Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education
, Gigih Satria
Sport Science Faculty, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Colombo Street No.1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Perceptions, Physical Education Objectives
Abstract: Physical education refers to learning that mostly focuses on physical activities that cause fatigue after
doing so. This makes students assume that the physical education subject emphasizes movements only, so
that the benefits and objectives are not well understood. This study aims to investigate Grade S students’
perception of physical education objectives at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan. This is a quantitative
descriptive study using survey method. The research population consists of Grade X Students of SMK
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan with a total of 95 students and all of them were included in the sample. The
data analysis technique was descriptive statistics using percentages. The result of the study show that Grade
X students’ perception of physical education objectives at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan were very
positive (7,36%), positive (27,05%), moderetaly positive (36,84%), not positive enough (30,52%), a n d
absolutely not positive (4,27%). Therefore, it could be concluded that Grade X students’ perceptions
of physical education objective at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan were moderately positive.
Physical education is an integral part of education as
a whole, aimed at developing aspects of physical
fitness, movement skills, critical thinking skills,
social skills, reasoning, emotional stability, moral
actions, aspects of a healthy lifestyle and the
introduction of a clean environment through physical
activities, exercises and health elected systematically
in order to achieve national education goals. Physical
education is a vehicle for educating children. Experts
agree that physical education is a tool for fostering
young people so that they would be able to make the
best decisions about physical activities in the future
and live a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives.
This goal could be achieved through providing direct
and tangible experiences in the form of activities.
Physical education is far more complicated than
other fields of study. As a learning experience
encapsulated in a curriculum, physical education is
more complicated. What you want to achieve is
comprehensive, because it is not only to improve
physical aspects with some relevant elements, for
example to stimulate the growth and development of
intellectual, emotional, social, and health abilities.
Secondly, the achievement of the intended purpose
depends on teaching tasks, in this case, in the form of
physical activities in the form of play or sports
activities. Physical education is a part of education in
general which prioritizes motion activities as a
medium in learning. Physical education has an
important role to improve human quality. This is
according to the opinion that, "Physical education is
part of education in general. Physical education can
be defined as an educational process aimed at
achieving educational goals through physical
movements. Physical education as one of the sub-
systems of education which plays an important role
in developing the quality of Indonesian people (Toho
Cholik Mutohir & Rusli Lutan, 2001)".
Physical education is education that cannot be
separated from other education. Physical education
aspects that exist in students are developed optimally
to support the achievement of overall educational
goals. The purpose of physical education according
to (Suherman A, 2000) includes, "In general, the
purpose of physical education can be classified into
four categories, namely: (1) physical development.
(2) development of motion. (3) mental development.
and (4) development social".
In its implementation, ideally, physical education
does not only involve the physical but also involves
the mind. Besides, it contributes to personality.
Indeed physical education prioritizes physical
activities in which the effects are less favored by
students. That can be with physical education.
Suharjana, . and Satria, G.
Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education.
DOI: 10.5220/0009896507740780
In Proceedings of the 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science in conjunction with the 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports
(YISHPESS and CoIS 2019), pages 774-780
ISBN: 978-989-758-457-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Learning orientation must be adapted to the
development of the children, the content and
description of the materials, and the method of
delivery must be appropriate so that it is interesting
and enjoyable. The learning goals are not only
intended to develop sports skills but the personal
development of the children.
A narrow perception of physical education will
result in the educational goals contained in it will not
be achieved. Perception is one of the most important
cognitive aspects of humans, which enables it to
know and understand the world around it. Without
the right perception, human beings are not able to
capture and interpret various phenomena,
information or data that always surround them
(Desmita, 2009). Perception is the experience of
objects, events, or relationships that are obtained by
deducing information and interpreting messages
(Rakhmat, J., 2003).
