment research using
misfit score because the basic assumption of configurational perspective is fit as a profile deviation and the
misfit score calculated with the Euclidean distance formula. The configuration of ideal strategy types is
grouped into two: business strategy type “Prospector” assumed to be aligned with manufacturing strategy type
“differentiator” (code 1) and business strategy type “defender” that is more aligned with manufacturing
strategy type “Innovator-efficient” (code 2). Hypothesis testing used 99 furniture companies in Indonesia and
using simple regression. Regression test results in Group 1 produced negative coefficient values, and the p-
value is significant, which means that the hypothesis is supported, while Group 2 have a positive coefficient
value. However, p value is not significant, which means that the hypothesis is not supported.
Small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) in
Indonesia over the past decade have experienced
significant development both in terms of the number
of business units, the ability to provide employment,
or the level of productivity (Rahmawati & Nurlela,
2008). However, despite this growth, SME business
failures are still common occurrences. Research by
Kusmantini, et al. (2014) identified that the factor
triggering the failure of furniture SMEs in
Yogyakarta Special Province (Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta/DIY) in exports was the supplier's
inability to fulfill the requirements of export
documents such as Timber Legality Verification
Certification (Sistem Verifikasi Legalitas
Kayu/SVLK). Internal and external factors influence
the success and failure of SMEs.
This research focuses on the internal aspects of the
enterprises, especially aspects related to the decision
making the process about the strategy, both business
and manufacturing strategies, as recently there have
been developments in research topics that use strategy
implementation at the functional and business unit
levels as a basis. Skinner (1978) asserts that
manufacturing strategy is different from the business
strategy because it is only one of the functional
components, which in its implementation requires a
fit with business strategy and marketing strategy.
Therefore, the manufacturing strategy is called a
functional sub-strategy.
In the 1960s, manufacturing contribution to
overall corporate performance was less significant
(Skinner, 1969), because the top management as the
decision-maker had not yet understood the existence
of a strategic relationship between manufacturing and
business strategies (Swink et al., 2005; Ward et al.,
2007; Shavarini et al., 2012). Thus, a set of decisions
and activities in the factory (manufacturing) cannot
support competitive strategy decisions at the
corporate level. Mintszberg (1978) also emphasized
the importance of alignment between business and
manufacturing strategies because business strategy is
a way for companies to determine the company's
competitive position while the manufacturing
strategy is a way to achieve and maintain the
competitive position that the company wants. For this
reason, it is important for each company to determine
the sources of competitive advantage and determine
positional advantages (for example, superior
customer value or lower relative costs) that the
company wants to achieve because each positional
Kusmantini, T., Haryono, T., Untoro, W. and Setiawan, A.
Misfit-score Evaluation on Business and Manufacturing Strategies and the Impact on Operational Performance.
DOI: 10.5220/0009960101690178
In Proceedings of the International Conference of Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management (ICBEEM 2019), pages 169-178
ISBN: 978-989-758-471-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
advantage requires a fit between business strategies
and sources of functional organizational competence
(Baier et al., 2008), one of which is the field of
With regard to competency excellence in
manufacturing (production), Oltra and Flor (2010)
and Ward et al (2007) emphasize the importance of
contingency approach. This is because the process of
developing manufacturing capabilities as the basis of
company competence is unique and specific in nature
which is contingent with the company's internal
resources or positional advantages that are targeted in
a competitive strategy (Venkantraman and Camillus,
1984). Companies that are oriented as market
pioneers and those oriented as imitators will need
different resources and capabilities in manufacturing.
The competitive strategy of a marketer-oriented
company will also consider different manufacturing
This research is based on Organizational Fit
Theory proposed by Galbraith and Nathonson (1978),
which state that strategies must be aligned with other
internal factors of the company to achieve better
performance. The concept of alignment referred to
here is in accordance with the definition of fit
proposed by Drazin and Van de Ven (1985), namely:
“fit is the internal consistency of multiple structural
characteristics: it affects performance
characteristics." This study specifically examines the
degree of alignment between manufacturing and
competitive strategies. In making decisions and
implementing the manufacturing strategy at the
functional level, it is important to have a fit in the
choice of the company's competitive strategy that
explicitly serves as the company's vision and mission
in determining the company's competitive position.