Everyone has a different perception, this is
influenced by one's knowledge, one's needs,
someone's pleasure and one's lifestyle. The process
of forming perceptions in the individual is very
complex and does not just happen. With a good
perception of physical education, students are
expected to be able to develop and control
themselves in positive things, be able to work
together in the environment, love sports activities,
and be creative, innovative, skilled, have physical
fitness and healthy living habits. Each student is
expected to know what physical education is, both
from the importance of physical education in
learning and other aspects. In addition, in the
implementation of learning students are required to
be active and not only as spectators, so students can
internalize the values contained in physical
Based on the experience of teaching researchers
while carrying out Field Experience Practices (PPL)
at Muntilan 2 Muhammadiyah Vocational School,
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School is
one of the mid-level vocational schools in Magelang
district with 3 program expertise, namely Computer
Engineering Network (TKJ), Sharia Banking (PBS),
and Office Administration (ADP). Muntilan 2
Muhammadiyah Vocational School is located on
Jalan Tentara Pelajar No. 12 Jumbleng Muntilan. The
characteristics of Grade X students of
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School are
classified as active. Even though they only occupy
Grade X which is in the process of adaptation to the
school environment and between friends, they are
able to live well. The majority of Grade X, 70% is
female, more than men.
Grade X is a class where students are undergoing
a transition from junior high school to vocational
high school. The transition of Grade X students
requires adaptation and a good foundation of
personal guidelines according to the school's vision
and mission which are also suitable with physical
education goals. The importance of Grade X students
to understand the purpose of physical education in
order to have the ability to lay the foundation of a
strong moral character through internalizing the
values contained in physical education including
sportsmanship, honesty, discipline, responsibility,
cooperation, confidence and democracy. In addition,
the importance of the purpose of physical education
is to understand the concept of physical activity and
exercise in a clean environment as information to
achieve perfect physical growth, a healthy lifestyle
and fitness, skilled, and have a positive attitude.
In implementing the physical education teaching
and learning process at SMK 2 Muntilan, students of
Grade X considers that the purpose of physical
education is less important, not understood the
benefits and objectives of physical education. This
can be seen from when in the process of physical
education teaching and learning activities in Grade
X, there are problems namely students who are less
enthusiastic in physical education learning. For
example, when practicing in an open field with hot
weather, many students take shelter in silence,
although at that time was training with athletic
materials. It is different when taking practice scores,
students are very enthusiastic and enthusiastic in the
process of taking the value. The impact of the
students was not maximally doing the assessment,
because the students when they were training were
not enthusiastic and excited. These problems lead to
the poor perception of physical education. Students
only think about getting good grades without
obtaining physical education goals. However, there
are also students who are aware of the benefits of
physical education goals, so that students follow and
learn with enthusiasm and enthusiasm for physical
In teaching physical education material, a teacher
must be able to adjust the material in accordance
with the conditions or characteristics of vocational
high school students (SMK), especially Grade X,
which has a characteristic in being expressed through
playing. The characteristics of these students must be
raised to bridge between the wishes of the teacher
and the children in order to create the objectives of
physical education as expected. Therefore, a teacher
must be able to make positive students assumptions
so that a pleasant atmosphere occurs for students. A
Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education
Alternative answers
Alternative answer score
Positive Negative
Strongly Agree 4 1
Strongly 3 2
Disagree 2 3
Strongly Disagree 1 4
teacher must also provide materials with varied and
creative, so that students do not feel bored and would
like the materials given. The teacher must also be
able to explain the importance of physical education
for the growth and development of students, so
students would understand the purpose of physical
education and have a positive perception of physical
education on this basis, the researcher needs to
conduct research and try to capture the perceptions of
Grade X students on physical education goals
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan.
2.1 Types of research
The research is descriptive research. This study
examines the perceptions of Grade X students on
physical education goals, meaning that in this study,
researchers only wanted to know the perception of
Grade X students towards physical education goals
when testing took place without testing the
hypothesis. The research method used in this study
was a survey using a questionnaire. This study is a
study conducted on independent variables, namely
without making comparisons or connecting with
other variables.
2.2 Time and Place of Research
This research was conducted at Muntilan 2
Muhammadiyah Vocational School located in Jalan
Tentara Pelajar No. 12, Jumbleng, Tamanagung,
Muntilan, Magelang. It was conducted in April 2019
until May 2019.
2.3 Research subjects
The population in this study consists of all Grade X
students of Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational High
School Muntilan. This research is a population
research because the entire population in the study
was used as a sample. The research subjects were all
students of Grade X of Muhammadiyah 2 Muntialan
Vocational School with a total of 95 students.
2.4 Procedure
This research is a descriptive study with a percentage
calculation of how positive students' perceptions of
physical education goals. It was conducted by asking
respondents to fill out a research questionnaire
containing some statements.
2.5 Data collection technique
The data collection in this study was carried out
using questionnaires. The research instrument used in
the form of a closed and direct questionnaire, in the
form of four scales where there were four alternative
answers in the questionnaire. The questionnaire used
in this study was a closed questionnaire that had been
provided with the answers so that respondents only
need to choose alternative answers, namely strongly
agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Granting score items statement variable perception of
Grade X students on physical education goals at
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School
Magelang Regency provided four alternative answers
namely strongly agree 4, agree 3, disagree 2, and
strongly disagree 1.
The statements proposed are two categories,
namely positive and negative statements. Statements
submitted both positive statements and negative
statements are considered by the subjects to strongly
agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree. The four
alternative answers to each item have a score of
Table 1: Alternative Score Answers.
3.1 Research result
The results of the analysis of research data are
described by descriptive analysis of the percentage
presented as follows:
This research was conducted at Muhammadiyah 2
Muntilan Vocational School at Jalan. Tentara Pelajar
No 12 Jumbleng, Muntilan, Magelang, Central Java.
Data collection was carried out on April 28, 2019.
The subjects of this study were Grade X students at
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School,
amounting to 95 respondents. It is a descriptive
study, so that the state of the object would be
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
described according to the data obtained. To find out
the perceptions of Grade X students on physical
education goals in Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan
Vocational High School measured by a questionnaire
amounting to 29 items with 4 alternative answers
provided, namely: SS (Strongly Agree), S (Agree),
TS (Disagree), STS (Very Disagree). The score given
is between 1 and 4. After all respondents filled out
the questionnaire, then calculated the score on each
item statement. The researcher used SPSS 20
program to help processors and minimize errors. The
data was described in order to facilitate the
presentation of data so that it is easy to understand
this research.
From the results of research on the perceptions of
Grade X students on physical education goals at
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School, it is
necessary to describe them as a whole and each of
the factors and indicators that underlie the perception
of Grade X students on physical education goals in
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School the
underlying factors are internal and external factors
that have several indicators in them. The internal
factors include physical and mental development.
Meanwhile, the external factors are social
development. The following can be described as a
whole and based on each of the factors and
underlying indicators. The results of the research
statistics have been obtained and are presented as
Table 2: Research Statistics Perception of Grade X
Students on the Purpose of Physical Education at
Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School in Muntilan.
The results of the study are described in five
categories, the results of which can be seen in the
table below:
Table 3: Norms for Assessment of Perception of
Grade X Students on the Purpose of Physical
Education at Muhammadiyah 2 Vocational School in
From the results of the study, it was known that
the perception of Grade X students on physical
education goals in Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan
Vocational High School were in the very positive
category with a percentage of 7.36% (7 children), in
the positive category with a percentage of 21.05%
(20 children), at the category is quite positive with a
percentage of 36.84% (35 children), in the less
positive category with a percentage of 30.52% (29
children) and a very less positive category with a
percentage of 4.21% (4 children). From the results of
the study, it was interpreted that the perception of
Grade X students on physical education goals at
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School was
based on a fairly positive social development
In this study, the perception of Grade X students
on physical education goals at Muhammadiyah 2
Muntilan Vocational School was measured based on
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors
include: physiology, attention, interests, needs,
experiences, and moods. Meanwhile external factors,
namely family background, information obtained,
knowledge, needs around, repetition of motion, new
things, and familiar or unfamiliar objects. In detail,
the following data would be described regarding each
factor and indicators of the perception of Grade X
students on physical education goals at
Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational School.
3.1.1 Internal factors
Internal factors are one of the factors found in the
perception of Grade X students on physical education
goals in Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational
School. From these internal factors, there are two
core m
core minimum
n (
Interval Category Absolute
X > 89,23
7 7,36
80,95 < X ≤ 89,23 Positive 20 21,05
72,67 < X ≤ 80,95
35 36,84
64,39 < X ≤ 72,67
29 30,52
X < 64,39
Very Less
4 4,21
Total 95 100
Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education
indicators, including: physiology, attention, interests,
needs, experiences, and moods.