This study attempts to answer three main
questions: (1) whether there is a difference in the
choice of manufacturing competencies in furniture
companies in several furniture centers in Central Java
and DIY, (2) how much is the degree of alignment
between manufacturing and business strategies, (3)
how much is the influence of the degree of alignment
between manufacturing and business strategies on
factory operational performance.
2.1 Organizational Fit Theory (OFT)
Organizational Fit Theory was first introduced by
Galbraith and Nathanson (1978). The underlying
principle of this theory is that in order to create better
organizational performance, the alignment of
strategy, structure, and other contingency factors is
needed. Many typology approaches to strategy and fit
of strategy-structure refer to the concept of
contingency theory to improve performance. Some
opinions emphasize the importance of strategy-
structure management as one of the best ways for
companies to be able to adapt to the climate of their
respective industrial environments (Hage and Aiken,
1970; Lorsch and Morse, 1974). Some others argue
that organizational effectiveness is the result of the
accuracy of certain organizational characteristics to
be able to adjust to the situation or context within the
organization (Burns and Stalker, 1961; Hage and
Aiken, 1969; Pugh et al., 1969; Galbraith, 1973;
Priyono, 2004). Contingency factors include the
environment (Burns and Stalker, 1961), organization
size (Child, 1975), and functional strategies
(Chandler, 1962; Baier et al., 2008; Vachon et al.,
2009). This study argues that the alignment between
business strategies and functional strategies,
especially manufacturing strategies, can result in
better company performance.
2.2 Contingency Theory
This theory states that in an effort to achieve
effectiveness, organizations are required to make
decisions and policies that are in accordance with the
structure and internal factors of other organizations.
When the complexity of manufacturing practices is
contingent, the choice of certain manufacturing
capabilities as a basis for competency is more suitable
for a company and may be less suitable for other
companies. Therefore, in contingency theory,
organizational context becomes important.
Drazin and Van de Ven (1985) suggested three
types of contingency approaches. First, a selection
approach assumes that a fit as a consequence between
organizational contextual factors that becomes
fundamental without further testing whether the
alignment is influential or not. Second, interaction
approach characterizes a fit as the impact of
interaction between strategy and contextual variables
of the organization, and so the research focuses on
explaining the performance as a result of the
interaction between internal organizational variables
(as contingency variables) and the strategy. Finally,
system approach defines alignment as internal
consistency over several fit category alternatives with
several categorical structures that will affect
performance (Venkantraman, 1990; Doty et al.,
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
This study uses the system approach based on
several taxonomic research results. The
categorization of manufacturing strategies was
adopted from the research by Sum et al (2004) which
distinguishes the operating strategy group into 3 ideal
types, namely Differentiator, All Rounder, and
Efficient Innovator, which are assumed to be in line
with the ideal type of business strategy developed by
Miles and Snow (1978). However, the configuration
of strategy-fit uses two types of extreme strategies:
Prospectors that are more aligned with Differentiators
manufacturing strategy, and Defenders that are
aligned with the Efficient-Innovators manufacturing
2.3 Manufacturing Strategy
Skinner (1969) defines manufacturing strategy as a
complex and dynamic decision-making process. This
strategy is complicated because decisions related to
assignments and activities in manufacturing must fit
and be aligned with those related to corporate and
other functions such as finance and marketing.
Besides, the strategy is also dynamic, which means
that it is able to adapt to changes in the circumstances.
Miller and Roth (1994) and Oltra and Flor (2010)
highlight two core elements of the manufacturing
strategy previously proposed by Skinner (1969).
These two core elements are the manufacturing task
and pattern of manufacturing choice. Manufacturing
task is defined as manufacturing capabilities that can
be used to achieve and maintain competitive positions
targeted by the company. Skinner (1990); Hayes and
Wheelwright (1984); Ferdows and De Meyer (1990);
Roth and Miller (1992); Ward and Duray (1998) and
Oltra and Flor (2010) suggest five critical capabilities
in manufacturing: low production costs, product
quality and performance, flexibility, product delivery
and level of innovation.
The pattern of manufacturing choice relates to
structural and infrastructural decisions in the
company to support the choice of manufacturing
capabilities (Schroeder et al., 1986; Sun and Hong,
2002). Structural decisions include choices on
facilities, technology, vertical integration, capacity,
and the factory location, while infrastructural
decisions those related to organizational structure,
quality management, workforce policies, and
information systems architecture. This research
focuses only on manufacturing tasks.
Table 1: Ten dimensions of manufacturing capability
Product Flexibility The ability to handle
difficulties and nonstandard
requests and produce
products with a variety of
shapes, choices, sizes, and
Volume Flexibility The ability to quickly adjust
production capacity
Process Flexibility The ability to produce low-
cost products and varied
change products easily
Low Production Cost The ability to minimize
total production costs (such
as direct labor costs,
material, and operating
Level of Innovation/
New Product
The ability to introduce
increased product variations
Delivery Speed The ability to ensure order
quantities and anticipate
order delivery times
Delivery Dependency The ability to ensure order
quantities and anticipate
order delivery times
Product Quality The ability to produce
products with standard
Product Reliability The ability to maximize
product damage lifetime
Design Quality The ability to provide
products with shapes,
models, and characteristics
that possess competitive
Source: Vickery et al. (1993); Oltra and Flor
Different studies tend to use different numbers of
manufacturing task variables. For example, Miller
and Roth (1994); Vickery et al. (1993) and Oltra and
Flor (2010) used 11 dimensions, including the
dimension of marketing competence, while Sum et al.
(2004) used 8 dimensions, namely low production
costs, process and product flexibility, product quality
and reliability, speed and delivery dependency and
innovation. Vickery et al. (1993), on the other hand,
used 10 dimensions of manufacturing capability, as
presented in Table 1.
2.4 Business Strategy
Porter classifies business strategy into three types
(overall cost leadership, focus, and clear
differentiation), each of which requires commitment
and effective management of the organization. The
first strategy, overall cost leadership, appeared in the
Misfit-score Evaluation on Business and Manufacturing Strategies and the Impact on Operational Performance
1970s due to the popularity of the experience curve
concept (Porter, 1985). This strategy seeks to achieve
low-cost leadership through efficient construction of
existing facilities, careful and experience-based cost
reduction, strict cost and overhead control, and cost
minimization in areas such as research and
development, services, sales force, and advertising
(Ortega et al., 2012). The second strategy,"
focus," centers on certain segments or buyers with
certain products, certain markets, and certain
geographic markets. In this regard, the focus strategy
has several forms, namely the basic focus on
achieving low costs or differentiation and the basic
focus on differentiation followed by the achievement
of low costs. The third strategy “pure differentiation
focuses more on creating something new and unique
in the products offered to consumers. Companies that
use these strategies usually focus on certain segments
(Porter, 1985; Oltra and Flor, 2010). Differentiation
strategies can be executed in various forms, such as
design or brand image, technology and features
(Ortega et al., 2012)
In contrast to Porter’s classification, Miles and
Snow (1978) categorize business strategy choices
into four typologies, namely: (1) prospector, (2)
defender, (3) analyzer, and (4) reactor. Prospector is
a strategy that emphasizes innovation and creativity
to create new products. The company always strives
to be a pioneer in competition and is willing to
compensate for internal efficiency for innovation and
creativity. A defender is a strategy to create stability
and achieve corporate survival. The company's focus
is on achieving long-term stability and maintaining its
core business without making too many strategic
The analyzer is a strategy that combines
prospector and defender. This means that the
company does not take risks in innovating, but it still
attempts to create excellence in its services to the
market. The reactor is a strategy that always focuses
on efficiency without considering environmental
changes, and organizations commonly use it without
consistent adaptation strategies (unstable).