3.1.2 External Factors
External factors are one of the factors found in the
perception of Grade X students on physical education
goals in Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan Vocational
School. From these internal factors, there are
indicators, namely: family background, information
obtained, knowledge, surrounding needs, repetition
of motion, new things, and familiar or unfamiliar
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded
that overall, the perception of Grade X students on
physical education goals in Muhammadiyah 2
Muntilan Vocational School was very positive
category 7.36%, positive category 21.05%, quite
positive 36.84%, less positive 30.52% , and a very
less positive category of 4.21%. The results above
show that the perceptions of students are mostly
quite positive. These results show that most of the
students' perceptions of the physical education
learning objectives as a whole have assumed quite
positive. Doubt of these students because students
have less than optimal participation in learning.
These results are intended with the attention and
sincerity of students in following the learning in
theory and sincerity in carrying out the practice in the
field, with a lack of attention and sincerity, then the
material delivered cannot be well received by
students. Students' perceptions that are in the positive
and very positive category are interpreted by students
as really having an interest in physical education,
thus encouraging them to take learning well and
seriously. Meanwhile students who have less positive
perceptions and are very less positive because
students lack even awareness of participating in
physical education learning, including awareness of
health and other physiological needs. This also
resulted in students' lack of enthusiasm/ interest in
physical education.
Perception of Grade X students on physical
education goals in Muhammadiyah 2 Muntilan
Vocational School is influenced by two factors,
namely internal factors and external factors. From
these internal factors, there are indicators in it,
including: physiology, attention, interests, needs,
experiences, and moods. Looking at physical
education goals proposed by (Suherman A, 2000),
one of which mentions mental development, this goal
relates to the ability to think and interpret the overall
knowledge of physical education into the
environment so as to enable the growth and
development of attitudes, and personal values. From
these results, it can be seen that the perceptions of
students think positively towards their mental
development. With results that show positive
categories, students can enjoy fun and excitement
through physical activity. They dare to make moves
that are difficult for them to do, and they often try to
practice. The tasks succeed in fostering a sense of
pleasure in students, so as not to feel afraid in doing
physical activities.
Based on external factors, the perception of
Grade X students towards the goal is achieved.
Perception is a person's assumption of something
object. This assumption arises after someone receives
information or a stimulus that has been experienced
before. Judging from the indicators in it, namely
indicators of family background, information
obtained, knowledge, needs around, repetition of
motion, new things, and familiar or unfamiliarity of
an object. Seeing the opinion of (Lutan R, 2001)
which mentions physical education provide
opportunities for students to participate in physical
activities that can develop social skills that enable
students to function effectively in relationships
between people. Physical education provides
opportunities for students to participate in physical
activities that can develop social skills that enable
students to function effectively in relationships
between people.
Based on the results of the research above, it can be
concluded that the perception of Grade X students on
physical education goals in Muhammadiyah 2
Muntilan Vocational High School is in the very
positive category with a percentage of 7.36% (7
children), in the positive category with a percentage
of 21.05% (20 children), in the fairly positive
category with a percentage of 36.84% (35 children),
in the less positive category with a percentage of
30.52% (29 children) and a very less positive
category with a percentage of 4.21% (4 children).
YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)
Based on the research conclusions above,
suggestions that can be submitted are presented as
Researchers only conduct research in one school,
so other researchers can use different samples and
a wider population. It is expected that the factors
of student perception of physical education
learning objectives can be widely identified.
For schools, it should be necessary to further
improve facilities and infrastructure, to complete
and to support the physical education learning
For teachers, they should provide a good learning
method, giving more attention intended to
increase students’ participation in physical
education learning, so that all students both boys
and girls are able to attend learning well and
For future researchers, these results can be used as
a comparison for the next study and should be able to
develop more by adding variables.
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YISHPESS and CoIS 2019 - The 3rd Yogyakarta International Seminar on Health, Physical Education, and Sport Science (YISHPESS
2019) in conjunction with The 2nd Conference on Interdisciplinary Approach in Sports (CoIS 2019)