Smith et al. (1989) and Banchuen, et al. (2017)
suggest that the four typologies of Miles and Snow
(1978) reflect the environmental complexity faced by
organizations and organizational processes from
various dimensions, such as competition, consumer
behavior, market situation and response, technology,
organizational structure, and other managerial
characteristics. On the other hand, the three
typologies of Porter (1980) only generally describe
the behavior of market competition.
3.1 Population, Sample and Sampling
The population in this study were all furniture
factories in Central Java and Yogyakarta Special
Province (DIY). However, for the convenience of
data collection, this research focuses on companies in
the furniture centers in Jepara, Kudus, Solo,
Karanganyar, Klaten, and several companies in the
DIY area. This study uses purposive sampling by
selecting companies that employ more than 20
employees and have reached markets abroad to
ensure a certain level of awareness and proper and
continuous strategy planning.
3.2 Variables and Research
Variables in this study include manufacturing
strategies (as measured by the dimensions of low
production costs, product quality, and reliability,
delivery, flexibility, and level of innovation),
business strategies, and factory operational
performance. Each variable is broken down into
several questions with alternative answers in the form
of strongly agree (score 5) until strongly disagree
(score 1) based on the Likert scale.
Table 2. Validity and Reliability Testing Results
No Variables
Validity Reliability
h alpha
production cost
0.726 –
Quality 0.729
0.643 –
Flexibility 0.738
0.698 –
0.530 –
Innovation 0.655
0.785 –
0.587 –
0.884 –
The validity and reliability of the research
instruments were tested with confirmatory factor
analysis through principal component analysis using
the Varimax rotation method. The test results indicate
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
the validity of the questions: Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin
Measure of Sampling (Keiser's MSA) with criteria of
> 0.5 and factor loading values of > 0.4 (Hair et al.,
2005). Meanwhile, the reliability of each variable was
tested with the Cronbach alpha coefficient, where a
variable is considered reliable if the test results
produce the Cronbach alpha value of > 0.5. The
results of the validity and reliability testing are
presented in Table 2.
This study uses a simple linear regression test to
answer the problem related to the misfit score and the
magnitude of the influence of variable fit from the
manufacturing strategy and business strategy on
operational performance. This regression model does
not use time-series data, and in behavioral studies, it
is not used to predict a phenomenon, but only to
explain the phenomenon, so that the classical
assumption test is deemed unnecessary. In this model,
what needs to be observed is multicollinearity,
namely the existence of a perfect relationship among
the independent variables in the regression model.
However, because this study uses Euclidian distance
scores or deviations from two independent variables,
multicollinearity does not need to be detected, and
thus the equation used is
Y= β0 + β1 Dist.X1.X2 + Ɛ1,
Dist.X1.X2 is the Euclidian distance from the
manufacturing-business strategies; Dist is the
Euclidian distance or misfit-score between variables
of manufacturing strategy and business strategy as a
contingent variable. The euclidian distance value is
calculated by summing the amount of deviation or the
difference in the ideal score for each ideal group
(Drazin and Van de ven, 1985; Meyer et al., 1993;
Priyono, 2004; Baeir et al., 2008) with the equation
Dist = Ʃ
(X-id X-ac)2
X-id ideal contingency variable score
X-ac actual contingency variable score
5.1 Data Quality Testing
5.1.1 Response Bias Test
Response bias test and difference tests were
performed before measuring the misfit score of the
variables from manufacturing strategy and business
strategy and testing its effect on performance.
Response bias test of control variables and research
variables was conducted to detect significant
differences between respondents who filled the
questionnaire directly and those indirectly. If the
difference between the results of the response bias
test and the difference test proved to be insignificant,
this means that the respondent's answers from the two
groups did not show any differences so that further
analysis could be carried out.
Table 3. Response Bias Test on Research Variables
N F Sig
0.018 0.928
0.108 0.743
0.816 0.369
Source: Primary data processed, 2018
(1) Direct answers
(2) Indirect answers
Table 4. Difference Test of Manufacturing Strategy Groups
Significant at p<0.05 (**)
Manufacturing Task N Min Max Mean Total
Low Production Cost
DIY 43 3.00 12.99 10.64
Central Java 56 4.21 8.33 7.44
DIY 43 4.14 32.12 22.58
Central Java 56 6.24 34.15 24.76
DIY 43 7.82 30.12 28.76
Central Java 56 6.14 33.33 30.74
Product Delivery
DIY 43 7.33 16.21 15.11
Central Java 56 7.33 14.99 13.95
Level of Innovation
DIY 43 2.33 10.33 9.30
Central Java
Table 3 shows that the mean difference measured
with the F test on respondents' characteristics for each
Misfit-score Evaluation on Business and Manufacturing Strategies and the Impact on Operational Performance
group was insignificant with p values of > 0.05 for
education level (0.430), business experience (0.115),
manufacturing task (0.926), business strategy
(0.743), and performance (0.369). It can be concluded
that there is no significant difference in the control
variables or research variables in the two respondent
5.1.2 Difference Test of Manufacturing
To prove that differentiators and efficient-innovators
groups have different manufacturing capability
decisions, one-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)
was used to test it. Table 4 shows that the
manufacturing task had a significant F value with a p
value of <0.05, which means that differentiators and
efficient-innovators have different manufacturing
capability choices.
5.2 Data Description
5.2.1 Order Winner Difference
The mean value of the five manufacturing task
dimensions as the first element of manufacturing
strategy is calculated for each sample. Table 5 shows
the mean values, maximum and minimum values, and
the total mean values of each dimension.
Table 5. Statistical Description of Manufacturing Task
Group Codes
N Mean
rs (2)
Source: primary data processed, 2018
5.2.2 Low Production Cost
In this dimension, the mean difference between DIY
and Central Java was relatively small. This is
supported by observations in the field where
companies in DIY and Central Java, in the production
process, do not assign special employees to handle
plant operations. Most owners carry out inspection
processes by themselves. The high mean value in DIY
may be due to the intensive technical assistance and
training organized by the relevant government
agencies. Meanwhile, in Central Java because of the
wide spread of SME's, the company's access to
training by the government agencies is fairly limited.
The ability to create efficiency may be due to the lack
of technical assistance provided by companies in
Central Java.
5.2.3 Quality
Table 5 shows that the mean value of quality
dimension was higher in Central Java. This may be
due to the positive behavior of entrepreneurs in
Central Java in training and technology mastery
development program held by the industry agency. In
contrast, entrepreneurs in DIY tend to have low
motivation to be involved in such programs. The
results of the interview with Mr. Yulianto, the
administrator of the Yogyakarta Furniture
Association, revealed that access to training was only
obtained by a few entrepreneurs who had close
relations with the agency. Training opportunities are
considered unequal.
5.2.4 Flexibility
Most entrepreneurs in Central Java and DIY are
always ready when customers request changes in
product design, quantity and quality specifications.
They produce according to customers’ requests.
However, only companies that have mass-
standardized themselves prepare to ensure the
continuity of the production process, with the use of
generators or cooperation with the State Electricity
Company (PLN) to get early notifications before a
power outage. The average value of flexibility in DIY
was higher, and this is supported by field observations
where most entrepreneurs in Central Java were
relatively individualized (not interconnected), and
most of the companies are family businesses.
5.2.5 Product Delivery
The difference in mean values of this dimension
between companies in Central Java and DIY was
relatively small. The results of interviews with
several large companies in DIY who have partnered
with logistics service companies or have been able to
independently export show that the company can
fulfill the orders of foreign buyers according to
specifications and deliver them on time.
Meanwhile, the results of interviews with several
companies in Jepara and Klaten reveal that most
companies still prioritize partnerships with local
traders. They focus on meeting the needs of local
consumers so that the culture of fulfilling orders
promptly has not been fully developed because some
local customers tend to have a high tolerance for
untimely product delivery.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
5.2.6 Level of Innovation
The difference in mean values in this dimension
between Central Java and DIY is relatively small and
insignificant. This is consistent with the results of
interviews in the field where most product design
changes are tailored to customer demand. The
development of information technology makes it
easier for companies to access the development of
product models quickly so that understanding of
market preferences can be understood quickly.
5.3 Determination of Misfit Score with
Euclidean Distance
The alignment or ideal profile is the fit between
capability choice decisions in the manufacturing and
those in business strategies as the vertical alignment.
Alignment In efficient-innovators and differentiators
groups and alignment in defenders and prospectors
groups is based on theoretical approaches, ideal
profile scores for differentiators were 35
(prospectors) and efficient - innovators were 7
The results of descriptive statistical processing of
the manufacturing strategy variables show that the
mean, standard deviation, and range values were
85.0409, 13.71, and 44.37, respectively. In the data
processing for regression analysis, the researchers
used the mean split of manufacturing strategy
elements. For manufacturing tasks (choice of
capabilities in manufacturing), scores for each group
are distinguished by mean values. If the score is
above 85.0409, the respondents’ answers will be
grouped as differentiators. Furthermore, the ideal
configuration of the group is supported by the
prospector's category. Conversely, efficient -
innovators are groups of respondents whose values
are below 85.0409, which is more aligned with the
defenders. Then, to hypothesis testing using the misfit
score for each strategy, groups and misfit score is
calculated with euclidian distance.
5.4 Regression Analysis Results
5.4.1 Efficient – Innovators Group Analysis
Efficient-innovators are groups of companies that
tend to defend to achieve efficiency (through low
production costs) and are less aggressive in marketing
or creating new markets. The taxonomic approach
developed by Sum, Kou, and Chen (2004) describes
SME groups in Singapore as efficient - innovators
because their main focus is achieving efficiency. To
always be competitive, companies are always
required to innovate, but these innovations do not
emphasize their product uniqueness but merely
follow the market trend so that innovation costs can
be minimized. Competence for product delivery,
especially the speed of product delivery, is also
A total of 76 companies are classified as efficient
- innovators because they are oriented towards
achieving production efficiency. However, based on
interviews, there are still many companies that do not
carry out inspections at the plant continuously, even
though they are aware that production process
activities are not optimal. The lack of efficiency in the
production process is caused by the fulfillment of
orders by trial and errors in modeling, lack of
technicians or skilled employees, and weak mastery
of imported machinery and equipment. Many
companies bear considerable engine maintenance
costs because the engine components must be
Table 6. Regression Results
(n = 76)
coeff. (b)
0.235 - 0.390**
tcount 2.075 - 2.416
Constant 5.481 7.536
R square 0.235 0.090
**Sign p<0.05
Table 6 shows the results of the t test. The t-count
value was 2.075, while the t-table value was 2.680
(with a significance value of 5%, df = n - 2 = 76-2 =
74). The t-count result was lower than t-table. In
addition, the regression coefficient value was 0.235
(positive) and not significant (p> 0.05), which means
that there is no fit between manufacturing task and
business strategies in the defender_efficient
innovators group so that their effect on operational
performance cannot be proven.
The result of this study is consistent with that by
Ortega et all (2012), which identified that efficiency
failure in the innovation development in companies
was largely triggered by the company's inability to
synchronize their business with their partners'. Most
furniture industries in Central Java and DIY, in the
development of product models, are often constrained
by frequent delays in the supply of raw materials,
because business owners rarely share information
with their business partners such as log and sawmill
suppliers. The farmers' role as log suppliers is not
Misfit-score Evaluation on Business and Manufacturing Strategies and the Impact on Operational Performance
properly understood by the manufacturers, and thus
triggers delays in fulfilling orders. Bancheun, et al
(2017) suggest that the creation of effective
innovations in the field of production can be
supported by the collaborative development of
production plans with related parties such as raw
material suppliers.
Most SMEs oriented to local markets are included
in the efficient - innovators group and they face
different problems, for example, sluggish domestic
market conditions that force them to reduce
production capacity. Some companies fail to develop
innovations because of weak employees' ability and
skill. The findings in the field prove that the defender
groups fail to develop innovations efficiently because
they are short-term, rather than long-term oriented.
5.4.2 Differentiator Group Analysis
Differentiator is a group of companies that always
aggressively market their products and expand their
markets, have strong motivation to invest in
production expansion for the long term, and always
create product innovation. The group also prioritizes
product quality and reliability, focusing on creating
new products or product uniqueness despite the high
production costs. Table 6 shows the regression
coefficient (standardized) of - 0.390 (negative) and
not significant (p> 0.082), which means that there
was no fit between the decision of capability choices
and strategy in the groups. This result is supported by
a relatively small misfit score.
Based on the results of interviews and
observations, the lack of fit between the decisions of
capability choices and business strategy is because
the companies in this group are less aggressive in
marketing and expanding market share. For example,
only a few companies in DIY market their products
online. Many companies have websites but the
information is not up to date. Most companies still
rely on third parties for export management, although
some centers already have a place for joint business
development such as cooperatives. However,
cooperative activities are still relatively limited
because the entrepreneurs' interest to attend such
cooperative programs are still very weak.
The small number of companies in the group is
consistent with the reality in the field, where only a
few companies have succeeded in establishing
partnerships with foreign buyers. This indicates that
there are still few companies capable of producing
high quality and reliability products. The low degree
of fit may also be caused by the reluctance of
companies to invest long-term and the small amount
of funds available for quality improvement, even
though banks have eased financial access to the
companies. This is consistent with the results of
Bancheun et al (2017) study which found that most
exporters experienced a business failure because in
their efforts to fulfilling foreign orders, companies
used bank loans for working capital. The slow
turnover of money in dealing with foreign buyers
triggers a large bank interest expense. A number of
export-oriented companies are reluctant to invest in
long-term because of the slow turnover of income and
hence cause an imbalance between profit margins
received and bank loan interest. Most company
partners make payments after the order is delivered,
when in fact the production process until delivery
takes up to 3 to 4 months. The interest expense that
must be borne for these four months is not covered by
the profit margin received.
One interesting issue to study further regarding the
ideal configuration theory is the addition of new
elements of manufacturing strategy, such as structural
and infrastructural decision elements that fit the
market aspects or the process choice used. In
addition, configurational theories on heterogeneous
samples and companies other than the furniture
industry also need to be further investigated. The
reality in the field shows that the failure of furniture
product exports is caused by the companies' inability
to complete export documents, one of which is a
document that guarantees that the wood raw materials
used for the products are obtained from sustainable
forest management. The inability of business owners
to complete the documents is triggered by the weak
documentation by log and sawmill suppliers in the
chain of custody of raw material sources. This is
predicted by the researchers as one of the causes of
the low misfit-score, and it is difficult to predict the
magnitude of the influence of the fit of the choice of
manufacturing capabilities with a business strategy
on performance. In reality, the incompleteness of
export documents has caused entrepreneurs to
experience difficulties in developing capability
choices in manufacturing to support their business
strategies. This problem requires support from
various stakeholders to create the sustainability of the
upstream-downstream furniture supply chain.
ICBEEM 2019 - International Conference on Business, Economy, Entrepreneurship and Management
The Directorate of Indonesian Higher Education
funds this study on a doctorate dissertation research
grant in the fiscal year 2018.
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